Sunday, June 29, 2014

2014-06-28 Mid-Valley Melee!

Did a fun partner-event today, the NW Fit Games' Mid-Valley Melee. It was a 1 day event, with teams of male-male or female-female partners competing in Rx or Scaled divisions, with 3 events and the top 3 teams in each division going on to a fourth event. My partner and I placed 3rd out of the 8 teams in our division.

Only 1 of the 4 wods was announced ahead of time. The others were all a surprise, though there was a hint about event 1.

Here's the details on the wods & scores.

Event 1 - "Just the Tip"

They had posted a picture of a firehose, and it turned out that event 1 involved dragging a ~75' length of firehose up a hill and back (total of about 600m according to runkeeper). Each of the 4 150m sections counted for 1 point, and you could trade off with partner as needed. The hose was easier to keep a grip on than I thought (you were only allowed to hold the first 2' - just the tip), and about as hard to drag as i thought (hard!).

You then had to do 40 burpees over partner. We did 12 burpees each, and then I did the last 16 so my partner could be fresh to attack the hose drag again. burpees were one point each

On the last hose pull, we made the first length (45 points now), and were probably 50 feet from getting the next marker. As it turned out, 3 teams made 46 points, and the other 4 were tied for fourth with 45 points. That extra point would have helped later, as I'll get to.

Event 2 - "A Lot of a Lot"

This was the only event they posted ahead of time. It was the "fifties" workout from regionals, only (a) we were able to split the work with our partner, and (b) in scaled division the deadlifts were 135# instead of 185#, the wallball target was 9' instead of 10', and hand-release pushups were substituted instead of ring dips. the event was:

Finish a much as possible in 21 min time cap, with only one partner working at a time, split work as desired:
50 calorie row
50 box jump overs 24"
50 dead lifts 135#
50 wallball (9', 20#)
50 wallball (9', 20#)
50 dead lifts 135#
50 box jump overs 24"
50 calorie row

I was extremely pleased with this event. Scott and I went in with a plan, executed to the plan, and did pretty well (2nd out of 8 teams). At regionals, there were MANY total badasses that didn't finish this in the time cap, and I was worried about that, but we finished in 16:16. We practiced how to nail the box jumps efficiently, how to tradeoff wallballs efficiently, etc. Went well.

Event 3: "Never, Never Again"

9 minute ladder:
3 pullups
3 front squats 95#
6 pullups
6 front squats 95#
9 pullups
9 front squats 95#
12 pullups
12 front squats 95#
15 pullups
15 front squats 95#
18 pullups
18 front squats 95#
21 pullups
21 front squats 95#
24 pullups <-- we got through 19 of these
Partner waits behind start line 50' away, so it was a short (time consuming) sprint any time we tagged out. We just tried to trade off as little as possible (e.g. I did the set of 18 front squats unbroken, were many people were breaking more frequently by that point. Some competitors were breaking sets and resting, rather that tagging out, which was a mistake.

we ended up coming in 3rd for this event.

Final event: "Long and Hard"

After 3 events, teams one and two had 5 and 6 points, and we had 9. This meant we qualified for finals, but even if we'd placed first, we'd have ended up with 10 points, and the other teams 7 or 9 points, so really it was just doing it for the sake of doing it.

For time:
600m run (up and back same hill as event 1)
30 partner lunges - both partners holding bar - 115#
30 ground to overhead 115# (we split it approx 50/50 and both CJ'd it)
600m run (up and back same hill as event 1)

When they announced the event, we were pretty pleased. Scott and I are both pretty fast runners, and the other guys were way bigger than us, so we figured this event would be mostly made or broken in the run.

"Everyone has a plan until they punched in the face" - Mike Tyson

Right out the gate, one team was ahead of us on the run by a small margin, and the other right on our heels. Uh oh. Sure enough, they kicked our butt on the lifts. The lunges were ok (we did all 30 unbroken) but the CJ's, which normally I could do all day at that weight, were pretty exhausting after 3 other events. The other teams hit the run long before we did and we came in a distant third.

Still happy with how we did. The 3rd place finish won us some booze and bragging rights over the other 4 teams from our box :-)

Next up I'll have to try an individual comp, of which a couple are coming up in sept, oct.

Event 1: 4th place (of 8)
Event 2: 2nd place (of 8)
Event 3: 3rd place (of 8)
Event 4: 3rd place (of 3) 

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