Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020-12-30 WoD


5 min row (1100m)


A. 3 rounds, not for time
1 30 second hang
1 HSHold
5 OH Press 45#
5 Front Squat 45#

B. 3 rounds, not for time
1 clean + 3 front squat
3 TuckFrontLeverRaise
1 slow ring chinup (~10s)

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020-12-29 WoD


Row 5 min (1050m)


A. Activation 3 rounds, not for time
3 cleans 45, 65, 65
2 chinup
1 HSHold

B. 5 rounds, not for time:
3 Clean & Jerk (power clean, push jerk) (95, 115, 135, 155, 165(clean only)
3 Weighted chinup (10, 20, 30, 40, 50#)
3 Strict HSPU

Monday, December 28, 2020

2020-12-28 WoD

 A. Row 15 min for distance (~3500m)

B. 5 rounds
3 Ring Pullup
3 banded OH Press
3 banded chest press

Saturday, December 26, 2020

2020-12-26 WoD

 A. Row 10min for distance


B. 4 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
2 Pistol
3 TuckFrontLeverRaise
4 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
5 OH Press (45, 45, 65, 65)

2020-12-25 WoD

 Xmas day, was feeling kind of lazy and nursing a shoulder injury but just wanted to get something in, so.

A. 5 rounds, not for time
50 SU
20 Air Squat
10 DBCurl 25#
1 HSHold

Thursday, December 24, 2020

2020-12-24 WoD

 Was a rare sunny day so went to the park for an outdoor workout


Stretching, couple of each movement below


A. Run 800m

B. 10 Rounds, not for time
5 Box Jump 24"
4 Pistol
3 Pullup
2 T2B

C. Run 400m

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

2020-12-23 WoD


Row 5 min


A. 1,2,3...9,10,9,...3,2,1 (100 reps) of:
Front Squat 95# (w a clean at start of each set)
Ring Chinup (strict)

Monday, December 21, 2020

2020-12-21 WoD

A. 5 Rounds
3 Ring Chinup
1 HSHold

B. 5 rounds
2 Perfect Pullup
3 Pike Pushup (from bench)

C. 10 min row for distance

Sunday, December 20, 2020

2020-12-20 WoD

 Sunday run. was going to go longer but was miserable out and I am weak!

A. Run 3.5km; 17:03; 4:53

Saturday, December 19, 2020

2020-12-19 WoD


clean & thruster drills
2x3 ring pullup


A. "Jackie" (not Rx, as I segmented parts 2,3 and interleaved them)
1000m row
50 Thruster 45#
30 pullups
9:54 (more than a min worse than my PR, but not surprising)

B. 3 min back squat hold w 45# bar

C. 2 Tuck Front Lever

Friday, December 18, 2020

2020-12-18 WoD


clean drills
100 SU


A. 5 rounds
3 Squat Clean + Push Jerk
2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
1 HSHold
20 DU
3x95, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155 (1 CJ, 1 Clean only)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

2020-12-17 WoD


5min row (1100m)


A. 7 Rounds, not for time
Deadlifts (see below)
2 Pistols
4 Ring Chinup
20x45, 16x95, 12x135, 8x185, 4x205, 2x225, 1x235

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Monday, December 14, 2020

2020-12-14 WoD


5 min row 


A. activation - 3 rounds, not for time
1 HS Hold
3 IYT 2x5#
5 Front Squat 45#
2 Perfect Pullup
1 slow chinup

B. 3 rounds, not for time
Front Squat
2 OneArmChinup
1 HSHold
10 Hanging Knee Tuck
5x95, 4x115, 3x135

Friday, December 11, 2020

2020-12-11 WoD


5 min row (1100m)


A. 1 min row for distance 

B. 3 rounds, not for time
3 IYT's 2x5#
1 HSHold
Clean Drills
2 Perfect Pullup

C. 3 rounds not for time {
3 Power Clean Push jerk (3x65, 3x95, 3x115)
10 DU

D. 15 rounds, not for time
2 Power Clean, Push Jerk 135#
2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
20 DU

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

2020-12-09 WoD


5 min row (1100m)


A. 1 min row for distance


B. 5 rounds, not for time
5,4,3,2,1 Weighted pullups (0,10,20,30,40#)
10,8,6,4,2 Front Squat (95#, 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#)
10,8,6,4,2 DB Curl 25#

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

2020-12-08 WoD

 Lightweight workout

A. 10 min row 

B. 1 min row for distance

Monday, December 7, 2020

2020-12-07 WoD


10 min row (2200m)


A. 1 min row for distance


B. 3 rounds, not for time 
3 perfect pullups
3 cleans 65#
3 HSHold

C. 4 Rounds, not for time
2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
2 Squat Cleans (95, 115, 135, 155)

Sunday, December 6, 2020

2020-12-06 WoD

 Sunday Run

A. 3.5k 17:07 4:53 pace (slacker!)


B. Row 500m not for time

C. Row 1min for distance


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Friday, December 4, 2020

2020-12-04 WoD




A. Row 15 min


B. 3 rounds, not for time (activation)
3 Cleans & Jerk/drills
2 slow ring chinup
1 HSHold

C. 4 Rounds, not for time
3 Power Clean + Push Jerk (weights below)
2 Tuck Front Lever
1 HSHold
95, 115, 135, 155

Thursday, December 3, 2020

2020-12-03 WoD


5 min row


A. 100 Front Squat 95#. Any time breaking, do B.
10, 13, 14, 12, 12, 8, 12, 12, 7

B. per break above (8 sets)

10 situp
3 Ring Pullup

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

2020-12-01 WoD


1000m row

clean drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time
3 Squat cleans 65#
1 HSHold
3 perfect pullups

B. 6 rounds, not for time
3 Squat Cleans
1 HS Hold
1 HS slow negative
2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

C. 3x TuckFrontLever

Monday, November 30, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

2020-11-27 WoD

A. ~90min showshoeing up at Mt Hood (only did about 2.5 miles or so)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

2020-11-26 Turkey WoD

 When I was at BCF, we normally did a pretty beefy workout on holidays like Thanksgiving, Xmas, etc. So I tried to push myself to do more today.


1000m row
Clean drills
CJ 3x95, 3x115, 2x135

Several of movements below


A. 10 rounds, steady pace but not for time
1 Power Clean + Push Jerk 155#
2 Pistol
3 HSPU (strict, and scaled after a while)
4 One Arm Chinup (assisted; 2/arm)
5 Pushup
6 DB Snatch 25#
7 Air Squat
8 DB Curl 25#
9 Situp
10 DU

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2020-11-25 WoD


200m row


A. Row 1000, 800, 600, 400, 200 m (3000 total)

B. (superset w above) 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 pushups

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

2020-11-24 WoD


5 min row (1200m)

clean drills


A. 1 min row for distance: 280m

B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 Barbell row (45, 45, 65)
5 OH Press (45, 45, 65)
5 Front Squat (45, 45, 65)
1 HSHold

C. 6 rounds, not for time
1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat
2 C2B Pullup
75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 165 

Monday, November 23, 2020

2020-11-23 WoD

 Light one today


1 min row 


A. 1 min row sprint for distance

B. 10 min row for distance

Sunday, November 22, 2020

2020-11-22 WoD

 Sunday Run - feelin kinda sluggish...

A. Run 8.92 km; 50:56; 5:43

Saturday, November 21, 2020

2020-11-21 WoD


1000m row - moderate pace

Several of movements below


A. 1 Min row sprint for distance


B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 IYT's 2x5#
1 HSHold
2 Perfect Pullups
Clean drills

C. Work to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165(failed both! not warmed up enough! Not training enough!)

D. (Superset w above) 6 rounds:
2 One Arm Chinup, assisted
1 HSHold

Friday, November 20, 2020

2020-11-20 WoD

 Only had a few min between work and going to pick up dinner, so quick one

A. 10 min Row


Thursday, November 19, 2020

2020-11-19 WoD


couple of movements below

100 SU


A. 10,9,8...1
Deadlift 135#
Ring Pullup
DB Curl 2x25 (10 per arm, 9 per arm...)
DU x 5 (50, 45, 40...)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

2020-11-17 WoD


A. 20 min row for distance


B. 3 rounds


3 Power Clean + Push Jerk 45, 65, 75

3 Ring Chinup

1 HSHold


C. 5 rounds as follows
3 CJ 95#
5 Weighted Chinup 10#

3 CJ 115#
4 Weighted Chinup 20#

3 CJ 135#
3 Weighted Chinup 20#

3 CJ 155#
2 Weighted Chinup 30#


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

2020-11-13 WoD

 Quick one, but missed working out for 2 days, and only 30 min I had today so...

A. Row 1000m

B. 3 rounds, not for time


3 pullups

1 HSHold

1 Clean

5 Thruster 45#


C. 6 min emom - if you run out of time, drop last movement

1 Thruster 95#
1 Chinup
1+1+1, 2+2+2, 3+3+3, 4+4, 5+5, 6

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

2020-11-10 WoD


light stretching


A. 1000m row

4 min

B. 5 rounds, not for time
1 Ring Dip
1 Ring Static Hold
1 TuckBackLever
1 HSHold
3 Squat Cleans & Push Jerk 45/45/65/65/65

C. Work to a heavy Squat Clean & Push Jerk
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165 (clean only), 1x175 (clean only, and SLOPPY)

D. 6 rounds, superset w above
1 strict HSPU
1 C2B pullup

Monday, November 9, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020

2020-11-07 WoD


light stretching

clean drills


A. Row 1000m

B. 3 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
2 Perfect Pullup
3 cleans 45 / 65 / 75
3 OH Press 45 /65 / 75

C. Work to a heavy CJ

3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175 (clean only)

D. (Superset w above) 6 rounds
1 Ring Chinup w ~8sec negative

Friday, November 6, 2020

2020-11-06 WoD




A. 1000m row

B. 5 Rounds, not for time
3 Perfect Pullup
1 HSHold
1 Clean + 3 Front Squat 95#

C. 1x25 Back Squat 95#

D. 5x1 Tuck Front Lever

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2020-11-04 WoD


light stretching


A. 1000 m Row

B. 5 Rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
3 Weighted Chinup 0/10/20/30/40
5 OHPress 45/65/75/85*/95* (* = Pushpress)
5 Front Squat 45/65/75/85/95

C. 3 Rounds, not for time
2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
2 One Arm HSHold (assisted)
2 Weighted Pistol 0/10/20

Monday, November 2, 2020

2020-11-02 WoD



100 SU


A. 10 Rounds, not for time (segmented randomly)
1 Strict MU (after 2 rounds, shoulder still feeling tweaked, so did 2 Ring Pullup)
3 Front Squat 95#
4 Pistol
5 Pushup
6 Plate Raise
7 AirSquat
8 DB Curl
9 Situp
10 DU

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Saturday, October 31, 2020

2020-10-31 WoD


light stretching


A. 1000m row

B. Work to a heavy Squat clean

3x45, 3x65, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175(fail)

C. "Frianebeth". For time

21 Thruster 95#
21 pullup
15 Squat Clean (I did power cleans) 135#
15 Ring Dip
9 Deadlift 225#

17 min (slow....)

Friday, October 30, 2020

2020-10-30 WoD


stretching (not enough!)


A. activiation - 3 rounds, not for time
3 ring pullup
3 CJ 65#, 95#, 115#
1 StrictMU

B. 10 Rounds, fast but not timed
2 One Arm Chinup (Assisted)
3 CJ 135#

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2020-10-28 WoD


(didn't warm up enough - tweaked my shoulder as a result. Dumb!)


A. 4 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 Skin The Cat
1 TuckFrontLever
1 TuckBackLever
3 Squat Clean 75#, 95#, 115#, 135#

B. 10 Rounds, not for time
1 StrictMU
1 Squat Clean 155#

Monday, October 26, 2020

2020-10-26 WoD


Light Stretching
Snatch and OH Squat w empty bar


A. 5 Rounds, not for time
3 WeightedChinup 0#, 10#, 20#, 30#, 40#
1 Power Snatch
3 OH Squat 45#, 55#, 65#, 75#, 85#
20 DU

B. 5 Rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 Power Clean
3 Front Squat 95#, 115#, 135#
1 StrictMU

Sunday, October 25, 2020

2020-10-25 WoD

 Sunday Run. Was super cold and I wasnt dressed for it, so made it a short one.

A. Run 3.22km, 16:18, 5:04 pace

Saturday, October 24, 2020

2020-10-24 WoD


nada. bad boy!

A. 1000m row

B. (should have been for time, but just went moderate pace and didn't time it)


21 Front Squat 95#

21 pullup

15 Front Squat 115#

15 C2B pullup

9 Front Squat 135#

9 StrictMU


Friday, October 23, 2020

2020-10-23 WoD


2x3 ring pullup



A. For time: 10 rounds


Row 1000m/900m/800m....100m (decreasing distance per round)

1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

1 StrictMU


time: 39:44

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

2020-10-21 WoD


few of each movement below

100 SU


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

3 Ring Chinup

10 pushup

1 TuckFrontLever

B. Work to a heavy CJ. Superset (C) per round

5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

C. 5 rounds (superset w above)


20 DU

2 OneArmChinup (assisted)


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

2020-10-20 WoD

The Rower arrived!


none, really. Bad boy!


A. 15 min row for distance


Monday, October 19, 2020

2020-10-19 WoD


light stretching

Clean drills


A. Work to a heavy squat clean, 2 strict MU between each round:


Squat Clean 5x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

6x2 StrictMU


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020

2020-10-17 WOD

 Park workout while the weather's ok.



couple of each movement below


A. 10 rounds, not for time


5 pullup (kipping)

4 dips

3 chinup (strict)

2 pistol

1 C2B Pullup (strict)


Friday, October 16, 2020

2020-10-16 WoD


couple of each movement below


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

4 Pistol

8 Benchpress 95#

16 situp

32 DU


B. 3 Rounds, not for time


3 perfect pullup

2 OneArmChinup (assisted)


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

2020-10-14 WoD



clean drills


A. 4 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

1 SkinTheCat

1 Tuck Back Lever

1 Tuck Front Lever

3 Squat Cleans #75/95/115/135


B. 10 Rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU (last one did a weighted strict MU 10#)

1 Squat Clean #155


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

2020-10-12 WoD


2x3 pullups

2x5 thruster #45

2x3 thruster #95


A. "Complex Fran"


21 Thruster 95#

7 StrictMU (Rx called for barMU but don't have a fixed bar at home)

7 C2B pullup

7 chin-over-bar pullup


15, 5/5/5

9, 3/3/3



Sunday, October 11, 2020

2020-10-11 Sunday Run

 A. Run 7.46km, 40:50, 5:29pace

2020-10-10 WoD


several of movements below

clean drills


A. 10 rounds, fast but not for time


1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

3 Hang Power Clean 95#

4 Pistol

5 Pushup

6 Ab wheel rollout (from knees)

7s HSHold

8 Lunge

9 Hanging Knee Raise

10 DU


Saturday, October 10, 2020

2020-10-09 WoD



clean drills

2x3 ring pullups


A. Not for time


6 CJ 75#, 1 StrictMU

5 CJ 95#, 2 StrictMU

4 CJ 115#, 3 StrictMU

3 CJ 135#, 4 StrictMU

2 CJ 155#, 5 StrictMU

1 CJ 165#, 6 StrictMU


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

2020-10-07 WoD



clean drills

10 back squat 45#


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 Clean 95#

1 Squat Clean Thruster 95#

10 Back Squat 95#

8 DB Curl 45#

6 T2B

4 Tuck Back Lever Pullup


B. 5 rounds, not for time


1 Squat Clean Thruster 95#

5 Front Squat 95#

4 DB Curl 45#

3 T2B

2 Tuck Back Lever Pullup


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

2020-10-06 WoD




A. 5 rounds


1 HSHold

1 SkinTheCat

1 TuckBackLever

1 TuckFrontLever


B. 15 Rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU

1 Power Clean + Push Jerk 135#


2020-10-05 WoD


light stretch

couple of each movement below, at lighter weight/body weight


A. Not for time.


1 Clean, 5 Front Squat 95#

5 weighted chinup10#

10 Weighted pushup 10# plate

20 DU


1, 5, 5, 10, 20, 95#, 10#

1, 4, 4, 8, 20, 115#, 20#

1, 3, 3, 6, 20, 135#, 25#

1, 2, 2, 4, 20, 155#, 35#

1, 1, 1, 4, 20, 165#, 45#

Then did 1 rep weighted chinup

55#, 65#, 75#, 85#

Sunday, October 4, 2020

2020-10-04 WoD

 Sunday run

A. Run 13.93km, 1:12:45; 5:13 pace

not a bad pace for that distance. If I'd more time, I'd have done a half-marathon distance to see how I fare vs last attempt. Maybe next Sunday...

Saturday, October 3, 2020

2020-10-03 WoD

 Park workout


light stretching

2x3 pullups


A. 800m run

B. 20 rounds, not for time


5 pullups

4 pushups

3 dips

2 pistols

1 BarMU


C. 400m run

Friday, October 2, 2020

2020-10-02 WoD



2x3 ring pullup

clean drills

CJ 3x95


A. 10 rounds for time:


1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

3 Power Clean + Push Jerk 135#



Thursday, October 1, 2020

2020-10-01 WoD



2x10 DU

Deadlift 5x95, 5x135

OH Press 5x45


A. 3 rounds, not for time


5 ring chinup

8 OH Press 65#


B. 10 rounds, not for time


3 Deadlift 225#

20 DU


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

2020-09-29 WoD


light stretching

clean drills

2x3 ring pullup


A. 6 rounds, not for time


3 CJ Power Clean + SplitJerk (weights below)

5 Ring T2B

1 StrictMU


3x65, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (clean only, failed jerk)

Monday, September 28, 2020

2020-09-28 WOD

Had limited time, and kid wanted to do some HS practice so kept it pretty light


3x3 ring pullup

3x3 DBFrontSquat 25#

Sunday, September 27, 2020

2020-09-27 Covid workout #150

 Sunday Run - Cut it a little short as I was kinda draggin' from yesterday.

A. Run 4.03km; 18:53; 4:41 pace

Also, given that I'm 150 workouts and 6 months into this pandemic, and have now quit my gym and will continue working from home, am going to retire the "covid" tag

Saturday, September 26, 2020

2020-09-26 Covid Workout #149

 Felt guilty at cutting it short yesterday, so did a bigger mixed-bag workout just to feel like I got something done.



few of each movement below


A. 10 rounds, fast clip but not timed


1 StrictMU

2 Pistol

3 Power Clean 115#

4 DB Snatch 25#

5 Pushup

6 Lunge

7 DeltoidPlateRaise 45#

8 DB Curl 2x25#

9 Inclined situp

10 DU


Friday, September 25, 2020

2020-09-25 Covid workout #148


light stretching

Clean drills


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk

3x65, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165 (failed)

B. 2x3 ring pullup

C. 3 HSHold

Thursday, September 24, 2020

2020-09-23 Covid workout #147


3x5 Deadlift (45, 95, 135)

3x HSHold


A. "Diane" - 21-15-9 of


Deadlift 185 (scaled - Rx is 225)

HSPU (did them strict but not to full depth)


time: 11:00

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

2020-09-22 Covid workout #146

 A. activation. 3 rounds, not for time


2 tuck front lever

3 ring pullups

3 squat cleans 45/65/95


B. 15 rounds, not for time


1 strict MU

1 Squat clean #135


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

2020-09-19 Covid workout #144


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 10,9,8...1 of



Box Jump 24"




C. 400m run

Friday, September 18, 2020

2020-09-18 Covid Workout #143

 Quick one, limited on time. 


5 thruster 45

5 thruster 65

3 thruster 95

2x3 strict pullups


A. "Fran" - 21-15-9 of


Thruster 95#



Was timing it, but got interrupted partway through, so, not for time.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

2020-09-17 Covid workout #142

 Very lightweight workout. ONe of my kids wanted to join, so we just played around w gymnastics stuff


A. 5x HSHold

B. 2x OneArmHSHold (practice)

C. 3 TuckFrontLever

D. 3 SkinTheCat

E. 3 TuckBackLever

F. 2 StrictMU

G. 4 OneArmChinup (assisted)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

2020-09-16 Covid workout #141


light stretching

Clean drills


A. 5 rounds


3 perfect pullups

2 CJ 75#

1 HSHold


B. 10 rounds for time


1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU (not all full depth though as I tired out)

3 CJ 135#



Tuesday, September 15, 2020

2020-09-15 Covid workout #140


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

1 Tuck Front Lever

1 Skin the cat

1 Tuck Back Lever


B. 5 rounds, not for time


2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)

5 Ab rollout

3 Dragon Flag Negatives


2020-09-14 Covid workout #139


light stretching

few of movements below

clean drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time


2 Ring Static Hold

1 Planche Lean

10 deltoid plate raise

3 inverted hang to tuck front lever


B. Work to a heavy triple squat clean

3x75, 3x95, 3x135, 3x135, 3x155, 1x165 (fail)

C. 5 rounds for time (smokiness didn't help!)


10 burpee

20 air squat

30 DU



Sunday, September 13, 2020

2020-09-12 Covid Workout #138


light stretching

several of movements below

clean drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time


3 CJ 45

3 ring chinup

3 front squat 45#


B. Work to a heavy CJ (power clean, push jerk)

3x75, 3x95, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175 (failed)

C. (Superset w above) HSHold

6x1, 5-10s

D. Chipper: not for tim, and in mixed order


10 StrictMU

20 Pistol

30 Pushup

40 Ring Pullup

50 OHPress 65#

60 DB Curl 25#

70 Situp

80 Lunges

90 Air Squat

100 DU



Saturday, September 12, 2020

2020-09-11 Covid workout #137




A. 3 rounds not for time (activation)


3 CJ 45#

3 ring pullups

3 front squat


B. 10 rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU

2 pistols

3 CJ 135#


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

2020-09-09 Covid workout #136


light stretching


A. 5 rounds:


3 ring pullups

2 OneArmHSHold (assisted)

2 pistol


B. 5 rounds


3 weighted Ring Pullups #45

2 Strict HSPU

2 weighted pistol 25#


C. 5 rounds, not for time


2 strict MU

40 DU


Monday, September 7, 2020

2020-09-07 Covid workout #135


A. 4 mile hike


B. 5 rounds


3 perfect pullup

3 Squat Clean Thruster 45#

3 weighted chinup 25#

3 Inverted Hang to TuckFrontLever


C. 10 rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU

1 Squat Clean 145#

1 HSHold


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Saturday, September 5, 2020

2020-09-05 Covid workout #133

 Park workout


Light stretching


A. Run 800m

B. 20 rounds


5 pullup

4 pushup

3 T2B

2 Shrimp Squat

1 BarMU


C. 400m run

Thursday, September 3, 2020

2020-09-02 Covid workout #132

 A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

2 Static Ring Hold

4 tuck front lever pullup


B. 5 rounds, not for time


1 Squat clean 135#

1 Front Squat 135#

2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)


C. 3x8 DB Bench 2x25#

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

2020-09-01 Covid workout #131



several of movements below

Clean drills 45#


A. 5 rounds


3 ring chinup

3 CJ 45#

1 HSHold

5 OH Press 45#


B. 10 rounds


1 strictMU

2 strict HSPU

3 CJ 135#



Saturday, August 29, 2020

2020-08-29 Covid workout #129


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 10,9,8....2,1 of




box jump 20"


Shrimp Squat

1 per round LegRaiseToInvertedHang


So 55 reps of each plus 10 = 285 reps

C. 400m run

Friday, August 28, 2020

2020-08-28 Covid workout #128


light stretching


A. Activation. 5 rounds, not for time


3 CJ 45#

3 lateral DB rais 2x5#

3 lat pullup raise

20 DU


B. 10 Rounds for time:


1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

3 CJ 135#


time: 16:55

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

2020-08-25 Covid workout #127

 Didn't get a chance to workout yesterday, and wasn't sure I would today, but I finally picked up some bumper plates on CL today!, So got a quick one in since I hadn't done any oly lifts for a while:


A. 10 rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU

2 Power Clean + Push Jerk 135#


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

2020-08-22 Covid workout #125


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 10 rounds, not for time


5 pullup (kipping)

5 box jump 24"

5s L-sit

4 chinups (strict)


C. 400m run

Friday, August 21, 2020

2020-08-21 Covid workout #124


light stretching


A. 5 rounds, not for time


5 OH Press 45#

5 pushups

5 T2B


B. "Annie". For time, 50-40-30-20-10





time: 7:50

Thursday, August 20, 2020

2020-08-20 Covid workout #123


light stretching


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

2 pullup

3 chinup

4 pistol

5 thruster 45#


B. 3 rounds, not for time


1 Strict MU

2 one-arm-HSHold(assisted, 1 per side)


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020

2020-08-15 Covid workout #119


lights stretching, couple of each move below


A. 800m run

B. 10 rounds, not for time


5 T2B

4 Dip

3 Strict Pullup

2 Shrimp Squat

1 BarMU


C. 400m run

Thursday, August 13, 2020

2020-08-13 Covid workout #118


light stretching

several of movements below


A. 7 rounds for time (was going to do 10 but once I saw how long it was going, had to cut)


1 StrictMU

2 FrontLeverPulls

3 Pike Pushup

4 Pistols

5 Thruster 45#

6 OH Press 45#

7 Air Squat

8 DBCurl 2x25#

9 Incline Situps

10 DU


2020-08-12 Covid workout #117


light stretching

few of each movement below


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

2 Static Ring Hold

5 TuckFrontLeverPullup


B. 5 rounds, not for time


8 InclinedDBBench

6 pistol

4 ring chinup



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

2020-08-10 Covid workout #116


light stretching

2x3 ring pullup

2x1 MU

20 DU


This was a fun one I came up with.

A. AMRAP 30, but read note below


1 MU

10 DU

2 MU

20 DU

3 MU

30 DU

.... up to 10/100


You can stop MU's at any point to finish up the DU's (where more reps will come from) but you CANNOT go back and do the MU's afterward.

I did up to round 7 (so 28 MU, 280 DU) by around minute 21, then did 270 DU by 29 min

Saturday, August 8, 2020

2020-08-08 Covid workout #114


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 20 rounds, not for time


5 pullup

5 dip

5 T2B

5 box jump 20"


C. 400m run

2020-08-07 Covid workout #113


light stretching

couple of each movement below


A. 8 rounds (fast, but didn't time)


2 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

4 Ring pullup

4 thruster 55#

6 Front Squat 55#

6 Barbell row 55#

20 Situp

20 DU


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

2020-08-05 Covid workout #112

light stretching
1 round of Cindy


A. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 TuckFrontLever
1 Skin the Cat
1 Tuck Back Lever
10 DBCurl 25#

B. "Cindy" 20 min AMRAP of
5 pullup
10 pushup
15 Air Squat
16 rounds + 16 reps

not as good as back in March but tied my previous PR, not bad considering poor excuse for pullup bar and that I've not been pushing cardio that hard. May try at the park next saturday and see if I can get 18 rounds again.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

2020-08-03 Covid workout #111

light stretching
few of each movement below
20 DU


A. 5 rounds not for time
1 HSHold on parallettes
3 RingChinup
5 DB OHSquat 2x5#
20 DU

B. 10 rounds, not for time
1 StrictMU
4 Pistol
8 Weighted Situp 25#

Saturday, August 1, 2020

2020-08-01 Covid workout #109

10 air squats
few lunges


A. 800m run

B. 10 rounds
5 strict pullups
5 dips
5 box jump 24"
5 T2B

C. 800m run

Friday, July 31, 2020

2020-07-31 Covid workout #108

light stretching


A. 5 rounds
1 Static Ring Hold 2-3s
2 Archer Ring Dip (scaled)
3 weighted ring chinup 25#

B. 1,2,3...6,7,6....3,2,1 (49 reps) fast, but didn't time
air squat 

C. "Annie": 50,40,30,20,10 of
time: 8 min (slow!)

2020-07-30 Covid workout #107

light stretching 
couple of each movement below


A. 5 rounds
2 strict HSPU
4 pistols
6 thrusters 55#
8 weighted situps 25#
10 Incline DB Tricept raise 25#

B. 5 rounds
1 tuck front lever
1 skin the cat
1 tuck back lever
10 pushups

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

2020-07-29 Covid worktout #106

light stretching
couple of  each movement below


A. 5 rounds
20 DU
10 lateral DB raise 5#
10 side DB raise 5#
10 Air squat
1 HSHold

B. 30 MU for time
time: 18 min, but had to run in and flip the steaks on the bbq a couple times!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

2020-07-28 Covid workout #105

light one today


A. 5 x
1 pullup
1 chinup

B. 5x
1 HSHOld
1 StrictMU

C. 5x5 BB Row

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020

2020-07-25 Covid workout #103

light stretching
few of each move below


A. 800m run

B. 10,9,8...1
air squat
(55 reps of each - didn't time it)

C. 400m run

Friday, July 24, 2020

2020-07-24 Covid workout #102

A. Run 7.66 53:22 6:58
Pace would have been a lot better had I not EATEN it partway through :-p

2020-07-23 Covid workout #101

(away at a cabin - so got some running/hiking in)

A. Run 8:51km, 1:01:16, 7:12 pace
(lots of it on hills, lava rock, etc)

B. Hike 7.5km (same route minus a dogleg, with fam, slower pace)

C. 30 min easy rowing

2020-07-21 Covid workout #100



A. 5 rounds, not for time
2 Static Ring HOld
2 Archer Ring Dip (assited)
2 strict ring pullup

B. 5 rounds, not for time
1 Snatch 45#
2 OHSquat 45#
3 OHPress 45#
4 Thruster 45#
5 Hang Power Clean 45#

C. 3 rounds, not for time
2 TGU 25#
3 Pike pushup (parallettes)

Monday, July 20, 2020

2020-07-20 Covid workout #99

light stretching
20 DU
couple each of movements below


A. 5 rounds, fast but not for time
20 DU
10 DB Inclined Bench 2x25#
1 HSHold

B. 5 rounds, fast but not for time
2 StrictMU
4 HSPU (not all to full depth as I started to fatigue)
6 pistols
8 DB FrontSquat 2x25#
10 Inclined DB Tricep Raise 25#

C. 10 min squat hold

Saturday, July 18, 2020

2020-07-18 Covid workout #97

Took it kind of easy yesterday so decided to do something beefier today

A. 1 mile run

B. 14, 13, 12... 1 of
air squat
(total 105 reps of each = 525 reps)

C. 400m run

2020-07-17 Covid workout #96

A. 5 mile mountain bike ride

Friday, July 17, 2020

2020-07-16 Covid workout #95

quick one as was pressed for time

light stretching


A. 10 rounds, not for time, but moved pretty quickly
1 StrictMU
2 Strict HSPU
3 OH Squat 45#
4 DB Snatch 25#
5 pushup

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

2020-07-15 Covid workout #94

light stretching


A. 5 rounds
10 OHPress 45#
10 DBCurl 25#
5 T2B (rings)

B. 5 rounds
10 InclineDBTricepRaise
1 HSHold

C. 3 rounds
1 StrictMU
2 OneArmPushup (assisted)
3 Weighted Chinup 25#
4 pushup

2020-07-14 Covid workout #93

light stretching


A. 5 rounds
10 lunges
1 Tuck Front Lever
1 Skin the Cat
1 Tuck Back Lever
20 DU
5 HS Shrug
1 HSHold

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

2020-07-13 Covid workout #92

Did a beefier chipper - whittled away at it in random order

several each of movements below


A. For time
100 DU
90 Thruster 45#
80 Pushup
70 Situp
60 DB Snatch 25#
50 Chinup
40 Pistol
20 Strict MU
10 Weighted pullup 12# (started as weighted MU but failed couple reps, scaled down)
time: ~55min (550 reps)

Saturday, July 11, 2020

2020-07-11 Covid workout #90

light stretching


A. Run 1mile
(didn't time it, but ~5:00/km pace)

B. 5 rounds, not for time
5 C2B Pullup
1 TuckFrontLever
1 Skin the Cat
1 Tuck Back Lever
5 Dip
1 BarMU

C. 400m run


D. ~3mile row (kayak)

Friday, July 10, 2020

2020-07-10 Covid workout #89

light stretching
20 AirSquat


A. 5 rounds
30s pancake stretch
2x5s Static Ring Hold

B. 5 rounds
20 Back Squat 45#
4 Ring Archer Dip (slightly bent arm)

C. 3 rounds
3 "kip up" rollout
1 HSHold 5s
2x2 One Arm Chinup negatives (assisted)

Thursday, July 9, 2020

2020-07-09 Covid workout #88

Got a barbell on craigslist! Yay!

light stretching


A. 10 Rounds
1 PowerSnatch 45#
2 OHSquat #45
3 OHPress #45
4 Thruster #45,
5 Hang Power Clean #45

B. 5 rounds
2 Strict MU
2 OneArmHandstand (assisted)

C. 5 rounds
4 weighted pistol 25#
3 weighted chinup 25#
1 HSHold

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

2020-07-08 Covid workout #87

light stretching
10 air squats


A. 10 rounds
5 burpees
10 Air Squats

B. 5 rounds
5 HSShrug
1 HSHold
1 Tuck Front Lever
1 Skin The Cat
1 Tuck Back Lever

C. 5 rounds
20 DBCurl 25#
10 pushup

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

2020-07-06 Covid workout #86

light stretching
20 SU
10 DU
2x3 strict pullups


A. 5 rounds
~10s HSHold
40 DU

B. 5 rounds
5 strict pullup
10 DB Incline bench 2x25#

C. 5 rounds
2 MU
4 Pistol
6 DB Snatch
8 negative incline DB Tricept Extension 25#
10 weighted situp 25#

Sunday, July 5, 2020

2020-07-05 Covid Workout #85

Sunday Run

A. Run 9.56km; 46:28 min; 4:52 pace


B. 1hr kayaking, light pace

Saturday, July 4, 2020

2020-07-04 Covid workout #84

light stretching
10 SU
10 DU
couple of each movement below


A. 10 rounds for time
1 Skin the Cat
2 Strict MU
3 Strict HSPU
4 pistols
50, 45, 40....5 DU (decreasing per round)
22 min

B. 3 rounds not for time
1 Tuck back lever
1/side One Arm Chinup (assisted)

Friday, July 3, 2020

2020-07-03 Covid workout #83

light stretching


Sort of a half Murph variation

A. 1 mile run

B. 10 rounds
1 BarMU
4 Pullup
10 pushup
15 Air Squat

A+B = 22min

C. 400m run

2020-07-02 Covid workout #82

light stretching
20 DU


A. 5x HSHold

B. 5 rounds for time
3 CJ 135#
3 StrictMU

C. 3x Front Tuck Lever

Thursday, July 2, 2020

2020-07-01 Covid workout #81

light stretching
clean drills


A. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 Ring Static Hold

B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x185(fail)

Saturday, June 27, 2020

2020-06-27 Covid workout #78

Hi the park and did Murph again. Was really dragging at the end in the last part of the run :-p



A. "Murph". For time:
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Air Squats
1 mile run
time: ~40 min

Friday, June 26, 2020

2020-06-26 Covid workout #77

light stretching
clean drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time
3 Ring Chinup
1 HSHold

B. 10 rounds for time
1 StrictMU
2 Strict HSPU
3 Power Clean + Push Jerk 135#
time: 14:00

C. 3 rounds, not for time
2/side archer chinup negatives

Thursday, June 25, 2020

2020-06-25 Covid workout #76

light stretching


A. 4 rounds, not for time
1/side OneArmHSHold (assisted)
1 Tuck Front Lever
20/15/10/5 BackSquat 115#

B. 3 rounds, not for time
2 HSHold
2 Skin the Cat

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

2020-06-24 Covid workout #75

20 SU
20 DU
Snatch drills
2x3 ring pullup
several of movements below


A. 10 rounds for time
1 MU
2 Strict HSPU
3 Hang Power Snatch 65#
4 Anterior Deltoid Press 45#
5 barbell row 65#
20 DU
Time: 24:45

B. 4 rounds, not for time
1x ~5s HSHold
3 slow ring chinup

Monday, June 22, 2020

2020-06-22 Covid workout #74

light stretching
clean drills


A. 3 sets, not for time
1 HS Hold
2 "IYT Ring Chinups" (1 chinup "I", 1 pullup "Y", 1 pullup "Y")

B. Work to a heavy CJ (power clean push jerk)
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

C. (superset w above)
6x1 StrictMU

Sunday, June 21, 2020

2020-06-21 Covid workout #73

Sunday Run, plus a hike later in the day.

A. Run 9.66 km; 47:02; 4:52 pace


B. Hike 9.36 km; 2:28:00 15:50 pace (though there was an ice cream stop :-p

Saturday, June 20, 2020

2020-06-20 Covid workout #72

light stretching


A. Run 1 mile (didn't time, but did a decent pace)

B. 5 rounds, not for time
5 pullups
5 dips
1 tuck front lever
1 tuck back lever

Friday, June 19, 2020

2020-06-19 Covid workout #71

light stretching
10 back squat 45#


A. 3 rounds
HSHold ~5s
3 ring pullup

B. for time (but didn't time - held decent pace except on sets of 4,5 MU)
1 StrictMU
20 Back Squat 95#
2 StrictMU
15 Back Squat 95#
3 StrictMU
10 Back Squat 95#
4 StrictMU
5 Back Squat 95#
5 StrictMU

Thursday, June 18, 2020

2020-06-18 Covid workout #70

light stretching
20 DU
2x3 ring chinup


A. Work to a heavy PowerClean Push Jerk
4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165

B. (superset w above) 6x1 HSHold

C. 5 rounds, (didn't time but tried to go fast)
50,40,30,20,10 DU
2 ArcherChinup/side

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

2020-06-17 Covid workout #69

light stretching, several of each of moves below


A. 8 rounds for time (was going to be 10, had to cut it a bit short)
1 MU
2 strict HSPU
3 Front Squat 135#
4 man makers 2x25#
5 hanging knee raise
20 DU
time: 23:00

Monday, June 15, 2020

2020-06-15 Covid workout #68

light stretching
clean drills
2x3 ring pullup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
HSHold for balance
3x static ring hold w turnout

B. 3 round, not for time
2 (1/side) one arm handstand practice
2 Archer Dip (attempts, other arm bent quite a bit)

C. Work to a heavy of complex below
1 deadlift
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 pushpress
95, 115, 135, 155, 165(only 2 HPC, 1 PP here), 185 (only 1 HPC), 195 (DL only, failed HPC)

D. 8 rounds (superset w each of the above)
1 strict MU

Saturday, June 13, 2020

2020-06-13 Covid workout #66

light stretching


A. Run 3.5km; 16:18; 4:39 pace

B. 5 rounds
5 pullups
5 dips

C. 3 rounds
3 dragon flag negatives
1 BarMU

Friday, June 12, 2020

2020-06-12 Covid workout #65

light stretching


A. 3 rounds
HSHold 30s, 20s, 10s
HSHold (off wall for balance, 3-5s)

B. Work to a heavy CJ (power clean, push jerk)
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 1x185(fail)

C. (superset w above) 6 sets
1 MU
1 5-10s ring static hold

D. 3 HS Hold:
attempt at 1-hand, left
attempt at 1-hand, right

Thursday, June 11, 2020

2020-06-11 Covid workout #64

light stretching
2x3 ring pullups
1 MU
5 thruster 45#
1 thruster 95#


A. 9 rounds - reps as follows below: (for time)
1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 RingMU (15 total)
5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 Thruster (29 total)
time: 16:30

B. 3 Rounds - times as follows
30s, 20s, 10s HSHold, into
3-5s HS balance off wall}

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

2020-06-10 Covid workout #63

Another pretty lightweight workout

light stretching
few sets of bw lunges
2x3 Ring Chinup


A. 3x3/arm One Arm Chinup (assisted)

B. (superset w above) 3x2 Tuck Front Lever

C. 3x1 frog stand attempt

D. 5 rounds
10 barbell lunge
5,4,3,2,1 strict HSPU

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

2020-06-09 Covid workout #62

std warmup
2x3 ring pullup
2x10 SU


A. 5 rounds (moderately fast, but didn't time it - shame!)
20 DU
15 pushup
10 DB Squat 2x25#
1 strict MU
5 ring dip

B. 10,9,8,7....1
DB Curl (per arm) 25#

C. Superset w above - 1 HSHold per round (10 rounds)

Monday, June 8, 2020

2020-06-08 Covid workout #61


light stretching
clean drills


A. 1x100 Air Squat

B. Work to a heavy PowerClean + Push Jerk
4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

C. 6 x HSHold

Saturday, June 6, 2020

2020-06-06 Covid workout #59

2x5 thruster 45#
2x3 ring pullup


A. 10 rounds for time
3 MU
3 Thruster 95#
time: 16:00

B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 pike pushups from box
1 HSHold ~5-10s off wall

C. 2x 1min handstand (on wall)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

2020-06-04 Covid workout #58

Limited time, another lighter-than-it-should-be workout

light stretching
100 SU
2x5 deadlift 95#, 135#


A. 4x5 deadlift (185, 205, 215, 215, 215)

B. Superset w above
5x2 HSHold ("box" offset for a couple of them, based on youtube vid I saw. left and right arms offset for 1, then offset other way)

C. HSHold for time
2x1 min, 1x30s

D. 5 rounds (fast but not timed)
20 DU
1 Power Clean 135#

2020-06-03 Covid workout #57

Ugh. slacking again. need to put in more time. Just some light skill & strength work here.

light stretching
2x3 ring pullup


5 rounds, not for time
1 strict MU
~5s static hold ring turnout
1 10s frog stand
1 10s HSHold for balance (on wall)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

2020-06-02 Covid workout #56

Cur it short today due to limited time. Ugh. bad man!

light stretching
2 HSHold
2x3 ring pullup
2x3 OHPress 45, 95


A. 5 rounds, not for time (but should have been!)
5 Front Squat 95#
4 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
3 strict HSPU
2 Tuck Front Lever
1 Strict MU

Monday, June 1, 2020

2020-06-01 Covid workout #55

light stretching
2x3 ring pullups
clean drills


A. 5k hike (not for time)

B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185(failed)

C. 6x1 strict MU

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Saturday, May 30, 2020

2020-05-30 Covid workout #53

5th saturday in May, 6th Murph of the month

light stretching


A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
time: 38 min

Friday, May 29, 2020

2020-05-29 Covid workout #52

Something of a random "just get a bunch of movements in" workout. Need to do some proper programming

light stretching
few of each movement below
10 back squat 45#


A: for time:
1 HSHold 10s
50 back squat 95#

1 HSHold 10s
50 DB curl 25#

1 HSHold 10s
50 hanging knee raise

1 HSHold 10s
50 DU

1 HSHold 10s

time: 17 min

2020-05-28 Covid workout #51

light stretching
few of each movement below
clean drills


A. 10 rounds for time
1 Power Clean, Push Jerk 135#
2 strict HSPU (to abmat)
3 ring pullup
4 pistol
5 pushup
time: 17:15

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

2020-05-27 Covid workout #50

Short one after a rest day yesterday, but got a couple good workouts in on the weekend. Still need to get more regimented about my routine and goals...

light stretching
2x3 ring pullups


A. Work to a heavy Squat Clean & push jerk
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185(failed)

B. (superset w above)
6x1 strictMU

Monday, May 25, 2020

2020-05-25 Covid workout #49 - Memorial Day Murph

Did Murph like every other memorial day, but gym being closed I had to do it at the park. Also, this was the 5th Murph this month, as I set a goal of doing it every Saturday in May plus memorial day. One more to go next Saturday.

light stretching


A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
time: 40:30 (not great, but not bad considering I did it 2 days ago)


B. 8km hike, 500ft climb

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Saturday, May 23, 2020

2020-05-23 Covid workout #47

Went down to the park, did Murph again. screwed up my counting so possible I missed a set?

A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run
time: 45 min

Friday, May 22, 2020

2020-05-22 Covid workout #46 & B-Day MU's

light stretching
clean drills
3x2 Ring pullups


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk
5x45, 5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 1x185 (failed)

B. B-Day MU. 51 MU for time
(Bday was 5 weeks ago, but had an injury I was rehabbing so left it till I felt better. Did steady singles teh whole way through so was 2 min off my PR for 30-MU-for-Time, but was almost a minute faster than last year for the whole thing, at of course 1 rep more than last year)
51 MU for time
Time: 23:30 (split time at 30 - 12:30)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

2020-05-20 Covid workout #45

light stretching


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean & Push Jerk
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 2x185 (failed both)

B. One Arm Pullup progressions
3x1/side, assisted

C. 3x8 Anterior Deltoid Press
3x8 45#

D. MU work
4 strict singles

E. Planche clean

2020-05-19 Covid workout #44

Light stretching, 1-2 of each movement below


A. 8 rounds for time (was going to be 10, but ran out of time)
1 clean 95#
2 OH Press 95#
3 front squat 95#
4 pullup
5 Pike Pushup
6 Pistol
7 Hanging Knee Tuck
8 DB Curl
9 pushup
10 DU
time: 22 min

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2020-05-18 Covid workout #43

light stretching
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy CJ (Power Clean, Push Jerk
5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 2x185 (failed one, made the clean on the second. Sloppy but I'll take it)

B. (Superset w above) HSHolds on parallettes

C. MU Practice
1,1,2 MU
1 strict MU

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

2020-05-16 Covid workout #41

light stretching


A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullup
200 pushup
300 air squat
1 mile run
time: 43:27 (but I did like 1.2 miles at the end or something, so maybe 42 min-ish)

Friday, May 15, 2020

2020-05-14 Covid workout #40

light stretching
couple of each movement below.


A. 10 rounds for time
1 snatch 45#
2 DB OH Squat 25# (1/side)
3 strict pullups
5 pushups
5 thruster 45#

14 min

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

2020-05-13 Covid workout #39

light stretching and couple of each movement below


A. 10 rounds for time
1 MU
3 CJ 135#
4 pistols (2/leg)
5 burpees
time: 24:15

Monday, May 11, 2020

2020-05-11 Covid workout #38

light stretching
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy Squat Clean & Push Jerk
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185(fail)

B. Superset w above
6x1 HSHold, 10s

C. Superset w above
strict pullup (using broom handle as pullup bar!)
2x5, 2x4, 2x3

D. MU practice

Saturday, May 9, 2020

2020-05-09 Covid workout #36

Feeling like I hadn't been working hard enough, combined with what looked like was going to be a sunny saturday morning, decided to do Murph again.

light stretching


A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squts
1 mile run
time: 41:38

Friday, May 8, 2020

2020-05-08 Covid workout #35

light stretching


A. work up to some moderate deadlifts (all the weight I have at home)
10x135, 8x155, 6x185, 4x205, 2x215

B. (superset w above)
1 HSHold per round, for balance

C. Work to a heavy CJ
5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 2x185 (failed both, but almost got one)

D. (superset w above) MU work
2 kipping MU, 4 strict MU

Thursday, May 7, 2020

2020-05-07 Covid workout #34

light stretching
20 back squat 45#
2x3 ring pullup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
10 back squat 95/115/135
2+2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)

B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 thrusters 95#
1 deficit handstand pushup (parallettes)
5s HSHold

C. 3x8 AnteriorDeltoidPress 45#

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

2020-05-06 Covid workout #33

Light workout after 2 days off (ugh!). On positive side, first MU's in almost a month after nursing a mild injury (tendons in forearm)

light stretching


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean & Push Jerk
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x175 fail

B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 ring pullups
35 DU

C. 5 rounds, not for time
1 MU
1 frog stand ~10s

Sunday, May 3, 2020

2020-05-03 Covid workout #32

light stretching
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean & Push Jerk
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185(Failed)

B. (Superset w above) HSHold
6x 5-10s

C. 6 rounds (fast, but didn't time it)
33 DU (2x34)
10/side DBCurl 25#

Saturday, May 2, 2020

2020-05-02 Covid workout #31

Felt I'd not been pushing myself enough lately, so decided on a whim to do Murph this morning.

Not my fastest time, but out of shape, wet pullup bar w gloves, etc. Time was ok.


A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
time: 45 min (+/- 30 sec)

(Did 15 sets of 5/10/30; then 5 sets of 3/5/0, then 5 sets of 2/5/0; as grip was gone)

Friday, May 1, 2020

2020-05-01 Covid workout #30

light stretching


A. 4 rounds, increasing weight each round:
1 Snatch
5 OH Squats
45#, 65#, 75#, 95#

B. Anterior Deltoid Press, increasing weight each round
5x5 reps
25, 35, 45, 55, 3 reps at 70#

C. Squat Clean ladder
2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 2x165

D. Tuck Front Lever
3x ~5sec

Thursday, April 30, 2020

2020-04-30 Covid workout #29

light stretching


A. 3x5 OH Press 95#

B. 3x5/side pistols

C. 3x5 weighted ring pullups
0#, 25#, 35#

D. Single Power Clean ladder
1x95#, 1x115#, 1x135#, 1x155#, 1x165#

E. 3x5 pike pushup on parallettes

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

2020-04-29 Covid workout #28

A. Work to a heavy Power Clean & Push Jerk
5x45, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185 (failed)

B. Superset w above - strict HSPU

C. 3x5 ring pullup

D. 3x5 pushups

Monday, April 27, 2020

2020-04-27 Covid workout #37

Pretty quick one, as I only had a short window of time before dinner.

light stretching
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean & Jerk
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185 (failed but ALMOST got the jerk)

B. (superset w above). 6x1 HSHold on parallettes, 10-15s

C. 2x5 ring pullup

D. 2x5 pushup also on parallettes.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

2020-04-25 Covid workout #35

light stretching
clean drills


A. CJ 21's
5x95, 5x115, 5x135
1x145, 1x155, 1x165, 1x185(failed both) - next time should do 2,2,2 or a bunch at 165

B. 3x1 Tuck Front Lever (just 1-2s each)

C. 3x2 One Arm Chinup - assisted (on rings)

D. 2x3 Ring Pullup

Friday, April 24, 2020

2020-04-23 Covid workout #34

clean drills
light stretching
couple of each movement below


A. 10, 9, 8...1 ( 55 reps each)
Power Clean 135#
DB Snatch 25#
T2B (Toes to rings)
1 HSHold 10s each round

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

2020-04-22-Covid workout #33

light stretching
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean Push Jerk
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185(fail)

B. (superset w above). Strict HSPU
1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x2

C. Snatches
3x95, 1x115(fail)

D. 50 alt DB Curl (2x25#)

2020-04-21 Covid workout #32

1 mile walk (w pooches :-)
2x5 thruster 45#
1x3 thruster 95#
1x3 ring pullup


A. 10 rounds for time
5 thruster 95#
5 Ring pullup
10 DU
time: 18 min

Saturday, April 18, 2020

2020-04-18 Covid workout #30

light stretching
20 air squats
10 squats 45#
3 squats 95#


A. "Bring Sally Down" w 95# Back squats
had to skip 5 squats but didn't put bar down

B. Work to a heavy Power Clean & Push Jerk
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165, 1x185(failed)

C. (Superset w above) 5x5 Ring Pullup

D. 20 min yoga w kids

2020-04-17 Covid workout #29

Need to do better blocking out time. All of these are super short when I do them later in the day (on weekdays anyway)

light stretching
25 air squats


A. Backsquats
20x45, 15x95, 10x115, 5x135

B. Work to a heavy CJ (picked up some fives from Mike, so not stuck w 30# jump 155-185
5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 1x185(fail)

C. (superset w above)
6x1 Tuck Front Lever

Thursday, April 16, 2020

2020-04-16 Covid workout #28

light stretching
5 ring pullups
clean drills
snatch drills
PowerClean push Jerk 3x95, 3x115


A. 6 min emom
1 Power Snatch 65#
2 OH Squat 65#
5 burpees

B. 5 min emom
3 CJ 135#
20 DU

C. 3 x 10 T2B (Rings)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

2020-04-15 Covid workout #27

light stretching
clean drills


A. CJ '15s'
Squat Clean & Push Jerk
2x185 (failed both)

B. (superset w above) 5x5 ring pullup

C. 2x5 deadlift 205#

D. 30 min yoga

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

2020-04-14 Covid workout #26

Lightweight one as I was short on time, and used half of it to teach my daughter some lifting basics

A. Work to a heavy CJ
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155

Sunday, April 12, 2020

2020-04-12 Covid workout #25

Was lazy and didn't do my sunday run, so instead did a big bunch of DU's later in the day.

light stretching
2x20 SUs


A. 1000 DU's
(didn't track time, but did mostly sets of 20-30)

B. 3x8 OH Press 65#

Saturday, April 11, 2020

2020-04-11 Covid workout #24 (and B-Day workout)

So past couple years I've done the standard WOD on my B-Day, and then added a round of my age in muscle-ups. Goal being to add one rep and reduce time every year. 50 was faster than 49. However, I've injured something in my wrist and can't hold a false grip right now, so wasn't happening today. Did 1 rep, but realized that 51 would have worsened the injury. So, different workout, and I'll do the 51 MU in a few weeks.

light stretching
2x5 ring pullups
clean drills (5x45, 3x95, 3x115)


A. 51 Power Clean & Push Jerk 135#
(was timing it, but then got a phone call in the middle of it, so... 10 min-ish)

B. 51 DU

C. 51 pushups

D. 1 MU

Friday, April 10, 2020

2020-04-10 Covid workout #23

25 air squats
light stretching


A. 50 Thruster 45#

B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x185 (both failed the clean)

C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 bent over DB Row 2x25#
10 db front rack lunge 2x25#

Thursday, April 9, 2020

2020-04-09 Covid workout #22

light stretching
clean drills


A. 2mile walk (earlier)

B. Work to a heavy clean & Jerk
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x185 (both failed)

C. Superset w above
6x5 Ring Pullup

D. 100 DU

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

2020-04-07 Covid workout #21

Quick one while I had a break in the morning between calls

std warmup
clean & jerk warmup
5x45, 5x95, 3x115, 2x135


A. "Grace"
30 CJ 135# for time

time: 6:25

Monday, April 6, 2020

2020-04-06 Covid workout #20

light stretching
25 air squats


A. Work to a heavy Squat Clean & Push Jerk
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 3x185 (all failed to make the clean)

B. Superset w above - 5x5 ring pullups

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

2020-04-03 Covid workout #17


light stretching
some running around street w lacrosse ball passing w the kid


A. Work to a heavy Power clean
5x45, 5x95, 3x135, 2x155, 1x185 failed

B. 5,4,3,2,1 of
Power Clean 155#
Ring Chinup
alt pistol (5x2, 4x2, etc)

C. 5/side DB OH Squat 25#

Thursday, April 2, 2020

2020-04-02 Covid workout #16

light stretching
handful of ring pullups
clean drills


A. 100 Air Squats
(fast, but didn't time it)

B. Work to a heavy Power Clean Push Jerk
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x185(failed both)

C. 5 rounds, not for time
10s HSHold
1 Strict ring MU

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

2020-03-31 Covid workout #14

light stretching
snatch drills


A. Work to a heavy snatch
5x45, 5x65, 3x95, 2x115 (power snatch)

B. 3x8 T2B (rings)

Monday, March 30, 2020

2020-03-30 Covid workout #13

light stretching
clean drills
good mornings w 45# bar


A. 21's clean & jerk (full squat clean, push jerk)
2x185 (failed both)
2x155 (back off)

B. 3 rounds, not for time
3 tuck front lever (on rings)
20 DU

C. 100 alternating DB curl 2x25# (50/side)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020-03-29 Covid workout #12

light stretching, clean drills
2x3 ring pullup
2 kipping ring MU


A. Work to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk
5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x185(fail)

B. "Half n Half" (made this one up. Half of 30MU-for-time, and half of Grace (30 CJ 135# for time)
15 each of
15 strict MU
15 CJ 135#
Did 5+5, 4+4, 3+3, 2+2, 1+1
time: 8:28

2020-03-28 Covid workout #11

Short one again, this time because I spent a couple hours getting rings mounted on the garage ceiling, so didn't have a lot of time before I had to prep dinner. Rings though! Rings!

light stretching


A. Work to a heavy Squat Clean & Jerk
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x185 fail

B. (Superset w above, between rounds) MU's
1 strict MU (x6 rounds)

Friday, March 27, 2020

2020-03-27 Covid workout #10

Short one at the park w one of the kids

A. 3 rounds - not for time
800m run
10 pullups

Thursday, March 26, 2020

2020-03-26 Covid workout #9

light stretching


A. Run 4.55km; 22:06; pace 4:51

B. Strict pullups:
2x5, 2x4, 1x3

C. Hanging leg raise

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2020-03-25 Covid workout #8

Light stretching, air squats, OH press w empty bar, etc


A. 5 rounds, not for time
20 Alt DB Curl 2x25# (cause that's the only db's I have)
5 OH Press 95#

B. Deadlift
5x95, 5x135, 5x155, 5x185, 5x205 (cause that's all the plates I have)

C. Work to a heavy clean & Jerk
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x185 (failed clean on both)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

2020-03-24 Covid workout #7

Was going to do Kalsu, but after a couple thrusters I realized that (after giving blood last night), that was a little over-ambitious. Maybe next week.

light stretching
10 thruster 45#
5 thruster 95#


A. 10 rounds for time
5 thruster 95#
1 HSHold 10s (1st rounds were 5 HSPU, 2 HSPU, then just HSHold for 8 rounds)
5 pushups

B. 3x5 Ring pullup

Monday, March 23, 2020

2020-03-23 Covid workout #6

Well, short workout again today, but at least did *2* things, so it was a bit better.

bunch of air squats, good mornings, same with 45# bar


A. "BringSallyDown" - ~3 1/2 minutes of squatting and squat-hold with 95# bar (Rx is 135#)
Had to skip about 4 of the squats & holds (normally about 30 total)

B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x185(fail)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

2020-03-22 Covid Workout #5

Good news is that I at least did a CF benchmark workout. Bad news is I'm not doing enough. Should be doing at least 2 benchmarks, and/or a mix of strength work or skill development. Going to step it up a bit tomorrow.

did a few minutes of chasing the lacross ball around w my kid
warm up CJ
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 2x135


A. "Grace". 30 reps for time of:
 CJ 135#
5:45 (which is slower than my PR but I don't have clips so had to stop and slide plates back on every few reps)

Friday, March 20, 2020

2020-03-20 Covid workout #3

Another barbell shortish workout just to make sure I did *something*

A. work to a heavy squat clean
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x185 (power clean)

B. Superset w above.
5x10 pushups

C. 3 rounds, not for time
8 front squat 95#
4 pistols

Thursday, March 19, 2020

2020-03-19 Covid workout #2

Borrowed a barbell and some plates from BCF, so just got a lightweight workout in the afternoon

A. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 5x65, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x185

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

2020-03-18 Covid workout #1

//well, they shut the gym down, so starting a series of at-home or park workouts. Lets see how long this goes for...

light stretching, air squats, etc


A. 3km run

B. 3 rounds
5 C2B pullups / 1 BarMU + 3 C2B pullups / 2 BarMU + 2 C2B pullups
5 dips
20 situps
10 pushups

C. 400m run

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

2020-03-17 WOD

//attendance at gym capped at 15 due to corona virus. Keeping distance between people, wiping down equipment thoroughly, etc

std warmup
50 cal Airdyne
clean and push jerk drills


A. 3 min AMRAP
S2O (Push Jerk) 135# (Rx was 165)

reps: 21 (broke 4 times, so 4 cleans)

2 min rest

B. 2 min AMRAP
S2O (Push Jerk) 115# (Rx was 135)

reps: 22 (broke 4 times, so 4 cleans)

1 min rest

C. 1 min AMRAP
S2O (Push Jerk) 95# (Rx was 115)

reps: 19 (broke 3 times, so 3 cleans)

I added

D. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
1 strict MU
1 HSHold ~10s

Monday, March 16, 2020

2020-03-16 WOD

std warmup
clean drills


A. 4 rounds for time
500m row
15 HSPU (I scaled to 9,8,7,7)
time: 11:50

rest 6 min (was supposed to be 5 but I wasn't watching the clock carefully enough!)

B. 3 rounds (reps below) for time
21/15/9 Airdyne for cals
9/6/3 Squat cleans 115# (Rx was 165)
time: 5:55

rest 3 min

C. 800m run

Saturday, March 14, 2020

2020-03-14 WOD

std warmup


A. Teams of 4 (reps below for team of 4 - different rep scheme for team of 3). 5 rounds for time, with added cash-out.
5 rounds for time
30 strict pullups (8,8,7,6,6)
40 DB Overhead press 2x35 (10,10, 6,6,6)
50 Back Squat -increasing weight each round (11x95, 9x115, 7x125, 6x145, 5x165)

cash out: 200 cal Airdyne rotate as needed (did 10-12 cals x 4)
time: 31:15

Friday, March 13, 2020

2020-03-13 WOD

std warmup
clean/thruster drills


A. Work to a heavy squat clean thruster
3x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 1x155, 1x165(failed)

B. Death by Squat Clean Thruster - @ 60% of ORM above (155 * .6 =  ~95)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, did 1 rep on min 8 and called it
29 reps total

C. 3 rounds, not for time
8 DB Bench 45#x2
5 strict chinup

Thursday, March 12, 2020

2020-03-12 WOD

Active recovery

std warmup (missed most of it)
3x150m row


A. HSHolds

B. Work to a heavy squat clean

Squat Clean & Push Jerk:
3x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 1x155

Power Clean & Push Jerk
2x155, 1x165, 1x175(fail)

C. MU practice
2 MU
1 Strict MU

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

2020-03-11 WOD

std warmup (missed most of it)


A. Activation - 3 rounds, not for time
1 rope climb 12'
40 DU
3 tall box jump (20" straight-leg landing, etc)

B. "Cindy" - 20 min AMRAP
5 pullup
10 pushup
15 Air Squat
total: 18 rounds + 5 pullup, 10 pushup
PR! Previous was 16+16. Was surprised at first that I PR'd it, but looked back at my notes and while we've done variations of Cindy as part of other workouts, we've not done the benchmark itself since 2014! So not surprising then that I PR'd it. While I'm off my peak performance of ~2015-2016, I'm definitely stronger/faster than 2014.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

2020-03-10 WOD

std warmup
2x250m row
several of movements below


A. 5 rounds for time. (Was 10 reps each, but I scaled as outlined below)
10 Power Cleans 135#
10 T2B
10 DB lunge 2x25# (was 1xKB 53#)
10 DB Box Stepover 2x25# (was 2x35#)
1: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
2:  8, 10, 10, 8, 10
3:  8,  8,  8, 8, 8
4:  6,  8,  8, 6, 6
5:  6,  8,  8, 6, 6

Time: 17:45

B. MU work
1 MU
2 strict MU (singles)

Saturday, March 7, 2020

2020-03-07 WOD

std warmup
2 min AirDyne
20 medball cleans
10 medball slams


A. For time, w partner, 5 round each, trading off as needed
P1: airdyne 12 cal (Rx was 20, we used assault bike, so 16)
P2: 6 burpees + 5 Dball clean 50# (Rx was 6 reps)
time: 1030

rest 3 min

B. For time, w partner, 5 round each, trading off as needed
A: 200m run on tread
B: 8 strict pullup + 6 KBS 53# (Rx was 8 @ 70#)
time: 11:10

rest 3 min

C. For time, w partner, 5 round each, trading off as needed
A: 10 DB Stepups 2x25# (Rx was 15 at 2x35#)
B: 10 Push Jerks 95#(Rx was 15)
time: 9:30

Friday, March 6, 2020

2020-03-06 WOD

std warmup (missed most of it)


A. Deadlift - was supposed to be clusters at 90% but I'm off the cycle/scaling, so just worked up to moderate weight
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 2x215

B/C/D all on same clock, 3 min rest b/t exactly

B. 1k row

3 min rest

C. 30 reps for time (Rx was 95#). 6 burpee bar jump every time you break
left front rack lunge 75#
right front rack lunge 75#
Front squat 75#
10, 7, 7, 6 (3 sets of burpees)

3 min rest

D. 5 rounds for time (was supposed to be 10/10, but scaled the HSPU)
10/8/6/5/4 HSPU
10 T2B
time: 7:00

Thursday, March 5, 2020

2020-03-05 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup


A. Row 500M

B. Work to a heavy CJ (Power Clean, Push Jerk)
5x45, 5x75, 4x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175, 1x180 fail

C. Superset w above
HSHold ~5s x 6

D. MU Work
1 kipping MU
1 strict MU
2 strict MU ub
1 strict MU

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

2020-03-04 WOD

std warmup
1 mile run divided in 30s sprints among 3 person team (so about 4x200m each)


A. "Climbing Karen"
Karen - 150 WB 20# for time
with a 12' rope climb every time you break (Rx 15')

I did it in about 13 min, w about 7 rope climbs (first 2 legless)

B. 3x3
weighted pullups
weighted dips
26, 35, 53 (increased each set)

I added

C. HSHolds

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

2020-03-03 WOD

std warmup (missed most of it)
2x10 KBS 26#
10 goblet squat 26#


A. 1-1-1 Back squat @ 90% (i just built to a heavy as I've been recovering from injury and scaling)
10x45, 8x95, 6x135, 3x185, 1x205

B. 12 min EMOM
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Clean (dropped this last 3 rounds)
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk (dropped this last 2 round)
2x75, 2x85, 2x95, 2x105, 2x115, 1x135, 1x155

I added

C. 2 Rounds (was going to do 3 but 2nd MU was near-fail)
1 strict MU
1 HSHold 10s

Monday, March 2, 2020

2020-03-02 WOD

std warmup
1000m row
2x5/side KB push press 35#


A. 1-1-1 x 3 Push Press - increase 5-10# from last week
1-1-1 @ 115
1-1-1 @ 135
1-1-1 @ 155 (had to push jerk the last one)

B. Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 of
time: 6:30
(20s slower than my PR but not bad considering how out of shape I've been)

C. Murph prep. 3 rounds not for time (though I did push for time a bit)
45 Air Squat
30 pushup
15 pullup
time: 10:45

Saturday, February 29, 2020

2020-02-29 WOD

std warmup
2 min Airdyne
Several of movements below
200m run


A. 800m partner run sharing 50# medball (Rx was 70)

B. "Nate" - 20 min AMRAP of
2 MU
8 KBS 53# (Rx was 70 - I scaled this part)
10 rounds even
Close to my PR, but scaled. Still, happy with this given my injury recovery.

Friday, February 28, 2020

2020-02-28 Travel workout

Travelling, did quick hotel workout

A. 10,9,8...1
Air Squat

B: 10 HSHold (one with each round of above, about 10s each

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2020-02-26 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills


A. 5x10s bike sprints

B. 4 rounds, one on every 4 min mark
2 Power Snatch 95# (Rx was 3 at 115#)
5 burpees
12 cal Airdyne (Rx was 15)
44s, 45s, 45s, 44s

I added

C. 3 strict MU

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2020-02-25 WOD

(missed most of it)
3 rounds
5 KB single leg deadlift 26#
5 glute bridges
20s pancake stretch


A. Deadlift (Rx was 2-2-2 - but I was scaling anyway so...)
2x5x95#, 5x135#, 5@165, 4x185, 3x215, 2x245

B. For time, 15 min cap
1000m row
80 alternating lunge
60 wallball 20#
40 pullup
20 T2B
time: 14:30

Monday, February 24, 2020

2020-02-24 WOD

std warmup
warmup several of movements below


A. 2-2-2 x 3 Push Press, 80-90%
1x5 @ 95
2-2-2 @ 115, 125, 135

B. 3 parts, all for time:

B1. 800m run

immediatly into

B2. 5 rounds of
5 strict pullups
10 CGPushup
10m OHDBLunge (2 dumbells, I did 2x25#. Rx was 40#)
time (B1,2): 11:30

5 min rest

B3. 5 rounds of
10 cal Airdyne
10 burpees
time: 22:45 (6:15 for B3 part)

I added

C. 3 rounds, not for time
10s HSHold
3 Tuck Front Lever Raise

Saturday, February 22, 2020

2020-02-22 WOD

500m row
std warmup
several each of movements below


A. For time:
W partner, 100cal Airdyne shared
10 cal each, trading off, 5 sets each

Then, 3 rounds for time
400m run
15 DB Box Stepups 20", 35# (each0

400m run
15 DB OH Lunge 35#

400m run
15 DB Snatch 35#
total time: 36;00

I added:

B. 3 single strict MU's

Friday, February 21, 2020

2020-02-21 WOD

std warmup
40 medball toss
20 medball situp


A. 3-3-3 x 3 Pushpress clusters, ~75%
2x 3-3-3 @ 95
1x 3-3-3 @ 105

B. 10,9,8,....1 of
Benchpress 115 (Rx was 3/4 bw, so about 125, but went a bit lower)
Front squat 95# (Rx was 135)
time: 19:00

Thursday, February 20, 2020

2020-02-20 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup


A. 500m row
2 min

B. Work to a moderate CJ (power clean, push jerk)
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 1x175(fail)

C. HSHold (superset w above)
7 x 5-10s

D. MU practice
5 strict pullup
3 strict MU (singles)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

2020-02-19 WOD

std warmup
400m run
30s HSHold


A. Rowing sprints:
4 rounds - 5 pulls, 5 pulls, 15 pulls, 25 pulls (~1k total)

B. 5 rounds, 1 every 4 min for 20 min
300m run
8 HSPU (I did strict 5 1st round, then 4, 4, 3, 3)
8 T2B
Times: 1:39, 1:43, 1:49, 1:53, 1:57

C. 3x HSHold, for balance

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

2020-02-18 WOD

2 min airdyne
std warmup
3 rounds
10 glute bridges
5/side KB RDL 26#


A. 3x 3-3-3 Deadlift clusters 75% (I scaled WAY down as I'm still nursing injury)
3-3-3 x 3 at 115#

B. For time (scaled some things as noted)
30 cal row
20 wallball  20# (Rx was 25 reps)
20 DB Snatch (10/side) 35# (Rx was 60#)
10 Power Clean 95# (Rx was 15 reps at 115)
10 burpee bar jump
5 MU
time: 7:55

4 min rest

C. Repeat of B.
time: 7:30

Monday, February 17, 2020

2020-02-17 WOD

2 min airdyne
std warmup


(scaled all parts due to back-injury recovery)

A. 3x5 Back Squat (was supposed to clusters at 75%)

3x5 back squat 95, 105, 105

B. 3 Rounds for time, 10 min cap
21 Russian KBS 36# (Rx was 70#)
15 pullups
9 Goblet Squat 36# (Rx was 70#)
time: 5:55

rest 5 min

C. 3 Rounds for time, 10 min cap
21 thruster 45# (Rx was 75#)
15 cal row
9 Ring Dip
time: 8:55

Saturday, February 15, 2020

2020-02-15 WOD

back to the box!

std warmup
200m run


A. 12 min amrap :
w partner
P1: 200m run
P2: 10 wallball + 20 SU (Rx was DU)
switch and repeat - add 2 wallball and 5 SU each round
(plus 5 x 200m run)

B. 12 min AMRAP
P1: Airdyne for cals (matched the reps below each round)
P2: 2 Dball cleans 70# + 2 burpees
add 2+2 each round
2+2, 4+4, 6+6, 8+8, 10+10

C. 3 rounds
30 air squat
20 pushup
10 pullup

Thursday, February 13, 2020

2020-02-13 Travel Workout

At conference, but got a quick workout in the hotel gym

light stretching, etc


A. Incline DB Bench
3x10 @ 2x40#

B. 3x6 pullups (superset w above)

C. 3x8 Back Squat
95, 115, 135

D. 3x10 pushups

E. 3x 10s HSHold (superset w above)

F. 3x8/side DB Curl 2x30#

G. 3x8 dips (superset w above)

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2020-02-11 WOD

std warmup
200m run (tread)


A. 4-4-4 x3 push press clusters 20s rest b/t
5x45, 4-4-4 @ 75, 2x 4-4-4 @85

B. Chipper. For time, 21min cap
50 KBS 36# (rx was 53#)
40 pullups
30 OHSquat 45# (Rx was 95#)
20 burpees
6 MU (Rx was 10 barMU)
20 burpees
30 OHSquat 45# (Rx was 95#)
40 pullups
50 KBS 36# (rx was 53#)

Monday, February 10, 2020

2020-02-10 WOD

//back at the box, but scaling stuff as needed

std warnup
3x30s moderate sprint (treadmill)
snatch drills


A Every 4 min for 20 min (5 rounds)
30s Hang Power Snatch 45# (Rx was 75#)
30s 20" box stepups (Rx was box jumps)
30s Airdyne for cals
1: 13+8+10 = 31
2: 13+8+10 = 31
3: 13+10+9 = 32
4: 13+10+10 = 33
5: 14+10+10 = 34

B. 4x5 strict dips

C. (superset w above) 4x5 strct pullups

Sunday, February 9, 2020

2020-02-09 Sunday Run

Didn't go too hard as still recovering:

A; Run 5.0km; 23:06; 4:37 pace

Saturday, February 8, 2020

2020-02-08 Workout

Several days off due to injury. Lightweight workout today since there was a comp at box

std warmup


A. 1k row
4 min-ish

B. 3x6 Back Squat 95#

C. 3x6 bench press 115#

D. 3x5 pullups

E. 3x5 dips

F. 3x6 DB curl 30#

G 3x5/arm DB shoulder lateral raise

H. 3x10s HSHold

Monday, February 3, 2020

2020-02-03 WOD

Now nursing SEVERAL injuries (ribs, back, knee) so will be scaling a lot for a while.

2 min Airdyne
std warmup


(skipped Deadlift complex, did A instead)

A. 3x8/side DB row 30#

B. 15 min AMRAP
6 strict HSPU (Rx was 12, I did 10 first round, 6 after that)
9 box stepup (Rx was box jump)
2 strict MU (Rx was 6)
5 rounds + 3 HSPU

Sunday, February 2, 2020

2020-02-02 Sunday Run

(lost runkeeper data on this, but remember it was a medium-speed 5k)

A. Run 5.0km, ~23min

Saturday, February 1, 2020

2020-02-01 WOD

2 min airdyne
several of each of movements below
200m run


A. Partner workout - 30 min amrap
30 partner alternating wallball (15 each, 20#)
30 hanging knee raise (Rx was situps but this was easier on bruised ribs)
10 Front Squat 95# (Rx was 15 each)
400m run
5 rounds + 30 wallball

Friday, January 31, 2020

2020-01-31 WOD

2 min treadmill (walking)
std warmup
DB clean drills


A. 2x 6.6.6 clusters Push press (was supposed to be 3x but scaled due to sore ribs)
5.5 @ 45, 6.6.6. @ 75, 6.6.6 @95

B. 12 min AMRAP
5/side DB Hang Clean & Jerk (full squat - really these were hang-thruster) 40# (Rx was 50#)
10 DB Box stepup 1x 50#
60 SU (Rx was 30 DU)
5 rounds even

C. work to a heavy 3 rep drop-n-go power clean
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 3x165, 2x175

Thursday, January 30, 2020

2020-01-30 WOD

active recovery day - lightweight workout due to bruised ribs

2 min airdyne
std warmup


A. 500m row

B. work to a moderate-heavy CJ (power clean, push jerk)
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165

C. (superset w above)
6x ~10s HSHold

D. Superset w above
5x 1 Strict MU. 6th round did 2 strict UB

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

2020-01-29 Workout

Just went to work gym today. WOD was deadlift-focused, and I'm still nursing my back


A. 1k row

B. 3x8 DB Bench 2x40#

C. 3x8 OH Press 70#

D. 3x6 Back Squat 95#, 115#, 135#

E. 3x5 strict pullup

F. 3x8 tricep extension (cable) 27#

G. 2x6 DB Curl 2x25#

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

2020-01-28 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills


A. 30 min EMOM (1 min each rotating through movements)
1: 10 Ring Pushup (Rx was 12)
2: 40s airdyne (14-15 cal each time)
1 Snatch
2 OH Squat
} 3x45, 5x65, 2x75

Monday, January 27, 2020

2019-01-27 WOD

std warmup


A. 3x 6.6.6 Back Squat @ 40%
2 sets at 95#, 1 set at 105#
(35%, 40% - but trying to take it easy on my back recently)

B. 4 rounds, each on 5 min mark. 2 min time per round
100m farmer carry 2x53# (Rx was 2x70#)
1 12' legless rope climb (Rx was 2x15', regular)
burpees to end of 2min - score is burpee count
burpees: 10,12,14,15

Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020-01-26 Sunday Run

Little short of a 10k, and a little slow, but given yesterday's brutal leg workout, that's understandable.

A. Run 9.0 km, 47:32; 5:17 pace

Saturday, January 25, 2020

2020-01-25 WOD

std warmup
600m row
clean drills


A. 5 rounds for time:
400m run
8 Power Clean + Push Jerk 115# (Rx was 10@135)
50 Air Squats
time: 23:15

B. 30 cal Airdyne

I added

C. MU work
3 strict singles

Friday, January 24, 2020

2020-01-24 Gym Workout

Nursing a bit of a back injury, and WOD today was deadlifts/boxjump/thrusters, so skipped it and did a lightweight workout at the gym at work

light stretching


A. Row 1k

B. DB Benchpress
3x8 @ 2x40#

C. strict pullups

D. DB Incline Benchpress
3x6 @ 2x30#

E. DB Curl
3x8 @ 25#

F. Chinup
3x6 strict

G. Tripcep extensions
3x8 @ 40#

Thursday, January 23, 2020

2020-01-23 WOD

active recovery day, plus nursing a tweaked back, so took it easy today

std warmup


A. 500m row

B. Work to a moderate CJ
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165(clean only)

C. HSHold (superset w above)

D. MU practice
3 strict singles

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

2020-01-21 WOD

std warmup
each of movements in (B), but with 26 vs 36# KB.


A. 3x5 OH Press, 41x1 tempo, add a bit from last week
warm: 5x45
main: 5x75, 5x75, 5x85

B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
5/side KB CJ 36# (Rx was 53#)
20m OH Lunge w 36#KB (Rx was 53#)
20 goblet squat 26# (Rx was 53#)
time: 13:35

I added

C. 3/side one arm bar hang ~10s

Monday, January 20, 2020

2020-01-20 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills
3 min Airdyne


A. 3x5 back squat to 12" box, 42x1 tempo
warm: 5x45
main: 3x5x95#

B. 2.2.2. Power Snatch clusters 15s b/t reps, 2 min b/t sets @ 65
2.2.2 @ 75
2.2 @ 85

C. Every 3 min for 12 min
1 min Row for cals

cals: 17, 19, 21, 23

I added:

D. 3 rounds, not for time:
3 Swan-pull (retracted front lever pull with bent legs/)
1 strct MU

Saturday, January 18, 2020

2020-01-18 WOD

std warmup


A. 50 cal airdyne

B. W partner, 10 rounds each. one partner rests while one works
8 T2B
3 Cleans (start 60%, build)
weight: 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 1x145
time: ~12min

Friday, January 17, 2020

2020-01-17 WOD

Missed it entirely! bad! Went light on parts A,B as a result


A. Front Squat, to box, unweight each rep, 3x5
warm: 5@45#
main: 3x5 @ 95#

B. Snatch Clusters 3 x 15s between reps, 2min b/t sets
4@45#, 2x4@65#

C. 12 min AMRAP
15 cal Airdyne
10 HSPU (I did this strict, but to abmat)
3 MU (Rx was 5)
3 rounds + 15cal + 5 HSPU

Thursday, January 16, 2020

2020-01-16 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup


A. 500m row

B. Work to a heavy PowerClean and push jerk
5x45, 5x75, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165 (missed one clean and re-did), 1x175 (landed the clean but failed jerk)

C. Superset w above,. HSHolds

D. MU work
1 kipping MU
1 strict MU
2 strict MU ub

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

2020-01-15 WOD

std warmup
250m row x 2


A. Deadlift 3x5, add 10-20# from last week, 42x1 temp
warm: 5x45, 5x75
main: 5x135, 5x165, 5x185

B. For time:
Row 2k
every 90s, stop and do 4 Dball cleans 100# (Rx was 5)
time: 11:40

top of next min (quick transition)

C. For time
Airdyne 150cal
every 90s, stop and do 4 DB Box Stepovers (2x40#) (Rx was 6 reps at that weight)
time: 14:40

I added

D. HSHolds

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

2020-01-14 WOD

std warmup
250m row
several of movements below
clean drills


A. 3x5 OH Press 41x1 tempo, add 5-10# from last week
3x5 @ 75, 80, 85

B. Split Jerk Clusters 3x 1.1.1 starting 40-50% and adding
1.1.1 @ 95, 105, 115

C. 4 min AMRAP
5 hang power clean 95 (Rx was 115#)
4 front squat 95# (Rx was 5 reps at 115)
6 rounds even

2 min break

D. 4 min AMRAP
5 strict pullups
5 v-ups
5 rounds even

2 min break

E. 4 min AMRAP
5 box jump 24"
5 burpees
5 rounds + 3 box jumps

I added:

F. 1 StrictMU

Monday, January 13, 2020

2020-01-13 WOD

std warmup
deadlift warmup: 5x45, 5x95


A. Activation - 3 rounds not for time
5 Deadlift ~40% (5x135, 5x155, 5x175 - 36%, 41%, 47%)
5 K2E

B. 5 rounds, each on the 4 min mark, for time, with remainder rest time
200m run
5 Deadlift, building per round to ~75%
10 T2B
Deadlifts: 175, 185, 195, 205, 215 (47, 50, 52, 55, 57%)
times: 1:31, 1:27, 1:34, 1:39, 1:41

I added

C. 2 rounds
1 strict MU
1 HSHold

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

2020-01-11 WOD

std warmup
500m row


A. 3 rounds, not for time. Using 45# bar
8 OH press (round 1), 8 push press (round 2), 8 push jerk (round 3)
8 back squat
8 cal AirDyne

B. 5 rounds, each for total reps, 3min rest b/t
30s AMRAP S2OH (Pushpress for push jerk)
30s back squat
30s AirDyne for cals
Rx weight was 95#. Did 75# for R1,2, 95# for R3,4,5

R1: 12,12,8
R2: 13,12,8
R3: 13,8,8
R4: 13,8,9
R5: 15,10,10

I added:

C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situp
1 Strict MU
1 HSHold

Friday, January 10, 2020

2020-01-10 WOD

std warmup


A. Back Squat 3x5 @ 40%, 42x1 tempo
warm: 1x5@45#
main: 1x5@95, 2x5@115

B. Work through chipper below 3 times: AMRAP 5 min, AMRAP 7 min, and entire thing for time, 3 min rest b/t
600m row
50 DU
40 KBS 53#
30 HSPU (I did these strict)
20 DB box stepup 2x25# (Rx was 2x35#)
10 C2B pullup
1: got to 3 HSPU (94 reps)
2: got to 13 HSPU (104 reps)
3: 10:54 - had to do some segmenting of the HSPU and box step-ups

Thursday, January 9, 2020

2020-01-09 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup


A. 1k row
4 min

B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (failed the jerk both times)

C. HS Practice (for balance)
6 HS Hold, ~5s each, superset w above

D. MU Work
4 strict MU's

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020-01-08 WOD

500m row
std warmup


A. 3x5 OH Press 41x1 tempo
warm: 5x45
main: 5x65#, 2x5x75#

B. Snatch drills - w 45# bar
5 snatch high pull
5 hang power snatch
5 OH Squats
5 sntach

C. 20 min EMOM
Power Snatch
2 OH Squat
10 wallball 20#
3 burpees
weight for snatches: 3x45, 3x65, 3x75, 1x95

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020-01-07 WOD

std warmup
3 rowing sprints 15s


A. 18 min, row 30s full effort every 3 min, for cals

B. 3 rounds for time
200m run
15 sumo deadlift high-pull 75# (Rx was 20 @ 95#)
10 box jumps 24"

I added

C. MU work
3 strict MU, working on form.

Monday, January 6, 2020

2020-01-06 WOD

std warmup
clean & deadlift drills


A. 3x5 Deadlift @ 30-40% ORM, 42x1 tempo
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 3x5@135# (36%)

B. Work to a one rep Power Clean & Push Jerk
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 2x175 (both times got clean but failed Jerk)

C. "Grace"
30 CJ 135# for time.
time: 4:35 (PR!)
did 5 sets of 6 reps w 20s between sets. Previous PR I did 6 sets of 5, so that's really where the time improvement came from (1 less break, 15s improvement)

I added

D. MU work
3 strict MU

Sunday, January 5, 2020

2020-01-05 Sunday Run

Short run. Had a hard time getting my butt in gear. :-/

A. Run 4.5k, 22:19, 4:57 pace

Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020-01-04 WOD

std warmup
200m run
3 min AirDyne


A. 16 min emom
even: 12 cal row (Rx was 16)
odd: 4 squat clean 115# (Rx was 5 @ 135#)
rest 4 min

B. 800m run for time:
3 min even

rest 4 min

C. 16 min emom:
even: 4 strict HSPU + 5 pullups (kipping), (Rx was 5+5, both strict)
odd: 4 lungster 2x25# (Rx was 5, w 2x35# db's)

Friday, January 3, 2020

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020-01-01 WOD

Beefy NewYear's WOD!

std warmup
400m run
several each of movements below


Each of below done as team of 3. 1 person works, other does static hold, third person rests. Rotate as needed.

A. 504 DU's
Person 2 does 45# barbell OH Squat hold
5x30 each, + 1 set of 18 each
6x30s OHSquat hold

B. 505 wallball (Rx was 20#, we did 2x10 each and switch to 16# ball and sets of 15)
Person 2 does plank hold
2x10, 10x15 each
12 plank holds of ~30sec

C. 505 cal Airdyne
Person 2 does Bar hang
~12cal sets, 15 each
12x30sec bar hang each

D. 253 pullups
Person 2 does 2x53#kb suitcase hold
My partners did sets of 10 ring rows while I did sets of 5 pullups, so something like 10-11 sets
10-11 sets of suitcase hold

E. 252 pushups
Person 2 does V-up hold.
We did 8 sets of 10 each, and 1 person did an extra 12
I managed maybe 5 of the v-up holds but was pretty smoked at this point.

Total time: 62 min!