Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year in review, and goals for 2013

Since it's end of year, probably a good time to look back on progress made. Have been doing Crossfit for 18 months now, I started recording all my progress on this blog 12 months back. Some short notes on progress in 2012 are below, as well as goals for 2013.

Progress against goals
At the start of the year, I set 3 goals. I added 3 more in November. They were:

- 40 Double-unders, unbroken <-- DONE. At start of year, my best was 17
- 15 pullups, unbroken <-- DONE. At start of year, my best was 5
- 10 handstand pushups, unbroken <-- not achieved. I can do 7, and at start of year, my best was 3
- Fran in under 10 minutes <-- DONE. (7:28!)
- Reach 80 in 7-min burpee challenge from '12 open <-- not achieved (Got to 76. I haven't done it in a couple months, so could probably get there - but not after doing Fran yesterday!)
- 1 muscle-up <-- not achieved. So close!

So I hit half of them, but am close on the others, so I feel good about it.

Lifting (Jan '12 --> Dec '12)

Benchpress: 170 --> 190 (+12%)
Clean: 135 --> 165 (+22%)
C&J: 125 --> 155 (+24%)
Back Squat: 215 --> 245 (+14%)
Front Squat: 175 --> 205 (17%)
OH Press:  120 --> 130 (+8%)
Deadlift: 265 --> 315 (+19%)
Snatch: 95 --> 115 (+21%)

Benchmark & Hero workouts. (Jan '12 --> Dec '12)

I've done a number of these, but only a couple that I have before & after numbers for. Pretty good improvements on all.

Annie: 11:37 --> 8:11
Cindy: 12+2 --> 16+16
Fran: 12:51 --> 7:28
Jackie: 14:03 --> 10:45 (this wasn't completely apples-to-apples though)
Murph: 59 min for HALF scaled workout --> 55:45 for the full workout


Row 2k: 8:56 --> 7:47
1mile run: 7:30 --> 6:24
7 min burpees w 6 inch jump: 63 --> 76

One of the things I love about crossfit is how varied and quantifiable everything is, and so there's always a good indicator of progress.

Areas for improvement, and goals for 2013:

I still didn't hit my MU, so MU progressions, C2B pullups, etc.
HS pushups, handstand holds, and handstand walks (which I also need to know how to fall/roll for)
Stuff that hits my lungs hard. Sprints, rowing sprints. Airdyne. Burpees. Burpees also need to work on form/efficiency.
DUs and Rope climbs are still pretty weak. Need to work on those.
Staying on heels when lifting, esp front squat.

So, some specific goals:

- Participate in at least 1 event (CF event, or Tough Mudder, or some such thing)
- Move from 4th quartile to 3rd quartile in the CF Open (depends a lot on who else participates, but last time around I was bottom 10% all round)
- 1 MU
- 10 HSPU unbroken, and 10' HS walk
- 6:00 Fran
- 80 DUs unbroken
- C&J my body weight (175 right now)

On to 2013!

2012-12-31 WOD

std warmup
partner wallball ladder (1 then 1, 2 then 2...) up to 10 (i.e. 55 total) @ 20#


20 min AMRAP
20 wallball 20#
13 T2B
200m run
total 5 rounds + 12 reps Rx

Then added
2 x 3 ring pullups
2 x 3 strict pullups

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012-12-30 WOD

Normally Sunday is rest day, but some folk were going to the box to do Fran, and under 10 minute time was a year-end goal. PR by almost 3 minutes!

21-15-9 of
Thruster 95#
} time: 7:28

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012-12-29 WoD

std warmup
10 pushups on medball
10 ball slams
400m run

A. 3 rounds of
30s ball slam 20#
30s pushups (feet on medball)
counts: 18/15, 20/12, 18/12

B. 3 rounds of
30s pullups
30s air squats
counts: 12/20, 9/20, 9/24

C. 3 x 100m sprints, 90sec rest b/t

D. Did 2x3 ring pullups

Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012-12-27 WOD

std warmup
400m run
5 wallball 20#
5 burpees
5 push press 65#


for time, 30-20-10-20-30 of
wallball 20#
push press
time: 28:44

then added:
5 strict pullups
3 ring pullups

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012-12-26 WOD

std warmup
10 medball cleans 20#
5 medball OH tosses 20#
200m run

10 medball cleans 20#
5 medball OH tosses 20#


A. Benchpress 3x3 @ 85% ORM
I did 165#, which is 85% 195, but struggled with 3rd rep on last two sets. 

B. Deadlift 3x3 @ 85% ORM
I did 265#, which is 85% 310 - however my ORM is 315, so I should have gone 275 or so here.

C. 3 rounds for time
300m row
90s rest
} times: 1:01, 1:02.1, 1:00.7

D. 5min AMRAP
5 box jumps 24"
5 pushups
} total: 10 rounds + 4 reps

E. (Added after the fact)
6 strict pullups
4 ring pullups 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What a difference a year makes

While I've been crossfitting a year and half, I started tracking stuff on this blog exactly a year ago. Interesting to compare results between the big Xmas eve WoD from 2011 vs 2012 and see the difference. Both were partner workouts, and while they are somewhat apples-to-oranges, it's fun to compare:

2011 (my portion of it):
1 mile run (w 40lb buddy), 33 burpees w jump, 150 DUs (I probably did singles), 50 wall ball, 50 box jumps, 1 15' wall climb, 50 pullups, 75 lunges - total time: 89 minutes.

2012 (my portion of it)
2x half mile run, 50 dead lifts, 100 air squats, 50 pushups, 50 T2B, 50 box jumps, 50 burpees, 50 pullups: Total time: 49:58

Somewhat comparable wod (2012 should be slightly faster due to 2 vs 3 people) but finished in almost half the time, and didn't need to scale anything.

2012-12-24 WOD

Xmas eve wod. Was a toughie.

Partner WOD. Teams of 2. Aside from the bookend runs, for all other movements, one partner rests while other works. My partner and I pretty much split all of the work 50/50

For time
800m run
100 dead lifts 135#
200 air squats
100 pushups
150 T2B
100 box jumps 24"
100 burpees
100 pullups
800m run
} time: 49:58

Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012-12-22 WOD

Brutal Saturday WOD: The Deck of Death (aka "Deck the Halls (of Death)"). I Rx'd it but am paying for it  now.

std warmup
200m run
5 box jumps 24"
5 cleans 95#
5 KBS 56#

Hearts = Box jump 20/24" (I did 24")
Diamonds = KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)
Clubs = Hand release pushups
Spades = Hang Power Clean 65/95# (I did 95#)

Go through full deck of cards on at a time. Suit is the movement. Value of card is number of reps. Face cards are 10, aces are 15 reps. Jokers are 400m run.

That works out to 99 reps of each movement, or 104 if you count those in the warmup.

Friday, December 21, 2012

2012-12-21 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats


A. 3x5 Front Squat @ 80% ORM
I did 165, which is 80% of 205 - should've gone a bit heavier

B. 3x5 OH PRess @ 80% ORM
I did 115, which is 80% of 145

C. 3 rounds, 1min AMRAP burpees
19, 20, 22

D 3 rounds, 1min AMRAP jumping squats
32, 39, 42

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012-12-20 WOD

Active recovery day

A. 5 min TGU practice (26#, 7-8 each side)

B. 20 min row (4500m)

C. 10 min mobility practice

D. Did some HSPU practice/HS Hold practice

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012-12-19 WOD

std warmup
1 wallwalk
5 tuck jumps


A. 800m run for time:
my time 3:02 <-- PR!

B: for time, 25 HSPU (strict) or 50 HRPU (strict)
I did the latter, as I didn't think I could manage 25
time: 2:30

5 KBS 53/70 (I did 53#)
5 burpees
} total of 7 rounds

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012-12-18 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball 20#
20 wallball tosses 20#


A. Benchpress 3x5 @ 80%
I was supposed to do 165# but only managed 3x5 @ 155#. Guessing it had something to do with 16 rounds of Cindy yesterday.

B. Deadlift 3x5 @ 80%
I did 255#, which is 80% of 320#

C. 15 min amrap: count num rounds and max DU count reached
100m sprint
as many unbroken DUs as possible
} I did 10 rounds and my max count DUs was 32, though more often I broke after 15-20

Monday, December 17, 2012

2012-12-17 WOD

std warmup
wallball passes x10
wallball slam passes x10
wallball back-to-back side passes x10 each direction


A. 4 sets of {
1 HangPowerSnatch
1 HangPowerSnatch from knee
1 PowerSnatch from floor
} weights: 65, 75, 75, 75

B. "Cindy"
WOD was 10 roudns for time, but I decided to do the whole 20 minutes
so I wrote down my time for 10 rounds, and then counted my rounds/reps for the full 20 min

AMRAP 20 min
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 airsquats
} 10 rounds in 10:40; total count in 20 min - 16 rounds + 16 reps (85 pullups, 170 pushups, 241 squats)

16+16 is a PR for me, and a huge improvement over when I did it last year, getting 12+2, and I think that one was assisted, not strict. Yay measurable progress!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012-12-15 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds of
30 KBS 26#
30 air squats

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of....
KBS 53/70 (I did 53#)
C2B pullups
Goblet squat with above weight
total time (IIRC) 25:40

2012-12-14 WOD


A. OH Press 3x5 at 75% ORM
I did 105#, which is 75% 140 (my ORM is 130, goal is 135-140)

B. Front Squat 3x5 at 75% ORM
I did 155#, which is 75% 210 (my ORM is 205, goal is 210-220)

C. 3 rounds for time
15 pullups
7 OH squat at 95/65 (I did 65#)
} total time: 7:40

D. Later, over lunch
4.8k run, 25:44, 5.21 pace

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012-12-13 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
200m run


A. ROM work
- 4 min shoulder crankers
- 4 min glutes/hips lacrosse ball
- 4 min back/shoulders lacrosse ball

B. 20 min row

C. MU progressions
managed an assisted strict MU. Soooo close!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012-12-12 WOD

A. 4 rounds for time
20 barbell lunges 135/95 (I did 95#)
400m run
} total time 15:15

B. Pullup progressions
3x3 strict pullups with 35# weight
2x3 kipping pullups

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012-12-11 WOD


A. Deadlift 3x5 @ 75% orm
I did 3x5 @ 240# (75% of 320 goal)

B. Benchpress 3x5 @ 75% orm
I did 3x5 @ 155# (75% of 205)

C. For time
500m row
rest 60 seconds
rest 30 seconds
250m row
rest 30 seconds
} my time (minus 2 min rest) 3:56

D. Added a pullup ladder (strict) 4,3,2,1 = 10 pullups

Monday, December 10, 2012

2012-12-10 WOD

std warmup
200m run
handstand walk attempts <-- I need to practice these. Against wall I'm ok, but 'free form' I'm too chicken to actually get vertical

for time:
50 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
30 pullups
20 OH Squat 115/75 (I did 75)
10 Burpee bar jumps
20 OH Squat 115/75 (I did 75)
30 pullups
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
50 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
total time 26:10 

Update: Ran over lunch: 4.2km, 21:27, 5:06 pace

Saturday, December 8, 2012

2012-12-08 WOD

This was the "Wishing on a WOD" event that BCF does Make A Wish foundation. Fun workout, and we raised some money to brighten the day for some sick kids and their families.


AMRAP 30 minutes
5 pushups
10 situps
15 airsquats

I managed 29 rounds, so 145 pushups, 290 situps, 435 air squats

Friday, December 7, 2012

2012-12-07 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball 12#
20 wallball passes
200m run

A. 5x5 Frontsquat at 70% ORM
I did 145#, which is 70% of 210 (my orm is 205)

B. 5x5 OH Press at 70% ORM
I did 95#, which is 70% of 135 (my orm is 130)

C. 3 rounds for time of:
10 pullups (did the first 7 of the first set strict, all the rest kipping)
15 wallball 20#
400m run
} time 10:10

Thursday, December 6, 2012

2012-12-06 WOD

Recovery/makeup day, I did a little stretching, then made up for Tuesday's WoD which I missed due to work travel.

std warmup
200m run

A. Benchpress 5x5 @ 70% of ORM
I did 5x5 @ 145# (70% of 210, my ORM is 190)

B. Deadlift 5x5 @ 70% of ORM
I did 5x5 @ 225# (70% of 320, my ORM is 315)

C. 5 rounds for time of
10 T2B
25 DU
} total time 10:10

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012-12-05 WOD

3 rounds, total count reps
30 seconds push press 65/95 (I did 95#)
30 seconds jumping squats
30 seconds close-grip pushups
5 min rest b/t rounds
My counts per round: 52, 53, 44 (Rx)

2 rounds, max reps within 4 minute limit (per round)
500m row
OH Squat 55/75 (I did 75#)
4 min rest b/t rounds
My counts per round: 14, 14 (Rx)

[update - over lunch I did 4.2k run in 21min, and did 5 HSPU]

Monday, December 3, 2012

2012-12-03 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball 20#
snatch practice

A. 6 min amrap
3 hang snatch AHAP (I did 75#)
8 burpee box jumps, 24/30 (I did 30")
count: 4 rounds, 3 reps Rx

B. 1000m row for time
time: 4:01

C. 6 min amrap
3 hang power snatch AHAP (I did 75#)
8 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
count: 5 rounds, 3 reps Rx

Saturday, December 1, 2012

2012-12-01 WOD

December! Wow, time flies

std warmup
10 wallball slam passes 20/14
10 wallball chest passes 20/14

4 rounds of:
4 min limit
500m row
thrusters 65/95 for remainder of 4 min (I did 95#)
4 min rest
counts were 16, 15, 14, 15 Rx

Friday, November 30, 2012

2012-11-30 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice


A. 3x5 Front Squat @ 65%

I did #135, which is 65% of 210 (my PR is 205 - My goal for this cycle is 215)

B. 3x5 OH Press @ 65%

I did #95, which is 65% of 146 (my PR is 130 - My goal for this cycle is 140)

C. For time

20, 15, 10, 5 of
Wallball 20#
} time: 6:15 Rx

Thursday, November 29, 2012

2012-11-29 WOD

Aerobic Recovery day (new thursday thing)

std warmup
200m run

A. 30 min row at easy pace (did 6300m)

B. Mobility work

C. work on what you want

- HSPU (have goal of 10 UB by EOY)
- 10 HSPU (5 UB followed by 3, then 2) <-- PR, previous was 4.

Muscle up progression work

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012-11-28 WOD

std warmup, plus
3 rounds of
10 wallball 20#
5 burpees
10 situps

double unders while partner does above, then swap

15 min AMRAP
10 KBS 53/70 (I did 70#)
15 Box jumps 20/24" (I did 24")
100m sprint
} total: 6 rounds, plus 5 reps

Also, did 3 sets of 5 strict pullups

Plan to run over lunch hour

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2012-11-27 WOD

A. 3x5 Deadlifts @ 65% ORM

Did 205#, which is 65% of my ORM of 315. Should probably do 65% of target (325)

B. 3x5 Benchpress @ 65% ORM

Did 135#, which is 70% of my ORM of 190, or ~65% of 210

C. Do two sets of the following:

3 rounds
5 deadlift above weight (205#)
10 HRPushups

times: 1:40 first set, 1:56 second set

Added afterward

D. 4 sets of 6 pullups

E. 1 set of 6 ring dips

Monday, November 26, 2012

2012-11-26 WOD

A. 15 min, work to a heavy clean

PR'd my (power) clean @ 165# (+10 PR)

B. 8 min AMRAP cleans @ 80% above weight

I did 25 reps at 125#

C. 8 min AMRAP
partner 250m row intervals (row 250, partner rows 250, repeat)
We did 2050m So roughly 1:55 x 4, with a few seconds for change-over

[Ran over lunch: 4.2k, 21:57, pace of 5:13/km]

Saturday, November 24, 2012

2012-11-24 WOD

std warmup
400m run

4 sets, 8 minutes allowed for each
10 heavy front squats (I did 135#)
10 burpees
200m sprint
1min plank hold
1min OH plate hold (45#)
remainder of time is rest, until 8 minutes
} (times for 10+10+200 varied from 2:15 to 2:45)

added 10 strict pullups afterward

Friday, November 23, 2012

2012-11-23 WOD

"Max Aerobic Power" (MAP) day. Everything should be at 80-90%, scale so you don't stop moving.

A. 10 min AMRAP
7 wallballs 14/20 (I did 20#)
7 KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)
7 dips
7 pistols or air squats (I did air squats - wow, where did my pistols go? need to work on those)
} result: 6 rounds even

B. 2k row at 85-90%
time; 8:33

C. 7 min AMRAP
5 box jumps 24/30 (I did 30")
5 power clean 65/95 (I did 95#)
5 pullups
} result: 5 rounds plus 2 reps

Thursday, November 22, 2012

2012-11-22 TURKEY WOD!

Thanksgiving day WOD. BCF normally does a pretty brutal workout before holidays. Today was no exception.

With 60 people there, we were tight for space, so std stretching but instead of the usual back-n-forth in the gym we did a lot of stationary stuff. Also, 5 reps each of the movements below.


A. For time, team workout, divide work below among 3 people
400m run (all of team)
200 box jumps (I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70# KB(I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 med ball slams 20# (I did 6 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 mountain climbers (I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 burpees! (I did 6 sets of 10)
} time: 42:01

B. Tabata situps (20 seconds max situps, 10 seconds rest, 8 sets)
10,10,9,9,8,8,8,8 (70 total)

C. 200m bear crawl. outside. aka "200m hand shredder" :-(

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2012-11-21 WOD

Missed 2 days of WODs due to sick kid, but more than made up for it today:

std warmup
3 rounds
1 wall-walk
5 wallball 20#


"Angie" (each set of 100 must be fully completed before moving to next movement)
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats
} total time: 30:10 Rx
(times per movement were 11:12, 8:21, 7:27, 3:10)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012-11-17 WOD

Nice to be back at the box after being away all week. This was a tough one.

std warmup plus 20# wallballs (10) and wallball passes (20)

7 rounds and 7 reps each of
HSPU/Negatives/HRPU - I started with HSPU, then went to negatives, then to HRPU
Thrusters 135/95 - I did 95#
K2E - done
DL - 225/115 - I did 165#
KBS 70/53 - I did 53#
Pullups - done
} - time: 37:07

Thursday, November 15, 2012

2012-11-15 WOD

(travelling, but luckily hotel has decent gym - rowing machine, barbells, etc)

500 m row (1:55)

Fran {
21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups

15 thrusters 95#
15 pullups
9 thrusters 95#
9 pullups
tim:10:20 - Dang. PR, but so close to my goal of sub-10. Next time

Dip progressions
2x5 dips 5-1-1 count

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2012-11-13 WOD

travelling today and tight on time, so light workout.


30 DB Snatches (30 per arm) 40#

Dip progressions
3x5 15# weighted Dips, 3-1-1 count

Pullup progressions
3x5 pullups, not weighted but on a 4" diameter pipe

3x4 HSPU, but not all the way to the ground

Monday, November 12, 2012

2012-11-12 WOD

Veterans Day WOD today. Had our choice of 3 tough workouts. I chose "DT", but scaled it some.

std warmup
15 wallball 20#
warmup cleans & deadlifts

"DT" - weight was supposed to be #155, I scaled to #115
5 rounds of:
12 Deadlifts 115#
9 Hang Power Cleans 115#
6 Push Jerk115#
} time: 13:30

3 sets of 20 situps


Saturday, November 10, 2012

2012-11-10 WOD


A.For time
1 mile run
30 pullups
30 box jumps 24"
800m run

20 pullups
20 box jumps 24"
400m run
10 pullups
10 box jumps 24"
time: 23:15

3 min active cooldown on airdyne

B. 4 sets of 25 situps

Friday, November 9, 2012

2012-11-09 WOD


A. Close Grip Benchpress, 8-12 reps, moderate weight, 3 sets

I did #125, 12+12+10

B. 4 rounds of a 3 min amrap, w 3 min rest b/t
5 T2B (K2E)
5 burpees
5 pullups (ring rows

I did 3 rounds for all 4 sets. First 2 were Rx (and highest was what counted) but last two rounds I sent to 3 pullups.

Also went for a run at lunchtime:
4.12Km 22:34, 5:29 pace

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2012-11-08 WOD

std warmup
200m run (sprint really, as me and another guy raced it)

A. Pullup progressions

3x3 20# weighted pullups
2 min rest b/t

2x8 assisted pullups - 3-1-1

B. Dip progressions

3x3 15# weighted dips 5-1-1

C. 4 rounds of
350m row
12-15 (I did 12) OH Squats at manageable weight for good form (I did 75#)

at lunch did some HSPU practice (8 reps)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012-11-07 WOD

std warmup
200m run

A. "Elizabeth"
21-15-9 of
Cleans 135/95 (I scaled to 95#)
Ring dips (or dips, or pullups to scale) I did ring dips!
} time: 14:00

B. 4 rounds of 20 T2B/K2E
I did 20 T2B x 4

Update: at lunch:
- 4.1k run, 19:31 (4:46 min/km pace)
- 10 HSPU/neg ladder (4,3,2,1)
- 15 pullup ladder (5,4,3,2,1)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2012-11-06 WOD


A. Pullup progressions

3x3 weighted pullups w 20# weight
(also did one with 44# just to try it!)

2x8 assisted pullups 3-1-1 count

B. Dip progression

3x3 weighted dips w 15# weight, 5-1-1 count

C. 10 min amrap
15 cleans 95#
30 DUs
I did 3 rounds, plus 15 cleans and 10 DUs

Monday, November 5, 2012

2012-11-05 WOD

Thought I'd have a hard time given that my back was still messed up from Saturday's 80 deadlifts. Managed ok though.

A. Work to a heavy snatch from high hang position over 20 min

I got to 115. +10 PR!

B. AMRAP 30 seconds each for the following, back to back. 1 min rest, then repeat

burpees: 12
KBS (53#): 10
box jumps (20"): 12
Total: 34

burpees: 10
KBS (53#): 11
box jumps (20"): 10
Total: 31

[Update: ran 5.14k in 27:31. Avg pace of 5:21 min/km]

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Progress check on yearly goals

Nov 4 - 8 weeks till end of year. I did a check 3 months ago, probably good to take stock.

Goals were:
Double Unders: Goal was 40 UB - Nailed that last week, but Mike F upped it to 50. Should be able to.
15 pullups UB - Nailed that too in sept
10 HSPU - Oof. I'm nowhere close on this one. Time to get to work.

In addition - I'm adding 3 more
Sub 10 minute fran
breaking 80 on my 7-min burpee challenge from last year's open.
1 MU - we're doing pullup & dip progressions, so I feel I should get there.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

2012-11-03 WOD


A. 5 deadlifts every 30 seconds for 8 minutes (total of 80 reps)
I did 185# (60% my ORM of 315)

B. 5 thrusters every 30 seconds for 8 minutes (total of 80 reps)
I did 75# but had to lower weight: 75# for six sets, 65# for four sets, 55# for eight sets

C. 30m shuttle runs (3 x 10m length) every 30 seconds for 8 minutes

Friday, November 2, 2012

2012-11-02 WOD

Mike/Lincoln b-day workout


400m medball run 20#
75 wallball 20#
150 DU
50 box jumps 24"
100 walking OH lunges, 45#
1000m row
30 pullups
30 burpees
400m medball run 20#

Total time: 37:00 Rx

2012-11-01 WOD


A. Pullup progressions

3x3 20# weighted pullups

2x8 3-1-1-1 assisted pullups

B. Dip progressions

3x5 5-1-1-1 dips

C: 4 rounds at 80% of
50 DUs*
350m row or 400m run (I did 2 of each)

* First round I got 41 unbroken, which is a PR and one of my yearly goals (2/3 now done - need to get 10 HSPU by next 8 weeks)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012-10-31 WOD

std warmup
400m run

5 rounds of tabatas! Each of which is 8 rounds, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, lowest number of reps counts as your number. I've made note on how I degraded just for my benefit

1. Tabata wallball 20#
Score: 7 (10,8,8,7,7,7,7,7)

2. Tabata situps
Score: 10 (12,10,10,10,10,10,10,10)

3. Tabata burpees
Score: 5 (8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)

4. Tabata air squats
Score: 11 (12, 11,11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12)

5. Tabata pullups (kipping)
Score: 5 (8,7,6,6,5,5,5,5)

[update: Ran at lunch: 4.12Km, 22:05 - 5:22 min/km pace]

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012-10-30 WOD


A. Build to heavy double back squat in 15 min
I got to 205#

B. 3 rounds for time of
50 DUs
10 DB Man-makers (I did 15#)

C. Pullup progression
3x3 weighted pullups (20#)
2x8 partner assisted pullups 3-1-1

[add lunch I added 1 pullup ladder (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1) and 2 sets of 10 T2B]

Monday, October 29, 2012

2012-10-29 WOD

Std warmup
medball pass-rounds
CJ practice


A. 8 sets, increasing weight, w 1 min between rounds
1 High-hang clean
1 mid-thigh clean
1 full clean
2 jerks
I did 95#, 95#, 105#, 105#, 115#, 115#, 125#, 135#

B. 2k row time trial
7:47 <-- PR! Previous best 8:08

C. Ran over lunch - 4.16Km, 20:35 - pace of 4:57 (7:57/mile)
also added 15 pullups, 5 HSPU

Saturday, October 27, 2012

2012-10-27 WOD

Tough wod today. I Rx'd it, but I'm feeling the pain now and likely will tomorrow too.

std warmup
10 partner wallball (20#)
Squat-clean practice

3 rounds for time
30 Squat cleans - 95#
10 strict pullups (normally this workout calls for 30 pullups - Though because we're doing no kipping this month, this was changed to 10 strict )
800m run
Time: (forgot to write it down, so I'm going from memory: 23:45)

Friday, October 26, 2012

2012-10-26 WOD

A. 3 x 8-10 OHS at manageable weight
I did 3x8 at 65#

B. For time
400m run
30 OHS 65#
400m run
20 OHS 75#
400m run
10 OHS 95#
} time: 13:37 Rx

[Update: Went running at lunch. 4.2Km, 21:56; pace of 5:15min/km, or 8:26/mile]

Thursday, October 25, 2012

2012-10-25 WOD

A. Dip progressions
1st set - 5 dips 5-1-1-1
2nd, 3rd set - 3 ring dips, 5-1-1-1

B Pullup progression
3 sets of 3 weighted pullups (15#)
2 sets of 10 assisted pullups

C. For time* 3 rounds of:
3 15' rope climps
20 pushups
20 situps
time: 17:15
* However, there was a queue waiting on ropes, so time's longer than it could have been

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2012-10-24 WOD

std warmup, plus
2 rounds
1 wall-walk
10 wallball 20#
5 pushups


A. Turkish getup practice
I did 12 per side, 26#

B. 3 rounds for time
25 KBS (53#)
25 burpees
} time: 11:15

C. added 2 rounds of 5 pullups, strict

Update: Went for a run at lunch. Little longer than usual, little slower than monday's pace.

5.8Km, 31:22, pace of 5:24/km (8:42/mile)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2012-10-23 WOD

A. 3x 8-10 deadlifts at ~60%, 4-0-1 count
I did 3 sets of 8 reps at 165#

B. Pullup practice
3 sets of 3 reps, weighted pullups, 20#

C. Partner wod, assisted pullup ladder + 10m wheelbarrow
10 pullups
10m wheelbarrow
8 pullups
10m wheelbarrow
6 pullups
10m wheelbarrow
4 pullups
10m wheelbarrow
2 pullups
10m wheelbarrow

Monday, October 22, 2012

2012-10-22 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice

A. Snatch complex @ comfortable but heavy weight. 4 rounds of
1 Hi-Hang snatch
1 Power Snatch
2 OH Squat
2 min rest
I did the above at 75#

B. For time
100 DUs
15 Power Snatches
15 Thrusters
100 DUs
} my time: 12 min

[Update: went running at lunch: 4.2Km - 19:24 - pace of 4:37/km or 7:26/mile]

Thursday, October 18, 2012

2012-10-18 WOD

Crossfit Dublin!

"lunge lizards" x 10
situp x 10
mountain climbers x 10

A. Work to a heavy OH Press 2-1-1 count

50% ORM x 3 reps (65#)
75% ORM x 2 reps (95#)
85% ORM x 1 rep (115#)

90-95% ORM x 1 rep (125#)
New ORM x 1 rep (135# attempted, failed, did 130#,which tied PR)

B. 8 rounds @ 75% effort of
30 seconds double unders
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds situps
30 seconds KBS (53#)

60 second rest
} for total reps
My reps: 104,100,87,88,80,75,82
total reps 546

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2012-10-16 WOD

Std warmup
15 partner medball tosses (underhand)
2x10 pushups

A. pullup & dip progressions
3x3 strict pullup
2x8 partner pullups 3-1-1 tempo

3x5 dips, 5-1-1-1 tempo

B. Airdyne 40 cals for time (1:30)

C. Close Grip Bench
3x5 at moderate weight (I went to #135)

Monday, October 15, 2012

2012-10-15 WOD

Std warmup, plus
partner shoulder mobility work
3 rounds
10 light weight KBS (#26)
10 air squats


A. Work to a heavy C/J complex, build over 5 sets. Each set is:
1 power clean
2 full cleans (touch n go)
2 jerks

I did 3 rounds at 125, 1 round at 135, and 1 round at 145 (the last was very sloppy form)

B. Five 90 second rounds of:
100m sprint
10 KBS (53#)
rest remainder of 90s

C. I added 30 T2B afterward

Did a run at lunch: 4.2Km - 23:30 (pace 5:36/km)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2012-10-13 WOD

Fun set today. Partner workout, series of four 5 minute AMRAPs, 2 min rest in between. First 3 were done as one person rests, other person works, switching per round. Last one was done together:

1. 10 yard push of Sled (75#?) + 20 DU's

9 rounds plus 1 sled push (I did 5 rounds + the extra sled push)

2. AirDyne 7 calories + 7 pushups

8 rounds + 6 (I did 4 rounds)

3. 7 KBS (53#) + 7 Burpees

We did 12 rounds + 10 reps (I did 6 rounds)

4. 20# OH medball toss to partner. Partners 5 yards apart. No rep if it touches floor

We did 80 (40 each). We lost count at about 60 but trainer estimated 80

Friday, October 12, 2012

2012-10-12 WOD


A. Build to a heavy Sumo Deadlift

I got to 275, which is a PR.

B. Row 2k @ 80-85%
time: 8:05.8

Rest 6 min

C. Row 2k at 90-95%
time: 8:11.4

Added a (not quite) 5k run at lunch:
4.85 Km, 26:04 (5:23/km avg pace)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

2012-10-11 WOD


A. Pullup progression

3x3 weighted pullups (15#)

2x8 partner pullups 3-1-1

B. Dip progression

3x5 (only did 4 on last set) dips w 5-1-1 count

C. Total reps from 2min each of the following - 12 min consecutive - no rest in between

2min DUs
2min Hang power cleans (75/45) - I did 75#
2min T2B/weighted situps - I did T2B
2min Airdyne for cals
2min KBS (53/35) I did 53#
400m run

Counts were 50 DUs, 21 HP Cleans, 23 T2B, 31 cals, 22 KBS = 137 total

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2012-10-10 WOD

New acronym learned today: SMMF: Single Movement Mind F***er.

Std warmup
shoulder mobility work w partner


A. "Karen" - 150 wallball for time 20/14
9:48 Rx

rest 6 min

B. 1 mile run - 8:00

Afterward I added:

C. 4x10 T2B


Update: Added a run over lunch: 4.17KM, 24:05 (pace of 5:47)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2012-10-09 WOD

std warmup
200m run
shoulder mobility work


A. Work to a heavy triple-push press, then do 4 sets of 3 push press.
I went to 125#

B. Pullup progression

3x3 strict weighted pullups (10# DB)

2x8 partner pullup 5-1-1

C. 1 min max cal airdyne
32 cal

D. Dip progression
3 sets (5,5,4) of 5-1-1 dips

Monday, October 8, 2012

2012-10-08 WOD

Std warmup
200m run
partner shoulder mobility work (Brian & Mike just came back from a camp full of new torture methods)

24 min AMRAP
100m sprint (even minutes)
3 Hang Power Snatch at med weight (I did 75# but probably could have handled 85 or even 95)

Update: Added a nice easy pace run over lunch. 12 sprints this morning had a me a little sore so I didn't want to push it too much. 4.16km, 24:55, (6min/km pace)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

2012-10-06 WOD


A. (note pullup/dips were teh scale-down for MUs. GOT TO GET MY MU'S!

5 rounds for time
5 pullups
5 dips
21 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
400m run
total time: 21:15

Rest 5 min

B. Max cals 1 minute airdyne

Friday, October 5, 2012

2012-10-05 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. Front Squat 3x8-12 @ 70% orm.
I did 145# 3x8

B. 8 min amrap
8 Frontsquats 115/75 (I did 115# for first 2 rounds, then went back to 95#
8 burpees
} total: 6 rounds + 2 reps

C. Weekly challenge: static ring hold for time
I managed 45seconds

Update: added a slightly-shortened 5k run before lunch
4.22Km 23:06 (5:28 pace)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

2012-10-04 WOD

3 rounds, each for time, 4 min rest b/t
row 800m
run 800m
times: 6:56, 6:59, 7:30

B. Pullup progression

3x3 strict pullups, 2min b/t
2x8 assisted 3-1-1, 2min b/t

C. Dip progressions (A+)
3x3-5 dips, 5-1-1-1 (I did 3 sets of 4 reps)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2012-10-03 WOD

Std warmup
2 rounds
1 wall walk
5 pushups


A. 3 rounds for time
20m walking lunges
50m farmers carry (2x55#)
time: 3:03

B. 3 rounds for time
10 one arm DB snatch (45#)
15 DUs
time: 3:31

C. 15 TGUs per arm
Started at 35#, had to scale back to 26#


[Update: I wanted to work out again over lunch, but was not up to running after monday. Instead I did Fran
For time
21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups

15 thrusters 95#
15 pullups
9 thrusters 95#
9 pullups

time: 10:41 (almost 2 min off my last PR)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2012-10-02 WOD

A. Benchpress ~70% 1RM, 3x8-12

I did 145#, 3x10

B. Dip progression

3 sets, 5-1-1-1. 1st set was 4 reps, next 2 sets were 3 reps (14 reps total)

C. Pullup progression

Mistakenly did the 1x10 that was only supposed to be a TEST for this progression, but anyhow.

- 1x 10 strict pullups, 90 sec rest b/t
- 3x3 strict pullups, 2 min b/t
- 2x8 assisted pullups 3-1-1

D. 400 Meter run
time: 1:35

Monday, October 1, 2012

2012-10-01 WOD

usual warmup
200m run


A. Work to a heavy Clean & Jerk

I got to 155, which is a PR for me for clean AND for C&J.

B. EMOM 15

3 C&J @ 80% above weight (I started at 115 for 6 sets but then had to drop to 95#)
3 hand release pushups

[Update: added a run at lunch: 4.56km, 25:10]

Saturday, September 29, 2012

2012-09-29 WOD


Std warmup
Pose running drills

5 k run
(5.15km in 25:40)

Weekly challenge
Max 95# overhead walking lunges
I managed 10 but was pretty sore after the run.

Friday, September 28, 2012

2012-09-28 WOD


A. "Jackie" (modded slightly)

1000m row or 90 cal airdyne (I did the latter - just under 4 min)
50 thrusters 45#
10 strict pullups (normally it's 30 with kipping), or 10 man-makers. I did the 10 strict pullups
time: 10:45
Previous best on Jackie was over 14 min, but that was with the 30 pullups, so I'm not counting this as it was modded.

rest 10 min

B. 1 mile run
time: 7:40

[Update: A gym at work over lunch I did 25 pullups (20 close-grip underhand, 5 regular, all strict)]

Thursday, September 27, 2012

2012-09-27 WOD

It's PR week!

usual warmup
200m run


A. Work to a 1RM Back Squat

I got to 245# (+20# PR)

B. Work to a 1RM OH Press

I got to 130# (+5# PR) (after trying 135 and failing, even 130 was a real struggle)

C. Practice TGU's

I did 5/side

D. Practive DU's

I did 2 sets of 15

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

2012-09-26 WOD

Taking it a bit easy today as we prep for PR attempts tomorrow

A. 4x500m row w partner

4k row w partner in 15:56

B. Pullup & dip progressions

1 - I did the 'A' pullup progressions from last week:

3x3 strict pullups, 2 min b/t sets

3x8 pullups 1s up, 1s hold, 3 second negative

2 - I did the 'A+' dip progression

3x5 dips, 1s up, 1s hold, 5sec negative

[Update: At lunch I did 8 HSPU, 5 pullups]

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2012-09-25 WOD

std warmup
400m run


A. Work to a 1 rep max benchpress

I got to 185, 5# short of my PR, and failed at 195# :-(

B. Work to a 1 rep max deadlift
I got to 315#, a 15# PR

C. 1K row at 70% (I did 4:08)

Monday, September 24, 2012

2012-09-24 WOD

It's PR week!

A. In 20 min, work to a heavy snatch.

I got to 105#, +10# PR.

B. EMOM 9 (was going to be 16 but we ran out of time)

(even min) 20 sec L-sit (I did 5 rounds of these, all sloppy but unbroken)

(odd min) 30 sec DUs

[Update: Ran 5.05km at lunch: 30:18]

Saturday, September 22, 2012

2012-09-22 WOD

3 rounds for time
400 m run
30 HR pushups
} time: 10:05

5 min rest

3 rounds for time
400m run
15 push press 65/95 (I did 95#. All sets unbroken)
} time: 9:10

5 min rest

5 min max cal rower
78 calories

Friday, September 21, 2012

2012-09-21 WOD

std warmup
medball passes, side-passes, KBtoss, 10 reps each, 20#


3 rounds, total count per round
1 min max cal row
1 min max C2B pullup
1 min OH Squat 75#

My counts were:
R1: 22+7+7 = 36
R2: 23+7+8 = 38
R3: 21+7+8 = 36

[Update: Did, or I should say, Attempted, a 5k run at lunch. calves blew up half way through. 3.9Km, 23:30]

Thursday, September 20, 2012

2012-09-20 WOD

std warm up
400m run
25 air squats


A. De-loading before trying to PR next week

OH Press 3x8-12 @ 60% - I did 85#, 3 sets of 10 reps (~60% of 140. Current 1RM 125)

Back Squat 3x8-12 @ 60% - I did 145, 3 sets of 8 (60% of 240. Current 1RM 220)

B. Gymnastics testing (dips)

3x5 dips, 5-1-1, 2min b/t
2x10 pushups, 5-1-1, 2min b/t
then did 1 set 5 weighted dips, 5-1-1, 15#

[5k run planned for lunch]

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2012-09-19 WOD

usual warmup
2x {
10 med-ball raises
10 pushups


A. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 of
} time: 8:11 Rx

B. 6 rounds
200m sprint (1,2 at 85%, 3,4 at 90%, 5,6 at 95%)
2 min rest

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2012-09-18 WOD

usual warmup
200m run

A. De-loading before trying to PR next week

Benchpress 3x8-12 @ 60% - I did 125#, 3 sets of 12 reps (60% of 210 - current 1RM 190)

Deadlift 3x8-12 @ 60% - I did 215, 3 sets of 8 (60% of 360!! Serves me right for doing math that early in the morning. Current 1RM is 300. Goal is 320. So 60% should have been 190#!)

B. Gymnastics testing (pullups)

3x3 strict pullups
2x8 partner pullups with 1-1-3 count on each

[Update: Went running at lunch: 5.06km, 25:51]

Monday, September 17, 2012

2012-09-17 WOD

usual warmup
200m run


C/J @ 80% known max (I'm not sure what my max is, so I did 95#. Felt about 80%-ish) 6 sets, rest 2 min b/t


1 min thrusters 75/55
1 min double unders
2 sets, 4 min rest b/t, no rest between movements. Score is best of each
I did 23 thrusters, 18 DU, then 20 thrusters, 19 DU

Then added 2 pullups, 1 mu attempt (failed)

Update: Ran ~5k at lunch: 4.69km, 24:47

Saturday, September 15, 2012

2012-09-15 WOD

1000m row (3:45)

5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 box jumps 24"/20"
30 wall balls 20#/14#
My time: 32:15 Rx

couple failed MU attempts afterward.

WAY too sore for Hooverball. :-(

Friday, September 14, 2012

2012-09-14 WOD


"Buy-in" - 20 HSPU
I did 6 then failed on several

7 deadlifts 225/155 (I did 155#)
15 KBS 70/53 (I did 35)

"Buy out" - 20 burpees

total time, 22:40

Also did 10 min MU progression practice and a couple failed attempts :-(


At lunch I went to the gym at work to add a few things and make up for Tuesday's lifting day that I missed.
Deadlift 90% 1RM 2x4 (I did 2x2 @ 285#, as I was still a little sort from the DLs this morning)

3 rounds
5 pullups
10 DUs

Thursday, September 13, 2012

2012-09-13 WOD


Back Squat 4x2 @ 90-95% - I did 3 sets at 215 (95% of my goal of #225, but since 215 was my ORM, I did my last set at 220 to set a PR. When we push for PR, I think I'll go for 240)

OH Press 4x2 @ 90-95% - I did 3 sets at 125 (95% of my goal of #130) but then failed on set 4

500m row for time: 1:45.1

C. I did about 10 pullups and some (failed) MU attempts

Monday, September 10, 2012

2012-09-10 WOD

B. 3 Rounds for time
10 cal row
10 Wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
10 DB Snatch 55/35 (I did 35#)
} time: 7:24 Rx

A.3 Rounds for time
10 box jumps 20/18 (I did 20”)
10 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
10 dips
200m run
} time: 8:12 Rx

C. I did 10 pullups afterward

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012-09-09 WOD

 Sunday burpee benchmark:

7 min amrap burpees w 6" jump: 76

remainder 2:48 (so total of 100 burpees for time: 9:48)

PR: 77, 9:25, so didn't do as well on either

Saturday, September 8, 2012

2012-09-08 WOD

Saturday workout, so was a long one:

3 rounds (later they changed it to 2, but I did 3)
400m run carrying 25lb plate
30 passes lh/rh rotating 53# kb around waist
15 burpees w 24"box jump
20' of ladders (like hopscotch)
20' Crab soccer (crab walk a circuit while pushing medball w feet)
200m run while jumping rope
30 tuck-hops up onto tire
10 body blasters (burpee + pullup + toes-to-bar) <- omg these are awesome!
15 man makers (15# dumbell squat clean to thruster to 2 overhead lunges to dumbell pushup to 2 dumbell rows) <- omg these suck!
20 parralette shoot-thrus
Total time for 3 rounds: 64:50

Thursday, September 6, 2012

2012-09-06 WOD

Std warmup
shuttle runs
10 pullups (I added)

Back Squat 3x3 @ 85% - I did 190 (85% of my goal of 220)

OH Press 3x3  85% - I did 115# (110 was 85% my goal of 130, but I went a little higher today)

Tabata air squats (8 rounds of 20 sec ON, 10 sec OFF)
min reps: 13

10 second rest(!), then immediately into:

Tabata pushups (8 rounds of 20 sec ON, 10 sec OFF)
min reps: 7 (started at 12, way too optimistic, then burnt myself out. Should have targeted 9 or 10)

Update: Ran a 5k at lunch (ok, 4.62Km according to runkeeper). Time: 24:02

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2012-09-05 WOD


30 seconds each of
Push press 65/95 (I did 95#)
Box jumps 20/24 (I did 24")
Wall ball 14/20 (I did 20#)
KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)
} count total reps per round
4 rounds, 5 min rest between rounds

Reps: 38, 44, 42, 40


DU practice 7 min

C. I added a set of pullups, and got 15 unbroken. One 2012 goal nailed!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2012-09-04 WOD

Deadlift 3x3 @ 85% - I did 260#, (about 85% of #305)

Benchpress 3x3 @ 85% - I did 165#, (about 85% of #195)

Probably should have gone a bit heavier on both, but didn't feel 100% this morning

4x100m sprints, 3 min rest b/t
(not timed, but flat out max effort)

C. Over lunch I did a 4.3km run. Cut the 5k a little short as my calves are still hurting from last week. 25:10 - little slower than I'd like but I stopped to stretch a couple times.

Monday, September 3, 2012

2012-09-03 WOD

BCF only had one session today, at a time that didn't work for me, so I got up early and went to the gym at work and did Fran.

FRAN: For time:
21 Thrusters 95#
21 pullups

15 Thrusters 95#
15 pullups

9 Thrusters 95#
9 pullups
time: 12:33

Saturday, September 1, 2012

2012-09-01 WOD

Travelling, did another run. Only 4.3 km. Was supposed to be 5k but my thin shoes (Nike Free's) are too painful for my fat ass to run in.

Friday, August 31, 2012

2012-08-31 WOD

travelling, so did a 5k run through streets of seattle. Pretty poor time due to traffic lights, hills, and really cause of wednesday's WOD :-p

Thursday, August 30, 2012

2012-08-30 WOD


A. Back Squat 3x5 @ 80%
I did 185# (higher than 80% but aiming to PR this cycle)

B. OH Press 3x5 @ 80%
I did 105# (higher than 80% but aiming to PR this cycle)

C. For time:
500m row
50 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
} time: 5:25

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2012-08-29 WOD

Big chipper today. Ouch

For time (listed in order I did them - order differed to allow for partnering up):
400m run
100 walking lunges
25 burpees
100 DU
50 push press 75/45 (I did 75#)
100 situps
50 wall ball 20/14 (I did 20#)
50 hang power cleans 75/45 (I did 75#)
100 air squats
400m run
} time: 40:20 Rx

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2012-08-28 WOD

Benchpress 3x5 @ 80% - I did 165% (~80% my goal of 200-205)

Deadlift 3x5 @ 80% - I did 250% (~80% my goal of 315-320)

B. 3 rounds for time:
250m row
10 KBS 70/53 (I did 70)
} time: 9:30 Rx

Monday, August 27, 2012

2012-08-27 WOD


A. 1 mile run: time: 6:24 (prev best: 7:15 - 51 sec PR!)

rest 5 min

B. 50 box jumps 20/24 (I did 24"). time: 3:30

rest 5 min

C. 50 T2B or weighted situps. (I did T2B). time 4:26

Update: Ugh. Tried to run 5k over lunch but failed. calves started to cramp up and by 3.6km (21:52) I was hobbled and had to walk the last 1.5k. Not sure if it's from the run this morning or left over from Friday.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

2012-08-26 WOD

It's Sunday, so that means it's time for my burpee benchmark:

7 min amrap burpees w 6" jump: 77

remainder 2:26 (so total of 100 burpees for time: 9:26)

Prev: 76, 9:25, so better on the first half, worse on the remainder

Saturday, August 25, 2012

2012-08-25 WOD

Std warmup
8 min DU practice

4 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest between rounds
400m run
30 air squats
20 pushups
10 T2B or weighted situps (I did T2B)
Times: 3:17, 3:41, 4:10, 4:13

Friday, August 24, 2012

2012-08-24 WOD

Std warmup
10 wallball underhanded passes
10 wallball overhead passes
10 wallball side passes

(warmup for main)
7 power cleans 95/65 (I did 95)
7 burpees

Power Clean 95/65 (I did 95#)
} time: 6:12 Rx
10 min rest

Power Clean 95/65 (I did 95#)
} time: 7:40 Rx

Ran 7.02 miles over lunch in 1hr 12 min. Not a great pace but a distance record for me.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

2012-08-23 WOD

std warmup
200m run

Back Squat @ 75% ORM, 3x5, rest 2-3 min
I did 165#
OH Press @ 75% ORM, 3x5, rest 2-3 min
I did 105#

4 rounds for time:
10 front squats @ 115/75 (I did 115#)
100m sprint
} time: 6:44 Rx

Also, did 12 pullups, UB.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2012-08-22 WOD

Back at the box after 3 days off (camping, etc).

2 rounds
10 wall ball 14/20# (I did 20#)
5 T2B
5 pushups

A. 3 rounds for time
20 cal row
20 situps
} time: 8:47

7 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time
5 hang power snatch 75/115 (I did 75#)
5 wall walks
} time 6:19

Then added 10 pullups

Went and ran a 5k at lunch. 21:42!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

2012-08-18 WOD

5 reps of each of the below (cleans, fr squat, push press)

A. 6 rounds for time, 2 min rest b/t rounds. Weight on all was 75/115. I did the first set at 95#, but then scaled down to 75#
10 Power clean
10 Front Squat
10 Push press/jerk
} times: 1:40, 1:30, 1:32, 1:33, 1:30, 1:33

B. 100 weighted situps for time (45/25),
time: 10:10 at 25#

Friday, August 17, 2012

2012-08-17 WOD


5 rounds for time:
10 T2B
20 Box jumps 20/24 (I did 24")
30 DUs
200m run
} time: 19:56 Rx

Weekly Challenge:
Heaviest weight kettlebell you can do 20 swings ub
20 KBS 70# 0:40

[5km run at lunch. Time: 23:09. 1:30 less than wed!]

Thursday, August 16, 2012

2012-08-16 WOD


A. Strength

Deadlift 5x5 @ 70% (I did 225# which is 70% my goal of 320. Current ORM is 300# )

Benchpress 5x5 @ 70% (I did 145# which is 70% my goal of 205. Current ORM is 190#)

B. Burner

3 rounds for time
3db squat cleans 55/30 (I did 35#)
3 burpees
3 db thrusters 55/30 (I did 35#)
3 box jumps 24/20 (I did 24")
}total time: 3:25

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2012-08-15 WOD

Brutal WOD today. Very close to losing breakfast, several times.

Standard warmup
400m run

7 pullups (or negatives if scaling) - I did regular pullups, w kip, 1st set unbroken
15 wallball 14/20 (I did 20#)

10 min rest

7 dips (or pushups if scaling) - I did dips, first 6 sets unbroken
12 KBS 53/35 - I did 53#

Update: Ran 5k again over lunch. 24:36

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2012-08-14 WOD



OH Press 5x5 @ 70% - I did 95# (My ORM is 125, and 95 is 70% of my goal for this cycle of 135)

Back Squat 5x5 @ 70% - I did 155# (My ORM is 215, and 155 is ~70% of my goal for this cycle of 225)


15 air squats

200m farmer carry 100/70/53 + 5 burpees for every break - I did 70# unbroken
50 T2B (later they scaled this back to situps, but I did 50 T2B anyway)

Monday, August 13, 2012

2012-08-13 WOD

standard warmup
2x 200m sprint (60%, 80%)

A. 6 x 100m sprint, 1 min b/t

B. In 12 min, build to a heavy snatch
I got to 95# (20# PR!)

C: At 80% of above (I did 80#)
4 rounds of snatch (w/o full squat), 2 min rest in between

Also added 10 pullups (UB) after the workout

Decided to start adding some running on top of the CF workouts. Did a 3.1 mile route around the RA campus (almost exactly 5k it turns out), and did it in 25:45, which isn't bad for a first time out.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

2012-08-11 WOD

- few reps each of the below
-400M run

30 min AMRAP (with 1/2 body weight which would be 85#, but I scaled to 65#
7 Burpees
7 Power Snatch
7 OH Lunge
20m walk (and back) w barbell overhead
} 7 rounds even

The in the afternoon, Hooverball!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2012-08-08 WOD

10 medball bounces (#14)
10 medball passes (14#)
10 medball back-to-back passes


A. Cleans
3 rounds, 2 min b/t rounds
1+1+1+1 reps at 85% ORM, (I did 145#, which is more like 100% my ORM, but 85% my goal :-)
10 sec rest between reps

B. 10 min AMRAP, of 1.2.3 ladders of T2B, Burpees.
1 T2B, 1 Burpee

2 T2B, 2 Burpee
3 T2B, 3 Burpee
} I did 10 full rounds of the above

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Progress check on yearly goals

Meant to do this halfway through the year, but I guess we're now almost 2/3 of the way

Double Unders: Goal is 40 UB, started year at 17, currently at 33. On track
15 pullups UB. Started year at 5. Currently at 11. On track
10 HSPU UB. Started year at 3. Currently at 11. On track

Also, after the open, I added a goal of getting that 12.1 workout score (7 min amrap burpees w 6" reach) from 63 up to 85. I'm currently at 76. Also on track.

2012-08-07 WOD


A. Benchpress 5x5 @65%, 2 min b/t
I did 5x5 @ 135#

B. Deadlift 5x5 @ 65%, 2min b/t
I did 5x5 @ 205

C. 3 rounds of max handstand pushups in 1 min, 2 min rest b/t. Scale to 45# DBPress upon failing to complete the minute

1. 4 HSPU + 5 DBPP
2. 2 HSPU + 4 DBPP
3. 1 HSPU + 4 DBPP

Afterward, added a set of 10 pullups

Monday, August 6, 2012

2012-08-06 WOD


4 rounds, for time
250m row
15 thrusters 115/80 (started at 75, then dropped to 65# for rounds 2,3,4)
10 KBS 70/53 (we did 53#)

Times: 2:45, 3:05, 3:10, 3:15

Sunday, August 5, 2012

2012-08-05 WOD

My 100 burpee sunday routine

7 min AMRAP burpees - touching marker 6" above max reach:

time for remainder to 100 2:25 (total 9:25)

Previous PRs (74, 9:33!)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

2012-08-04 WOD

Tough one today!

With partner:
2 rounds of
800m medball run 14/20 (we did 20#) (done together, taking turns w ball)
100 situps
200m tire roll (done together)
50 OH walking lunges 25/45 (we did 45#)
40 KBS 35/53 (we did 53#)
20 Up-n-over box jumps 20/24 (we did 24" - all jumps right over w/o touching)
10 wall walks
} total time: 37:30 Rx

Friday, August 3, 2012

2012-08-03 WOD


5 rounds "Bear Complex", adding weight to work up to max
7 reps of:
1. Power Clean
2. Front Squat
3. Push Press
4. Back Squat
5. Push press
Touch-n-go only, no dropping bar between reps
} Weight per round: 75, 75, 85, 85, 95

Then added some pullups, 11 unbroken (kipping)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012-08-02 WOD

200m run
regular warmup routine

10 min handstand holds/practice

Pullup ladder, strict, 1-5-1

3 rounds for time:
10 shoot-thrus
10 DB Snatch/arm 45/30 (I did 45#)
50 DUs
} time: 11:38 Rx

Went to the gym at work later:
pullup ladder 5-1
Snatches 3x2 @75#

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2012-08-01 WOD

200m run
+ regular warmup routine

5 rounds for time:
200m run
25 goblet squats 53/35 (I did 53#)
25 pushups
} time: 18:43 Rx

Skills work
I worked on pullups
15 pullups (10 ub!)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fun with GIFs

Mike posted a bunch of pics from the other day's wod, so I couldn't help but make a couple GIFs, since some of them were pics in sequence.

Mike W & Christine goin' non-stop!

Bryan breakin' Mike's balls 

"now everyone get a band, and wave with your feet!"

2012-07-31 WOD

TGUs, 26lb, 5/side
burpees 2x5


A. 4 rounds of AMRAP 30sec burpees, 3 min rest between rounds
I did 12,11,12,11

B. EMOM 15
Snatch 3 reps  115/80 (I did 65#)

Monday, July 30, 2012

2012-07-30 WOD

200m run
(lightweight sets of both the below)


Backsquat @70-75%, 8-12 reps (add weight if you get over 10 reps)
I did 3 sets x 8 reps at 165# (which is 77% of my ORM of 215)

4 rounds for time:
SDHP (w kettlebell) @ 70/53
60m sprint
90 sec rest
} my times: 38s, 36s, 35s, 35s

Sunday, July 29, 2012

2012-07-29 WOD

Took a rest day saturday after last week's 6 days of CF + bike commute. Didn't have time to go to the gym today, so did a small bike ride, and re-did the Open 12.1 workout again, plus the delta to 100 burpees:

7 min amrap burpees w touch 6" above max reach:
My number 74 (previous attempts: 74, 72, 68, 65, 63)

 Remainder of 100 burpees for time 26 in 2:44 (or 9:44 for 100 in other words)

Friday, July 27, 2012

2012-07-27 WOD

5 mile bike (to gym)
usual warmup routine

3 x 8-12 Benchpress @ 70% 1RM
I did 145#, ~10 reps * 3

15-10-5 reps for time:
OH Squat 95/65 (I did 45#)
burpee bar jump
} time: 4:15

5 mile bike (to work)

10 mile bike (home, end of day)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

2012-07-26 WOD

Long one today!

5 mile bike (biked to work again)
usual warmup routine

Partner workout. AMRAP 30, with one partner on rower while other partner on weights, then switching at top of minute.
row<-->cleans (115-75, we scaled to 95#)
row<-->front squat (115-75, we scaled to 95#)
2 min max situps

So that worked out to my workout being:
Row 1m (175m)
Clean 115# - 6 reps
Row 1m (175m)
Front Squat 115#- 7 reps
situp 2min - 63 reps

Row 1m (175m)
Clean 115# - 7 reps
Row 1m (175m)
Front Squat 115#- 7 reps
situp 2min - 40 reps

Row 1m (175m)
Clean 115# - 6 reps
Row 1m (175m)
Front Squat 115#- 8 reps
situp 2min - 33 reps

Row 1m (175m)
Clean 115# - 7 reps
Row 1m (175m)
Front Squat 115#- 6 reps
situp 2min - 35 reps

Row 1m (175m)
Clean 115# - 6 reps
Row 1m (175m)
Front Squat 115#- 7 reps
situp 2min - 45 reps
} totals: 32 cleans, 35 front squats, ~1750m row, 216 situps

followed by 5 mile bike to work.

[update: plus 5 mile bike later in day to meet the family for dinner]

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2012-07-25 WOD

400m run
2 rounds
2 wallwalks
5 wallball (20#)

A. Benchmark 1 min max thruster 45/65 (I did 65)
Total reps: 28 (last time, I did 20 - though looking at my notes I think last time we did 95#?)

B: EMOM 10
2xDeadlifts at 85-90% 1RMax.
I did 255# (which is 85% my 1RM of 300#)

C: 15 min goal work.
I worked on pullups. I have a goal of 15 UB pullups be EOY.
I did UB sets of 6,7,6

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2012-07-24 WOD

bike 5 miles (biked to the gym today)
3x10 air squats
5 min DU practice

A. 3 rounds for time
400m run
50 air squats
} total time: 8:40 Rx

10 min rest w mobility work

30 DUs
10 pullups
} I did 4 rounds even, Rx

Followed by 5 mile bike ride to work, and 10 mile bike ride home later today.

Monday, July 23, 2012

2012-07-23 WOD

run 200m x 2

A. Benchmark 800m run
time: 3:05 (exactly same as last time - I'd have done better if not for yesterday's WOD)

B. OH Press, 3 sets of 4-6 reps @ 80%
I did 3 sets of 6 @ 100#

C. DB Row @ 3131count, 8-10 reps, 2min rest between sets

Sunday, July 22, 2012

2012-07-22 WOD

Sunday WOD. Choice of two evil workouts. "Lumberjack 20" and CF Games Chipper workout. I chose the latter, and had to scale it as well:

CF Games Chipper:

For time:
- 10 OH Squats 155/105 (I did 65# - definitely a weakness for me)
- 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 (I did 24")
- 10 Thrusters 135/95 (I did 115#)
- 10 Power Cleans 205/125 (I did 115#)
- 10 T2B
- 10 burpee-muscle-ups (I did burpee-pullups)
- 10 T2B
- 10 Power Cleans 205/125 (I did 115#)
- 10 Thrusters 135/95 (I did 115#)
- 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 (I did 24")
- 10 OH Squats 155/105 (I did 65# - definitely a weakness for me)
} total time: 18:10

Tough enough but the Lumberjack looked even harder. Next time I'll try that one.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

2012-07-19 WOD

200m run

Back Squat @70-75%, 8-12 reps, 3 rounds
I did 150#, 10 reps, 3 rounds


7min AMRAP
5 SquatClean 115/80 (I did 115#)
7 T2B or V-sits (I did T2B)
} Total: 5 rounds even, Rx

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2012-07-17 WOD

Travel Workout, made it up based on what hotel gym had available.

10 pushups
20 air squats

3 rounds for time
10 dumbell snatch (5/arm, 50#)
20 pushups
30 situps
40 air squats
1 min rest between rounds
} total time: 17:40

Monday, July 16, 2012

2012-07-16 WOD

Gym closed today while Mike & the gang make their way back from the games. Inspiring to watch. Anyhow, used the gym at work and decided a benchmark workout was in order

5 pullups
5 thrusters
20 DUs

21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups (5:54)
15 thrusters 95#
15 pullups (4:22)
9 thrusters 95#
9 pullups (2:35)

total time:12:51 (Compare to Camille's time at the games yesterday of 2:35... after doing 14 other workouts in 4 days! :-)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2012-07-15 WOD

No workout saturday, so had to do something at home today. Decided to benchmark myself against Open 12.1 again, but with some additional stuff:

7 min amrap burpees w touch 6" above max reach:
My number 74 (previous attempts: 72, 68, 65, 63)

Remainder of 100 burpees for time
26 in 2:33
(or 9:33 for 100 in other words)

2*5 ring pullups

Friday, July 13, 2012

2012-07-13 WOD

5 mile bike ride (I rode to the gym)
800m run

8min AMRAP
10 thrusters 75/55 (I did 75#)
5 burpees
} - I did 5 rounds even

8 min rest

For time, 21-15-9 of
Power Cleans 65/95 (I did 95#)
} my time: 8:32

(followed by 5 mile bike to work, and later today, 10 mile bike ride home)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

2012-07-12 WOD


400m run
3 sets
15 air squats
10 situps
5 pushups


5 rounds
15 push press 75#
21 box jumps, 24"
15 wall ball, 24"
} time: 19:33 Rx

20 strict pushups for time after the WOD
time: 20 sec

Later, I went to the gym at work and added a pullup ladder (1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1) and handstand pushups (2x3)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2012-07-11 WOD

2 rounds
10 wallball (14#)
10 pushups
10 T2B

10 rounds
30s walking lunges
30s rest

30s Farmer Carry (35/53 x 2) - I used 2x 55# dumbells
30s rest

12 minutes TGU practice
I did 10 per side in that time, 35# kettle bell

Also, 2 MU attempts, failed. Almost there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2012-07-10 WOD


3 rounds for time
30 Air Squats
7 MU or, if modifying, 7 Pullups + 7 Dips (I did the latter)
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) - I did #115
} time: 9:40

8 min rest

KBS Ladder 10-1 (i.e. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 = 56), must go unbroken between sets (53/35). I did 53#
time: 4:57

Monday, July 9, 2012

2012-07-09 WOD

2 x shuttle runs
8 x push jerk

3 x 5 back squat 155#

3 sets for time, 2 min rest between sets
10 heavy push jerks (I did 75#, which was probably too light)
25m shuttle run x2 (100m total)
} 52s, 45s, 44s


3 sets 25 situps

Saturday, July 7, 2012

2012-07-06 WOD

 DB Snatch 5 sets of 3, per arm, 50#

Then, for time 6 sets
100m sprint
20 jump change lunges (10 per side)
2 min rest
} total time: 16:21

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

2012-07-04 WOD

I think I'll call it "hermit WOD". I was trying to emulate the July 4 partner WOD BCF was doing, while on vacation. So I cut the reps in half, substituted a few things where i didnt have equipment, and any time I broke, I did a deadlift to match the elapsed time.

1 mile run
50 pushups (20,20,10)
125 air squat (50,40,35)
50 situps (20,15,15)
50 Db thrusters (20,15,15)
800 m run Total time ~50 min

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2012-07-03 WOD

This was a travel WOD done at San Francisco Crossfit, home of the famous Mobility WOD. Was fun meeting Kelly Starrett.

Barbell work
400m run x 2

Work to a heavy power clean
I got to 135#

 Then, 30 power cleans for time @ 80%
I did 30x115#, in 4:04

Monday, July 2, 2012

2012-07-02 WOD

Travel workout #2

1/2 mile run

for time, rounds of 10,9,8....1
Box jump 24"
total time 10 min flat

1/2 mile run

Saturday, June 30, 2012

2012-06-30 WOD

First of a number of travel workouts today as I'm on vacation.

7min AMRAP burpees (redoing week 1 workout from the Open)
Total reps: 72 (previous attempts were 63, 65, 68)

3x5 DB Snatches (25#) per arm


Friday, June 29, 2012

2012-06-29 WOD


EMOM 8min
3x Power Snatch, @75% ORM (I did 75#)

10 min rest

EMOM 8min
10 T2B (I managed unbroken for sets 1,2, then broken sets 3-8. Last two sets were knee tucks)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

2012-06-28 WOD


Find a new 1RM for Deadlift & Benchpress

Benchpress: Was able to tie my previous 190, but narrowly failed 195 attempt
Deadlift: 300 (+25 PR!)

EMOM for 10 minutes
5 pullup (strict if possible)
} (1st set strict, unbroken; 2nd unbroken but kipping; 3-4 were 4+1; 5-6 were 3+2, 7-10 were 1 at a time)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2012-06-27 WOD

3x20s handstand holds

5 rounds for time
10 wallball 20/14 (I did 14# cause all the 20# were being used)
20 situps
30 DUs (1st set unbroken)
400m run
} total time: 21:52

1 minute max cal airdyne
My score: 41 (as a reference check, that put me about middle of the pack of 35 compared to other scores in the class)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2012-06-26 WOD

15 pullups (ladder - 5,4,3,2,1 strict)


3 rounds, each as fast as possible, 2 min between rounds
5 burpees
10 box jumps (24")
50m sprint
} times: 56s, 1:01, 1:00

4 rounds, each as fast as possible, 2 min between rounds
100m row
5 thrusters 95/65, increasing weight on each round - I did 95, 105, 115, 125
} times: 52s, 45s, 50s, 1:10 (thrusters weren't unbroken on last set)

Monday, June 25, 2012

2012-06-25 WOD

30 sec HS Holds (x2)

Establish 1 rep max for both Front Squat & OH Press
Front Squat: 205 (30# PR!)
OH Press: 125 (tied my PR but couldn't push past it)

Then, 2 sets:
30 sec AMRAP pullups
30 sec AMRAP dips
30 sec AMRAP air squats
count is total reps, 2 min between sets.

I did 42 both sets: 10+10+22, 8+10+24

Saturday, June 23, 2012

2012-06-23 WOD

20m run ladder (20, 40, 60, 80, 100...)

for time:
5 rope climbs (Rx was 20', I did 5x15')
2 mile run
50 pullups
Total time: 27:18

Friday, June 22, 2012

2012-06-22 WOD

Wow. 1 year ago today since my intro CF class. I'll have to write a longer post later on this.

2 rounds
10 wall ball
2 wall walks

 5 rounds for time:
3 power cleans 85-90% (I did 125#)
100m sprint
} time: 4:24

rest 10 min

5 min AMRAP
6 deadlifts (same weight as above - 125#)
} total: 10 rounds (may have been 11 - lost count)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012-06-21 WOD

20 Wallball 14#
15 Wallball ball slam 14#

10 min AMRAP
15 box jumps 20/24" (I did 24")
20 situps
} Did 5 rounds + 2 box jumps
3 min rest

10 min AMRAP
7 T2B
14 KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)
} Did 5 rounds + 1 T2B
3 min rest

2000m row for time
I did 8:56

Rx'd today's workout, but the KBs were probably too heavy for that many reps. I was finished by the time I got on the rower and struggled to slog through the 2k.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2012-06-20 WOD

20# wall-ball to 12" line - 7 reps

Deadlift 5 reps x 3 sets @ 60% (I did 165#)

Bench 5 reps x 3 sets @ 60% (I did 130#)

5 rounds for time:
100m sprint
15 back squat 155/105 (I scaled to 115#)

Monday, June 18, 2012

2012-06-18 WOD

3x 30 sec handstand holds

Front Squat 3x5 @ 60% (I did 95#)
OH Press 3x5 @ 60% (I did 75#)

3 rounds for time:
20 wall ball 14/20 (I did 20#)
5 HSPU or scale (I did 3 HSPU, 12 negatives)
} time: 8:00

Front shoulder band stretch, 2 min/side

Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012-06-16 WOD


1 Mile run

2 rounds of:
15 wall ball 14/20 (I did 20#)
15 burpees

800 m run

2 rounds of
15 T2B
15 situps

400 m run

50 KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)

Total time: 32:51 Rx

Friday, June 15, 2012

2012-06-15 WOD

Managed to squeeze in a workout before I had to leave for the airport this morning, but only had time to do 3 of the 4 rounds we were doing.

500m row
2 rounds of cindy
5 pullups (UB!)
10 pushups
15 air squats

(different people did these in different order)
3 minute AMRAP rope climb
I only managed 3. Two failed attempts as well.
4 minute rest

3 min AMRAP  front squat 95/65
I did 95#, 22 reps (awful! I think I was still burned out from the thrusters yesterday)
4 minute rest

4 min AMRAP Double Unders
I did 95 reps. Also not great

(there was then a 4 min rest and 4 min amrap pushups, but I had to leave for airport)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

2012-06-14 WOD

800m run for time (3:05)

3x2 @ 90-95% - I did 180#
3x2 @ 90-95% - I did 255#

Test (re-do from monday)
AMRAP Thrusters 95/65 in 1 min (I did 95)
My total rep count: 20

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2012-06-13 WOD

3 rounds of
9 med ball floor to overhead
7 toe touches
5 pushups

with partner:
- 2500m row for time (We did 9:51)
- 2000m run for time (We did 6:53)

Then practice anything weak. I did:
- 10 HSPU (couple sets of 2, rest 1 at a time)
- 15 pullups (couple sets of 2, rest 1 at a time)

Monday, June 11, 2012

2012-06-11 WOD

assisted pullup ladder (5-4-3-2-1)
I did ~ half unassisted

Front Squat 3x2 @90-95%, rest 2-3 min b/t sets (I did #165)

OH Press 3x2 @90-95%, rest 2-3 min b/t sets (I did #125)

Max rep thrusters in 1 min 65/95
I did 18 @ 95 but doesn't count because (a) I started late on the minute and (b) I realized partway in that I was just doing push presses, not thrusters. Will go back and re-do this week.

Friday, June 8, 2012

2012-06-08 WOD

10 wallball


Hang Power Snatch:
3x 2+2+2+2+2, 10 sec between each 2, 2 min between sets
I worked at 85#

5 min rest, then

3 rounds for time
20 wall ball 20/14 (I did 20#)
10 KBS (70/53) (I did 70#)
} time: 9:50

rest 5 min, then

Row 1500m at 85-90%
my time: 6:28

then, weekly challenge: max rep DUs. I did 25 before trippingup.
weight: 177.7

Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012-06-07 WOD

After 2 days slacking on my biz trip I managed to drag myself to the gym this morning. Did a mix of stuff from the previous days' WODs at BCF

7 min AMRAP
5 T2B
} Completed 7 rounds even

Bench 3x3 @ 85% - Was supposed to be 205# but had to use a machine, so just did what felt heavy

3 rounds
10 pullups
10 DB push press (I did 2x30# weights as that's all they had)

Monday, June 4, 2012

2012-06-04 WOD


Snatch practice


15 min work up to a heavy snatch from the high hang
(I got up to 105#, but failed at 115#. That wasn't with a full squat though or I'd do far less)


500m row (1:52)
20 pullups
20 KBS (53/35)
Rest 2 min

400m row (1:33)
20 pullups
20 KBS (53/35)
Rest 2 min

300m row (1:07)
20 pullups
20 KBS (53/35)
Total time: 23:40 Rx (19:40 + 4 min rest)

Friday, June 1, 2012

2012-06-01 WOD

Clean practice

Work to a heavy clean
I got to 145#, which is a PR for me. Woot!


10 rounds
3 cleans at 75% of ORM (I did 115#)
5 burpees
30 second rest
} total time: 5:05 (9:35 - 4:30 of rest times)

rest 5 min, then
1000m row for time
my time: 3:53

Thursday, May 31, 2012

2012-05-31 WOD

Was travelling today, pretty hard to motivate myself given a cold + 3hrs sleep + shitty hotel gym. Anyhoo....

3 sets
5 bench press ~140#
5 deadlift ~190#
5 HSPU (really 1-2 per set, rest were negatives only)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2012-05-30 WOD

Missed yesterday due to a cold. Today was just stuffy nose so I dragged myself out of bed for Mike's B-day WOD, a pretty good partner WOD. He's doing 3 of them today, poor bastard. :-)

30 minute time cap. 3 partners. Rotation every 45 seconds, no breaks
row 45 sec (for distance)
bar hang (pullup hang, dead hang, etc) 45 sec
plank hold (hands or elbows)
Score is cumulative distance for the team.
Our score: 6922 meters

Monday, May 28, 2012

2012-05-28 WOD

Happy Memorial Day! Here's "Murph":

3 rounds:
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 air squats

1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
total time: 55:45

I was really jazzed about the above time. Last time we did Murph (back in Nov) I did half the workout and took just over an hour. Today I beat that time with double the work.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

2012-05-27 WOD

Box was closed as everyone went up to Seattle area for NW Regionals (I'll post on that later...). I wanted to do something and had a few minutes so I did a warmup and repeated the Open 12.1 workout to see if I improved, which I did a wee bit.

AMRAP 7 minutes:
Burpees (with jump to marker 6" above max reach)
Total reps: 68

(Previously, I'd done 63, and 65)

Tomorrow.... MURPH (oh dear god!)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

2012-05-24 WOD

250m row
20 wall ball 20#
10 hang power cleans 115#

1000m row for time
My time 3:50

Rest 3 min

AMRAP 4 min Wall ball
Each time you break it will cost you 5 burpees at end of 4 min set…
I did 40 WB 20# Rx
20 burpees (4 breaks)

Rest 3 min

AMRAP 2 min
Hang power cleans @ 75/115#
I did 20 @ 115# Rx

Rest 3 min
Max cal row in 2 min
40 cals

Weight: 179.2 (ack! up!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2012-05-23 WOD

max rep UB wallball 20#, 12' line. (I did 14 then dropped it by mistake. grr)
400m run

5x5 Deadlift @ 75% - I did 195#

5x5 OHPress @ 75% - I did 105#

Weekly challenge
handstand hold for time. My time: 1:31

Weight: 178.4

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2012-05-22 WOD

5 min DU practice
max rep wallball UB (20#) I did 26.


for time:
50 DUs
40 Push Press 95#/65# (I did 65#)
30 Box Jump 24"/20" (I did 24")
20 OH Squat 95#/65# (I did 45# - I really need to work on these)
10 Burpees
20 OH Squat 95#/65# (I did 45#)
30 Box Jump 24"/20" (I did 24")
40 Push Press 95#/65# (I did 65#)
50 DUs
} total time: 21:04

weight: 177.9

Monday, May 21, 2012

2012-05-21 WOD


Front Squat 5x5 @75% (I did 135#)

Bench 5x5 @75% (I did 150#)


2 min AMRAP HRPU (I did 44)

2 min rest

2 min AMRAP jumping squats (I did 59)

Weight: 178.1

Friday, May 18, 2012

2012-05-18 WOD

After 2 days of travel and not working out (bad!) I slept in and missed the 5:45 (bad bad!). Luckily a gap in my work schedule let me slip out and make the 8:30 WOD

400m run (I did airdyne, 40 cal)

2 rounds
10 wallball presses
7 pushups
5 jumping squats


3 rounds for time
5 C/J 135/95 (I did 115#)
10 T2B
15 wallball (I did 14#)
} total time: 7:36

5 min rest

1000m row (time: 4:07)

5 min rest

20 TGU (10/side) I did 26#

still logging my diet, but not going to bother cross-posting to here too much work. Will just log weight for now, maybe start logging BMI starting next week?
weight: 180.5

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2012-05-15 WOD


5x5 Front squats @70% ORM (125#)
5x5 Benchpress @70%ORM (140#)

3min max rep front squats 95/65 (I did 95# - 31 reps)

Monday, May 14, 2012

2012-05-14 WOD

Rx'd today's WOD despite running on only 3hrs sleep. Woot.

10 Wall ball

5 rounds for time
5 hang cleans (full squat) 75/115 (I did 115#)
7 burpees
9 T2B
15 cal row or 200m run (I did row, row, run, run, row)
} total time 17:19

Cals: tbd
Carbs: tbd
Fat: tbd
Protein: tbd
Weight: 179.5

Friday, May 11, 2012

2012-05-11 WOD

10 wallball bounce passes

10 wallball chest passes

3 rounds of
15 back squat 135/95 (I scaled to 115#)
10 pullups

2 min rest

3 rounds of
15 front squat 95/65 (I scaled to 85#)
10 pullups

2 min rest

3 rounds

15 OH squat 65/45 (I scaled to 45#)
10 pullups

Total time: 26:30

Cals: 1780
Carbs: 57
Fat: 116
Protein: 133
Weight: 179.7

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2012-05-10 WOD


5x5 Deadlift @ 65% (I did 185#)

5x5 benchpress @ 65% (I did 135# which is more like 70%)

3 AMRAP 24" box jumps - I did 41

3 AMRAP hand release pushups - I did 53

Cals: 1886
Carbs: 106
Fat: 110
Protein: 120
Weight: 180.8

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2012-05-09 WOD

2 rounds of
9 wall ball (14#)
7 pushups
5 burpees

Main "Nancy with a twist"
5 rounds for time
400m run (I did 25 cal airdyne after tweaking my calf Monday)
15 OH Squat 95/65 (I just did 45# after tweaking my back last week)
10 pullups
} total time: 20:49

Cal: 2100
Carbs: 148
fat: 137
Protein: 115
weight: 179.8

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2012-05-08 WOD

5 sets of 10 wallballs (14#)

5x5 Front Squat @65% (I did 115#)

5x5 OH Press @65% (I did 4 sets at 95 - about 75%, 1 set at 115# - about 90%)


EMOM for 8 minutes
100m sprint (I did ~20 sec airdyne instead because of calf strain from yesterday)
5 burpees

Cal: 2160
Carbs: 191
fat: 123
Protein: 103
weight: 180.6

Monday, May 7, 2012

2012-05-07 WOD

Frak! Just got over my shoulder/back injury and I screwed something up in my calf this morning during the second run. Switched to the airdyne for the 3rd round, and am applying heat. Fingers crossed

15 Wallball (14#)

3 rounds for time
800m run (I did the run twice, 3 min airdyne for the 3rd round)
15 wallball (I did 14#)
10 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
} total time 20:00

Cal: 2040
Carbs: 117
fat: 127
Protein: 115
weight: 180.1 <-- I consider this a win given 4 days of restaurant eating

2012-05-05 WOD

Was still nursing hurt neck on sat. so didn't go too hard.

2 rounds
800m run
20 pushups
20 situps
20 medball cleans

2012-05-03 WOD


Wall ball (15)


15 min to establish a heavy OH press
PR! 125#

10 TGUs 53/35 (I did 26#)
10 T2B
10 goblet squat 53/35 (I did 26#)
} 2 rounds + 4 reps
Would have done more but I tweaked my back/neck setting the PR above

Cal: 1426
Carbs: 101
fat: 61
Protein: 25
weight: 180.0

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012-05-02 WOD

Benchmark day.

2 rounds
5 wall ball (14#)
5 T2B
5 pushups

5 rounds for time
400m run
10 burpee box jumps 20/24" (I did 24")
10 SDHP 65/95 (I scaled to 75#)
10 thrusters 65/95 (I scaled to 75#)
1 min rest
} total time: 33:50

Cal: 2800
Carbs: 150
fat: 180
Protein: 115
weight: 180.6

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2012-05-01 WOD

Holy balls! Tough one today

10 wall ball overhead toss
10 wall ball chest pass

2 rounds for time of
1000m row (3:56, 4:08)
50 pushups
50 wall ball 14/20 (I did 14#)
50 KBS 53/35 (I did 35#)
200m medball run
} total time: 34:53

I've been slacking on diet so I'm going to start tracking my eating here as well. I'll figure out what iphone app I want to use, and then will likely just update with totals (calories, carbs, etc) to each day's post. May take some tweaking while I get used to tracking it with the new tool I'm using

Cal: 2830
Carbs: 133g
fat: 186g
Protein: 140g
weight: 182

Monday, April 30, 2012

2012-04-30 WOD

15 Wall ball (14#)
50 russian KBS 35#
8 figure 8 KBS 35#
2 turkish getups 35#

3 rounds for time
5 Deadlift 275#/185# (I did 185#)
10 box jumps 20/24 (I did 24")
then 800m run

Total time (3rounds + run): 7:48


Work to a 1rep max benchpress
I got to 185# (5# short of my PR)

Friday, April 27, 2012

2012-04-27 WOD

20 partner wall ball
20 partner ball bounce-passes

30 box jumps for time 24/30"
My time: 2:38, 30" box

AMRAP 12 min
5 thrusters 115/80 (I scaled to 95#)
7 strict pullups (I went strict, though I kipped a little on the last few of each set)
100m sprint
Total rounds/reps: 5 rounds, 6 reps (5 thrusters+1 pullup)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012-04-26 WOD

 In 12min, establish a heavy 1R OH Squat
- I did 95#

3 rounds for time:
15 push press 55/95# (I did 95#)
15 sec static hold COVP (chin over vertical plane)
15 sec box jump 20/24 (I did 24")
} time: 7:30 Rx

5 min rest, then
500m row for time
time: 1:47

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2012-04-25 WOD

Benchmark day. Thought it was a choice of the two below. Turns out it was BOTH. Ouch.

2 sets
2 wall walks
10 jumping squats

5 sets for time, reps are 50-40-30-20-10
} time: 10:10 (Rx)

20 min AMRAP
6 reps 225# deadlift (I scaled to 205#)
7 burpee pullups
10 KBS 70/35 (I scaled to 44#)
200m run
} total rounds/reps: 5+6

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2012-04-24 WOD

- 10 overhead/10 chest passes, 20# medball
- OH Squat practice

Main set
In 12 min, establish a heavy clean
- I got to 135#

3 rounds for time
5 cleans @ 115#
10 burpees
} time: 5:55

5 min rest

3 rounds for time
25 DUs
} time: 5:20

Monday, April 23, 2012

2012-04-23 WOD

- squat practice

1 mile run (7:30)
5 min rest
800m run (3:30)
3 min rest
400m run ( 1:38 )

100 band stretches

Friday, April 20, 2012

2012-04-20 WOD

10 med ball overhead passes
10 med ball chest passes

Main - For time:
30 Wall ball
50 DUs
200m run
20 Wall ball
50 DUs
400m run
10 Wall ball
50 DUs
800m run
} Time: 15:40

Pull-up ladder (w partner assist)
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (55 total)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

2012-04-19 WOD

With medium weight kettle bell (35#)
Warm 50 shoulder-height KBS
10 figure 8's
10 circle passes

3 rounds for time
5 C/J 155/105 (I did 105#)
10 pullups
25 DUs
} time: 9:50

rest 5 min

3 rounds for time
10 OH Squats 115/85 <-- I only did #45 - My OH squat was WEAK today
10 burpees
} time: 5:50

Total: 15:40

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2012-04-18 WOD

Benchmark day

8 rounds (!) for time
5 reps 185/115# front squat (I did #115)
26 ring pushups or HRPU (I did HRPU)
} Total time 25:40

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2012-04-17 WOD

5min DUs, then,
Clean progression

In 15 min build to a heavy 3x3 deadlift  TnG with perfect form
I did 3x3 @ 245
then set a PR DL 1rm @ 275

4 rounds for time of
5 hang power cleans   65/95
10 box jumps  24/30
200m sprint
} I Rx'd the above (95, 30") in 9:50

Monday, April 16, 2012

2012-04-16 WOD

Back at the box!

Main set (in 3 parts)

15 wallball (14#)
30 DUs
} I completed 3 rounds

300m Row
15 burpees)
} I completed 4 rounds

50 GHD situps or 100 regular situps for time
I did 100 situps in 4:59

Sunday, April 15, 2012

2012-04-15 WOD

A little sunday workout while the kids were riding around the track at school on their bikes:

800M run
5 pullups

Friday, April 13, 2012

2012-04-12 WOD

Travel wod from the other day.

5 rounds of
10 pullups
10 dips

3 rounds of
145# benchpress
10 T2B

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2012-04-11 The Great WOD

It's my birthday, and while I couldn't be subject to the 20lb vest BCF makes folks wear on their b-day (I fear retribution next week when I'm back in town), I did do a fun workout this morning.

~4k run with hill climbs and intermittent box jumps :-)

Oh, and here's where the run took place:

There's a cable car that drops you at a start point at the upper most tower in the above pic, just under the peak at center. I then did a peak-to-peak route that was ~2k each way from what I could tell on google maps, and goes from an elevation of 3000ft at each peak down to 2000 in the middle. That's a fair bit of climbing.

Speaking of which....

Man, those Chinese must have gotten hella quads while fending off the Mongolian hoards. The wall doesn't even use stairs up until about a 30 degree incline. Any steeper than that they built stairs, though in some sections, when it got steep, they just made steep-ass stairs. Hard to tell from the pic above, but each step here was just below knee-height in rise (16"? 18"?). I used those sections to do box jumps. Don't fall over backward though! Yikes!

My attempt at plotting my route (ran it there and back of course):

Monday, April 9, 2012

2012-04-10 WOD

I'm in Beijing on travel so did a modified version of Saturday's BCF wod, subbing 1k row for a 5k run around the olympic park here.

5 DL 175# (Hotel has barbells!)

3 rounds for time
9 burpees box jumps (did 20" as they didn't have 24")
} Time = 6min even

AMRAP Pullups in 3 min
Did 27 reps

Saturday, April 7, 2012

2012-04-07 mini-wod

Busy day and only had a few minutes to squeeze a workout in, but felt I'd better do something. Not sure Sunday or Monday will allow.

4 rounds
10 burpees
10 HRPUs
10 air squats
} ~8 minutes

Friday, April 6, 2012

2012-04-06 WOD


40 (yes 40!) minute AMRAP
200m run
5 thrusters (starting at 65#, incrementing 5#/round until breaking)
I completed 17 rounds
because of too few small plates among large group, I went:
65, 65, 75, 75, 95# for rounds 5-17

Thursday, April 5, 2012

2012-04-05 WOD

Rope climbs (did 2)

2+2+2+2 @ 95%
Back Squat 200#
OH Press 115#

5 rounds for time:
20 air squats
10 HR pushups
} total time: 3:40

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2012-04-04 WOD

Travelling, so given what was in hotel gym, did a modded version of one of the workouts off from a few days ago:

5 rounds for time:
10 lunges with 45# overhead (10 per leg)
10 burpees
} Total time: 13:40

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012-04-02 WOD

2 days of recovery. Man, Friday's workout had my traps WRECKED. Couldn't do anything on Saturday and Sunday was also a wash. Travelling this week and on limited time, so I decided to try my hand at 12.1 from the open again.

7 min AMRAP of Burpees
Total reps: 68. (Three better than my attempt in the open of 65. Still not great though)

Friday, March 30, 2012

2012-03-30 WOD

L-sit (20 sec)
T2B practice 5 min

10 rounds for time
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 (I did 95#)
200m run
1 min rest
} total time: 24:50 (IIRC, I didn't write it down)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

2012 Crossfit Open post-mortem, data-crunch & thoughts

The two things that attracted me to Crossfit when I started last July were that  it was extremely hard, and secondly, that it's very data-driven. People do workouts till they can barely hold a pen, and then they proceed to do so to note down time, reps, weight and whatever else can be measured or clocked.

The other thing I didn't really know about when heading in, is how open and welcoming and unpretentious the atmosphere is. Everyone really goes out of their way to welcome newcomers and to encourage anyone pushing themselves, no matter where they might rank compared to others. Nowhere is this as evident as in the Crossfit Open, the opening stage of the yearly Crossfit games.

The open is pretty unique in that any and all around the world can compete. You needn't belong to an affiliate; you can just do the workouts in your garage per instructions, upload a video to youtube, and get ranked along with everyone else. This means there can always be a cinderella story where some guy/gal comes out of nowhere and finishes on the podium.

That cinderella story will NOT be me. I did the open this year and ranked near the bottom on all events (the open consists of five events over five weeks), but that's ok. I headed into it with several goals: (1) Complete all five workouts at prescribed weight/movement, so I could at least post a score, (2) understand how I stacked up, so I could benchmark myself again next year, and (3) understand how I ranked vs others, so I know what areas are my weakest points. It's with this last goal in mind that I'm writing this post.

Data Analysis

The results of the open are posted on a leaderboard located here. Some rough observations:

  • 61,000 people entered the open and submitted scores for round one. With each round a few dropped, and by round five, 33,000 people submitted scores. By this metric, I'm in the top half just by submitting five scores. Woohoo!. I'm not counting that though :-/
  • In the NW region where I'm located, it scaled down as well, with 2001 scores submitted for round 1, and just shy of 1400 scores for round 5.
Since there's no export function for the table data (more on this later), what I did was used the NW region as a basis, and then took a sampling of that data at intervals of fifty (1st, 51st, 101st...) and plugged them into a table. This let me plot some curves for the data which are kind of interesting. lets have a look.

Workout 1: 

AMRAP burpees in 7 minutes. Anyone can do at least one, so we'd expect to see an S-curve of results, with a ramp in the middle and an upswing at the top end of 'elites' and a downswing at the low end for the weaker folk (like me). Here's what we see:

I'm WAY down the list in the bottom fifth percentile. Burpees are weak for me and I knew this going in. I even did 12.1 twice but only gained an additional 2 reps. Definitely one of my areas for improvement.

There's an interesting elbow in the curve at the top as well. Seems getting past 120 gets REALLY hard. Maybe there's a time limited where you need to focus on efficiency? a straight drop from touching at the top? Hmm...

Workout 2:

Snatches, in sets of 30 starting at 75#, and incrementing with each set of 30 (75, 135, 165, 210); max reps in 10 min. Here we'd expect to see a 'staircase' as a group of people can do one weight but can't get to the next one. We did get that, but with more of the S-curve mixed in, as people timed out (I guess) on their max weight somewhere mid-set.

Here I fared a little better, in the fifteenth percentile. Of course that's only because the tool put my score at the top of that big cluster of people that couldn't get beyond the first set. That's ok though because I did the first set in only a couple of minutes and was very close to being able to snatch the 135. Again, something to work on, but I felt a tiny bit better about this one.

Workout 3:

18 minutes AMRAP of 15 24" box jumps, 12 115# push press, 9 toes-to-bar. Here again I expected an S-curve, and sure enough got one. more of a 'pure' S-curve as it was more about efficiency and endurance through the lengthy time.

I was in the 10th percentile (ok, I guess). I've since nailed the rhythm on the T2B, so if I were to re-do this, I'd have more time to rest probably could push a little further than I did.

Workout 4:

This was an interesting one. 150 wallballs, followed by 90 double-unders, followed by 30 muscle ups, as a 12 minute AMRAP. Here again we'd expect to see a 'staircase' with a falloff in the low-end for those that can't finish the wallballs then a flat section for those that can't do DUs, and then another for those that can't do MUs. It turned out a little different:

Almost everyone finished the 150 wallballs (I didn't but it's a long story why. I was trying to improvise while at a gym in Costa Rica in heat well over 100 degrees, etc. In short I gave up early. Pretty confidant that if I redid this one, I'd at least get into the DUs). Unlike I'd expect though, there's only a handful (~25) people that capped at 150. I guess if people made the 150 they were inspired to at least try a handful of DUs.

At 240, however, there's a significant size plateau of like 220 people that got through the DUs but couldn't do 1 MU. And from there its a slow rise of folks that could do 1, 2, maybe 5 MUs, with only the top 150 or so that were getting a dozen MUs or more. Only 2 individuals actually got back to wallballs.

Workout 5:

A repeat of last year's final workout, this was a 7 minute AMRAP of 100 lb thrusters and chest to bar pullups, in sets of incrementing 3's (3+3, 6+6, 9+9...). This was another one where we'd expect an S-curve and sure enough got one.

The vertical end of the S-curve at the top is interesting. I'd guess that in addition to being in awesome shape, the top competitors are highly efficient at the movement too, trying to cram in a lot in a narrow window of time.

I was only in the bottom 5th percentile but am nonetheless happy with my result. 6 months ago I couldn't get more than one or two pullups, and the chest-to-bar part made these really hard for me. My score of 35 isn't great, but I'm happy with it and I have a bar to shoot for next year (Hmm... think it'll show up again?)

Post-mortem on my performance

Like I said, I headed into it knowing I wouldn't do well at all, but I'm glad I finished and I know what I have to work on for next year. In short, everything, but in particular, burpees & pullups and my aerobic performance in general. There were a few of these that had me sucking wind - hard.

Suggestions for the Games organizers

Not that they'll ever read this, but I've got some ideas on how they could take this to the next level.

1. Think about how the distribution of competitors across the spectrum will look. With workout 2 and workout 4, there were these large staircase effects. May not matter for top of leaderboard, but if you want individuals to be able to rank among themselves everywhere on the curve, better to allow those to break up. For example, if workout 4 had halved the set size (75+45+15), you'd have people doing double the number of rounds, but also more spread out distribution on the curve. Again, not an issue for top of board, but for the rest of us this is something to consider.

2. PLEASE! Publish an API to get read-only access to the leaderboard data. There is SO much that could be done here if you open this data up to hobbyist and professional developers. I just did a quick and dirty look at one region, and with a sparse sampling. If you had full access it would be trivial to do a number of compelling things. Some ideas:

  • Compare curves across regions. Do some areas fare better at the strength-focused workouts? Do some areas have more beginners or more elites?
  • Look at standard deviation of rank. For an individual, do you have one area where your rank was out of whack with the other workouts? does that give you an indication of what to work on? How about for a whole box? Does your box suck at a particular workout or area? If so does that tell you something about your programming?
  • If someone read the data and took snapshots of it, you could do "motion chart" style animations of how the curves proceeded over the ~100 hours from posting to close. Do the elites submit at the last minute? How many people posted 2 or more scores? etc.
  • If someone is 1-2 years away from transitioning to another age group, they could see how they'd rank.
  • How about special shout-outs for most improved year-on-year? 
Those area just a couple ideas that come to mind. I'm sure if the organizers opened this up, they'd be surprised at how innovative ideas would come out of nowhere.

Anyhow, back to training and on to 2013! :-)