Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020-01-01 WOD

Beefy NewYear's WOD!

std warmup
400m run
several each of movements below


Each of below done as team of 3. 1 person works, other does static hold, third person rests. Rotate as needed.

A. 504 DU's
Person 2 does 45# barbell OH Squat hold
5x30 each, + 1 set of 18 each
6x30s OHSquat hold

B. 505 wallball (Rx was 20#, we did 2x10 each and switch to 16# ball and sets of 15)
Person 2 does plank hold
2x10, 10x15 each
12 plank holds of ~30sec

C. 505 cal Airdyne
Person 2 does Bar hang
~12cal sets, 15 each
12x30sec bar hang each

D. 253 pullups
Person 2 does 2x53#kb suitcase hold
My partners did sets of 10 ring rows while I did sets of 5 pullups, so something like 10-11 sets
10-11 sets of suitcase hold

E. 252 pushups
Person 2 does V-up hold.
We did 8 sets of 10 each, and 1 person did an extra 12
I managed maybe 5 of the v-up holds but was pretty smoked at this point.

Total time: 62 min!

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