Wednesday, May 31, 2017

2017-05-31 WOD

std warmup
3x2 wallwalks
2 MU (1 kipping, 1 strict)
10 D-ball cleans 70#


A. 12 min AMRAP
8 burpees
6 d-ball cleans 100#
4 MU
4 rounds + 8 burpees + 2 cleans

5 min rest

B. 12 min AMRAP
20 cal Airdyne (old bikes - 30 on new)
8 HSPU (did strict till fail, then kipping)
4 box jump 32"
2 rounds + 20 cals + 2 HSPU

I added

C. MU work
2 strict

D. Ab work. 3 rounds, not for time
7 ab wheel roll-out (knees)
8 GHD situps

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

2017-05-30 WOD

std warmup but I was super late so missed most of it
Deadlift warmup 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
3 box jump 24"
100m row
3 DL 185
1 box jump 30"


A. Every 5 min, for 30 min. Rest remainder of time b/t
500m row
5 deadlift (weight per round: 2x185, 2x205, 2x225)
5 box jump 30"
times: 2:38, 2:34, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40, 2:45

I added

B. 4 rounds, not for time
1 strict HSPU
1 HSHold ~15s (for balance, off wall)
1 strict MU

Monday, May 29, 2017

2017-05-29 Memorial Day Murph

400m run
2x 5 pushups
2x 5 air squats
2x 5 pullups
std warmup


A. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
34:52. -2:16 PR. Not RX as that's with a weight vest (maybe next year?)

I segmented as follows:
1 mile run (~6:30)
5 rounds: 5 pullups, 12 pushups, 20 squats
10 rounds: 6 pushups, 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 20 squats
5 rounds: 6 pushups, 5 pullups
(finished above at 27:00)
1 mile run (7:52)

I added:
B. 3 strict MUs

Sunday, May 28, 2017

2017-05-28 Sunday Run (& hike!)

A. Run 8.91 km, time: 45:21. 5:30pace
Little slower and shorter than usual, but had a hike in teh afternoon and Murph tomorrow.

B. Hike 3 miles (Mirror lake trail up on hood). not for time

Saturday, May 27, 2017

2017-05-27 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. 5 min AMRAP
100m run
10 KBS (full overhead) 70#
4 rounds plus run + 5 kbs

5 min rest

B. 5 min AMRAP
20 cal bike
10 burpees
2 rounds even

5 min rest

C. 5 min amrap
20 cal row
20 wall ball 20#
4 rounds even

I added:

D. MU work
1 barmu
1 kipping mu
3 strict mu

Friday, May 26, 2017

2017-05-26 WOD

700m row
std warmup
snatch drills


A. 8min emom
2 position snatch (HangSnatch, Snatch)
3x75, 5x85

B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
20 KBS 53#
10 burpees

C. 3 rounds, not for time
12 benchpress (95#, 115#, 135#x10)
9 chinups

I added:

D. MU work
1 kipping, (after 1 failed)
2 failed attempts at strict

Thursday, May 25, 2017

2017-05-25 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
4 min airdyne


A. Work to a heavy CJ
clean drills
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x175

B. MU work
1 MU
1,1, 2,2 strict MU

C. 1x50 Back Squat at 135# (30# more to go for BW!)

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

2017-05-24 WOD

Whew! Grind of a workout today!

std warmup
3 rounds
5 pullups
5 wallball 12#
2 MU


A. For time
1 mile run (6:23)
5 MU
25 wallball 20#
800m run
10 MU
25 wallball 20#
400m run
15 MU
25 wallball 20#
(last set I mixed the MU/WB 5/8, 3/7, 3/5, 2/5, 2/0) 
time: 26:59

I added:

B. 2 HSHold

Monday, May 22, 2017

2017-05-22 WOD

std warmup
400m run
thruster warmup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
15 cal AirDyne
5 KB thruster (one arm) 26#
5 pullups

B. "Fran" - 21-15-9
Thruster 95#
time: 6:21 (-2 sec PR)

C. 3x3 back squat at 80%
(80% would be 225 which was not happening after fran

I added

D. MU work
1 MU
1 strict MU
3 ub strict MU
1 strict MU - failed

Saturday, May 20, 2017

2017-05-20 WOD

std warmup
400m run
3 rounds
1 burpee
2 KBS 35#
3 goblet squat 35#


A. For time, 20 min cap. increasing multiplier each round N=1,2,3...10
N burpees
2N KBS 53#
3N Goblet Squat 53#
time: 21:00 - brutal!

5 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
10 power cleans 95# (Rx was 115 for all 3 movements)
10 Front Squat 95#
10 Push jerk 95#
11:30 (I overlapped some of the cleans and front squats to break it up)

I added

C. MU work
1 MU
1, 1+1, 1+1, 1+1 strict MU

2017-05-19 WOD

std warm6xup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
10 pushups
10 v-ups

B. Work to a heavy ORM benchpress
10x45, 8x95, 5x135
3x155, 1x185, 1x205 (tied my PR, should have gone 210)

C. 12 min AMRAP
400m run
max rep ub benchpress 135
4 full rounds (10,8,8,8) + 400m run

I added

D. MU work
1 MU
3 strict MU

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

2017-05-17 WOD

std warmup
d-ball cleans 70#


A. 12 min amrap
3 rounds Cindy
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
200m run
3 rounds, 1 full round cindy, 5 pullups

5 min rest

B. For time
500m row
10 d-ball cleans 100#
400m row
8 d-ball cleans 100#
300m row
6 d-ball cleans 100#
200m row
4 d-ball cleans 100#
100m row
2 d-ball cleans 100#
time: 11:25

I added:

C. MU work
2 MU
2 strict MU
3 unbroken strict MU

D. 3x4 abwheel rollout (on knees)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

2017-05-16 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. 3 rounds, not for time
12 alternating lunge
6 goblet squat 36#

B. work to a heavy 1RM back squat
10x45, 10x95, 8x135, 5x185,
3x215, 2x245, 1x265, 1x285FAIL

C. 10 min EMOM
3 Power Clean & Push Jerk
95x2, 115x3, 135x3, 155x2

I added:

D. MU work
3 pullups
1 MU
Strict MU 1,1, 2 unbroken (PR)

Monday, May 15, 2017

2017-05-15 WOD

std warmup
3x 50' D-ball carry 100#
3 D-ball cleans 100#
Deadlift warmup


A. 3x8 One-leg KBL deadlift
3x8/side 35#

B. Work to a heavy 1-RM deadlift
10x95, 8x135, 6x185,
5x225 (60%)
3x275 (75%)
2x315 (85%)
1x345 (90%)
(probably should have swallowed my pride, done a rep at 365, and then attempted maybe 380)

C. 5 min cap
50 cal row
95# (Rx was 135) Power Snatch for reps in remaining time
11 reps

I added:

D. MU Work
2x3 ring pullups
1 MU
2 Strict MU, 1 failed

Sunday, May 14, 2017

2017-05-14 Sunday Run

A. Run 10km. Time: 44:57. Pace 4:30
 (runkeeper reported 45:27, but there was a 5sec lead at the start, and about 25 sec at the end when I was struggling to log into my phone, so I'm calling this my sub-45 PR goal).

Saturday, May 13, 2017

2017-05-13 WOD

std warmup
1000m row
3 rounds
10 KBS 35#
10 band stretches
deadlift/S2OH/front squat warm up.


A. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
40 cal row (IRx was 50)
40/30/30 wallball 20# (Rx was 50)

5 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time. 18 min cap
15 Deadlifts 95# (Rx was 115# - which I did on 1 round)
15 S2OH (push jerk) 95#
15 Front Squat 95#

I added:

C. MU Work
4 strict MU

Friday, May 12, 2017

2017-05-12 WOD

std warmup
clean drills
3 rounds
10 wallball 12#
10 kip swings
2 MU


A. "Nasty Girls". 3 rounds for time
50 air squats
7 MU
10 Hang Power Cleans 135#
time: 14:37 Rx

Wasn't sure if that was a PR, went back and checked and turns out I'd never done that one before, which is surprising. it's been around a while.

B. 3 rounds, not for time
15 bench press 50-60% (95, 115, 95)
1 min rest
15 chinups
1 min rest

I added:

C. HSHolds
Just did 2 at about 20-30 sec

Thursday, May 11, 2017

2017-05-11 WOD

Active recovery day. did a few things

std warmup
500m row


A. work to a heavy CJ
2x5 @ 45#; 5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 1x155, 1x165, 1x175, 1x185Fail, 1x175FAIL

C. MU work
2x3 strict pullups
1x3 ring pullups
1 MU
1,1,1+1f, 1 strict MU

D. 50 back squat
this week at 115

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

2017-05-10 WOD

std warmup
800m row


A. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
400m run
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 135#
10 C2B pullups

5 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
40 cal row
30 push press 95#
10 burpee box jump 24"
I only completed 2 rounds by time cap

I added

C. Back bridges 5x5sec

D. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
3x1/side (2 finger, 1 finger, 1 finger)

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

2017-05-09 WOD

std warmup
deadlift warmup
200m run


A. 5 rounds for time, full sprint
5 deadlift 165#
5 burpee bar jump

3 min rest

B. For time. 21-15-9
2x DU (48, 30, 18)
KBS 53# 3/4 height

I added:

C. MU Practice
2x3 ring pullup
3 strict MU, focusing on form (which needs work but is getting better)

D. 3 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situp
1 HSHold

Monday, May 8, 2017

2017-05-08 WOD

std warmup
5x50' D-ball carry 100#
D-ball squat (front squat w 100# ball)


A. 3 rounds, not for time
50 DU
10 T2B
5 box jumps (30", 34", 37")

B. 3 rounds each for time
25 cal Airdyne
10 Back Squat 135#
5 Burpee Box Jump 24"
times: 2:02, 2:08, 2:13

I added:

C. weighted plank
w kettlebell and weight belt - much harder than plate on shoulder
16#. 1 min, then 40s.

D. MU work
1 kipping MU
3 strict MU (woo!)

Sunday, May 7, 2017

2017-05-07 Sunday Run

Not a bad pace today. Within spitting distance of my PR.

A. Run 10.00 km. 45:35. Pace of 4:33 (28s off my PR)
(21:54 at the 5k mark, which is 20s off my 5k PR)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

2017-05-06 WOD

std warmup
10 partner over-unders (each)
shuttle sprints
Tabata jumping lunges


A. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
400m run
20 pushups
15 pullups
10 T2B
time: 13:35

2 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
100m farmer carry 2x53#
20 goblet squat 53#
10 Dball clean 100#
hit time cap. 2 rounds + carry + 8 dball (skipped last round goblet squats)

I added

C. MU practice
2 MU

Friday, May 5, 2017

2017-05-05 WOD

std warmup
1250m row (~5min)


A. Bench press 5x5 @ 75%
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 6x135
main: 5x5 @ 155#

B. (Superset w above. 1min b/t, 2 min rest after) Strict pullup 5x5 (Rx was 5x8)

C. 4 rounds each for time, w partner, alternating
300m row
8 burpees
2x12' rope climbs
15:25 (just under 2 min each per round)

I added:

D. Strict MU attempts
several, all failed.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

2017-05-04 WOD

Had to bike in to get my car, so that was part of the workout today

4 mile bike
std warmup


A. Monthly challenge max time in bottom of front squat w 135# bar
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 3x135
main: 1 min 2 sec

B. "Kelly" (modified). 5 rounds for time:
400 m run
20 Box jump 24" (Rx is 30 box jumps)
30 wallball 20#
2 MU (I added, not part of the workout)
time: 30:25

C. 6 mile bike

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

2017-05-02 Travel Workout

mish-mash of stuff from the gym mon/tues, since I missed yesterday and was travelling today.

std warmup


A. 1k row

B. Front Squat
10x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185

C. Deadlift
warm: 135x10, 185x5, 225x4
main: 275x3, 295x2, 315x2

D. 21-15-9
Push press 115#
air squat
time: 8:05

E. 5x3 DB Curls

F. Swim 2 laps :-)