Friday, November 30, 2018

2018-11-30 WOD

std warmup
40 wallball passes


A. Benchpress 3x5 at 60%-ish,
warm: 10x45#, 8x95#
main: 3x5 at 135#, dead stop on each rep

B. 14 min AMRAP
21 wallball 20#
15 KBS 53#
9 Burpee box jump 24"
6 Ring dip
4 rounds even


C. 3 rounds, not for time
3 weighted strict pullups 15#
3 strict pullups
3 kipping pullups
3 weighted strict dips 15#
3 strict dips

Thursday, November 29, 2018

2018-11-29 WOD

//make for yesterday, but did a modded version and added some stuff

std warmup
250m row
warmup of movements below
3 Cleans each @ 45, 95, 115


A. 15 AMRAP (but went over and rounded out 4 rounds)
3 Cleans 135#
4 MU (2 kipping UB, 1 strict, 1 kipping)
5 HSPU (kipping)
15 cal row
4 full rounds, 15:52

B. 3 rounds, not for time
2 Tuck Front Lever ~5s
1 Tuck Back Lever ~5s

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

2018-11-28 Yoga

Was travelling during the day, went to evening Yoga w Alisa.

A. 1hr yoga class

2018-11-27 WOD

(Had to cut it short to make a flight out for work)

std warmup
1200m row
snatch drills


A. 5 rounds for time (was an emom, but rushed to get it done)
10 GHD situps
2 Hang power snatch 75#
1 OH Squat 75#

Monday, November 26, 2018

2018-11-26 WOD

std warmup
250m row
deadlift drills


A. 3x3 Deadlift at 75%
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 6x135, 4x185, 3x225
main: 3x3 @ 275 (73%)

B. 5 rounds for time
50m OH Plate Carry 45#
10 T2B
50m farmer carry 2x53#
3 HS Plate walk (Rx was 10m HS Walk)
time: 14:53

I added:

C. 5 rounds, not for time
4 strict ring dips
5 strict pullups

Sunday, November 25, 2018

2018-11-25 Sunday Run & Yoga

A. Run 7.79km; ~38min; ~4:53 pace (phone died partway through)


B. 1hr yoga class

Saturday, November 24, 2018

2018-11-24 WOD

std warmup
1000m row (4x250 between other movements)


A. 6 min AMRAP of chipper in (C.) below
1000m row
50 DU
40 KBS 56#
6 Box Jump 24"

5 min rest

B. 8 min AMRAP of chipper in (C.) below
1000m row
50 DU
40 KBS 56#
30 Box Jump 24"
8 T2B

5 min rest

C. For time:
1000m row
50 DU
40 KBS 56#
30 Box Jump 24"
20 T2B
10 MU
time: 13:34

I added:

D. HSHold

Friday, November 23, 2018

2018-11-23 WOD

std warmup
40 wallball passes


A. 5x3 back squat at 50-60%
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 6x135
main: 5x3 @ 155 (56%)

B. 1x20 back squat - AHAP for 2reps
1x20 @ 135#

C. 5 sets, each for 2 min, w 2 min rest b/t
40m dball carry 100#
12 DB Snatch 35# (Rx was 50#)
Burpee bar jump for remainder of 2 min, AMRAP
Score is number of burpees:
12, 14, 13, 12, 14

I added:

D. 4 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold ~10s
1 Slow strict MU ~10-12s
1/side One Arm Chinup (assisted) w slow-ish negative

Thursday, November 22, 2018

2018-11-22 Thanksgiving WOD!

As usual, a big one for the holidays, and this time Alisa came with me.

std warmup


Teams of 4. Rotate through as a team for both parts A and B

A. 25 min cap, goal of 300 cals on bike as goal, but we just kept going and finished out the 25 min
P1: Airdyne for cals (we 3 got 340 total)
P2: 2 rounds of
10 KBS 53#
10 Goblet Squat 53#
5 burpees
} <-- pace setter
P3: Rest
P4: Run 400m
got about 4 full rounds

5 min rest

B. 25 min cap, goal of 300 cals on bike as goal, but we just kept going and finished out the 25 min
P1: Row for distance (We got 4500m total)
P2: 2 rounds of
5 DBall Clean 100#
5 pullups
5 medball pushups
} <-- pace setter
P3: Rest
P4: Run 400m
3 rounds + 2 DBall cleans

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

2018-11-21 WOD & Yoga

std warmup
clean & jerk drills


A. EMOM 10
Power Clean
Front Squat
Split Jerk
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 1x155

B. For reps:
3 min AMRAP
6 Hang Power Clean 135#
6 HSPU (Rx was 8 reps)
8 box jump 24"
2 rounds + 3 cleans (43 reps)
3 min rest

3 min AMRAP
4 Hang Power Clean 135#
6 HSPU (Rx was 8 reps)
8 box jump 24"
2 rounds + 2 cleans (38 reps)
3 min rest

3 min AMRAP
2 Hang Power Clean 175# (Rx was 185)
6 HSPU (Rx was 8 reps)
8 box jump 24"
2 rounds + 1 cleans (33reps)

I added:

C. BarMU practice
3 strict pullup
1 BarMU
2 Strict BarMU

That evening:

D. 1hr yoga class w Alisa

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

2018-11-20 WOD

std warmup


A. 5x3 deadlift at ~60%
warm: 5x95, 5x135,
main: 3x185, 3x185, 3x185, 3x225, 3x225

B. For time:
100 DU buy in (did 85 ub. doh!)
3 rounds of:
400m run
10 deadlift 185 (Rx was 225)
100 DU cash out

I added:

C. 2 rounds, not for time
5 DB back fly 2x25#
4 DB Ext Rotation 15#
3 Weighted Chinup 36#
2 Weighted MU 15#
1 HS Hold

Monday, November 19, 2018

2018-11-19 WOD

std warmup
1500m row (intermittent between other warmup drills)
press warmup


A. 10 min emom
(1 power clean)
1 strict press
2 push press
3 push jerk
3x75, 5x85, 1x95

B. 5 rounds for time
4 BarMU (Rx was 5)
10 DB step-ups w 2x35# (rx was 50#)
30 cal run (treadmill)

I added

C. 4 rounds, not for time
1 Tuck Front Lever ~5s
1 HSHold ~10s

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

2018-11-17 WOD


std warmup
3x250m row
Snatch drills


Hang Snatch
1x45, 2x65, 3x75, 2x85, 1x95

B. With partner, for time
100 alternating wallball (50 each)
2 min L-sit (while partner runs 200m)
100 KBS 53# (50 each)
200m run (while partnerr holds 2 min L-sit
100 T2B (50 each)
2 min L-sit (while partner runs 200m)
100 Devils Press 2x25# (Rx was 35#)
2 laps around the building - dball front carry 70# (Rx was 100) - trading w partner
time: 33:30

Friday, November 16, 2018

2018-11-16 WOD


std warmup
750m row
thruster/squat warmup


A. Benchpress 3x6 ~70%
warm: 6x45, 6x95
main: 3x6 @ 135#

B. (superset w above) 3x15 banded face pulls

C. 14 min AMRAP
5 thruster 95#
10 back squat 95#
14 alternating barbell lunges 95#
30 cal treadmill run

5 MU
15 GHD situp (MU/GHD were Rx+ for pushup/pullup/situp)
30 cal treadmill run
2 full rounds + 5 thrusters + 10 squats + 2 lunges

Thursday, November 15, 2018

2018-11-15 WOD

800m run (on tread)
std warmup


A. "TJ"
10 Benchpress 185# (I scaled to 135#, 5 reps (less later))
10 strict pullups (I scaled to kipping, 5 at first, then more later)
Max reps UB thrusters 135# (I scaled to 95#)
repeat till you hit 100 thrusters.

Time: 31;40

OMG. One of the hardest wods I've ever done despite scaling EVERYTHING

Thrusters were 12,9,12,11,11,11,10,9,8,6
9 sets of bench/pullups (because I mistakenly started on thrusters), and they started 5+5, but then 4+6, then 3+7 whole way through
So, 100 thrsuters at 95#, 30 benchpress reps, 60 pullups
So brutal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2018-11-14 WOD

Back to the box!

std warmup
OHSquat warmup


A. 10 min emom
3 OH Squat
1x45, 1x55, 1x65, 2x75, 2x85, 2x95, 1x105

B. 7 rounds for time
5 Deadlift 185#
10 burpee bar jump
20 DU
11 min even, not bad considering I was coughing up a lung through the whole thing (cold remnants)

I added

 3 rounds, not for time
1 strict MU
1 HSHold 20s

Monday, November 12, 2018

2018-11-12 Travel Workout

Quick one as I was pressed for time but already missed previous day.

A. 5 rounds
20 pushups
20 situps
20 air squats

Saturday, November 10, 2018

2018-11-10 Travel workout

std warmup


A. 10,8,7...4 (45 reps) of
Strict HSPU
DB Benchpress 2x40#
leg raises
DB Snatch 35#
DB Curl 2x30#

Thursday, November 8, 2018

2018-11-08 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup


A. 500m row

B. work to a heavy power clean + push jerk
5x45, 4x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (missed jerk on the first), 1x175 (Failed)

C. (superset w above) HSHolds
6x1 ~ 10s-ish - practicing for balance

D. MU practice
4x1 strict MU, first 2 regular speed, second 2 at ~12s each

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

2018-11-07 WOD & Yoga

1000m row
std warmup


A. 3 rounds for activation
8 Hanging knee tucks
7 wallball 10#
6 burpee step-ups

B. For time
50 wallball 20#
15 burpees
40 wallball 20#
15 burpees
30 wallball 20#
15 burpees
20 wallball 20#
15 burpees
10 wallball 20#
15 burpees


C. 1hr yoga class

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

2018-11-06 WOD

std warmup
warmup of movements in part B below


A. 10 min emom
odd: 12 GHD Situp
even: 3 Strict MU (Rx was 5 MU)

B. 15 min amrap w partner
P1: Set pace w 20 cal AirDyne
P2: AMRAP of
5 Deadlift 115#
5 Hang Power Clean 115#
5 Front Squat
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squat
Got 210 cals (so 5x20 each, plus a few cals)
Got 7 rounds of barbell work + 15 reps = 190 reps. Of which I only got about 80-90s

I added:

C. 4 HSHold ~10s each

Monday, November 5, 2018

2018-11-05 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills


A. 10 min to work to a max (w good form)
Hang Snatch
2x45, 2x65, 2x75, 1x85, 1x75

B. 12 min AMRAP
30 DU
7 T2B
7 Box jump 24"
6 rounds + 15 DU

I added

C. MU practice
1,2,3 UB Strict MU

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Saturday, November 3, 2018

2018-11-03 Travel Workout

light warmup


A. 10, 9, 8....1 of
DB Snatch 35#
DBCurl 35#
not for time 8 movements x 55 reps each = 440 reps

B. HSHold practice
several attempts

Friday, November 2, 2018

2018-11-01 WOD

Active recovery day. Did some skill work

std warmup


A. 1k row

B. Work to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165 (failed jerk)

C. (Superset w above) 10s HSHold

D. MU work
Strict MU: 1, 2, 3, 4 UB

E. One Arm Chinup (assisted