Went a little longer today, trying to hold a 5-min pace.
A. Run 13.13 km, 1:06:07, 5:02 min/km pace
Sunday, April 30, 2017
2017-04-29 WOD
std warmup
400m run
clean & thruster warmup w bar
A. 5 rounds for time
12 burpees
9 T2B
6 power cleans at 155# (I did 1 round at 155, then dropped to 135 for remainder)
time: 13:00 (IIRC. forgot to write it down)
5 min rest
B. D-ball carry 200m
100# dball. broke about 5 times
5 min rest
C. 3 rounds for time:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 135# (I scaled to 3 per round but did at rx weight)
5 HSPU strict
5 MU
time: 11:30
std warmup
400m run
clean & thruster warmup w bar
A. 5 rounds for time
12 burpees
9 T2B
6 power cleans at 155# (I did 1 round at 155, then dropped to 135 for remainder)
time: 13:00 (IIRC. forgot to write it down)
5 min rest
B. D-ball carry 200m
100# dball. broke about 5 times
5 min rest
C. 3 rounds for time:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 135# (I scaled to 3 per round but did at rx weight)
5 HSPU strict
5 MU
time: 11:30
Friday, April 28, 2017
2017-04-28 WOD
std warmup
Push Jerk drills w PVC
A. Benchpress 5x5 add 10-20# from last week
warm: 10x45, 8x95,
main: 5x135, 5x155, 4x155, 3x155
B. OH Press 5x5 moderate weight
warm: 10x45
main: 5x75, 5x75, 5x85, 5x85
C. For time:
50 wallball 20#
30 pullups
10 power snatch 85# (was 135# Rx)
30 pullups
std warmup
Push Jerk drills w PVC
A. Benchpress 5x5 add 10-20# from last week
warm: 10x45, 8x95,
main: 5x135, 5x155, 4x155, 3x155
B. OH Press 5x5 moderate weight
warm: 10x45
main: 5x75, 5x75, 5x85, 5x85
C. For time:
50 wallball 20#
30 pullups
10 power snatch 85# (was 135# Rx)
30 pullups
50 wallball 20#
time: 13:27
I added:
D. Not for time. 1,2,1 of
strict HSPU
Thursday, April 27, 2017
2017-04-27 WOD
Active Recovery Day.
std warmup
A. 700m row
B. 50 back squat, unbroken, 95#
(1st attempt working toward bodyweight of same)
C. Clean and Jerk practice
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155
D. MU practice
1, 1, 2 MU
1 strict MU
std warmup
A. 700m row
B. 50 back squat, unbroken, 95#
(1st attempt working toward bodyweight of same)
C. Clean and Jerk practice
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155
D. MU practice
1, 1, 2 MU
1 strict MU
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
2017-04-26 WOD
std warmup
deadlift warmup
KB pushpress 2x5 45#
A. 3 rounds for time
800m run
20 ring rows
20 v-ups
20 DB push press 45# (10/arm)
time: 18:09
B. Deadlift 3x3 @ 85% (85% would be 315 for me)
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 6x135 5x185 4x225
main: 3x275 (73%), 3x305 (81%), 2x325 (87%)
I added:
C. 3 rounds:
5-10 sec L-sit (on parallette)
1 HS Hold & HSPU negative (on parallette)
D. 3x8 ab wheel rollout (on knees)
std warmup
deadlift warmup
KB pushpress 2x5 45#
A. 3 rounds for time
800m run
20 ring rows
20 v-ups
20 DB push press 45# (10/arm)
time: 18:09
B. Deadlift 3x3 @ 85% (85% would be 315 for me)
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 6x135 5x185 4x225
main: 3x275 (73%), 3x305 (81%), 2x325 (87%)
I added:
C. 3 rounds:
5-10 sec L-sit (on parallette)
1 HS Hold & HSPU negative (on parallette)
D. 3x8 ab wheel rollout (on knees)
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
2017-04-25 WOD
std warmup
clean drills
A. Work to a heavy power clean
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 2x175, 1x185(failed)
B. EMOM 10
3 Power cleans at 60-70% of above (which would be about 125# but I went heavier and built)
3x135, 3x145, 2x155, 2x165
C. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
15 cal airdyne
24 KBS 35# (full overhead, Rx was 53#
8 T2B (Rx was 12)
times: 2:25, 2:15, 2:12
I added:
D. 4 rounds, not for time
Back bridges - 5-10s hold
Strict MU attempts
Chinup w slow negative
1 kipping, just to feel better about missing the strict ones :-)
std warmup
clean drills
A. Work to a heavy power clean
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x165, 2x175, 1x185(failed)
B. EMOM 10
3 Power cleans at 60-70% of above (which would be about 125# but I went heavier and built)
3x135, 3x145, 2x155, 2x165
C. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
15 cal airdyne
24 KBS 35# (full overhead, Rx was 53#
8 T2B (Rx was 12)
times: 2:25, 2:15, 2:12
I added:
D. 4 rounds, not for time
Back bridges - 5-10s hold
Strict MU attempts
Chinup w slow negative
1 kipping, just to feel better about missing the strict ones :-)
Monday, April 24, 2017
2017-04-24 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 KBS 35#
5 Goblet Squats 35#
25(!) D-ball cleans 100#
A. Back Squat 3x3 @ 85%
warm: 8x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185
main: 3x3 @ 215# (~75%)
B. 3x4 Bulgarian Split Squats 2x30# (superset with above)
C. 10 rounds, 1 every 90s (like an emom, but 90s)
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 Air Squats
I added:
D. 4 rounds not for time
HSHold (~10s)
Strict MU attempt (all failed)
std warmup
3 rounds
10 KBS 35#
5 Goblet Squats 35#
25(!) D-ball cleans 100#
A. Back Squat 3x3 @ 85%
warm: 8x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185
main: 3x3 @ 215# (~75%)
B. 3x4 Bulgarian Split Squats 2x30# (superset with above)
C. 10 rounds, 1 every 90s (like an emom, but 90s)
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 Air Squats
I added:
D. 4 rounds not for time
HSHold (~10s)
Strict MU attempt (all failed)
Sunday, April 23, 2017
2017-04-23 Sunday Run
A. Run 11.94km. 57:56. 4:51 pace.
Tried doing ~80% effort (for a long run effort), but focusing on keeping my traps flexed, shoulders back, back straight to slight arch. Really helped
Tried doing ~80% effort (for a long run effort), but focusing on keeping my traps flexed, shoulders back, back straight to slight arch. Really helped
Saturday, April 22, 2017
2017-04-22 WOD
std warmup
60 wallball passes #14
Clean & Jerk warmup
A. 20 min EMOM
8 wallball 20#
1 SquatClean & Jerk 135# Rx, build over time
1st 6 rounds 95#
next 6 rounds 115#
next 5 rounds 135#
Last 3 rounds 155#
B. 5x8 Benchpress
8 x 95#, 8 x 115#, 6 x 135#, 6 x 135#, 4 x 135#
std warmup
60 wallball passes #14
Clean & Jerk warmup
A. 20 min EMOM
8 wallball 20#
1 SquatClean & Jerk 135# Rx, build over time
1st 6 rounds 95#
next 6 rounds 115#
next 5 rounds 135#
Last 3 rounds 155#
B. 5x8 Benchpress
8 x 95#, 8 x 115#, 6 x 135#, 6 x 135#, 4 x 135#
C. (Superset w above)
close-grip pushups - no breaks or pause till fail:
Friday, April 21, 2017
2017-04-21 WOD
std warmup
2x10 KB deadlift 36#
2x10 KB thruster 36#
thruster & deadlift warmup
A. For time:
800m run
20 Thruster 95# (Rx was 135#)
20 Deadlift 185# (Rx was 255#)
10 MU (did 1,2,3,2,1,1)
20 Deadlift 185# (Rx was 255#)
20 Thruster 95# (Rx was 135#)
800m run
std warmup
2x10 KB deadlift 36#
2x10 KB thruster 36#
thruster & deadlift warmup
A. For time:
800m run
20 Thruster 95# (Rx was 135#)
20 Deadlift 185# (Rx was 255#)
10 MU (did 1,2,3,2,1,1)
20 Deadlift 185# (Rx was 255#)
20 Thruster 95# (Rx was 135#)
800m run
time: 20:30
I added
B. 4x HSHold, ~20s each
Thursday, April 20, 2017
2017-04-20 WOD
ACtive recovery day. did some rowing & skill work.
std warmup
A. 500m row
B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x175(failed)
C. Weighted GHD Situps
3x6 w 25# plate on chest
D. MU Work
2x3 ring pullups
multiple strict MU attempts, only 1 successful
2 kipping MU
std warmup
A. 500m row
B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 1x175(failed)
C. Weighted GHD Situps
3x6 w 25# plate on chest
D. MU Work
2x3 ring pullups
multiple strict MU attempts, only 1 successful
2 kipping MU
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
2017-04-19 WOD
std warmup
50' 100# d-ball carry
A. 16 min AMRAP
20 cal Airdyne
5 BackSquat 185# (scaled, since I've missed most of cycle. Should've been 70-80%, or ~225-250)
10 DB Snatch 45#
15 pushups
3 rounds + 17 cal airdyne
B. 2k row
I added
C. Chinups - 5 with very slow negative (~20s)
D. 3 rounds
5 second tuck back lever hold
5 second tuck front lever hold
E. 1 min HSHold
std warmup
50' 100# d-ball carry
A. 16 min AMRAP
20 cal Airdyne
5 BackSquat 185# (scaled, since I've missed most of cycle. Should've been 70-80%, or ~225-250)
10 DB Snatch 45#
15 pushups
3 rounds + 17 cal airdyne
B. 2k row
I added
C. Chinups - 5 with very slow negative (~20s)
D. 3 rounds
5 second tuck back lever hold
5 second tuck front lever hold
E. 1 min HSHold
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
2017-04-18 WOD
std warmup
pushpress warmup
A. 3 rounds for time
42 DUs
30 Pushpress 65#
18 pullups (scaled to 12 reps)
time: 10 min
B. 5x3 deadlift at 80% (I didn't quite go that high as I've missed most of this cycle)
warm: 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 3x225, 3x225, 3x255, 3x275, 3x295
I added:
C. 5 rounds, not for time
15 GHD situps
1 HSHold
std warmup
pushpress warmup
A. 3 rounds for time
42 DUs
30 Pushpress 65#
18 pullups (scaled to 12 reps)
time: 10 min
B. 5x3 deadlift at 80% (I didn't quite go that high as I've missed most of this cycle)
warm: 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 3x225, 3x225, 3x255, 3x275, 3x295
I added:
C. 5 rounds, not for time
15 GHD situps
1 HSHold
Monday, April 17, 2017
2017-04-17 WOD
std warmup
snatch warmup
A. Snatch complex. EMOM 10
Power Snatch
Hang Snatch (full)
OH Squat
warm: PVC, 45#
main: 5x65#, 3x75#, 1x85#, 1x95#
B. 16 min AMRAP
400m run
30 Air Squats
10 pushups
5 HSPushups
4 rounds + run + 30 squats
C. MU Practice
1 strict MU (yay!) and 2 failed (boo!)
std warmup
snatch warmup
A. Snatch complex. EMOM 10
Power Snatch
Hang Snatch (full)
OH Squat
warm: PVC, 45#
main: 5x65#, 3x75#, 1x85#, 1x95#
B. 16 min AMRAP
400m run
30 Air Squats
10 pushups
5 HSPushups
4 rounds + run + 30 squats
C. MU Practice
1 strict MU (yay!) and 2 failed (boo!)
Sunday, April 16, 2017
2017-04-16 Sunday Run
Legs were pretty smoked from Fri/Sat, so I knew I'd be slower than usual, so figured I'd go a little longer.
A. Run 11.81km; 1:01:37; pace avg of 5:13 min/km
A. Run 11.81km; 1:01:37; pace avg of 5:13 min/km
Saturday, April 15, 2017
2017-04-15 WOD
D. MU work
row 5 min (30s slow, 30s hard, repeat) ~1200m
std warmup
2 min DUs
A. 3 rounds for time:
30 cal row
60 DU
30 ball slams 20#
time: 13:25
3 min rest
B. 3 rounds for time
8 Power Snatch 115# (I scaled to 6 at 75#)
8 box jump overs 24"
8 T2B
Hit 10 min timecap; 4 rounds, 12 reps
3 min rest
C. 3 rounds for time
6 D-ball over shoulder (100#). Rx was 8 reps
8 burpees over the bar
8 pullups
I added:
D. MU work
3 ring pullups
1 strict MU (yay! quit at one!)
Friday, April 14, 2017
2017-04-14 WOD
2 min airdyne
standard warmup
A. 20 rep Back Squat - AHAP unbroken
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x115, 5x135
main: 20x155
B. 30 Squat Clean Thruster for time, 12 min cap. 135# Rx (I scaled to 115#)
time: 7:47
C. 3 min amrap
5 burpees
10 T2B
3 rounds + 5 reps
D. 3 min amrap
5 KBS 35# (Rx was 70#)
5 Goblet squat 35# (same)
7 rounds + 5 reps
I added:
E. 3 rounds, not for time:
10 GHD situps
20s HSHold
1 BarMU
F. 3 Back Bridges, ~5sec hold
2 min airdyne
standard warmup
A. 20 rep Back Squat - AHAP unbroken
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x115, 5x135
main: 20x155
B. 30 Squat Clean Thruster for time, 12 min cap. 135# Rx (I scaled to 115#)
time: 7:47
C. 3 min amrap
5 burpees
10 T2B
3 rounds + 5 reps
D. 3 min amrap
5 KBS 35# (Rx was 70#)
5 Goblet squat 35# (same)
7 rounds + 5 reps
I added:
E. 3 rounds, not for time:
10 GHD situps
20s HSHold
1 BarMU
F. 3 Back Bridges, ~5sec hold
2017-04-13 Travel Workout
Short one as I had limited time.
A. 2k run (~5:10 pace)
B. 4 rounds, not for time
8 Hanging leg raise
8 dips
8 pushups
C. 2k run (~5:10 pace)
A. 2k run (~5:10 pace)
B. 4 rounds, not for time
8 Hanging leg raise
8 dips
8 pushups
C. 2k run (~5:10 pace)
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
2017-04-11 Travel Workout
Managed to get to the hotel gym at 9pm, wasn't feeling too motivated but figured I'd better do at least a lightweight workout.
A. 500m row
B. 4 rounds, increasing weight
1 Clean
5 Front Squat
3 Power Clean
2 Push Jerk
45, 95, 115, 135
C. 3 rounds
3 strict pullups
5 dips
3 chinups
D. 3x5 db bicep curps
25, 30, 35
A. 500m row
B. 4 rounds, increasing weight
1 Clean
5 Front Squat
3 Power Clean
2 Push Jerk
45, 95, 115, 135
C. 3 rounds
3 strict pullups
5 dips
3 chinups
D. 3x5 db bicep curps
25, 30, 35
Sunday, April 9, 2017
2017-04-09 Travel Workout
Sunday run, this time around the old neighborhood
A. Run 9.28km. 47:23. 5:07 pace (probably a bit faster on average, but stopped to take some pics along the way.)
A. Run 9.28km. 47:23. 5:07 pace (probably a bit faster on average, but stopped to take some pics along the way.)
2017-04-08 WOD
Got back from airport 2am, managed to get up at 6 and make the 7am wod. Did some scaling though as I wasn't 100%.
Std warmup
Std warmup
2x8/arm KB push press 35#
2x5 pullups
Bear complex warmup
A. 30 rounds bear complex 75# (Rx was 115, I went light)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
Push Press
Any time you break:
3 pullups (Rx was 1 rope climb)
3 burpees
6 T2B
9 Wallball
Finished it in 10:25 – broke twice
B. (cut this short as I had to leave to drive a kid
somewhere). 10 min EMOM (was 15)
Even min: 3 MU (Rx was 5)
Odd min: 12 cal row (Rx was 15)
Did 5 of each. Mus were 2+1 for all rounds but one where I
did 3 unbroken
Friday, April 7, 2017
2017-04-07 WOD
std warmup
3x10 KBS 35#
Snatch/OHSquat warmup
A. 12 min amrap
8 OH Squat 75# (Rx was 10 at 115#)
8 pullups with band (Rx was 10 strict)
100m farmer carry (2x53#) or d-ball carry (70#) (did 2fc, 1dbc)
3 rounds + 8OH Squat + 3 pullups
B. 3x8 benchpress
3x8 @ 135#
C. 3x8 weighted dips (superset w above)
8 at body weight, 2x5 w 53# weight
D. 3 sets chinups, max reps
just did 3x6 w good form
std warmup
3x10 KBS 35#
Snatch/OHSquat warmup
A. 12 min amrap
8 OH Squat 75# (Rx was 10 at 115#)
8 pullups with band (Rx was 10 strict)
100m farmer carry (2x53#) or d-ball carry (70#) (did 2fc, 1dbc)
3 rounds + 8OH Squat + 3 pullups
B. 3x8 benchpress
3x8 @ 135#
C. 3x8 weighted dips (superset w above)
8 at body weight, 2x5 w 53# weight
D. 3 sets chinups, max reps
just did 3x6 w good form
Thursday, April 6, 2017
2017-04-06 WOD
Active recovery day, so took it kind of light.
std warmup
500m row
A. Build to a moderate Clean & Jerk (full squat clean + push jerk)
3x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165
B. 5x HSHold for balance
C. Strict MU attempts
did some ring pullups and 4 failed attempts at strict MU.
std warmup
500m row
A. Build to a moderate Clean & Jerk (full squat clean + push jerk)
3x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 2x165
B. 5x HSHold for balance
C. Strict MU attempts
did some ring pullups and 4 failed attempts at strict MU.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
2017-04-05 WOD
B. 800m run, then immediately:
std warmup
A. 30-20-10 of
Airdyne for cals
Russian KBS 70# (I scaled to 53)
time: 5:25
5 min rest
B. 800m run, then immediately:
20MU for time, 6 min cap (I went over a bit but finished in 6:50)
5 min rest
C. 2K row @ 80%
8:00 or so
I added:
D. Not for time:
50 situp
50 v-ups
50 T2B
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
2017-04-04 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
30s DU
30s air squats, mtn climbers, burpees
A. Snatch drills w 45# bar. 2X the following:
6 high pulls
6 power snatch
6 OHs
6 sntach
B. 3 rounds for time
30 DU
15 Power Snatch 75#
200m run
C. 5 min EMOM
2 Snatch (60% and increasing)
65#, 75#, 75#, 85#, 95#
I added:
D. 4 rounds, not for time:
30s HSHold (parallettes)
30s L-sit (or 2x15) w parallettes
15 pushups
30s OH Squat hold w 25# bar
E. remainder of 100 pushups (2x15, 2x10)
std warmup
3 rounds
30s DU
30s air squats, mtn climbers, burpees
A. Snatch drills w 45# bar. 2X the following:
6 high pulls
6 power snatch
6 OHs
6 sntach
B. 3 rounds for time
30 DU
15 Power Snatch 75#
200m run
C. 5 min EMOM
2 Snatch (60% and increasing)
65#, 75#, 75#, 85#, 95#
I added:
D. 4 rounds, not for time:
30s HSHold (parallettes)
30s L-sit (or 2x15) w parallettes
15 pushups
30s OH Squat hold w 25# bar
E. remainder of 100 pushups (2x15, 2x10)
Monday, April 3, 2017
2017-04-03 WOD
back to the box after week's vacation.
std warmup
20 medball passes
400m run
A. Monthly challenge. Max rep thrusters unbroken 95#
B. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
25 cal row
5 Deadlift. add 10# from last week (i've missed 2 weeks DL so just did 225)
10 HSPU (did 7,9,7, all strict)
2 min
C. Accessory work
5 rounds, not for time:
20 DU
10 inclined pushups
D. MUs
std warmup
20 medball passes
400m run
A. Monthly challenge. Max rep thrusters unbroken 95#
B. 3 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
25 cal row
5 Deadlift. add 10# from last week (i've missed 2 weeks DL so just did 225)
10 HSPU (did 7,9,7, all strict)
2 min
C. Accessory work
5 rounds, not for time:
20 DU
10 inclined pushups
D. MUs
Sunday, April 2, 2017
2017-04-02 Sunday Run
Back home after a week of vacation. Decided to push a bit and see whether a week of running every day helped or hurt my performance. Turns out it helped!
A. 10k run; 46:12; 4:36 pace.
Only about one minute slower than my 10k pm of 45:07
Note pace over course of the week (sunday was really slow because I was still messed up from 17.5). Think the PDX colder temp helped too.
(distance, pace)
Sun - 5.0 - 5:48
Tues - 9.8 - 5:36
Wed - 9.5 - 5:35
Thur - 10k - 5:11
Fri: 9.32 - 5:09
Sat: 8.7k - 5:09
Sun: 10k - 4:36
A. 10k run; 46:12; 4:36 pace.
Only about one minute slower than my 10k pm of 45:07
Note pace over course of the week (sunday was really slow because I was still messed up from 17.5). Think the PDX colder temp helped too.
(distance, pace)
Sun - 5.0 - 5:48
Tues - 9.8 - 5:36
Wed - 9.5 - 5:35
Thur - 10k - 5:11
Fri: 9.32 - 5:09
Sat: 8.7k - 5:09
Sun: 10k - 4:36
Saturday, April 1, 2017
2017-04-01 Travel Workout
A. Run 8.66km. 44:32; 5:09 pace
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