Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013-12-31 WOD

Different schedule today so I did the "Bulldog Burn" workout at BCF, plus a bonus workout that a few of us added.

std warmup
500m row

A. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
Kettlebell Deadlifts heavy - I did 70#
Burpee-pushup (drop to ground, do a pushup, back to ground, burpee)
then immediately follow with 2014m row.

Time: row was 8min40, total time was 17:05

then about half the group added:
B. 50-40-30-20-10 of
alternating lunges
} for time.

forgot to check start time but was about 8-9 min

then I added
C. 3 MU attempts (failed)
D. 3 HSHolds

Monday, December 30, 2013

2013-12-30 WOD

std warmup
200m run

A. Benchpress 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 3x8@75%
1x5 @ 125#
1x5 @ 135#
2x8 @ 145#, 1x5@145 (failed on 6th rep)

B. Deadlift 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 3x8@75%
1x5 @ 205#
1x5 @ 225#
3x8 @ 235#

C. 300m row, 5 sets for time, 90s rest b/t
1:12, 1:02, 1:06, 1:02, 1:01

D. pullup progression
3x3 weighted pullup (20#) at 1030 tempo

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013-12-28 WOD

*SUPER* hard wod today, even though scaled.

std warmup
1k row
thruster warmup


A. "Kalsu" (hero wod)
100 Squat Clean Thrusters for time, 135/95# (I did 95#)
5 burpees on the top of each minute.
 25 min time cap

At the end of 25 min, I'd done 125 burpees and 96 thrusters. There was no way I was finishing out hte last four. I was SMOKED!

5 min rest

B. 135/95 barbell carry around building, 10 cal Airdyne for every drop.
I did 95#, didn't drop

Friday, December 27, 2013

2013-12-27 WOD

std warmup
5 wall-walks

A. Front Squat 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 3x8@75%
1x5 @ 135
1x5 @ 145
3x8 @ 155

B. OH Press (behind neck) 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 3x8@75%
1x5 @ 75
1x5 @ 80
1x8 @ 85, 1x6@85, 1x4@85

C. 3x12 GHD Situps
(did them to parallel or slightly below. not all the way to touching ground)

D. 3x8 Pendlay Rows, moderate weight
3x8 @ 65#

Thursday, December 26, 2013

2013-12-26 WOD

std warmup
15 wallball 14#

A. Work to a heavy bear complex in 3 sets (4-5 min b/t sets)
each set is 7 reps of
front squat
Shoulder to overhead (I did a few presses, then jerks)
back squat
Shoulder to overhead
front rack,
1st set at 115, then 2nd set at 125 (failed after 5 reps), 3rd set 115

B. 3x10 strict pullups
1st set unbroken, 2nd set 8+2, 3rd set 4+3+3

I added

C. 3x3 ring dips

D. 2x HS Hold

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2013-12-24 WOD

Xmas eve wod!

std warmup
5 pullups
5 kbs

1k row (I did an 800m run)
10 rounds of
10 pullups
10 kbs 53/35 (I did 44# because all the 53's were taken)
10 v-ups
1k row (I did an 800m run)

Total time: 29:42

100k challenge: 93,900. 6.1k to go!

Update: Went running over lunch hour:
6.13k, 33:47, 5:31 pace
100k challenge DONE! 100,000 meters between Dec 1 and Dec 24. Whew!

Monday, December 23, 2013

2013-12-23 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. Benchpress - 5x8 @ 70% of target ORM (ORM is 190, target of 200 = 140)
I did 2x8 at 145, but then had to decrease for remaining sets

B. Benchpress - 5x8 @ 70% of target ORM (ORM is 315, so target = 325)
5x8 @ 225

C. 3x20 face pulls

D. 3x20s airdyne, 2:40 rest

100k challenge, adding the 400m above: day 22 = 81,200. 18,800 left to go!

Update: Ran over lunch hour. 11.16km, 1:05:04. 5:50min/km pace

100k challenge, adding the 400m above: day 22 = 92,300. 7,700 left to go!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2013-12-22 Run

Whittling away at the 100k...

13.46 km 1:20:46, pace: 6:00 min/km

100k challenge, day 22: 80,800

Saturday, December 21, 2013

2013-12-21 WOD

std warmup
5 Push Press
5 OH Lunge
5 wallball
5 burpees

"Deck of Joy" (aka Deck of Death)
Hearts = OH Lunge (45#)
Diamonds = burpees
Clubs = wallball (20#)
Spade = Push press 95#

Deal through the deck for number of reps. Aces = 15, face cards = 10, everything else is face value. Jokers = 400m run

Adds up to 99 reps of each (104 with the warmup!), plus 800m running

Took the group about 50 minutes. I Rx'd the workout

800m run added toward 100k challenge: 67,300m

Friday, December 20, 2013

2013-12-20 WOD

std warmup
5 snatches 75#
5 kbs 53#


A. 4 rounds, each for time, 4 min b/t
30 cal row
20 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
10 Power Snatch 95/65 (I did 75#)
Times: 3:10, 4:10, 4:24, 4:48

B. Dip progression - ring dips
3xamrap (3-5 reps) at 51x1 tempo

Update: did a run a lunch. Was only going to be 5k but felt good so tried out a new route (which didn't work out so well, ended up cutting through a farm field and mud-wrecking my shiny runners :-(

Run: 9.11km, 56:15, pace: 6:10min/km

100k challenge, day 20: 66,500

Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013-12-19 WOD

makeup for wednesday.

1k row
std warmup
2x30 DUs

A. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 of
time: 7:03. Over a minute better than previous PR of 8:11!

B. FrontSquat
1x5 55% ORM (115#)
1x5 60% ORM (130#)
1x5 65% ORM (145#)
AMRAP 75% ORM (5 reps at 165#)

C. OHPress, behind neck
1x5 55% ORM (70#)
1x5 60% ORM (80#)
1x5 65% ORM (85#)
AMRAP 75% ORM (3 reps at 100#)

I added

D. Ring pullups

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2013-12-18 Run

travelling. Got a run in this morning to whittle away at the 100k challenge. Eek! Not much time left!

5.3km, 28:34, 5:24 pace

that brings total to 57,400

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2013-12-17 WOD

std warmup
200m run
2x5 OH Squat 75#

A. "Nancy"
5 rounds for time
400m run
15 OH Squat 95/65 (I scaled to 75#)
time: 13:52 (30s better than last time, even though I went 10# heavier)

B. Pullup progressions
3x3 strict pullups, weighted 20#, 30x1 temp

I added:

C. HS holds
3 HS Holds for balance

2.2k above brings 100k challenge to 52,100

Monday, December 16, 2013

2013-12-16 WOD

std warmup
200m run

A. Benchpress 2x5 @ 60%, 2x5 @ 65%, 2x3 @ 70%, AMRAP @ 75%
2x5 - 115#
2x5 - 125#
2x5 - 135#
8 reps at 145#

B. Deadlift 2x5 @ 60%, 2x5 @ 65%, 2x3 @ 70%, AMRAP @ 75%
2x5 - 185#
2x5 - 205#
2x5 - 225#
10 reps at 235#

C. 3 Rounds for time
200m run
15 T2B
7 power cleans 135/95 (I did 135#)
Time: 8:35 Rx

(800m running above brings 100k challenge total to: 49,900, day 16).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013-12-15 Run

Did a run this morning to whittle some off my 100k goal.

10.02 km, 58:30, 5:50 min/km pace

100k goal - day 15 - total: 49,100

Saturday, December 14, 2013

2013-12-14 WOD

Tough WOD today, but I had to cut it short to drive kids to an event. This WOD - even split as a partner workout it was a lot.

800m run
std warmup

(I'm writing the hero workout as prescribed, as a solo workout. We split it as a partner workout, so I did 33 reps instead of 66. I then left early, missing out on the last 4 movements.

"The Don"
66 Deadlift 110/75 (I did 33 at 110#)
66 box jumps 24/20 (I did 33 at 24")
66 kettlebell swings 53/35 (I did 33 at 53#)
66 knees-2-elbows (I did 33)
66 situps (I did 33)
66 pullups (I did 33)
66 thursters 55/35 (I did 33 at 55#)
66 wallballs 20/14 *
66 Burpees *
66 Double unders *
*I had to leave early and missed this part
Part I did do took 17 minutes

*800m run above brings the 100k challenge total so far to 39,050. Going to try and get something longer in tomorrow

Friday, December 13, 2013

2013-12-13 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice

A. 7 min amrap
5 snatches at 60% ORM - 75#
10 hand release pushups

5 min rest

B. 7 min amrap
5 Clean & Jerks at 60% ORM - 115#
10 v-ups

5 min rest
C. 5 rounds of 30s airdyne sprint, 30s rest b/t

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2013-12-10 WOD

std warmup
5 min airdyne
15 wallball chest passes
15 wallball bounce passes

A. 3 rounds for time:
30 DUs
25 Wallball (20#)
20 T2B
time: 10:28

5 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time
15 box jumps (24")
10 burpees
5 Power Cleans 135#
time: 7:30

I added:

C. HSHold
3 HSHold, for balance

Monday, December 9, 2013

2013-12-09 WOD

A. Benchpress
1x5 @ 50% (95#)
1x5 @ 60% (105#)
3 x 10 @ 65% (115#)

B. Deadlift
1x5 @ 50% (155#)
1x5 @ 60% (165#)
3 x 10 @ 65% (205#)

C. Pullup progressions
3x3 weighted (15#) pullups, 31x1 tempo

D. DU practice
Did 4 sets of ~30

I added

E. MU progression
3x3 Ring pullups, banded

Update: Added a run in the afternoon

F. 7.8km run, 44min 5:40 pace.
100k challenge day 9. Total: 38,250

Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013-12-08 WOD

Wishing on a WOD fundraiser for Make-a-wish.

AMRAP 30 min
5 pushups
10 situps
15 air squats
total: 33 rounds, 18 reps
(170 pushups, 340 situps, 488 air squats}

Improved over last year's score of 29 rounds

(boys came too and do the kids 20 minute version. Tom & Matt did 25, 23 rounds)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

2013-12-07 WOD

5 min row (1k)
DU practice

A. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
1000m row
100 DU
times: 7:04, 7:30, 7:50

I added

B. MU progressions
3 x 3 ring pullups
2x 3 ring pullups, banded, trying to get through transition
2x4 ring dips

Friday, December 6, 2013

2013-12-06 WOD

Recovery Day, so I did a 5k run (super cold and icy! Slowed me down a bunch!), and then some stuff at the gym

A. 4.85k run, 27.23, 5:39 pace

100k challenge, day 6: 30,450 so far

B: MU progressions
2x5 pullups
1x4 ring pullups
transition practice w band

Thursday, December 5, 2013

2013-12-05 WOD

A. Press/Dip progression

4 x AMRAP Ring Dips, 51x1 tempo, 2 min b/t
5 in first set, 3 in subsequent sets

B. For time:
1k row
20 burpees over rower
20 power cleans 95#
20 box jumps 24"
20 S2OH 95# (I did push-jerk)
20 KBS 70/53# (I did 53#)
20 Deadlifts 185#
20 pullups
time: 21:28 (I think? Didn't write it down and am going from memory)

Added at lunch today: 5k run
4.99km - 23:34 - 4:43min/km <-- 52 sec off my PR

100k challenge, day 5: 25,600

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2013-12-04 WOD

A. 5x8 Front Squat, 60% ORM
8 @ 95, 5x8 @ 125

B. 5x8 OH Press - behind neck, 60% ORM
8 @ 45, 5x8 @ 75

C. 3 rounds for time
30 KBS 53/35 (I did 35#)
20 pullups
10 pushups
time: 9:14

I added

D. HSHOlds
3 HSHolds for balance

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2013-12-03 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice

A. Pullup progressions
new progression ladder posted. I started out at level 7, which was:
3x3 weighted pullups (15#) 3x01 tempo

B. 3 rounds for time:
Power snatch 75#
OH Squat 75#
200m run
time: 4:48

C. 3 rounds for time
15 wallball 20#
15 T2B
time: 5:18

I added

D. HS Holds
3 HSHolds, practicing shifting weight

100k challenge, day 3: 15,360

Update: Ran 5k over lunch.
5.25k 25:09, 4:48 pace.
My 5k time was 23:43, which is just less than a minute off my PR. not bad.

100k challenge, day 3: 20,610

Monday, December 2, 2013

2013-12-02 WOD

std warmup

A. 5x10 benchpress, 60% ORM.
5x10 at 115

B. 5x10 deadlift, 60% ORM.
5x10 at 185

C. 5 rounds for time
3 Power Clean 115#/75#
5 box jumps 30"/24"
time: 2:28 Rx

I added:
D. 2x5 strict pullups at tempo

E. 2 HSHold, 20s each


Added a 5k run at lunch
.4.75k, 25:20

December challenge so far: 14.76 km / 100 (day 2)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013-12-01 Run

Rest day, but decided that since a bunch of folk at the box are doing a 100k challenge (row 100,000 meters in december) and it's not going to work w my schedule, I'm going to do a 100k running challenge instead.

Today was day 1.

10.01km, 59:47, avg pace 5:58

Total for Dec: 10.01km

Saturday, November 30, 2013

2013-11-30 WOD

Another tough one.

std warmup
200m run


A. "The Seven" - 7 rounds for time:
7 HSPU (I did HSPU for first 2 rounds, then scaled)
7 Thruster 135/95 (I did 95#)
7 Knee-to-Elbow
7 Deadlift 245/185 (I did 185#)
7 burpees
7 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
7 pullups
Time: 32:58

Friday, November 29, 2013

2013-11-29 WOD

Woo. First PR in a while, which I'm happy about given that I was pretty sore after Wed/Thurs workouts.

A. Work to a heavy triple front squat in 15 min
3x45, 3x95, 3x135, 3x165, 3x185, 2x205 (failed on 3rd rep)
Last couple times we did this I only got to 185, so I'm happy w 2x205

B. Work to a heavy CJ in 15 min
5x45, 3x95, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165, 1x175, 1x185 (PR)
Last two, I paused at the hang. Need to do some drills and work on form

C. 3x20s Airdyne sprint for cals, 2 1/2 minutes in between

I added

D. HS holds
3x HSHold

Thursday, November 28, 2013

2013-11-28 - Turkey WOD!

HUGE crew at BCF today for the one workout time.

std warmup
400m run

Teams of 4. Entire thing for time, though we didn't end up noting our time. We were somewhere in the middle of the pack.

- 4000m row, divide among team.
(did 4x250 each, in turns)

- 4 rounds of
15 situps
10 pullups
15 burpees
10 Squat cleans 95#

- 50 tire flips as a team (25 each as group of 2)

- 800m farmer carry (2x55#), trade off as neeeded (3x75m weighted; rest unweighted)

Afterward, I added 3x5 ring pullups

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2013-11-27 WOD

Whew! Tough one today. Didn't quite finish w/in the 45 min time cap, but got into the last round


"On the 1st day of Thanksgiving..."

Like the Xmas song, 1st round is 1st movement. 2nd round is 2 of 2nd movement plus 1 of 1st movement. 3rd round is 3 of 3rd movement, 2 of 2nd movement, 1 of 1st movement. etc

1 200m run
2 C2B Pullups
3 DB Thrusters (2x45#. R was 53)
4 Burpee boxjumps (24")
5 HSPU (did these for first 3 rounds, then scaled to doing off the box)
6 pullups
7 KBS 53#
8 DB Snatch (4/side, 45#. Rx was 53)
9 T2B
10 Goblet lunge, 53#
11 ring dip or HSPU
12 man makers 53# (I did 35#)

I got though:
10 of the 12 man makers, then ran out of time.

Which totals to:
11 200m runs
20 C2B pullups
27 DB Thrusters
32 burpee box jumps
35 HSPU (25 of which were  off the box)
36 pullups (all sets unbroken)
35 KBS
32 DB Snatch
27 T2B
20 Goblet lunge
11 Ring dips
10 man makers


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

2013-11-26 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
7 wallball 14#
7 KBS 35#

A. For time, 14min cap
400m run
50/30 Wallball 20/14 (I did 40 reps at 20#)
Finished at 14:00 even (40 reps though, rather than 50 Rx)

B. For time, 14min cap
400m run
50/30 KBS 53/35 (I did 40 reps at 53#)
Finished at 13:08 (40 reps though, rather than 50 Rx)
I added:

C. HS Holds
3 HS Holds

Monday, November 25, 2013

2013-11-25 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball bounce toss
10 wallball passes
10 wallball

A. EMOM 5 Deadlift
5x5 @ 225

B. 10 min Clean & Jerk practice
10 @ 45# (drills)
5 @ 95
3 @ 115
3 @ 135
3 @ 155

C. 4 rounds, each for time. 3 min rest b/t
15 cal airdyne*
5 hang power clean 115#
5 burpees bar jump
*Our airdyne didn't have cals displayed, so we did sprints. First 2 rounds 45 seconds, then we reduced comparing to other people, to 30 sec.
Times: 1:10, 1:10, 0:55, 0:55

I added

D. HSHold practice
3 HSHolds, 20 sec each, for balance

Saturday, November 23, 2013

2013-11-23 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. For time:
1k row buy-in, w 20 burpees-over-rower

5 rounds for time of
10 lunges (10 per leg) with plate held overhead 45/25 (I did 45#)
10 KBS 70/53. I did 53#
10 v-ups

800m run
total time: 22:22

I added:

B: HSHold practice
4 HS Holds. balance for time, also tried 80/20 weighted (working toward one-handed!)

Friday, November 22, 2013

2013-11-22 WOD

std warmup
3x5 air squats

A. Back squat 1x20, 1x15, 1x10
20 reps at 135#
15 reps at 155#
10 reps at 175#

B. "Nancy" - 5 rounds for time
400m run
15 OHSquat 95# (I scaled to 65#)
time: 14:05. 55 sec better than last time I did it at same weight.

I added

C. Ring Pullup ladder

D. 2x4 ring dips (failed on second set)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

2013-11-21 WOD

Active recovery day

A. 20min row

B. HS work
- 2x4 HSPU
- 6 HS Hold (shifting weight, balancing off wall, etc)

C. 2x4 ring pullups

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

2013-11-20 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
4 pullups
4 pushups
4 situps
4 air squats

A. "Barbara"
5 rounds of:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 air squats
3 minutes between rounds

1: 5:06
2: 6:10
3: 6:13
4: 5:50
5: 5:50
41:09 (29:09 + 4*3min)

B: HSHold practice
3 HS Holds

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

2013-11-19 WOD

std warmup
20 medball passes
20 medball bounce pass

A. Back Squat 8 minute 3-rep conga line
95x3, 135x3, 165x3x7

B. 300m row sprint x 8
1:00 (best), 1:02, 1:02, 1:02, 1:03, 1:02, 1:03, 1:02

C. Pullup practice
4 sets of 3 strict pullups

2013-11-18 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. As a 2 person team, total reps for each movement, score is total across all movements

- 5min AMRAP wallball 20#
score: 153
3 min rest

- 5min AMRAP AirDyne
score: 176
3 min rest

- 5min AMRAP Deadlift 185# (Rx was 205)
score: 71
3 min rest

- 5min AMRAP KBS 70/53# (We did 53#)
score: 117
3 min rest

total = 517

B. HSHold practice
4 HSHold balance

Saturday, November 16, 2013

2013-11-16 WOD

std warmup
10 KBS
10 burpees
10 situps
5 min row (1100m)

A. For time:
800m run
divide as you want (I did 5 rounds of 15/15/30)
75 burpees
75 russian kbs (53#)
150 situps
800m run

time: 21:29

I added:

B: HS Holds (x5)

Friday, November 15, 2013

2013-11-15 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run
clean practice

A. Work to a heavy clean
5x75, 2x95, 1x125, 1x135, 1x145, 1x155, 1x165 (sloppy, need to work on form)

B. 2x20 back squat.
2 x 20 @ 135#

C. 3x10 barbell lunge
3 x 10 (5/leg) @ 135#

I added:

D. HSHold practice
3 HSHold, ~20s each

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2013-11-13 WOD

Last workout at Usine Crossfit before heading back to Mtl.

1.5k run (Hotel-->Box)
Snatch practice 15 min
did a bunch of practice on form then
5x45#, 3x75#, 3x95#, 3x115#

A. OH Press 5x65%, 3x75%, 3x85%
5x45#, 5x75#, 5x95#, 3*115#

B. 3 Rounds for time of:
10 Front squat (clean first rep if possible), 185/135 (I did 135#)
20 C2B pullups
50 DU
time: 14:56
I Rx'd the C2B pullups, which was good, but was tripping up a lot on the rope (maybe cause it was different than mine?)

I added:
C. HSHold practive

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2013-11-12 WOD

Another day at Usine Crossfit. Fun WOD. Part B was a derivative of the 2013 Open workout 1.

1.5k run (from hotel to box)
3 rounds
10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull with a kettlebell (35#)
10 pass thrus
10 KBS 35#
10 good mornings

A. Deadlift.  5x50%, 5x65%, 3x75%, 3x85%)

B. Modified version of Open 13.1.  Instead of 'plateauing' at the set of snatches beyond one's max, they instead had us scale them as indicated below.

40 burpees
30 Power Snatch 75/45 (or 25% of your ORM) I went with 45# (40% of my max)
30 burpees
30 Power Snatch 135/75 (or 50% of your ORM) I went with 55# (~50% of my max)
20 burpees
30 Power Snatch 165/115 (or 75% of your ORM) I went with 75# (65% of my max)
- it was during the above set that I ran out of time about half way through
10 burpees
AMRAP Snatches 210/135 (or hit a PR and repeat)
Score: 166 (40 burpees, 30 snatches, 30 burpees, 30 snatches, 20 burpees, 16 snatches)

I added

C. HS practice
3x HS Hold 30s

Monday, November 11, 2013

2013-11-11 WOD

Another workout at Usine Crossfit.

1.5k run (from hotel to box)
10 pullups
20 cal row
30 pushups
40 situps
50 lunges

A. Front squat 65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x3
45x5, 95x5 (warm up)
125x5, 145x3, 165x3

B. 21-15-9 of
Deadlifts Rx=225, I scaled to 135
OH Squat Rx=135, I scaled to 75
time: 8:54

C. 10 min AMRAP DU's, with on-the-minute burpee ladder
55 burpees
140 DUs

I added
D. 4 HS Holds

Sunday, November 10, 2013

2013-11-10 WOD

Travelling today. Did the WOD at Usine Crossfit in Montreal.

1.5k run (from hotel to box :-)
3 rounds
5 bear complex 45#
10 lunges
15 "beats" (bar hang, swing head through, like kipping warmup)
200m row

A. Partner WOD. 4 sets of 4 min each, no rest between. One partner works while other rests/holds. Score = Total reps

- Max cal airdyne (we did stints of 1 min each, alternating)
I did 53, partner did 44, so total of 97

- Max pullups. Partner holds a hang while other works. Stop if either drops.
I did 24, partner did 20, so total of 44

- Max front rack lunges. Rx was 135 but we went 95#. 10 burpees if bar touches ground
20 each, so total of 40 reps

- Max push press. Rx was 115# but we did 95#. 30 DUs if bar touches the ground
I did 18, partner did 16, so total of 34.

Overall score = 97+44+40+34 = 215

4 min rest

B. Partner "Karen" (150 wallball, 20#, but sharing work between two people. 3 burpees for both partners at the start and top of each minute.
time: 8:47 (so 75 wallball and 24 burpees each)

I added:

C. HSHold practice (did 4 of them for 30s+)

Friday, November 8, 2013

2013-11-08 WOD

(missed most of warmup)
200m run

A. Work to a heavy triple front squat.
3 each of 45,95, 125, 165, 175, 185

B. 5 rounds for time:
5 Squat Clean #115
15 V-ups
50 DUs
200m run
Time: 18:12 Rx

Thursday, November 7, 2013

2013-11-07 WOD

Travelling today, dropped into Crossfit Amped in Bellevue, WA. Great facility and super-friendly!

250m row
20 inchworms
10 spiderman lunges
10 "dead bugs" per side

A. Benchpress 5 x 3 @ 75%
2 warmup sets (45, 95) then
5 x 3 @ 155

B. 4 sprint runs, rest 1:1 between, score is total time:
- 800m (2:57)
- 400m (1:12)
- 200m (0:45)
- 200m (0:43)
total:  5m37s (best at the box that morning :-)

C. Plank hold for time:

2013-11-06 WOD

std warmup
200m run

A.EMOM 10 of 5 strict press
Did first 5 sets at 95#, then had to drop to 75#

B. 30-20-10 of
Row for cals
Time: 11:20

C. 3 rounds for time of:
3 heavy-ish power cleans (#135)
4 box jumps (24")
10s airdyne
Time: 2:30

I added:
D. 8 HSHolds for balance

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2013-11-05 WOD

std warmup
10 partner over-unders

A. Tabata this
5 rounds of tabata (8 sets of 20s on, 10s off, score is lowest reps for any one set), 800m run between each

Row {8,8,7,7,7,7,7,7} = 7 (58 total)
400m run
Pullup {8,7,6,6,5,5,5,5} = 5 (47 total)
400m run
Situp {12,12,10,10,10,10,10,10} = 10 (84 total)
400m run
AirSquat {14,14,13,13,13,13,13,13} = 13 (106 total)
400m run
Pushup {9,8,7,7,7,7,7,7} = 7 (59 total)
400m run

I added:

B. 6 HSHolds (balance practice)

Monday, November 4, 2013

2013-11-04 WOD

std warmup
200m run
snatch drills

A. Oly lifting practice, moderate weight, work on form
5 sets, first 2 @ 75, then 3 at 95#
Hang Power Snatch

B. 5 rounds for time
Deadlift 275/185 - I did 225
5 burpee over bar
time: 4:28. DL too heavy and had to break

C. Skill work (HS/HSPU)
2x3 HSPU
8 HSHold, working on balance

Saturday, November 2, 2013

2013-11-02 WOD

Whew. long one today.

std warmup
1k row
10 russian kbs 35#
10 situps

A. Partner wod. One person works and other does squat hold
3 rounds for time
800m medball run - trade off as needed (traded every 200)
50 wallball 20#
75 pushups
100 situps
Time: 37:22 Rx

I added:
B. 6x HSHolds (~20-30s each, working on balance away from wall)

Friday, November 1, 2013

2013-11-01 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball 20#
10 wallball passes 20#
400 m medball pass run 20#


A. 1 OH Press, 1 Push Press, 2 jerks, work to heavy weight, 8 rounds
75, 95, 105, 115, 125 (5# off my PR!), 115, 115, 115

B. 3x8 Dips

C. 3 rounds, each for time, 2 min rest b/t
500m row
20 KBS 53#
15 Wallball 20#
Times: 3:40, 3:54, 3:57

I added:

D: 3x3 Ring pullups

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2013-10-30 WOD

std warmup
10 reverse burpees
10 wallball
10 wallball chest passes


4 rounds for time
800m run
20 Front Squat 95/65 (I went 75#)
20 T2B/V-ups (I went T2B)
20 cal row
Time: 35:22

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2013-10-29 WOD

std warmup
deadlift practice

A. work to a heavy deadlift in 8 min
Got to 285, failed at 295.

B. 3 rounds for time:
3 deadlifts at 80% above weight (225#)
6 HSPU (I did 6 strict 1st set, 6 strict off abmat 2nd set, 2 strict 3rd set and 4 HRPU)
9 KBS 70/56 (I did 70#)
Time: 5:35

C. 50 cal for time on rower or airdyne (I did rower)
Time: 2:25

D. Skill work
4x5 Ring Pullups, strict
MU progressions

Monday, October 28, 2013

2013-10-28 WOD

std warmup
4 rounds of 5 air squats

A. Skill work - HSPU
Did 2x5 HSPU (strict)
Did several HSHolds, practicing free standing

B. Back Squat Conga Line -  Groups of 3-4, 10-12 minutes, 3 reps at ~70% of max
We did 6 rounds x 3 reps @ 165#

C. 5 min AMRAP
Wallball 20#
Got 8 rounds, 3 reps

3 min rest

D. 5 min AMRAP
Power Clean 135#
Box Jump 30"
Got 5 rounds, 3 reps

I added:

E. Skills work
- LeverSwings (x3)
- 2x4 Ring Pullups
- 2x HSHold

Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013-10-26 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. With partner, for time:
- shared 2k row (we did 4x250 each, rotating)
- 10,9,8...1 of Goblet squat, 70/53. I did 70#, and did 10,8,6,4,2 = 30 reps
- 10,9,8...1 of T2B, and did 9,7,5,3,1 = 25 reps
- 400m run, one partner goes after other finishes
time: 15:25 <-- fastest of our crew this morning - mainly case all T2B were unbroken, and we both ran pretty quick

I added

B. MU progressions
- LeverSwings
- Ring pullups

Friday, October 25, 2013

2013-10-25 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
15 air squats
10 KBS
400m run

A. 4 rounds, 30 seconds per station, sprint as hard/fast pas possible
Box Jumps - 18"
Hang Power Cleans 95#
2:30 rest between rounds

B. Skills work. I did:
4x5 Ring Pullups
2x3 HSPU
Lever swings (MU practice)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

2013-10-24 WOD

Make-up for missing wednesday.

std warmup
400m run

A. 3 rounds not for time:
30 DUs (first 2 rounds unbroken)
5 pullups (strict)

push jerk, moderate weight (I did 115#)

C. 3 rounds for time
8 thrusters @ 115#
15 burpees-over-bar
time: 7:30

I added:

D. 5,4,3,2,1 of Ring Pullups

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2013-10-22 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. Work to a heavy 3-rep deadlift (12 minutes)
5x135, 5x165, 3x195, 3x225, 3x245, 3x265, 3x275

B. 15-12-9 of
Deadlift 225/155 (I did 205)
Box jumps 24/20 (I did 24")
400m run (one per round)
Time: 11:01

C. Handstand kipping practice.

I added

D: 4x5 HSPU (w abmat)

E. 5-4-3-2-1 Ring pullups (strict)

Monday, October 21, 2013

2013-10-21 WOD

std warmup
5 pullups
10 DU
10 pistols
Pushpress drill

A. 8 min EMOM
5 pushpress @ heavy weight (I went with 105#)
(was 3 the first couple sets, then they changed it to 5 reps

B. 3 rounds for time:
12 pistols (6/leg). I did assisted.
24 KBS 70/53. I did 53#
36 DUs
time: 9:51

C. Pullup ladder 1-5-1
I did strict

I added:
D. 2x2 HSPU, strict

Update: Did a run at lunch:
E. Run 5.08km, 26:40, 5:15 min/km pace

Saturday, October 19, 2013

2013-10-19 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run

Partner WOD. We did this one with 3 people. All numbers divided by 3 unless stated
150 wallball 20#
75 partner over-unders
150 KBS 53#
800m run w 20# med ball - all 3 run 800, each with their own ball
75 burpee pull up
150 lunges
400m run w 20# ball overhead - all 3 run 400 but share ball
150 V-ups
150 ground to overhead w 25# plate
(there was also a 200m partner carry, but I ran out of time.
time: 42:00, before I had to leave

Thursday, October 17, 2013

2013-10-17 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
15 burpees
15 wallball
25 wallball passes

A. Round the world, 30 min
6 rounds, 1 min per station, moderate pace
box jumps 24"
ball slams 20#
DU's and singles

I added:

B. 2x4 ring pullups

C. 3,2,1 HSPU

2013-10-16 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. 10 min HSPU work
(knee-to-elbow handstands, press out to bent-knee HS, etc)

B. 4x3 Front Squat, 75,80,85, 90%
I did 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 195x3 rounded out a bit on the last rep

C. 10 min EMOM
3 Power Snatch, moderate heavy weight to work on form (I did 75#)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2013-10-15 WOD

A. 12 min AMRAP
200m run
20 air squats
5 rounds + 24 reps (= 6x200m run, 90 HRPU, 108 air squats)

4 min rest

B. 12 min AMRAP
15 cal row
10 ring dips or regular dips (I did 1 round ring dips, the rest on the bars)
5 rounds + 12 cal

Monday, October 14, 2013

2013-10-14 WOD

std warmup
400m run
snatch-grip deadlift warm up

5 Snatch-grib deadlift, @ 110% ORM (I went w 125#)

B. Pullup ladder 1-5-1
I did all strict, unassisted (25 total)

C. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of
thruster 115# (I went 95#)
T2B/v-ups (I went T2B)
time: 11:59

Saturday, October 12, 2013

2013-10-12 WOD

Was the "Barbells for Boobs" workout today, a nation-wide fundraiser thing. The workout consists of doing Helen, followed immediately by Grace. Both are a good workout. Together, more so.

std warmup
10 wallball 20#
15 wallball passes
10 wallball kettlebell pass
5 kbs
5 pullups
3 CJ each at 45#, 95#, 135#


"Helen" followed immediately by "Grace". For time.

"Helen": 3 rounds for time
400m run
21 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
12 pullups
time: 11:23 (PR, as I've never done Helen before)

then 37s rest, and at 12:00 I did grace

"Grace": for time
30 Clean and Jerks at 135#
time: 8:00 even

Total time: 20:00

Thursday, October 10, 2013

2013-10-10 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
400m run


A. 10 min mobility work

B. 20 min row at moderate pace

I added:

C. MU progressions
pullups, ring pullups, mu attempts (failed)

D. HSPU practice
2 sets of 3 strict

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2013-10-09 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds of Cindy
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats

Snatch drills

A. Work to a 3 rep max benchpress
5x45, 5x95, 3x115. 3x135. 3x155, 3x165

B. Snatch complex/drills, then work to a max snatch HH+full snatch

C. 3x30s Airdyne sprint

I added:

D. 2x3 HSPU

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2013-10-08 WOD

std warmup
400m run
5 deadlifts 135
5 deadlifts 185

As a 2 person team, for time, alternating work/rest:
3000m row (5x300m sprint each)
100 wallball 20#
75 T2B
50 Deadlifts (3 set of 5 at 185, 2 sets 205)
30 burpee bar jump

Monday, October 7, 2013

2013-10-07 WOD

std warmup
800m run
medball clean drills
push jerk drills

A. 8min EMOM
push jerk 75#

B. 3 rounds for time:
5 wall walks
10 medball cleans 20#
15 should to overhead (push jerk) 75#
time: 8:39

I added

C. 2x5 strict pullups

Saturday, October 5, 2013

2013-10-05 WOD

Whew, tough one today. Close to a PR for a benchmark in the middle of a bigger workout, so pretty pleased.

10 wallball 14#
CJ practice

A. For time:
1 mile run
30 CJ @ 155/105 (I scaled to 135#, which makes this 'Grace' on it's own)
60 wallball 20#
2k row
Total time: 30:09
I did the 1 mile run in 7:10, which is decent. Then rested a minute, and then did Grace in 7:35, only 3 seconds off my PR. Dang!

I added:

B. 2x5 ring pullups

Friday, October 4, 2013

year-end goals check

I set out some goals for end of year, and that's 3 months away. How's progress going?

Areas for improvement, and goals for 2013:

1. Participate in at least 1 event (CF event, or Tough Mudder, or some such thing)
- DONE. I did Tough Mudder and Survive the Burn
2.  Move from 4th quartile to 3rd quartile in the CF Open (depends a lot on who else participates, but last time around I was bottom 10% all round)
- DONE. 
3. 1 MU
- Still not there. Doing progressions, working on it, but it eludes me.
4. 10 HSPU unbroken, 
5. 10' HS walk
- Not done, but starting to work on it
6. 6:00 Fran
- Not done, and I don't think I'll get there this year. This was a case of unrealistic goal setting.I went from 10:20 at start of the year to 7:21, and may get under 7 minutes this year, but definitely not under 6.
7. 80 DUs unbroken
- Not done, but I hit 50 today, so it's closer
8. C&J my body weight (175 right now)

So 4/8 so far, with probably 2 others in reach.

2013-10-04 WOD

Tough workout today, but got through it and got 2 PRs on top of that.

std warmup
10 KBS
10 T2B
10 C2B Pullups

A. Get as far into this chipper as possible in 4 min. Then rest 4 min. Then START AGAIN AT THE TOP, and get as far in as you can in 6 min. Then rest 6 min. Then start again at the top and finish the whole workout for time.
500m row
50 DUs
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
30 Shoulder 2 Overhead, 95#
20 T2B
10 C2B pullups
First 4 min attempt I got 500m row, 50 DUs, 30 KBS
Second 6 min attempt I got 500m row, 50 DUs, 40 KBS, 5 G2O
Third attempt I finished in 14:50 (34:50 total), and got 50 DUs unbroken (PR!)

B. Backsquat at 30-40% of your ORM
20-15-10, alternating with partner

I added:
I did 10 unbroken! PR

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2013-10-03 WOD

makeup for missing tuesday.
std warmup
15 wallball 20#
15 medball toss 20#

A.  5min EMOM Deadlift @ 60% ORM
I did 175# but probably should have gone a bit heavier. (60% 315 = 189)

B. Snatch clusters
snatch complex warmup, then
5 sets 1.1.1 snatch at 70% ORM (I did 85#)
2 min between sets

C. Skill work (handstands)
Practiced strict HSPU and positioning
3x3, then
9 unbroken! PR over previous (5)!

I added:

D. MU progression work
4x3 ring pullups

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2013-10-02 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 burpees
10 russian kbs
10 kb revolutions (each way)
400m run

A. 2 min of work, 30seconds each of the following, followed by 4 min rest, per round
KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
jumping squats

Round 1: 15-10-8-15 = 48
Round 2: 15-9-8-17 = 49
Round 3: 15-8-8-15 = 46
Round 4: 14-9-8-15 = 46

B. Skill work (handstands/handstand pushups
Did several practice handstand holds, handstand pushups (only a couple), and kip progressions

Monday, September 30, 2013

2013-09-30 WOD

A. 20-15-10-5 of
Front Squat 135/95 (I did 95#)

B. EMOM 10
3-5 Handstand pushups
I managed a couple strict but then switched to negatives by min 3

Saturday, September 28, 2013

2013-09-28 WOD

For time:

2k row (took me about 8:10)
3 rounds
20 wallball 20#
20 pullups
20 deadlifts @ 185 (I scaled to 135)
Time: 25:50

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2013-09-25 WOD

Couple days no CF. Rest day monday, then flew to Taiwan and lost a day on the way there, then no time Wed.

A. 5k run (little short of that actually)
4.5km, 34:06. Went a little slow because of waiting for traffic lights and pacing to let a coworker keep up.

Then hotel gym for

B. 3x10 DB Snatch 50#

C. 3x8 strict pullups

D. 3x8 benchpress 150#

Sunday, September 22, 2013

2013-09-22 WOD

My first crossfit event (apart from the open), Survive The Burn. I came in 5th overall, 4th among men (scaled), 2nd among men-scaled-over40.

Time was 38min, I think, but will get results when posted.

5km run with stations along the way:
30 ground-to-overhead (I did snatch for half, then CJ)
10 burpees
100m lunge
30 box jumps (24")
25 squats
200m run backward
25 situps
30 kbs
100m bear crawl
30 pushups

2013-09-21 WOD

Brutal mountain bike ride with a bunch of dads from the kids school.

63km, 6hrs, 3200ft climb

Friday, September 20, 2013

2013-09-20 WOD

Did my PR attempt a bit early because of travel schedule. Didn't go well.

std warmup
60 russian kbs 35#


A. Get to a ORM Back Squat (previous ORM=  250)
5x45, 5x135, 4x185, 1x225, 1x245 failed, 1x245 failed.

B. Get to a ORM Benchpress (previous ORM=  190)
10x45, 5x95, 4x135, 2x155, 2x175 failed, 1x200 failed, 1x195 failed.


C. 4x5 strict pullups at tempo


Also, added this bike ride as part of a trip on Friday:

14.4km, 2hrs, 1600ft climb

Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013-09-19 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
3 rounds
10 squats
10 toe touches
10 pass-thrus
10 wallball 20#


A. 25 min airdyne, moderate pace
227 cal

B. MU progressions
3 MU attempts (failed)
2x5 Ring pullups

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2013-09-18 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
1 wall walk
10 ball slams
10 good mornings
200m run

A. Deadlift 3x12 @ 60% of max
warmup 135x10
185x12, 185x12, 185x12

B. OH Press 3x12 @ 60% of max
warmup 45x12
75x12, 75x12, 75x9 (failed last couple reps)

C. TGU 10 per side moderate weight
35#, I did 8 per side before we ran out of time

D. EMOM 10
10 35# KB Snatch (5 per side)

I added

E: MU Progression
2x3 lever swing
2x4 ring pullup

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2013-09-17 WOD

std warmup
400m run
5-6 reps each of
Squat Clean

A. 21-15-9
OH Squat 95/65 (I did 75#)
burpee over bar
time: 6:57

4-5 min rest

B. 21-15-9
Hang Squat Clean 95/65 (I did 95#)
HSPU (I did 1 HSPU for each set, then switched to doing them off a box
time: 9:26

Monday, September 16, 2013

2013-09-16 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
200m medball run
10 lunges
10 pushups

A. Backsquat 3x10 @ 60%
155x10, 155x10, 135x10 (155 = 62% of my current PR of 255)

B. Benchpress 3x10 @ 60%
115x10, 125x10, 125x10 (125 = 66% of my current PR of 190)

C. 4 x 8-12 pullups, assisted if needed
2x8 unassisted, then 2x8 assisted

D. 2 x 12 GHD situps

Saturday, September 14, 2013

2013-09-14 WOD

std warmup
400m run

5 push press 115#
5 kbs 53#
5 box jumps 24"

A: "Jack" - 20min AMRAP of
10 push press 115#
10 kbs 53#
10 box jumps 24"
Count: 6 rounds + 18 reps Rx

8 min rest then

B: 1 mile run

I added
C: 3x4 ring pullups

Friday, September 13, 2013

2013-09-13 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball 20#
30 calf/ham stretch

A. Deadlift heavy 2-2-2-2
265x2, 275x2, 285x2, 295 fail, 285x2

B. OHPress heavy 2-2-2-2

C. Get to a heavy power clean in 10 min
Got to 175#, tied my PR, failed at 185

D. DB rows, 3x8

I added

E. MU progression stuff
2x5 ring pullups
2x3 ring lever attempts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

2013-09-12 WOD

Recovery/make-up day.

I missed yesterday due to cold, but took it easy rather than making up yesterday's WOD. lower back still messed up from Sat/mon/tue workouts.

std warmup
200m run


A. 10 min foam roller, lacrosse ball, etc

B. 20 min airdyne at easy pace (200cal)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2013-09-10 WOD

Both A & B done back to back w no rest in between. I noted first time just for sake of benchmarking.

A. "Randy"

75 Power Snatches for time 75/55 (I did 75#)
time: 10:41 Rx

B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
25 Wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
15 pushups
time: 15:27


I added:

C. 3x4 ring pullups

Monday, September 9, 2013

2013-09-09 WOD

std warmup
15 'reverse burpees' (spinal rock + burpee)
200m run

A. Back Squat 4x2, incrementing
185, 205, 225, 225 (225 = 90% of my ORM, should go 260 next week)

B. Bench Press
155, 165, 175, 185x1 rep, assisted on second rep. (185 = 5lbs off my ORM of 190, should go 195 or 200 next week)

C. 3min AMRAP - Pullups
40 (kipping)

D. T2B
37 (first 14 were unbroken, in about 30s. then it fell apart from there)

E. 4x200m sprint

Saturday, September 7, 2013

2013-09-07 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
1 min glute stretch
400m run
thuster drill

"Coe" - 10 rounds for time of
10 thrusters 95#
10 ring pushups
Time: 24:10

Last time I did it in 21 minutes, but at 65# and HR pushup, so I'll call it an improvement!

Friday, September 6, 2013

2013-09-06 WOD

std warmup
15 wallball 20#
2 min plank hold

A. Deadlift 3x3, heavier than last week
255x3, 265x3, 275x3

B. OH Press 3x3, heavier than last week
105, 110, 115x2

C. Row 4x300m sprint

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2013-09-05 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
200m run
10 pushups
20 air squats


A. 5k run at 80% (~35-40 min)

B. MU progression work
3x5 Ring Pullups
3 ring lever swings

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

2013-09-04 WOD

std warmup (though I was late and missed first few min)
2 rounds
10 OHSquat w PVC
5 tuck jumps
10 pushups
200m run

A. 21-15-9 of
OHS 95/65, scale as needed to do first round unbroken. I went 65#
time: 6:21

6 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time
10 box jumps 30/24 (I did 30")
30 DU (I managed 2 of the sets unbroken)
400m run
time: 13:02

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2013-09-03 WOD

std warmup
15 burpees
15 pushups
25 air squats
200m run

A. Benchpress 3x3, heavier than last week
(warm) 95, 135
145x3, 165x3, 165x3

B. BackSquat 3x3, heavier than last week
(warm) 135, 155
185x3, 195x3, 205x3

C. 3x25 face pulls

D. 3x8 strict pullups, assisted if needed
8 strict
4 strict + 4 assist
2 strict + 6 assist

E. 800m run for time
2:57 <-- I checked afterward and this was 1s off my PR, and I didn't feel like I gave it 100%. Definitely could have PR'd this one.

I added:

F. MU progression work
3x lever swings

Monday, September 2, 2013

2013-09-02 WOD

Travelling still. Run plus lousy hotel gym

A. 3.74 km, 21:48, 5:50 min/km pace

B. DB Benchpress
warmup w 5x30, 5x40
3 sets of 8 at 50#

C. Pullup ladder
1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 = 25 strict

D. DB snatch
3x5 (per side) @ 50#

2013-09-01 WOD

Travelling, just went for a short run.

5.16km, 31:34, pace of 6:07 min/km

Sunday, September 1, 2013

2013-08-31 WOD

Hotshots 19 benefit workout

Std warm up
400 m run
Clean warmup

6 rounds for time
30 air squats
19 power cleans 135/95. I did 115
7 strict pull-ups

Time 44:10

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2013-08-28 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 ball slams
10 KBS
15 GTOH w medball (medball clean + press)

A. 3x5 deadlift, start at last week's heavy, increase per set
warmed up with 2x5 at 135, 225
then 5 reps each at 245, 255, 265

B. 3x5 OH Press start at last week's heavy, increase per set
5x105, 5x110, tried 3rd set at 110 but only got 1 rep

C. 4 sets of 6-10 strict pullups

D. 4 sets of 8-12 ring dips or dips or pushups
I did ring dips: 6,6,5,5

Then I added

E. 3x10 GHD situps

F. 3x5 T2B

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2013-08-27 WOD

5 min DU practice (2 min for me, I arrived a bit late)
3 rounds
1 wall walk
5 spinal rocks
10 good mornings w PVC
std warmup


A. 21-15-9 of
DL 225/155 (I scaled to 185#)
box jump 24/20 (I did 24")
time: 6:16

B. 21-15-9 of
Ring pushups/HRPU (I did ring pushups)
KB swings 70/53 (I did 53#)
time: 6:44

I added

C. MU progressions
- 3x5 ring pullups
- 3 jumping MUs

Monday, August 26, 2013

2013-08-25 WOD

Was travelling (camping with friends) so just got a good run in

12.21 KM (7.6miles) 1:15:31
pace: 6:11min/km (9.65 min/mile)

Friday, August 23, 2013

2013-08-23 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
1 wall walk
5 pushups
5 tuck jumps
400m run

A. 4 rounds, 30s work on each movement, 2min rest b/t
box jumps (20")
burpees: 10,11,10,10 = 41
box jumps: 16,17,16,17 = 66
airdyne: 21,18,20,19 = 78

I added

B. MU progressions
2x5 ring pullups
3 MU attempts (failed)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

2013-08-22 WOD

makeup for wednesday

std warmup
3 rounds
20 Russian KBS
200m run


A. 3x5 deadlift, starting at last week's heavy weight, then increasing each set
warm up sets at 135, 225, then
235, 245, 255

B. 3x5 OH Press, same scheme as above
95, 105, 115(3 reps only)

C. 3x5 Hang Power Snatch, light and focus on form
3x5 75#

D. 4x8 chin-ups

I added

E. 2x5 ring dips

Mobility work

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2013-08-20 WOD

std warmup
5 wall walks
squat clean drills

"Badger": 3 rounds for time of
30 Squat Cleans 95/65 (I did 95#)
30 pullups
800m run
time: 37:04 Rx

Monday, August 19, 2013

2013-08-19 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball 20#
400m run w medball overhead

A. 3x5 Benchpress @ heavy weight from last week then increment
145, 155, 165

B. 3x5 Back squat @ heavy from last week then increment
185, 195, 195

C. 75 cal Airdyne for time

D. 3x20 face pulls (pull band to face)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

2013-08-17 WOD

With partner, one rests while other works. run together
3 rounds for time
50 push jerk 115#
50 T2B
50 burpees
800m run
Time 39:45

Friday, August 16, 2013

2013-08-16 WOD

A. 400m walk with barbell ovrhead

B. AMRAP 8, backsquat ladder (1,2,3,4,5, then repeat), rack weight between reps.
I did 165#, 3 rounds + 8reps (53 reps total)

C. 20 TGUs (10/arm)
I did 26#

I added

D. MU progressions
3 MU attempts (failed)
3 lever swings
3x3 ring pullups

Thursday, August 15, 2013

2013-08-15 WOD

Active recovery day
std warmup
800m run


A. Round the world: 1 min each movement, 70% pace, no rest b/t. 5 rounds
Ball slams (30#)
step ups (20")
air dyne 70%
plank hold

I added:

B: MU progression work
MU attempts (failed) 3
3 lever swings
3x3 ring pullups

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2013-08-14 WOD

std warmup
10 medball slams
400m run

A. 5x5 DL, first 3 sets at heavy from last week, then at 5% last 2 sets. I missed last week so started at ~70%

5@225, 5@225, 5@225, 5@235, 5@245

B. OHPress (strict), 5x8, same scheme as above

I went 95#, which is 70% my max, but was too heavy for sets of 8. Should start a bit lower next week.
8@95, 8@95, 6@95, 4@95, 8@75

C. 3 rounds
20 GHD situps
1 minute plank
2 min rest

D. 5x3 weighted pullups
5x3 @ 26#

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2013-08-13 WOD

std warmup
200m run

A. 2 rounds, not for time (skills work)
30 DUs
10 pistols (5/leg)
8-12 T2B (I did 10, 10)

Fran warmup
3 rounds, not for time
3 Thrusters 95#
3 pullups

B. "Fran"
Thrusters 95#
Time 7:21 (7 second PR. Previous was 7:28. Not much but I'll take it!)

C. 1 mile recovery run (not for time)

Monday, August 12, 2013

2013-08-12 WOD

std warmup

A. 400m farmer carry, pick weight so you have to only break 2x.
I went 110# (2x55lb db), and had to break 5 times

B. 5x5 Back squat, 3 sets at last week's weight then up 5%-10% for each of last two sets
165, 165, 165, 185, 185

C. 4x5 Benchpress, 2 sets at last week's weight then up 5%-10% for last 2 sets
145, 145, 165, 165 (needed help on last couple reps of last 2 sets)

D. skills work (MU)
3x MU attempt (failed)
5x3 ring pullup

Saturday, August 10, 2013

2013-08-10 WOD

Nasty leg infection knocked me out of working out for 3 days. Grrr! Anyhow, finally back to being able to work out.

std warmup
15 medball kettlebell passes

5 rounds for time
500m row
400m run
7 C/J 135/95 (I did 135#) <-- this was 10, but coach changed it for everyone after 1st round took too look, so 38 total

Time: 31:30 Rx (I think there was some dispute as to the start time)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

2013-08-06 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
200m run
5 pushups
10 air squats (facing wall)
15 wallball passes

A. with partner, 2k row (4x250m each)

B. 6 min AMRAP
5 strict pullups
5 burpee box jumps
5 rounds + 5 reps

C. 6 min AMRAP
5 dips
10 wall-facing air squats
6 rounds + 1 rep

Monday, August 5, 2013

2013-08-05 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. 4x5 benchpress
95, 145, 165, 165,

B. 5x5 Back Squat
135, 185, 185, 195, 185

C. 2x10 GHD situps

D. Skill work
- 2 MU attempts (failed)
- 3x3 ring pullups

2013-08-03 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball
800m run

for time {
10 C2B pullup
20 thruster 105#/75 (I did 105#)
30 box jump over 24"/20" (I did 24")
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 35#)
50 DUs
25 cal Airdyne
50 DUs
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 35#)
30 box jump over 24"/20" (I did 24")
20 thruster 105#/75 (I did 105#)
10 C2B pullup
time: 24:30

Friday, August 2, 2013

2013-08-02 WOD

Back in PDX, and back to the box. After doing Elizabeth in Mississauga yesterday, today's WOD was... CLEANS! Ack!

std warmup
clean practice

3 Power Cleans 135/95 (I did 135#) - Odd minutes
5 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#) - Even minutes
(so 48 cleans and 75 KBS)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

2013-08-01 WOD

Another WOD at Crossfit Element. Flying home this morning.

10 inchworms
10 lunges
10 dips
10 pullups
20 KBS 25#
20 goblet squat


A. work to 3 rep max OH Press
75, 95, 105, 110

B. 5x5 push press at above weight

C. "Elizabeth"
Clean 135#
Ring Dip
Time 19:39 Rx. First time I've Rx'd it, but was expecting I'd do it in 15-17. Still, it's a PR as I've never Rx'd it.

No time for 100 burpees today. Which is good, cause I was wrecked after Elizabeth!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

2013-07-31 WOD

Travelling, another workout at Crossfit Element.


10 inchworms
10 pullups
10 ring dips
200m run
20 kbs
20 goblet squat


A. 3-3-3-3-3 weighted pullups


B. 4 rounds for time
200m run
25 box jumps 20/24" (I did 24")
25 wallball 14/20# (I did 20")
} time: 17:30

I added:

C. 100 burpees for time
time: 9:10

3013-07-29 WOD

Travelling, camping with family, had limited time and options:

A. 150 burpees

B. 8 x 100m sprints

Saturday, July 27, 2013

2013-07-27 WOD

Another workout at Crossfit Element here in Mississauga.

mobility work
inch worms
PVC dislocates
PVC OHSquats
200m run
10 pullups (strict)
10 ring dips
10 burpees
10 KBS (35#)

A. 20 min AMRAP
400m run
1 rope climb (15')
15 OH squats 95/65 (I scaled to 75#)

5 rounds even.

I added

B. 100 burpees for time:

Friday, July 26, 2013

2013-07-26 WOD

Travelling, and we went fishing this morning so I couldn't make it to the local box. Instead:

A. 10k run
10.02km - 55:14 - 5:31/km

10min rest

B. 100 burpees for time
total time: 9:10.9 (7min mark: 75)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

2013-07-25 WOD

10 inch worm
3 min DU practice
10 pullups
10 ring dips
10 kbs 35#
10 goblet squats 35#

A. OH Squat or Front Squat
I did OH Squat because mine is weaksauce!

200m run
10 HSPU (I scaled to 3)
10 Power Cleans 165/105 (I scaled to 115)
10 burpees
completed 3 rounds + 9 reps (4x200m run, 4x3HSPU, 3x10PC+5PC, 3x10burpees)

Then I added
C. 70 burpees (didn't time them. just wanted to continue my 100/day)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

2013-07-24 WOD

Travelling still. This time went to work out at Crossfit Element.

10 inch worm
samson stretch
3 min DU practice
20 pullups
20 pushups
20 kbs 35#
20 goblet squats
20 ring dips

A. 8 min EMOM
3  push press @ 75% ORM - I did 105#

B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 (84 total)
jumping pullups
time 10:32

I added
C: 100 burpees for time

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

2013-07-23 WOD

Travelling, went and did the wod with teh very friendly folks at Crossfit L'Ouest here in Montreal.

400m run
10 pushups
10 pullups
10 situps
10 supermans


A. Behind the neck Snatch Press, 5x5x5 at manageable weight
I did 65#x5, 75#x5, 75#x5

B. 3 rounds for time
5 power snatch 135/95 (I went 65 first round, then 75, then 85)
50 DUs
time: 8:35

C. 15-12-9 of
OHS 135/95 (I did 75#)
time: 7:02

D. I added 64 burpees, to keep my 100-burpee-a-day thing going
5:27 (4x12, 1x10, 1x6)

Monday, July 22, 2013

2013-07-22 WOD

A. 5k run
4.76k in 25:14

B. 100 burpees for time
8:25 (note: 84 in 7 min)

C. 3xAMRAP strict pullups, 1 min rest b/t
7, 6, 3

2013-07-21 WOD

Travel workout while on vacation.

A. 5k run - 26:43 (break in the middle to do the stuff below)

B. 100 burpees for time
8:15 - (note: 85 in 7 minutes)

C. 3x5 pullups

Friday, July 19, 2013

2013-07-19 WOD

Last workout at the box for a while...

std warmup
400m walk w 56# kettlebell
200m walk w 56# kettlebell <-- those SMOKED the grip strength

with partner
A. 200cal row/airdyne
we did airdyne - 2 sets of 50cal each

immediately move to...

B. 5 rounds (each - one rests while partner works)
5 snatches 115/75 (we scaled to 75#)
10 box jumps 24/20 (we did 24")
total time: 25:26

Thursday, July 18, 2013

2013-07-18 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
20 wallball 14#
20 wallball bounce passes
400m run

A. 5k row 22:09 (20 min I did 4500m - slightly faster pace than last week)

B. Muscle-up work
- 3x5 ring pullups
- 2x5 dips
- 3 transition practice
- 2x10 T2B (just cause I haven't done them for a while)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013-07-17 WOD

Good God today was hard. Esp part B.

std warmup
3 rounds
1 wallwalk
10 wallball cleans 20#

A. 4x8 front squats at heavy-ish weight.
I did 115# - heavy for 32 reps anyway

B. "Kalsu" scaled. 100 squat clean thrusters, 75#, for time, stop and do 5 burpees at the top of each minute. scale burpees if needed to fit within 20 seconds or so. 25 min time cap

SCthrusters: 7-6-6-6-5-5-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4-3-3-4-4-3-3-4-5  = 100
and burpees: 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-3-3-3 = 88

Total time, 22:45

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2013-07-16 WOD

std warmup
400m run
5 kbs
5 pullups

A. 3 rounds for time
30 KBS 53/35 (I did 35#)
30 goblet lunge w kettlebell
time: 8:35

4 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time
5 deadlift 255/185 (I did 225#)
10 HSPU/20 dips (I did HSPU then switched to dips: 4/12, 2/14, 2/14)
time 9:00

I added
C. 3x5 ring pullups

Monday, July 15, 2013

2013-07-15 WOD

std warmup
200m run
russian kbs while partner runs (~25 each set, 26#)
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


A. 5 min squat work
3x10 wall-facing air squats w raised arms

B. 8 rounds of Cindy for time
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats

C. 3x8 AHAP push press
8 @ 95
8 @ 105
6 @ 115, then failed last 2 reps

D. 100 burpees for time
7:25 <-- I'm pretty sure they noted the time wrong and this was 8:25. Or maybe I counted wrong and this was 90 reps instead of 100? Seemed awfully fast vs Saturday and I didn't feel like I went any faster.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

2013-07-13 WOD

Was at kids' cub scout camp this weekend, but managed to get a short workout in Saturday morning

800m run
20 pushups
20 air squats

100 burpees for time / 7 min amrap burpees

Did 81 in 7 minutes, 100 took me 9:07

Also did 3 HSPU afterward

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2013-07-11 WOD

Active recovery day

15 min mobility work

20 min row (4450m)

3x5 ring pullups
2x5 dips

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2013-07-10 WOD

std warmup

A. squat work
4x10 air squats
10 wall-facing squats
3 min squat hold
2 min wall squat hold

B. Build to a heavy triple front squat in 20 min
195x1, failed on second rep

C. At 70% of 3rm above (for me, 125), do:
15 min emom
3 Front squat
8 pushups

Then I added:

D. 3x5 Ring Pullups

E. 3x10 GHD Back Extensions

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2013-07-09 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice

A. Partner wod. each partner does a full round while other rests.
7 rounds each
4 deadlifts 115/75 (We did 115)
8 hang power snatch (we scaled to 65)
12 OH Squat (we scaled to 65)
100m sprint
28+56+84 reps! whew.
My time was 25 minutes even, my partner finished in 26:45.

I added
B. 3x5 ring pullups

Monday, July 8, 2013

2013-07-08 WOD

A. Clean drills
6 sets of
2 hang cleans
2 cleans from the pocket position
2 cleans from the floor
2 hang cleans
2 cleans from the pocket position
2 cleans from the floor
We ended up doing 5 sets before running out of time.
95, 95, 105, 105, 115

B. Work to a heavy jerk (from the rack)
2 @ 95
2 @ 115
2 @ 135
2 @ 145 (first one pressed out, second ok)

[I added]

C. 3x5 ring pullups
felt good and solid. Right to sternum for first 2 sets. 3rd set started to separate a bit.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

2013-07-06 WOD

Missed the wod this morning due to a kids swim meet, so decided to do a long run.

19.71 km (12.25 miles) in 1:56. Average pace 5:53min/km (9.47 min/mile). Slow, but it's a distance record for me.

2013-07-05 WOD

Arctive recovery day

20 min mobility work
20 min row - 4490m

Thursday, July 4, 2013

2013-07-04 July 4th WOD!

std warmup
2 rounds
200m run
5 burpees
5 air squats
5 burpees
5 air squats

As a 2 person team, for time:
800m medball run 14/20 (used 12# as I was partnered with an onboarder and all the 14's were gone)
100 pushups + plank (one partner holds plank while other works. I did about 60 of these)
100 pullups + overhead hold of wallball (I did 50 of them)
100 situps + plank (I did 50 of them)
400m kettlebell oh walk (I did 26#)
200m tire flip (we did it as shared lifts)
200 jump change lunge (each 2 lunges, left/right, is 1 rep. I did 100 of these)
800m walk with barbell overhead (35#)
Total time: just under 59:45

2013-07-03 WOD

std warmup
5 jumping squats
10 pullup shrugs
800m run
10 pullup shrugs
5 jumping squats

For time:
1k row

3 rounds
30 wallball, whatever weight you can go unbroken (I did 14#, went unbroken first 2 rounds)
20 T2B
10 OH Squats 135/95 (I did 75, and did all sets unbroken)

60 cal Airdyne
Total time: 26:15

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2013-07-02 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball
20 wallball bounce passes

A. 3 different movements, 5 min amrap each, but with 400m run "buy-in" (run 400, do reps of movement for remainder of 5 min), 3 min rest between rounds

400m run
I did 3 HSPU then reverted to HRPU, doing 45 of those. 48 reps total
400m run
DU's - I only managed 95, which is pretty poor. Not sure why I was so off today
400m run
37 pullups

B. I added MU practice, though I didn't have much left after above:
- 2 MU attempts, failed
- 2x3 ring pullups

Monday, July 1, 2013

2013-07-01 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. In 20 min, work to a heavy triple front squat
I did triples at 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185

B. 4 rounds
30 sec airdyne
90 sec rest
} for max cals
22, 19, 20, 19 = 81 cals

C. I added
- 4 MU attempts (failed)
- 1x5 ring pullups
- 1x5 GHD situps <--never tried those before, will do more next time

Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013-06-29 WOD

Missed the WOD at the box today because of a swim meet for the kids, so I decided to do a long run instead. It was crazy hot, so my original goal of 20k got cut short. Still, it was a decent workout.

13.86km, 1:29:52, 6:29min/km pace (most of the time my pace was under 6, but walked a section at the middle which lowered the avg)

Friday, June 28, 2013

2013-06-28 WOD

std warmup
clean practice
800m run

A. In 8 min, work to a heavy power clean
I got to 155 and ran out of time, could have gone heavier

B. At 90% of weight above, 6 min AMRAP power cleans
I went 145, and got 29 reps (and 4-5 no reps)

C. Work on your "GOAT" (weakness of choice)
I did 5 mu attempts (failed)
3x5 ring pullups
4 handstand pushups

Thursday, June 27, 2013

2013-06-27 WOD

Active Recovery Day

- 20 min mobility work

- 5k run
4.9 km 26min, 5:20 min/km pace

- Skill work
- 5 MU attempts - all failed, but feels like I'm getting close
- 3x5 ring pullups
- 2x5 ring dips

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

2013-06-26 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball
2x2min airdyne


A. 30 Back squats, heavy (65-75% ORM), 30 reps unbroken.

I went 165#, did 13 reps, had to put the bar down, which meant I had to start again
Dropped to 135, did 30 reps. Wanted to quit so bad but Mike barking at me helped see it through. Was so close to blacking out. tunnel vision and everything.

B EMOM 12 min
(even minutes) 5 ring dips
(odd minutes) 5 strict pullups

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2013-06-25 WOD

std warmup
800m run

A. "Tabata this"
each movement, 20s on, 10s rest, for 8 rounds, score is your lowest number of reps for any of the 8 rounds

Air Squats: 12 (15,14,12,12,12,12,12,12 = 101)
Row (calories): 7 (7 or 8 each round, 59 total)
Situps: 10 (15,14,12,10,10,10,10,10 = 91)
Pullups: 5 (7,6,5,5,5,5,5,5 = 43)
Pushups: 7 (10,8,7,7,7,7,7,7 = 60)

B. Skill work 
Not much time, but did 3x3 ring pullups

Monday, June 24, 2013

2013-06-24 WOD

Std warmup
5 min DU practice

A. 3 rounds, each for time, 4 min rest between rounds
400m run
30 KBS 53/35 (I did 35#)
30 DUs

Times: 4:45, 4:35, 4:50

B. Work up to a heavy triple deadlift
I got to 255#. Could have gone a bit heavier but had a hard stop and had to leave.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

2013-06-22 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball passes
10 wallball bounce passes

A. 20 min EMOM
7 thrusters 95/65 (I did 95#)
7 pullups
I did the first 14 sets unbroken on both. Kind of fell apart on the last couple minutes, sets of 3, 2, singles...

Rest 5 min

B. 10 min max cal Airdyne
I got 151 calories

Friday, June 21, 2013

2013-06-21 WOD

Ahh... back at the box.

std warmup
200m run

A. In 15 min, build to a heavy 3-rep back squat

I got to 215# (My ORM = 250)

B. For time, scaling to stay w/in 10 min timecap,
Power Clean (I did 115#)
Box jumps 24/20" (I did 24")
time: 8:49

C. 3x6-8 DBRows, 2131 tempo
I did with 35# DB

Thursday, June 20, 2013

2013-06-20 WOD

Travelling. Did this in my hotel room as hotel had no Gym

200m run

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time

total time 9:06 (last time I did this same workout was 12min even. Even then I felt sluggish today. Shoudl normally be able to do this in ~8min I think)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2013-06-18 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. 15 TGU's per side

I did 35lb, 10/side

B. Work to a heavy triple snatch (hi-hang, hang, floor).

I got to 105#

C. Skills practice

I worked on MU's

- 2 failed MU attempts
- transition practice
- 2x3 ring pullups (to chest)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013-06-17 hike

Hiking in Cove Palisades park, did a 7 mile hike with my son, 600ft climb as part of it.

2013-06-15 Tough Mudder

Did Tough Mudder today and it was a blast. 10 miles, 19 obstacles, tackled by 7 BCF'ers in about 3 hrs. Also checks of the second of my seven goals for the year.

Some thoughts:
- not nearly as hard as I'd thought. As some had told me, lots of waiting at obstacles, and we walked maybe half the 10 miles, between mud and hills.
- All the crossfitting made some of the obstacles (wall climbs, monkey bars...) a piece of cake.
- All the trail running I did in prep DEFINITELY helped in both endurance and in avoiding a twisted ankle

Friday, June 14, 2013

2013-06-12 WOD

Travelling, staying down in Santa Monica, I had a nice run on the pier & the beach, and got to play around on the gymnastics equipment they have down there.

5k run (4.94k, 26:30)

3x5 strict pullups

3x5 dips

4 attempts at the Travelling Rings (These things). If they end up having them at Mudder this weekend, I hope it's only 4 rings, as I couldn't manage to get past the fourth!

Taking Thurs, Friday off to rest up for Tough Mudder on Saturday

Monday, June 10, 2013

2013-06-10 WOD

A. Technique work 3 rounds, not for max count
30 DUs
10 T2B
10 kipping pullups

B. Over 20 min, work to a 3 rep max deadlift
I got to 255#

C. 30 seconds max effort per movement, 90 seconds rest between movements, 3 rounds
Row (calories)
OH Press
Air Squat
Round 1: Row 13 cal - 16 Presses - 24 Air Squats
Round 2: Row 14 cal - 14 Presses - 25 Air Squats
Round 3: Row 13 cal - 13 Presses - 25 Air Squats

Saturday, June 8, 2013

2013-06-08 WOD

1 mile run
50 pullups
30 hand-release pushups
10 shoulder-to-overhead 135#/95# (I did 135#)
1k row
10 shoulder-to-overhead 135#
30 hand-release pushups
50 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
800m run

Total: 34:52

Friday, June 7, 2013

2013-06-07 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. Work to a heavy CJ in 20 min
Got to 165#, tried 185# (10# PR and failed)

B. "Elizabeth"
21-15-9 of
Clean (squat clean) at 135#
ring dips
for time, w 12 min timecap

I got through the 21's and 15's, but didn't finish the 9's. Last time I did Elizabeth, we had a 15 min timecap and I did it in 14 minutes, but scaled to 95# (also, not sure we did full squat cleans). Given an extra 2 minutes, I *might* have made it in the same time with the 135# weight instead of 95#, so I'm calling it an improvement, but can't call it a PR as I didn't finish.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

2013-06-06 WOD

Bryan Miller must be letting his regional win go to his head. This was a lot of work for "active recovery day" :-)

A. 10 min double under practice
(max unbroken reps was 35. Really have been slacking on my DUs lately)

B. 15 Turkish get-ups, per side
I did w 26#

C. 20 min row

lacrosse ball / barbell mobility work

then I added
D. 3x3 ring pullups w 3 second hold at the top

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

2013-06-05 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. 5 min amrap
6 burpee box jump overs 30/24 - I did 30"
20 DUs
Count: 4 rounds even
4 min rest

B. 5 min amrap
5 deadlifts 225/155 (I did 225#)
5 burpee bar jumps
Count: 4 rounds + 3 deadlifts
4 min rest

C. 5 min amrap
10 wallball 20#
10 T2B
Count: 4 rounds even

Then added:
D. 3x3 ring pullups

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2013-06-04 WOD

A. Take 20 minute to build to a heavy 3-position snatch.

I got to 105 for 3 position, and at 115 I managed a snatch from the hang, not from the floor. That at least ties my PR

B. 3 rounds for time:
7 Power Snatch (115/75) I did 75#
400m run
time: 6:24

C. Did some strict pullups for practice

Monday, June 3, 2013

2013-06-03 WOD

A. Work to a heavy (full) clean
I worked my way up to 175. PR for a full squat clean, though it was VERY sloppy. Basically a deadlift followed by a hang clean followed by a front squat. I need to get some coaching on my lifts. I'll take the PR anyway.

B. 5 rounds for time, 12 min time cap
12 T2B
3 cleans at 70% of above weight. I did 135#
40 DUs
I got 3 full rounds and 15 reps (12 T2B, 3 cleans)

Friday, May 31, 2013

2013-05-31 WOD

A. Mobility day
25 burpees
20 box jumps
20 medball passes
bunch of mobility work

B. Did a 5k run at lunch, set a PR
5.0km 22:42 4:32 pace

Thursday, May 30, 2013

2013-05-30 WOD

A. Front Squat PR attempt
5 reps at 95
3 reps at 135
2 reps at 155
1 rep at 175
1 rep at 195
1 rep at 215 (+10# PR)

B. OH Press PR attempt
5 reps at 45
5 reps at 65
3 reps at 95
1 rep at 115
1 rep at 135 failed
1 rep at 125

C. Pullup progression
10 strict pullups (5,5)
3x3 weighted pullups (26#)

D. 1 mile run

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2013-05-29 WOD

A. 4 x 400m run for time, rest between rounds for same amount of time as the run
Times: 1:25, 1:25, 1:28, 1:27

B. Tabata T2B or situps
I switched to situps partway through, then back to T2B for last round. Lowest reps was 7
9 (T2B)
8 (T2B)
8 (T2B)
7 (T2B)
8 (situps)
8 (situps)
7 (situps)
7 (T2B)

C. Dip progressions

- 10 ring dips at 51x1 tempo (3,2,3,2)
- 3x5 weighted ring dips 20# (did 1 set on rings, 2 sets on parallel bars)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2013-05-28 WOD

End of strength cycle PR attempts. I failed on both today. Not sure if it's because I missed a couple days in the cycle because of business travel, or due to how sore I was from Saturday, Sunday, Monday workouts. Oh well.

A. Deadlift - work to a heavy ORM. Was aiming for 325.
- 135x5
- 165x5
- 205x3
- 225x3
- 255x2
- 285x1
- 305x1 (failed, twice)

B. Benchpress - work to a ORM. Was aiming fr 195
- 95x5
- 135x5
- 165x3
- 175x1
- 195x1 (failed)

C. 3x3 ring pullups

Monday, May 27, 2013

2013-05-27 WOD

Memorial day partner workout:

With partner, for time. one partner rests while other works, except runs are done together
1k row (I did 500m)
50 thrusters 45# (I did 25)
30 pullups (I did 18)
30 OH squats (I did 15)
30 burpee pullups (I did 17)
800m run
30 t2b (I did 17)
30 hspu (I did 3 HSPU, 12 HRPU)
30 DB snatch (I did 15)
100 DB lunge (I did 50)
30 DB cleans (I did 15)
100 wallball 20# (I did 50)
400m run
Time: 45:55

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013-05-26 WOD

Mudder training run

6.92km trail run - 36:14 - 5:14 pace (actually much slower than that for the steep hill for first 2 km. Then faster for the remainder)


Memorial Day Murph!

For time:
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
total time: 48:25. A +7:20 PR over my previous best 1 year ago, of 55:45

(I did 15 sets of 5/10/20, then was done with air squats. Then did 5 sets of 5/10, letting my legs recover a bit for the run)

Friday, May 24, 2013

2013-05-24 WOD

std warmup
400m run

5 kbs
5 situps

5 rounds, 4min amrap, 2 min rest b/t
10 situps
10 kbs 53/35 (I did 53#)
200m run
2+10, 2+10, 2+8, 2+10, 2+12

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2013-05-23 WOD

Active recovery day

10 min mobility work (roller, lacrosse ball)
5.1km run, 25:11, 4:56 pace

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2013-05-22 WOD

A. Tabata Plank hold
8 rounds
20s plank hold
10s rest

B. Front Squat 3x5 at lighter weight
95, 115, 135#

C. OH Press 3x8 at lighter weight
65, 75, 95

D. Dip progressions
- 10 ring dips at 51x1 tempo (3,2,2,2,1)
- 3x3 weighted ring dips, 20#

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2013-05-21 WOD

Good workout today. One of those ones that had my lungs searing, and giving me headrushes when I got up off the floor afterward.

std warmup
10 ball slam passes 20#
10 wallball tosses 20#
10 medball tosses 20#

Each movement 30s of work at full effort, followed by 90s rest
3 rounds
Row for calories (12/11/10)
Jumping knee tucks (37/31/27)
pushups (25/24/24)
Airdyne for calories (16/20/19)
thrusters 55/75 (I did 75#) (15/13/11)
Total per round

Monday, May 20, 2013

2013-05-20 WOD

de-load week

A. Benchpress 3x8 @ 65% ORM

I did 3x8 @ 125#

B. Deadlift 3x5 @ 65% ORM

I did 3x5 @ 215#

C. Pullup progression

- 10 strict pullups (I did 2x5)
- 3x3 weighted pullups (26#)
- dang! I forgot 2x7 assisted!

D. Recovery run
I did 5.09km, 27:43, or 5:26 pace

Sunday, May 19, 2013

2013-05-18 WOD

A. Death by Clean&Jerk
1 rep at top of minute, increasing by 1 rep every minute until can't complete
135/95 (I did 115)

Lasted 8 minutes, plus 7 reps in the 9th minute (total of 42 reps)

B. Death by 10m sprints
Same as above, lasted 13 minutes


C. Did 5 mile hike later in the day

Friday, May 17, 2013

2013-05-16 WOD

Travel workout, had limited time before a dinner appt, but at least got something done

A. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 of
time: 9:12 (2:35, 2:47, 1:56, 1:14, 0:40)

B: 2x5 DB Snatch 50#

Thursday, May 16, 2013

2013-05-15 WOD

Missed tuesday due to travel, so did that wod (or part of it anyway) at the hotel gym at 10pm

A. 3 rounds for time of:
50 DUs
30 T2B
10 box-jump-over 24/20" (I did over an 18" bench)
approx 6 min per round. T2B were hard on an awkward angled pullup bar.

B. 2 rounds for time of
10 man makers 45/30# (I did 30#)
20 DB walking lunges
forgot to time!

Monday, May 13, 2013

2013-05-13 WOD

A. CG Benchpress 2-2-2 @ 90-95%
90-95% of current ORM is 170-180. However, today I only managed 1 rep at 185 (which in retrospect was too heavy) and then went to 165 and did 2 sets of 2, needing a little bit of help on the last rep)

B. Deadlift 2-2-2 @ 90-95%

90-95% of current ORM is 285-300.
2 reps at 275
1 rep (failed) at 285
2 reps at 275
2 reps at 275

C. Pullup progression
12 strict pullups (7+5)
3x3 weighted pullups (26#)

D. Recovery run
3.95km,  21:22, 5:25 pace.
(Tried out a new route for this. Am going to add a little dogleg to it and make it 5k next time)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013-05-11 WOD

Good day at the gym today. 2 PRs!

A. Work to a heavy CJ in 20 min

I got to 175#. 10# PR, plus it's a body-weight PR which was a 2013 goal, and I'd failed at several times over the past 2 months.

B. The WOD was "Iron Mike", which is 1 mile run, 30 CJ @ 155# and 2k row. I had to scale the weight, and I had to drop the 2k row to get back in time to take my kids to swim class. However, scaling it to 135# makes it "Grace":

1 mile run (~7:30)

30 CJ @ 135 for time
Time: 7:32 (previous: 9:58) +1:26!

[Update: In the afternoon, I went out to do a 5k trail run to train for Tough Mudder next month. Had a 5k route planned but a couple wrong turns and I ended up doing 7k

7.38km; 40:51. avg pace of 5:32 min/km - though the first 3 k were much slower than this (uphill, and the last 4k much faster]

Friday, May 10, 2013

2013-05-10 WOD

std warmup
shoulder mobility work
200m run

A. 6 min amrap
6 Hang Power Snatch 95# (I did 75#)
8 OH Squat 95# (I did 75#)
4 rounds even

B 6 min amrap
12 wallball 20#
12 T2B
4 rounds even

C 6 min amrap
12 box jumps 24/30 (I did 30")
12 KBS 53/70 (I did 53#)
3 rounds even

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2013-05-08 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
1 wall-walk
10 plank 'hand-taps' with partner
10 partner wallball slams


A. Tabata pushups (20 sec on, 10 off, 8rounds)
14, 14, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8

B. Front Squat, 3 x 4-6 reps, 31x1 tempo
155#, 2 rounds of 4, 1 round of 3

C. OH Press, 3x3  85-90%
Did 1 rep at 115, had to go to 105 for remainder (how did I ever lift 130#?!)

D. Dip progressions
10 ring dips (3,3,2,2)
3x5 weighted dips (20#)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2013-05-07 WOD

A. 60s effort, 3 min rest, 4 rounds, burpees;

19,19,18,17 = 73 total

B. 60s effort, 3 min rest, 4 rounds, max cals row

20, 21, 21, 22 = 84

C. OH Press practice

D. did 2x2 ring pullups

Monday, May 6, 2013

2013-05-06 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. Deadlift 85-90% 3x3
I did 265 (85% of 315) (5,3,3)

B. CG Benchpress 85-90% 3x3
I did 165 (8% of 190) (3,2+1, 2+1)

C. Pullup progressions
- 10 strict
- 3x3 weighted 26#
- 2x7 at 31x1 tempo

D. 1 mile run at moderate pace

Saturday, May 4, 2013

2013-05-04 WOD

Whew. Tough one today! I had to scale it some, but still wore me out.

"RJ" - 5 rounds for time of
800m run
5 rope climbs (15')
50 pushups

50 min time cap.

I did:

"RJ Scaled"
5 rounds
800m run
3 rope climbs 15'
50 pushups
Rounds 1,2 had 3 rope climbs, round 3 had 2 rope climbs, round 4 had 1 rope climb and 20 pullups, round 5 had 30 pullups

Friday, May 3, 2013

2013-05-03 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice
400m run


A. Work to a heavy snatch in 15 min
Only got to 105#. Failed at 115#

B. 20 min EMOM
Even minutes
10-20 pushups (I did 15 for first 7 sets, 13 for last 3 sets)

Odd minutes
2 Snatch
2 OH Squat
(both at 70-80% of above weight - I used 75# for first 7 sets, then 65# for last 3 sets)

C. 800 m run for time

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013-05-02 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
15 medball toss 20#
Dodgeball! (3 burpees if hit, I was hit only once)

mobility work
Run, ~2mile, moderate pace

2013-05-01 WOD

std warmup
200m run
15 medball toss 20#

A. Frontsquat, 31x1 temp, 3x4-6 reps, heavier than last week
I did 3x4 @ 155#

B. OH Press, 3x5 @ 80%
I did 105 for 2 sets, 110 for 3rd set, but only 3 reps before failing

C. Dip progression
- 10 ring dips at 5111 temp (did sets of 4,3,3)
- 3x5 weighted ring dips 20# (did 4, then a set of 4 where I dropped the weight after 2, then 4 unweighted)

D. Easy run
Did 1 mile, ease pace

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2013-04-30 WOD

std warmup
15 wallball 20#
20 wallball passes

A. 21-15-9
135# Power Cleans
time: 8:04

rest 5 min

B. 21-15-9
wallball 20#

Monday, April 29, 2013

2013-04-29 WOD

A. CG Benchpress, 3x5 @ 80%

B. Deadlift, 3x5 @ 80%

C. Pullup progressions
- 12 Strict pullups
- 3x3 weighted (26# first set, 20# second, third sets)
- 2x7 assisted at 30x1 tempo

D. Recovery run, easy pace
1.67km (1.04miles), 7:45

Sunday, April 28, 2013

2013-04-27 WOD

BCF closed for maintenance today, so I went to work gym and decided to see which benchmark workout I could do:

std warmup
2x5 pullups
2x5 pushups

- 30 Clean & Jerks @ 135# for time.
Time: 9:58

This was a PR for me (vs 11:35 previous), and that in a gym w no bumpers/padded floor. So I had to lower the bar on each rep, vs dropping it. Could probably do 9 min if doing this at the box.

Friday, April 26, 2013

2013-04-26 WOD

A. 10 rounds, each for time:
100m run
8 burpees
} (90s rest between rounds, but ended up rounding this down to ~60-70s
times: 43, 52, 43, 44, 45, 47, 47, 45, 44, 42

then I added

B. work to heavy C&J
2x3 @ 95
2x2 @ 135
2x1 @ 155
1 failed attempt at 175
2 failed attempts at 165

2013-04-25 WOD

I was up working until the wee hours, so missed the 5:45am wod. Meant to go at lunch... meeting scheduled over lunch. Meant to go in the afternoon... meeting scheduled in the afternoon. All I managed to squeeze in was a short run with the dog before picking up the kids from an activity in the evening.

Run 2.27km, 14:03, pace: 6:11 (though many dog pee-breaks didn't help the pace :-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2013-04-24 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball 20#
5 pushups

A. Front Squat 3 sets 4-5 reps at tempo
I went 135# for one set, then 155# for 2 sets but last set only 3 reps

B. OH Press 3 sets 4-6 at 75%
did 5 reps at 95
did 4 reps at 115 <75% of 155, so too heavy! Should have been 105. oops
did 2 reps at 115, then went to 105

C. Dip progressions
- 10 ring dips at 511 temp (3,3,2,2)
- 3x5 weighted ring dips, 20#

D. 1 mile run

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

2013-04-23 WOD

A. Snatch complex
5 sets of
Power Snatch
OH Press
Hang Power Snatch
OH Press
I did 65,65,65,85,85#

B. 2k row timetrial

C. MU practice (4 attempts, failed)

Monday, April 22, 2013

2013-04-22 WOD

A. CG Benchpress 3x5 @ 75%
135# (=75% of 180)

B. Deadlift 3x5 @ 75%
235 (=75% of 315. Realize now I should have gone w 240-245)

C. pullup progressions

- 10 strict pullups (6 + 4)
- 2x3 weighted (26#), followed by 1 1/2 unweighted
- 7 partner assisted at tempo 311

Was supposed to add an easy run after that but was somewhat sore from Saturday's 7mile run, so skipped that part

Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013-04-20 WOD

Tough day today. Tough WOD followed by a run organized by our PTA

std warmup
crazy Val saturday warmup medball stuff

A. For time:
10 rounds
5 C2B pullups
8 pistols (4/leg) (I had to hold onto something)
5 deadlifts 225/155 (I did 185#)
200m run
Total time: 23:37

Later that day:
B. Run
12.4km (7.7 miles)
pace: 5:09min/km (8:18 min/mile)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

2013-04-17 WOD

A. Front Squat, 3x 4-6 at tempo 31x1
I did 145#. A little heavy, as I failed on the last rep (2 sets of 4, one set of 3)

B. OH Press 3 x 4-6 reps at 70%
I did 105# which is 80% my ORM of 130#, but I want to shoot for 140#,

C. Dip progressions
- 10 Ring dips (3, 2, 2, 2, 1) at 51x1 temo
- 3x5 weighted ring dips (20# dumbell)

D. [was supposed to do an easy run, but skipped it and will try to do 5k this afternoon]

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

2013-04-16 WOD

std warmup


A. Tabata squats (bottom-to-bottom, hold at bottom during rest)
10 reps/round, 8 rounds

B. Work to a heavy CJ
Managed 155. Tried 170 for PR, but failed

C. 3 rounds for time
400m run
20 burpees
10 HSPU or DB press
Total time 13:45. For the final movement, I did (3 HSPU + 7 DBPress), (1 HSPU + 9 DBPress), (1 negative + 9 DB Press)

D. 5 min DU practice
didn't manage 1 set over 20. Ugh.

E. I added 3x3 strict pullups

Monday, April 15, 2013

2013-04-15 WOD

A. Benchpress 3x5 @ 70%
Did 3x5 @ 125#

B. Deadlift 3x5 @ 70%
Did 3x5 @ 225#

C. Pullup progressions
- 10 strict pullups (8+2)
- 3 MU attempts (failed)
- 5 C2B pullups, assisted, at tempo

D. 1 mile run

E. [plan to run 5k at lunch]

Saturday, April 13, 2013

2013-04-13 WOD

std warmup
200m run
10 OH Squat 65#

A. "Nancy" (scaled)
5 rounds for time
400m run
15 OH Squat 95/65 (I did 65#)
time: 15:00

B. MU Practice
5 ring pullup
5 jumping MUs

Friday, April 12, 2013

2013-04-12 WOD

Birthday was yesterday, so today, "vestivities"

std warmup
200m run

w 20 pound weight vest
3 rounds, each for time for time
10 C2B pullups (those were hard with the vest on!)
15 KBS 70/53 (I did 44#)
20 walking goblet lunges w kettlebell
500m row or 3/4mile airdyne (I did airdyne)
5 min rest b/t
Times: 6:15, 7:00, 6:40

Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013 Crossfit Open post-mortem & thoughts

Now that the 2013 Crossfit Open is over, it's time to see how I did. I've been looking forward to doing this since last year. The 2012 Open was my first and I viewed it as setting a baseline upon which to improve. (my post-mortem on 2012 is here)

About the Open

If you are reading this, you probably already know about the Crossfit Open, and can skip to the next section. If you don't, some understanding of the basics would help, and are as follows:

It's a competition anyone can enter. 5 workouts over the course of 5 weeks. Workouts released Wednesday at 5pm, and scores must be entered online by 5pm Sunday. Scores can either be validated by a CF Affiliate gym, or submitted with a link to a YouTube video showing your performance. If it meets the documented standards, reviewers on the site will approve it as valid. Scores are ranked for each workout, and individual's scores for the whole event are a sum of their ranking (e.g. If you came in 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, your score would be 9). The video submission thing opens the door to a lot of controversy and bickering, but it's fun in the sense that every once in a while there can be a Cinderella story of someone coming out of nowhere and kicking butt.

Top 48 men and women in each region (there are 17 regions) go on to compete at regionals, and the top 3 men and women coming out of regionals go on to the games. There are also team categories and Masters categories for different age groups. Roughly 1% of entrants go to regionals, and 6% of those (0.06% of the total) go on to the Crossfit Games. For most of us, it's really just a chance to compete with our friends and gauge our progress.

Some Stats & My Ranking

Some basic stats are in the table below. Numbers may be off by a bit as I pulled them from the leaderboard manually, but this should be close enough.

There were more than doulbe the number of entrants, and more than double the number of people that finished all 5 workouts. At the regional level for the NW, it was a little less than double, so that would indicate CF growth (at least for the open?) is happening in the NW, but not to the same degree as elsewhere.

Last year I ranked in the 99th percentile of those that finished all 5 workouts, which is to say only better than 1% of entrants. This year, I finished in the 85th percentile, ahead of 15% of entrants. Pretty good considering that the entire field is moving forward (more on this when comparing some of the WODs later). It's also pretty good given that I did the first 3 WoDs with a recovering broken rib. By WOD4 it was back to 100%, but was only 80-90% feeling for the first 3 WODs.

When looking at the entire field (including those that didn't finish, those percentiles go to 66% for last year, and 57% for this year, but this is kind of immaterial vs the above number.

New this year they added a masters category for 40-44 year olds. When looking at that field, I finished ahead of 27% of competitors.

The charts below show my total score (which is basically rank across the 5 workouts in total) vs my rank on the leaderboard. From left to right they are 2012, 2013 men's with 1st and 2nd attempts (more on this later), and my 2013 men's masters 40-44 score.

Analysis of the WODs

WOD 13.1

So the first surprise out of the gate was a combination of the first 2 wods from last year's open. 12.1 was 7 minutes of burpees, and 12.2 was a 10 min snatch ladder. 13.1 was a combo of the in 17 minutes, interleaving them.

My burpee performance improved. It was a weak point for me in last year's open so I did 12.1 several time over the course of the year. The snatch ladder, however, was still a show stopper for me. Snatch is my weakest lift, and while my ORM has gone from 95 to 115 over the year, the #135 weight was still out of reach.

This year  they added a tie-breaker time at the end of each snatch set, so it helped that I'd worked on the burpees. Last year I tied about 400 other people, but this year I could tell where I ranked in the 'plateau' of people that couldn't get beyond that lift, as shown below. This was one of the areas for improvement I suggested in my post last year (I'm sure many others had the same idea) and I was glad to see it addressed.

The graph below shows my 1st and 2nd attempts vs the mens field (top) and vs the 40-44 men (bottom). You can see a fair number of people that were stopped by the #135 snatch, and a smaller plateau at the next level.

[A note on how to read these, in case it's not clear: The lower of the above graphs shows 485 people finishing the workout, ranked from best to worst score, where the best was just over 170 reps, and my score was 100 reps, with a rank of 397th place.]

WOD 13.2

Workout 2 was a stronger one for me. Deadlifts, shoulder-to-overhead, and box jumps. A big part of my improvement here was switching to step-ups for my second attempt. It also helped to jerk the presses right from the start. That put me ahead of 26% of the field, and ahead of 30% of the men 40-44. My 1st attempt I didn't do step-ups, and also didn't push as hard, so there was a big improvement for my 2nd attempt.

WOD 13.3

WOD3 was repeat of 12.4. 150 wallballs, 90 DUs, and 30 MUs, in a 12 min timecap. I still can't do a MU, so my goal was just to get as many of the wallballs and DUs as possible. My first attempt I didn't even get the wallballs done. My second I got them done and got 24 DUs which was an improvement. For me it was a lesson in having a plan and pacing myself accordingly (more on this later).

The second attempt put me ahead of 30% of all men participating, and ahead of almost 40% of all the men 40-44. Given that I didn't do that well, I think this is telling about how people do workouts like Karen (150 WB for time). Knowing your own ability, pacing yourself, and not getting tripped up by the huge number of reps (One of our trainers, Bryan Miller, called Karen and workouts like it a 'SMMF' - a Single Movement Mind-Fuck). Small errors on pacing and/or on form can add up over that many reps.

WOD 13.4

13.4 was one I *should* have done a lot better on. A ladder of Clean and Jerk (a lift I'm ok at) and Toes-to-bar (which I'm pretty good at). I came into it after a week of travel and poor eating, which didn't help, and then did 2 attempts in 2 days. On the second attempt I was much better about form, which helped, but was fatigued from the previous day, which didn't.

For this one, I finished ahead of 18% of the men's field, and ahead of 24% of the men's 40-44 group.

WOD 13.5

This was a beast of a workout promising to be hard for everyone and even harder for the elite. "Fran" (21-15-9 of thrusters and pullups) is an iconic Crossfit benchmark WOD, and is extremely challenging to do once. To do it at a slightly heavier weight and with chest-to-bar pullups is even harder. To do it under 4 minutes is the stuff of the elite. To do it twice under 4 minutes to go on to do it a 3rd time... is inhuman.

As the charts below show, the vast majority of participants did not go beyond the 4 minute time cap to get 90 reps. You can see a small step in the top graph below where only 7% of men went beyond the 4 minute timecap, and less than 0.1% of men went beyond 8 minutes. (FWIW, the numbers for women were 1% and 0.02%)

My best fran time is 7:30. Given that the C2B are harder than regular pullups, and the thrusters were 5% heavier, I expected to get approximately halfway through, or approximately 45 reps, in 4 minutes. I got 42, so a little shy of that. That put me ahead of 19% of men and ahead of 23% of men 40-44. Not bad I guess, but I can do better.

Can 2013 and 2012 be compared?

As the total community of participants grows, is it improving? In adding 80,000 new participants, were they added at the bottom, or sprinkled throughout the field? A couple ways to look at this:

  • In 12.2, 16% of people got stuck unable to do the 135# snatch. In 13.1, that was now 23%. Of course they were doing that with 40 burpees ahead of time. Still,it points to a 'growing tail'. Similarly, in 12.2, 25% were able to get a 165# snatch; whereas in '13, only 15% were able to do so. Still that's MORE people that are getting to that level when you multiply by the total. So that would indicate the field ovrall is improving, but the tail is growing more.
  • In comparing 12.4 and 13.3, the most apples-to-apples comparison, In 2012, 10% of entrants didn't get through the wallballs, and 35% got at least 1 MU. In 2013, 15% didn't get through the wallballs, and 33% got at least 1 MU. Again, this means the absolute number of people being larger at both ends of the curve. 
  • Here's a graph comparing 12.4 (blue) and 13.3 (red), normalized to the same X scale (think of it as 1-100% of the field). It's surprising how similar they are! We can see an increase at the elite end of the scale, with a fair number of people doing WAY more MUs than anyone did last year. Even more obvious though, is a higher percentage of the field scoring lower on WBs and DUs. This again points to a growing tail of new crossfitters, and possibly a more casual crossfitter that might not have entered the open in 2012 but did in 2013.

  • When comparing my own scores against these comparable workouts, the difference doesn't the needle that much. So for example, on 13.3, my score of 174 put me ahead of 30% of the field. The same score in 12.4 would have put me ahead of 24% of the field. So while there's a delta, I can still see that my own progress is ahead of that of the curve as a whole.

Post-Mortem on my Performance

OK, so what have I learned?

  • I've definitely improved and that's encouraging. Definitely the best thing about the Open for me is a nice sample point to gauge my own progress.
  • I did every workout twice, and improved on each one, sometimes significantly. Why? I think there are three things at play here: (1) My first attempts were mostly at my 5:45AM class. I think I'm a little slower then than later in the day. This is a minor factor though. (2) Doing it later, as well as doing it twice, let me come up with a plan. This is WAY more important than I realized. For example, my first attempt at the 150 wallballs, I did sets of 15, then 10, then 5, pausing as needed, and ran out of time. My second attempt, I had a plan: Sets of 5, breaks of 2 seconds or less. added 30 to my score this way. (3) In my first attempt, I was not pushing myself as hard. By the second attempt, I knew my score to beat, and knew friends scores to try and shoot for.
  • I identified, or at least confirmed, weak spots I need to work on: Snatches, DUs, MUs, C2Bs, and overall metabolic conditioning are things to go focus on.
Suggestions for the Games Organizers

Not that anyone is listening, but some ideas to consider:

1. The first suggestion I had last year was to think about how to address the staircase effects some of the WODs had an how that affected distribution across the leaderboard. The 'tie breaker' times addressed this. So that's one problem gone.

2. We saw some scores disqualified and at least 1 box lose their ability to judge submissions, due to poor judging. We heard tons of stories of people improperly judging, etc. This is a massive rathole topic and one I'm sure the organizers are struggling with - I hope they can keep the spirit of the open while trying to temper this. Maybe something like spot-checks on affiliates for judging to standards; and some amount of tolerance for video submissions (e.g. if someone has a couple bad reps in there, allow them to readjust score and resubmit, rather than saying "no good!").
Finally, the custom leaderboards were a fun addition, but I'll re-post what I suggested last year:

3. PLEASE! Publish an API to get read-only access to the leaderboard data. There is SO much that could be done here if you open this data up to developers. I just did a quick and dirty look at one region, and with a sparse sampling. If you had full access it would be trivial to do a number of compelling things. Some ideas:

  • Compare curves across regions. Do some areas fare better at the strength-focused workouts? Do some areas have more beginners or more elites?
  • Look at standard deviation of rank. For an individual, do you have one area where your rank was out of whack with the other workouts? does that give you an indication of what to work on? How about for a whole box? Does your box suck at a particular workout or area? If so does that tell you something about your programming?
  • If someone read the data and took snapshots of it, you could do "motion chart" style animations of how the curves proceeded over the ~100 hours from posting to close. Do the elites submit at the last minute? How many people posted 2 or more scores? etc.
  • If someone is 1-2 years away from transitioning to another age group, they could see how they'd rank.
  • How about special shout-outs for most improved year-on-year? 

Those area just a couple ideas that come to mind. I'm sure if the organizers opened this up, they'd be surprised at how innovative ideas would come out of nowhere.

So on to training and improving for the Open in 2014!