Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014-12-31 WOD

Finally back from our travels and back at the box.

std warmup
OH Squat practice (45#)


A. Death by OH Squat at half bodyweight
I scaled down slightly, doing 75 instead of 85.
1 rep 1st minute, 2 second minute... until fail.
I lasted 10 minutes, failed on the 11th, getting only 5 reps (so total 60 reps)

B. Death by C2B Pullups
I lasted 6 rounds (21 reps), then switched to regular pullups and got to 12 rounds

2014-12-29 Travel Workout

Finally visited a city with a Crossift gym! Had a chance to do a workout at CF Chiang Mai.


4 rounds
50 yard sled pull 200lbs
15 banded good mornings

2 minutes of deadbugs

A. 7 min amrap
10 ball slams 35#
20 KBS 53#
30 due
Count: 3 rounds, 20 reps

2 min rest

B. Same as above, get the same rounds/reps, for time.
Time: 8:15

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014-12-28 Travel Workout

Currently in Chang Mai, Thailand. Realized today that there's a box here, but it's closed on Sunday. May try to go tomorrow morning before flying out. Today I improvised, doing a kind of "half Murph", and using the square beam over a parking garage as an improvised pullup bar.

"Half Murph"
1 mile run
10 rounds
15 air squats
10 pushups
5 pullups

Thursday, December 25, 2014

2014-12-26 Travel Workout

Short run in Chang Mai after a few days not working out.

A. 5.5k run. not for time (roughly 30 min)

Monday, December 22, 2014

2014-12-23 Travel Workout

std warmup

A. CJ's in sets of 5, increasing weight
5x45, 5x80, 5x100, 5x120, 5x145

B. 3 min of HS hold. Every time you break, 10 burpee over box
1 min, 10 burpees
30s, 10 burpees
30s, 10 burpees
30s, 10 burpees
30s hs hold

C. 2x5 OH Squat 45#

D. 3x10 (5/5) DB Snatch
2 sets at 44#, 1 set at 55#

E. 3x10 lat pulldowns 100#

2014-12-22 Travel Workout

Short workout today, as I just wasn't feeling it.

A. HS Holds 3x45s

B. 5 rounds
5 thrusters 100#
5 burpees

Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014-12-21 Travel Workout

std warmup - need to do more mobility stuff next time, and every day


A. Benchpress to a moderately heavy triple
warm: 45x10, 95x5
main: 135x5, 155x3

B. Deadlift: work to a heavy single, but nowhere near PR as I haven't DL'd in a month
warm: 105x10, 135x10
main: 165x5, 210x5, 255x3, 277x1, 300x1 (115kg+45lb bar)

C. Light OHSquat 3x3 (just with the bar 45#)

D. HSHolds

Friday, December 19, 2014

2014-12-20 Travel Workout

A. 50 burpees

B. 50 back squats 105#

C. 50 pushups

D. 50 sit-ups

E. 50 DB Snatches 45# (25/side)

F. 50 back extensions 25# plate

Not all done for time, but took me about 45 min

2014-12-19 Travel Workout

std stretching
20 pushups
20 air squats
20 situps
Cleans and squats at 45#, 95#


A. 10 min EMOM
1 Squat Clean 145# (~80%)
1 Front Squat 145#

B. 3x10 OH Press 45#

C. 3x10 Bulgarian Squats (45#)

D. 3x10 (5/side) Pistols

E. 3x10 DB Curls 35#

F. 3x10 lat pull-downs 95#

G.3x10 dips

2014-12-18-Travel Workout

A. 5k run, not for time, probably 30 min

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

2014-12-17 Travel Workout

Short run today, moderate pace... except for the part where I had to climb some rickety stairs/ladders up a cliffside and scurry past monkeys using the same equipment...

On the down side, the same foot injury that was plaguing me pre-half-marathon, but that didn't bother me during the event, is back. Grrr...

A. 5k run, approx. 30 min, some significant climbs at start and end.

B. ~2K kayak w kids on board (I'll call it rowing, even though its not)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

2014-12-15 Travel workout

Little lighter workout today as we were pressed for time.

A. 1k row
time: 4:10

B. Back squat:
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 3x205

C. 5x5 strict pullups

D. 3x2 Front lever pulls

E. 3x5 DB Curl (35#)

F. 1k row
time: 4:15

2014-12-14 Travel Workout

Back at a hotel with a gym, I did a repeat of one that I did a couple weeks back in Vietnam, but with push jerks (95#) in place of HSPU

For time: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 multiplied by
5 Air squats (50, 45, 40, 35...)
4 Situps (40, 36, 32, 28...)
3 Pushups (30, 27, 24, 21...)
2 DB Snatch 44# (20, 18, 16...)
1 Push Press 95# (10, 9, 8, ...)
Time: 49

Monday, December 8, 2014

2014-12-07 Angkor Wat Half-Marathon

I finished my first half-marathon, which I'd trained for, for about the past 3 months. I was a little worried, as I had a foot problem that slowed me a great deal for the past couple weeks, and then with this vacation I've totally slacked on both training and diet. As it turns out, I think I did ok.

I have to wait for the final chip time to come in (the event site is down), but I think it was about 1:52. My goal had been sub-2:00, and I had a stretch goal of 1:45. I came in right between those, and would have been faster if the crowd hadn't been so dense for the first few kilometers.

[Official stats: 1:54:39, pace of 5:29 min/km, placed 342 out of 1465 men. Made the top 25% which was my goal, but missed my stretch goal of 1:45 I'd have made top 10%, but that'll have to wait for another event]

2014-12-06 Angkor Wat Bike4Kids

Signed the family up for a 17k family-ride as part of the Angkor Wat Bike4Kids charity event. Fun ride, kids did great.

A. Bike 17k. Not for time.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

2014-12-04 Travel Workout

Ugh. On top of a running injury, I'm TOTALLY slacking while travelling, working out only once every few days, not that hard, and then eating like crap.

Anyhow, hotel we're at today upgraded us to a penthouse suite with a spacious rooftop deck, so I managed to squeeze a workout in:

A. 10 Rounds (not for time)
5 Burpees
5 Pike pushup
10 dips (between two chairs, feet propped)
10 pushups
15 situps
15 air squats

Saturday, November 29, 2014

2014-11-30 Travel Workout

Tried my foot out again after a few days off. First 3k was ok, then started to hurt slightly. couldn't pick up the pace though. Not good 1 week before a half-marathon.

A. 5.3km run, 28:53, pace 5:27

2014-11-29 Travel Workout

Have been totally slacking while on vacation, so figured I'd do *something* even if it was a quick few minutes before heading to dinner.

A. 5 rounds
10 burpees
10 pushups
10 air squats

2014-11-25 Travel Workout

Short run while in Hoi An, Vietnam. Foot still bugging me so I paced myself pretty slow.

A. Run 5.48km, time: 30:00 pace 5:28

Sunday, November 23, 2014

2014-11-24 Travel Workout

std warmup (if a little short)

A. 5x5 benchpress 155#

B. 10x5 strict pullups

C. 5x5 DB Thrusters 35#x2

D. 5x5 Dips

E. 5x5 60# curls (cause hey, why not)

F. 50 situps

2014-11-23 Run

Short run while travelling in Vietnam

5.23km - 27:42 - 5:16pace

Friday, November 21, 2014

2014-11-21 Travel Workout

Day 2 of SE Asia trip. Managed to hit the hotel gym and come up with this spicy number:

std warmup


A. 10,9,8....1 MULTIPLIED by
5 Air squats (50, 45, 40...5) = 275 total                                                                                                                                                           
4 situps (40, 36, 32,... 4) = 220 total
3 pushups (30, 27, 24.... 3) = 165 total
2 DB Snatch 35# (20, 18, 16... 2) = 110 total
1 HS Pushup (10, 9, 8... 1) = 55 total
time = ~45 min

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2014-11-18 WOD

Last day at the box until end of December. Got a really tough workout in.

std warmup
mobility work
200m run

A. Back Squat conga line 8x2 heavy
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 3x135
main: 1x2x185 (then scaled), 9x2x155

B. Descending ladder 10, 9, 8.....1 of
HS Pushups (I did these all strict)
Deadlift #245 (I scaled to #225 after the first round
Time: 18:30

I added

C. 3x BarMU

D. Front Lever practice - held for 1 second. slightly sloppy but I'm calling this done against my yearly goal

E. Ring MU - 2 failed, 1 successful, but STRUGGLIN! No hope of stringing 3 together when they look at this. Well, have an opportunity to let my tweaked shoulder heal up and see how I do in late December.

Monday, November 17, 2014

2014-11-17 WOD

std warmup

A. 3 rounds, not for time
- 2-3 20' rope climbs (I only did 1 per round at 15')
- 30 DU
- 12 T2B

B. Snatch drills w 45# bar

C. EMOM 10
1 Power Snatch 75#
1 OH Squat 75#
1 Hang Snatch 75#

D. mobility work

I added

E. MU work
many failed attempts. Discouraging after the progress last week.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

2014-11-16 Sunday Run

Was supposed to do 20k today, but got a late start and had to cut it short to get back to drive one of the kids off to an activity. Pretty slow pace. Got to get that under 5.

A. Run 15.62, Time: 1:24:36, Pace: 5:25

Saturday, November 15, 2014

2014-11-15 WOD

Saturday partner wod

std warmup
10 pushups
10 air squats
40 wallball passes

As a 2 person team, complete the following for time. Only one person works at a time, other rests.
2000m row (2x500m each)
200 air squats (I did 120)
150 pushups (75ea)
100 wallball (5x10 each)
50 pullups (5x5 each)
100 KBS (5x10 each)
150 situps (~75 each)
200 DU (53+47 for my share)
2000m row (4x250m each)

Time: 44:14

I added:

B. Triple under practice - Got 1.

Friday, November 14, 2014

2014-11-14 WOD

Back at BCF

std warmup
3 rounds
8 KBS 36#
10 v-ups

A. 10x3 back squat at ~75% ORM
warm: 5x45#, 5x95#, 3x135#
main: 3x185#, 10 times

B. Chipper. 20 min time cap
500m row
30 T2B
25 G2O (Push Jerk) 115#
20 Front Rack Lunge 115#
15 Box Jump Over 24"
10 C2B pullups
15 Box Jump Over 24"
20 Front Rack Lunge 115#
25 G2O (Push Jerk) 115#
30 T2B <-- I got 20 of these done by the time cap
500m row

I added;

C. MU work
3 BarMU
2 MU (both failed)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

2014-11-13 Run

Just had time for a quick recovery run before heading to the airport for my flight.

3.9km, 17:40, 4:32 pace

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2014-11-12 Travel Workout

Another travel workout at L'Usine Crossfit

3 rounds
200m row
10 pushups
10 KBS 53#


A. Work to a ORM Deadlift
warm: 10x135#, 8x185#, 5*225, 3*275
main: 2x315, 1x335, 1x345, 1x365(PR!)

B. 4 rounds for time (18 min cap)
25 Pullups
50 Pushups
75 Air Squats
Completed exactly 3 rounds (75, 150, 225) at the time cap

I added:

C. MU practice
several failed reps. Too burnt out after the pullups

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2014-11-11 TravelWorkout

Another travel workout at Usine Crossfit.

1 mile run (on way to gym)
500m row
2 rounds
10 pass thrus
15 OH squat (pvc)
10 pushup + inchworm
15 box jump 24"


A. Work to a heavy OH Press in 20 min
warm: 45x10, 75x8, 95x5
main: 115x1, 125x1, 135x1 (PR), 140x1 (fail)

B. 10 min HS Holds
Held longest for 1 min, rest were shorter, practiced unweighting from wall

C. 5 rounds for time (was told had to be 1 weight for all three
9 Deadlifts 135# (I scaled to 95)
6 Hang Power Clean 135# (I scaled to 95)
3 OH Squat 135# (I scaled to 95)
 time: 6:51

I added:

D. MU work
5 BarMU
1 MU
2 MU unbroken (PR!) So close to getting a 3rd, which is a goal for the year.

Monday, November 10, 2014

2014-11-10 Travel Workout

In Montreal this week. Dropped by L'Usine Crossfit in Montreal.

1 mile run (from hotel)
5 min DU/TU work
- 100 DU Challenge - Hit 100 UB! (PR!)
Did maybe another 50 or so in sets while trying to hit a Triple-under, which I did (PR!)
12 pushups
200m run
10 Goblet squat (53#)
200m run
10 situps
200m run

A. Work to a heavy back squat in 20 min
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x135, 3*185
main: 2*215, 1*235, 1*255, 1*265(PR)

B. For time: 9-7-5 of
MU (or BarMU or pullups to scale - I did BarMU)
Full Snatch 135# (or scale as needed - I did 75#)
time: 8:49

I added:
C. Ring MU practice
Just did 2. Quite easy after being limbered up from all the barmu's. Maybe I'm not warming them up enough most of the time?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

2014-11-08 WOD

First time Rx'ing Nancy. Not a great time, but I'll take it.

std warmup
20 air squats
400m run
OH Squat practice


A. Skill work. 3 rounds not for time:
12 T2B
10 Pistols
30 DU (I did 40 first round, then 30,30, to get my hundred)
2-5 MU (I did 2 MU attempts per round - all failed. Too sore from yesterday)

B. "Nancy" - 5 rounds for time of
400m Run
15 OH Squat 95#
time: 18:00 Rx

2014-11-07 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run
20 wallball passes


A. EMOM 12
3 Thruster 115# (last two rounds, increased to 120#)
3 C2B pullups

B. AMRAP unbroken benchpress, 95#. 4min rest b/t
Round 1: 33
Round 2: 18

C. Immediately following the above, do max reps unbroken pushups
count: 6

I added

D. 100 DU challenge
68 (PR) + 32

E. HSHold
2 x 45s each

Thursday, November 6, 2014

2014-11-06 WOD

active recovery day. Mainly did skillwork.

std warmup
200m run


A. 10 min DU/TU work.

Got 3 sets of 35 in right away (for my 100 Challenge), then did sets of ~10 DU with a Triple Under attempt. Didn't get any, but I'm close.

B. MU work

Worked on mobility a while, then did some MU's. A bunch of failed reps and 2 good ones.

C. C/J practice (worked to a heavy single, but trying to catch low and do a full squat clean, at least at first.
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 3x155, 2x165 (started to power clean at this point), 1x175, 2x155, 2x135

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

2014-11-05 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball passes
200m run
10 wallball 20#
5 Power Clean 95#


A. "warrior wod" (from an online comp a bunch of the group are doing)
AMRAP 7 min, doubling number of reps each round
2 Power Cleans 135#
2 Box Jump Overs 24"
Got through 2,2,4,4,8,8,16,16, then 16 power cleans. total reps = 76

B. Max rep unbroken wallball 20#
39 (then 2 no reps and dropped it. Really should have pushed harder

I added:

C. 100 DU Challenge
8, 38, 22, 20, 22 = 110

D. 3x HSHolds
~30 sec each, shifting to 90/10 balance on each side

E. 3x Front Lever Negatives

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

2014-11-04 WOD

std warmup
10 partner over-unders
200m run

A. 8 min EMOM
10 alternating barbell lunges 115# (5/leg - which I scaled to 4/leg for last 4 rounds)

200m run

B. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
10 Ring Dips
12 T2B
20 Pistols (only did 2 rounds of these)
40 DUs (only did 2 rounds of these)

C. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
20 cal row
12 burpees over rower
7 KBS 70#
Times: 2:05, 2:15, 2:22

I added:

D. Snatch practice - work to a max, but ensuring dropping under bar
5x snatch balance w PVC
5x OH Squat 45#
warm: 3x45, 3x65, 2x75, 2x85
main: 1x95, 1x105 (power only), 1x105, 1x115(failed)

Monday, November 3, 2014

2014-11-03 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball passes
200m run
push jerk drills

A. 5 min EMOM
5 x Push Jerk, 135#

B. 9 min AMRAP
6 Deadlift 115#
9 box jumps 24"
12 S2O (Push Jerks)
4 rounds + 18 reps

C. 2 attempts at max unbroken T2B, 3 min b/t
30 (PR), 21

I added

D. 100 DU Challenge
all small sets. Couldn't get more than ~15 reps at a time.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

2014-11-02 Sunday Run

A. Ran 18.8km* - 1:31 - 4.50 min/km pace
 *suspect runkeeper may have miscalculated, same route last week was 18.5

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2014-11-01 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. 6 rounds for time
11 Box Jump Overs 24"
3 Power Cleans 155# (I scaled from the Rx 185#)
14 Burpees
3 Bar MU (I scaled from the Rx 4 Ring MU)
30 DUs
15 Wallball 20#
Time: 32:35

Friday, October 31, 2014

2014-10-31 WOD

std warmup
deadlift practice


A. Work to a heavy deadlift over 20 min
135x8, 185x5, 225x3

B. 2x15 GHD Situps

C. 6 min AMRAP
15 wallball 20#
7 burpees
total: 4 rounds + 12 reps

I added:

D. DU Challenge
12+51+18+9+30 = 120

E. HS Holds
3x~20-30s, for balance

F. Work to a 1RM snatch
warm: 45x5, 75x3
main: 95x2, 115x1, 125(fail), 120(fail)
pretty much diagnosed my problem - not getting under bar at all. easy as long as it's a weight I can muscle snatch, then I fail immediately afterward. Need to work on this.

G. 3x5 L-sit pullups

Thursday, October 30, 2014

2014-10-30 EoY Goals check

Realized that I'v got 2 months left in the year, 1 month of which I'll be travelling, thought it might be good to check how I'm doing against Year end goals:

1. MU. This is the year.  <-- DONE
2. 135# Snatch.
3. Move from 3rd quartile in the Open to around 50-60% range, for men 40-44. <-- DONE
4. Participate in at least 2 events, one of them being a CF event. <-- DONE (Bridge-to-Brews, Open, Mid-Valley Melee, Bulldog Battle, and (upcoming) Ankhor Wat half-marathon)
5. 10' HS Walk
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran & Grace <--Grace DONE, Fran not so much yet
7. 325# Deadlift <-- DONE
8. Break 21 minutes for 5k run <-- DONE

Mid-year I added:
9. String together 3 ring muscle ups.
10. 200# CJ (might change this depending what cycle Mike puts us on)

and Stretch goals:
11. Back lever? or front?
12. Sub 10% body-fat. Maybe? I think I'm at about 12% now but will know for sure next week when they do the follow-up on the bod-pod.

So unattained goals from the above:
2. 135# Snatch. <-- possible, maybe if I work on form
5. 10' HS Walk <-- unlikely. I'm practicing but just cant get the balance for more than a few sec.
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran <-- Maybe? I'll have to try it and see
9. String together 3 ring muscle ups. <-- highly unlikely due to shoulders being a bit messed up.
10. 200# CJ <-- possible, need to work on form for the clean. 
11. Back lever? or front? <-- maybe. need to work on this.
12. Sub 10% body-fat. <-- need to start tracking all my intake again. starts today.

Challenge is that 2,6, 10 require a barbell, and means I have basically 3 weeks to nail them. Hmm...

2014-10-30 WOD

Active Recovery Day. Did a recovery run and added a couple things

std warmup (though I was late and missed most of it)
200m run

A. Recovery run
4.83km, 22:58 4:45 min/km pace. My feet were just recovering from Sunday's run, so didn't push too hard on this.

B. 100 DU Challenge

C. Work to a 1RM CJ (Hadn't done heavy cleans for a while, so thought might be good to do)
warm: 45x5, 95x5,
main: 135x3, 155x1, 165x1, 175x1, 185 (fail x 3)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

2014-10-29 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. Do the movements below 3 times. First round is as much as you can do in 6 min. Then rest 6 min. Then start again and do as much as possible in 8 min. Then rest 6 min. Then complete entire round for time:
600m row
50 DU
40 KBS 53#
30 T2B
20 OH Lunge w 45# plate
10 C2B Pullups
Round 1: Row + 50 DU + 40 KBS + 8 T2B
Round 2: Row + 50 DU + 40 KBS + 30 T2B + 6 OH Lunge
Round 3: 10:59

B. 100 DU Challenge
best set was 52.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2014-10-28 WOD

Not a great day. Seem to have regressed on a couple fronts, or maybe just an off day (not enough sleep, etc)

std warmup
20 wallball passes
15 OH wallball passes


A. 3 rounds, not for time
2-3 rope climbs 15' (I did 1/round. burned my leg on one of them)
10m HS Walk (I did HS Holds)
3-5 MU (I did 2/round - failed them all)
50 DU (50, 32+18, 60)

B. Benchpress 1-1-1-1
warm: 45x5, 135x3
main: 165x1,175x1, 185x1, 195 (fail)

C. 3x12 bar dips, weighted if possible
26# weight; 12, 12, 8

I added:

D. 10 minute squat hold

Monday, October 27, 2014

2014-10-27 WOD

std warmup
20 air squats
snatch practice


A. 1-1-1-1 Front Squat
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x3
main: 185x1, 215x1, 225x1(failed)
probably ramped too fast and was too sore from yesterday.

B. 21-15-9
Hang Power Snatch 95#
Box Jump 24"
time: 7:47

I added:

C. 100 DU Challenge

D. 3x10 GHD Situp

Sunday, October 26, 2014

2014-10-26 Sunday run

Upped the distance as part of my half-marathon training. Pace was pretty good, considering (a) I wasn't pushing for speed at all, and (c) I had some cramping at about 13k that caused me to stop for a couple minutes.

Run: 18.53km, 1:35:00, 5:08 pace (about an 8 minute mile)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

2014-10-25 WOD

Hero Wod today. Had to scale it and even then super tough.

std warmup
5 wallball
5 PowerCleans 135#

A. "Holleyman"
30 rounds for time
5 wallball 20#
3 HSPU (I did 3/round for 10 rounds, then 1/round)
1 Power Clean 225# (I did 155#)
time: 34 min

B. DU Challenge
60 (PR) + 42

Friday, October 24, 2014

2014-10-24 WOD

std warmup
200m run
deadlift drills

A. Deadlift 3-2-1-1-1
Warm: 135x5, 225x5,
Main: 255x3, 275x2, 305x1, 315x1, 335x1 (PR!), 350x1(PR!

B. 10 min EMOM
3 cleans 155#
1 Push Jerk 155#

C. HS Walk practice
3x HS Hold
2x HS Walk with partner (several steps)

D. 100 DU Challenge
52, 8, 25, 18

Thursday, October 23, 2014

2014-10-23 Travel workout

Recovery run while at a conference

A. Run 5.01 24.45 - pace of 4:56

2014-10-22 Travel workout

Tried to copy BCF wod as close as possible.

std warmup
30 DU

A. 3 rounds, not for time
12 T2B
10 Pistols (5x2)
30 DUs

B: Benchpress 3-2-1-1-1 starting at 80% and build
warm: 5x45, 5x135
main: 3x 165, 2x185, 1x195, 1x205PR

C. 50 burpees

D. 3x10 strict pullups

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2014-10-21 WOD

std warmup
20 pushups
10 over-unders w partner

A. Front Squat 3-2-1-1-1 (85%,90%,95%++)
warm 45x5, 135x5
main 185(82%)x3, 205(91%)x2, 225(100%)x1(almost didn't make it), 235(105%) fail
(should have gone 185,205, 215, then maybe 230 or 235)

B. 3x15 GHD situps

C. Tabata pushup

D. Tabata situps

I added:

E. 100 DU Challenge
38, 25, 8, 21, 8

Monday, October 20, 2014

2014-10-20 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball 14#
10 KBS 26#


A. 2k row: 7:41.3 (-0:06 PR)

B. 3 rounds
3 power snatch
3 OH Squat
warm: 45
main: 75, 95, 105

I added:

C. DU Challenge

D. 3 HS Holds
practiced shifting left/right for about 30 sec

E. 2x5 L-sit pullups

2014-10-19 Sunday run

Pretty pleased w how my longer run went on Sunday:

16.38km - 1:17:02 - 4:42 min/km pace

Compare that with the previous week of 16km in 1:28; this week was a 1/2km more and 11 minutes faster.

split times:
5k: 22:57 - 1:30 over my PR
10k: 46:40 - 1:16 over my PR

Just need to get to where I can hold that pace for 21km, which is I think doable.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

2014-10-17 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. "Crossfit warmup"
3 rounds
Samson Stretch w PVC - 30 seconds
15 OH Squat w PVC
15 GHD Situps
15 GHD Back Extensions
15 Pullups
15 Pushups

B. Deadlift 5-3-1, 5-3-1
warm: 5x135, 5x225
main: 5x245, 3x275, 1x295 - 5x265, 3x285, 1x305

C. 5 rounds
10 wallball 20#
3 Power Snatch 75# (Rx was 135)
time: 4:15

I added:

D. DU Challenge
100 DU, biggest UB set was 25

Thursday, October 16, 2014

2014-10-16 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. Front Squat, heavier, 3-2-1, 3-2-1 increasing...
warm: 45x5, 95x5
main: 165x3, 175x2, 185x1 - 175x3, 185x2, 205x1

B: 3 x max reps C2B pullups, 2 min b/t
12, 12, 5 (last set was fatigued but also tried wider grip and it didn't work out)

C. 10-8-6-4-2 of
Thrusters 95#
Box Jumps 24"
time: 4:22

I added:

D. 100 DU Challenge

E. 3 rounds
1 BarMU
10 GHD Situps
1 Handstand hold (trying to get to 1 hand handstand - unweighted for 1 second or so)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

2014-10-15 WOD

Wheee! Deck of Death is back!

std warmup
3 rounds
10 wall squats
10 KBS 35#
warmup for D.o.D
5 KBS 53#
5 Pushpress 75#
5 burpees
5 jumping squats


A. Deck of Death: Deal out entire deck of cards. rep count = value (JQK = 10, Ace = 15)
Heart = KBS 53#
Diamond = Pushpress 75#
Club = burpees
Spade = jumping squats
Joker = 400m run
In the end, it's 99 reps of each movement.

B. 100 DU challenge.
couldn't manage more than 22 unbroken after doing A.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

2014-10-14 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds: 5 pushups + 5 vups
200m run


A. Bench press 5-3-1, 5-3-1, increasing,
warm: 5x45, 5x95
Main: 5x145, 3x155,1x165 - 1min rest - 5x155, 3x165, 1x185

B. 3x15-20 dips, weighted if possible:
15 @ 26#, 13@26#, 8@26#

C. "Annie": 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
time: 6:10 (-0:45s)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

2014-10-12 Sunday Run

Part of my Half-marathon training

A. 16.02Km, 1:28:35, 5:32 pace.
Under my target pace. I'm happy with that given how hard yesterday's workout was.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

2014-10-11 WOD

WOW! Brutal WOD today!

std warmup
200m run
Clean practice 2x2
HSPU practice 2x2


A. 25, 50, 75, or 100 rounds, your choice. Of:
2 Squat Cleans 135#
3 burpees

I did the first 25 reps in 32:00, Rx.

I did rounds 25-50 by 64 min, but with Power Cleans instead of full squat cleans.

B. 100 DU Challenge
51 + 20 + 21 + 8

Friday, October 10, 2014

2014-10-10 WOD

std warmup
wallball passes
200m medball run

A. 3x4 Deadlift @ 80%
warm: 5x135, 5x225
main: 4x275, 4x275, 4x275
(that's actually 85% and didn't feel bad at all)

B. Work to a heavy 5-rep Bear Complex
(Bear complex is Clean, Front Squat Thruster, Back Squat, OH Press)
5x45#, 5x95#, 5x115#, 1 rep (of 5 movements) at 135#

C. Skill work
- 3 MU attempts, all failed
- practice some butterfly pullups
- tried to do unbroken: 5 pullups + 3 C2B pullups + 1 BarMU (failed on the barMU)

D.100 DU Challenge
biggest set was only 32

Thursday, October 9, 2014

2014-10-09 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
3 pullups
3 T2B
200m run


A. 15 minute row

B. 100 DU challenge

C. 5 rounds
10 GHD situps

D. 2x5 L-sit pullups

(added at lunch)
E. 5k run - 21:41 - 4:20 pace

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

2014-10-08 WOD

std warmup
200m run
3 rounds
10 wallball 14#
10 KBS 36#

A. 4x400m sprint, 2min rest b/t
1:13 (PR!), 1:16, 1:19, 1:20

B. 21-15-9 of
KBS 53#
Ring Dips
time: 9:27

I added:

C. 100 DU Challenge

D. HS Holds
1 for 1 minute; 2 for 30s each but shifting left right 90/10%

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

2014-10-07 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. 3x4 Benchpress @ 80%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 4x165, 3x165, 3x165 (failed last rep both times, but is a little over 80%)

B. "Jackie"
1000m row
50 Thrusters 45#
30 pullups
time: 8:37. -0:47 PR!

C. 3 rounds, not for time
12 T2B
10 Pistols (5/side)
30 DUs
3-5 MUs (I just did 1 per round, failed 1 round)

Monday, October 6, 2014

2014-10-06 WOD

std warmup
20 air squats
200m run

A. 3x4 Front Squat @ 75%
warm: 45x5, 135x5
main: 165x4, 175x4, 175x4

B. S2O complex
3 min amrap S2O (push jerks) @ 165# (I scaled to 135#)
24 reps
2 min rest
2 min amrap S2O (push jerks) @ 135# (I scaled to 115#)
20 reps
2 min rest
3 min amrap S2O (push jerks) @ 115# (I scaled to 95#)
22 reps

C. 3 rounds
200m run
50 DUs (2nd set unbroken)

I added:

D. 3x10 GHD Situps

Saturday, October 4, 2014

2014-10-04 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
5 pushups / pullups / v-ups (round 1,2,3)
200m run

A. 3 rounds for time
200m run
10 pullups
10 S2O (2 cleans, 5 pushjerks), 135#
time: 7:47

B. 4 x 100m sled push
4x45# + sled (180+150? = ~330), 4 min rest b/t

I added:

C. 100 DU challenge

Thursday, October 2, 2014

2014-10-02 WOD

Makeup for wednesday

std warmup
50 DU
10 air squats


Each round is 6min AMRAP, with 4 min rest before next round:

A. 6 min AMRAP
30 DUs
15 OH Squat 75#
4 min rest
3 full rounds

B. 6 min AMRAP
30 KBS 53#
15 Box Jumps 24"
4 min rest

C. 6 min AMRAP
10 CJ 115#
3/5 MUs (I did 1 MU, 2 BarMU)
4 min rest

I added:

D. 3x 30s HSHold

E. 3x10 GHD situps

F 3x4 L-sit pullups

G. 6k run, 31:27, 5:14 pace

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2014-10-01 Travel workout

A. Run 4.17 KM, 22:19, 5:21 pace

B. 5 Rounds for time
10 pushups
10 situps
10 DB Snatches 50# (5 per side)

Monday, September 29, 2014

2014-09-29 WOD

had to cut it a little short today to drive up to Seattle in time for a meeting.

std warmup
200m run
10 Air Squats


A. 3x5 Front Squat
warm: 45x5, 95x5
main: 145x5, 155x5, 165x5

B. 10 min EMOM - 4-6 strict pullups
I did 5, last 2 minutes had to kip last 2 reps

C. (I added, while others resting) - 100 DU challenge
100 DUs (small sets - very uncoordinated this morning)

D. 3x30s burpees, 2 1/2 min rest b/t
I only did first set: 16 burpees

Sunday, September 28, 2014

2014-09-28 Sunday Run

Half-marathon training continues...

A. 14km, 1:15:46, 5:20 pace

Going a little longer on Sundays now. Felt good. No pain.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

2014-09-27 WOD

std warmup
200m run
snatch drills
thruster drills
2 rounds
3 burpees
3 power snatch 75#
3 box jumps 24"
3 thruster 75#
3 C2B pullups


A. "Hope". 3 rounds, 1 minute per movement, count reps, 5 movements, then 1 min rest. (same format as Fight Gone Bad.
1 minute burpees
1 minute power snatch 75#
1 minute box jumps 24"
1 minute thruster 75#
1 minute C2B pullups
1 min rest
15, 12, 15, 12, 12 = 66
14, 10, 14, 12, 12 = 62
13, 10, 10, 12, 13 = 58
total score: 186

200m run

B. 100 DU challenge
54, 30, 10, 4, 2

Friday, September 26, 2014

2014-09-26 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 jumping jacks
100m run


A. 3x5 Deadlift @ 70-75%
warm: 5x45, 5x135
main: 5x225, 5x245, 5x245

4x95 OH Press

C. 12 min timecap, scale to fit in timecap
40 V-ups
30 Front Squat 135#
20 C2B Pullups
10 G2O (CJ) 135#
I wasn't sure I'd finish in the time cap, so I cut the reps in half and then went back and did more sets.
Finished in 11:18 Rx, but as follows {25,20,15,10,5}{10,8,6,4,2}{10,8,6,4,2}{5,4,3,2,1}

I added:

D. 100DU Challenge

E. 2 Mile run w 20# vest: 15:15

F. 3x HSHOlds - about 45s each, trying to balance off wall, shifting balance left/right, etc

Thursday, September 25, 2014

2014-09-25 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
agility drills


A. 5k run. Conversational pace. 5.0km, 25.16, 5:03 pace

B. 3x12 GHD situps

C. Work to a ORM weighted dip
53, 70, 96 (70+26), 106 (2x53), 106 is a PR

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2014-09-24 WOD

std warmup
200m run


6 minutes for each movement/couplet. Either finish the work and rest remainder of time, or time cap at 6 min and move on to next part:

A. 0-6 min
- Row 1000m
-15 burpees over rower
(I finished in about 5:30)

B. 6-12 min
- 60 KBS 53#
- 100 DUs
(I just barely finished this one, with like 5s to spare)

C. 12-18 min
medball clean 20#
deadlift 185#
(I got through the 20's and 15s, but never got back to the set of 10s)

D. 18-24 min
- 800m run
- 40 T2B
(I got the run done, and 32 of the T2B)

I added:

E. Ladder of 1-2-3-4

F. 2x5 L-sit pullups

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2014-09-23 WOD

Good workout today. Revisited one of the 2013 Open workouts and got to see great improvement. More than that, I came in with a plan for that part of the workout and executed to it, which shows I'm getting to know my capabilities well (I think).

std warmup
200m run
10 wallball passes
10 mdeball bounce pass


A. 4x25 Situps, rest ~equal time as working time
Got through all 4 pretty quickly, but didn't time it.

B. 3x6 benchpress, slightly heavier than last week
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 6x145#, 6x145#, 3x145#+3x115#

C. Open 13.3 - 12 min AMRAP
150 Wallball 20#
90 DU
30 MU
Count = 241 reps. I got through the wallball doing sets of 6 w 5 second rest. That took 9:15 which was a 10second PR for Karen. Got through the DUs in ~2 min, leaving me about 40 seconds for MUs. I did one, which was my goal, and could have tried for a second, but didn't want to tweak my shoulder further.

241 was a huge improvement over my 2012 attempt and my two 2013 attempts, as shown below (against the 2013 data). The two graphs below are vs NW men 40-44 (left. where I'd have ranked 55th of 398 - 14th percentile, or NW men overall (right. where I'd have ranked  954 of 3188 - 30th percentile. I didn't have masters 45-49 data graphed (I was only 44 in 2013) but against those scores, I'd have ranked 18th of 194 in the NW which around 9%. It's meaningless as the whole field has improved, but it's fun to see the progress.

I added:

D. 3 Tuck Front Lever

[plan is to run at lunch, so will add more then]

Monday, September 22, 2014

2014-09-22 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. 3x6 Front Squat, heavier than last week
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 135x6, 145x6, 155x6

B. 3x12 dips - weighted if possible
12 @ 26#, 12 @ 26#, 7+3+2 @26#

5 box jumps 24"
7 KBS 70#
9 T2B
6 reps + 16 (5+7+4)

I added:

D. 100 DU Challenge - 100 DU's/day until I get 100 ub

E. HSHolds
2 @~45s, shifting weight side to side, etc

Sunday, September 21, 2014

2014-09-21 Run

Adding a little distance this morning:

A. Run 12.03 KM, 1:11:21 time. pace of 5:56

Friday, September 19, 2014

2014-09-19 WOD

std warmup
tabata KBS 26# (count = 12)
200m run

A. Deadlift 3x8 @65%
warm: 5x135, 5x185
main: 3x8 @ 215% (66%)

B. 2x12 GHD situps

C. 3x30s Airdyne sprints, 3.5 min rest b/t

I added:

D. 2x 1mile run w 20# vest
about 7:45 each

E. 2x Tuck Front Lever

F. 3 BarMU (UB)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

2014-09-18 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup

A. 5k recovery run
4.51km, 23:13, 5:16 pace (had to slow significantly for part of it, a curving path through some woods in the dark)

B. 3 rounds:
HSHold (1 min, 30sec, 30 sec)
5 L-sit pullups

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2014-09-17 WOD

std warmup
400m run
10 wallball passes
10 medball toss
pushpress & pushjerk drills


A. 6 min EMOM
3 push jerks 115#

B. Chipper. 24 min time cap. Scale as needed to fit within time cap. (I was overly agressive and should have scaled, as I only got 2/3 of the way through the work by the time cap)
1000m row
90 DU
80 wallball 20#
70 pullups
60 KBS 53#
50 T2B <-- I got 25 of these done
40 Goblet squats 53#
20 box jumps 24"
10 MU (or barmu)
I got the row + 325 of the 450 reps done.

I added
5 rounds
HSPU 10 on 1st round, then 8, 6, 4, 2
10 GHD situps each round

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2015-09-16 WOD + Run + Bike ride

Riding to work while car is in the shop, plus running for half-marathon training + WOD.

std warmup
tabata DUs
200m run
15 air squats (on wall)

A. Benchpress 3x8 @65%
warm: 45x5, 95x5
main: 135x8, 135x8, 135x6 (failed 7th rep)

B. 6x 400m sprints
times: 1:15, 1:21, 1:22, 1:32, 1:22, 1:21
1:15 for a 400 is a PR for me.

C. 3x12 dips (I did weighted dips w 26# KB)
12, 12, 6+3+3

I added:

D. 2x Tuck Front Lever w 5 sec hold

E. 2x HSHold w shifting weight left/right 90/10

F. 6.5 KM bike ride (home to gym)

G. 7km bike ride (gym to work)

H. 4.9k run over lunch, 24:50, 5:03 pace

I. 10KM bike ride (work to meet-up with family)

Monday, September 15, 2014

2014-09-15 WOD + Bike

Car's in the shop, so a little bike riding on top of today's WOD

std warmup
200m run
20 wall-facing air squats


A. 3x8 Front Squat @ 65%
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 8x125, 8x135, 8x145

B. 3 rounds for time, 8 min cap (4-5 reps of each to warm up)
15 Box Jumps 24"
12 Power Clean 115#
9 Push Jerk 115#
I got 2 rounds plus 21 reps before the time cap

C. 5 min AMRAP strict pullups

I added:

D. Tuck Front Lever x 2

E. 6.5Km bike ride. Home to gym. (actually before all the above). ~ 20 min

F. 7km bike ride. Gym to work

G. 13.5 km bike ride. Work to home.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

2014-09-14 Run

Sunday long run as part of half-marathon training plan

A. 11.97km, 1:01:21, 5:06 pace

Saturday, September 13, 2014

2014-09-13 WOD

Partner WOD today, and it was my partner's birthday, so he did the workout with a 20lb vest on. I carried a few more of the reps than he did on a couple of the movements, but not on others.

std warmup
tabata DU's (~15 per round)
400m run


A. With partner, do the work below, dividing the reps. One partner works while other partner holds kettlebell. KB must never touch the ground. All runs done together, trade off kettlebell as needed

400m run w 53# KB
200 Air Squats (I did 120)
200m run w KB
100 Pushups (I did 120)
200m run w KB
50 C2B Pullups (I did 50)
200m run w KB
25 Burpee box jump
400m run w KB

time: 22:00

I added:

B. 3x10 GHD Situps

C. 3 HS Holds (for balance

D. 3x TuckFrontLever

Friday, September 12, 2014

2014-09-12 WOD

std warmup
200m run
10 partner over-unders

A. 3x5 Deadlift, 41x1 tempo
warm: 5x135
main 5x205, 5x225, 5x225

B. 4 rounds, each for time, 4 min rest b/t
15 cal row
2 CJ at 185 (I scaled to 155#)
4 MU (I did BarMU)
8 wallball 30#
Times: 2:41, 2:51, 2:53, 2:57
at least one failed rep each round. First 2 rounds, I failed a Clean. Last 2 rounds I failed an MU.

I added:

C: Weighted Run
2 miles w 20# vest, as part of half-marathon training. Forgot to time it, but was approx 20 min

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Half-Marathon training plan

I signed up for my first half-marathon, the Angkor Wat International Half-Marathon in Cambodia in December. It lined up with a trip we are taking there and should be a fun location (view-wise) while also difficult (heat-, humidity-wise).

From what I've read, the race is on a super-flat course, on a mix of packed dirt and pavement, in a hot and humid environment. The winning time was 1:16 (!), and the top 10% finished in under 1:44, top 25% in under 1:52, top 50% in under 2:03. I'd like to be able to place in the top quartile, but have no idea how I'll do with the heat & humidity.

I read a few articles on the web about training for such a thing, and cobbled together the following 14-week plan, which I started about 12 days ago:

Each week consists of 4 running days. Two 5k's at 80%-ish pace. One long run, starting at 10k at week two and going up over time before tapering at T-2wks. Fridays will consist of a mix of mixed sprints, running with weight vest, hill runs, etc. I'm doing this on top of my Crossfit training, with the long run falling on my day off, and one of the 5ks counting as my active recovery that we normally do on Thursdays.

This is what the plan looks like:

* The Thursday Crossfit is an active recovery day, so it's basically that 5k run plus some skills work
** CF-Trvl means my own crossfit-like workout while travelling. Body-weight stuff or hotel gym.

Anyhow, that's the plan. If anyone reads this and has feedback, I'd love to hear it.

2014-09-11 WOD

Was going to just do 5k run 'active recovery' as part of my half-marathon training, but Mike posted 9-11 WoD, and since it included a 4k row or run, I just added 1k to it.

std warmup
200m run


2001 m run

11 reps of each of the following 9 movements:
36" Box Jumps
Thrusters 125# (wow, those were heavy. Sets of 3,3,3,2)
Burpee C2B Pullups
Power Cleans (#175 was Rx, I varied the weight: 155, 165, 175, 175, 165 x 7)
HSPU (set of 6, set of 5)
KBS 70# (ub)
T2B (ub)
Deadlifts 170# (I did 175, and did them in sets of 7,4)
Push Jerk 110# (I did 115#, and did them in sets of 6,5)

2001m run (I added an 800 and a 200, making it 3k

Time was approx 45 min total

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2014-09-10 WOD

std warmup
200m walk w 25# plate overhead
5 burpee box jumps
5 deadlifts
5 pushups
5 T2B

A. 5 min AMRAP - Burpee box jumps 24"
I did 45 reps (and am counting these again my 100 for today)

6 min rest

B. 6 min AMRAP
7 T2B
14 AirSquats
total: 7 rounds, 10 reps (7+3)

6 min rest

C. 4 min AMRAP
5 Deadlift 185#
5 HRPushup
7 rounds, 2 reps

I added:

D. 100 burpee challenge - DAY 30! (45 from A above, plus 55)

E. 3 rounds
10 GHD situps
10 GHD back extensions

F. 3 * TuckFrontLever Hold

G. 1 * TuckBackLever Hold (very sloppy, just trying it on for size)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2014-09-09 WOD

std warmup (which I was late for and missed most of)
400m run

A. 3x5 Benchpress, 41x1 tempo, slightly heavier than last week
warm: 10x45#, 5x95#
main: 5x115#, 5x125#, 5x135# (needed help on last rep)

B. Metcon:

- 800m run
- 3 rounds:
30 DU
20 KBS 53#
10 Goblet Lunge 53# (5/side)
- 800m run

time: 12:58

I added:

C. 100 Burpee challenge - day 29!
4x11, 1x12, 4x11

D. 4xHSHold
practiced balancing off wall, also shifting hand to hand

E. 3x5 L-sit pullups

F. 1 BarMU

[update. Added run I did later]

G. Run 4.97k, 26:24, 5:19 pace

Monday, September 8, 2014

2014-09-08 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
200m run
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats

A. Tabata Air Squats
8 rounds of 15 air squats in 20s, 10s rest

B. 3x5 Front Squat, 41x1 tempo, slightly heavier than last week
warm: 95#
main: 5x115#, 5x125#, 5x135#

C. Build to a heavy power clean in 10 minutes
2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x145, 1x155, 1x165, 0x175 (fail)

D. 10 min EMOM
3 Power Clean 70% (I did 135#)

I added:

E. 100 Burpee challenge - day 28
100 burpees unbroken: 6:58

F. 3x HSHold
~30s each, working on balance

G. 3x10 GHD Situp

H. 2x Front Lever Negative

I. 2x  Tuck Front Lever
Never tried these before, so a little sloppy, but something to work on

Sunday, September 7, 2014

2014-09-07 Run + burpees

A. Half-marathon training, week 2, day 1.
10k run - 45:24 - pace: 4:32 min/km
1:33 PR, and I definitely wasn't pushing more than 80-90%.

B. 100 Burpee challenge - day 27
9 sets of 11, plus 1. Not for time

Saturday, September 6, 2014

2014-09-06 WOD

std warmup
good mornings w band
tabata single-unders

In each of these 10 minute times, complete the work, for time, then rest remainder of 10 minutes

A. 1 mile run
time: 5:45 (0:48s PR! And I think I could have gone quite a bit harder. I didn't want to gas myself for all of the below)

rest 4:15

B. 4 rounds for time:
10 Push press 115#
10 T2B
10 Box Jump 24"
time: 7:18

rest 2: 42

C. 1500m row
time: 6:35

rest 3:25

D. 25-15-5 of
Burpee box jumps 24"
KBS 70#
time: 9:25

I added

E. 100 Burpee challenge - Day 26
I did 45 burpee box jumps as part of D above, so to round it out, I did:
5 x 11 burpees

Friday, September 5, 2014

2014-09-05 Travel workout

Didn't have a lot of time today, so just did a couple things:

1. 100 Burpee challenge - day 25
10 sets of ten, with breaks in between, as I was on a conference call and had to chime in now and again.

2. Half-mar training W1D5 - 2.62 km run
short run, alternating between sprints and slow pace

Thursday, September 4, 2014

2014-09-04 Travel workout

Tried my best to emulate Wed workout, but hotel gym had limited options.

A. 3 rounds, moving fast but not timed
5 Dumbell OHSquat (2x15#)
5 Squat Clean Thruster (2x25#)
5 Dragon Flag Negatives
5 DB Snatch per side (1x50#)

B. 100 Burpee challenge - day 24
5x12, 1x13, 1x25

C. 5k run (little short of that due to misplanning route, but pretty serious hill made up the delta)
4.49km, 28:54, 6:26 pace. ~400ft climb in the middle of it

2014-09-04 Rest day

Took a rest day due to travel. Will use thurs to make up. Still got my burpees done though:

A. 100 burpee challenge - day 24

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2014-09-02 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run
10 air squats
10 pushups

A. 3x5 Front Squat 41x1 tempo, add weight from last week
warm: 95x5
main: 105x5, 115x5, 125x5

B. 3x5 Benchpress 41x1 tempo, add weight from last week
warm: 45x5, 95x5
main: 105x5, 115x5, 115x5

C. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Pullups (I did half of first 3 sets strict, then remainder kipping)

I added

D: 100 Burpee challenge - day 23
9 minute emom of 11 reps

E. 3x10 GHD Situps

Later, I added a run. I've kicked off a 12 week program to prep for the Angkor Wat Half-Marathon that I'm running in December. Will post about it in more detail later. In the meantime:

F. 5k run - 27:07 - pace of 5:26

Monday, September 1, 2014

2014-09-01 Travel workout

Quick workout before driving back from Victoria.

A. 100 Burpee challenge. Day 22.
13,12, four times.

B. 4.3 k run.  25 min

Sunday, August 31, 2014

2014-08-31 Travel workout

A. 5.03km run - 30:14 - 6:01 pace

B. 100 Burpee challenge - day 21
4x13 + 4x12

C. 3 rounds
10 GHD back extensions
10 GHD situps

Saturday, August 30, 2014

2014-08-30 Travel workout

Travelling in Victoria this weekend. Pretty city to run in, plus for a change the hotel gym is pretty decent (free weights, rower, large space, etc).

std warmup


A. 7.5k run 48:44, 6:30 pace (actually a bit faster. Stopped a few times for pix, map check, etc)

B. 100 burpee challenge - Day 20
8 sets of 11 plus a set of 12

C. 3 rounds
5 wide grip pullups
5 chin ups
5 CJ 95#

D. 3 Dragon Flag Negatives
Never tried these before, so figured a gym full of mirrors might be a good place to start. Negatives were not too difficult and form looked ok, but doing the concentric portion of the movement was impossible!

Friday, August 29, 2014

2014-08-29 WOD

std warmup
400m run
tabata 4 rounds of of
20s Airsquat, 10s rest
20s pushups, 10s rest
kept to 15 of each all four rounds
Deadlift drills

A. 3x5 Deadlift, moderate weight, 41x1 tempo
5x135#, 5x165#, 5x165#

B. 30 MUs for time (or 45 BarMU, or 60 dips + 60 C2BPU). 12 min cap
I did barMU's, got 30 in before the timecap.
Also got 5 unbroken at the start, which is a PR

I added:

C: 100 burpee challenge - day 19
1 set of 20, then 8 sets of 10

Thursday, August 28, 2014

2014-08-28 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
10 partner wallball
200m run

A. 15 min row, moderate pace

B. 100 burpee challenge - day 18. 5 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situps
10 GHD Back extensions
20 burpees

C. 3 HS holds
~ 45s each. practicing balance, shifting weight 80/20 to each side

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2014-08-27 WOD

std warmup
200m run
5 wallball
5 box jump
press drills

A. For time:
800m run
3 rounds
18 wallball 20#
15 box jump 24"
12 S2O (mine were pushpresses) 115# (I scaled to 75#)
9 OH Squat  115# (I scaled to 75#)
800m run
time: I forgot to write it down, but I *think* it was like 19:30 or so? or was it 17:30?

I added:

B. 100 burpee challenge - Day 17
15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8. Not for time

C. 3x10 GHD Situps

D. 3 hanging leg raises

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2014-08-26 WOD

std warmup
10 pushups
10 air squats
2x200m run
15 wallball passes
15 behind the head wallball passes

A. 3x5 Benchpress, moderate weight (up a bit from last week), 41x1 tempo
warm: 45x5, 85x5
main: 95x5, 105x5, 115x5

B. 12 min AMRAP
20 DU
10 pullups
total: 6 rounds + 12 reps

I added:

C. 100 burpee challenge - Day 16
did sets of 13, 12 alternating. not for time

D. 2 Front Lever Negatives

E. 2x3 Front Lever Pulls

F. 3 Hanging L-sit (~10s each)

G. 3 HSHold (for balance)

Monday, August 25, 2014

2014-08-25 WOD

std warmup
200m run
tabata warmup, situps & pushups
20s situps, 10s rest
20s pushups, 10s rest
} 4 rounds, 13 situps/round (lowest), 12 pushups/round (lowest)
5 burpees
3 power cleans 115#

A. 3x5 Frontsquat 41x1 tempo, moderate weight
warm: 45x5, 95x5
main: 105x5, 115x5, 125x5

B. 3 rounds, each for time, 4 min rest b/t
10 cal Airdyne
8 burpees
6 Power Cleans 115#
times: 1:02, 1:05, 1:13

I added:

C. 100 burpee challenge, day 15 (Halfway there!): Did 29 as part of the wod above + warmup, so did 71 to finish it out. Not for time.

D. 3 rounds
10 GHD situps
5 l-sit pullups

E. 3 HSHolds
~30s each

Sunday, August 24, 2014

2014-08-24 Travel Workout

Still camping on Oregon coast. A little more distance today, a few less burpees.

A. 10.22km run. Not for time, but approx 1hr.

B. 100 burpee challenge - day 14. 10 sets of 10, not for time.

2014-08-23 Travel workout

Camping on the Oregon coast. Got a run in, and did today's and yesterday's burpees.

A. Run 8.07km. Roughly 45 min, plus 15 minutes or so for part B (done at half way point)

B. 100 burpee challenge - Day 13. 180 burpees. Did 9 sets of 20, moving along in the sand each set so I could keep count. 80 of these to make up for only doing 20 yesterday.

Neither part done for time.

2014-08-22 Travel workout

Told myself I was was going to take a rest day but still do 100 burpees. Plan was do do them through the day. Did 20 in the morning. Didn't do no more. Fail.

A. 100 burpee challenge - Day 12 - Only did 20

Thursday, August 21, 2014

2014-08-21 WOD

Was supposed to be active recovery day, but decided to do a benchmark since I'll be travelling tomorrow and may just do something light then.

std warmup.
200m run
snatch practice


A. Grace.
30 135# CJ's for time.
time: 5:15

34s PR. Was hoping to get sub-5, and probably could on a good day if well rested. Did it as a 5 min emom with 6 reps on the minute. Failed a couple reps in the last round which is why I didn't make sub-5.

B. 100 Burpee challenge - day 11
Didn't do them for time, and broke them up with C below

C. 3x10 GHD situps

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

2014-08-20 WOD

std warmup
10 air squats
400m run

A. 3x5 benchpress ~50% of max, 41x1 tempo
warm: 45x5, 75x5
main: 105x5, 105x5, 105x5

B. 3 rounds for time:
30 DU
25 T2B
20 Push press 115 (I scaled to 75#)
15 cal Airdyne
10 burpees
5 C2B pullups

I added:

C. 100 burpee challenge - Day 10.
Since I did 30 in the metcon above, I just did another 70.

D. 3 Front Lever Pulls

E. 2 forearm handstands (~10s each)

F. 5 L-sit pullups. Couldn't manage a 2nd set

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2014-08-19 WOD

std warmup
air squat drills
2 rounds
100m run
10 pushups
10 situps


A. 3x5 Front Squat at 41x1 tempo
warm: 45, 95
main: 105, 115, 125

B. 3 sets, each for time, 5 min rest b/t
30 cal row
15 Power Cleans 115# (scaled back to 95# for 2nd & 3rd round)
7 HSPU (used abmat, but no kipping. First 2 sets unbroken. 3rd set I broke twice)
times: 3:10, 3:12, 3:25

I added:
C. 100 burpee challenge - Day 9
Just under 8 minutes

D. Front pulls (4) (I actually meant to do front level pulls, but learned afterward that there's a difference)

E. 2x5 L-sit pullups

Monday, August 18, 2014

2014-08-18 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run

A. 10-12 minute skills work. 3 Rounds not for time
30 DU
10 pistols (getting these pretty consistently now, though I hold my toe)
12 T2B
2 MU (failed all attempts on the rings)

B. 5 rounds for time
400m run
6 deadlifts 225# (wod called for 5 @ 275# but I scaled it)
2 BarMU (wod called for 2-5 MU, I scaled to 2 barmu)

I added:

C. 100 burpee challenge - Day 8

D. 5x10 GHD Situps

E. 3 HSHold ~20s each (trying for balance)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014-08-17 Travel workout

A. 5.2km run. 27:07. 5:14 pace

B. 100 burpee challenge - Day 7.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, not for time.

2014-08-16 Travel workout

Rented a cabin near Sisters this weekend. Did some hiking at such, but managed to squeeze a workout in to keep my burpee challenge going.

A. 10 Rounds for time: (includes burpee challenge day 6)
10 Burpees
8 situps
6 air squats
4 dips
2 HSPU (last 4 rounds just went to 20s handstand hold

time: 22:30

Friday, August 15, 2014

2014-08-15 WOD

std warmup
20 air squats
200m run

A. 3x15 Back Squat - Heavy - starting set should be tough
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135#
main: 15x155#, 15x165#, 12x165# (155# is 60% of max; 165 is ~65%)

B. 12 min EMOM
3 Power Clean ~70% of max. I did 135# (73% of max 185)
3 HSPU (wod called for 5, but I scaled to 3 and did them strict)

C. GHD supersets. 3 rounds of
15 GHD Situps (wod called for 10 but I added some)
12 GHD Back Extensions (wod called for 10 but I added a few)

I added:

D. 100 burpee challenge - Day 5 - 8:47
9 min emom, 11 burpees per round, with 12 on the first round.

E. 10 ab wheel rollouts (from knees)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

2014-08-14 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
400m run

A. ~5k run (4.8km, 27min, 5:38 pace)

B. 100 burpee challenge - Day 4
This time I did the 7 min AMRAP with 6" jump from the 2012 Open. That year I did 65. My best since then has been 84. Today I did 84. Tied my PR, and could probably beat it if I pushed. I then rounded out the 100 in an addtional ~90 seconds, so 8 1/2 minutes or so.

C. 3x HS Holds, for balance

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2014-08-13 WOD

Tough one of the girls today.

std warmup
400m run
2 rounds
5 pullups
5 KBS (35#)

A. "Eva" - 5 rounds for time, 45 min time cap
800m run
30 KBS 70#
30 pullups
Time: 45:40(30s for last 5 pullups). PR, as first time Rx'ing

I added:

B. 100 burpee challenge - Day 3. Timer stopped partway through. Somewhere around 8:30

C. 3x HSHold for balance

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2014-08-12 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball passes 14#
10 OH wallball passes 14#
200m run
25 leg raises
20 pushups
25 situps
20 pushups

A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
30 DUs (2 of 3 sets unbroken)
12 T2B
10 pistols
2-5 MU (first round I tried and failed 2 ring MU. Other rounds I did 2 BarMU)

B. 30 Squat Clean Thrusters for time. Rx = 135#/95#. 10 minute time cap.
I scaled to 115#.
Time: 8:05

I added:

C. 100 Burpee Challenge - Day 2

D. 3x30s HS Hold. Got a couple stretches of ~5 seconds freestanding

Monday, August 11, 2014

2014-08-11 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
200m run
4 wall walks
press drills

A. 3 rounds press complex, increasing weight. 3 OH Press, 3 push press, 3 push jerk
warm: 45x3x3, 75x3x3
main: 95x3x3, 105x3x3, 115 fail, 105x1+5+3

B. 3 rounds
- 12 GHD situps
- 12 GHD back extensions

I added:

C. 100 Burpee challenge - Day 1 (a few of us doing 100 burpees a day for 30 days)
7:47 (PR)

D. 3x5 L-sit pullups

Saturday, August 9, 2014

2014-08-09 Bulldog Battle!

Just finished BCF's 1st Bulldog Battle event. Fun event just for BCF folk. 2 man or 2 woman teams throwing down in 4 events, with the top 3 going on to an all-or-nothing final. My partner Scott and I took fifth (out of 10 teams), so an OK performance that didn't get us on the podium or to the final WOD. That's ok because it was enough to do four!

Some details & thoughts below. Note, there was so much work done, and I didn't take notes, so it's possible I'm getting one of the movements wrong or out of order on the two chippers (wod 1, wod 3). I'll update if I spot any errors later.

WOD 1: Partners both do run and then divide rest of work as they wish. When one partner's working, other is holding the medball. Medball touches the ground, it's 3 burpees each.
8 min time cap:
400m run with parter
50 wallball
40 burpees
30 G2O 75# (CJ's)
40 Box Jumps
50 Deadlifts 165#
run counts as 1 rep. If you finish before time cap, cycle back to wallballs.

We made it to the deadlifts, but only got like 14 of them. That was good enough to earn us 2nd place, so pretty good. We traded off pretty evenly and just kept at it with sets of 10-15 each.

Floater WOD:
There was another wod that people had to go do in between the other ones. We did it ~20 min after Wod1.
100m sled push. Sled weight + 90lbs (total of 165#). Partner pushes 50m, turns around, and other partner pushes back the 50m.

We got 7th on this one, (31.2s) so could have done better. Turn-around was a bit sloppy and could have been practiced more. In general, should do more of these.

WOD 2:
Each partner rows 90s for calories. After second partner finishes, both partners have a total of 6min to establish a one rep max back squat.

My partner did awesome on the row (42cal?) and I got like 32 calories. He's normally a stronger rower than me but still. Not sure how this compared to others.

The back squats were weak for us compared to others. My partner PR'd at 235. I got 245, which is 15# shy of my PR, but all I could do today. There were dudes there doing like 400#. We got 8th in this workout. Not unhappy with our performance, just not our strong suit.

WOD 3:
Partners divide work below as they want. At "GO", barbell never hits the ground, or it's a 3 burpee penalty. We didn't incur any penalty.
10 min time cap
50 alternating barbell lunges 75#
50 burpees
50 front squats 75#
50 situps
50 Shoulder-2-Overhead 75# (pushjerk)
back to...
50 alternating lunges 75#
50 burpees (of which we only got a handful by the timecap)

We split up the work evenly at first, then switching when we felt the need. Scott did more of the burpees than I did. I did all 50 of the situps unbroken. We got 4th place on this one. Went pretty well, not sure what I'd have done differently if doing it over again.

Overall a fun event, and pleased with how we did. Gotta work on back squats, and should do some sled work. Probably also a good idea to do more foam roll and other mobility work between wods.

Friday, August 8, 2014

2014-08-08 WOD

Competition tomorrow, so took it kind of easy for today.

std warmup
200m run

A. Mobility work
(foam roll, stretches, etc)

B. Skills work
- 2 BarMU
- 2 RingMU (failed both)
- 2x5 L-sit pullups
- 3 HS Holds (for balance)
- 1 front leve negative

C. 3k row with partner (3x500m each)

Might go for a swim later if I have time

Thursday, August 7, 2014

2014-08-07 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks


A. 15 min row

B. skill work
- 5 pullups
- 4 HSHold
- 2 BarMU
- 4 front lever negatives

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2014-08-06 WOD

std warmup
400m run
clean drills

A. 6 min EMOM
- 5 Squat Cleans 135# (I scaled to #115)

B. 20 min AMRAP
400m run
20 T2B
10 CJ 115#
4 rounds even

I added

C. 5 rounds
10 GHD situps
10 GHD back extensions

D. HS Holds
4x 30 seconds, shifting weight 80/20 to each side

E. Front Lever Negatives
3 of them

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2014-08-05 WOD

std warmup
400m run
push press drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time
12 T2B
10 pistols (5/leg)
30 DUs
2-5 MUs
I made 2 attempts at Ring MUs each round, and failed all of them. Just not working for me today. On the other hand, I got all the pistols without even warming up for them as I normally need to do.

B. Work to a heavy triple push press
45x3, 75x3, 95x3, 115x3, 125x3, 135x3, 145 failed

C. 2k row for time:
7:54.4. More than 10s longer than my PR :-(

D. 200m run

I added:

E. 3 rounds
45s HSHold
30s L-sit

F. 2 BarMU

G. 2x5 L-sit pullups

Monday, August 4, 2014

2014-08-04 WOD

std warmup
400m run
Front Squat (5x45, 5x95, 3x135)

A. 3 rounds for time:
400m run
12 Front squats 185/115 (I did 135#) (~2 power cleans per round, as I broke the sets)
6 box jumps 30"
time: 11:11

B. 3x20 dips
I did weighted dips, 26#, and did 12, 10, 9 reps

D. I added:
5 rounds (not for time)
1 BarMU
10 GHD Situps

Sunday, August 3, 2014

2014-08-03 Run & Park workout

Little workout to get back into things after a couple days camping

A. 5k run. 26:48. 5:21 pace

B. 5 rounds of
5 L-sit pullups
5 Toes-2-Bar
5 Dips
5 10 second L-sit holds

//in other news, Michelle Letendre's blog is pretty good. Added to the links at right.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

2014-08-02 Travel workout

Short morning workout while at cub scout camp w my kid

A. 3km run (not timed, moderate pace)

B. 5x10 pushups

Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014-07-31 WOD

Supposed to be active recovery day, but since I'm travelling next 2 days, asked Mike to give me Friday's workout instead. It was a doozy!

std warmup
foot drills
200m run
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


A. Cindy XXX - 20 min time cap, but I decided to do the whole thing for time:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 air squats
15 pullups
30 pushups
45 air squats
20 pullups
40 pushups
60 air squats
25 pullups
50 pushups
75 air squats <-- I I got up to 32 of these by the 20 min time cap
30 pullups
60 pushups
90 air squats
Time: 34:30 (PR, as I've never done this one before). I believe it's scored by rep count at the 20 minute mark though, so in that case, score is 377.
pushups were the limited. Especially the last set of 60, which I had to do as 12 sets of 5, with rest b/t

I added

B. 3x10 GHD situps

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2014-07-30 WOD

std warmup
10 medball passes
10 medball squat passes
400m medball run
snatch drills

A. 8 min EMOM - 5 Power Snatch 115#
I scaled to 85#

B. 3 x 20 Thrusters 115#, unbroken. 20 burpees for any break.
I scaled to 75#, still broke on the last set (incurring 20 burpee penalty)

C. 200m run and wall-walks - gave us choice of doing 5 rounds of 1+2-3, or 3 rounds of 1+4-5.
I did 6 rounds of
200m run
2 wall walks

I added:

D. BarMU

E. RingMU
failed. again. only one attempt

F. Max reps unbroken pullups (kipping)
20. +5 PR!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2014-07-29 WOD

std warmup
200m run
15 situps
10 pushups
push-press drills


A. 8 min EMOM - 1 power clean + 3 push press at 70-80% 1RM
- I did 135# (73% my ORM of 185)

B. 3 rounds, max effort, 2 min cap each, 5 min rest b/t
250m row
15 burpees over bar
times: 1:48, 1:53, 1:53

C. Skill work
I worked on MUs, butterfly pullups
2 on bar,
2 attempts on rings but wasn't feeling it
3x5 pullups - managed to get the butterfly kip going on a couple of them for 2-3 reps but it fell apart pretty quick

I added:

D. HSHolds
3x30s, balance off wall for few seconds at a time

E. 2x Front lever negatives

F. 2x hanging L-sit (15s each)

G. 3x10 GHD situps

Monday, July 28, 2014

2014-07-28 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks
200m run


A. 10 minutes gymnastics work
I did 4 MU attempts that all failed
2x5 strict pullups

B. 6 min EMOM - 5 Front squats at at 70-80%
I did 5 Front Squats @ 145#

C. 5 rounds for time
200m run
8 Front squats 135/95 (I went 115 for the first round, then 95 for the rest)
6 box jumps 30"

I added:

D. 3 x 10 GHD situps

Sunday, July 27, 2014

2014-07-27 Run

Wasn't even trying to PR, just to keep a good pace going, but then realized it was with reach and pushed for the last 2k.

Distance: 10.0km. Time: 47:09 - pace: 4:43min/km.

1:18 PR over my previous best of 48:27 from back in May

Saturday, July 26, 2014

2014-07-26 WOD

Tough partner wod today, and then I added a bunch of work on top of it. Feeling kinda badass.

std warmup
10 pushups
20 air squats
5 pullups
5 thrusters 75#
5 cleans 75#
5 wallball 30#


A. Partner WOD. One partner rests while other works. All work divided among partners except for 400m run (each do). I noted my portion of each movement below. All for time.
1000m row (I did 500m)
Light Fran:
21 thrusters 75# (I did 11)
21 pullups (I did 11)
15 thrusters 75# (I did 7)
15 pullups (I did 10)
9 thrusters 75# (I did 5)
9 pullups (I did 5)
Run 400m (each)
Light Elizabeth
21 Power Cleans 115# (I did 11)
21 Ring Dips (I did 10)
15 Power Cleans 115# (I did 7)
15 Ring Dips (I did 8)
9 Power Cleans 115# (I did 5)
9 Ring Dips (I did 5)
60 cal airdyne (I did 30)
21-15-9 of
21 wallball 30# (I did 10)
21 burpees (I did 11)
15 wallball 30# (I did 8)
15 burpees (I did 8)
9 wallball 30# (I did 5)
9 burpees (I did 5)
Time: 28:15

I added:
10 rounds, not for time
1 BarMU
10 GHD situps
I thought I'd start the above with 3 rounds, and see how I felt. Then went to 5, then decided to make it to 10.

Friday, July 25, 2014

2014-07-25 Travel workout

Travelling, so some short dumbell action today at the hotel

std warmup
800m run (on treadmill)

4 rounds (not for time, but at a good enough pace to wind me). Weight increased each round (35#, 40#, 45#, 50#)
10 DB snatches
10 DB bench press
10 DB curls

Thursday, July 24, 2014

2013-07-24 WOD

Active recovery day, just worked on some skills and did a short row.


A. 15 min row

B. 2x5 strict pullups

C. 5x10 GHD situps

D. 4xMU attempts
all failed. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

2014-07-23 WOD

std warmup
200m run
10 DU
10 wallball


A. For time, 50-40-30-20-10 of
Wallball 20#
Time: 14:04 (sets of 10 wb, tried to do DUs unbroken but ended up sets of 20-25)

B. Rowing intervals.
4 rounds of 300m
1:14, 1:01, 1:16, 1:04 (kinda sandbagged on two of 'em)

I added:

C. 2x5 strict pullups

D. 2 Front lever negatives

E. 3 HS Holds
30s each. Practiced 'stepping into' them

F. MU attempt (failed)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2014-07-22 Comp WOD

decided to do the comp wod today. Wanted to see how I did on that benchmark

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 situps
5 air squats


A. Angie. For time, each set of 100 must be finished before moving on to next movement (no segmenting allowed)
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats
Time: 27:30 (4 minute PR)
split times: 9:20, 18:20 (9:00), 23:30 (5:10), 27:30 (4:00)
Last time, split times were 11:12, 8:21, 7:27, 3:10.
Sets of 5 on the pullups was the way to go, doing 3 sets/min with short breaks.
Pushups I did a couple sets of 10, should have been all 5's, and breaks much shorter (don't get up)
situps were much faster. did 25,25,15,15,10,10. Maybe just 4 sets of 25? or 25-25-20-20-10?
air squats I could have pushed a little harder.

B. 5 min airdyne for cals.
80 cal, but I was a little spent after Angie. could do better

Monday, July 21, 2014

2014-07-21 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushup
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks


A. 3 round for time:
500m row
20 alternating DB Snatch (lightweight - I went 35#)
200m run
time: 13:30

B. Pull-up progressions
3x8 strict pullup

C. Dip progressions
3x8 weighted dips 36#
(Mike said we should be aiming at doing 1/3 body weight for a couple reps. 1/3 for me would be 55#. Will try this next week but I think I could manage a few reps)

I added:

D. Muscle up
Only 1. Shoulder a little sore so I didn't push for more than one.

E. HS Holds
3x30s, practice balance off wall a few seconds at a time

F. Front lever negatives

Sunday, July 20, 2014

2014-07-20 Run & Park workout

A. 5.04 km run - 24:43, 4:54 pace

B. 2 rounds of
5 pullups, strict
5 dips
5 chin-ups
1 bar muscle-up
1 front lever negative
1 strict bar muscle-up attempt (failed)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

2014-07-19 WOD

Tough chipper today. Injury seems to be pretty much recovered

std warmup
squat/press/thruster drills
20 partner wallball
5 thrusters 95#
5 hang power snatch 95#
5 pullups
10 T2B


A. Not for time:
1000m row
20 GHD Situps

B. For total reps:
5 min thrusters 115# - 25
4 min pullups (kipping) - 40
3 min Hang Power Snatch 95# - 10
2 min burpees - 21
1 min T2B - 18
Total = 114

C. As a team, each member does all of workout below, each person can't move on to next movement till 1st is finished
30 cal row
30 GHD situps
30 wallball 20#
30 box jump overs 24"
I was finished at 8:33. Last team member finished at 11.00

Friday, July 18, 2014

2014-07-18 WOD

Back at the box, though still trying to take it easy on anything below the waist.

std warmup
400m run

A. 3x10 GHD situps

B. 3x8 weighted dips (26#)

C. 500m row (rest of crew did 800m run for time but I wanted to not push on the running)

D. 3x8 strict pullups

I added

E. 1 MU

F. 3x 45s HSHold

G. 3x front lever negatives

H. strict bar mu attempt (failed, but closer than I thought...)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

2014-07-15 Bod Pod Results

Injured, so no wod today.

However, I weighed in for the results of the bod-pod challenge that BCF did. The bod-pod is a device that measures body composition (ie. body fat vs lean percentage, etc), more accurately than calipers or electrical impedance methods. It used to be that the only really accurate way to measure this was in an immersion tank, until they invented the bod pod, which works by sealing you in an airtight capsule, mildly pressurizing the capsule, and then calculating the resultant displacement of the foreign object in the container (you).

I weighed in on April 14, and again on July 15. Here are the results:

April 14, 2014:
Weight: 180.1
Body Fat: 25.3%

July 14, 2015:
Weight: 162.3 (down by 17.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 18.2% (down by 7.1%)

That's a weight reduction of 9.9% and a body fat reduction of 28%. More importantly, it works out such that the weight reduction was almost entirely fat reduction (lean mass went from 134.5 to 133.5).

Here's how weight loss tracking went on MyFitnessPal:

So far so good, but was pretty shocked at what the bod-pod reported for fat percentage. Far different than the electrical impedance based gizmo at my work's gym (which tells me 12% vs 18%). 

What changes did I make:
- Continued to crossfit 6 times a week, with few exceptions (no change)
- Often did a 5k recovery run on sundays (no change)
- Cut out sugar
- Cut way down on carbs
- Used MyFitnessPal to track calorie intake
- limited calorie intake to 1500/day, with allowance for more based on exercise (e.g. do a 5k run, add 500 calories)
- During the last 2 weeks, added 3 days of 2/day workouts (e.g. crossfit in the morning, 5k run at lunch)
- During the last 2 weeks, lowered carb intake to induce mild ketosis (tested with k-strips to make sure I wasn't going to far into that state, which can be dangerous)

That's it. Am going to keep it up and report back in a month or two on progress

Monday, July 14, 2014

2014-07-14 WOD

Pulled something in my groin yesterday running (or maybe during Saturday's workout?), so I waited till a workout later in the day, scaled things somewhat. Felt good during the workout, but tonight I'm walking VERY gingerly, so it may be time to take a couple days off. Bod-pod weigh in tomorrow (will do a separate post on that), and then travelling for two days anyway.


std warmup
400m run


A. Medball clean drills 20#

B. 4 rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 115 (I scaled to 95#)
10 alternating lunges 115 (95#)
10 russian KBS 70/53 (I did 44#)
time: 7:00

I added:

C. 3x5 strict pullups

Sunday, July 13, 2014

2014-07-13 Run & park workout

Last day before bod-pod weigh-in, so figured I'd get a little running in.

A. Run: 9.56km, 49:56, 5:13 pace

Only a little slower than my 10k PR pace.

B. 2 rounds of
5 pullups (strict, at tempo)
5 dips (at tempo)
1 bar MU
1 front lever negative (slow as possible)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014-07-12 WOD

std warmup
400m run
DU practice (3 x ~30 reps)
Deadlift 5x135, 5x225
10 KBS 53#
10 T2B


Complete as much of the below as possible in 6 minutes. Then rest exactly five minute. Then complete as much as possible in 8 minutes. Then rest 5 minutes. Then complete through to the end, for time:
1000m row
50 DUs
40 KBS 53#
30 T2B
20 Deadlift 225#
10 Burpees bar jump
Round 1: 1000m row, 50 DU, 15 KBS
Round 2: 1000m row, 50 DU, 40 KBS, 1 T2B
Round 3: Full set in 15min exactly (so full time of 39min)

Friday, July 11, 2014

2014-07-11 WOD

std warmup
200m run
3 HSHolds

A. 3x20 face pulls

B. 2x 200m farmer carry. 53/70.
I did 55# db. First one unbroken, second one broke once.

C. 3x8 deadlift. moderate weight so that they can be fast, touch-n-go
warm: 8x135, 8x185
main: 8x225 (too heavy), 8x205, 8x205

D. Mobility work (back, lats)

I added:

E. 3x10 GHD situps

F. 3x Front Lever Negatives
1st was nice and slow and held it a while, which I thought was good, but I recorded it, and realized I wasn't NEARLY as straight as I thought. Needs work

G. 3x MU attempts (all failed) too tired from doing them yesterday I guess

[update: went running over lunch]

H. 5km run. 21:34. 4:18 pace. PR of 39seconds

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014-07-10 WOD

Active recovery day, so I took the opportunity to bike to work, then went to the gym over lunch and worked on some skills stuff

A. 13.5km bike - 37 min


B. 6km bike - 21min


bunch of wallball passes outside, etc

C. 15 min row (3.1km)

D. 2x5 strict pullups

E. 2 BarMU (both successful, form pretty good I think)

F. 2 MU (both successful, plus one failed attempt. Form better but still needs lots of work

G. MU negatives on banded rings (just to practice transitions)
(way home)

H. 7.5km bike (slow, and with one stop along the way)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

2014-07-09 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks
400m run
snatch drills w 45# bar


A. In 20 min, work to a heavy 3-position (high hang, above the knee, full snatch)
65#, 75#, 85#, 95#

Sloppy at all weights. I need to put some time in here, as well as mobility work

B. "Karen"
150 wallball 20# for time
time: 9:25 (23 second PR)

I did 2x20, 3x15, then sets of 10, then sets of 5. Next time I think I'd be better doing sets of 10 with short breaks, right from the get-go.

C. 800m recovery run.

I added:

D. Ring MU
3 attempts, all failed

E. Bar MU
2 attempts, both failed

Over lunch I added:

F. 4.97km run - 22:30. Pretty happy with that pace. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2014-07-08 WOD

std warmup
400m run
3 rounds
5 thrusters 45#
3 pullups

Jackie warmup
200m row
10 thrusters 45#
5 pullups


A. "Jackie"
1000m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 pullups
time: 9:24 Rx (PR of -4:39 over last time I did it properly)

B. 3x10 ring rows

I added:

C. 3 HS Holds
20-30s each, but practicing walk-up with kicking up, and some balance off the wall.

D. 3x10 GHD situps

Monday, July 7, 2014

2014-07-07 Mid-year goals check

It's July already, so time to check how I'm doing against goals for the year

Progress against 2014 goals:
1. MU. This is the year.  <-- DONE
2. 135# Snatch.
3. Move from 3rd quartile in the Open to around 50-60% range, for men 40-44. <-- DONE
4. Participate in at least 2 events, one of them being a CF event. <-- DONE (Bridge-to-Brews, Open, Mid-Valley Melee)
5. 10' HS Walk
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran & Grace <--Grace DONE, Fran not so much yet
7. 325# Deadlift <-- DONE
8. Break 21 minutes for 5k run <-- DONE

So five and a half of eight goals done. Pretty good for half-way through the year.

I feel like the sub-7 Fran is attainable if I hit it on a good day. will have to do that soon.

I haven't worked on my snatch nearly enough, and if anything my mobility in the shoulders has gotten worse lately. That'll require some focus.

I've worked on handstand holds for both endurance/strength as well as for balance (coming off wall a few seconds at a time). Endurance is improving, but not balance. I'll have to talk to coaches about how to work toward this.

I'm going to add a couple more for the year

9. String together 3 ring muscle ups.
10. 200# CJ (might change this depending what cycle Mike puts us on)

Stretch goals:

11. Back lever? or front?
12. Sub 10% body-fat. Maybe? I think I'm at about 12% now but will know for sure next week when they do the follow-up on the bod-pod.

2014-07-07 WOD


std warmup
OH squat drills


A. OH Squats 3x5 at 80%
warm: 5x45#, 5x65#
main: 5x75#, 5x75#, 5x85#

B. For time, 21-15-9 of
OH Squat 95# (I scaled to 75#)
time: 7:17

C: 3x20 dips
1st set: 20 unbroken
2nd set: 12+8
3rd set: 8+5+4+3

I added:

D. 3x8 GHD situps

Sunday, July 6, 2014

2014-07-06 Run & Park workout

Little something to get me active after a day off due to cold. Run plus a bunch of stuff on the park equipment at Fanno Creek park

A. 5.25km run:  27:50, 5:18 pace

B. 4 x 15s L-sits

C. 4x5 C2B Pullups

D. 4x5 dips

E. 4x5 strict pullups

F. 4x5 chin-up

Tried doing a BarMU, but my shoulder still is kind of tweaked. Also tried doing some hanging situps, but need to bring a foam pad next time, as it hurt my knees too much

Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014-07-04 July 4 WOD

As is normally the case on holidays, a somewhat bigger workout than normal

std warmup
4 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks
400m medball run


6 rounds for time, 45 min time cap
5 deadlifts 315# (I scaled to 235#)
5 box jumps 30"
5 MUs or 15 C2B pullups (I scaled to 15 regular kipping pullups)
800m run

time: 45:02

I felt like crap and couldn't understand why I was dragging on the last couple rounds. Later in the day I took my temp: 101 degrees. I was coming down with a cold and should have listened to my body which was trying to tell me something earlier.

2014-07-02 WOD

Another travel workout while at cub scout camp

4 rounds
10 situps
3 hspu

5km run (not timed)

4 rounds
10 pushups
5 pullups

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014-07-01 WOD

Slightly heavier workout than yesterday, but still taking it easy following saturday.

4 rounds
10 pushups
5 pullups (strict - couldn't kip as I was using a shelter's roof joist instead of a bar)
5 dips

5 km run (not timed)

4 rounds
10 pushups
5 pullups (strict)
5 dips

2014-06-30 Run

Travelling this week (cub scout camp), and still HELLA sore from Saturday's competition, so I just did an easy run today. Involved a hill climb so it was pretty slow.

Run 4.5km, 27min, 6:04 pace

Sunday, June 29, 2014

2014-06-28 Mid-Valley Melee!

Did a fun partner-event today, the NW Fit Games' Mid-Valley Melee. It was a 1 day event, with teams of male-male or female-female partners competing in Rx or Scaled divisions, with 3 events and the top 3 teams in each division going on to a fourth event. My partner and I placed 3rd out of the 8 teams in our division.

Only 1 of the 4 wods was announced ahead of time. The others were all a surprise, though there was a hint about event 1.

Here's the details on the wods & scores.

Event 1 - "Just the Tip"

They had posted a picture of a firehose, and it turned out that event 1 involved dragging a ~75' length of firehose up a hill and back (total of about 600m according to runkeeper). Each of the 4 150m sections counted for 1 point, and you could trade off with partner as needed. The hose was easier to keep a grip on than I thought (you were only allowed to hold the first 2' - just the tip), and about as hard to drag as i thought (hard!).

You then had to do 40 burpees over partner. We did 12 burpees each, and then I did the last 16 so my partner could be fresh to attack the hose drag again. burpees were one point each

On the last hose pull, we made the first length (45 points now), and were probably 50 feet from getting the next marker. As it turned out, 3 teams made 46 points, and the other 4 were tied for fourth with 45 points. That extra point would have helped later, as I'll get to.

Event 2 - "A Lot of a Lot"

This was the only event they posted ahead of time. It was the "fifties" workout from regionals, only (a) we were able to split the work with our partner, and (b) in scaled division the deadlifts were 135# instead of 185#, the wallball target was 9' instead of 10', and hand-release pushups were substituted instead of ring dips. the event was:

Finish a much as possible in 21 min time cap, with only one partner working at a time, split work as desired:
50 calorie row
50 box jump overs 24"
50 dead lifts 135#
50 wallball (9', 20#)
50 wallball (9', 20#)
50 dead lifts 135#
50 box jump overs 24"
50 calorie row

I was extremely pleased with this event. Scott and I went in with a plan, executed to the plan, and did pretty well (2nd out of 8 teams). At regionals, there were MANY total badasses that didn't finish this in the time cap, and I was worried about that, but we finished in 16:16. We practiced how to nail the box jumps efficiently, how to tradeoff wallballs efficiently, etc. Went well.

Event 3: "Never, Never Again"

9 minute ladder:
3 pullups
3 front squats 95#
6 pullups
6 front squats 95#
9 pullups
9 front squats 95#
12 pullups
12 front squats 95#
15 pullups
15 front squats 95#
18 pullups
18 front squats 95#
21 pullups
21 front squats 95#
24 pullups <-- we got through 19 of these
Partner waits behind start line 50' away, so it was a short (time consuming) sprint any time we tagged out. We just tried to trade off as little as possible (e.g. I did the set of 18 front squats unbroken, were many people were breaking more frequently by that point. Some competitors were breaking sets and resting, rather that tagging out, which was a mistake.

we ended up coming in 3rd for this event.

Final event: "Long and Hard"

After 3 events, teams one and two had 5 and 6 points, and we had 9. This meant we qualified for finals, but even if we'd placed first, we'd have ended up with 10 points, and the other teams 7 or 9 points, so really it was just doing it for the sake of doing it.

For time:
600m run (up and back same hill as event 1)
30 partner lunges - both partners holding bar - 115#
30 ground to overhead 115# (we split it approx 50/50 and both CJ'd it)
600m run (up and back same hill as event 1)

When they announced the event, we were pretty pleased. Scott and I are both pretty fast runners, and the other guys were way bigger than us, so we figured this event would be mostly made or broken in the run.

"Everyone has a plan until they punched in the face" - Mike Tyson

Right out the gate, one team was ahead of us on the run by a small margin, and the other right on our heels. Uh oh. Sure enough, they kicked our butt on the lifts. The lunges were ok (we did all 30 unbroken) but the CJ's, which normally I could do all day at that weight, were pretty exhausting after 3 other events. The other teams hit the run long before we did and we came in a distant third.

Still happy with how we did. The 3rd place finish won us some booze and bragging rights over the other 4 teams from our box :-)

Next up I'll have to try an individual comp, of which a couple are coming up in sept, oct.

Event 1: 4th place (of 8)
Event 2: 2nd place (of 8)
Event 3: 3rd place (of 8)
Event 4: 3rd place (of 3)