Saturday, March 8, 2025

2024-03-08 WoD

2 rounds
1 min row
10 banded good mornings
10 banded OH press
2 inchworm
4 spiderman
10 box stepups 20"

clean drills (45, 95, 115)


A. 20 min AMRAP. draw cards for each movement.
10 powerclean 115#
10 burpee bar jump
20 goblet stepup 20" 35#
15 DBSnatch 35#
2 wall walks
15 cal row
15 medball situp
I drew:
1 spade: 15 cal row, 15 medball situps
2 clubs: 30 DBsnatch, 2 wall walk
4 hearts: 80 goblet stepup
3 diamons: 30 powerclean, 30 burpeees

plus a 400m run at 5,10,15,20 min

Friday, March 7, 2025

2025-03-07 CF Open 25.2

400m run
2 rounds
1 min row
4 spidermans
10 spiderman
10 gorilla row 35#
10 KBS 35#
10 goblet squat 35#

2 rounds
20s SU
5 thruster 45#
3 strict pullups


//repeat of 22.3, but this time I'm doing 55+ option, so can't really compare to my score from '22.

A. CF Open 25.3. For time, 12 min cap
21 jumping pullups
42 DU
21 thruster 65#

18 pullups
36 DU
18 thruster 85#

15 C2B pullups
30 DU
15 thruster 105# <--got 3 of these by the timecap
total reps 204; timecap 7:35

B. 30-20-10
abmat situps
banded bicep curl

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

2025-03-05 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. Work to a heavy version of this complex
1 strict press
1 front squat
1 thruster
75, 95, 115 (pushpress), 135 (pushpress, failed thruster)

B. (Superset w A). 3 strict pullups (that was Rx, I did weighted)
3x25#, 3x30#, 3x35#, 3x40#

C. 3 Rounds for time
8 Thrusters (Rx was 10) 95#
10 pullup
time: 5:09

Immediately into

D. 3 rounds for time
5 Thrusters (Rx was 10) 115#
10 C2B pullup
time: 6:43

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2025-03-04 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. 15 min, rounds for quality
1 min row
1 HSWalk
1 HSHold (alternating arms to practice walking)
8 seated leg raise
1 min row

B. 5 rounds, each for cals, 2 min rest b/t
10 T2B
10 burpees
row for cals remaining time of 2min
cals: 14, 14, 14, 14, 15

Monday, March 3, 2025

2025-03-03 WoD

400m run
2 rounds
1 min row
2 inchworm
10 banded good mornings
20 SU

DU practice
deadlift drills


A. Work to a heavy 3-rep Deadlift
10x95, 6x135, 4x165, 3x185, 3x225, 3x255, 1x275

B. (Superset w A)
3x20s DU

C. For time
150 DU
30 Deadlift 185#
100 DU
20 Deadlift 185#
50 DU
10 Deadlift 185#

time: 11:23

Sunday, March 2, 2025

2025-03-02 CF Open 25.1 re-do


200m run
1 min row
5/side DBPress 20#/25#/30#
2 inchworm
10 walking lunge
2 burpees


A. CF Open 25.1. 15 min AMRAP. Rep scheme below, adding 3 burpees, 3 HCJ, each round
3 (6, 9, 12...) Burpee over DB
3 DB HangClean + Pushpress (get it overhead) 35# (Rx for the 55+ group)
2x15' walking lunge
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21's (7 rounds) + 18 burpees
= 200 reps

Saturday, March 1, 2025

2025-03-01 WoD

400m run
2 min row
std warmup
deadlift warmup 5x95, 5x135, 3x185


//Was a partner wod but did it solo

A. For time: 3,9*,15,21*,15,9*,3 of
Deadlift 185#
BoxJump 24"
* Run 3 blocks
time: 21:11

Friday, February 28, 2025

2025-02-28 CF Open 25.1

200m run
1 min row
10 banded good mornings
10 banded oh press
5/side DBPress 20#/25#
2 inchworm
10 walking lunge

3/side DBHangClean+PushJerk
2 burpee bar jump


A. CF Open 25.1. 15 min AMRAP. Rep scheme below, adding 3 burpees, 3 HCJ, each round
3 (6, 9, 12...) Burpee over DB
3 DB HangClean + Pushpress (get it overhead) 35# (Rx for the 55+ group)
2x15' walking lunge
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21's (7 rounds) + 8 burpees
= 190 reps

Thursday, February 27, 2025

2025-02-27 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. For time, 24min cap (no one was finishing this in 25min)
0.3 mile Airdyne (Rx was 1 block run)
5 length sled push (sled + 45)
25 wallball 20"

0.6 mile Airdyne (Rx was 2 block run)
4 length sled push (sled + 45 + 25) (rx was 2 x 45's)
25 wallball 20"

0.9 mile Airdyne (Rx was 3 block run
3 length sled push (sled + 45 + 25) (rx was 3 x 45's)
//This was where I hit time cap

25 wallball 20"

1.2 mile Airdyne (Rx was 4 block run)
2 length sled push  (rx was 4 x 45's)
25 wallball 20"

1.5 mile Airdyne (Rx was 5 block run)
1 length sled push  (rx was 5 x 45's)
25 wallball 20"

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

2025-02-26 WoD


400m run
std warmup
benchpress 10x45, 10x95, 5x115, 2x135


A. 30 min AMRAP (focus on quality)
10 benchpress moderate heavy (135# first round, 115# subsequent rounds)
10/leg KB RDL 35#
1 block KB FrontRackCarry 35# (all rounds unbroken, alternating arms with each round)
6 rounds total

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2025-02-25 WoD

400m run
5 FrontSquat 45#
20s bar hang, alternating grip
4 spidermans


A. Work to a 1RM squat clean
5x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (both failed), 1x160 (failed)
1RM = 155

B. 15Min AMRAP
1 SquatClean 135 (80% of 1RM in A)
2 RingMU (Rx was 3 strict pullups; Rx+ was BarMU)
7 RingDip (Rx was 7 pushup; Rx+ was RingDip)
12 AirSquat
7 rounds + 1 SquatClean (14 MU, 49 ring dip, 8 SquatClean, 84 air squat)

Monday, February 24, 2025

2025-02-24 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. 5 rounds, not for time
5 Pushpress (from rack)
5/arm DBPowerClean
PushPress: 75, 95, 115, 135, 145 (1 rep only on last set)
DBPowerClean: 30, 40, 50, 60, 60

B. 4 rounds, each for time
400m row
10 DBPushPress 40# (Left)
10 Burpee over DB
10 DBPushPress 40# (Right)
~1:30-2:00 rest b/t
Times: 2:46, 2:47, 3:20*, 2:54
* I think this was actually 2:50 and I did my math wrong?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

2025-02-23 WoD

500m row
clean drills


A. Work to a moderate heavy CJ (PowerClean + PushJerk)
5x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (failed both), 1x155

B. (Superset w A). MU work.
3 strict pullup
3 strict C2B pullup
3 ring pullup
1 strict MU
1 strict MU
1 strict MU (failed)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

2025-02-22 WoD

400m run
3x200m row
std warmup
DBSnatch warmup|
DBLunge warmup


A. 25 min AMRAP (was partner workout but i did it solo)
500m row
20 Alternating DBSnatch 35# (Rx was 50#)
30 OHDBLunge 35# (15 one arm, then switch)
4 rounds + 500m row

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

2025-02-19 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. Work to a heavy 3 rep benchpress
10x45, 8x75, 5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x175 (Failed second rep)

B. Superset w A. 
6x3 box jumps

C. 20 min EMOM
Min 1: 11 shuttle runs
Min 2: 10 benchpress 115# (Rx was 135#)
Min 3: 10 BoxJumpOver 24"
Min 4: Rest

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2025-02-18 WoD

400m run
3 rounds
2 spiderman
2 inchworm
5 FrontSquat w elevated heels, 45#
2 plank/birddog
20s SU

SquatClean drills


A. Work to a heavy complex
1 pause-below-knee SquatClean
1 SquatClean
20s CrossOver attempts
75, 95, 115, 135, 155 (3 attempts at 155, 1 failed, 1 only PowerClean, 1 squatclean)

B. For time. 50-40-30-20-10
DU (Rx was cross-overs)
Abmat Situps
(5,4,3,2,1) PowerClean 155#
time: 10:26

Monday, February 17, 2025

2025-02-17 WoD

 //First day back after a week of travel, illness, etc.


1 min row
10 banded A's, Y's
10 bridges 
5 pushup
2 static ring hold
2 strict pullup


A. 3 rounds, not for time
3 strict pullup
4 ring dip
2 MU transition practice
30s row, fast pace

B. CF Open 20.5. For time, 20 min cap
40 Ring MU
80 cal row
120 wallball 20#
Partion any way you like.

Result: 201. 16 MU, 80 cal row, 105 wallball.

In 2020 I scored 2019, which was a few more MU and finished the wallball. If I'd been smarter about timing today, could have maybe finished wallball and gotten 10-12 MU, which would only be a few reps behind my 2020 score. Given that I'm still building shoulder strength back up, and recovering from a cold, is pretty good.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

2025-02-11 WoD

400m run
2 spidermans
2 thruster empty bar
10 banded A's, Y's
clean drills


A. 4-5 rounds of this complex
2 HangSquatClean
1 SquatClean
1 FrontSquat
75, 95, 115, 135, 135

B. (Superset w A). Strict Weighted Pullups
5x25, 4x30, 3x35, 3x40, 2x50

C. 9 min AMRAP. 3, 6, 9, 12.... of
Thruster 95#
Finished 3,6,9,12. Then got 5 thrusters

Monday, February 10, 2025

2025-02-10 WoD


1 min row
2 inchworm
10 KBS 25#
10 KBDeadlift 25#


A. 4 rounds, not for time
1 down-n-back sled push (sled + 70#)
8/arm landmine press (bar+25#)
30s plank hold

B. For time
30 cal row
30 KBS 35# (Rx was 70#)
5 strict HSPU (Rx was 3 wall walk, Rx+ 7 HSPU)

30 cal airdyne
30 KBS 35# (Rx was 70#)
5 strict HSPU (Rx was 3 wall walk, Rx+ 7 HSPU)

30 cal row
30 KBS 35# (Rx was 70#)
5 strict HSPU (Rx was 3 wall walk, Rx+ 7 HSPU)
time: 14:45

Sunday, February 9, 2025

2025-02-09 WoD

 //sometimes you come up with something that in retrospect was pretty dumb...

500m row
std warmup


A. BackSquat
1x50 95# (60% bw)
1x40 115# (70% bw)
1x30 135# (80% bw)
1x20 155# (95% bw)
1x10 175# (105% bw)

B. (Superset w A)
5 strict pullups
4 strict C2B pullups
3 strict perfect pullups
2 RingMU
1 RingMU (failed strict, did another kipping)

C. Work to a heavy PowerClean Push Jerk CJ
3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x155

Saturday, February 8, 2025

2025-02-08 WoD

 //still have a bit of a cold, so did the partner wod solo and scaled a couple things down


1 min row
4 spidermans
2 inchworms
10 box stepups
10 KBS 35#
10 goblet squat 35#
20 SU


A. 24 min AMRAP. Was a partner workout but I did it solo and just rested ~1/3 of time.
10 box jump 24"
20 wallball 20#
30 KBS 35# (Rx was 53#)
40 DU
R1: 20 cal row
R2: 20 cal bike
R3: 20 burpees
3 full rounds + 10 box jump + 5 wallball

Friday, February 7, 2025

2025-02-07 WoD

 //still have a cold, so only did strength part of workout and left early

std warmup
clean drills

A. 4-5 rounds, not for time
95, 95, 115, 135, 145

B. (Superset w A) 2-5 pullups, Rx+ weighted
5x20#, 4x25#, 3x30#, 2x35#, 2x40#

Thursday, February 6, 2025

2025-02-06 WoD


Std warmup
250m row
several of movements below


A. Benchpress 5x5 with 2 reps at tempo (33x0), 3 reps at normal pace
warm: 5x45, 5x75, 5x95, 5x115
main: 4x5 at 135# (first two sets at tempo, then regular)

B. 12 min AMRAP. Modified as I'm getting over a cold and wasn't 100%
10 box stepups (Rx was box jump over)
15 seated dual DBPress 2x20#
20 hanging knee raise (Rx was situps)
5 rounds evens  

Monday, February 3, 2025

2025-02-03 WoD

1 min row
2 inchworm
4 spiderman
10 banded lat pulldowns
10 W-T's

Snatch drills


A. 4 rounds, not for time
1 HighHangSnatch
1 HangPowerSnatch
1 below-knee HangPowerSnatch
1 PowerSnatch
65, 75, 85, 95#

B. (Superset w A) 4 rounds, not for time
1 kipping pullup, into
1 kipping C2B pullup, into
1 kipping high C2B pullup

C. 3 rounds for time
20 DB Snatch (left arm) 35# (rx was 50#)
20 DB Snatch (right arm) 35# (rx was 50#)
10 C2B Pullup
time: 9:26

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Friday, January 31, 2025

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

2025-01-29 WoD

400m run
2 rounds
10 tempo goblet squat 35#
10 one-arm-elevated pushup
10 cossack squat
tabata hollowhold


A. 18 min AMRAP
2 block run
10* T2B (Rx+, Rx was v-ups)
10* burpees
10* wallball 20#
* Add 2 reps with every round
3 full rounds (10,12,14) + 2 block run + 16 T2B + 2 burpees

B. Couch stretch + pigeon stretch for several minutes.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2025-01-28 WoD

400m run
2 rounds
1 min row
20s bar hang
1 strict pullup
banded lat pulldowns
5 goblet squat 35#
2 spiderman
clean drills


A. 12 min emom (4 rounds, 3 min each)
min 1: 15s max effort strict pullups
min 2: Clean complex
min 3: rest
pullups: 7,7,8,8
clean complex: warm: 95, 115. main: 4 rounds at 135#

B. 3 rounds, each for time
500m row
5 strict HSPU (Rx was 3 wall-walk; Rx+ was 7 HSPU)
9 pullup (did all unbroken, kipping)
12 HangPowerClean 95# (Rx was 15 reps at 75#, Rx+ was 15 reps at 95#)
rest 2min before next round
times: 3:10, 3:15, 3:18

Monday, January 27, 2025

2025-01-27 WoD

400m run
10 benchpress 45#
10 banded good mornings
10 banded rows
10 deadlift 45#


A. 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift w ascending weight
warm: 10x95, 8x135
main: 10x165, 8x185, 6x225, 4x255, 2x275

B. 10-8-6-4-2, Benchpress w ascending weight (Superset w A)
10x95, 8x115, 6x135, 4x155, 2x175 (heaviest I've benched since a comp in fall of '23)

C. 14 min AMRAP
1 block run
5 RingDip (Rx+, Rx was 10 HRPushup)
8 Deadlift 185# (Rx was 10 reps)
5 RingDip (Rx+, Rx was 10 HRPushup)
5 rounds even

Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025-01-26 WoD

500m row
clean drills
bar hang


A. Work to a moderate heavy PowerClean + PushJerk
4x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x165(failed), 1x155

B. (Superset w A), one each of these per round
3 strict pullup
3 strict C2B pullup
3 strict Perfect Pullup
1 RingMU
1 RingMU
1 RingMU

C. (Superset w A, B)
6x 1 :HSHold ~10s

Saturday, January 25, 2025

2025-01-25 WoD

3x250m row
std warmup between
several of movements below


A. Parter WoD. 22min AMRAP
60 Burpee Box Jump Over 24" (30 each, alternating)
3 block run (together)
60 KB SDHP 35# (syncro, 60 each, Rx was 53#)
3 block run (together)
60 KB Goblet Lunge 35# (syncro, 60 each, Rx was 53#)
3 block run (together)
1 round + 8 Burpee Box Jump Over (4 each)

Friday, January 24, 2025

2025-01-24 WoD

400m run
clean drills
ring rows


A. 4 rounds, not for time
1 tall squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 squat clean
75, 95, 115, 135, 135, 135

B. (superset w A) 4 rounds, not for time
3 strict weighted pullups
20#, 25#, 30#, 35#

C. 4 rounds for time
6 FrontSquat 135# (Rx was 155)
10 strict pullups

Thursday, January 23, 2025

2025-01-23 WoD

400m run
2 rounds
1 min row
10 benchpress 45#
6 archer stretch
2 inchworm
20s hollow hold


A. 5x5 benchpress. same weight across all sets
warm: 5x95, 5x115
main: 5x5 x 135#

B. (Superset w A) 5x5 Seated Leg Raise

C. For time. 25-20-15-10-5 of

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

2024-01-22 WoD


400m run
1 min row
2 inchworm
10 leg swings
10 monster walks
10 glute bridge
10 barbell good mornings


A. Work to a heavy 3-rep deadlift. ~2min rest b/t working sets
8x95, 6x135, 4x185
3x215, 3x235, 3x255, 2x275, 1x295

B. 5x1min max effort row for cals. 2 min rest b/t
18, 19, 20, 20, 23

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

2024-01-21 WoD

400m run
1 min row
2 spidermans
10 90-90's
3 pullup w slow negative
5 GobletSquat 26#


A. 12 min emom
min 1: 4 strict C2B pullup
min 2: Clean complex:
High Clean
} 135#, 115#, 115#, 115#
min 3: rest

B. 10 min AMRAP
4 C2B Pullup
5 HangPowerClean 135#
6 Burpee bar jump
5 rounds + 4 pullups + 1 powerclean

Monday, January 20, 2025

2024-01-20 WoD

400m run
1 min row
2 spidermans
10 band pullaparts
10 banded OHPress
10 cossack squats
20 DU


A. 4 rounds, not for time
4 DBThruster, increasing weight per round
30s DU practice
25, 30, 35, 40# (x2)

B. For time
3 rounds:
7 DBThruster 2x35# (Rx was 50#)
100 DU
3 rounds:
7 DBThruster 2x35# (Rx was 50#)
500m row
3 rounds:
7 DBThruster 2x35# (Rx was 50#)
0.7mile Airdyne
time: 25:25

Sunday, January 19, 2025

2025-01-19 WoD

500m row
clean drills


A. Work to a heavy PowerClean + Push Jerk CJ
4x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (failed 1 lift, made 2nd clean but failed jerk)

B. (Superset w A)
4x3 C2B pullups
several strict MU attempts - all failed

Saturday, January 18, 2025

2025-01-18 WoD

 //partner wod but did it solo and cut reps in half

500m row
2 block run
std warmup
several of movements below


A. For time, 10 min cap
40 wallball 20#
40 FrontSquat 95#
3 block run
time: 8:40
rest 1:20 to 10 min mark then...

B. For time, 10 min cap
40 PowerClean 95#
40 burpee bar jump
2 block run
finished 80 reps at the time cap. Didn't run

C. For time, 10 min cap
40 pullups
40 T2B
1 block run
time: 9:30

Friday, January 17, 2025

2025-01-17 WoD

400m run
1 min row
10 ring row
10 lunges
20s flutterkicks
2 spiderman


A. 4 rounds, not for time
16 gorilla row 2x26#kb
10 backrack lunge 95#
3 strict pullups

B. 3 rounds for time
2 block run
12 pullups (12, 8/4, 7/5)
18 box stepup 24"

Thursday, January 16, 2025

2025-01-16 WoD

400m run
1 min row
10 banded good mornings
10 band pull-aparts
10 clean deadlift 45#, 95#
2 inchworm
5 pushup


A. 5 rounds, not for time
5 Clean Deadlift
10s Static Ring Hold
135#, 155#, 175#, 195#, 215#

B. 500m row buyin, then 21-15-9 of:
Deadlift 185# (rx was 225#)
Time: 10:21

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2025-01-15 WoD

300m row
std warmup
4 rounds jump rope
4 rounds hollow hold
10 oh press 45#


A. For time
2000m row buy-in (was slow today - ~9min)

50 DU
50 situp
10 OHPress 65# (Rx was 75#)

40 DU
40 situp
10 OHPress 65# (Rx was 75#)

30 DU
30 situp
10 OHPress 65# (Rx was 75#)

20 DU
20 situp
10 OHPress 65# (Rx was 75#)

10 DU
10 situp
10 OHPress 65# (Rx was 75#)
time: 19:18
So basically "Annie" with OH presses added and a run/row buy-in. Row was slower than it should have been (should be sub-8 at least), but given that my Annie PR is 6:10, I did almost the same pace with the OHpresses added in.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2025-01-14 WoD

400m run

1 min row
2 spidermans
10 banded lat pulldowns
10 banded rows
5 goblet squat 26#

clean drills


(A, B, start of a 6 week cycle)

A. Work to a 1RM SquatClean
5x45, 4x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165 (failed first, caught second but not full squat (powerclean))
155# was my max

B. (superset w A).
5x2 strict pullup
max rep strict pullups in 1 min: 17 (5,3,2,2,2,1,1,1)

C. 3 rounds, each for time, ~2min rest b/t
25 cal row
10 strict chinup
5 squatcleans at ~70% of ORM from A (I did 115#, which is about 75#)
3:09, 3:39, 3:30

Monday, January 13, 2025

2025-01-13 WoD


200m run
10 box stepups
10 banded good mornings
10 benchpress 45#
2 inchworms
2 pike walk-up


A. 5 rounds, not for time
5 benchpress
12 goblet box stepup 26#
weights: warm: 5x75, 5x95; main: 5x5x115#

B. 13 min AMRAP
3 strict HSPU (Rx was 2 wallwalk, Rx was 5 HSPU)
7 box jump over 20" (Rx was 24")
12 DBSnatch 35# (Rx was 40#)
7 rounds + 12 reps

Sunday, January 12, 2025

2025-01-12 WoD

500m row
light stretching
clean drills
physical therapy exercises


A. Work to a heavy CJ, focusing on doing more reps than normal
8x75, 7x95, 6x116, 5x135, 4x155, 1x165

B. (Superset w A)
6x3 Strict C2B pullup

Saturday, January 11, 2025

2025-01-11 WoD


500m row
std warmup
2x1min row

Several of movements below


A. Partner workout, 22 min amrap. trade off on each 1 min mark. Score is total meters
Min 1: 1 Min Row
Min 2: PowerClean 95# (15)
Min 3: 1 Min Row
Min 4: PushPress 95# (10)
Min 5: 1 Min Row
Min 6: FrontSquat 95# (10)
Min 7: 1 Min Row
Min 8: FrontRackLunge 95# (10)
Min 9: 1 Min Row
Min 10: Thruster 95# (9)
Min 11,12: Rest
Min 13: 1 Min Row
Min 14: Thruster 95# (8)
Min 15: 1 Min Row
Min 16: FrontRackLunge 95# (10)
Min 17: 1 Min Row
Min 18: FrontSquat 95# (10)
Min 19: 1 Min Row
Min 20: PushPress 95# (10)
Min 21: 1 Min Row
Min 22: PowerClean 95# (12)

Friday, January 10, 2025

2025-01-10 WoD

 //bit of a cold, so I scaled a lot today


1 min row
2 inchworm
10 walking lunge
banded IYTs

Snatch drills


A. 6 rounds, not for time
HangPowerSnatch, increasing weight, 3,3,2,2,1,1
20 SU
3x65, 3x75, 2x85, 2x95, 1x105, 1x115

B. 12 min AMRAP
1 burpee (Rx was burpee bar jump)
10 SU (Rx was DU)
5 HangPowerClean 95# (Rx was HPS)

2 burpee (Rx was burpee bar jump)
20 SU (Rx was DU)
5 HangPowerClean 95# (Rx was HPS)

3 burpee (Rx was burpee bar jump)
30 SU (Rx was DU)
5 HangPowerClean 95# (Rx was HPS)
... (rep scheme continues)
Got 7 rounds, plus 8 burpees and 40/80 SU ( which is 36 burpees, 280 SU, 35 HPC)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

2025-01-08 WoD

400m run
1 min row
std warmup


A. 5x5 OHpress at moderate heavy weight
warm: 5x45, 5x65
main: 5x5 @ 75#

B. (Superset w A). 5 rounds
30s hollow hold
3 box jump 24"

C. 3 rounds for time
20 DBPushPress (left) 35# (rx was 50#)
20 DBPushPress (right) 35# (rx was 50#)
20 T2B
20 box jump over 24"
time: 12:40

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

2025-01-07 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. 4 rounds, not for time
1 min row
10 banded lat pulldowns
10 KBS (26, 35, 44, 53#)

B. For total score:
5 min Airdyne for cals
1 min rest
5 min ME pullups
1 min rest
5 min Shuttle runs
1 min rest
5 min ME KBS 35# (Rx was 53)
1 min rest
5 min Row for cals
48 cals, 45 pullups, 66 shuttle runs, 105 kbs, 66 cal row = 330 total

Monday, January 6, 2025

2025-01-06 WoD

400m run
1 min row
2 spidermans
banded row, dip, reverse fly

Clean drills


A. 5 rounds, not for time
10s ring support hold
2 SquatCleans
75, 95, 115, 135, 155

B. "Elizabeth". 21-15-9 of
135# PowerClean (Rx was squatclean)
Ring Dip
time: 10:44

Sunday, January 5, 2025

2025-01-05 WoD

//sunday open gym

500m row
foam roll
clean drills
pullup warmup


A. Work to a heavy CJ (PowerClean + PushJerk)
5x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155

B. (Superset w A) StrictMU attempts
3, all failed.
2 kipping MU

C. (Superset a A) 
HSHold 5-10s
1 strict HSPU

D. 10 rounds for time
3 PowerClean + PushJerk 135
2 strict HSPU
1 ringMU (string 2 together a couple times, then reversed order of other movements)

Friday, January 3, 2025

2025-01-03 WoD


400m run
2 rounds
2 spidermans
10 benchpress 45#
10 ringrows
10 box stepups
1 min Airdyne


A. 5 rounds, each on the 2.5 min mark
5 benchpress 95, 105, 115, 125, 135

B. 14 min AMRAP
3 burpeeboxjump 24"
6 pullups (did all sets unbroken)
12 GobletSquat 35# (Rx was 50#)
10 rounds + 1 burpeeboxjump

C. 3 rounds, not for time
30s hollow hold
15 banded tricep extension (green band)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025-01-01 WoD

Another year, here we go.

1 min row
std warmup
several of each of the movements below, 20# DB for warmup


A. Chipper. For time, finish all reps of each movement before moving on
25 DB Thruster 2x30# (Rx was 40# for all DB movements)
25 DBPushPress 2x35#
25 Goblet Squat 35#
25 Pullup
25 Box Jump 24" (Rx was 30")
25 Pushup
25 Situp
25 T2B
25 DBSnatch 35#
25 Burpees
25 DB Goblet Lunge 35#
25 DU
365m Row
Time: 28:49