Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019-01-01 New Years WOD

Groups of 4. Alisa joined us, and we partnered with another regular and another newbie, so 2 people scaled.

std warmup


A. 25 min partner work, for cals (i), rotating based on pacekeeper:
i. AirDyne for cals - Aiming for total of 300(men) or 225 (women) - we hit 285 as a MMFF team.
ii. 25 KBS 35# - 20 KB SDHP 35# - 15 Goblet squat 35# - this is the pace keeper
iii. Rest
iv. Run 400m - aiming to hit 5 miles as a group - So 5 runs of 400m each over A & B..
3 full rounds each

B. 25 min partner work, for cals (i), rotating based on pacekeeper:
i. Row for meters - Aiming for total of 4500 total (probably hit it, but rower reset at one point)
ii. 20 Wallball 20# - 15 ball slams 20# - 10 medball situps-  this is the pace keeper
iii. Rest
iv. Run 400m - aiming to hit 5 miles as a group - So 5 runs of 400m each over A & B..
2 full rounds each, then run was done, then remaining 1.5 rounds with 2 people resting

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