Tuesday, April 30, 2019

2019-04-30 WOD

std warmup
DU warmup


odd: 5 weighted strict pullup
even: 30 DU

B. 15 min AMRAP
5 DBall Clean 100#
10 Ring dips (Rx was regular dips)
15 cal AirDyne
6 rounds + 1 DBall clean

I added:

C. 3 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold ~10s
10 GHD Situp

Monday, April 29, 2019

2019-04-29 WOD

std warmup
400m run
push press drills
2 BarMU


A. 5x3 Front Squat at ~60%
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 1x3 @ 115, 1x3 @ 135, 3x3@155#

B. 3 RFT
400m run
21 Push press 95# (Rx was 115 I think)
15 burpees
6 BarMU (Rx was 9)

Sunday, April 28, 2019

2019-04-28 Sunday run & yoga

A. Run 5.0km: 21:11; 4:14 pace
Ran on a local track, which helped, still among my faster 5k times.

B. (Later) 1 hr Yoga class

Saturday, April 27, 2019

2019-04-27 WOD

Tom finished onboarding today. woot.

std warmup
1200m row
deadlift drills
OHSquat drills

3 rounds
5 deadlift 93, 135, 165
5 OH Squat 45
5 box jumps 24"


A. 21-15-9
Deadlift 165 (Rx was 225)
box jump 24"
time: 5:54

wait five min (I waited 4)

B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
15 OHSquat 75# (Rx was 135#(!))

Thursday, April 25, 2019

2019-04-25 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup


A. 1000m row

B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175 (failed)

C (superset w above) HS practice
HSHold, 6x10s

D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 strict L-sit MU
1 One-arm-chinup/side

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

2019-04-23 WOD

std w4armup
600m row
back squat warmup


A. Work to a heavy 3 rep back squat.
5x45, 5x95, 4x135, 3x165, 3x185, 3x215

B. 1x20 back squat AHAP
1x20 @ 135

C. 5 rounds for time

4 min rest, then

D. 5 legless rope climbs 12' for time (Rx was 10 climbs)

~3 min

Monday, April 22, 2019

2019-04-22 WOD

std warmup
clean & jerk drills


A. EMOM 10
Hang Clean
Push Jerk
2x75, 2x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x145

B. 3 sprint sets, each on 5 min mark
5 Deadlift 185# (Rx was 225)
5 box jump 20"
12 cal AirDyne
43s, 39s, 43s

I added

C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 banded face pulls
1 slow strict MU

Sunday, April 21, 2019

2019-04-21 Yoga

Skipped the run this morning (too sore; too lazy), but made it to yoga in the afternoon.

A. 1hr yoga class

Saturday, April 20, 2019

2019-04-20 WOD & Skiing

Morning workout, then up to Hood for a few hrs of snowboarding

std warmup
750m row
clean drills
OH Squat drills


A. 30 min amrap w partner

buy-in: 3 rounds each of
5 thruster 95#
10 alternating front rack lunge 95#


50 box jumps (25 each)
40 Hang power clean 95# (20 each)
30 cal row (15 each)
20 OH Squat (10 each, though on second round I only did 6)
10 devils press 2x35#

2 full rounds + 50 box jumps + 30 hang power cleans (15 each)


Later that day:

B. 4 hrs of snowboarding

Friday, April 19, 2019

2019-04-19 WOD

std warmup
rowing sprints (~2x200m)
press drills for A.


A. 10 min EMOM
Power Clean
Strict Press
Push Press
Push Jerk
3x75, 3x95, 2x105, 1x115, 1x125

B. For time
2,4,6,8,10 of

800m run on tread

10,8,6,4,2 of
time: 13:15

Thursday, April 18, 2019

2019-04-18 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup


A. 500m row

B. Work to a heavy power clean & jerk
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175 (clean, but failed jerk)

C. (superset w above) HSHolds

D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 OneArmChinup/side
1 strict MU, slow-ish

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

2019-04-17 WOD & Yoga

std warmup

10,9,8,7...1 of
Air Squat
Jump Squat


A. 3x3 Front Squat @ 85% (went a bit lighter as I've not been on cycle)
warm: 5x95, 4x115, 3x135
main: 3x165, 3x185, 3x205

B. 5 min AMRAP, then rest 5 min, then 5 min AMRAP of same
3 Cleans @ 135# (Rx was 4 reps at 165)
4 burpees over bar
1 legless rope climb 12' (Rx was 2 regular climbs)
1st round: 3 rounds + 3 cleans
2nd round 2 rounds + 2 cleans

later that evening

C. 1hr yoga class

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

2019-04-16 WOD

std warmup
800m run (Tread)


A. BarMU skills practice (10 min)
did a bunch of singles and doubles, focused on form, (no chicken wing)

4 strict pullups
4 DB push press 2x35#
8 pushup
8 DB bent over rows
12 Air Squat
12 Medball Situp 14#
2 min/round, did 6 rounds in 12:04

Monday, April 15, 2019

2019-04-15 WOD

std warmup
deadlift drills


A. 3x3 Deadlift at 85% (I just built to a heavy triple as I've been off cycle)
10x95, 8x135, 6x185, 3x225, 3x255, 3x275

B. 4 rounds for time
400m run
100m KB front rack carry 2x36# (Rx was 2x53#)
50 DU
time: 14:35

I added

C. HSHold x3 @ 10s

Sunday, April 14, 2019

2019-04-14 Yoga

Yoga class cancelled so Alisa and I just did our own thing (kinda cut it short though)

A. 30 min yoga

Saturday, April 13, 2019

2019-04-13 WOD

Took Tom w me again to saturday's workout
2 mile airdyne
std warmup


All parts partner workouts, trading off as needed

A. 8 min AMRAP
10 pushpress 75# (5 each)
20 OH squat (I did 7/round) 75#
200m run
4 rounds

B. 8 min AMRAP
6 rope climbs (I did 3 legless just to 10')
4 Devils press (me) + 5 burpees (partner)
12 syncro situps
3 rounds + rope climbs and devils press of 4th round

C. 8 min AMRAP
30 wallball (15 each) 20#
40 KBS (20 each) 53#
50 cal Airdyne (I did 30)
1 round + wallballs and KB of second round

Friday, April 12, 2019

2019-04-12 WOD

std warmup
200m run
clean drills


A. 4x5 push press, increasing weight
5x65, 5x75, 5x85, 5x95

B. for time
800m run buy-in

4 rounds
5 power cleans 135# (Rx was 155#)
3 front squat 135# (Rx was 5 at 155#)
3 strict MU (Rx was 5, not strict

800m run cash out

time: 16:05

Thursday, April 11, 2019

2019-04-11 WOD

Active recovery day, plus B-DAY MUSCLE-UPS!
std warmup
700m row


A. Work to a moderate CJ
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 2x155

B. (superset w above) HSHold

C. B-Day muscle-ups - 50 for time
15: 4:24
30: 10:44 (slower than my PR but was pacing for 50
50: 24:15 (>10min faster than last year)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

2019-04-10 WOD

400m run (tread)
std warmup
deadlift warmup


A. 3x5 deadlift ~75%
warm: 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 5x225, 5x225, 5x245

B. For time:
30 deadlift 185# (Rx was 225)
60 pushups
90 cal row
time: 10:33

C. 3x3 strict C2B pullups

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

2019-04-09 WOD

std warmup
500m row
snatch drills


A. 10 min EMOM
Power Snatch
Hang Snatch
3x45, 3x65, 2x75, 1x85, 1x95

B. 3 Rounds, each for time, sprinting, with rest b/t. start on 5 min mark
15 Push Press 75# (Rx was 95#)
10 burpee bar jump
55s, 53s, 51s

I added

C. 3 rounds, not for time
3 strict chinups
2 one arm chinups/side, assisted
2 Tuck Front Lever

Monday, April 8, 2019

2019-04-08 WOD

std warmup
5 rounds
20s squat hold
5 wallball 12#
back squat warmup


A. 3x5 back squat @ 60-75%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 5x185, 3x205 (70%, 75%)

B. 16 min AMRAP w partner
50 syncro Air Squats
50 HSPU divide as needed (I did 30 kipping)
50 T2B (I did 25 - 7-7-7-4)
50 DU each
400m run
1 full round + 50 air squats + 30 HSPU (I did 15)

I added:

C. 3 rounds, not for time
8/side DB Ext Rotation 10#
3 jefferson curl w 36# KB
1/side 15s banded rotation hold
1 strict MU

Saturday, April 6, 2019

2019-04-06 WOD

Bring-a-friend day, so I brought Tom!

std warmup
2 min Airdyne
several of each of movements below


A. 20 min emom
odd: 10 wallball 20#, 3 burpees
even: 20 DU, 10 KBS 36#

B. 5 rounds for time:
200m run
10 pullups
15 pushups
20 air squats
(for got time - 12 min maybe?)

Friday, April 5, 2019

2019-04-05 WOD

std warmup
400m row
snatch drills


A. 10 min emom
Power Snatch
2 OHSquat
3x45, 3x65, 4x75

B. For time (24 min cap, though went over. Scaled as needed)
90 DU
80 alternating lnuges
70 pushups
60 box stepups 20"
50 T2B (scaled to 40 reps)
40 Back squat 135# (scaled to 10 front squat at 135#)
30 HSPU (scaled to 15)
20 Power Clean 135# (scaled to 10 at 135#)
10 MU
1000m row

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

2019-04-03 WOD

std warmup
400m run
clean & thruster drills


A. for time:
800m run buy-in (3:00)

1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 of
Power Clean 95#
Thruster 95#
2 front rack lunge 95#

800m run cashout
(time at this point 15:50)

then 5rounds of cindy:
5 pullup
10 pushup
15 air squat
time: 20:40

I added:

B. MU Practice
4 strict singles

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

2019-04-02 WOD

600m run
std warmup
several of each of movements in chipper below


A. For time
10 Deadlift 185# (was supposed to be 60-65% of ORM - which feels about right for where I'm at)
20 C2B pullups
30 box jumps 24"
40 KBS 53#
50 DU
40 KBS 53#
30 box jumps 24"
20 C2B pullups
10 Deadlift 185# (was supposed to be 60-65% of ORM - which feels about right for where I'm at)
Time: 13:20

wait 5 min

B. 1 mile run.
7:20 (slow!)

I added:

C. HSHold - 3 for ~10s for each

Monday, April 1, 2019

2019-04-01 WOD

2 min airdyne
std warmup
clean & jerk drills


A. EMOM 10
Power Clean
2 Front Squat
Push Jerk
75, 85, 95, 105, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155

B. 3 rounds, each a sprint, on the 5 min mark
3 Power Clean 135# touchngo (Rx was 5 reps
5 burpees over bar
12 cal Airdyne (Rx was 15)
52s, 53s, 53s

I added

C. MU practice
4 strict singles