Thursday, October 30, 2014

2014-10-30 EoY Goals check

Realized that I'v got 2 months left in the year, 1 month of which I'll be travelling, thought it might be good to check how I'm doing against Year end goals:

1. MU. This is the year.  <-- DONE
2. 135# Snatch.
3. Move from 3rd quartile in the Open to around 50-60% range, for men 40-44. <-- DONE
4. Participate in at least 2 events, one of them being a CF event. <-- DONE (Bridge-to-Brews, Open, Mid-Valley Melee, Bulldog Battle, and (upcoming) Ankhor Wat half-marathon)
5. 10' HS Walk
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran & Grace <--Grace DONE, Fran not so much yet
7. 325# Deadlift <-- DONE
8. Break 21 minutes for 5k run <-- DONE

Mid-year I added:
9. String together 3 ring muscle ups.
10. 200# CJ (might change this depending what cycle Mike puts us on)

and Stretch goals:
11. Back lever? or front?
12. Sub 10% body-fat. Maybe? I think I'm at about 12% now but will know for sure next week when they do the follow-up on the bod-pod.

So unattained goals from the above:
2. 135# Snatch. <-- possible, maybe if I work on form
5. 10' HS Walk <-- unlikely. I'm practicing but just cant get the balance for more than a few sec.
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran <-- Maybe? I'll have to try it and see
9. String together 3 ring muscle ups. <-- highly unlikely due to shoulders being a bit messed up.
10. 200# CJ <-- possible, need to work on form for the clean. 
11. Back lever? or front? <-- maybe. need to work on this.
12. Sub 10% body-fat. <-- need to start tracking all my intake again. starts today.

Challenge is that 2,6, 10 require a barbell, and means I have basically 3 weeks to nail them. Hmm...

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