Thursday, June 28, 2018

2018-06-28 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
5x 100m row each w partner, burpees for every M over or below goal


A. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175(cleaned, but failed jerk), 1x75, 3x185(all failed to clean)

B. Superset w above
1 strict MU (7 total)

C. HSHolds
Just did 3 at ~20s

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

2018-06-27 Travel Workout

Was in South Lake Tahoe on a biz trip, stopped in at Crossfit Lake Tahoe for a workout.

10 each of:
air squat
strict pullup
ring face pulls
mountain climbers


A. Every min on the min for 10 min: 1.. 2... 3... up to 10
Squat clean 50% (95#)
I got up to the 7's and just did 7 for the last 3 rounds after that. Thin air up there!
(49 total)

B. 5 rounds for time:
10 GHD situps
200 m farmer carry 2x36# KB (first round I did 2x44, then scaled)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2018-06-26 Travel Workout

Quick one as I had early meetings and got up late this morning.

A. 20-18-16-14...2 (110 reps total) of
air squats

B. Superset w above - 1 per round (10 total)
HS Hold 10-20s

Monday, June 25, 2018

2018-06-25 WOD

Back at the box! (For one day anyway)

std warmup


A. Front squat progression (percentages are of ORM, but not sure I could hit my previous 225# now)
prescribed: 6x65%, 6x70%, 5x75%, 3x80%, 2x80%
warm: 8x45#, 6x95#
main: 6x135 (60%), 6x145 (65%), 5x155 (70%), 3x175 (77%), 2x185 (82%)

B. 3 rounds for time
30s (accumulated) L-sit on rings
20 burpees
10 Ring MU (I scaled to 8,6,6)
15:00 even

Sunday, June 24, 2018

2018-06-24 Sunday Run

Back from vacation, back to the grind.

A. Run 10.00km, 45:50, 4:35 pace.

Fastest since Feb 4th, despite a week of eating poorly. Not bad

Friday, June 22, 2018

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

2018-06-19 Travel Workout

A. 400m run

B. 5 HSHolds
~20s each

C. (Superset w above) 10 pushups
planche pushup progression, moving hands w each set

D. 3x3 DB Snatch 50#

E. 3x8 DB Bench 35#

F. 3x8 DB Row 35#

G. 3x8 DB Curl 30#x2, 35#x1

H. 3x8 DB OH raise

Sunday, June 17, 2018

2018-06-17 Travel Workout

A. 5mile hike
not to long but pretty good elevation climb (at Crater lake rim)

Saturday, June 16, 2018

2018-06-16 WOD


Std warm-up
2 rnds
10 Wallball 14#
10 burpees
10 box jump
10 medball situps 14#


A. Start from top, 4 min amrap

B. Start from top, 6 min amrap

C. Start from top, finish for time
10 cleans 135#
20 box jumps 24"
40 KBS 53#
50 DU
60 cal airdyne

A: 45 reps (15 hspu)
B: 78 reps (18 kbs)
C: 15:05

Friday, June 15, 2018

2018-06-15 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
1 min row
1 min Airdyne
Deadlift warmup


A. Deadlift 1x6@60% 1x6@65% 1x6@70%, 2x4@60%
warm: 2x5x45, 2x5@95
main: 1x6@135#, 1x6@185, 1x6@225, 2x4@275
35%, 50%, 60%, 75% (sort of off the rep scheme, but oh well)

B. "Lynne" - 5 rounds, for reps, 15 min time cap, but each round for done for reps
Max UB Benchpress at body weight (which would be 165, but I scaled to 135
Max UB pullups (kipping)
bench.pullup: 10.20, 10.12, 8.12, 6.10, 5.10
103 total (PR!)

I added:

C. 4 CJ 135#

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

2018-06-13 Travel Workout

Quick one as limited on time.

A. 1 mile run

B. Planche pushup progression.
sets of 5 pushups (6 sets) moving hands progressively further back

C. HSHolds
5, ~20s each

D. DB lateral/front raise
3x6 @ 10#

E. DB Curl
3x8/arm 60#

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

2018-06-12 Travel Workout

A. 10-9-8....3-2-1 (55 reps) of:
5 strict HSPU per round (50 total)
50# DB Snatch
~20 min

Monday, June 11, 2018

2018-06-11 Travel Workout

Short run around campus while visiting University of Maryland w my son

A. Run 4.92km, 30:21; 6:10.

Slow! Partly because I was checking map periodically, but mostly I was just sluggish in the humidity.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

2018-06-09 WOD

800m run
std warmup
snatch drills


A. 8 min emom
1 snatch
2 OHSquat
5x75, 2x85, 1x95

B. 24 min amrap
100m run
20 boxjump 24"
200m run
400m run
20 GHD situp
800m run
20 wallball 20#
1 full round, then 2nd round short of 400m run and 20 wallball (147 reps)

Friday, June 8, 2018

2018-06-08 WOD

std warmup


A. Front Squat: 1x6 @60%, 1x6@65%, 1x5@70%, 1x3@75%
1x6@95, 1x6@115, 1x5@135, 1x3@155

B. June challenge 2 min amrap. Score is DL weight x reps
5 deadlift at 225 or 275 (I did 225)
5 burpees
finsihed 3 full rounds, then 3 DL's. So 18 DLx225 = 4050

C. 5 rounds, for time: 
20 sec L-sit (rings - though later rounds I dropped to 15s)
15 cal row
15 bench press 115# (did 3 rounds at that weight/reps, then 4th round 10 reps, 5th round dropped to 95#)
time: 13:30

Thursday, June 7, 2018

2018-06-07 WOD

std warmup


A. 500m row

B. Work to a heavy Clean and Jerk
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175, 1x185, 1x195(Clean only, failed the jerk), 1x200 (failed, but *almost* got under it)

C. HSHold (superset w above)

D. Strict MU practice
5 medium-slow singles

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

2018-06-06 WOD

std warmup
KB shoulder work
3 rounds "cindy"
5 strict pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


A. 5x5 Push Press
warm: 5x45
main: 3x5@95#, 2x5@115#

B. 4 rounds, each for time, rest remainder of 4 min
5 Front Squats 115# (for 2 rounds, 135# for 2 rounds) (clean 1st rep)
40m dual KB carry 2x36#
15 cal airdyne

I added:

C. Snatch practice
4x45, 4x75, 4x80
1x85, 1x90, 1x95, 1x100

D. 3x2 Front Lever pull

Monday, June 4, 2018

2018-06-04 WOD

std warmup


A. Back Squat: 1x6 @ 60%, 2x6 @ 65%, 2x4 @ 70%, 1x10 AHAP
warm: 5x45, 5x95
1x6 @ 135 (50%),
2x6 @ 165 (60%),
1x4 @ 185 (65%),
1x10 @ 185
} (percentages vs my ORM of 285, which I don't think I could do at this point)

B. 3 rounds for time
3 MU (Rx was 5)
3 legless rope climbs 12'
50 walking lunges
25 Russian KBS 53#
time: 16:22

Sunday, June 3, 2018

2018-06-03 Sunday Run

A. Run 9.92 km; 46:43, 4:43 pace

not quite 10k but slightly faster than last week's pace.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

2018-06-02 WOD

std warmup
snatch & clean drills


A. EMOM 10. Done w partner, so every movement needed to be completed w/in 30s
Even: 10 Deadlift ~60% (I did 185# - last 2 rounds were only 9 reps)
Odd: 12 GHD situps

B. W partner, 20 min amrao

50 HSPU buy-in (I did 5 strict and 15 kipping - parnter did DBpress)
3 power snatch each 95# ( Rx was full snatch at 115#
100m run together
4 CJ each at 135# (Rx was 5 full clean at 115#)
6 full rounds

I added:

C. StrictMU practice
3 singles