Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 Year in review, and goals for 2015

As with the past couple years, I thought I'd post some thoughts on goals for the year, how I did against last year's goals, and thoughts on Crossfit and my training in general.

It was a good year for me, I made progress across the board, in particular in the latter half of the year, after the BodPod Challenge (more on this later). I did well enough against goals that I added more of them (some of which I missed). Here's the list. Green for those achieved, Red for those I missed. Yellow for partially done.

1. Get a Muscle-up 
2. 135# Snatch.
3. Move from 3rd quartile in the Open to around 50-60% range, for men 40-44. 
4. Participate in at least 2 events, one of them being a CF event. 
- Ended up doing five: Bridge-to-Brews 10k run, Crossfit Open, Mid-Valley Melee (came in 3rd in scaled division!), Bulldog Battle, and Angkor Wat half-marathon.
5. 10' HS Walk
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran & Grace (Grace, Yes. Fran, No.)
7. 325# Deadlift
8. Break 21 minutes for 5k run

Mid-year I added some stretch goals:
9. String together 3 ring muscle ups. So close. Got 2 and *almost* a 3rd.
10. 200# CJ 
11. Back lever, or Front lever. (calling this good because I held a front lever for like 2-3 seconds. It wasn't super pretty, but I'll keep working on it.)
12. Sub 10% body-fat. No. Got closer with the bod-pod challenge, but regained at the end of the year.

So in total, 6 of my original 9 goals, and 8 of 13 total

In terms of lifting, it was interesting that I didn't make any improvement on Cleans, Clean & Jerk, which I'd improved last year, but improved Benchpress, OH Press, and Deadlift, which had all plateau'd last year. Also moderate increases on front & back squat. Happy with the 365 deadlift, and can see 400# coming, only a 10% increase needed

I made good gains on a bunch of benchmark workouts. Knocked a minute off Annie, got Murph done under 40 minutes, Knocked 2 minutes off Jackie and Grace.

Conditioning & gymnastics: 10% improvement in my 800m, 1 mile and 5k times. 10 minutes off my 10k time, and ran my first half-marathon (hitting my goal of under 2hrs). I got 100 double unders unbroken (double last year's PR), and got my first triple-under. Increased my max unbroken pullups and unbroken toes-to-bar. Got my first bar muscle-up in April, eventually getting 5 unbroken. Went on to get the ring muscle up in June (something of a crossfit milestone).

So, goals for 2015. I'm going to take the 2014 ones I missed, and add a couple:

1. Get my L1 cert (not that I ever plan on being a trainer, but will help with my own programming)
2. 135# Snatch
3. 200# CJ
4. 400# Deadlift
5. Do at least 3 events
6. Learn the butterfly pullup
7. Sub-7 minute Fran
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open (not sure how this will work as they are changing the structure, so this one is a little tbd)
9. 10' handstand walk
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups

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