//First day back after a week of travel, illness, etc.
1 min row
10 banded A's, Y's
10 bridges
5 pushup
2 static ring hold
2 strict pullup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
3 strict pullup
4 ring dip
2 MU transition practice
30s row, fast pace
B. CF Open 20.5. For time, 20 min cap
40 Ring MU
80 cal row
120 wallball 20#
Partion any way you like.
Result: 201. 16 MU, 80 cal row, 105 wallball.
In 2020 I scored 2019, which was a few more MU and finished the wallball. If I'd been smarter about timing today, could have maybe finished wallball and gotten 10-12 MU, which would only be a few reps behind my 2020 score. Given that I'm still building shoulder strength back up, and recovering from a cold, is pretty good.
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