std warmup
1k row
clean & thruster warmup
WOD 1: Thuster ladder
Every minute, we had to rotate through stations of increasing weight, doing a squat clean thruster. Could attempt as many times as possible in a minute, but, if you failed a weight, you had the remainder of 50 seconds to complete as many deadlifts as possible as a tiebreaker.
I managed 115#, 135#, 155#, 165#, then attemped 175#, cleaned it but failed to get it fully locked out overhead. I then banged out 24 deadlifts. The guy in front of me attempted the same weight twice unsuccessfully, and then only got 10 deadlifts. So, second-to-last on the leaderboard. Not last! Plus 165 was a PR for both thruster and, I think, a full squat clean.
Anyhow, I was happy with it. 165# is a PR for a thruster, and 175# is a PR for a full squat clean (heavier than that I've done from the hang, and/or as a power clean.
WOD 2: Chipper.
This was a 12 minute time cap to do:
10 OH Squats (Rx = 135, Masters = 115) (I scaled to 95#)
10 Box jump overs 24"
10 Thrusters (Rx = 115, Masters = 95)
10 Power Cleans (Rx = 185, Masters=165#
10 T2B
10 Burpee-Muscle-Ups (scaled was burpee C2B, but I did the Rx for this one)
10 T2B
10 Power Cleans (Rx = 185, Masters=165#
10 Thrusters (Rx = 115, Masters = 95)
10 Box jump overs 24"
10 OH Squats (Rx = 135, Masters = 115) (I scaled to 95#)
I got 80 reps in 12 min. Made it to the burpee muscle-up "turn-around" and then got the T2B and the cleans done.
No real leader-board placement for this one. Everyone was scaling what made sense for them, unless they were going full Rx. I was pretty pleased to get through that much, especially with the MUs in there (a while ago 10 MUs would have taken 10 minutes!).
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