Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year in review, and goals for 2013

Since it's end of year, probably a good time to look back on progress made. Have been doing Crossfit for 18 months now, I started recording all my progress on this blog 12 months back. Some short notes on progress in 2012 are below, as well as goals for 2013.

Progress against goals
At the start of the year, I set 3 goals. I added 3 more in November. They were:

- 40 Double-unders, unbroken <-- DONE. At start of year, my best was 17
- 15 pullups, unbroken <-- DONE. At start of year, my best was 5
- 10 handstand pushups, unbroken <-- not achieved. I can do 7, and at start of year, my best was 3
- Fran in under 10 minutes <-- DONE. (7:28!)
- Reach 80 in 7-min burpee challenge from '12 open <-- not achieved (Got to 76. I haven't done it in a couple months, so could probably get there - but not after doing Fran yesterday!)
- 1 muscle-up <-- not achieved. So close!

So I hit half of them, but am close on the others, so I feel good about it.

Lifting (Jan '12 --> Dec '12)

Benchpress: 170 --> 190 (+12%)
Clean: 135 --> 165 (+22%)
C&J: 125 --> 155 (+24%)
Back Squat: 215 --> 245 (+14%)
Front Squat: 175 --> 205 (17%)
OH Press:  120 --> 130 (+8%)
Deadlift: 265 --> 315 (+19%)
Snatch: 95 --> 115 (+21%)

Benchmark & Hero workouts. (Jan '12 --> Dec '12)

I've done a number of these, but only a couple that I have before & after numbers for. Pretty good improvements on all.

Annie: 11:37 --> 8:11
Cindy: 12+2 --> 16+16
Fran: 12:51 --> 7:28
Jackie: 14:03 --> 10:45 (this wasn't completely apples-to-apples though)
Murph: 59 min for HALF scaled workout --> 55:45 for the full workout


Row 2k: 8:56 --> 7:47
1mile run: 7:30 --> 6:24
7 min burpees w 6 inch jump: 63 --> 76

One of the things I love about crossfit is how varied and quantifiable everything is, and so there's always a good indicator of progress.

Areas for improvement, and goals for 2013:

I still didn't hit my MU, so MU progressions, C2B pullups, etc.
HS pushups, handstand holds, and handstand walks (which I also need to know how to fall/roll for)
Stuff that hits my lungs hard. Sprints, rowing sprints. Airdyne. Burpees. Burpees also need to work on form/efficiency.
DUs and Rope climbs are still pretty weak. Need to work on those.
Staying on heels when lifting, esp front squat.

So, some specific goals:

- Participate in at least 1 event (CF event, or Tough Mudder, or some such thing)
- Move from 4th quartile to 3rd quartile in the CF Open (depends a lot on who else participates, but last time around I was bottom 10% all round)
- 1 MU
- 10 HSPU unbroken, and 10' HS walk
- 6:00 Fran
- 80 DUs unbroken
- C&J my body weight (175 right now)

On to 2013!

2012-12-31 WOD

std warmup
partner wallball ladder (1 then 1, 2 then 2...) up to 10 (i.e. 55 total) @ 20#


20 min AMRAP
20 wallball 20#
13 T2B
200m run
total 5 rounds + 12 reps Rx

Then added
2 x 3 ring pullups
2 x 3 strict pullups

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012-12-30 WOD

Normally Sunday is rest day, but some folk were going to the box to do Fran, and under 10 minute time was a year-end goal. PR by almost 3 minutes!

21-15-9 of
Thruster 95#
} time: 7:28

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012-12-29 WoD

std warmup
10 pushups on medball
10 ball slams
400m run

A. 3 rounds of
30s ball slam 20#
30s pushups (feet on medball)
counts: 18/15, 20/12, 18/12

B. 3 rounds of
30s pullups
30s air squats
counts: 12/20, 9/20, 9/24

C. 3 x 100m sprints, 90sec rest b/t

D. Did 2x3 ring pullups

Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012-12-27 WOD

std warmup
400m run
5 wallball 20#
5 burpees
5 push press 65#


for time, 30-20-10-20-30 of
wallball 20#
push press
time: 28:44

then added:
5 strict pullups
3 ring pullups

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012-12-26 WOD

std warmup
10 medball cleans 20#
5 medball OH tosses 20#
200m run

10 medball cleans 20#
5 medball OH tosses 20#


A. Benchpress 3x3 @ 85% ORM
I did 165#, which is 85% 195, but struggled with 3rd rep on last two sets. 

B. Deadlift 3x3 @ 85% ORM
I did 265#, which is 85% 310 - however my ORM is 315, so I should have gone 275 or so here.

C. 3 rounds for time
300m row
90s rest
} times: 1:01, 1:02.1, 1:00.7

D. 5min AMRAP
5 box jumps 24"
5 pushups
} total: 10 rounds + 4 reps

E. (Added after the fact)
6 strict pullups
4 ring pullups 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What a difference a year makes

While I've been crossfitting a year and half, I started tracking stuff on this blog exactly a year ago. Interesting to compare results between the big Xmas eve WoD from 2011 vs 2012 and see the difference. Both were partner workouts, and while they are somewhat apples-to-oranges, it's fun to compare:

2011 (my portion of it):
1 mile run (w 40lb buddy), 33 burpees w jump, 150 DUs (I probably did singles), 50 wall ball, 50 box jumps, 1 15' wall climb, 50 pullups, 75 lunges - total time: 89 minutes.

2012 (my portion of it)
2x half mile run, 50 dead lifts, 100 air squats, 50 pushups, 50 T2B, 50 box jumps, 50 burpees, 50 pullups: Total time: 49:58

Somewhat comparable wod (2012 should be slightly faster due to 2 vs 3 people) but finished in almost half the time, and didn't need to scale anything.

2012-12-24 WOD

Xmas eve wod. Was a toughie.

Partner WOD. Teams of 2. Aside from the bookend runs, for all other movements, one partner rests while other works. My partner and I pretty much split all of the work 50/50

For time
800m run
100 dead lifts 135#
200 air squats
100 pushups
150 T2B
100 box jumps 24"
100 burpees
100 pullups
800m run
} time: 49:58

Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012-12-22 WOD

Brutal Saturday WOD: The Deck of Death (aka "Deck the Halls (of Death)"). I Rx'd it but am paying for it  now.

std warmup
200m run
5 box jumps 24"
5 cleans 95#
5 KBS 56#

Hearts = Box jump 20/24" (I did 24")
Diamonds = KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)
Clubs = Hand release pushups
Spades = Hang Power Clean 65/95# (I did 95#)

Go through full deck of cards on at a time. Suit is the movement. Value of card is number of reps. Face cards are 10, aces are 15 reps. Jokers are 400m run.

That works out to 99 reps of each movement, or 104 if you count those in the warmup.

Friday, December 21, 2012

2012-12-21 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats


A. 3x5 Front Squat @ 80% ORM
I did 165, which is 80% of 205 - should've gone a bit heavier

B. 3x5 OH PRess @ 80% ORM
I did 115, which is 80% of 145

C. 3 rounds, 1min AMRAP burpees
19, 20, 22

D 3 rounds, 1min AMRAP jumping squats
32, 39, 42

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012-12-20 WOD

Active recovery day

A. 5 min TGU practice (26#, 7-8 each side)

B. 20 min row (4500m)

C. 10 min mobility practice

D. Did some HSPU practice/HS Hold practice

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012-12-19 WOD

std warmup
1 wallwalk
5 tuck jumps


A. 800m run for time:
my time 3:02 <-- PR!

B: for time, 25 HSPU (strict) or 50 HRPU (strict)
I did the latter, as I didn't think I could manage 25
time: 2:30

5 KBS 53/70 (I did 53#)
5 burpees
} total of 7 rounds

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012-12-18 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball 20#
20 wallball tosses 20#


A. Benchpress 3x5 @ 80%
I was supposed to do 165# but only managed 3x5 @ 155#. Guessing it had something to do with 16 rounds of Cindy yesterday.

B. Deadlift 3x5 @ 80%
I did 255#, which is 80% of 320#

C. 15 min amrap: count num rounds and max DU count reached
100m sprint
as many unbroken DUs as possible
} I did 10 rounds and my max count DUs was 32, though more often I broke after 15-20

Monday, December 17, 2012

2012-12-17 WOD

std warmup
wallball passes x10
wallball slam passes x10
wallball back-to-back side passes x10 each direction


A. 4 sets of {
1 HangPowerSnatch
1 HangPowerSnatch from knee
1 PowerSnatch from floor
} weights: 65, 75, 75, 75

B. "Cindy"
WOD was 10 roudns for time, but I decided to do the whole 20 minutes
so I wrote down my time for 10 rounds, and then counted my rounds/reps for the full 20 min

AMRAP 20 min
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 airsquats
} 10 rounds in 10:40; total count in 20 min - 16 rounds + 16 reps (85 pullups, 170 pushups, 241 squats)

16+16 is a PR for me, and a huge improvement over when I did it last year, getting 12+2, and I think that one was assisted, not strict. Yay measurable progress!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012-12-15 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds of
30 KBS 26#
30 air squats

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of....
KBS 53/70 (I did 53#)
C2B pullups
Goblet squat with above weight
total time (IIRC) 25:40

2012-12-14 WOD


A. OH Press 3x5 at 75% ORM
I did 105#, which is 75% 140 (my ORM is 130, goal is 135-140)

B. Front Squat 3x5 at 75% ORM
I did 155#, which is 75% 210 (my ORM is 205, goal is 210-220)

C. 3 rounds for time
15 pullups
7 OH squat at 95/65 (I did 65#)
} total time: 7:40

D. Later, over lunch
4.8k run, 25:44, 5.21 pace

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012-12-13 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
200m run


A. ROM work
- 4 min shoulder crankers
- 4 min glutes/hips lacrosse ball
- 4 min back/shoulders lacrosse ball

B. 20 min row

C. MU progressions
managed an assisted strict MU. Soooo close!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012-12-12 WOD

A. 4 rounds for time
20 barbell lunges 135/95 (I did 95#)
400m run
} total time 15:15

B. Pullup progressions
3x3 strict pullups with 35# weight
2x3 kipping pullups

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012-12-11 WOD


A. Deadlift 3x5 @ 75% orm
I did 3x5 @ 240# (75% of 320 goal)

B. Benchpress 3x5 @ 75% orm
I did 3x5 @ 155# (75% of 205)

C. For time
500m row
rest 60 seconds
rest 30 seconds
250m row
rest 30 seconds
} my time (minus 2 min rest) 3:56

D. Added a pullup ladder (strict) 4,3,2,1 = 10 pullups

Monday, December 10, 2012

2012-12-10 WOD

std warmup
200m run
handstand walk attempts <-- I need to practice these. Against wall I'm ok, but 'free form' I'm too chicken to actually get vertical

for time:
50 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
30 pullups
20 OH Squat 115/75 (I did 75)
10 Burpee bar jumps
20 OH Squat 115/75 (I did 75)
30 pullups
40 KBS 53/35 (I did 53#)
50 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
total time 26:10 

Update: Ran over lunch: 4.2km, 21:27, 5:06 pace

Saturday, December 8, 2012

2012-12-08 WOD

This was the "Wishing on a WOD" event that BCF does Make A Wish foundation. Fun workout, and we raised some money to brighten the day for some sick kids and their families.


AMRAP 30 minutes
5 pushups
10 situps
15 airsquats

I managed 29 rounds, so 145 pushups, 290 situps, 435 air squats

Friday, December 7, 2012

2012-12-07 WOD

std warmup
10 wallball 12#
20 wallball passes
200m run

A. 5x5 Frontsquat at 70% ORM
I did 145#, which is 70% of 210 (my orm is 205)

B. 5x5 OH Press at 70% ORM
I did 95#, which is 70% of 135 (my orm is 130)

C. 3 rounds for time of:
10 pullups (did the first 7 of the first set strict, all the rest kipping)
15 wallball 20#
400m run
} time 10:10

Thursday, December 6, 2012

2012-12-06 WOD

Recovery/makeup day, I did a little stretching, then made up for Tuesday's WoD which I missed due to work travel.

std warmup
200m run

A. Benchpress 5x5 @ 70% of ORM
I did 5x5 @ 145# (70% of 210, my ORM is 190)

B. Deadlift 5x5 @ 70% of ORM
I did 5x5 @ 225# (70% of 320, my ORM is 315)

C. 5 rounds for time of
10 T2B
25 DU
} total time 10:10

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012-12-05 WOD

3 rounds, total count reps
30 seconds push press 65/95 (I did 95#)
30 seconds jumping squats
30 seconds close-grip pushups
5 min rest b/t rounds
My counts per round: 52, 53, 44 (Rx)

2 rounds, max reps within 4 minute limit (per round)
500m row
OH Squat 55/75 (I did 75#)
4 min rest b/t rounds
My counts per round: 14, 14 (Rx)

[update - over lunch I did 4.2k run in 21min, and did 5 HSPU]

Monday, December 3, 2012

2012-12-03 WOD

std warmup
20 wallball 20#
snatch practice

A. 6 min amrap
3 hang snatch AHAP (I did 75#)
8 burpee box jumps, 24/30 (I did 30")
count: 4 rounds, 3 reps Rx

B. 1000m row for time
time: 4:01

C. 6 min amrap
3 hang power snatch AHAP (I did 75#)
8 wallball 20/14 (I did 20#)
count: 5 rounds, 3 reps Rx

Saturday, December 1, 2012

2012-12-01 WOD

December! Wow, time flies

std warmup
10 wallball slam passes 20/14
10 wallball chest passes 20/14

4 rounds of:
4 min limit
500m row
thrusters 65/95 for remainder of 4 min (I did 95#)
4 min rest
counts were 16, 15, 14, 15 Rx