Just a quick hotel workout while travelling
A. 12-11-10...3,2,1
Pushups (78 reps)
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
2023-08-29 WoD
400m run
2 min Airdyne
std warmup
A. 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift, increasing weight
warm: 2x5 Deadlift 95#
main: 10x135, 8x165, 6x185, 4x205, 2x225
B. (superset w A)
6x1 HSHold (10-20s)
C. 5 rounds for time
12 Deadlift 115#
9 Hang PowerClean 115#
4 Strict HSPU (rx was 6 reps, kipping)
time: 12:05
Monday, August 28, 2023
2023-08-28 WoD
400m run
2 block run
std warmup
couple rounds of movements below
A. 25min AMRAP
5 Pullup
10 Pushup
15 AirSquat
1 block run at 5,10,15,20 min mark.
Result: 18 rounds + 23 reps (plus the 4 runs)
B. 100 banded bicep curls. 20 situps at each break (2 breaks, as I did 50-30-20)
Sunday, August 27, 2023
2023-08-27 WoD
//Short sunday run, followed by some gym work.
A. 3.55km; 21:01; 5:55 pace
B. Work to a heavy PowerClean + PushJerk
5x75, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x165 (failed Jerk)
C. (Superset w (B)) HS drills
N Strict HSPU
1 HSHold ~10s
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (28 total)
D. BW Squat challenge
BackSquat 1x5 @ 135
BackSquat 1x20 @ 165
Saturday, August 26, 2023
2023-08-26 WoD
2 block run
std warmup
several of each of movements below
A. for time. 24 min cap (was a partner wod, but I did it solo and cut reps in half)
2 rounds of:
25 wallball 20#
25 DB Clean & Jerk 2x35#
25 situps
1 block medball run
2 rounds of
25 Devils press 2x30#
25 pullup
25 Jumping Lunges
time: 22:50
Friday, August 25, 2023
2023-08-25 WoD
//short run while travelling
A. Run 4.76km; 26:42; 5:36 pace
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
2023-08-23 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. 4 rounds
1 PC + 3 Front Squats
20 DU
95, 115, 135, 155
B. 12 min AMRAP
50 SU
(from floor) 6 Front Squat 135# (Rx was 155)
7 rounds + 1 SquatClean
C. 3 rounds, not for time
50m farmer carry 1x53# kb
20s Side plank (left)
20s Side plank (right)
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
2023-08-22 WoD
400m run
std warmup
deadlift drills
A. 7x1 Sumo Deadlift - if up to it, attempt a PR
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 3x165, 2x185, 1x205, 1x225, 1x255, 1x275(tied previous PR), 1x295(pr)
B. (Superset w (a)): 7 sets of 4 kipping pullups, starting at Top of pullup
C. For time: 10-8-6-4-2 of
Sumo Deadlift 185# (was supposed to be 70% of what we did in (a), but this was more like ~65%)
strict pullup
time: 4:56
D. 100 good mornings, with heavy band.
(did it unbroken. There was a penalty if you broke, but I didn't)
Monday, August 21, 2023
2023-08-21 WoD
400m run
2 block run
std warmup
DB Snatch drills
A. "Ellen" - 3 rounds for time
20 burpees
21 DB Snatch 35# (scaled - Rx was 50#)
12 DB Thruster 2x35# (scaled - Rx was 2x50#)
time: 11:56
B. 100 banded tricep extension (Do 1 round of (C) every time you break)
did 100 unbroken
C. 2 rounds (added since I did B unbroken)
4 V-ups
4 tuck-ups
1 hollow hold 10s
Sunday, August 20, 2023
2023-08-20 WoD
std warmup
A. 2.05Km run; 12:01, 5:51
B. Work to a heavy SquatClean + PushJerk
5x45, 5x75, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165(PC), 1x175(failed). 1x170 (PowerClean, failed Jerk)
C. 10x1 HSHold (5-15s each)
D. High pullup practice (belly to bar), 6x1
2023-08-19 WoD
400m run
1 block run
std warm up
A. "Loredo". 6 Rounds for time
24 AirSquats
24 Pushups
24 Lunges
2 block run
time: 25:30
B. 2 rounds, not for time
30s Side Plank (left)
30s Side Plank (right)
30s FarmerCarry Hold (left) 35#
30s FarmerCarry Hold (right) 35#
Friday, August 18, 2023
2023-08-18 WoD
400m run
std warmup
clean drills
A. For time, 22min cap.
21 PowerClean 95#
21 T2B
3 block run
15 PowerClean 95#
15 T2B
2 block run
9 PowerClean 95#
9 T2B
1 block run
15 PowerClean 95#
15 T2B
2 block run
21 PowerClean 95#
21 T2B
3 block run
Time: 22:49 (went over a little bit, but was the only one who finished)
Thursday, August 17, 2023
2023-08-17 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. 30 min AMRAP, but for Quality, not for time.
20m down-n-back sled push
1 block farmer carry 1x44# KB
10 One Arm DB BenchPress 35#/arm
6 rounds even, added an extra set of bench to finish out the time.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
2023-08-16 WoD
400m run
2 rounds
1 min row
1 min spidermans & bootstraps
10 scap pullups
5 kip swings
10mx4 monster walks
A. 24min emom
min 1: wallball 20#
min 2: rest
min 3: pullups
min 4: rest
min 5: row for cals
min 6: rest
Round 1: 23 wallball, 17 pullup, 14 cal row
Round 2: 23 wallball, 17 pullup, 15 cal row
Round 3: 23 wallball, 18 pullup, 14 cal row
Round 4: 23 wallball, 18 pullup, 16 cal row
B. 1min/side couch stretch
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
2023-08-15 WoD
400m run
std warmup
deadlift drills
A. 15min AMRAP (5 rounds)
Min 1: 3 banded deadlift
Min 2: HSHold (~20s)
Min 3: 20 DU
Deadlift weights over 5 rounds: 3x155, 3x175, 5x185, 3x205, 3x225
B. 7 Rounds for time
30 DU
4 HSPU (Rx was 3 wallwalk, and R+ was 7 HSPU)
7 Deadlift 155# (Rx was 205)
Time: 11:11
Monday, August 14, 2023
2023-08-14 WoD
400m run
2 rounds
10 banded good mornings
10 banded OHPress
30s squat hold
30s mix-grip hang
10 box stepups
A. Build to a heavy 3-5 rep Front Squat, cleaning from the floor
1 Squat Clean
N Front Squats
5x95, 5x115, 4x135, 3x155, 2x165, 1x170
B. (Superset w A) 5 rounds, not for time
2 chinups at tempo 3030
C. 13 min AMRAP
3 hang power clean 95# (Rx was 75#)
6 thruster 95# (Rx was 75#)
3 strict chinup
6 box jump 24"
8 rounds + 11 reps
Saturday, August 12, 2023
2023-08-12 WoD
400m run
2 rounds
1 block run
3 inchworm
5 shoulder swimmers
5 good mornings
5 PowerClean 45#
5 FrontSquat 75#
10 DU
A. 24 min AMRAP. Partner workout, each does a full round, then rests while other works
*Buy-in each round
7 PowerClean 95# (Rx was 75#)
5 FrontSquat 95# (Rx was 75#)
3 burpee bar jump
*Buy-in rotated:
- 1 block run
- 250m row
- 30 DU
Total: 7 full rounds each, plus 180m Row
Friday, August 11, 2023
2023-08-11 WoD
400m run
std warmup
2 rounds
1 block run
10 banded good mornings
3 inchworm
5 shoulder swimmers
A. EMOM 10 (5 rounds, every 2min mark)
3 PowerClean + PushJerk
warm: 45x3, 75x3, 95x3
main: 115x3, 135x3, 155x3, 165x2, 170x1
B. (superset w A) 4x3 hanging knee raise
C. 3 rounds for time
1 PowerClean 135#
3 PushJerk 135#
10 T2B
1 PowerClean 135#
3 PushJerk 135#
10 T2B
2 block run
time: 10:49 (Rx for above was 155#)
Thursday, August 10, 2023
2023-08-10 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. PinFrontSquat 9x2, at 40-70% ORM
warm: 2x45, 2x95
main: 3x2x115, 3x2x135, 2x2x155, 1x2x175
B. 3 rounds, each for time, rest ~2min b/t
250m Row
8 DBPowerClean 2x35# (Rx was 2x50#)
8 DBFrontRackLunge 2x35# (Rx was 50's)
8 pushup
1:44, 1:48, 1:54
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
2023-08-09 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold w shoulder taps
20 s HollowHold
10 DBPullover 35#
3 DBJumpSquat 2x25#
B. 20min EMOM:
min 1: 10' HSWalk(on wall)
min 2: 12 RingRow
min 3: 10 box jump 24"
min 4: 2 situps (feet anchored)
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
2023-08-08 WoD
400m run
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Snatch complex for 15 min
HighHang Snatch
HangSnatch (above knee)
HangSnatch (below knee)
45, 65, 65, 75, 75, 85, 95
B. (superset w A) 5x3 Wall-facing AirSquat
C. 3 rounds for time
30 wallball 20#
20 Hang Power Clean 95# (Rx was Hang Snatch 75#)
time: 10:30
Monday, August 7, 2023
2023-08-07 WoD
400m run
std warmup
3x20 SU
2x20 DU
deadlift drills
A. Work to a heavy single Deadlift
95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 205x3, 225x3,
255x2, 275x1, 295x1, 305x1Failed
B. (superset w above) 5x20 DU
C. 15 min AMRAP
500m row buy-in
5 burpees
25 SU
5 burpees
25 DU (was supposed to X-overs)
5 burpees
25 DU
3 Deadlift 225#
3 full rounds + 5 burpee + 20SU
2023-08-06 WoD
//sunday short run (hammy bugging me) and some light lifting.
A. Run 3km
B. Work to a heavy PowerClean + PushJerk
5x45, 5x75, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175, 1x185failed
C. (superset w B) 7x1 HSHold
D. 3x5s false grip hang
E. 3x3 false grip ring row
F. 3x3 strict pullup
Friday, August 4, 2023
2023-08-04 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
1 sled push down and back (w 45#)
6 alternating hanging single leg raise
7 KBS 53#
B. 15 min AMRAP
16 KBS 53#
11 wallball 20#
6 T2B
(I think I got 8 rounds even?)
Thursday, August 3, 2023
2023-08-03 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. 20 min EMOM
min 1: 8 DB Benchpress 2x35#
min 2: 8 goblet stepup 36#
min 3: 10 gorilla row 35#
min 4: rest
B. BackSquat.
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 3x205, 1x225
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
2023-08-02 WoD
400m run
std warmup
deadlift drills
A. Work up to moderate deadlift
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 3x225
B. 10 rounds for time
8 Deadlift 185 (Rx was 10x225)
10 BoxJumpOver 24"
5 strict HSPU (Rx was 2 wallwalk, Rx+ was 6 HSPU)
* 5 block run buy-in and same for cash-out
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
2023-08-01 WoD
400m run
std warmup
A. 5 rounds, not for time
6 DB FrontSquat (2x25, 2x35, 2x35, 2x35, 2x40)
8/arm bent-over DBRow
B. 10 rounds for time
5 pullups
4 burpee bar jump
6 OneArmDBThruster 35# (Rx was 50#). Alternate arms each round
time: 9:59