Sunday, June 29, 2014

2014-06-28 Mid-Valley Melee!

Did a fun partner-event today, the NW Fit Games' Mid-Valley Melee. It was a 1 day event, with teams of male-male or female-female partners competing in Rx or Scaled divisions, with 3 events and the top 3 teams in each division going on to a fourth event. My partner and I placed 3rd out of the 8 teams in our division.

Only 1 of the 4 wods was announced ahead of time. The others were all a surprise, though there was a hint about event 1.

Here's the details on the wods & scores.

Event 1 - "Just the Tip"

They had posted a picture of a firehose, and it turned out that event 1 involved dragging a ~75' length of firehose up a hill and back (total of about 600m according to runkeeper). Each of the 4 150m sections counted for 1 point, and you could trade off with partner as needed. The hose was easier to keep a grip on than I thought (you were only allowed to hold the first 2' - just the tip), and about as hard to drag as i thought (hard!).

You then had to do 40 burpees over partner. We did 12 burpees each, and then I did the last 16 so my partner could be fresh to attack the hose drag again. burpees were one point each

On the last hose pull, we made the first length (45 points now), and were probably 50 feet from getting the next marker. As it turned out, 3 teams made 46 points, and the other 4 were tied for fourth with 45 points. That extra point would have helped later, as I'll get to.

Event 2 - "A Lot of a Lot"

This was the only event they posted ahead of time. It was the "fifties" workout from regionals, only (a) we were able to split the work with our partner, and (b) in scaled division the deadlifts were 135# instead of 185#, the wallball target was 9' instead of 10', and hand-release pushups were substituted instead of ring dips. the event was:

Finish a much as possible in 21 min time cap, with only one partner working at a time, split work as desired:
50 calorie row
50 box jump overs 24"
50 dead lifts 135#
50 wallball (9', 20#)
50 wallball (9', 20#)
50 dead lifts 135#
50 box jump overs 24"
50 calorie row

I was extremely pleased with this event. Scott and I went in with a plan, executed to the plan, and did pretty well (2nd out of 8 teams). At regionals, there were MANY total badasses that didn't finish this in the time cap, and I was worried about that, but we finished in 16:16. We practiced how to nail the box jumps efficiently, how to tradeoff wallballs efficiently, etc. Went well.

Event 3: "Never, Never Again"

9 minute ladder:
3 pullups
3 front squats 95#
6 pullups
6 front squats 95#
9 pullups
9 front squats 95#
12 pullups
12 front squats 95#
15 pullups
15 front squats 95#
18 pullups
18 front squats 95#
21 pullups
21 front squats 95#
24 pullups <-- we got through 19 of these
Partner waits behind start line 50' away, so it was a short (time consuming) sprint any time we tagged out. We just tried to trade off as little as possible (e.g. I did the set of 18 front squats unbroken, were many people were breaking more frequently by that point. Some competitors were breaking sets and resting, rather that tagging out, which was a mistake.

we ended up coming in 3rd for this event.

Final event: "Long and Hard"

After 3 events, teams one and two had 5 and 6 points, and we had 9. This meant we qualified for finals, but even if we'd placed first, we'd have ended up with 10 points, and the other teams 7 or 9 points, so really it was just doing it for the sake of doing it.

For time:
600m run (up and back same hill as event 1)
30 partner lunges - both partners holding bar - 115#
30 ground to overhead 115# (we split it approx 50/50 and both CJ'd it)
600m run (up and back same hill as event 1)

When they announced the event, we were pretty pleased. Scott and I are both pretty fast runners, and the other guys were way bigger than us, so we figured this event would be mostly made or broken in the run.

"Everyone has a plan until they punched in the face" - Mike Tyson

Right out the gate, one team was ahead of us on the run by a small margin, and the other right on our heels. Uh oh. Sure enough, they kicked our butt on the lifts. The lunges were ok (we did all 30 unbroken) but the CJ's, which normally I could do all day at that weight, were pretty exhausting after 3 other events. The other teams hit the run long before we did and we came in a distant third.

Still happy with how we did. The 3rd place finish won us some booze and bragging rights over the other 4 teams from our box :-)

Next up I'll have to try an individual comp, of which a couple are coming up in sept, oct.

Event 1: 4th place (of 8)
Event 2: 2nd place (of 8)
Event 3: 3rd place (of 8)
Event 4: 3rd place (of 3) 

Friday, June 27, 2014

2014-06-27 WOD

Light skills work & recovery today, getting ready for Mid-Valley Melee tomorrow

std warmup
Sumo Deadlift drills
4x10 wallballs 14#

A. box jump over practice
did about 30-40 of them, several box orientations

B. Wallball 20#
Did about 4 sets of 5

C. DUs
4 sets of 30

D. 1 mile run

Thursday, June 26, 2014

2014-06-26 WOD

Active recovery day. Just a row and some skills work
std warmup
3 rounds
5 air squats
10 jumping jacks
400m run


A. 20min row, moderate pace

B. 3x3 ring pullups

C. 3x3 ring dips

D. 3 front lever negatives

E. 2 HS Holds for balance

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

2014-06-25 WOD

std warmup
400m run
DL & Press drills

A. Work to a 1RM DL
I PR'd this 2 weeks ago, so would have been nice to PR again but didn't happen
10x45#, 8x135#, 6x185#, 4x225#, 2x275#, 1x315#, 335# failed (twice)

B. Work to a 1RM OH Press
10x45#, 8x75#, 3x95#, 1x105#, 1x115#, 1x125#, 135# failed, 130# failed

I added:

C. 3x10 GHD situp

D. HS Holds
3 x 1 min

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2014-06-24 WOD

std warmup
15 medball chest passes
10 medball oh passes


A. pullup complex, 10 rounds for time. Scale as needed. Must stay on bar for each whole set of 3 movements.
3 weighted pullups 45# (I did 20#)
5 strict pullups
7 kipping pullups

I did 3/5/7 for the first 2 rounds, then droped to 2/3/4 for the remainder. Took 27:30 min nonetheless.
Total = 22 weighted pullups + 34 strict pullups + 46 kipping pullups = 102 pullups

I added:

B. 3x8 GHD situps

C. HSHolds for balance
3, none for long duration

Monday, June 23, 2014

2014-06-23 WOD

std warmup
400m run
3x 10 air squats

A. Work to a heavy back squat
warm: 10x45#, 8x95#, 6x135#, 3x185#, 2x205#, 1x225#,
main: 1x235#, 1x245#, 1x260# (PR)

B. Work to a heavy benchpress
warm: 10x45#, 8x95#, 6x135#, 3x155#,
main: 1x185#, 1x200 (PR)

I added:

C. 4x8 GHD situps

Sunday, June 22, 2014

2014-06-22 Run

Short run today. Went a little faster than usual, but kept it to 5k.

5.01km, 22:15, 4.26 pace.

That's a PR by my "official" numbers. Unofficially, I did 20:40 one time, but that was calculated based on my time to do 5.3km.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

2014-06-21 WOD

std warmup
weighted ball warmup
3 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
200m run
2 rounds
5 burpees
10 DU


4 Rounds for time
500m row
50 DU
30 Air squats
10 burpees

Time: 17:21

Friday, June 20, 2014

2014-06-20 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
3 jumping squats
5 situps
5 pushups


A. For time
12-9-6 HSPU (strict, but added abmat after first 8 reps)
24-18-12 GHD Situps
Time: 8:15

B. 3 sets of 30s AirDyne sprints for cals

C. Ring Rows (false grip)

I added

D. BarMU
Only one.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

2014-06-19 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
3 rounds
5 air squats
10 jumping jacks
400m run


A. Row
1000m, 100s rest
900m, 90s rest
200m, 20s rest
Total of 5500m. Clock reset so I couldn't note time, but kept about 2min/500m pace for most of it. That works out to about 21min rowing and 9 min rest

I added:

B. 3x8 GHD situps

C. HSHolds
60sec, 45sec, 45sec

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2014-06-18 WOD

std warmup
deadlift drills


A. 4 rounds for time, 15 min time cap
200m run
15 deadlifts 155#
12 box jumps 24"

time: 10:19 Rx

B. 3 x 10 KBSnatch, ahap
did 1 round at 36#, then 2 rounds at 44#

I added:

C. GHD Situps

D. HSHolds
2x1 minute

E. MU attempts
1 ring, 2 bar, all failed

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

2014-06-17 WOD

Tough one today! First time Rx'ing it

std warmup
CJ drills
20 wallball passes 20#
20 oh wallball passes 20#
CJ warmup reps (135, 155, few of each)


A. "Iron Mike". For time:
1 mile run
30 CJ @ 155#
2000m row
time: 27:50

Bunch of people beat me, but I was happy with it. First time Rx'ing this and I stuck to my plan which was 7-8 min run + 10 min for the CJs + 8-9 min row. I fell behind that a little bit, but wasn't too far off.

I added:

B. 2x10 GHD situps

C. MU attempts
3 all failed

D. BarMU attempts
2 failed, 1 successful

E. HS Holds
3, each only 15-20 seconds, but practiced balancing off the wall for 2 of them, and for 1 I tried shifting weight to only one arm (got to ~90/10)

Monday, June 16, 2014

2014-06-16 WOD

std warmup
clean practice
200m run


A. 5 rounds for time:
20 wallball 25# (they were out of 20#. Most folk did 25x20#)
5 MU or 10 C2B pullups (I did C2B)
time: 17:20 (I think. Going by memory as I forgot to write it down)

B. 400m run

I added:

C. 3x10 GHD situps
(first time I was able to touch the floor with them. woo!)

D. MU attempts
tried 2 on the rings, 2 on the bar. All failed. Too tired from part A and from Saturday.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014-06-15 Run

Short run this morning while the family slept.

6.28km, 34:48, 5:33min/km

Saturday, June 14, 2014

2014-06-14 WOD

Woo! Big one today, team wod in prep for BCF BBQ

std warmup


As a team of 2:

A. Team will do
5 x 200m farmer carry, EACH. AHAP (we did 2x55# dumbell).
150 T2B (75 each, which we broke as 20,20,20,15)
time: 25:30

rest 5 min

B. As a team:
800 medball run 20# (pass off as needed)
6 rounds of
15 burpees
partner holds ball above head while other works
partners switch and repeat
800 medball run 20# (pass off as needed)

time: 24:10

Friday, June 13, 2014

2014-06-13 WOD

Travelling today, last day at Crossfit Mean Streets in LA.

std warmup
20 jumping jacks
10 air squats


A. "Tosh" 3 rounds for time
200m run
rest equal time
400m run
rest equal time
600m run
rest equal time
Round 1: 200: 0:32 (rest 32), 400: 1:10 (rest 70), 600: 2:00 (rest 120)
Round 2: 200: 0:35 (rest 35), 400: 1:10 (rest 70), 600: 2:03 (rest 123)
Round 3: 200: 0:35 (rest 35), 400: 1:15 (rest 75), 600: 2:20 (rest 140)
total: 22:20 (PR!)

B. Cartwheel progressions
- 6 kick-overs
- 3 push-downs
- 6 kick-overs with push back
- 6 kick-overs with 'foot plant' (forget what he was calling it)
- 6 butterfly kicks
I sucked at this whole progression and should definitely do some on my own time.

I added:

C. MU practice
2 failed
1 successful

Thursday, June 12, 2014

2014-06-12 WOD

In LA still, at Crossfit Mean Streets.

std warmup
3 rounds:
15 pass-thrus
10 sec handstand hold
15 good mornings
10 scap pulls on rings


"Nate": 20 min AMRAP of
2 MUs (scale = 4 pullups + 4 ring dips)
4 HSPU (scale =  on box)
8 KBS 70/53# (I did 70")
Rounds/reps: 5 + 8

I did 1 MU + 2 pullups + 2 dips on the first 2 rounds, after that a failed MU followed by 4+4 on the next 4 rounds. Last couple rounds my HSPU were 2 strict and 2 negatives. So, scaled, but a PR for me.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014-06-11 WOD

Travelling this week, did a drop-in wod at Crossfit Mean Streets in LA.

Tabata warmup (couple rounds of tabata on each of the following)
air squats
jumping jacks
cossack squats
alternating lunges
half-burpees (down to pushup position but not to floor)
2x5 of
Cleans (bar only)
drop squats
jumps over wallballs
jumps over 24" high pvc's

A. work to a 1RM (full) Clean
5x95, 3x115, 2x145, 1x155, 165, 175, 185 (tied my PR), 195(failed)

B. AMRAP, pushups (unbroken, can rest at top but not on knees or downward dog, etc)
43 (PR)

C. work to a 1RM OH Squat
45, 75, 95, 105(fail) (ugh need to work on shoulder mobility

I added:
D. 3x2 DL, add from last week
5x165, 5x195, 3x225, 3x255, 2x285, 2x305, 2x305
1x 325 (PR). I filmed it since I wasn't at BCF, and wanted to assess form. Back not rounding much, but shoulders not back as they should be. really should have filed from the side.

Monday, June 9, 2014

2014-06-09 WOD

std warmup (which I was late for)
200m run


A. Back Squat 3x2 AHAP
warm: 45x5, 135x5, 185x4, 205x2
main: 225x2, 225x2, 235x3

B. Benchpress 3x2 AHAP
warm: 45x5, 135x5,
main: 165x2, 175x2, 175x3

C. C2B pullups - strict - 3x 8-12
strict I could only do sets of 5,4,4

D. BarMU 3x max
2UB, 1, 1

I added:

E. RingMU attempts
3, failed. Too tired from the pullups, I think

Saturday, June 7, 2014

2014-06-07 WOD

std warmup
clean drills

A. 21-15-9
Hang Power Clean 115#
HSPU/HRPU (I did 6+15, 2+13, 1+8)
~7:30 (forgot to write time down)

B. 21-15-9
Deadlift 165#
Box jump 24"

I added:

C. Muscle-ups
1 failed, 1 successful

Friday, June 6, 2014

2014-06-06 WOD

Great day at the box. 3 PRs, nailed 2 of my goals for the year

std warmup
5 rounds
5 pushups
5 situps


A. 5k run for time
22:30. A 12s PR.

But then someone pointed out that it's actually 5.45k (which I verified on runkeeper), so it's ~20:40 for 5k proper. I'm counting 22:30 as the PR time, but counting it against my goal of getting a sub-21 5k by end of year.

B. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 of
double unders
time: 6:55 (8 second PR)

I added:

C. MU attempts
3 failed and then FINALLY GOT MY FIRST MU ON THE RINGS! Another of my goals for the year

D. BarMUs
3 singles

Progress against 2014 goals:
1. MU. This is the year.  <-- DONE
2. 135# Snatch.
3. Move from 3rd quartile in the Open to around 50-60% range, for men 40-44. <-- DONE
4. Participate in at least 2 events, one of them being a CF event. (Will be done June 28)
5. 10' HS Walk
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran & Grace <--Grace done, not Fran yet
7. 325# Deadlift
8. Break 21 minutes for 5k run <-- DONE

Thursday, June 5, 2014

2014-06-05 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
10 wallball passes
3 rounds
5 airsquats
10 jumping jacks


A. Recovery row. Did Christine's routine which was:
1000m row, 100s rest
900m row, 90s rest
800m row, 80s rest
700m row, 70s rest
600m row, 60s rest
500m row, 50s rest
400m row, 40s rest
300m row, 30s rest
200m row, 20s rest
100m row

Total of 5500m, time: 22:30

B: 2x5 strict pullups

C: MU attempts
Several. All failed. But soooo close.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2014-06-04 WOD

std warmup
400m run
4 rounds of
5 pushups
10 leg raises


A. 3x3 Deadlift, add 10-20# from last week
warm: 135x5, 185x5,  225x3,
main 275x3,  285x3,  295x3 (87%, 90%, 94%)

B. 3x3 OH Press, add 5-10# from last week
warm: 45x10, 75x5,  95x3,
main 105x3,  105x3,  115x3

C. 3x8 Pendlay rows, heavy as possible with good form
95x8, 95x8, 115x8

D. 3x12 strict pullups. Assisted partner pullups if needed
I started strict and went assisted after failing
8strict + 4 assisted
4strict + 8 assisted
1strict + 11 assisted

I added:

E. HS Holds
3x 45 seconds

F. GHD situps

G. BarMU
1 successful, 1 failed

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2014-06-03 WOD

First time doing Fight Gone Bad. Whew!

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushups
5 air squats
3 rounds
200m run
5 air squats

5 reps each of
wallball 20#
Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75#
box jump 20"
push press 75#
row for 5 cals

A. "Fight Gone Bad" - 3 rounds - each movement is 1 min amrap, 5 movements, 1 min rest at the end of each round. Score is total reps
wallball 20#
Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75#
box jump 20"
push press 75#
row for cals

Round 1: 29, 15, 17, 20, 14: Total = 95
Round 2: 20, 12, 14, 17, 12: Total = 75
Round 3: 19, 12, 16, 18, 12: Total = 77
Total score: 247 (PR, as I've never done it before)

I added:

B. 2x3 strict pullups

C. BarMU
1, 3 ub, 3 ub, 1

Monday, June 2, 2014

2014-06-02 WOD

std warmup
medball clean drills
400m run

A. 3x3 BackSquat, add 10-20# from last week (last week was 185)
warm:45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3
main: 205x3x3

B. 3x3 Benchpress, add 5-10# from last week (last week was 165)
warm:45x5, 95x5, 135x5,
main: 175x3x3

C. 800m run for time
time: 2:40 (+11s PR)

D. 6min AMRAP
20 OH Lunge 45#
20 KBS 35/53# (I scaled to 35)
3 rounds + 5 reps

I added:

E. Strict pullups

F. Ring MU attempts
2, both failed

G. Bar MU