Wednesday, August 31, 2022

2022-08-31 WoD

400m run
2x1min row
std warmup
clean drills


A. (Strength) build weight over following complex
HangSquatClean (above knee)
HangSquatClean (below knee)
} (Rx+ option. Rx was Power- vs SquatClean)
75, 95, 115, 135, 155

B. (Superset w A.)
5x10 banded lat pulldown with hollow hold

C. 10 min EMOM2 (every 2nd minute)
3 PowerClean 155#

2 min rest

D. 5 min EMOM
10 T2B (did all unbroken)

(had to leave before E. which was same as D but burpees instead of T2B)

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

2022-08-30 WoD

2 min airdyne
std warmup


A. Work to a heavy strict OHPress
8x45, 6x65, 3x75, 4x85, 3x95, 2x105, 1x115, 1x125(failed)

B. Work to a heavy 5-rep back squat with good form
5x45, 5x75, 5x95, 5x135, 5x165, 5x185, 5x205, 3x225

C. Tabata Airdyne for cals
43 total (5-6/round with a push on last round)

Monday, August 29, 2022

2022-08-29 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. Activation - 4 rounds not for time
12 banded lat pulldowns
10s Static Ring Hold (high)
10s Static Ring Hold (low)
1 block run

B. 18 min AMRAP (Rx+ was for time, so that's what I did, but modded)
5 block run
5 Strict RingMU (Rx was 10 pushup, 10 pullup, Rx+ was 10BarMU)
4 block run
4 Strict RingMU
3 block run
3 Strict RingMU
2 block run
2 Strict RingMU
1 block run
1 Strict RingMU
time: 17:15

Sunday, August 28, 2022

2022-08-28 WoD

500m row
light stretching
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy CJ (PowerClean, PushJerk)
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (failed first attempt, got second one but was ugly form)

B. (superset w above) Pullup/MU
3 ring pullup (3 sets), 1 Strict RingMU (5 sets)

C. (superset w above) HSHold

Saturday, August 27, 2022

2022-08-27 WoD

1 block run
std warmup
OH Squat drills


A. 4x5 OHSquat at light-moderate weight
5x45#, 5x65, 5x65, 5x75, 5x85

B. 22min AMRAP with partner - divide work as prescribed
80 OH Plate Lunge 45# (Rx+, Rx was 35#)
- 2x20 each
60 Ring Row
- 3x10 each
40 Pushups
- 4x5 each
2 block run
- 1 block run each, other partner max effort abmat situps
we went to 22:15 and finished 3 full rounds. Pushups were 40, 35, 30

Friday, August 26, 2022

2022-08-26 WoD

2 block run
std warmup
deadlift drills


A. work to a heavy 3 rep deadlift
3x95, 3x135, 3x185, 3x225, 3x245, 3x265

B. 10 rounds for time. 15 min cap
12 wallball 20#
6 burpee bar jump
3 deadlift 185# (Rx was 225)
time: 15:10

Thursday, August 25, 2022

2022-08-25 WoD

400m run
2 block run
std warmup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
60s max distance sled push (90+70#)
1 block farmer carry 2x36# (Rx was 2x53#)
managed 2 lengths down and back on the sled pushes each time.

B. 3 rounds, not for time
8 seated OH barbell press 65#
5 tempo strict chinup 2-2-2-2

C. 2 rounds for time (Rx was 3 but I ran out of time and had to get to a meeting for work)
10 cal airdyne
10 DB CJ 35# (Right)
10 cal airdyne
10 DB CJ 35# (Left)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

2022-08-24 WoD

std warmup
clean drills


A. Build to a heavy complex of:
Clean pull to high-hang
FrontSquat w 1sec pause
2x95, 115, 135, 155, 165

B. (Superset w above) 5 rounds
2 kip swing
3 Hanging leg raise (w some kip)
20 DU

C. 5 rounds for time
5 PowerCleans 135# (Rx was 155)
5 Front Squat 135
10 T2B (did 3 of these sets unbroken, others 7+3)
20 DU
Time: 10:55

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

2022-08-23 WoD

400m run
2 block run
3 rounds
8 KBS 26#
6/side Single-leg KB Deadlift 26#
8/side banded tricep extension


A. 4 rounds, each for time, 2min rest b/t rounds
500m row
10 Ring Dip
8 Box Jump Over 24"
2:55, 2:47, 2:52, 2:49

B. 3 rounds, not for time
8/side Pallof press
20s hollow hold
10 bird-dogs (5/side)

Monday, August 22, 2022

2022-08-22 WoD

 slept in past 6am gym session, so went for a run instead.

A. Run 5.04km; 25:14; 5:01 pace

Sunday, August 21, 2022

2022-08-21 WoD

//sunday workout - did a short run as warmup, then short workout at the gym

A. Run 2km, not for time

B. Work to a heavy PowerClean + Push Jerk
5x45, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165 (failed)

C. (superset w above) 5 rounds
3 ring pullup (first 2 rounds), or 1 strictMU (last 3 rounds)
1 HSHold

Saturday, August 20, 2022

2022-08-20 WoD

3 block run
std warmup

A. Build to a heavy Power Clean
3,45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

B. 5 rounds for time, 26 min cap. (reps go down per round)
50-40-30-20-10 Ab mat Situp
5-4-3-2-1 Heavy Power Clean (I did 155)
5-4-3-2-1 block run
Time: 19:15

Friday, August 19, 2022

2022-08-19 WoD

400m run
2min Airdyne
std warmup


A. Activation. 3 rounds, not for time
500m row - pick pace you could hold for 1k (1:55 pace or so for me)
5 thruster 45#
4 strict pullups

B. "Jackie". For time:
1K Row
50 thruster 45#
30 pullups
time: 8:55
PR is 8:37, set back in 2014. I did 8:43 back in late 2019. In late 2020 I did it in 9:54 (off day?). Anyhow, not unhappy w today's time, but could be better.

C. 3 rounds, not for time
15 tuck-ups
15s hollow hold

Thursday, August 18, 2022

2022-08-18 WoD

400m run
2m Airdyne
std warmup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
12 banded-hip KB deadlift 53#
6/side deficit GobletLunge 36#
down-n-back sled push #170 (80+90#sled)

B. build to a heavy 6 rep benchpress, then back off weight and do 3x10
6x45, 6x75, 6x95, 6x115, 6x135, 2x155
6x115, 10x95, 10x95

C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 barbell curls (45, 65, 65)
10 close-grip pushups

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

2022-08-17 WoD

400m run
std warmup
snatch drills w PVC


A. over 15 min, build to a moderate weight for the movements below. 1 block run b/t. (I managed 5 rounds at moderate pace)
1 Muscle Snatch
2 OHSquat
1 block run
weights: 45, 65, 65, 75, 75

2 min rest, then immediately into B. (I did one PowerSnatch at 95# and decided to scale back to 75#)

B. 10 rounds for time, 16 min cap.
6 Hang Power Snatch 75# (Rx was 95#)
8 burpee bar jump
time: 14:55

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

2022-08-16 WoD

std warmup


A. Activation
4 rounds
5/side OHPress in split squat position 65#
5 jumps/side in split squat position
20 DU

B. 20 min AMRAP
10 DB PushPress 1x50#
35 DU
2 block run
6 rounds + 10 PushPress + 20DU

Monday, August 15, 2022

2022-08-15 WoD

 (back to gym after travelling a few days)

2min Airdyne
std warmup
clean drills


A. build to a heavy complex:
Clean High Pull
Power Clean
Front Squat w 1sec pause
45, 95, 95, 115, 135, 155, 165(failed)

B. (Superset w above). 5 rounds:
3 weighted strict C2B Pullup 15#

C. 12 min emom:
even: Clean + 3 Front Squat w 1sec pause at bottom 135#
odd: 3 weighted pullup (2 @ 25#, 2 @ 20#, 2 @ 35#)

Sunday, August 14, 2022

2022-08-14 WoD

 (quick travel workout)

A. 9,13,12,11,... 2,1  (total 100 reps) of
(not for time)

Saturday, August 13, 2022

2022-08-13 WoD

 A. Run 4.56km; 26:19; 5:47 pace (not bad pace considering the hills where I was)


B. ~1 mile kayaking

Thursday, August 11, 2022

2022-08-10 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. 5 rounds for time, with 5 block (~1/2 mile) run buy-in and cash-out
5 block run

5 rounds:
10 Hand-release pushups
15 Box Jump Over 24"
20 abmat situps

5 block run
time: 17:20

B. 3 rounds, not for time
8 DB Curls at 31x1 tempo 2x25#
8 DB skull crushers 1x40#

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

2022-08-09 WoD

400m run
2 block run
std warmup


A. 4 rounds, not for time
(1 clean & jerk to get to back squat)
5 BackSquat at Tempo (3223) 95#
2 pullup at tempo (3333)

B. 3 rounds, each for time, rest 2min b/t
500m row
1 CJ 115#
5 back squat 115#
2 strict RingMU (Rx was 8 pullup or 5 barmu)
didn't write times - about 3min/round

Monday, August 8, 2022

2022-08-08 WoD

std warmup
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy 3-rep PowerClean
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x165(failed)

B. 21 min AMRAP
9 Burpee bar jump
15 PowerClean 95#
21 AirSquat
2 long block run
score: 4 full rounds + 45 reps (everything but the run on the last round)

Sunday, August 7, 2022

2022-08-07 WoD

Didn't get out and run early, so figured I'd go to open gym and push myself a bit. Did 2 benchmark workouts, but didn't go 100% effort on either.

std warmup
500m row
Clean drills
2x3 ring pullup
2 RingMU


A. Work to working weight CJ for Grace.
3 power Clean push jerk @95, 3x115, 2x135

B. "Grace" - 30 CJ 135# for time.
Time: 7:30

C. 30 MU for time
Time: 10:25

Saturday, August 6, 2022

2022-08-06 WoD

1 block run
std warmup

3 rounds:
3 box jump
3 Fr Squat w 2s pause (95#)
4 Ring Rows
100m row (see how close you can get to 100m in under 30s


A. 3 rounds for time, 24 min cap. Partner workout
buy-in each round: 3 block run (1), 40 cal row (2), 40 cal Airdyne (3) - split 10/10 x2
42 Front Squat 95# (3x7 each)
36 Ring Rows (3x6 each)
30 Box Jump Overs 24" (3x5 each)
total time: 19:20

Friday, August 5, 2022

2022-08-05 WoD

400m run
500m row
std warmup
several of each movement below


A. 25min AMRAP
50 abmat situps
40 KBS 53#
30 PushPress 75#
20 BB Lunges 75#
1 block farmer carry 53#kb+25#db
2 Full rounds + 100 reps (situps, kbs, 10 pushpress) = 400 reps

Thursday, August 4, 2022

2022-08-04 WoD

400m run
3 block run
std warmup
deadlift 8x75, 5x135


A. 10,9,8...1 of
Banded Deadlift 165# (Rx+ was bodyweight, which was what I did)
BoxJump 24"

B. 4 rounds, not for time
8 DB Elevator Benchpress 2x25#
10 DB Fly 2x15#

C. 4 rounds, not for time
25 banded tricep extensions
6 body saws w feet in rings

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

2022-08-03 WoD

400m run
2 min Airdyne
std warmup


A. activation. 4 rounds, not for time
10 chinup-grip barbell row 75#
5 ring dips
3 kip swings
30s DU (~20 DUs)

B. 5 rounds, 2 min each, 2 min rest b/t
3 RingMU (Rx was 6 pullup+burpees, Rx+ was 6 RMU, so I did something in the middle)
30 DU
Row for cals in remainder of two minutes, score is calorie count
Cals: 10,11,14,11,20 (was really about whether you broke on DU or MU)

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

2022-08-02 WoD

2 block run
std warmup
several of movements below


A. 3 rounds, not for time
3 seated box jump 24"
2 kip swing + 2 straight leg raise + 2 K2E
12 banded nordic curls
8 DB Snatch 30#

B. 3 rounds for time
25 T2B
30 DB Snatch 40# (Rx was 50#)
3 block run
time: 9:58

Monday, August 1, 2022

2022-08-01 WoD

3 min Airdyne
std warmup


A. Build to a heavy 3-rep thruster
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135

B. (superset w above) 4x3 strict C2B pullup

C. 12 min Amrap
3 Thrusters 95#
3 C2B Pullup
6 Thrusters 95#
3 C2B Pullup
9 Thrusters 95#
3 C2B Pullup
12 Thrusters 95#
6 C2B Pullup
15 Thrusters 95#
6 C2B Pullup
18 Thrusters 95#
6 C2B Pullup
... (keep increasing in that pattern, though this was as far as I got)
Got through the 18+6. So 63 thrusters and 27 C2B