std warmup
10 air squats
300m row
5 burpees
A. 5 rounds for time
400m run
20 burpees
500m row
time: 28:30
B. pullup practice
10 scap retractions
5 strict pullups
5 kipping pullups
butterfly pullup practice
3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5! Which is a PR and was on my goal list for the year. Woot!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
2015-12-30 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 wall squats
10 scap pulls
3 rounds
10 goblet squats
10 pushups
A. December challenge, re-test. 5 min max weight overhead, Squat clean thrusters. Choice of weight 95/135/165
I aimed to do sets of 4 reps every 30 seconds. Came up a bit short of that, but improved vs when we did it ~2 weeks back
min 1: 4, 4
min 2: 4, 4
std warmup
3 rounds
10 wall squats
10 scap pulls
3 rounds
10 goblet squats
10 pushups
A. December challenge, re-test. 5 min max weight overhead, Squat clean thrusters. Choice of weight 95/135/165
I aimed to do sets of 4 reps every 30 seconds. Came up a bit short of that, but improved vs when we did it ~2 weeks back
min 1: 4, 4
min 2: 4, 4
min 3: 4, 3
min 4: 3, 3
min 5: 4, 4
Total: 37 reps. 5 rep improvement over last time, and 3515# vs 3040# last time.
B. For time: 10,9,8...1 of
C: 12 min AMRAP (I ended up scaling this heavily)
9 HSPU (did 9 1st round, 7 2nd, 3rd rounds)
6 MU (I scaled to 3 per round)
3 Full clean and Jerks 185# (I scaled to 135 for round 1, then 95)
} 2+8 (2 rounds + 7 HSPU + 1 additional MU
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
2015-12-29 WOD
std warmup
40 wallball passes 14#
A. Build to a 1rep heavy Back squat
10x45, 10x95, 8x135, 5x185
3x205, 2x225, 1x245, 1x255
B. Build to a heavy 1rep power clean
95x3, 115x2, 135x2, 155x2
175x1, 185x1, 195x1(fail), 190x1(fail)
C. 8 min EMOM
2 Power cleans, at 80% of above max. (I did 155#, which is 84% of 185)
D. Metcon. 3 rounds for time
50 DU (1 round of these was unbroken, others in 2 sets)
15 KBS 70#
10 Box jump 30"
time: 6:48
I added:
E. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
5 HS kickup
3 wrist extension planche lean
1 MU (1st set, kipping; 2nd, 3rd set, strict but failed)
F. 3x8 Anterior Shoulder Flexion with band
std warmup
40 wallball passes 14#
A. Build to a 1rep heavy Back squat
10x45, 10x95, 8x135, 5x185
3x205, 2x225, 1x245, 1x255
B. Build to a heavy 1rep power clean
95x3, 115x2, 135x2, 155x2
175x1, 185x1, 195x1(fail), 190x1(fail)
C. 8 min EMOM
2 Power cleans, at 80% of above max. (I did 155#, which is 84% of 185)
D. Metcon. 3 rounds for time
50 DU (1 round of these was unbroken, others in 2 sets)
15 KBS 70#
10 Box jump 30"
time: 6:48
I added:
E. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
5 HS kickup
3 wrist extension planche lean
1 MU (1st set, kipping; 2nd, 3rd set, strict but failed)
F. 3x8 Anterior Shoulder Flexion with band
Monday, December 28, 2015
2015-12-28 WOD
std warmup
A. 3x3 Benchpress at ~80%. Superset with B.
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x125
main: 3x3 @ 155# (77%)
B. 3x5 DB Press (seated)
3x5 @ 35#
C. Accumulate 20 tempo pushups 3-down,0-up
15 in set 1
5 in set 2
D. Metcon. For time: 30-20-10
wallball 20# (did set 1 unbroken, set 2 in 2 sets, set 3 unbroken)
I added:
E. 3 rounds, not for time
5 HSKickups
3 pistols/leg
10 GHD situps
std warmup
A. 3x3 Benchpress at ~80%. Superset with B.
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x125
main: 3x3 @ 155# (77%)
B. 3x5 DB Press (seated)
3x5 @ 35#
C. Accumulate 20 tempo pushups 3-down,0-up
15 in set 1
5 in set 2
D. Metcon. For time: 30-20-10
wallball 20# (did set 1 unbroken, set 2 in 2 sets, set 3 unbroken)
I added:
E. 3 rounds, not for time
5 HSKickups
3 pistols/leg
10 GHD situps
Sunday, December 27, 2015
2015-12-27 Sunday Run
Slightly short of my 10k, but was kind of rushed, so...
A. Run 8.41km. 42:18, pace of 5:02
A. Run 8.41km. 42:18, pace of 5:02
2015-12-26 WOD
std warmup
10 partner over-unders
2x10 KBS
150m row
2x5 pullups
A. With partner, 3 rounds for time. Subtract total KBS (1 rep = 1 second). 1 partner rows while other does KBS then switch
500m row
Round 1: 50 reps for me, 45 for partner (I did 53#, he did 70#)
Round 2: 50 reps for me, 40 for partner
std warmup
10 partner over-unders
2x10 KBS
150m row
2x5 pullups
A. With partner, 3 rounds for time. Subtract total KBS (1 rep = 1 second). 1 partner rows while other does KBS then switch
500m row
Round 1: 50 reps for me, 45 for partner (I did 53#, he did 70#)
Round 2: 50 reps for me, 40 for partner
Round 3: 45 reps for me, 35 for partner
Total time: 13:20 - 265 reps (4:25) = 8:55
B. With partner, 3 rounds for time. Subtract total pullups (1 rep = 1 second). 1 partner runs while other does pullups, then switch
400m run
AMRAP pullups
Round 1: 31 reps for me, 29 for partner
Round 2: 24 reps for me, 30 for partner
Total time: 13:20 - 265 reps (4:25) = 8:55
B. With partner, 3 rounds for time. Subtract total pullups (1 rep = 1 second). 1 partner runs while other does pullups, then switch
400m run
AMRAP pullups
Round 1: 31 reps for me, 29 for partner
Round 2: 24 reps for me, 30 for partner
Round 3: 22 reps for me, 30 for partner
Total time: 11:58 - 2:46 (166 reps) = 9:12
C. Back Squat (was supposed to be 3x8 @ 75%, but did fewer reps and at 70%
warm: 5x45, 5x135
main: 185# x6, x6, x8
I added:
D: BarMU
one kipping
one strict
Thursday, December 24, 2015
2015-12-24 WOD
Christmas eve WOD. Brutal
std warmup
2 rounds
10 box jumps
10 KBS 36#
3-4 of each of the movements below
A. 12 Days of Xmas. Done like the song, round one is movement 1. Round 2 is movement 2, then 1. Round 3 is movements 3,2,1...
1 200m run
2 Muscle-ups
3 Power Snatch 95# (Rx was 135#)
4 Burpee box jump 24"
5 pullups
6 thrusters 95#
7 ketttlebell swings 53# (Rx was 70#)
8 Toes-to-bar
9 Handstand Pushup
10 Power Cleans 95# (Rx was 135#)
11 Ring dips
12 Dumbbell Cleans 2x35#
Finished the whole thing in 58:55.
That adds up to:
1 = 1 rep
1,2 = 3 reps
1,2,3 = 6 reps
1,2,3,4 = 10 reps
1,2,3,4,5 = 15 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6 = 21 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 = 28 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 = 36 reps
std warmup
2 rounds
10 box jumps
10 KBS 36#
3-4 of each of the movements below
A. 12 Days of Xmas. Done like the song, round one is movement 1. Round 2 is movement 2, then 1. Round 3 is movements 3,2,1...
1 200m run
2 Muscle-ups
3 Power Snatch 95# (Rx was 135#)
4 Burpee box jump 24"
5 pullups
6 thrusters 95#
7 ketttlebell swings 53# (Rx was 70#)
8 Toes-to-bar
9 Handstand Pushup
10 Power Cleans 95# (Rx was 135#)
11 Ring dips
12 Dumbbell Cleans 2x35#
Finished the whole thing in 58:55.
That adds up to:
1 = 1 rep
1,2 = 3 reps
1,2,3 = 6 reps
1,2,3,4 = 10 reps
1,2,3,4,5 = 15 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6 = 21 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 = 28 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 = 36 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 = 45 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 55 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 = 66 reps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 = 78 reps
= 364 reps total
12 200m runs
22 Muscle-ups
30 Power Snatch 95# (Rx was 135#)
36 Burpee box jump 24"
40 pullups
42 thrusters 95#
42 ketttlebell swings 53# (Rx was 70#)
40 Toes-to-bar
36 Handstand Pushup
30 Power Cleans 95# (Rx was 135#)
22 Ring dips
12 Dumbbell Cleans 2x35#
22 Muscle-ups
30 Power Snatch 95# (Rx was 135#)
36 Burpee box jump 24"
40 pullups
42 thrusters 95#
42 ketttlebell swings 53# (Rx was 70#)
40 Toes-to-bar
36 Handstand Pushup
30 Power Cleans 95# (Rx was 135#)
22 Ring dips
12 Dumbbell Cleans 2x35#
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
2015-12-23 WOD
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Work to a heavy snatch (full squat snatch).
squat snatch: 3x65, 2x75, 2x95, 1x105
power snatch: 115, 125, 135(f)
B. CF Open 13.1. 17 minute AMRAP
40 burpees (with jump to 6" marker)
30 snatches 75#
30 burpees (with jump to 6" marker)
30 snatches 135#
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Work to a heavy snatch (full squat snatch).
squat snatch: 3x65, 2x75, 2x95, 1x105
power snatch: 115, 125, 135(f)
B. CF Open 13.1. 17 minute AMRAP
40 burpees (with jump to 6" marker)
30 snatches 75#
30 burpees (with jump to 6" marker)
30 snatches 135#
20 burpees (with jump to 6" marker)
30 snatches 165#
30 snatches 165#
10 burpees (with jump to 6" marker)
30 snatches 210#
I got the first 100 reps done in 9:20 (vs 10 min last time), then got 1 rep at 135#.
Probably could have managed 2-3 more, but instead dropped to 95# and got 20 reps
So score was 101, or 121 scaled.
vs my performance of 2013 open, if ranked in the 45-49 masters category, my 2013 score would have been ~ 2600/3240 (80th percentile), and today's would have been ~1900/3240 (58th percentile). Had I not scaled, and instead manage and additional 5 snatches or so, I'd be somewhere around mid-point. Definite improvement.
I added:
C. One Arm Chinup progression
D. Pullup/MU work alternating w GHDs
10 GHD situps
5 strict C2B pullups
10 GHD situps
5 HR pullup
10 GHD situps
3 kipping barMU
10 GHD situps
2 strict BarMU
30 snatches 210#
I got the first 100 reps done in 9:20 (vs 10 min last time), then got 1 rep at 135#.
Probably could have managed 2-3 more, but instead dropped to 95# and got 20 reps
So score was 101, or 121 scaled.
vs my performance of 2013 open, if ranked in the 45-49 masters category, my 2013 score would have been ~ 2600/3240 (80th percentile), and today's would have been ~1900/3240 (58th percentile). Had I not scaled, and instead manage and additional 5 snatches or so, I'd be somewhere around mid-point. Definite improvement.
I added:
C. One Arm Chinup progression
D. Pullup/MU work alternating w GHDs
10 GHD situps
5 strict C2B pullups
10 GHD situps
5 HR pullup
10 GHD situps
3 kipping barMU
10 GHD situps
2 strict BarMU
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
2015-12-22 WOD
std warmup
A. 3x5 Back Squat @ 60-70% (270 x.7 = 190)
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x165
main: 3 x 5 @ 195#
B. 2x5 Front Squat @ 60-70% (225 x.7 = 160)
main: 1x5 @ 165, 1x5 @ 175# (this was about 77% - probably higher than I should have gone)
C. 4 sprint sets, each for time, full sprint, 4m rest b/t
15 cal row
5 Deadlift 285# (I scaled to 225#)
5 burpee bar jump
times: 1:12, 1:14, 1:10, 1:14
I added:
D. 5 sets not for time:
1 MU
std warmup
A. 3x5 Back Squat @ 60-70% (270 x.7 = 190)
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x165
main: 3 x 5 @ 195#
B. 2x5 Front Squat @ 60-70% (225 x.7 = 160)
main: 1x5 @ 165, 1x5 @ 175# (this was about 77% - probably higher than I should have gone)
C. 4 sprint sets, each for time, full sprint, 4m rest b/t
15 cal row
5 Deadlift 285# (I scaled to 225#)
5 burpee bar jump
times: 1:12, 1:14, 1:10, 1:14
I added:
D. 5 sets not for time:
1 MU
Monday, December 21, 2015
2015-12-21 WOD
std warmup
1000m row
A. skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
50 DU
15 wall squats
10 pullups (tried butterfly for a few, then kipping)
B. 1.1.1 CJ clusters
warm: 45, 75, 95, 2 reps each
main 145# 1.1.1 x 3
C. metcon:
100 DU
50 wallball
25 pullups
time: 5:57
I added:
D. 3 rounds
2x3 Cossack Squats (PVC, then 25# for latter 2 sets)
1 MU (kipping first 2, strict for last round
std warmup
1000m row
A. skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
50 DU
15 wall squats
10 pullups (tried butterfly for a few, then kipping)
B. 1.1.1 CJ clusters
warm: 45, 75, 95, 2 reps each
main 145# 1.1.1 x 3
C. metcon:
100 DU
50 wallball
25 pullups
time: 5:57
I added:
D. 3 rounds
2x3 Cossack Squats (PVC, then 25# for latter 2 sets)
1 MU (kipping first 2, strict for last round
Sunday, December 20, 2015
2015-12-20 Sunday Run
Been a while since I got 10k in. Tried going without my headphones and so didn't know whether I was holding pace until the very end.Managed to keep it sup 5min/km, which was my goal
A. Run 9.5km, 47:04, 4:57/km pace.
A. Run 9.5km, 47:04, 4:57/km pace.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
2015-12-19 December Throwdown
The box had another Saturday throw-down at the box, so I went just for the fun of it. Two workouts, with about 15 minutes in between.
WOD 1: In 12 min, complete the following:
3 rounds of
50 DU
15 pullups
10 Power Snatch 135# (I scaled to 105#)
Then in remaining time (if any), do a ORM CJ
I got through the 3 rounds in 10:30, so didn't leave a lot of time for CJ attempts. Spent too long building and ran out though I could have gone heavier
105, 135, 155, 165, started loading 175 and ran out of time.
WOD 2: 2014 Open 14.4 - 14min amrap:
60 cal row (3:05 - 5 sec better than last time)
50 T2B (sets of 5,4, etc)
40 wallball (12,11,9,8)
30 Power clean 135#
20 MU
Got through everything but the MU's, and got 2 of those, so 182 reps, vs 172 last time I did it, so that's good.
WOD 1: In 12 min, complete the following:
3 rounds of
50 DU
15 pullups
10 Power Snatch 135# (I scaled to 105#)
Then in remaining time (if any), do a ORM CJ
I got through the 3 rounds in 10:30, so didn't leave a lot of time for CJ attempts. Spent too long building and ran out though I could have gone heavier
105, 135, 155, 165, started loading 175 and ran out of time.
WOD 2: 2014 Open 14.4 - 14min amrap:
60 cal row (3:05 - 5 sec better than last time)
50 T2B (sets of 5,4, etc)
40 wallball (12,11,9,8)
30 Power clean 135#
20 MU
Got through everything but the MU's, and got 2 of those, so 182 reps, vs 172 last time I did it, so that's good.
Friday, December 18, 2015
2015-12-18 WOD
std warmup
15 air squats
5 pullups
10 pushups
clean warmup w bar
A. Metcon. for time:
a. 4 rounds of "Cindy"
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
time: 3:00
1 min rest
b. 3 rounds of "DT"
12 Deadlifts 135# (Rx was 155#)
9 Hang power cleans 135#
6 Push Jerk 135#
time: 8 minutes (clock at 12)
1 min rest
c.2 rounds of "Kelly"
400m run
30 wallball 20#
30 box jumps 24"
time: 12:30 (clock at 25:30)
1 min rest
d. 1 round of "Ship"
8 Squat Cleans 135# (Rx is 185#)
7 burpee box jumps 30" (Rx was 36"!)
} time: 5 min
total time: 31:30
B. 3x8 back squat at 70%,. I was pretty smoked, so did this at 50% for 2 rounds, 60% for 1 round
3x8 at 135#, 135#, 155#
I added:
C. 5 rounds of:
10 GHD situps
HS Platewalk (step down and try to step up)
D. MU work
3 kipping MU
std warmup
15 air squats
5 pullups
10 pushups
clean warmup w bar
A. Metcon. for time:
a. 4 rounds of "Cindy"
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
time: 3:00
1 min rest
b. 3 rounds of "DT"
12 Deadlifts 135# (Rx was 155#)
9 Hang power cleans 135#
6 Push Jerk 135#
time: 8 minutes (clock at 12)
1 min rest
c.2 rounds of "Kelly"
400m run
30 wallball 20#
30 box jumps 24"
time: 12:30 (clock at 25:30)
1 min rest
d. 1 round of "Ship"
8 Squat Cleans 135# (Rx is 185#)
7 burpee box jumps 30" (Rx was 36"!)
} time: 5 min
total time: 31:30
B. 3x8 back squat at 70%,. I was pretty smoked, so did this at 50% for 2 rounds, 60% for 1 round
3x8 at 135#, 135#, 155#
I added:
C. 5 rounds of:
10 GHD situps
HS Platewalk (step down and try to step up)
D. MU work
3 kipping MU
Thursday, December 17, 2015
2015-12-17 WOD
(makeup for Monday)
std warmup
6 TGS 36#
10 goblet squat 26#
clean warmup
thruster warmup
A. December challenge:
AMRAP 5 of Squat Clean Thrusters, 95/135/165
Max weight moved overhead in 5 min, pick any of above weights
I did 95#, sets of 5 reps w short rest after each.
Total: 32 reps (6x5+2) = 3040#
20 DU
3 Power clean 135#
5 Box Jump 30"
Total: 4 rounds + 2 HSPU
I added:
D. Pullup work
5 strict pullups
5 strict C2B pullup
2x3 HRpullup
2 bar MU
2 strict bar MU
std warmup
6 TGS 36#
10 goblet squat 26#
clean warmup
thruster warmup
A. December challenge:
AMRAP 5 of Squat Clean Thrusters, 95/135/165
Max weight moved overhead in 5 min, pick any of above weights
I did 95#, sets of 5 reps w short rest after each.
Total: 32 reps (6x5+2) = 3040#
20 DU
3 Power clean 135#
5 Box Jump 30"
Total: 4 rounds + 2 HSPU
I added:
D. Pullup work
5 strict pullups
5 strict C2B pullup
2x3 HRpullup
2 bar MU
2 strict bar MU
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
2015-12-16 WOD
std warmup
clean drills
2x5 T2B
10 partner over-under
A. Work to a heavy CJ
3x45, 3x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175(f), 1x170(f)
B. CF Open 13.4. 7 min AMRAP
3 CJ 135#
3 T2B
6 CJ 135#
6 T2B
C. 3 rounds, not for time
std warmup
clean drills
2x5 T2B
10 partner over-under
A. Work to a heavy CJ
3x45, 3x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175(f), 1x170(f)
B. CF Open 13.4. 7 min AMRAP
3 CJ 135#
3 T2B
6 CJ 135#
6 T2B
9 CJ 135#
9 T2B
9 T2B
12 CJ 135#
12 T2B
12 T2B
Score: 3+3+6+6+9+9+12+12 + 2CJs = 62 reps
Better than the 41 I got 2 years ago, and would have put me about 34th percentile on the leaderboard.
I added
C. 3 rounds, not for time
2 MU (1st round kipping, 2nd round strict, 3rd round strict but failed)
10 GHD situps
Saturday, December 12, 2015
2015-12-12 WOD
std warmup
100m row
2x3 burpees
2x5 pushups
2x5 box jumps
A. Partner wod - for time
3000m row (we did 6x250m each)
200 burpees (we did 15 each during the partners 250m row, then an extra 10 at the end)
time: 14:44
2 min rest
B. 12 min amrap. 1 person does 1 round while partner rests, then switch
12 box jumps 24"
12 HRPushups
we did 6 rounds each, keeping to a minute per round.
I added
C. MU work
3 kipping MU
1 failed strict MU
2 strict MU
std warmup
100m row
2x3 burpees
2x5 pushups
2x5 box jumps
A. Partner wod - for time
3000m row (we did 6x250m each)
200 burpees (we did 15 each during the partners 250m row, then an extra 10 at the end)
time: 14:44
2 min rest
B. 12 min amrap. 1 person does 1 round while partner rests, then switch
12 box jumps 24"
12 HRPushups
we did 6 rounds each, keeping to a minute per round.
I added
C. MU work
3 kipping MU
1 failed strict MU
2 strict MU
Friday, December 11, 2015
2015-12-11 WOD
std warmup
200m run
Clean drills
OH Squat drills
A. 3 rounds for time. 14 min cap
400m run
10 OH Squat 115# (I did 85#)
5 Bar MU
time: 11:05
2 min rest
B. 3 rounds for time. 14 min cap
400m run
5 Squat Cleans 185# (I did 135#)
time: 13:03
I added
C. MU practice
5 MU singles
std warmup
200m run
Clean drills
OH Squat drills
A. 3 rounds for time. 14 min cap
400m run
10 OH Squat 115# (I did 85#)
5 Bar MU
time: 11:05
2 min rest
B. 3 rounds for time. 14 min cap
400m run
5 Squat Cleans 185# (I did 135#)
time: 13:03
I added
C. MU practice
5 MU singles
Thursday, December 10, 2015
2015-12-10 WOD
active recovery day
std warmup
A. 2k row
~8 min
B. work to a heavy CJ
WARM: drills w empty bar
MAIN: 2x75, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 2x165 (got both cleans, failed both jerks)
C. Pullup work
5 strict pullups
2x3 strict HR pullups
2x3 kipping HR pullups
D. HS platewalks
3x step-down only, failed stepping up
std warmup
A. 2k row
~8 min
B. work to a heavy CJ
WARM: drills w empty bar
MAIN: 2x75, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 2x165 (got both cleans, failed both jerks)
C. Pullup work
5 strict pullups
2x3 strict HR pullups
2x3 kipping HR pullups
D. HS platewalks
3x step-down only, failed stepping up
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
2015-12-09 WOD
std warmup
800m run
A. 3 rounds for time
21 wallball 20#
15 T2B
9 burpees
time: 9:55
B. 3 rounds for time
21 cal row
15 thruster 95#
9 C2B pullups
time: 13:38
I added:
C. not for time:
5 chin-ups
5 pistols/leg
4 one-arm chinups/arm
4 pistols/leg
3 one-arm chinups/arm
3 pistols/leg
2 one-arm chinups/arm
2 pistols/leg
1 one-arm chinups/arm
1 pistols/leg
std warmup
800m run
A. 3 rounds for time
21 wallball 20#
15 T2B
9 burpees
time: 9:55
B. 3 rounds for time
21 cal row
15 thruster 95#
9 C2B pullups
time: 13:38
I added:
C. not for time:
5 chin-ups
5 pistols/leg
4 one-arm chinups/arm
4 pistols/leg
3 one-arm chinups/arm
3 pistols/leg
2 one-arm chinups/arm
2 pistols/leg
1 one-arm chinups/arm
1 pistols/leg
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
2015 Everyday Warrior post-mortem
Did a little online comp recently, and have been meaning to write up some thoughts about it.
There were 4 workouts over 4 weeks.
Event 1: 3 minutes of burpee bar-jumps, and then 12 min to set a max clean & jerk
Came in 126th out of 245 entries in my division, just below mid-point in the group.
I did this one Rx, naively thinking I could do all the events that way. After event 2 I had to go back and re-submit as 'masters'. Luckily, event 1 wasn't that different for masters division, except that I could have done step-overs on the burpees. I got 48 reps and might have managed 56-58 had I done per my division.
I got a CJ of 185 (tied my PR), then failed an attempt at 195, then cleaned 190 but failed the jerk. Should have just gone for 190.
Had I done step overs and only done the lesser CJ attempt, could have come somewhere around 98th, or 40th percentile. Oh well. instead I was 51st percentile
Event 2: 20 min amrap of 21cal row, 7 OH Squat at 75# (Rx was 115#), 21 Double unders
On the one hand, this was a weak event for me, ad the Rx weight on OH squats was outside my ability. However, at the scaled weight I did ok, and it was just a steady grind for 20 min. I came in 74 of 215 for that event, or 34th percentile
Rank after event 2: 92 of 211, 43rd percentile
Event 3: task completion workout. For time: 9 185# DL (Rx 275), 28 box jump 24" (Rx 30"), 14 thrusters 95# (Rx 135#), 30 pullups (Rx C2B).
Took me 3:46. Probably could have pushed a little harder, but hard to judge what it was going to take.
3:46 put me at 68th of 202, right at 34th percentile like event 2.
Rank after event 3: 69 out of 179, 39th percentile
Event 4: 7 min amrap of doubling (2, 4, 8, 16...) G2O 85# (115 Rx) and wallball 20# (pistols Rx)
Really wish I could have done this one Rx as just being able to do pistols would have helped me here. But oh well. Got 88 reps (got through to the 16s, then a 28/32 of G2O. In retrospect, I went too slow a pace on this. 7 minute event, I paced myself as if it was 12 or something
This put me at 88 of 155 for this event, or 57th percentile.
Final rank for entire event: 67th out of 141 people that finished all 4 events. 48th percentile. 27th percentile of all entrants that posted at least 1 score.
Learnings: Not as good as I'd have liked, and I could feel that I was off my peak. Should have spent some more time planning strategy, or doing 2 runs of workouts. Highlighted that my OH Squat needs work (which I knew).
There were 4 workouts over 4 weeks.
Event 1: 3 minutes of burpee bar-jumps, and then 12 min to set a max clean & jerk
Came in 126th out of 245 entries in my division, just below mid-point in the group.
I did this one Rx, naively thinking I could do all the events that way. After event 2 I had to go back and re-submit as 'masters'. Luckily, event 1 wasn't that different for masters division, except that I could have done step-overs on the burpees. I got 48 reps and might have managed 56-58 had I done per my division.
I got a CJ of 185 (tied my PR), then failed an attempt at 195, then cleaned 190 but failed the jerk. Should have just gone for 190.
Had I done step overs and only done the lesser CJ attempt, could have come somewhere around 98th, or 40th percentile. Oh well. instead I was 51st percentile
Event 2: 20 min amrap of 21cal row, 7 OH Squat at 75# (Rx was 115#), 21 Double unders
On the one hand, this was a weak event for me, ad the Rx weight on OH squats was outside my ability. However, at the scaled weight I did ok, and it was just a steady grind for 20 min. I came in 74 of 215 for that event, or 34th percentile
Rank after event 2: 92 of 211, 43rd percentile
Event 3: task completion workout. For time: 9 185# DL (Rx 275), 28 box jump 24" (Rx 30"), 14 thrusters 95# (Rx 135#), 30 pullups (Rx C2B).
Took me 3:46. Probably could have pushed a little harder, but hard to judge what it was going to take.
3:46 put me at 68th of 202, right at 34th percentile like event 2.
Rank after event 3: 69 out of 179, 39th percentile
Event 4: 7 min amrap of doubling (2, 4, 8, 16...) G2O 85# (115 Rx) and wallball 20# (pistols Rx)
Really wish I could have done this one Rx as just being able to do pistols would have helped me here. But oh well. Got 88 reps (got through to the 16s, then a 28/32 of G2O. In retrospect, I went too slow a pace on this. 7 minute event, I paced myself as if it was 12 or something
This put me at 88 of 155 for this event, or 57th percentile.
Final rank for entire event: 67th out of 141 people that finished all 4 events. 48th percentile. 27th percentile of all entrants that posted at least 1 score.
Learnings: Not as good as I'd have liked, and I could feel that I was off my peak. Should have spent some more time planning strategy, or doing 2 runs of workouts. Highlighted that my OH Squat needs work (which I knew).
2015-12-08 WOD
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
12 T2B
40 DU
1 rope climb (2 of these I did legless)
B. 8 min amrap. 2, 4, 6, 8...
Hang Power Clean 115#
Push Press 115#
2,4,6,8,10 + 6 = 66 reps
C. 8 min amrap. 2, 4, 6, 8...
Benchpress 115#
2,4,6,8 + 10 = 50 reps
I added
D. not for time
2x3 strict pullups
10 GHD situps
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
12 T2B
40 DU
1 rope climb (2 of these I did legless)
B. 8 min amrap. 2, 4, 6, 8...
Hang Power Clean 115#
Push Press 115#
2,4,6,8,10 + 6 = 66 reps
C. 8 min amrap. 2, 4, 6, 8...
Benchpress 115#
2,4,6,8 + 10 = 50 reps
I added
D. not for time
2x3 strict pullups
10 GHD situps
2x3 HR pullups
10 GHD situps
2 MUs
10 GHD situps
2 strict MUs (both failed)
10 GHD situps
2 HSHold
10 GHD situps}
Monday, December 7, 2015
2015-12-07 WOD
std warmup
A. front rack strength exercises:
- PNF Intercostal stretch 3x15s
- Trap 3-raises 3x6 w 5s hold on each rep (w 5# plates
B. Front Squat 3x5 @ 60%, 1s hold at bottom
warm: 5x45#
main: 3x5 @ 135#
C: Back Squat 1x10 AHAP
1x10 @ 185 (could have gone a bit heavier, but still was challenging. 185 is about 70% ORM)
D. 21-15-9 of
Deadlift 255# (I scaled to 185#)
Box Jump 24"
time: 5:43
I added:
E. MU/Pullup work
2x3 ring dips
2x5 strict pullup
2x5 hand-release pullup
2 kipping MU
1 strict MU (failed)
std warmup
A. front rack strength exercises:
- PNF Intercostal stretch 3x15s
- Trap 3-raises 3x6 w 5s hold on each rep (w 5# plates
B. Front Squat 3x5 @ 60%, 1s hold at bottom
warm: 5x45#
main: 3x5 @ 135#
C: Back Squat 1x10 AHAP
1x10 @ 185 (could have gone a bit heavier, but still was challenging. 185 is about 70% ORM)
D. 21-15-9 of
Deadlift 255# (I scaled to 185#)
Box Jump 24"
time: 5:43
I added:
E. MU/Pullup work
2x3 ring dips
2x5 strict pullup
2x5 hand-release pullup
2 kipping MU
1 strict MU (failed)
Saturday, December 5, 2015
2015-12-05 Travel Workout
Was at a conference with limited time, but squeezed a quick workout in before breakfast
5 rounds not for time
10 pushups
10 burpees
5 leg raises
5 rounds not for time
10 pushups
10 burpees
5 leg raises
Thursday, December 3, 2015
2015-12-03 WOD
slept in this morning, went at 4:30 instead. What a difference in how limbered up I was. Really need to stretch more in the morning I guess
std warmup
A. 1k row
B. Snatch practice
warm: 5x PVC, 5x45# drills from different positions
main: 2x45#, 2x65#, 2x75#, 2x85#, 2x95#, 1x105#
1x115 power snatch, 1x125 power snatch, 1x135 power snatch (failed)
C. pullup drills
5 strict pullups
5 hand release pullups
D. 5 rounds
1 strict HSPU
1 strict MU
std warmup
A. 1k row
B. Snatch practice
warm: 5x PVC, 5x45# drills from different positions
main: 2x45#, 2x65#, 2x75#, 2x85#, 2x95#, 1x105#
1x115 power snatch, 1x125 power snatch, 1x135 power snatch (failed)
C. pullup drills
5 strict pullups
5 hand release pullups
D. 5 rounds
1 strict HSPU
1 strict MU
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
2015-12-02 WOD
std warmup
3x3 wallball
press drills
A. "Karen". For time
150 Wallball 20#
time: 9:31 (36 seconds slower than my best time)
B. For time
30 burpees
30 S2O (Push Jerk) 95#
90 second rest
20 burpees
20 S2O (Push Jerk) 115#
90 second rest
10 burpees
10 S2O (Push Jerk) 135#
time: 14:37
C. 2 position pause clean - build over sets for 15 min
1 clean from over knee w 2 sec pause
1 clean from below knee w 2 sec pause
std warmup
3x3 wallball
press drills
A. "Karen". For time
150 Wallball 20#
time: 9:31 (36 seconds slower than my best time)
B. For time
30 burpees
30 S2O (Push Jerk) 95#
90 second rest
20 burpees
20 S2O (Push Jerk) 115#
90 second rest
10 burpees
10 S2O (Push Jerk) 135#
time: 14:37
C. 2 position pause clean - build over sets for 15 min
1 clean from over knee w 2 sec pause
1 clean from below knee w 2 sec pause
weight: 95, 115, 135, 155, 165.
Tried 2 reps at 175 but failed both.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
2015-12-01 WOD
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time (I only got 2 done after warming up a bit late)
5-3 MUs (I did 3 singles)
12 box jumps 24"
15 KBS 53#
B. Metcon. For time:
60 cal row
50 DU (did them unbroken)
40 wallball 20# (12, 11, 8, 8)
30 T2B (3x10)
20 C2B pullups
10 S2OH 165# (I did CJ's at 135#)
time: ~13:00 (forgot to write it down!)
I added:
C. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
D. HSHold
3 x 20s or so
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time (I only got 2 done after warming up a bit late)
5-3 MUs (I did 3 singles)
12 box jumps 24"
15 KBS 53#
B. Metcon. For time:
60 cal row
50 DU (did them unbroken)
40 wallball 20# (12, 11, 8, 8)
30 T2B (3x10)
20 C2B pullups
10 S2OH 165# (I did CJ's at 135#)
time: ~13:00 (forgot to write it down!)
I added:
C. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
D. HSHold
3 x 20s or so
Monday, November 30, 2015
2015-11-30 WOD
std warmup (late for most of it!)
150m row
A. 2K row for time (November challenge - compare to Nov 6)
7:41.7 (3.3s PR vs 3 weeks ago. I'll take it!)
B. 3x8 bench press @ 55%
warm: 8x45#, 8x95#
main: 3x8 115#
C. (superset w B) 3x8 weighted dip
1x8, 2x6 @ 36#
D. 3 rounds, each for time (which of course I didn't record
15 pullups (first 2 rounds unbroken)
10m overhead lunge 135# (I scaled to 75#)
~1:30 each round
I added
E. 3 rounds
2 hand-release pullups (first time trying these, barely got my hands off the bar)
10 GHD situps
std warmup (late for most of it!)
150m row
A. 2K row for time (November challenge - compare to Nov 6)
7:41.7 (3.3s PR vs 3 weeks ago. I'll take it!)
B. 3x8 bench press @ 55%
warm: 8x45#, 8x95#
main: 3x8 115#
C. (superset w B) 3x8 weighted dip
1x8, 2x6 @ 36#
D. 3 rounds, each for time (which of course I didn't record
15 pullups (first 2 rounds unbroken)
10m overhead lunge 135# (I scaled to 75#)
~1:30 each round
I added
E. 3 rounds
2 hand-release pullups (first time trying these, barely got my hands off the bar)
10 GHD situps
Saturday, November 28, 2015
November yearly goals check
Just over a month left in the year, so checking against goals. 6 done, 4 to go. 3 and 6 are maybe possible. 4 and 9 seem less likley.
1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - Done: Open, Everyday Warrior, and the Nov28 Throwdown.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. DONE
1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - Done: Open, Everyday Warrior, and the Nov28 Throwdown.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. DONE
2015-11-28 Thanksgiving weekend throwdown!
Box was closed for classes this weekend, but they held an informal competition today and I competed. Was a lot of fun.
std warmup
1k row
clean & thruster warmup
WOD 1: Thuster ladder
Every minute, we had to rotate through stations of increasing weight, doing a squat clean thruster. Could attempt as many times as possible in a minute, but, if you failed a weight, you had the remainder of 50 seconds to complete as many deadlifts as possible as a tiebreaker.
I managed 115#, 135#, 155#, 165#, then attemped 175#, cleaned it but failed to get it fully locked out overhead. I then banged out 24 deadlifts. The guy in front of me attempted the same weight twice unsuccessfully, and then only got 10 deadlifts. So, second-to-last on the leaderboard. Not last! Plus 165 was a PR for both thruster and, I think, a full squat clean.
Anyhow, I was happy with it. 165# is a PR for a thruster, and 175# is a PR for a full squat clean (heavier than that I've done from the hang, and/or as a power clean.
WOD 2: Chipper.
This was a 12 minute time cap to do:
10 OH Squats (Rx = 135, Masters = 115) (I scaled to 95#)
10 Box jump overs 24"
10 Thrusters (Rx = 115, Masters = 95)
10 Power Cleans (Rx = 185, Masters=165#
10 T2B
10 Burpee-Muscle-Ups (scaled was burpee C2B, but I did the Rx for this one)
10 T2B
std warmup
1k row
clean & thruster warmup
WOD 1: Thuster ladder
Every minute, we had to rotate through stations of increasing weight, doing a squat clean thruster. Could attempt as many times as possible in a minute, but, if you failed a weight, you had the remainder of 50 seconds to complete as many deadlifts as possible as a tiebreaker.
I managed 115#, 135#, 155#, 165#, then attemped 175#, cleaned it but failed to get it fully locked out overhead. I then banged out 24 deadlifts. The guy in front of me attempted the same weight twice unsuccessfully, and then only got 10 deadlifts. So, second-to-last on the leaderboard. Not last! Plus 165 was a PR for both thruster and, I think, a full squat clean.
Anyhow, I was happy with it. 165# is a PR for a thruster, and 175# is a PR for a full squat clean (heavier than that I've done from the hang, and/or as a power clean.
WOD 2: Chipper.
This was a 12 minute time cap to do:
10 OH Squats (Rx = 135, Masters = 115) (I scaled to 95#)
10 Box jump overs 24"
10 Thrusters (Rx = 115, Masters = 95)
10 Power Cleans (Rx = 185, Masters=165#
10 T2B
10 Burpee-Muscle-Ups (scaled was burpee C2B, but I did the Rx for this one)
10 T2B
10 Power Cleans (Rx = 185, Masters=165#
10 Thrusters (Rx = 115, Masters = 95)
10 Box jump overs 24"
10 OH Squats (Rx = 135, Masters = 115) (I scaled to 95#)
I got 80 reps in 12 min. Made it to the burpee muscle-up "turn-around" and then got the T2B and the cleans done.
No real leader-board placement for this one. Everyone was scaling what made sense for them, unless they were going full Rx. I was pretty pleased to get through that much, especially with the MUs in there (a while ago 10 MUs would have taken 10 minutes!).
2015-11-27 WOD
Little sore after yesterday's wod. Fun day just working on lifting though
std warmup
3 rounds
15 OH Squats w PVC
2 wall walks
A. Spend 20 minutes working up to a heavy set of
3 Snatch push press
3 OH Squats
2x45, 2x65, 2x75, 1x85, 1x95, 1x105
B. Spend 20 minutes working to a heavy 2 position sntach
Hang Snatch
2x45, 2x65, 2x75, 2x85, 2x95, 1x105
C. Spend 20 minutes working to a heavy Clean & Jerk
2x75, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175failed, 1x175(hang), 1x185failed
std warmup
3 rounds
15 OH Squats w PVC
2 wall walks
A. Spend 20 minutes working up to a heavy set of
3 Snatch push press
3 OH Squats
2x45, 2x65, 2x75, 1x85, 1x95, 1x105
B. Spend 20 minutes working to a heavy 2 position sntach
Hang Snatch
2x45, 2x65, 2x75, 2x85, 2x95, 1x105
C. Spend 20 minutes working to a heavy Clean & Jerk
2x75, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175failed, 1x175(hang), 1x185failed
Thursday, November 26, 2015
2015-11-26 Thanksgiving WOD
Tough partner WOD
std warmup
5 front squat 45
5 front squat 135#
4 parts, all done with partner, all w 15 min cap, all w 5 min rest aftrwar
A. For time, as a team of 2
800m run together
50 Backsquat 155# (we scaled to 135#) - 25 reps each
400m run together
25 Backsquat 155# (we scaled to 135#) - 12/13 reps each
time: 9:37
5 min rest
std warmup
5 front squat 45
5 front squat 135#
4 parts, all done with partner, all w 15 min cap, all w 5 min rest aftrwar
A. For time, as a team of 2
800m run together
50 Backsquat 155# (we scaled to 135#) - 25 reps each
400m run together
25 Backsquat 155# (we scaled to 135#) - 12/13 reps each
time: 9:37
5 min rest
B. For time, as a team of 2.
1,2,3...10 of the movements below. 1,2,3 are each done by both people. 4,5...10 are share work
Handstand pushup
1,2,3...10 of the movements below. 1,2,3 are each done by both people. 4,5...10 are share work
Handstand pushup
Got through the 9's and 3 reps of HSPU, so that worked out to 26 MU's and 29 HSPU. That'd be a workout on it's own!
5 min rest
5 min rest
C. 10 rounds for time, as a team of 2. 5 rounds each
300m row
6 burpees over rower
300m row
6 burpees over rower
time: 14:53 - had to go super hard on the last round to get in under the time cap
5 min rest
D. For time, as a team of 2
200 KBS 70# (I did ~90 of these, and my partner 110
200 ball slams 20#
200 KBS 70# (I did ~90 of these, and my partner 110
200 ball slams 20#
time: 12:30
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
2015-11-25 WOD & Everyday Warrior WOD 4
std warmup
2x5 wallball 20#
snatch drills
clean and jerk drills
A. Everyday Warrior WOD 4 - 7 min amrap
2 G2OH 85# (I did muscle clean and push jerk)
2 wallball 20#
4 +4 of above
8 + 8... 16 + 16...
Got through the 2,4, 8 and 16. Got 28 of the 32 CJ's for a total of 88 reps
(Rx was pistols instead of wallballs and 115# instead of 85#. I did masters because that's what I signed up for, but may come back in a a few days and do Rx to see how I fare.
B. 5.5.5 clusters (10s rest between) x 3 (2 min rest b/t sets) of T2B
C. Same as B, but for strict pullups.
did 5+5+3, 5+3+2, 5+2+1
I added
D. 3 rounds
5 back squat 135#, 135#, 155#
10 GHD situps
std warmup
2x5 wallball 20#
snatch drills
clean and jerk drills
A. Everyday Warrior WOD 4 - 7 min amrap
2 G2OH 85# (I did muscle clean and push jerk)
2 wallball 20#
4 +4 of above
8 + 8... 16 + 16...
Got through the 2,4, 8 and 16. Got 28 of the 32 CJ's for a total of 88 reps
(Rx was pistols instead of wallballs and 115# instead of 85#. I did masters because that's what I signed up for, but may come back in a a few days and do Rx to see how I fare.
B. 5.5.5 clusters (10s rest between) x 3 (2 min rest b/t sets) of T2B
C. Same as B, but for strict pullups.
did 5+5+3, 5+3+2, 5+2+1
I added
D. 3 rounds
5 back squat 135#, 135#, 155#
10 GHD situps
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
2015-11-24 WOD
std warmup
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 air squats
A. work to a heavy behind-the-neck jerk
2x45, 2x65, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135,
1x165, 1x175, 1x185f
B. work to a heavy squat clean
2x95 2x115 2x135
1x155 1x165 1x185 (failed), 1x185 hang squat clean, 1x195 hang squat clean (failed0
C. 5 min AMRAP
5 C2B pullups
5 burpees
7 rounds + pullups
I added:
D. 3 rounds
HS Hold (~20s for balance)
3x One Arm Chinup (assisted)
E. Strict BarMU
1 failed, 1 ugly but successful
std warmup
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 air squats
A. work to a heavy behind-the-neck jerk
2x45, 2x65, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135,
1x165, 1x175, 1x185f
B. work to a heavy squat clean
2x95 2x115 2x135
1x155 1x165 1x185 (failed), 1x185 hang squat clean, 1x195 hang squat clean (failed0
C. 5 min AMRAP
5 C2B pullups
5 burpees
7 rounds + pullups
I added:
D. 3 rounds
HS Hold (~20s for balance)
3x One Arm Chinup (assisted)
E. Strict BarMU
1 failed, 1 ugly but successful
Monday, November 23, 2015
2015-11-23 WOD
Wow. Tough one for a monday.
std warmup
5 pullups
5 pushups
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 situps
15 air squats
clean warmup
A. 6 min emom
3 Hang Power Clean 70% (135#)
B. For time
25 Burpees
5 Thruster 95#
20 Burpees
10 Thruster 95#
15 Burpees
15 Thruster 95#
10 Burpees
20 Thruster 95#
5 Burpees
25 Thruster 95#
time: 16:47
I added:
C. 3 rounds
10 GHD situps
1 MU (1 kipping, 2 strict (both failed, though one I got over the top and just couldn't press it out)
std warmup
5 pullups
5 pushups
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 situps
15 air squats
clean warmup
A. 6 min emom
3 Hang Power Clean 70% (135#)
B. For time
25 Burpees
5 Thruster 95#
20 Burpees
10 Thruster 95#
15 Burpees
15 Thruster 95#
10 Burpees
20 Thruster 95#
5 Burpees
25 Thruster 95#
time: 16:47
I added:
C. 3 rounds
10 GHD situps
1 MU (1 kipping, 2 strict (both failed, though one I got over the top and just couldn't press it out)
Sunday, November 22, 2015
2015-11-22 Sunday Run
Got a calf cramp with just over 1k to go, and I was worried because of the calf injury I had a while back. So, I stopped and walk the remainder of my 10k
A. Run 8.64km, 43:00, 4:58 pace.
A. Run 8.64km, 43:00, 4:58 pace.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
2015-11-21 WOD
Fun Saturday wod. Tough one, but most of it doable for me. Had to scale the OH squats in part C.
std warmup
warmup deadlift, cleans, OH squats
A. 7 min AMRAP
7 deadlift 225#
4 rounds even
4 min rest
B. 6 min AMRAP
6 Clean & jerk 135#
3 MU
3 rounds + 7 (6 CJ + 1 MU)
C. 5 min AMRAP
5 OH Squat 95# (I scaled to 75#)
5 burpees
5 rounds even
std warmup
warmup deadlift, cleans, OH squats
A. 7 min AMRAP
7 deadlift 225#
4 rounds even
4 min rest
B. 6 min AMRAP
6 Clean & jerk 135#
3 MU
3 rounds + 7 (6 CJ + 1 MU)
C. 5 min AMRAP
5 OH Squat 95# (I scaled to 75#)
5 burpees
5 rounds even
Friday, November 20, 2015
2015-11-20 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 KBS 35#
10 v-ups
100m row
10 kbs 53#
3x3 burpees
A. Capacity test (rest of group did this Aug 3 but I was travelling, so can't do before/after compare)
250m row
15 burpees
25 KBS
15 burpees
C. 3 rounds
std warmup
3 rounds
10 KBS 35#
10 v-ups
100m row
10 kbs 53#
3x3 burpees
A. Capacity test (rest of group did this Aug 3 but I was travelling, so can't do before/after compare)
250m row
15 burpees
25 KBS
15 burpees
250m row
Time: 4:57
5 min rest
B. Metcon: 50-35-20 of
Wallball 20#
I added:
C. 3 rounds
1 Strict MU
2 HSPlateWalk
Thursday, November 19, 2015
2015-11-19 WOD & Everyday Warrior WOD 3
std warmup
2x5 scap pulls
2x5 strict pullups
A. 3 rounds, not for time
HSWalk (In my case, 30s HSHold for balance)
2 MUs
10 Pistols 5/side
B. Everyday Warrior workout 3 - 1 time through for time. (this was masters weights/movements)
9 deadlifts 185#
28 box jumps (step-ups allowed) 24"
14 Thrusters 95#
30 pullups
time: 3:46
I'm ok with that time. Would have been faster if I wasn't messed up from 60 C2B pullups on monday. (I know, I know... excuses!)
std warmup
2x5 scap pulls
2x5 strict pullups
A. 3 rounds, not for time
HSWalk (In my case, 30s HSHold for balance)
2 MUs
10 Pistols 5/side
B. Everyday Warrior workout 3 - 1 time through for time. (this was masters weights/movements)
9 deadlifts 185#
28 box jumps (step-ups allowed) 24"
14 Thrusters 95#
30 pullups
time: 3:46
I'm ok with that time. Would have been faster if I wasn't messed up from 60 C2B pullups on monday. (I know, I know... excuses!)
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
2015-11-17 Travel Workout
Travelling in Montreal, I did a drop-in to L'Usine Crossfit. Great place.
2.5k run (hotel to gym)
stretch, DUs, foam roll, etc for 15 min
15,12,9 of
Jumping lunges (left+right = 1 rep)
bent over bar row
A. 12 min emom,
even minutes: 10 wallball 20#
odd minutes: 10 C2B pullups (did first 4 sets unbroken)
B. 3 rounds for time
30 DU
12 alternating DB snatch 40#
40 air squats
time: 7:39
one minute rest, then
C. 2 rounds
30 sec L-sit hang
25 situps
25 hollow rocks
total time: 14:30 (so C took ~6 minutes)
I added:
D. 2 strict MU
E. 2.5k run (back to hotel)
2.5k run (hotel to gym)
stretch, DUs, foam roll, etc for 15 min
15,12,9 of
Jumping lunges (left+right = 1 rep)
bent over bar row
A. 12 min emom,
even minutes: 10 wallball 20#
odd minutes: 10 C2B pullups (did first 4 sets unbroken)
B. 3 rounds for time
30 DU
12 alternating DB snatch 40#
40 air squats
time: 7:39
one minute rest, then
C. 2 rounds
30 sec L-sit hang
25 situps
25 hollow rocks
total time: 14:30 (so C took ~6 minutes)
I added:
D. 2 strict MU
E. 2.5k run (back to hotel)
Monday, November 16, 2015
2015-11-16 Travel Workout
Travelling all day saturday, took sunday off, and then working today so had to do something. Squeezed in a quick workout in the hotel gym before dinner.
std warmup
A. 5 rounds for time
10 situps
10 pushups
10 air squats
10 DB Snatch (5/side)
time: 9 min
B. 4 rounds, not for time
10 pistols (5/side)
5 OH DB Squat (2x15#)
30 sec HSHold
C. 2k run (cold out! kept it short)
std warmup
A. 5 rounds for time
10 situps
10 pushups
10 air squats
10 DB Snatch (5/side)
time: 9 min
B. 4 rounds, not for time
10 pistols (5/side)
5 OH DB Squat (2x15#)
30 sec HSHold
C. 2k run (cold out! kept it short)
Friday, November 13, 2015
2015-11-13 WOD
std warmup
clean warmup
200m run
A. 2011 CF Open 11.3 - 5 min AMRAP
Squat Clean 165# (I scaled to 135#)
Jerk 165# (I scaled to 135#)
18 rounds = Score of 36 (both clean and jerk each count for a point)
rest 4 min
B. 2011 CF Open 11.4 - 10 min AMRAP
60 Burpee bar jumps (Rx was bar-facing, but I just did bar-parallel)
30 OH Squats 120# (I scaled to 75# -120# too heavy - esp after yesterday doing 50 OHsquats!)
10 Muscle-ups
94 reps (got the 60+30 done, then 4 MU's in the remaining 90s)
I added:
C. 3x10 GHD situps
D. 3x Gymnastics kip practice (didn't quite get it, but close)
E. One Arm Chinup progression
2x5 chinups
2x2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
std warmup
clean warmup
200m run
A. 2011 CF Open 11.3 - 5 min AMRAP
Squat Clean 165# (I scaled to 135#)
Jerk 165# (I scaled to 135#)
18 rounds = Score of 36 (both clean and jerk each count for a point)
rest 4 min
B. 2011 CF Open 11.4 - 10 min AMRAP
60 Burpee bar jumps (Rx was bar-facing, but I just did bar-parallel)
30 OH Squats 120# (I scaled to 75# -120# too heavy - esp after yesterday doing 50 OHsquats!)
10 Muscle-ups
94 reps (got the 60+30 done, then 4 MU's in the remaining 90s)
I added:
C. 3x10 GHD situps
D. 3x Gymnastics kip practice (didn't quite get it, but close)
E. One Arm Chinup progression
2x5 chinups
2x2 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
Thursday, November 12, 2015
2015-11-12 WOD & Everyday Warrior WOD 2
std warmup
40 wallball passes
OH Squat warmup
2x5 45#, 2x5 65#, 1x5 75#, 1x3 95#
20 DU
A. Everyday Warrior workout 2. 20 min AMRAP of
21 cal row, damper set to 10
7 OH Squat at 115# (scaled was 75, which I had to do)
21 DU
Score: 7 rounds + 21 cal row = 7x47 + 21 = 364
B. MU Work
5 pullups
3 dips
worked on transitions a bit
std warmup
40 wallball passes
OH Squat warmup
2x5 45#, 2x5 65#, 1x5 75#, 1x3 95#
20 DU
A. Everyday Warrior workout 2. 20 min AMRAP of
21 cal row, damper set to 10
7 OH Squat at 115# (scaled was 75, which I had to do)
21 DU
Score: 7 rounds + 21 cal row = 7x47 + 21 = 364
B. MU Work
5 pullups
3 dips
worked on transitions a bit
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
2015-11-11 WOD
Memorial day, so had our choice of two hero WoDs, McGhee or Holbrook. I chose the latter
std warmup
3 rounds
10 v-ups
10 kbs 35#
A. "Holbrook". 10 rounds, each as a sprint, w rest in between.
5 Thruster 115# (did all 10 rounds unbroken)
10 pullups (managed all 10 sets unbroken)
100m run
1 min rest
1:08, 1:20, 1:15, 1:15, 1:15,
1:15, 1:16,1:20,1:20,1:16
total: 21:32 (PR, as I've never done this wod before)
I added:
B. 3 HSHold, ~30s
std warmup
3 rounds
10 v-ups
10 kbs 35#
A. "Holbrook". 10 rounds, each as a sprint, w rest in between.
5 Thruster 115# (did all 10 rounds unbroken)
10 pullups (managed all 10 sets unbroken)
100m run
1 min rest
1:08, 1:20, 1:15, 1:15, 1:15,
1:15, 1:16,1:20,1:20,1:16
total: 21:32 (PR, as I've never done this wod before)
I added:
B. 3 HSHold, ~30s
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
2015-11-10 WOD
std warmup
pushpress warmup
200m run
A. MU work for ~10 min
10 scap pull
2x5 strict pullups
1 kipping MU
3 strict MU
B. 8 min AMRAP
200m run
10 pushpress 115#
12 T2B
3 rounds, 6 reps (run + 5 reps)
C. 8 min AMRAP
300m row
25 wallball 20#
10 burpees to 25# plate
D. Pullup progression
strict pullups: 5,4,3,2,1
tried a strict MU and failed
std warmup
pushpress warmup
200m run
A. MU work for ~10 min
10 scap pull
2x5 strict pullups
1 kipping MU
3 strict MU
B. 8 min AMRAP
200m run
10 pushpress 115#
12 T2B
3 rounds, 6 reps (run + 5 reps)
C. 8 min AMRAP
300m row
25 wallball 20#
10 burpees to 25# plate
D. Pullup progression
strict pullups: 5,4,3,2,1
tried a strict MU and failed
Monday, November 9, 2015
2015-11-09 WOD
std warmup
CJ warmup w barbell
A. In 15 min, work to a heavy clean & jerk
warm: 3x95, 2x115, 2x135
main: 2x155, 2x175, 2x190 (both failed)
B. 8 min emom
2 CJ @ 70% ORM (that would have been 135, I chose to go a little higher, 145#
C. 3 rounds for time
60 DU
10 strict pullups
Time: 14:30 (I think - I didn't write time down. Was tripping on DU's a lot)
std warmup
CJ warmup w barbell
A. In 15 min, work to a heavy clean & jerk
warm: 3x95, 2x115, 2x135
main: 2x155, 2x175, 2x190 (both failed)
B. 8 min emom
2 CJ @ 70% ORM (that would have been 135, I chose to go a little higher, 145#
C. 3 rounds for time
60 DU
10 strict pullups
Time: 14:30 (I think - I didn't write time down. Was tripping on DU's a lot)
Sunday, November 8, 2015
2015-11-08 Sunday Run
A. Run 9.93km. 47:28. 4.47 pace.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
2015-11-07 WOD
Whew! Beefy Saturday workout!
Std warmup
Snatch warmup
3 rounds
12 cal row
Plank hold
A. 21-15-9
Calls on rower
Snatch (65# first set,75# , 95#)
Time: 15:50
B. for time
80 wallball
40 pullups
20 Power cleans 135#
10 MU
Time: 18:12
C. 1 Strict BarMU
Friday, November 6, 2015
2015-11-06 WOD
std warmup
5 pullups
200m run
2x5 kbs 53#
2x5 Deadlift 135#
250m row
A. November challenge: 2k row for time
7:45 (0:02 PR. I'll take it!)
B. 3 rounds for time:
400m run
30 KBS 53# (did all 3 sets unbroken)
10 DL #225 (Rx was 275. Broke these 4-3-3)
time: 12:41
I added:
C. 2 MU
std warmup
5 pullups
200m run
2x5 kbs 53#
2x5 Deadlift 135#
250m row
A. November challenge: 2k row for time
7:45 (0:02 PR. I'll take it!)
B. 3 rounds for time:
400m run
30 KBS 53# (did all 3 sets unbroken)
10 DL #225 (Rx was 275. Broke these 4-3-3)
time: 12:41
I added:
C. 2 MU
Thursday, November 5, 2015
2015-11-05 WOD
Active recovery day. Did a row and decided to work on my snatch, try deadlifting to see how my back feels, and some other stuff.
std warmup
A. 2k row, moderate pace
B. Work to a ORM snatch
5x45, 5x75, 3x95, 1x115, 1x125, 1x135(fail)
I was happy to get within 10# of my PR, given that my back injury a while back
C. 5x10 Deadlift #135
D. 3 rounds
10 GHD situps
1 MU
E. Banded back lever progression
std warmup
A. 2k row, moderate pace
B. Work to a ORM snatch
5x45, 5x75, 3x95, 1x115, 1x125, 1x135(fail)
I was happy to get within 10# of my PR, given that my back injury a while back
C. 5x10 Deadlift #135
D. 3 rounds
10 GHD situps
1 MU
E. Banded back lever progression
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
2015-11-04 WOD & Everyday Warrior WOD1
There's an online comp a bunch of us are doing called Everyday Warrior, which is a cancer treatment fundraiser. One workout a week for four weeks, so today we did the first of those
std warmup
CJ warmup
A. Everyday Warrior WOD 1: 15 min cap
- Max burpee-bar-jumps in 3 min
- In remaining 12 min, establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk
135, 165, 175, 185
then cleaned 195, but failed the jerk
went down to 190, cleaned it, but failed the jerk again
so, 185.
total score: 185+48=233
B. 10 min AMRAP. Ascending ladder of 2's (2,4,6,8...) of
30" Box Jumps
Completed the 10's, the 12 box jumps, and 6 of the 12 HSPU
2+4+6+8+10+12 = 42 box jumps
2+4+6+8+10+6 = 36 HSPU
I added:
C. One Arm Chinup progression
2x5 chinups
2x3/arm one arm chinup assisted (2 finger)
2x1/arm one arm chinup assisted (holding wrist)
std warmup
CJ warmup
A. Everyday Warrior WOD 1: 15 min cap
- Max burpee-bar-jumps in 3 min
- In remaining 12 min, establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk
135, 165, 175, 185
then cleaned 195, but failed the jerk
went down to 190, cleaned it, but failed the jerk again
so, 185.
total score: 185+48=233
B. 10 min AMRAP. Ascending ladder of 2's (2,4,6,8...) of
30" Box Jumps
Completed the 10's, the 12 box jumps, and 6 of the 12 HSPU
2+4+6+8+10+12 = 42 box jumps
2+4+6+8+10+6 = 36 HSPU
I added:
C. One Arm Chinup progression
2x5 chinups
2x3/arm one arm chinup assisted (2 finger)
2x1/arm one arm chinup assisted (holding wrist)
D. BarMUs
4 singles, working on reducing my 'chicken wing'
E. One legged squats
5 pistols/leg
5 shrimp squat/leg
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
2015-11-03 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 ball slams 20#
10 KBS 35#
A. Benchpress - wave load 321,321
warm: 10x45, 5x95, 5x115
main: 135x3, 155x2, 165x1, 145x3, 155x2, 165x1
B. 6x10 dips - superset with above
unbroken on all but last set
C. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
500m row
15 T2B
2 rope climbs (did 4 total: 2,1,1)
15 HSPU (did 30 total, 15, 10, 5)
hit 15 min cap
I added:
D. MU Work
2 strict MU attempts, both failed
std warmup
3 rounds
10 ball slams 20#
10 KBS 35#
A. Benchpress - wave load 321,321
warm: 10x45, 5x95, 5x115
main: 135x3, 155x2, 165x1, 145x3, 155x2, 165x1
B. 6x10 dips - superset with above
unbroken on all but last set
C. 3 rounds for time, 15 min cap
500m row
15 T2B
2 rope climbs (did 4 total: 2,1,1)
15 HSPU (did 30 total, 15, 10, 5)
hit 15 min cap
I added:
D. MU Work
2 strict MU attempts, both failed
Monday, November 2, 2015
2015-11-02 WOD
std warmup
thruster warmup
A. 5 rounds. 2 min/round, 4 min rest b/t
10 pullups
5x10m shuttle runs
95# Thrusters remainder of 2 min.
score is # thrusters/round
20, 18, 15, 15, 15
I added:
B. Round out to 100 thrusters (because, well, why not)
C. MU work
1 strict barmu
2 kipping MU
D. 3 HSHolds
~20s, for balance
std warmup
thruster warmup
A. 5 rounds. 2 min/round, 4 min rest b/t
10 pullups
5x10m shuttle runs
95# Thrusters remainder of 2 min.
score is # thrusters/round
20, 18, 15, 15, 15
I added:
B. Round out to 100 thrusters (because, well, why not)
C. MU work
1 strict barmu
2 kipping MU
D. 3 HSHolds
~20s, for balance
Sunday, November 1, 2015
2015-11-1 Sunday Run
A. 9.61km. 46:59. Pace of 4:53.
I'm ok with that pace given that it was a slightly hillier route than usual.
I'm ok with that pace given that it was a slightly hillier route than usual.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
2015-10-31 Halloween WOD
Partner wod, in costume, with pumpkin. Serious grind of a chipper!
std warmup
600m run
A. For time. Partner rests while other works.
600m run w pumpkin (each do one)
100 Goblet squats w pumpkin (~15lbs?) (5x10 each)
80 Burpee-pumpkin-jumps (4x10 each)
60 situps w pumpkin (2x15 each)
40 pullups (2x10 each)
20 HSPU (2x5 each)
400m run w pumpkin (each do one)
(forgot to write time down. About 50 min?)
std warmup
600m run
A. For time. Partner rests while other works.
600m run w pumpkin (each do one)
100 Goblet squats w pumpkin (~15lbs?) (5x10 each)
80 Burpee-pumpkin-jumps (4x10 each)
60 situps w pumpkin (2x15 each)
40 pullups (2x10 each)
20 HSPU (2x5 each)
400m run w pumpkin (each do one)
20 HSPU (2x5 each)
40 pullups (2x10 each)
60 situps w pumpkin (2x15 each)
80 Burpee-pumpkin-jumps (4x10 each)
100 Goblet squats w pumpkin (~15lbs?) (5x10 each)
400m run w pumpkin (together switch off as needed)
}40 pullups (2x10 each)
60 situps w pumpkin (2x15 each)
80 Burpee-pumpkin-jumps (4x10 each)
100 Goblet squats w pumpkin (~15lbs?) (5x10 each)
400m run w pumpkin (together switch off as needed)
(forgot to write time down. About 50 min?)
Friday, October 30, 2015
2015-10-30 WOD
std warmup
clean drills
A. October challenge - max time HS Hold
B. Pavel pullup progression:
strict: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
C. 10 min emom - 3 power cleans
3x45, 3x95, 3x115
main: 4 sets at 135, 4 sets at 155, 2 sets 165#
D. 8 min AMRAP
10 Push Press 100#
8 T2B
6 Box Jump 30"
4 rounds, 10 reps
I added:
E. MU work
2 kipping MU
2 failed strict MU attempts
std warmup
clean drills
A. October challenge - max time HS Hold
B. Pavel pullup progression:
strict: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
C. 10 min emom - 3 power cleans
3x45, 3x95, 3x115
main: 4 sets at 135, 4 sets at 155, 2 sets 165#
D. 8 min AMRAP
10 Push Press 100#
8 T2B
6 Box Jump 30"
4 rounds, 10 reps
I added:
E. MU work
2 kipping MU
2 failed strict MU attempts
Thursday, October 29, 2015
2015-10-29 WOD
Active recovery & skill work
std warmup
A. Row 1k
8 min (moderate pace. Should either go harder or do 2k or more at this pace)
B. CJ work
bergener warmup
5x95, 5x115, 3x135, 3x155,
2x175 clean, failed the jerk both times
C. MU work
5 pullups x 2 (strict)
1 Strict BarMU
1 Strict MU (and 2 failed)
D. 2x3 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
E. 4x HS Hold (30s)
2x2 HS Platewalk
F. 2x5 pistols
std warmup
A. Row 1k
8 min (moderate pace. Should either go harder or do 2k or more at this pace)
B. CJ work
bergener warmup
5x95, 5x115, 3x135, 3x155,
2x175 clean, failed the jerk both times
C. MU work
5 pullups x 2 (strict)
1 Strict BarMU
1 Strict MU (and 2 failed)
D. 2x3 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
E. 4x HS Hold (30s)
2x2 HS Platewalk
F. 2x5 pistols
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
2015-10-28 WOD
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Nancy: 5 rounds for time
400m run
15 OH Squats 75# (Rx is 95#)
time: 15:35
(PR from a year ago on this was 18min at 95#. Didn't want to Rx it given recent back injury)
B. Pavel pullup progression.
Strict pullups: 10,8,6,4,2
I added:
C. 3x10 GHD situps
D. MU Work
1 strict BarMU
1 strict MU (failed)
1 kipping MU
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Nancy: 5 rounds for time
400m run
15 OH Squats 75# (Rx is 95#)
time: 15:35
(PR from a year ago on this was 18min at 95#. Didn't want to Rx it given recent back injury)
B. Pavel pullup progression.
Strict pullups: 10,8,6,4,2
I added:
C. 3x10 GHD situps
D. MU Work
1 strict BarMU
1 strict MU (failed)
1 kipping MU
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
2015-10-27 WOD
std warmup
deadlift warmup (5x45, 5x135, 5x185)
A, B, C done with partner, one rests while other completes a round, then switch
A. 3 rounds each for time
10 Deadlift 205# (Rx was 225#)
10 KBS 70#
time: 4:31
3 min rest
B. 3 rounds each for time
20 wallball 20#
20 DU
time: 6:25
3 min rest
std warmup
deadlift warmup (5x45, 5x135, 5x185)
A, B, C done with partner, one rests while other completes a round, then switch
A. 3 rounds each for time
10 Deadlift 205# (Rx was 225#)
10 KBS 70#
time: 4:31
3 min rest
B. 3 rounds each for time
20 wallball 20#
20 DU
time: 6:25
3 min rest
C. 3 rounds each for time
15 T2B
15 pushups
time: 6:05
D. Pullup progressions
3x3 weighted pullups 20#, strict
I added:
E. 4 rounds, not for time
30s HSHold
4 pistols/leg
F. MU work
5 pullups
2 strict BarMU
1 strict MU
15 T2B
15 pushups
time: 6:05
D. Pullup progressions
3x3 weighted pullups 20#, strict
I added:
E. 4 rounds, not for time
30s HSHold
4 pistols/leg
F. MU work
5 pullups
2 strict BarMU
1 strict MU
Monday, October 26, 2015
2015-10-26 WOD
std warmup
40 wallball passes
400m run
press & thruster drills w PVC
Warm up press complex below, 45#, then 75#
A. 10 min emom
OH Press 95# (first 5 rounds, then 115# second 5 rounds)
Push Press
Push Jerk
B. 21-15-9
Thruster 95#
Burpee bar jump
time: 8:40
I added:
C. MU work
5 ring dip
5 strict pullup with pause at top
2 strict MU
std warmup
40 wallball passes
400m run
press & thruster drills w PVC
Warm up press complex below, 45#, then 75#
A. 10 min emom
OH Press 95# (first 5 rounds, then 115# second 5 rounds)
Push Press
Push Jerk
B. 21-15-9
Thruster 95#
Burpee bar jump
time: 8:40
I added:
C. MU work
5 ring dip
5 strict pullup with pause at top
2 strict MU
Sunday, October 25, 2015
2015-10-25 Sunday Run
Took last week off after injuring my back the previous monday. Still a little tender before warming up a bunch, but felt good enough to get some miles in.
A. Run 9.79km. 48:23. Pace of 4:57
A. Run 9.79km. 48:23. Pace of 4:57
Saturday, October 24, 2015
2015-10-24 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
3 pullups
3 pushups
5 air squats
snatch drills
A. For time:
5 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
15 Power Snatch (135# was Rx. I did 95#)
5 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
15 Power Clean & Jerk (135# was Rx. I did 95#)
std warmup
3 rounds
3 pullups
3 pushups
5 air squats
snatch drills
A. For time:
5 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
15 Power Snatch (135# was Rx. I did 95#)
5 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
15 Power Clean & Jerk (135# was Rx. I did 95#)
5 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
time: 22:30
B. 1x30 Front Squat @ 185, attempt to do in 1 set
I didn't want to go too hard because my back is still recovering.
1x16 @ 95#
1x14 @ 95#
I added
C. 2x53# 200m Farmer Carry
time: 22:30
B. 1x30 Front Squat @ 185, attempt to do in 1 set
I didn't want to go too hard because my back is still recovering.
1x16 @ 95#
1x14 @ 95#
I added
C. 2x53# 200m Farmer Carry
Friday, October 23, 2015
2015-10-23 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 v-ups
10 DB Snatches/side, 20#
A. Muscle-ups, 2-2-2 or 1-1-1 clusters, 10s between, 2 min between reps, 4 rounds
Not knowing we had this, I just did 30 MUs for time, so I wasn't quite up to doing 24 this morning.
B. 5 Rounds for time
10 Power Snatch 65# (Rx was 75#) - I went unbroken first round, then broke once on other rounds.
20 T2B
time: 14:30
I added
C. 4x5 GHD situps
std warmup
3 rounds
10 v-ups
10 DB Snatches/side, 20#
A. Muscle-ups, 2-2-2 or 1-1-1 clusters, 10s between, 2 min between reps, 4 rounds
Not knowing we had this, I just did 30 MUs for time, so I wasn't quite up to doing 24 this morning.
B. 5 Rounds for time
10 Power Snatch 65# (Rx was 75#) - I went unbroken first round, then broke once on other rounds.
20 T2B
time: 14:30
I added
C. 4x5 GHD situps
Thursday, October 22, 2015
2015-10-22 WOD
Active recovery day, but I decided to get a decent workout in and try to PR something.
std warmup
400m medball run
mobility work
A. 2 rounds, not for time
5 pistols/leg
5 pullups
B. 30 MU for time
14:39 (PR -2:26), despite 3 failed reps).
C. 2x front lever attempts
D. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
std warmup
400m medball run
mobility work
A. 2 rounds, not for time
5 pistols/leg
5 pullups
B. 30 MU for time
14:39 (PR -2:26), despite 3 failed reps).
C. 2x front lever attempts
D. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
2015-10-21 WOD
3 min Airdyne
3 min foam roll
3 rounds
10 plank leg pulls/leg
10 face pulls
10 cossack squats/leg
3/leg lateral jumps
clean & jerk drills
A. "Hammer" - 5 rounds for time, 90s rest b/t rounds
5 Power Cleans 115# (I scaled from 135#)
10 Front Squats 115# (same)
5 PushJerks 115# (same)
20 pullups
times: 2:10, 2:25, 3:30, 3:50, 3:20, plus 4x90s rest = 21:15 (45s PR, plus I did 2 less reps/round last time)
I added:
B. 5 rounds:
30-60s HSHold, working on balance off the wall
1 BarMU with slow negative descent
3 min Airdyne
3 min foam roll
3 rounds
10 plank leg pulls/leg
10 face pulls
10 cossack squats/leg
3/leg lateral jumps
clean & jerk drills
A. "Hammer" - 5 rounds for time, 90s rest b/t rounds
5 Power Cleans 115# (I scaled from 135#)
10 Front Squats 115# (same)
5 PushJerks 115# (same)
20 pullups
times: 2:10, 2:25, 3:30, 3:50, 3:20, plus 4x90s rest = 21:15 (45s PR, plus I did 2 less reps/round last time)
I added:
B. 5 rounds:
30-60s HSHold, working on balance off the wall
1 BarMU with slow negative descent
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
2015-10-20 WOD
std warmup
400m run
20 medball cleans 20#
A. 6x10 Deadlift @ 135#
(was supposed to be working up to a heavy triple, but I wanted to take it easy on my lower back)
B. 12 min EMOM
20 DU
3-5 HSPU (did 5,5,4,4, 8x3)
C. Pullup progression
max rep unbroken strict pullups: 13
then 6,6,4,2
I added:
D. MU work
2 strictMU
2 failed (0,1,1,0)
std warmup
400m run
20 medball cleans 20#
A. 6x10 Deadlift @ 135#
(was supposed to be working up to a heavy triple, but I wanted to take it easy on my lower back)
B. 12 min EMOM
20 DU
3-5 HSPU (did 5,5,4,4, 8x3)
C. Pullup progression
max rep unbroken strict pullups: 13
then 6,6,4,2
I added:
D. MU work
2 strictMU
2 failed (0,1,1,0)
Monday, October 19, 2015
2015-10-19 WOD
1 week post-injury. Still pretty sore upon waking up, but after about an hour moving around, it seems to loosen up.
short limber up then did A below
A. 3 rounds crossfit warmup
15 second OH lunge w PVC overhead (per side)
15 OH Squats w PVC
10 situps
10 supermans
10 pullups (strict)
10 pushups
B. 5 rounds for time
15 KBS 53# (Rx was 70#, but I didn't want to push the lower back too hard)
12 pullups
9 box jump 30"
time 11:20
I added:
C. MU work
1 kipping MU
2 strict MU
1 strict BarMU
short limber up then did A below
A. 3 rounds crossfit warmup
15 second OH lunge w PVC overhead (per side)
15 OH Squats w PVC
10 situps
10 supermans
10 pullups (strict)
10 pushups
B. 5 rounds for time
15 KBS 53# (Rx was 70#, but I didn't want to push the lower back too hard)
12 pullups
9 box jump 30"
time 11:20
I added:
C. MU work
1 kipping MU
2 strict MU
1 strict BarMU
Saturday, October 17, 2015
2015-10-17 WOD
Took it easy, didn't want to push too hard on anything
regular warmup
800m run (~50% effort)
~3 min Airdyne
A. Tabata back squat 45#
8 reps * 8 sets = 64 reps
one min rest
B. Tabata OH Press 45#
6 reps * 8 sets = 48 reps
C. Tabata front squat 45#
8 reps * 8 sets = 64 reps
regular warmup
800m run (~50% effort)
~3 min Airdyne
A. Tabata back squat 45#
8 reps * 8 sets = 64 reps
one min rest
B. Tabata OH Press 45#
6 reps * 8 sets = 48 reps
one min rest
8 reps * 8 sets = 64 reps
one min rest
D. Tabata Pushpress 45#
7 reps * 8 sets = 56 reps
7 reps * 8 sets = 56 reps
one min rest
E. Tabata OH Squat 45#
Did 2 sets of 3 reps, then switched to front squats, 7 reps x 6 sets = 54 reps
I added
F. MU Work
5 scap retractions
2x5 pullups (strict, slow)
2x strict BarMU
2x strict MU
Thursday, October 15, 2015
2015-10-15 WOD
After injuring my back monday, I took a couple days off. It's still pretty tweaky, so I came in and took it pretty slow today, focusing on stuff that didn't put any strain on it.
std warmup (skipping some items, like side planks)
2 min airdyne
A. Benchpress pyramid
8x95, 5x115, 5x135
6x135, 10x115, 21x95
B. Pullup/MU work
2x5 strict pullup
1 strict barMU
several failed strict ring MU
1 kipping MU
1x5 ring dips
C. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
2x5 chinups
3x2 one arm chinup (assisted)
std warmup (skipping some items, like side planks)
2 min airdyne
A. Benchpress pyramid
8x95, 5x115, 5x135
6x135, 10x115, 21x95
B. Pullup/MU work
2x5 strict pullup
1 strict barMU
several failed strict ring MU
1 kipping MU
1x5 ring dips
C. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
2x5 chinups
3x2 one arm chinup (assisted)
Monday, October 12, 2015
2015-10-12 WOD
Dang it! not a good day today. First day of PR week on this strength cycle, and I hurt my back. Came in late (had to pack for travel later in the morning, etc), didn't warm up enough, Dumb.
A. Work to a heavy ORM Back Squat
10x45, 8x95, 5x135, 3x185, 1x215, 1x245
1x 255, 1x285 FAIL.
B. 500m recovery row. slow.
A. Work to a heavy ORM Back Squat
10x45, 8x95, 5x135, 3x185, 1x215, 1x245
1x 255, 1x285 FAIL.
B. 500m recovery row. slow.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
2015-10-11 Sunday Run
A. Run 17.5 km, 1:34:10, pace of 5:23.
That's not far off my half-marathon pace of 5:20 back in December. That'll do for today.
That's not far off my half-marathon pace of 5:20 back in December. That'll do for today.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
2015-10-10 WOD
Doozy of a saturday wod today
A. 30 reps Bear complex. Aim for unbroken. Penalty
(below) any time you break. 25 min cap
B. 4 rounds for time, 15 min cap:
3x1min row, 1 min rest
200m run
Bear complex drills
Squat Clean 95# (115#
was Rx)
Push Jerk, lower behind neck
Back Squat
Push Jerk
Time: 22:30. Did it in 4 sets (12, 7, 5, 6)
Note: Doing the first 20 or so as thrusters was a mistake. squat clean, followed by a push jerk, was way easier. learned this late in the workout though.
Penalty (done 3 times in the above time)
3 burpees
6 T2B
9 wallball 20#
Rest 2 min (till 25 min mark), then
B. 4 rounds for time, 15 min cap:
20 situps
10 HSPU (10 UB first set)
5 deadlift 275 (Rx was 315)
Time: 12:30
Friday, October 9, 2015
2015-10-09 WOD
std warmup
40 wallball passes
200m run
A. 12 min amrap, go at 80%
15 box jump 20"
12 strict pullups
10 KBS 53#
4 rounds + 23 (15 box jumps + 8 pullups)
B. 3x 15-20 pushups. Focus on form. 1-2 min b/t
20, 15, 15
C. Skill work.
4 rounds
5 pistols/leg
1 HS Platewalk
2 strict MU
1 strict BarMU
std warmup
40 wallball passes
200m run
A. 12 min amrap, go at 80%
15 box jump 20"
12 strict pullups
10 KBS 53#
4 rounds + 23 (15 box jumps + 8 pullups)
B. 3x 15-20 pushups. Focus on form. 1-2 min b/t
20, 15, 15
C. Skill work.
4 rounds
5 pistols/leg
1 HS Platewalk
2 strict MU
1 strict BarMU
Thursday, October 8, 2015
2015-10-08 WOD
Active recovery day. Figured I'd work on some skills & cleans
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175
1x185 (tied my PR), 1x200 (failed), 1x190 (cleaned, but failed the jerk)
C. Front Lever practice
10 shoulder retractions
2x 5 strict pullups
3x2 front lever pull
D. MU practice
1 MU
2 strict MU
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175
1x185 (tied my PR), 1x200 (failed), 1x190 (cleaned, but failed the jerk)
C. Front Lever practice
10 shoulder retractions
2x 5 strict pullups
3x2 front lever pull
D. MU practice
1 MU
2 strict MU
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
2015-10-07 WOD
std warmup
3x5 wall walks
3 rounds
5 pullups
10 KBS 36#
A. 3 rounds for time
400m run
15 OH Squats 95# (I scaled to 65#, but managed first 2 sets unbroken)
time: 8:12
rest 3 min
B. 3 rounds for time
20 KBS 53#
10 pullups
time: 6:23
rest 3 min
C. 60 Wallball 20# for time
time: 4:45
I added:
D. Back Squat 3x3
warm: 5x45, 4x135,
main: 3x165, 3x185
E. MU Practice
1x MU
2x Strict MU (plus one missed rep)
std warmup
3x5 wall walks
3 rounds
5 pullups
10 KBS 36#
A. 3 rounds for time
400m run
15 OH Squats 95# (I scaled to 65#, but managed first 2 sets unbroken)
time: 8:12
rest 3 min
B. 3 rounds for time
20 KBS 53#
10 pullups
time: 6:23
rest 3 min
C. 60 Wallball 20# for time
time: 4:45
I added:
D. Back Squat 3x3
warm: 5x45, 4x135,
main: 3x165, 3x185
E. MU Practice
1x MU
2x Strict MU (plus one missed rep)
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
2015-10-06 WOD
std warmup
CJ drills
2 CJ @ 95#
2 CJ @ 135#
A. EMOM 10
2 Full Clean & Jerk
(7x135, 2x145, 1x155)
B. 5 round for time:
12 box jump 24"
20 T2B
time: 11:35
I added:
C. weighted dips
5xbw, 5x26, 5x35
3x53, 2x79, 1x88, 1x106(failed)
D. HS Platewalk
5x2 steps each
E. OneArmChinup progression
5 chinups
3x3 2 finger assist
F. BarMU practice
5 pullups
3 C2Bar pullups
1 Strict BarMU
std warmup
CJ drills
2 CJ @ 95#
2 CJ @ 135#
A. EMOM 10
2 Full Clean & Jerk
(7x135, 2x145, 1x155)
B. 5 round for time:
12 box jump 24"
20 T2B
time: 11:35
I added:
C. weighted dips
5xbw, 5x26, 5x35
3x53, 2x79, 1x88, 1x106(failed)
D. HS Platewalk
5x2 steps each
E. OneArmChinup progression
5 chinups
3x3 2 finger assist
F. BarMU practice
5 pullups
3 C2Bar pullups
1 Strict BarMU
Monday, October 5, 2015
2015-10-05 WOD
Deload week, so we'll be doing a lot of lighter weight and metcon-type stuff.
std warmup
200m OH Plate walk 25#
8 partner over-unders
A. 3000 m row with partner
500m each x 3
while partner works, do wall squats
B. 2Mile run with partner
400m each x 4
while partner runs, do DUs (50,60,50,50)
C. Mobility work (foam roll, etc)
I added:
D. MU practice. 2 rounds
1 BarMU
1 Strict BarMU
1 MU
1 Strict MU
std warmup
200m OH Plate walk 25#
8 partner over-unders
A. 3000 m row with partner
500m each x 3
while partner works, do wall squats
B. 2Mile run with partner
400m each x 4
while partner runs, do DUs (50,60,50,50)
C. Mobility work (foam roll, etc)
I added:
D. MU practice. 2 rounds
1 BarMU
1 Strict BarMU
1 MU
1 Strict MU
Sunday, October 4, 2015
2015-10-04 Sunday Run
A. Run 12.94km, 1:07:13, 5:12 min/km pace
Saturday, October 3, 2015
2015-10-03 WOD
Std warmup
400m medball run 14#
Clean drills
Partner work out. Split the below more ores
A. 12 min AMRAP
Buy-in: 50 Power Clean 135# (25 each, 5/round~3 min)
10 Push Jerk 135# (5 each)
10 Burpee bar jump (5 each)
Total reps: 6 rounds + 8 reps
5 min rest
B. 12 min AMRAP
Buy-in: 100 wallball 20# (50 each, 10/round~3 min)
10 T2B (5 each)
10 HSPU (5 each)
Total reps: 7 rounds + 13 reps
5 min rest
C. 12 min AMRAP
4 deadlift 275# (2 each/round – Rx was 315)
8 MU ( I did 4 first round, 5 second round, while partner
made attempts)
2 rounds
Friday, October 2, 2015
2015-10-02 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 one-legged KB deadlifts 53#
10 v-ups
A. 3x2 Deadlift at 90%
warm: 8x135, 6x185, 5x225, 3x275, 2x315
main: 2x345, 1x345, 1x345 (didn't try second rep on both those sets)
B. (superset w warmup deadlifts above) 3x10 GHD Back Extensions
C. 30s on, 90 second rest, 9 sets total:
3 rounds:
30s row cals
90s rest
30s 20" box jump
90s rest
30s burpees
90s rest
round 1: 13 cal, 16 box jump, 14 burpees = 43
round 2: 13 cal, 16 box jump, 15 burpees = 44
round 1: 13 cal, 18 box jump, 15 burpees = 46
D. One Arm Chinup progression
std warmup
3 rounds
10 one-legged KB deadlifts 53#
10 v-ups
A. 3x2 Deadlift at 90%
warm: 8x135, 6x185, 5x225, 3x275, 2x315
main: 2x345, 1x345, 1x345 (didn't try second rep on both those sets)
B. (superset w warmup deadlifts above) 3x10 GHD Back Extensions
C. 30s on, 90 second rest, 9 sets total:
3 rounds:
30s row cals
90s rest
30s 20" box jump
90s rest
30s burpees
90s rest
round 1: 13 cal, 16 box jump, 14 burpees = 43
round 2: 13 cal, 16 box jump, 15 burpees = 44
round 1: 13 cal, 18 box jump, 15 burpees = 46
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup progression
5 pullup
5 C2B pullup (strict)
5 chinup
3x1/arm One Arm Chinup Progression (one finger assist)
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Q4 yearly goals check
3 months left in the year. knocked out another of my goals for the year, so here's where I stand:
1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - One down, two to go.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. DONE
1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - One down, two to go.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. DONE
2015-10-01 WOD
Active recovery day.
std warmup
50 wallball passes
A. 2K row, moderate pace
B. MU work
5 pullups
5 C2B pullups
2 BarMU
3 Strict BarMU
3 MU
5 MU unbroken (PR! and one of my goals for the year)
C. Benchpress
warm: 8x45, 8x95, 8x115
main: 5x135, 5x155
std warmup
50 wallball passes
A. 2K row, moderate pace
B. MU work
5 pullups
5 C2B pullups
2 BarMU
3 Strict BarMU
3 MU
5 MU unbroken (PR! and one of my goals for the year)
C. Benchpress
warm: 8x45, 8x95, 8x115
main: 5x135, 5x155
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
2015-09-30 WOD
std warmup
200m plate walk (25#)
A. 3x3 back squat @ 90%
warm: 5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 3x225,
main: 3x3 @ 245 (91% of my max, or 86% of my goal of 285)
B. Work to a heavy triple Front squat
135x3, 185x3, 205x3 215x1 (failed second rep)
C. 12 min amrap
100m run
10 weighted box jump 20#db x2, 20"
10 C2B pullups
4 rounds + 1 run (45 reps)
I added:
D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 min HSHold
5 pistols/leg
1 Strict MU (2 successful, one missed)
std warmup
200m plate walk (25#)
A. 3x3 back squat @ 90%
warm: 5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 3x225,
main: 3x3 @ 245 (91% of my max, or 86% of my goal of 285)
B. Work to a heavy triple Front squat
135x3, 185x3, 205x3 215x1 (failed second rep)
C. 12 min amrap
100m run
10 weighted box jump 20#db x2, 20"
10 C2B pullups
4 rounds + 1 run (45 reps)
I added:
D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 min HSHold
5 pistols/leg
1 Strict MU (2 successful, one missed)
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
2015-09-29 WOD
std warmup
3x 1 min airdyne
OH press warmup
A. Work to a heavy 3x3 OH Press
warm: 5x45, 5x75
main: 5x95, 3x105, 3x115, 3x115, 3x115
B. 3x8 seated DBPress
8, 8, 6 @ 2x35#
C. 3 rounds for time, at 80%
12 T2B
1-2 legless rope climb 15'
40 DU
} time: ~7:30
I did only 1 legless rope climb per round, 2 of them to 10', 1 to 15', but that was a PR for me. Not so long ago I couldn't do one at all
I added:
D. 3x10 GHD situps
E. 1-2-3-2-1 of
strict HSPU
strict MU (only managed 2 of these, and the rest were kipping, plus 3 failed reps. so 2 strict, 4 kipping)
std warmup
3x 1 min airdyne
OH press warmup
A. Work to a heavy 3x3 OH Press
warm: 5x45, 5x75
main: 5x95, 3x105, 3x115, 3x115, 3x115
B. 3x8 seated DBPress
8, 8, 6 @ 2x35#
C. 3 rounds for time, at 80%
12 T2B
1-2 legless rope climb 15'
40 DU
} time: ~7:30
I did only 1 legless rope climb per round, 2 of them to 10', 1 to 15', but that was a PR for me. Not so long ago I couldn't do one at all
I added:
D. 3x10 GHD situps
E. 1-2-3-2-1 of
strict HSPU
strict MU (only managed 2 of these, and the rest were kipping, plus 3 failed reps. so 2 strict, 4 kipping)
Monday, September 28, 2015
2015-09-28 WOD
std warmup (though I was late for it)
20 wallball passes
medball cleans
200m run
A. For time:
250m row
30 Squat Cleans 95#
250m row
30 Squat Cleans 95#
C. HS Plate walks
std warmup (though I was late for it)
20 wallball passes
medball cleans
200m run
A. For time:
250m row
30 Squat Cleans 95#
250m row
30 Squat Cleans 95#
Time: 11:08
B. Work to a heavy triple deadlift
warm: 135x5, 185x5, 225x4
main: 275x3, 315x3, 345x1
I added:
C. HS Plate walks
5, each of 1 cycle
D. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
3x3, 2 finger assist
E. MU Work
1 kipping bar mu
3 strict bar mu
2 kipping mu
failed strict mu
2015-09-27 Sunday run & hike
A. 10k run - 46:28 - 4:39 pace - only 1:04 off my PR, which was back before I injured my calf in July.
B. Later the same day, did a 3 mile hike with the cub scouts
B. Later the same day, did a 3 mile hike with the cub scouts
Saturday, September 26, 2015
2015-09-26 WOD
std warmup
clean drills
squat warmup
200m run
A. 8 min AMRAP
50 DU
15 Front Squat 115#
7 Burpee bar jump
2 rounds + 58 reps
6 min rest
B. 8 min AMRAP
25 Wallball 20#
15 pullups
10 ring dips
2 rounds 10 reps
C. 8 min AMRAP, working w partner
30 S2O (push jerk for most of it) 95#
20 Power Clean 95#
10 box jump 24"
3 rounds, evenly splitting work.
I added
D. MU work
2 C2B pullups
2 kipping MU
std warmup
clean drills
squat warmup
200m run
A. 8 min AMRAP
50 DU
15 Front Squat 115#
7 Burpee bar jump
2 rounds + 58 reps
6 min rest
B. 8 min AMRAP
25 Wallball 20#
15 pullups
10 ring dips
2 rounds 10 reps
C. 8 min AMRAP, working w partner
30 S2O (push jerk for most of it) 95#
20 Power Clean 95#
10 box jump 24"
3 rounds, evenly splitting work.
I added
D. MU work
2 C2B pullups
2 kipping MU
2 Strict MU
2 Strict BarMU
Friday, September 25, 2015
2015-09-25 Travel Workout
Quick workout beside the pool today
A: 10 rounds, not for time, but at a good clip
20 Air squats
10 pushups
5 strict pullups
A: 10 rounds, not for time, but at a good clip
20 Air squats
10 pushups
5 strict pullups
2015-09-24 Travel workout
In LA for an event.
A. 5k run: 5.25km - 29:51 - 5.41 (lots of traffic lights and hills)
B. 50 pushups (20-15-10-5)
A. 5k run: 5.25km - 29:51 - 5.41 (lots of traffic lights and hills)
B. 50 pushups (20-15-10-5)
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
2015-09-23 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
5 single-leg KBS deadlift 36#
10 v-ups
A. Deadlift 3x3 @ 80-90%
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x4, 315x3
main: 345x2 (failed 3rd rep), 345x1 (failed 2nd rep), 315x2
345 was 93% of my max, and thus too heavy. However, its also 85% of my goal, so needed to push myself
B. (superset w A) 3x8 GHD Back Extensions
C. metcon - 3 rounds for time
200m run
25 pullup
15 box jumps 24"
time: 11:07
std warmup
3 rounds
5 single-leg KBS deadlift 36#
10 v-ups
A. Deadlift 3x3 @ 80-90%
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x4, 315x3
main: 345x2 (failed 3rd rep), 345x1 (failed 2nd rep), 315x2
345 was 93% of my max, and thus too heavy. However, its also 85% of my goal, so needed to push myself
B. (superset w A) 3x8 GHD Back Extensions
C. metcon - 3 rounds for time
200m run
25 pullup
15 box jumps 24"
time: 11:07
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
2015-09-22 WOD
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
1 rope climb
40 DU (did them all unbroken)
12 T2B
B. 3x3 OH Press - 80-85% ORM
warm: 5x45, 5x75, 5x95
main: 1x115 (failed second rep), 3x105, 3x105 (115 is 85% of my target, or 89% of my max; 105 is 78% and 81% respectively).
C. 3x5 seated DB Press
5x30#, 5x35#, 5x35#
D. Metcon - 30-20-10 for time
PushJerk 95# (Rx was 115#)
Airdyne (cal)
time: 12:05
I added:
E. 2x10 GHD Situps
F. 5x HSPlatewalks (just 1-2 reps each)
G. MU work
1 BarMU (+1 failed)
1 MU
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
1 rope climb
40 DU (did them all unbroken)
12 T2B
B. 3x3 OH Press - 80-85% ORM
warm: 5x45, 5x75, 5x95
main: 1x115 (failed second rep), 3x105, 3x105 (115 is 85% of my target, or 89% of my max; 105 is 78% and 81% respectively).
C. 3x5 seated DB Press
5x30#, 5x35#, 5x35#
D. Metcon - 30-20-10 for time
PushJerk 95# (Rx was 115#)
Airdyne (cal)
time: 12:05
I added:
E. 2x10 GHD Situps
F. 5x HSPlatewalks (just 1-2 reps each)
G. MU work
1 BarMU (+1 failed)
1 MU
Monday, September 21, 2015
2015-09-21 WOD
std warmup
200m run
10 air squats
10 burpees
A. Back Squat 3x3 85-90%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 3x225, 3x225, 3x235
(Really should have planned ahead. ORM is currently 270, so 225 is 83%, and 235 is 87%. But if I want to be shooting for 300#, then I should have been doing at least 240# here.
B. Front Squat - work up to a heavy triple
main: 3x135, 3x155, 3x185, 3x205
C. 10 min emom
3 CJ, Moderate weight.
I did 8 sets at 135#, then went to #155 for the last 2 sets
D. 5 min AMRAP
burpee box jumps 24"
Did 10 reps first two minutes, then 8 reps next 3 minutes = 44 reps
I added:
E. MU work
2 x 5 strict pullups (2 pullups into 3 C2B)
2x3 ring pullups
1 Strict BarMU, followed by 1 failed
2 Strict MU
std warmup
200m run
10 air squats
10 burpees
A. Back Squat 3x3 85-90%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 3x225, 3x225, 3x235
(Really should have planned ahead. ORM is currently 270, so 225 is 83%, and 235 is 87%. But if I want to be shooting for 300#, then I should have been doing at least 240# here.
B. Front Squat - work up to a heavy triple
main: 3x135, 3x155, 3x185, 3x205
C. 10 min emom
3 CJ, Moderate weight.
I did 8 sets at 135#, then went to #155 for the last 2 sets
D. 5 min AMRAP
burpee box jumps 24"
Did 10 reps first two minutes, then 8 reps next 3 minutes = 44 reps
I added:
E. MU work
2 x 5 strict pullups (2 pullups into 3 C2B)
2x3 ring pullups
1 Strict BarMU, followed by 1 failed
2 Strict MU
Sunday, September 20, 2015
2015-09-20 Sunday Run
A, 10.1 km run - 48:53 - 4:50 pace
Saturday, September 19, 2015
2015-09-19 WOD
std warmup
200m run
clean drills
A. for time
30 wallball 20#
3 rope climbs 15' (Rx was 4)
25 wallball 20#
2 rope climbs 15' (Rx was 3)
std warmup
200m run
clean drills
A. for time
30 wallball 20#
3 rope climbs 15' (Rx was 4)
25 wallball 20#
2 rope climbs 15' (Rx was 3)
20 wallball 20#
1 rope climb 15' (Rx was 2)
1 rope climb 15' (Rx was 2)
15 wallball 20#
1 rope climb 15'
1 rope climb 15'
time: 10:30
6m rest
B. 4 rounds for time
400m run
1 Hang Squat Clean 135#
1 Power Clean
1 Push Press
1 Hang Squat Clean 135#
1 Power Clean
1 Split Jerk
time: 8:30
6m rest
C. 2 rounds for time
21 KBS 70#
15 C2B Pullup
9 deadlift 225# (Rx was 275)
time: 9 min
Friday, September 18, 2015
2015-09-18 WOD
std warmup
200m run
5 KBS 35#
5 pullups
A. 3 rounds, not for time
10 wall squats
5 wall walks
15 box jumps 24"
B. 21-15-9
KBS 53#
time: 5:30
C. 15-12-9-6-3
Power Clean 95#
time: 6:02
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
E. 3x10 GHD situps
std warmup
200m run
5 KBS 35#
5 pullups
A. 3 rounds, not for time
10 wall squats
5 wall walks
15 box jumps 24"
B. 21-15-9
KBS 53#
time: 5:30
C. 15-12-9-6-3
Power Clean 95#
time: 6:02
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
E. 3x10 GHD situps
Thursday, September 17, 2015
2015-09-17 WOD
Tuesday makeup
std warmup
300m row
A. 4 rounds for time:
400m run
15 rep benchpress 135# (I scaled to 115#)
time: 13:40
I added:
B. HS Work
6x HS Platewalk
C. MU Work
5 pullups
2 strict MU
2 kipping MU
std warmup
300m row
A. 4 rounds for time:
400m run
15 rep benchpress 135# (I scaled to 115#)
time: 13:40
I added:
B. HS Work
6x HS Platewalk
C. MU Work
5 pullups
2 strict MU
2 kipping MU
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
2015-09-16 WOD
std warmup
20 wallball passes (squat toss)
200m run
A. Back Squat EMOM w partner (1 set every 2 min), 5 reps
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 5x185, 5x195, 5x195, 5x205
B. Front Squat EMOM w partner (1 set every 2 min), 5 reps
warm: 5x135
main: 5x135, 5x155, 5x155, 5x165, 5x175
C. 3 rounds, not for time
10m OH Lunge (95# first 2 sets, 115# 3rd set)
10 box jumps 30"
I added:
D. BarMU work
- 5 strict pullups
- 5 strict C2B pullups
- 3 belly-to-bar pullups
- 2 Strict BarMU (plus a 3rd failed rep)
std warmup
20 wallball passes (squat toss)
200m run
A. Back Squat EMOM w partner (1 set every 2 min), 5 reps
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 5x185, 5x195, 5x195, 5x205
B. Front Squat EMOM w partner (1 set every 2 min), 5 reps
warm: 5x135
main: 5x135, 5x155, 5x155, 5x165, 5x175
C. 3 rounds, not for time
10m OH Lunge (95# first 2 sets, 115# 3rd set)
10 box jumps 30"
I added:
D. BarMU work
- 5 strict pullups
- 5 strict C2B pullups
- 3 belly-to-bar pullups
- 2 Strict BarMU (plus a 3rd failed rep)
Monday, September 14, 2015
2015-09-14 WOD
std warmup
200m run
A. 3 rounds, 70-80% effort
10 strict pullups (1st set unbroken)
15 Russian KBS 53#
20 v-ups
B. Deadlift, wave progression 2x 5-3-1
warm: 5x135, 5x185, 5x225
275x5, 295x3, 315x1
295x5, 315x3, 335x1
C. 6 min EMOM
2-5 StrictMU, or best you can do
I did strict 1st 2 rounds, then failed a rep, did kipping next 4 rounds
1 strict BarMU for fun
std warmup
200m run
A. 3 rounds, 70-80% effort
10 strict pullups (1st set unbroken)
15 Russian KBS 53#
20 v-ups
B. Deadlift, wave progression 2x 5-3-1
warm: 5x135, 5x185, 5x225
275x5, 295x3, 315x1
295x5, 315x3, 335x1
C. 6 min EMOM
2-5 StrictMU, or best you can do
I did strict 1st 2 rounds, then failed a rep, did kipping next 4 rounds
1 strict BarMU for fun
Sunday, September 13, 2015
2015-09-13 Sunday Run
Good run down at a local park that has a trail and some pullup bars
A. 5k run. 5.01km, 23:29, 4:41 pace.
(actually more like 4:38, since I waited about 20 sec to get started)
Happy with this, fastest pace I've held for anything longer than a mile, since mid-July.
B. Some park work
5 scap retractions
5 strict pullups
5 dips
5 strict C2B pullups
1 kipping BarMU
2 Strict BarMU - woo! ugly as heck, but I'll take it! PR!
A. 5k run. 5.01km, 23:29, 4:41 pace.
(actually more like 4:38, since I waited about 20 sec to get started)
Happy with this, fastest pace I've held for anything longer than a mile, since mid-July.
B. Some park work
5 scap retractions
5 strict pullups
5 dips
5 strict C2B pullups
1 kipping BarMU
2 Strict BarMU - woo! ugly as heck, but I'll take it! PR!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
2015-09-12 WOD
std warmup
A. Crossfit warmup (added to above)
3 rounds
10s samson stretch/leg
10 PVC OHSquat
10 situps
10 supermans
10 pullups
10 ring dips
B. "Helen". 3 Rounds for time of
400m run
21 KBS 53#
12 pullups
time: 10:20 (PR of 1:09)
C. partner wod, split work evenly
2k row (4 rounds of 250m each)
200 DU (1 did one set of 50 unbroken, then second 50 I tripped up a couple times)
100 wallball (5 sets of 10 each)
50 burpess (10,10,5 each)
I added:
D. MU Work
2 strict MU
std warmup
A. Crossfit warmup (added to above)
3 rounds
10s samson stretch/leg
10 PVC OHSquat
10 situps
10 supermans
10 pullups
10 ring dips
B. "Helen". 3 Rounds for time of
400m run
21 KBS 53#
12 pullups
time: 10:20 (PR of 1:09)
C. partner wod, split work evenly
2k row (4 rounds of 250m each)
200 DU (1 did one set of 50 unbroken, then second 50 I tripped up a couple times)
100 wallball (5 sets of 10 each)
50 burpess (10,10,5 each)
I added:
D. MU Work
2 strict MU
Friday, September 11, 2015
2015-09-11 WOD
std warmup
400m medball run (w partner)
A. BackSquat 5x5, go up from last week
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x5
main: 185x5, 205x5x4
B. Work to a heavy triple Front Squat
warm: 45x5, 3x95, 3x135
main: 3x155, 3x185, 3x205
C. Metcon. 4 rounds, each for time, all-out sprint, 3 min rest b/t
100m run
5 Power Cleans 135# (subbed this for 115# power snatch)
5 burpee-bar-jumps
times: 1:00, 1:00, 0:57, 0:57
I added
D. Ladder 1-2-3-2-1 (scaled version of one of the comp wods)
Strict MU
Strict HSPU
took me about 15 min, but pretty chuffed to get 9 strict MUs in a wod
std warmup
400m medball run (w partner)
A. BackSquat 5x5, go up from last week
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x5
main: 185x5, 205x5x4
B. Work to a heavy triple Front Squat
warm: 45x5, 3x95, 3x135
main: 3x155, 3x185, 3x205
C. Metcon. 4 rounds, each for time, all-out sprint, 3 min rest b/t
100m run
5 Power Cleans 135# (subbed this for 115# power snatch)
5 burpee-bar-jumps
times: 1:00, 1:00, 0:57, 0:57
I added
D. Ladder 1-2-3-2-1 (scaled version of one of the comp wods)
Strict MU
Strict HSPU
took me about 15 min, but pretty chuffed to get 9 strict MUs in a wod
Thursday, September 10, 2015
2015-09-10 WOD
Active recovery day
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. One Arm Chinup progression
5 pullups
5 chinups
3x3 One Arm Chinup - assisted
C. HS Plate Walks
5 x 2 steps each
D. Pistols
5 pistols/leg
5 Shrimp squats/leg
5 pistols/leg
E. MU work
1 kipping MU
4 strict MU
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. One Arm Chinup progression
5 pullups
5 chinups
3x3 One Arm Chinup - assisted
C. HS Plate Walks
5 x 2 steps each
D. Pistols
5 pistols/leg
5 Shrimp squats/leg
5 pistols/leg
E. MU work
1 kipping MU
4 strict MU
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
2015-09-09 WOD
std warmup
200m run
press/jerk drills
A. 10 min emom
OH Press
rounds 1-7: 95#
rounds 8,9: 105#
round 10: 115#
B. 3x8 Seated DBpress
C. 15 min AMRAP
200m run
10 burpees
5 C2B pullups (Rx+ was Muscle-ups, so I did those)
4 rounds + 1 run, Rx+
1st round: 2 strict MU, 3 kipping; 2nd round 1 strict, 4 kipping
I added:
D. 3x10 GHD Situps
std warmup
200m run
press/jerk drills
A. 10 min emom
OH Press
rounds 1-7: 95#
rounds 8,9: 105#
round 10: 115#
B. 3x8 Seated DBpress
C. 15 min AMRAP
200m run
10 burpees
5 C2B pullups (Rx+ was Muscle-ups, so I did those)
4 rounds + 1 run, Rx+
1st round: 2 strict MU, 3 kipping; 2nd round 1 strict, 4 kipping
I added:
D. 3x10 GHD Situps
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
2015-09-08 WOD
std warmup
deadlift practice
A. Deadlift - 5x5, add ~10# from last week
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5
main: 5x5 @ 245# (65% of my max, or 60% of my target goal)
B. Work to a heavy Front Squat triple
warm: 45x5, 95x5,
main: 135x3, 155#3, 185x3
C. Metcon. 4 rounds, each for time, 1 min rest b/t
300m row
15 KBS 70#
5 Box Jump 30"
times: 2:05, 2:08, 2:15, 2:15
I added:
D. MU work
1 kipping MU
5 strict MU, not unbroken, but back to back w no failed reps. Pretty pleased w that.
std warmup
deadlift practice
A. Deadlift - 5x5, add ~10# from last week
warm: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5
main: 5x5 @ 245# (65% of my max, or 60% of my target goal)
B. Work to a heavy Front Squat triple
warm: 45x5, 95x5,
main: 135x3, 155#3, 185x3
C. Metcon. 4 rounds, each for time, 1 min rest b/t
300m row
15 KBS 70#
5 Box Jump 30"
times: 2:05, 2:08, 2:15, 2:15
I added:
D. MU work
1 kipping MU
5 strict MU, not unbroken, but back to back w no failed reps. Pretty pleased w that.
Monday, September 7, 2015
2015-09-07 WOD
Labor day wod... involved a lot of labor!
std warmup
400m run
5 pullups
5 burpees
5 wallball
3 part workout, all parts with a partner, one works while one rests.
A. 5 rounds for time, 18 minute cap, Got it done just under the time cap (had to start the last round before my partner finished)
5 burpees
10 pullups
20 wallball 20#
rest 5 min
2 thrusters 95# (second round 4, then 6, then 8...)
2 ring dips (same scheme as above)
20 DUs (I did all of these unbroken)
Got through the 12s, (so 42 reps), and partner got into the 14s)
rest 5 min
C. 5 rounds of "DT" scaled as needed (Rx is #155), and done as partner wod, each partner does 5 rounds
12 Deadlift 115#
9 Hang power clean
6 Push Jerk
18 minutes, and I just went over the cap to finish
std warmup
400m run
5 pullups
5 burpees
5 wallball
3 part workout, all parts with a partner, one works while one rests.
A. 5 rounds for time, 18 minute cap, Got it done just under the time cap (had to start the last round before my partner finished)
5 burpees
10 pullups
20 wallball 20#
rest 5 min
2 thrusters 95# (second round 4, then 6, then 8...)
2 ring dips (same scheme as above)
20 DUs (I did all of these unbroken)
Got through the 12s, (so 42 reps), and partner got into the 14s)
rest 5 min
C. 5 rounds of "DT" scaled as needed (Rx is #155), and done as partner wod, each partner does 5 rounds
12 Deadlift 115#
9 Hang power clean
6 Push Jerk
18 minutes, and I just went over the cap to finish
Saturday, September 5, 2015
2015-09-05 WOD
BCF closed for labor day weekend, so did a run and a small workout at the park
A. 5k run. 25:09. 5:02 m/km pace.
Not bad considering its my first time since re-injuring my calf back around a month ago
B. Small park workout. 3 rounds, not for time:
Round 1:
5 pullups
5 dips
5 pistols/leg
5 l-sit pullups
1 BarMU
Round 2:
5 pullups
5 dips
5 shrimpsquats/leg
5 l-sit pullups
2 BarMU
A. 5k run. 25:09. 5:02 m/km pace.
Not bad considering its my first time since re-injuring my calf back around a month ago
B. Small park workout. 3 rounds, not for time:
Round 1:
5 pullups
5 dips
5 pistols/leg
5 l-sit pullups
1 BarMU
Round 2:
5 pullups
5 dips
5 shrimpsquats/leg
5 l-sit pullups
2 BarMU
Round 3:
5 pullups
5 dips
4 pistols/leg
4 l-sit pullups
6 BarMU unbroken (PR!)
5 pullups
5 dips
4 pistols/leg
4 l-sit pullups
6 BarMU unbroken (PR!)
L-sit pullups,
Friday, September 4, 2015
2015-09-04 Q3 yearly goals check
75% of the year somehow evaporated and so it's probably time to check on progress.
Here's what I had as of May 21:
1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - One down, two to go.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. Have hit 3. I'll get there.
I actually haven't hit any of my listed goals in the last 3 months. I've had a couple nagging injuries (shoulder, pulled calf muscle). And have gotten closer on a couple:
- I got sub-5 min on Grace. Not on the above list, but was another target goal
- Did 30 MU's for time, for the first time. My MUs are getting a lot better (hitting strict ones pretty semi-consistently now. Haven't hit goal #10 above because this shoulder issue has me scared to drop into them from the top. Provided I recover by EOY, I should hit this one.
- Shoulder is also the reason for not working much on #6 above
- Hit #375 deadlift. Could have done 385 most likely but jumped up to 405 and failed. Pretty confident I can hit 400 on next strength cycle.(#4)
- Have been working on HS stability, platewalks, etc, so hopefully I'll progress on #9.
That leaves the 200# CJ (haven't attempted in a while - maybe have a go at this next week) and the events. Not much time to sign up for stuff, guess I'd better look at the calendar!
Here's what I had as of May 21:
1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - One down, two to go.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. Have hit 3. I'll get there.
I actually haven't hit any of my listed goals in the last 3 months. I've had a couple nagging injuries (shoulder, pulled calf muscle). And have gotten closer on a couple:
- I got sub-5 min on Grace. Not on the above list, but was another target goal
- Did 30 MU's for time, for the first time. My MUs are getting a lot better (hitting strict ones pretty semi-consistently now. Haven't hit goal #10 above because this shoulder issue has me scared to drop into them from the top. Provided I recover by EOY, I should hit this one.
- Shoulder is also the reason for not working much on #6 above
- Hit #375 deadlift. Could have done 385 most likely but jumped up to 405 and failed. Pretty confident I can hit 400 on next strength cycle.(#4)
- Have been working on HS stability, platewalks, etc, so hopefully I'll progress on #9.
That leaves the 200# CJ (haven't attempted in a while - maybe have a go at this next week) and the events. Not much time to sign up for stuff, guess I'd better look at the calendar!
2015-09-04 WOD
std warmup
30 wallball passes
clean & squat warmup
A. 5 min AMRAP - 155# Front squats
I did 3 every 30 seconds, but fell behind to ~45s or so part way through
Total: 7x3 = 21 reps
rest 5 min
B. 5 min AMRAP - 155# Power Clean
(same rep scheme as above)
Total: 7x3 + 1 = 22 reps
rest 5 min
C. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
400m run
15 Thrusters 95#
times: 2:39, 2:51, 3:05
I added:
D. 3x10 GHD situps
E. 3 HSPlatewalk (just HS hold and then step down)
std warmup
30 wallball passes
clean & squat warmup
A. 5 min AMRAP - 155# Front squats
I did 3 every 30 seconds, but fell behind to ~45s or so part way through
Total: 7x3 = 21 reps
rest 5 min
B. 5 min AMRAP - 155# Power Clean
(same rep scheme as above)
Total: 7x3 + 1 = 22 reps
rest 5 min
C. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
400m run
15 Thrusters 95#
times: 2:39, 2:51, 3:05
I added:
D. 3x10 GHD situps
E. 3 HSPlatewalk (just HS hold and then step down)
Thursday, September 3, 2015
2015-09-03 WOD
Active recovery day
std warmup
A. 2k row
8 min 4 sec
B. HS Work
- 5 HSPlateWalk (step down and attempt at step up)
- 5 HSHold ~20s (include attempts at one-hand balance)
C. MU Work
- 2 kipping MU
- 1 strict MU
- bunch of failed strict attempts
std warmup
A. 2k row
8 min 4 sec
B. HS Work
- 5 HSPlateWalk (step down and attempt at step up)
- 5 HSHold ~20s (include attempts at one-hand balance)
C. MU Work
- 2 kipping MU
- 1 strict MU
- bunch of failed strict attempts
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
2015-09-02 WOD
std warmup
200m run
A. 5x8 Behind the neck OH Press.
warm: 5x45, 5x45
main: 5x8 @ 65#
B. 8 min EMOM
1 Squat clean from above the knee
1 Squat clean from the floor
1 jerk
rounds 1-5: 135#
rounds 6-7: 145#
round 8: 155#
C. 5 rounds for time
100m run
10 pushups
10 v-ups
time: 4:37
I added:
D. 5 HSHold with HSPlatewalk (step down only - just getting used to these)
(HS platewalk video here)
E. One Arm Chinup progression (assisted)
2x5 chinup
2x3/arm , one arm w 2 finger assist
1 rep/arm, one finger assist
std warmup
200m run
A. 5x8 Behind the neck OH Press.
warm: 5x45, 5x45
main: 5x8 @ 65#
B. 8 min EMOM
1 Squat clean from above the knee
1 Squat clean from the floor
1 jerk
rounds 1-5: 135#
rounds 6-7: 145#
round 8: 155#
C. 5 rounds for time
100m run
10 pushups
10 v-ups
time: 4:37
I added:
D. 5 HSHold with HSPlatewalk (step down only - just getting used to these)
(HS platewalk video here)
E. One Arm Chinup progression (assisted)
2x5 chinup
2x3/arm , one arm w 2 finger assist
1 rep/arm, one finger assist
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
2015-09-01 WOD
std warmup
A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
40 DU
HS Hold (attempting balance off wall)
12 T2B
B. Deadlift 5x8, 10# up from last week
warm: 5x45, 5x135
main 5x8 @ 225# (up 20# from last week) (60% of max of 370, or 55% of my target of 405)
C. 8 min amrap
20 DU
5 Strict C2B
4 rounds + 20 DU
I added:
D. MU Work
1 kipping, 1 strict, several failed strict attempts
std warmup
A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
40 DU
HS Hold (attempting balance off wall)
12 T2B
B. Deadlift 5x8, 10# up from last week
warm: 5x45, 5x135
main 5x8 @ 225# (up 20# from last week) (60% of max of 370, or 55% of my target of 405)
C. 8 min amrap
20 DU
5 Strict C2B
4 rounds + 20 DU
I added:
D. MU Work
1 kipping, 1 strict, several failed strict attempts
Monday, August 31, 2015
2015-08-31 WOD
std warmup
20 wallball passes
200m run
A. Back Squat 5x8, heavier than last week
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 4x8 @ 185, then ran out of time
B. Bulgarian split squats 3x8
3x8 w 2x20# db
C. "Hope for Kenya" - 12 min AMRAP
50 Air Squats
30 pushups
15 pullups
3 rounds, 65 reps
I added
D. 3 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situps
30s HSHold
std warmup
20 wallball passes
200m run
A. Back Squat 5x8, heavier than last week
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 4x8 @ 185, then ran out of time
B. Bulgarian split squats 3x8
3x8 w 2x20# db
C. "Hope for Kenya" - 12 min AMRAP
50 Air Squats
30 pushups
15 pullups
3 rounds, 65 reps
I added
D. 3 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situps
30s HSHold
Saturday, August 29, 2015
2015-08-29 WOD
std warmup
squat variations
snatch drills (clean drills for me)
200m run
3 part workout today, each part capped at 20 min, including rest time (e.g. Part B starts at 20 min)
A. 3-4-5-4-3 ladder of
Muscle ups
Squat Clean 135# (I was subbing for squat snatch)
Time: 11:36
Rest 8:24
B. 3 rounds for time
21 Wallball 20#
7 deadlift 225# (Rx was 315)
time: 13:30
Rest 6:30
C. 3 rounds for time
400m run
20 Power Clean 95# (I was subbing for power snatch)
time: 12:36
std warmup
squat variations
snatch drills (clean drills for me)
200m run
3 part workout today, each part capped at 20 min, including rest time (e.g. Part B starts at 20 min)
A. 3-4-5-4-3 ladder of
Muscle ups
Squat Clean 135# (I was subbing for squat snatch)
Time: 11:36
Rest 8:24
B. 3 rounds for time
21 Wallball 20#
7 deadlift 225# (Rx was 315)
time: 13:30
Rest 6:30
C. 3 rounds for time
400m run
20 Power Clean 95# (I was subbing for power snatch)
time: 12:36
Friday, August 28, 2015
2015-08-28 WOD
std warmup
40 wallball passes
200m run
A. CJ complex. 1 round every 2 min for 16 min (8 rounds), building to heavy
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Squat Clean
2 Push Jerk
warm: 45x2, 95x1
main: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165 (failed the jerk on last round)
B. Metcon. 3 rounds, each for time
300m row
10 Squat Clean + push jerk 115#
10 pullups
times: 2:38, 2:30, 2:50
C. Front squat. Build to a heavy 10-rep.
warm: 10x45
main: 115#x10, 135#x10
std warmup
40 wallball passes
200m run
A. CJ complex. 1 round every 2 min for 16 min (8 rounds), building to heavy
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Squat Clean
2 Push Jerk
warm: 45x2, 95x1
main: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165 (failed the jerk on last round)
B. Metcon. 3 rounds, each for time
300m row
10 Squat Clean + push jerk 115#
10 pullups
times: 2:38, 2:30, 2:50
C. Front squat. Build to a heavy 10-rep.
warm: 10x45
main: 115#x10, 135#x10
Thursday, August 27, 2015
2015-08-27 WOD
Active recovery + some skill work
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. Handstand work
3x 30s HSHold
2x frog stand to headstand then HSPU to handstand (tried to free-stand it, but ended up bumping the wall a few times
C. MU work
1 single MU
2 unbroken MU
1 single MU
3 attempts at strict, all failed
1 single MU
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. Handstand work
3x 30s HSHold
2x frog stand to headstand then HSPU to handstand (tried to free-stand it, but ended up bumping the wall a few times
C. MU work
1 single MU
2 unbroken MU
1 single MU
3 attempts at strict, all failed
1 single MU
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
2015-08-26 WOD
std warmup
200m run
A. 5x8 OH Press at 50%
warm: 5x45
main: 5x8x65#
(B superset w A)
B. 5x8 seated dumbell press (15# DBs)
C. 6 min amrap
6 CJ 135# (I was subbing for power snatches)
6 C2B Pullup
3 rounds, 2 reps
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup, assisted
3x3 (per arm)
std warmup
200m run
A. 5x8 OH Press at 50%
warm: 5x45
main: 5x8x65#
(B superset w A)
B. 5x8 seated dumbell press (15# DBs)
C. 6 min amrap
6 CJ 135# (I was subbing for power snatches)
6 C2B Pullup
3 rounds, 2 reps
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup, assisted
3x3 (per arm)
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
2015-08-25 WOD
std warmup
A. 5x8 back squat @ 60%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x8 @ 165#
B. 3x8-12 bulgarian split squats
3x8 w 2 x 20# dumbells
C. 10 min amrap
6 Power Clean 135#
12 burpees
24 DU
4 rounds + 6 cleans
I added
D. 3 rounds
~30s HSHold for balance
10 GHD Situp
std warmup
A. 5x8 back squat @ 60%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x8 @ 165#
B. 3x8-12 bulgarian split squats
3x8 w 2 x 20# dumbells
C. 10 min amrap
6 Power Clean 135#
12 burpees
24 DU
4 rounds + 6 cleans
I added
D. 3 rounds
~30s HSHold for balance
10 GHD Situp
Monday, August 24, 2015
2015-08-24 WOD
std warmup
40 wallball passes
deadlift warmup
A. 5x8 deadlift @ 50%
warm: 95x5, 135x5
main: 185x8, 205x8 x 4
B. 3x10 Glute Ham Raises
C. For time: 30-20-10 of
KBS 53#
alternating lunges (was box jumps)
time: 4:59
I added:
D. MU Practice
2 kipping MUs
4 failed strict attempts
std warmup
40 wallball passes
deadlift warmup
A. 5x8 deadlift @ 50%
warm: 95x5, 135x5
main: 185x8, 205x8 x 4
B. 3x10 Glute Ham Raises
C. For time: 30-20-10 of
KBS 53#
alternating lunges (was box jumps)
time: 4:59
I added:
D. MU Practice
2 kipping MUs
4 failed strict attempts
Saturday, August 22, 2015
2015-08-22 WOD
std warmup
200m run
clean drills
snatch drills
3-parter today, I had to mod 2 of them, and switched the order up so I could PR part B (which I did).
A. For time (substituted 185# deadlifts for snatches at 115#)
30 cal row
10 Deadlift 185#
20 cal row
8 Deadlift 185#
10 cal row
6 Deadlift 185#
time: 5:23
rest 5 min
B. "Grace". For time
30 C&J @ 135#
Time: 4:49, previous PR 5:15
(did 3 reps every 30 seconds, then rested remainder to the 30 second mark). If I want to get under 4:30, I'm going to have to up it to 4+4, 4+4, 4+3, 4+3.
rest 5 min
C. For time (but I didn't record my time; and also dropped the OH squats and the 3rd run)
400m run
45 Back Squat 95# (Rx was 115#)
400m run
30 Front Squat 95# (Rx was 115#)
(not done) 400m run
(not done) 15 OH Squat
I added;
D. MU Work
2x5 ring pullups
5 attempts at strict MU, all failed
std warmup
200m run
clean drills
snatch drills
3-parter today, I had to mod 2 of them, and switched the order up so I could PR part B (which I did).
A. For time (substituted 185# deadlifts for snatches at 115#)
30 cal row
10 Deadlift 185#
20 cal row
8 Deadlift 185#
10 cal row
6 Deadlift 185#
time: 5:23
rest 5 min
B. "Grace". For time
30 C&J @ 135#
Time: 4:49, previous PR 5:15
(did 3 reps every 30 seconds, then rested remainder to the 30 second mark). If I want to get under 4:30, I'm going to have to up it to 4+4, 4+4, 4+3, 4+3.
rest 5 min
C. For time (but I didn't record my time; and also dropped the OH squats and the 3rd run)
400m run
45 Back Squat 95# (Rx was 115#)
400m run
30 Front Squat 95# (Rx was 115#)
(not done) 400m run
(not done) 15 OH Squat
I added;
D. MU Work
2x5 ring pullups
5 attempts at strict MU, all failed
Friday, August 21, 2015
2015-08-21 WOD
Oh yeah. good one today.
std warmup
2 min airdyne
A. August challenge: bar hang, for time.
time: 2:20
B. 3 rounds, max rope climbs (15') in 2 min
round 1: 3
round 2: 3
std warmup
2 min airdyne
A. August challenge: bar hang, for time.
time: 2:20
B. 3 rounds, max rope climbs (15') in 2 min
round 1: 3
round 2: 3
round 3: 2
C: "Nate". 20 min AMRAP
2 MU
8 KBS 70#
8 rounds + 4 reps (18 MU, 34 HSPU, 64KBS). PR!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
2015-08-20 WOD
std warmup
2x5 pullups
2x5 dips
A. For time. 10,9,8,7...1 of
Time: 9:33
B. Partner wod. 5 rounds for time. One rests while one works, then switch. Each person per round:
5 Power Cleans 135#
10 Burpee Bar Jump
25 DU (I did SU)
time: 11:25
I added:
C. MU Work
2 kipping MU
2 strict MU (and 2 failed)
D. 3 rounds
30s HSHold
10 GHDSitups
std warmup
2x5 pullups
2x5 dips
A. For time. 10,9,8,7...1 of
Time: 9:33
B. Partner wod. 5 rounds for time. One rests while one works, then switch. Each person per round:
5 Power Cleans 135#
10 Burpee Bar Jump
25 DU (I did SU)
time: 11:25
I added:
C. MU Work
2 kipping MU
2 strict MU (and 2 failed)
D. 3 rounds
30s HSHold
10 GHDSitups
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
2015-08-18 WOD
200m run
std warmup
200m run
A. 3 sets of 5-3-1 Back Squat
warm 5x45, 5x95
main: (5-3-1):
135x5, 155x3, 185x1
185x5, 205x3, 225x1
205x5, 225x3, 245x1
B. Work to a heavy 2-position snatch. I swapped to a 2-position CJ
warm: 3x45, 3x95
main (hang clean + jerk, then CJ): 135, 155, 175(fail) then did 175 without the full squat
C. 30-20-10 of
alternating lunges (was box jump, but, calf)
wallball 20#
I added
D. MU work
1 kipping
2 strict + several fails
200m run
std warmup
200m run
A. 3 sets of 5-3-1 Back Squat
warm 5x45, 5x95
main: (5-3-1):
135x5, 155x3, 185x1
185x5, 205x3, 225x1
205x5, 225x3, 245x1
B. Work to a heavy 2-position snatch. I swapped to a 2-position CJ
warm: 3x45, 3x95
main (hang clean + jerk, then CJ): 135, 155, 175(fail) then did 175 without the full squat
C. 30-20-10 of
alternating lunges (was box jump, but, calf)
wallball 20#
I added
D. MU work
1 kipping
2 strict + several fails
Monday, August 17, 2015
2015-08-17 WOD
std warmup
1 MU
A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
10 pistols
1 HSHold
1 strict MU
B. work to 3x5 deadlift at working weight for Diane (Rx = 225#)
C. Diane. 21-15-9
deadlift 225#
Time: 12:20 Rx (PR, as I hadn't done it before)
I added:
D. MU Work
1 additional strict mu
std warmup
1 MU
A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
10 pistols
1 HSHold
1 strict MU
B. work to 3x5 deadlift at working weight for Diane (Rx = 225#)
C. Diane. 21-15-9
deadlift 225#
Time: 12:20 Rx (PR, as I hadn't done it before)
I added:
D. MU Work
1 additional strict mu
Sunday, August 16, 2015
2015-08-15 WOD
3 parter today. I was surprisingly wiped after part A. Scaled parts B, C.
std warmup
10 scap pulls
10 v-ups
5 deadlift 135#
5 pullups
5 deadlift 185#
std warmup
10 scap pulls
10 v-ups
5 deadlift 135#
5 pullups
5 deadlift 185#
5 pullups
A. For time:
1k row
21-15-9 of
Deadlift 225#
800m run (I subbed a 800m row because of my calf injury)
time: 19 min
5 min rest
B. 3 rounds for time
15 S2O (push jerk) 115 (I scaled to 95#)
10 Front squat 95#
5 Strict HSPU
time: 14:30
5 min rest
C. for time
15 CJ 95# (workout called for snatches at 75#, but my shoulder won't let me snatch right now)
20 T2B (workout called for 25)
100 single unders (workout called for DU)
20 T2B
15 CJ 95#
time: not recorded. Long and slow.
I added:
D. MU work
2 kipping
1 strict (after several tries)
Friday, August 14, 2015
2015-08-14 WOD
Std warmup
1 min airdyne (instead of running)
A. 3 rounds, each for time, 1 min b/t
5 wall walks
20 windshield wipers (did first round hanging, 2nd, 3rd on the floor)
times: 2:50, 3:00, 3:15
B. 10 min EMOM
1 deadlift
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Squat clean
} weights: 135x5, 145x3, 155x2
I added:
C. MU work
- 5 failed attempts at strict MU
- 2 MU
Std warmup
1 min airdyne (instead of running)
A. 3 rounds, each for time, 1 min b/t
5 wall walks
20 windshield wipers (did first round hanging, 2nd, 3rd on the floor)
times: 2:50, 3:00, 3:15
B. 10 min EMOM
1 deadlift
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Squat clean
} weights: 135x5, 145x3, 155x2
I added:
C. MU work
- 5 failed attempts at strict MU
- 2 MU
Thursday, August 13, 2015
2015-08-13 WOD
(make-up for wed)
std warmup
A. skill work
3 rounds, not for time
15 T2B
10 Pistols
5 strict pullups
(skipped the DUs because of my calf)
(For B, had the choice of 21/15/9 Box jumps or 9/7/5 MUs. I can't box jump right now, so did MUs, all singles, and scaled the reps)
B. For time
21 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
7 MUs
15 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
5 MUs
9 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
3 MUs
time: 13:10
C. Build to a heavy triple back squat
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 4x135
main: 3x165, 3x185, 3x205, 3x215
std warmup
A. skill work
3 rounds, not for time
15 T2B
10 Pistols
5 strict pullups
(skipped the DUs because of my calf)
(For B, had the choice of 21/15/9 Box jumps or 9/7/5 MUs. I can't box jump right now, so did MUs, all singles, and scaled the reps)
B. For time
21 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
7 MUs
15 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
5 MUs
9 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
3 MUs
time: 13:10
C. Build to a heavy triple back squat
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 4x135
main: 3x165, 3x185, 3x205, 3x215
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
2015-08-12 Travel Workout
Quick one before heading to the airport to head home
10 rounds for time (i.e. fast, but didn't measure. ~13 min I think)
10 pushups
10 situps
20 air squats
10 rounds for time (i.e. fast, but didn't measure. ~13 min I think)
10 pushups
10 situps
20 air squats
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
2015-08-11 Travel Workout
Last full day in Mississauga. Just a little bike ride and park workout.
A. 10k bike (not timed)
B. 4 rounds (not for time)
5 Hanging Leg Raises
5 Hanging Leg Raises
A. 10k bike (not timed)
B. 4 rounds (not for time)
5 Hanging Leg Raises
5 Hanging Leg Raises
5 pullups
5 windshield wipers (both left/right count as 1)
5 pullups
Monday, August 10, 2015
2015-08-10 Travel Workout
Drop-in at Crossfit Element in Mississauga.
Std warmup
1000m row. 4:00
3 rounds
3 deadlift 95#
3 hang power clean 95#
3 push press 95#
1000m row. 4:00
3 rounds
3 deadlift 95#
3 hang power clean 95#
3 push press 95#
A. 8x8 back squat, increasing per set
Warm: 8x45
Main: 8x95x2, 8x115x2, 8x135x2, 8x145, 8x165
Warm: 8x45
Main: 8x95x2, 8x115x2, 8x135x2, 8x145, 8x165
B. "DT" (scaled from 165 to 115). 5 rft.
12 Deadlifts115#
9 Hang Power Cleans 115#
6 Push Press 115#
12 Deadlifts115#
9 Hang Power Cleans 115#
6 Push Press 115#
I added:
C: MU work
3 kipping MU'S
2 strict attempts (both failed)
1 kipping MU
3 kipping MU'S
2 strict attempts (both failed)
1 kipping MU
Sunday, August 9, 2015
2015-08-09 Travel Workout
Another quick one while at the park w the kids.
A. 5 rounds, not for time
10 pullups
10 T2B
10 pistols
10 pushups
30 HSHold
B. 3x5 chinups
A. 5 rounds, not for time
10 pullups
10 T2B
10 pistols
10 pushups
30 HSHold
B. 3x5 chinups
Saturday, August 8, 2015
2015-08-08 Travel Workout
Light workout today was all I had time for, while I took the kids to the park.
A. 5 rounds, not for time
5 pullups
5 chinups
10 pushups
1 min HSHold
B. 3x3 OneArmChinups, each arm, assisted
A. 5 rounds, not for time
5 pullups
5 chinups
10 pushups
1 min HSHold
B. 3x3 OneArmChinups, each arm, assisted
Friday, August 7, 2015
2015-08-07 Travel Workout
A. 3k kayak
B. 6k canoe
C. MU Work
- 5 kipping MU'S
- 3 strict attempts (all failed)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
2015-08-05 Travel Workout
light stretching
A. 7.72km run, 41: 25, 5:22 min/km
B. MU Work
2x5 ring pullups
5 kipping MU
2 strict MU
light stretching
A. 7.72km run, 41: 25, 5:22 min/km
B. MU Work
2x5 ring pullups
5 kipping MU
2 strict MU
2015-08-04 Travel Workout
light warmup
A. 50 DU
B. Tabata pushups
C. Bottom-to-Bottom Tabata Squats
D. MU work
5 kipping singles
2 strict
light warmup
A. 50 DU
B. Tabata pushups
C. Bottom-to-Bottom Tabata Squats
D. MU work
5 kipping singles
2 strict
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