Saturday, July 31, 2021

2021-07-31 WoD


std warmup
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy Squat Clean in 8 min
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165

B. For time: (scaled weights - Rx was WAY heavier)
800m run
10 Squat cleans @ 75
600m run
7 Squat cleans @ 95
400m run
5 Squat cleans @ 115
200m run
3 Squat cleans @ 135
time: 15:40

Friday, July 30, 2021

2021-07-30 WoD


std warmup
clean drills


Power Clean
2 Front Squat
Squat Clean
3x95, 5x115

B. 5 rounds for time
200m run
10 DB OH Tricep Ext (sub for 12 DB bench)
6 Chinup (Rx was 12)
10 OH Plate Lunge 35# (Rx was 12x45)
time: 15:30

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

2021-07-28 WoD

std warmup


A. 3x5 Back Squat at 42x1 tempo - slightly heavier than last week
warm: 5x25, 5x95
main: 3x5 @ 135#

B. 1x20 back squat ahap
1x20 @ 135#

C. 3 rounds for time
10 pullups (Rx was 12)
6 no pushup burpee (Rx was burpee over box, but all boxes were used, plus shoulder injury)
3 min and change

D. (I subbed this for another amrap, as I had to leave)
1x30 KBS 44#

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

2021-07-27 WoD

std warmup
40 wallball passes
Snatch warmup


A. EMOM 8 (subbed all the snatches for cleans)
Power Clean 75#
2 Front Squat 75#
Squat Clean 75#

B. One round every 4min mark; 5 rounds total
12 Wallball 12# (Rx was 15 @ 20#)
3 strict HSPU (Rx was 10)
12 cal Airdyne (Rx was 20)

Monday, July 26, 2021

2021-07-26 WoD


500m Row
std warmup


A. Activation - 3 rounds, not for time
3 strict pullups
30 DU
3 tall box jump 24"

B. 3x5 OH DB Tricep pulldown 42x1 tempo
3x5 @ 60#

C. 1x10 OH DB Tricep pulldown
1x10 @ 65#

D. Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 of
time: 7:37

Friday, July 23, 2021

2021-07-23 WoD

5 min airdyne
std warmup


A. 3x max reps pullup (strict or kipping - I did strict for a few, then switched:
3+7, 3+6, 3+5

5 deadlift 185# (Rx was 275#)
10 pullup
10 DB thruster 2x25# (Rx was 15 @ 2x50#
5 HSPU (Rx was 20 DB floor press)
250m row (Rx was 300)
4 rounds + 15 reps

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

2021-07-21 WoD

5 min Airdyne
std warmup


A. 3x5 DBTricepPullover 42x1 tempo
2x5 @ 55#

B. 1x20 DBTricepPullover #55

C. 5 rounds for time, ever 4 min, 5 sets:
14 cal Airdyne (Rx was 20 cal)
6 devils press (no pushup) 2x25# (Rx was regular, 8 reps)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

2021-07-20 WoD


5min AirDyne
Std Warmup
Clean Drills
few of each movement below


A. Back Squat 3x5 at 42x1 tempo - slightly heavier than last week
warm: 5x45, 5x95#
main: 1x5 @ 115, 2x5 @ 135

B. 1x20 Back Squat AHAP

C. 5 rounds for time
5 Power Clean 115# (Rx was 135)
5 S2O (Push Jerk) 115# (Rx was 135)
5 box jump 24" (Rx was 30")
time: 5:30

Monday, July 19, 2021

2021-07-19 WoD


5min Airdyne
std warmup


Each of the tabatas below on 6 min mark (6,12,18), so 4 min tabata, 200m run, rest for 1:30-ish.

A. Tabata shoulder-taps (Rx was pushups)
~12 per round
200m run

B. Tabata V-ups
8 per round
200m run

C. Tabata bottom-to-bottom Air Squats
13 per round
200m run

D. Tabata KBS 26# (Rx was 53#)
13 per round
200m run

E. Tabata pullups
5 per round
200m run

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

2021-07-17 WoD


500m row
std warmup


Partner wod - once through each workout below, swapping 1 time. 4 min cap on each, rest 8-12, then move A-->B-->C

A. 4 min x 2
A1. 1000m row
A2. 4 min amrap of
5 DB Thruster 2x25# (Rx was 2x50#)
2 rope climbs 8' (Rx was 12')
4 rounds even

rest 4 min

B. 4 min x 2
B1. 800m run
A2. 4 min amrap of
5 Deadlift 135#
4 strict HSPU (Rx was 10)
4 rounds +5 DL

rest min

A. 4 min x 2
A1. 40 cal Airdyne (Rx was 50)
A2. 4 min amrap of
10 T2B
5 no-pushup burpee (Rx was burpee)
4 rounds even

Friday, July 16, 2021

2021-07-16 WoD


5min Airdyne
std warmup
clean drills


A. CJ Clusters 1.1.1 AHAP
warm: 3x45, 3x65
main: 1.1.1 @ 95, 115, 135, 155

B. 3x5 tempo incline DB tricep press (couldn't bench due to injury - this was my sub)
3x5 @ 50# (single DB)

C. (superset w B) 3x5 Tempo chinup 32x1

D. 3x5 bulgarian split squat
3x5/side 2x25 DB

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

2021-07-14 WoD


std warmup
5 min Airdyne


A. 10 rounds, every 4 min
14 cal Airdyne (Rx was 20cal)
10 jumpsquats (Rx was burpess)

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

2021-07-13 WoD


std warmup
5 min AirDyne
snatch drills


A. Power Snatch 1.1.1 AHAP
1.1.1 @ 75
1.1.1 @ 95
1.1.1 @ 115

5 deadlift 185 (Rx was 6 @ 275)
10 pullups (Rx was 12)
4 rounds + 3 DL

rest 3 min

4 Hang Clean 115# (Rx was 6 reps)
6 HSPU (Rx was 12 reps)
4 rounds

Monday, July 12, 2021

2021-07-12 WoD


5 min AirDyne
std warmup


A. 3x5 backsquat 42x1 tempo, 40%
2 sets at 95, 1 set 115

B. 1x20 backsquat unbroken
1x20 @ 95# (pretty manageable - could have done 115)

C. "Filthy Fifty". (had to scale a few elements). For time:
50 Box Jumps 20" (Rx was 24")
50 Jumping pullups
50 KBS 36#
50 walking lunges
50 K2E
50 push press 45#
50 supermans (Rx was GHD extensions - but gym only has one GHD right now)
50 wallball 14# (Rx was 20#)
50 mountain climbers (Rx was burpees, but have an injury right now)
50 SU (Rx was DU, but was using a too-long rope cause I forgot to bring mine)
time: 24:10 - better than my PR, but many scaled movements, so apples/oranges comparison.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

2021-07-10 WoD


std warmup
2 min Airdyne
medball clean drills


(total, for time)
50 medball cleans 14# (Rx was 20#)
40 wallball 14# (Rx was 50 @ 20#)

rest 4 min

40 cal Airdyne
20 burpees (not to full depth - pec injury)
40 cal Airdyne

Time: 21:30

Friday, July 9, 2021

2021-07-09 WoD


750m row
std warmup


A. BarMU practice 
(shoulder still recovering, so just did 1x8 strict pullups to warm up)

B. 5 rounds for time
400m row (Rx was 500)
8 DBFloor Press 2x25# (Rx was 12 benchpress at 2/3 bw)
8 strict chinups (Rx was 12)
8 DB Thruster 2x25# (Rx was 9 reps at 2x50#)

Thursday, July 8, 2021

2021-07-08 WoD

 Short recovery run, was all for today

A. Run 2.8km; ~15min; 5:10 pace

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

2021-07-07 WoD


std warmup
CJ drills


A. 1.1.1 CJ clusters @ 80%
1.1.1 (20s b/t) Power Clean, Push Jerk)
95, 115, 135

B. 4 rounds, each for cals. Partner workout - each does 4 rounds with 3 min rest while partner works
200m run
4 Strict HSPU (Rx was 12, but kipping)
10 front rack lunge 75# (Rx was 95#, 12 reps)
15 cal on Airdyne

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

2021-07-06 WoD


5 min Airdyne
std warmup


A. Activation/skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
30 DU
2 kipping HSPU
2 rope pullup

B. 3 round chipper. max reps in 6 min, 8 min, and final round for time. 3 min rest b/t
40 WB 14# (Rx was 50 @ 20#)
40 KBS 36# (Rx was 53#)
20 T2B (Rx was 30 reps)
15 DB Floor press 2x25# (Rx was 20 reps at 2x50#)
10 strict pullups (Rx was MU's)
30 cal Airdyne

first round: WB, KBS, T2B, 1 DB press (101 reps)
second round: WB, KBS, T2B, 10 DB press (110 reps)
third round: WB, KBS, T2B, DB press, pullups, 25 cal (150 reps)

Monday, July 5, 2021

2021-07-05 WoD


5 min Airdyne
std warmup
PowerSnatch drills w PVC and w training bar


A. 4 min AMRAP
5 Deadlift 135# (Rx was 275#)
5 Box Jump 20" (Rx was 30")
5 rounds + 1 rep

3min rest

B. 4 min AMRAP
5 PowerClean 95# (Rx was 155#)
5 Burpees (Rx was burpee-over-bar)
4 rounds

3 min rest

C. 4 min AMRAP
5 thruster 75# (Rx was 135#)
5 C2B Pullup (<-- only movement I did Rx!)
4 rounds

Sunday, July 4, 2021

2021-07-04 WoD

//tweaked my calf yesterday, so short run today, deliberately slow pace.

A. Run 2.77km; 14:47; 5:20 pace 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

2021-07-03 WoD

 2nd day back at the gym, it was rough. Scaled all the things :-/


5 min AirDyne
Clean drills
200m run


A. "Badger" - 3 rounds for time, 30 min cap
30 Squat Cleans 95# (I scaled to 20 at 75#)
30 Pullups (I scaled to 20)
800m run*
time: 23:00
(I pulled a calf muscle after 400m of the run in the second round. walked rest of it, did Airdyne for 3rd round)

Rest 5 min

B. "JT" 21-15-9 (I scaled to 9-6-3) of
Pushups (i scaled - knee pushups)
Ring dip (I did DB tricep extension 35#)
(didn't record time)

Friday, July 2, 2021

2021-07-02 WoD

 1st day back at the gym in 16 months.

5 min Airdyne
T2B skill work
2x10 wallball (light weight)


A. 5 rounds for time
20 wallball 12# (Rx was 30 reps at 20#)
15 T2B (Rx was 20)
10 cal Airdyne (Rx was 15)

Forgot to write time down! doesn't matter anyway!