std warmup
snatch practice
OHSquat practice
A. "Nancy". 5 rounds for time
400m run
15 OHSquats 95#
time: 19:30
1:30 off my PR, but 3 min better than the last time I did it in January. Need to remember wrist-wraps next time.
B. 3 rounds
1 min plank
30 sec rest
15 supermans
30 sec rest
I added
C. 3x3/side One Arm Chinup - assisted
D. 2x5 DB Curl 35#
Bod Pod weigh-in
We had our (delayed) final weigh-in on the bodpod. After the big trip I did in the fall, I'd actually lost weight. So the goal was to gain muscle but lose body fat percentage. I did gain weight, but body fat slightly up, so not too pleased about that. Anyhow. Overall still doing better since the previous year's challenge. Here's all stats compared, and some takeaways from that data:
Bod Pod challenges (BP S=start, E=End)
BP1-S: 04-14-2014 Weight: 180.1 Bodyfat: 25.3% (Leanmass: 134.7, Fat: 45.6)
BP1-E: 04-14-2014 Weight: 162.3 Bodyfat: 18.2% (Leanmass: 132.8 , Fat: 29.5)
BP2-S: 01-05-2015 Weight: 163.6 Bodyfat: 13.6% (Leanmass: 141.3, Fat: 22.3)
BP2-E: 04-21-2015 Weight: 166.9 Bodyfat: 16.6% (Leanmass: 139.2, Fat: 27.7)
Goal is to get to 12%, which if I don't gain any muscle means losing 7.7 lbs, or a target weight of 159.
Two lessons to takeaway:
1. During BP1, I kept a food journal, religiously. Not so much on BP2. See the difference? Well, we're going back to that now, arent we!
2. What the $%# happened between the end of BP1 and the start of BP2?! I gained 8.5# of lean mass and lost 7# of fat. What was the difference there?! Well, A couple things:
- After losing all the weight in the first challenge, things snowballed. Losing all the weight let to me PR'ing EVERYTHING, which lead to me training harder and more often, which lead to more PRs, more gains, etc.
- The training regimen I added did for the half marathon in early december. In September, October, and November I ran a total of 280Km (~30 of this was part of the regular running we do as part of crossfit, the other 250 was all speed and endurance training I did twice a week, plus a few 2 and 3 milers with a 20# weight vest on.
To top things off, I vacationed for 6 weeks in Nov/Dec, and am pretty certain I gained fat and lost muscle from where my peak was in early november. I was likely at 12% or so at that time.
Guess it's time to start running more than I am. Back to thursday 5k's at lunch, and my Sunday 10k's need to either get longer or faster... or both!
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