Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year in review, and goals for 2013

Since it's end of year, probably a good time to look back on progress made. Have been doing Crossfit for 18 months now, I started recording all my progress on this blog 12 months back. Some short notes on progress in 2012 are below, as well as goals for 2013.

Progress against goals
At the start of the year, I set 3 goals. I added 3 more in November. They were:

- 40 Double-unders, unbroken <-- DONE. At start of year, my best was 17
- 15 pullups, unbroken <-- DONE. At start of year, my best was 5
- 10 handstand pushups, unbroken <-- not achieved. I can do 7, and at start of year, my best was 3
- Fran in under 10 minutes <-- DONE. (7:28!)
- Reach 80 in 7-min burpee challenge from '12 open <-- not achieved (Got to 76. I haven't done it in a couple months, so could probably get there - but not after doing Fran yesterday!)
- 1 muscle-up <-- not achieved. So close!

So I hit half of them, but am close on the others, so I feel good about it.

Lifting (Jan '12 --> Dec '12)

Benchpress: 170 --> 190 (+12%)
Clean: 135 --> 165 (+22%)
C&J: 125 --> 155 (+24%)
Back Squat: 215 --> 245 (+14%)
Front Squat: 175 --> 205 (17%)
OH Press:  120 --> 130 (+8%)
Deadlift: 265 --> 315 (+19%)
Snatch: 95 --> 115 (+21%)

Benchmark & Hero workouts. (Jan '12 --> Dec '12)

I've done a number of these, but only a couple that I have before & after numbers for. Pretty good improvements on all.

Annie: 11:37 --> 8:11
Cindy: 12+2 --> 16+16
Fran: 12:51 --> 7:28
Jackie: 14:03 --> 10:45 (this wasn't completely apples-to-apples though)
Murph: 59 min for HALF scaled workout --> 55:45 for the full workout


Row 2k: 8:56 --> 7:47
1mile run: 7:30 --> 6:24
7 min burpees w 6 inch jump: 63 --> 76

One of the things I love about crossfit is how varied and quantifiable everything is, and so there's always a good indicator of progress.

Areas for improvement, and goals for 2013:

I still didn't hit my MU, so MU progressions, C2B pullups, etc.
HS pushups, handstand holds, and handstand walks (which I also need to know how to fall/roll for)
Stuff that hits my lungs hard. Sprints, rowing sprints. Airdyne. Burpees. Burpees also need to work on form/efficiency.
DUs and Rope climbs are still pretty weak. Need to work on those.
Staying on heels when lifting, esp front squat.

So, some specific goals:

- Participate in at least 1 event (CF event, or Tough Mudder, or some such thing)
- Move from 4th quartile to 3rd quartile in the CF Open (depends a lot on who else participates, but last time around I was bottom 10% all round)
- 1 MU
- 10 HSPU unbroken, and 10' HS walk
- 6:00 Fran
- 80 DUs unbroken
- C&J my body weight (175 right now)

On to 2013!

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