std warmup
clean drills
A. 15 min EMOM
3 CJ @ 60% (was Snatches, but I subbed due to injury). I did 115#
(full squat cleans)
B. 5 rounds for time
50 DU (I did 1st, last set unbroken)
5 Deadlifts 315# (or ahap - I did 275#)
time; 10:31
I added
C. Pullup practice
10 kip swings
5 strict, slow pullups
several attempts at barmu w false grip, slow, all failed
D. 4 Tuck Back Lever
managed to get one extended and hold for some time. Progress!
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
2016-05-30 Memorial Day 'Murph'
std warmup
200m run
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 squats
A. 'Murph'. For time. Rx is with weighted vest.
1 Mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Air squats
1 Mile run
time: 37:08 (-0:10 PR). This time broke it up as 15 rounds of 5 pushup, 5 pullup, 5 pushup, 20 squats, followed by 5 rounds of 5 pullups and 10 pushups.
B. 1 mile recovery run
std warmup
200m run
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 squats
A. 'Murph'. For time. Rx is with weighted vest.
1 Mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 Air squats
1 Mile run
time: 37:08 (-0:10 PR). This time broke it up as 15 rounds of 5 pushup, 5 pullup, 5 pushup, 20 squats, followed by 5 rounds of 5 pullups and 10 pushups.
B. 1 mile recovery run
Saturday, May 28, 2016
2016-05-28 WOD
std warmup
200m run
A. 800m run for time:
time: 2:35 (0:05 PR!)
B. 20min AMRAP
5 box jumps 30"
10 ring dips (I did bar dips)
15 abmat situps
12 rounds, 3 reps
I added;
C. 800m run at 70%
D. 3 TuckBack Lever
std warmup
200m run
A. 800m run for time:
time: 2:35 (0:05 PR!)
B. 20min AMRAP
5 box jumps 30"
10 ring dips (I did bar dips)
15 abmat situps
12 rounds, 3 reps
I added;
C. 800m run at 70%
D. 3 TuckBack Lever
Friday, May 27, 2016
2016-05-27 WOD
std warmup
200m run
A. 5x5 back squat at 65#. Superset w 2x10m walking lunges
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x155
main: 4x5 @ 205 (ran out of time)
4x2x10m walking lunges
B. 5x5 benchpress at 65% superset w tempo (31x1 pushups), 5x8
C. Fran - scale to do sets of thrusters unbroken. 21-15-9 of
Thrusters 75#
5:34, 75# (did 21,9 unbroken. Broke once on the 15)
D. Fat bar curls, 3x8 at 55#
std warmup
200m run
A. 5x5 back squat at 65#. Superset w 2x10m walking lunges
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x155
main: 4x5 @ 205 (ran out of time)
4x2x10m walking lunges
B. 5x5 benchpress at 65% superset w tempo (31x1 pushups), 5x8
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 5x5x135
5x8 (and then 6, then 5) pushups at tempoC. Fran - scale to do sets of thrusters unbroken. 21-15-9 of
Thrusters 75#
5:34, 75# (did 21,9 unbroken. Broke once on the 15)
D. Fat bar curls, 3x8 at 55#
2016-05-26 WOD
Active recovery day
std warmup
A. 1k row
B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165 (clean only)
C. 3 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
15 GHD situps
1 tuck back lever
std warmup
A. 1k row
B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165 (clean only)
C. 3 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
15 GHD situps
1 tuck back lever
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
2016-05-25 WOD
std warmup
warmup back squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
A. 5 rounds at ~80%
400m run
5 back squats at 225# (I scaled to 205 - about 7% ORM, which was heavy for that many reps)
10' HS walk or 10' of attempts
time: 21 min
B. 3 rounds, not for time
10 lying DB tricep extensions (2x20#), at tempo 31x1
10 slow chin-ups w good form
std warmup
warmup back squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
A. 5 rounds at ~80%
400m run
5 back squats at 225# (I scaled to 205 - about 7% ORM, which was heavy for that many reps)
10' HS walk or 10' of attempts
time: 21 min
B. 3 rounds, not for time
10 lying DB tricep extensions (2x20#), at tempo 31x1
10 slow chin-ups w good form
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
2016-05-24 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
250m row
PVC pass-thrus
A. Warm up deadlift then hit 5x5 @ 63% ORM. Superset with GHD back extensions 5x8
warm: 5x135, 5x185
main: 5x5 @ 235 (63% of 375)
GHD Back extensions 5x8 with pause at top
B. 5 min AMRAP
5 box jumps 30"
5/arm DB Snatch 55#
4 rounds
5 min rest
C. 5 min AMRAP
5 C2B pullups
5 burpees
6 rounds + 5 pullups
I added:
D. One Strict BarMU (just to see how shoulder felt - not too bad)
std warmup
3 rounds
250m row
PVC pass-thrus
A. Warm up deadlift then hit 5x5 @ 63% ORM. Superset with GHD back extensions 5x8
warm: 5x135, 5x185
main: 5x5 @ 235 (63% of 375)
GHD Back extensions 5x8 with pause at top
B. 5 min AMRAP
5 box jumps 30"
5/arm DB Snatch 55#
4 rounds
5 min rest
C. 5 min AMRAP
5 C2B pullups
5 burpees
6 rounds + 5 pullups
I added:
D. One Strict BarMU (just to see how shoulder felt - not too bad)
Monday, May 23, 2016
2016-05-23 WOD
3 rounds
1 min Airdyne
1 min mobility w PVC
floor drills
3 rounds
10 AirSquats
10 (5 per arm) bottoms-up KB OH presses, 26#
Clean and Jerk drills
A. In 15 min, work to a heavy 1RM CJ (full squat clean)
3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165
1x175 (squat clean only, failed jerk). 185 (power clean)
B. 6 min EMOM
2 SquatClean and Jerk at 70% above weight (I did 135, which was a bit more than 70%)
C. 10 min AMRAP
30 DU
20 K2E
10 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
3 rounds + 30 DU + 17 K2E (227 reps total)
3 rounds
1 min Airdyne
1 min mobility w PVC
floor drills
3 rounds
10 AirSquats
10 (5 per arm) bottoms-up KB OH presses, 26#
Clean and Jerk drills
A. In 15 min, work to a heavy 1RM CJ (full squat clean)
3x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165
1x175 (squat clean only, failed jerk). 185 (power clean)
B. 6 min EMOM
2 SquatClean and Jerk at 70% above weight (I did 135, which was a bit more than 70%)
C. 10 min AMRAP
30 DU
20 K2E
10 KBS 70/53 (I did 53#)
3 rounds + 30 DU + 17 K2E (227 reps total)
Sunday, May 22, 2016
2016-05-22 Sunday Run
A. 10k run. 47:11 (2minutes slower than my PR). pace of 4:43.
Not bad. was holding a good pace for the first half (5k = 22:03, 29 seconds off from my PR of 21:34). Bonked a little over the last 2-3 km, probably from not having eaten earlier.
Not bad. was holding a good pace for the first half (5k = 22:03, 29 seconds off from my PR of 21:34). Bonked a little over the last 2-3 km, probably from not having eaten earlier.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
2016-05-21 WOD
std warmup
clean drills
2x5 pushups
2x5 pullups
A. 5 rounds for time, 15 min cap
3 rope climbs 15' (I scaled to 2/round)
6 bench press 165# (I scaled to 135#)
12 ring dips (I scaled to banded)
Finished all 5 rounds, but in 15:30
2 min rest
B. 15 min AMRAP
4 hang power cleans 155#
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
std warmup
clean drills
2x5 pushups
2x5 pullups
A. 5 rounds for time, 15 min cap
3 rope climbs 15' (I scaled to 2/round)
6 bench press 165# (I scaled to 135#)
12 ring dips (I scaled to banded)
Finished all 5 rounds, but in 15:30
2 min rest
B. 15 min AMRAP
4 hang power cleans 155#
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
I did 4 full rounds, plus 4 cleans + 5 pullups
Friday, May 20, 2016
2016-05-20 WOD
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Work to a heavy one rep power snatch. I did a couple reps to fell out my shoulder, but then did CJ's
snatch 5x45, 2x75
clean & jerk: 3x95, 3x115, 3x135 2x155, 2x175, 1x185 (clean only)
B. 8 min EMOM
2x CJ @ 70% (Rx was power snatch, I did CJs at 155, so more lik 85%)
C. 3 rounds, 2 min rest bt
max reps T2B in 3 min
total: 35, 32, 29
I added:
D. HS Holds
3x ~ 20s each for balance
std warmup
snatch drills
A. Work to a heavy one rep power snatch. I did a couple reps to fell out my shoulder, but then did CJ's
snatch 5x45, 2x75
clean & jerk: 3x95, 3x115, 3x135 2x155, 2x175, 1x185 (clean only)
B. 8 min EMOM
2x CJ @ 70% (Rx was power snatch, I did CJs at 155, so more lik 85%)
C. 3 rounds, 2 min rest bt
max reps T2B in 3 min
total: 35, 32, 29
I added:
D. HS Holds
3x ~ 20s each for balance
Thursday, May 19, 2016
2016-05-19 WOD
Active recovery day. Should really have done make-up for tues/wed, but instead did a mish-mash of stuff. At least I made it in.
std warmup
400m run (group run with jog/sprint)
A. 1k row
B. Monthly challenge. 135# Front Squat hold for time
50s. I think I can for sure beat this. Bailed too early
B. Work to a heavy clean.
135x3, 155x2, 165x2, 175x1, 185fail
Hang Power Clean: 185, 195, 205fail
C. 3 rounds, not for time
Tuck Back Lever - 5-10s
HS Hold 10-20s, trying to balance off wall
10 GHD situps
D. HSHold for time
1 min
E. Pullup practice (to test out MU strength)
5 C2B pullups
3 slow ring pullups
1 Strict BarMU
std warmup
400m run (group run with jog/sprint)
A. 1k row
B. Monthly challenge. 135# Front Squat hold for time
50s. I think I can for sure beat this. Bailed too early
B. Work to a heavy clean.
135x3, 155x2, 165x2, 175x1, 185fail
Hang Power Clean: 185, 195, 205fail
C. 3 rounds, not for time
Tuck Back Lever - 5-10s
HS Hold 10-20s, trying to balance off wall
10 GHD situps
D. HSHold for time
1 min
E. Pullup practice (to test out MU strength)
5 C2B pullups
3 slow ring pullups
1 Strict BarMU
Monday, May 16, 2016
2016-05-16 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 goblet squats 36#
5+5 KB OH Press 36#
A. 5x5 Back Squat, add 3% from last week (I did 185 last week ending w one set at 205, so I did same, but transitioned earlier)
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x155
main: 5x185, 5x185, 5x185, 5x205, 5x205
B. 5x5 OH Press at 60%. Superset w sets of 5 HS Negatives
warm: 5x45, 5x65
main: 5 sets:
1+1, 1+1, (did 4 negatives per round, 2 sets of 2 HS Pushups, with one kip each)
C. 3 rounds for time, with partner. Each partner does a full round, the rests when other works
12 DB Snatch 45# (6/side)
8 DB lunge 45# (4/side)
4 MU or 8 pullups (I did 8 pullups, and on last round, 6 pullups and one BarMU)
time; 8:19
std warmup
3 rounds
10 goblet squats 36#
5+5 KB OH Press 36#
A. 5x5 Back Squat, add 3% from last week (I did 185 last week ending w one set at 205, so I did same, but transitioned earlier)
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x155
main: 5x185, 5x185, 5x185, 5x205, 5x205
B. 5x5 OH Press at 60%. Superset w sets of 5 HS Negatives
warm: 5x45, 5x65
main: 5 sets:
1+1, 1+1, (did 4 negatives per round, 2 sets of 2 HS Pushups, with one kip each)
C. 3 rounds for time, with partner. Each partner does a full round, the rests when other works
12 DB Snatch 45# (6/side)
8 DB lunge 45# (4/side)
4 MU or 8 pullups (I did 8 pullups, and on last round, 6 pullups and one BarMU)
time; 8:19
Saturday, May 14, 2016
2016-05-14 WOD
std warmup
A. 12 min AMRAP
30 DU
15 wallball 20#
5 Burpee box jump 24"
5 rounds + 1 wallball
5 min rest
B. 12 min AMRAP
25 cal row
25 pushups
4 rounds + 10 pushups
5 min rest
C. For time
400m run
30 C2B pullups
10 MU (did 9 kipping pullups + 1 BarMU)
std warmup
A. 12 min AMRAP
30 DU
15 wallball 20#
5 Burpee box jump 24"
5 rounds + 1 wallball
5 min rest
B. 12 min AMRAP
25 cal row
25 pushups
4 rounds + 10 pushups
5 min rest
C. For time
400m run
30 C2B pullups
10 MU (did 9 kipping pullups + 1 BarMU)
2016-05-13 WOD
std warmup
clean drills
A. "Grace" - 30 CJ 135# for time (rest of class did snatches, "Isabelle)
time: 4:52 (3 seconds off my PR. Not bad considering I didn't push super hard. Did 6 rounds of 5 reps, tried to keep rests shorter (~30s for 5 reps, 20 sec rest = 3min work, 1:40 rest- so I was just over that).
B. Deadlift: 5x5 @ 60%
warm: 5x135, 5x185
main: 1x5x225, 4x5x245
C. Pullup complex. Do 1 rep of each in 1st round, 2 reps 2nd round.. until fail
1 strict pullup
1 kipping pullup
1 strict C2B pullup
1 kipping C2B pullup
Did the complex w 1,2,3 reps of each. On the round of 4 I got to the strict C2B and failed after 2 reps
D. Fat bar curls
4x8 @ 65# (35#(?) + 2x15#) Not sure what the bar weighs
E. Tuck Back Lever
3x10s hold
std warmup
clean drills
A. "Grace" - 30 CJ 135# for time (rest of class did snatches, "Isabelle)
time: 4:52 (3 seconds off my PR. Not bad considering I didn't push super hard. Did 6 rounds of 5 reps, tried to keep rests shorter (~30s for 5 reps, 20 sec rest = 3min work, 1:40 rest- so I was just over that).
B. Deadlift: 5x5 @ 60%
warm: 5x135, 5x185
main: 1x5x225, 4x5x245
C. Pullup complex. Do 1 rep of each in 1st round, 2 reps 2nd round.. until fail
1 strict pullup
1 kipping pullup
1 strict C2B pullup
1 kipping C2B pullup
Did the complex w 1,2,3 reps of each. On the round of 4 I got to the strict C2B and failed after 2 reps
D. Fat bar curls
4x8 @ 65# (35#(?) + 2x15#) Not sure what the bar weighs
E. Tuck Back Lever
3x10s hold
Thursday, May 12, 2016
2016-05-12 WOD
Active Recovery Day
std warmup
10 partner over-unders
A. 1k row
B. Penlay rows
10x45, 8x65, 6x95, 4x115
C. Work to a heavy CJ (full squat clean)
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 3x115, 2x135, 1x155, 1x175 (clean only, failed the jerk)
D. Banded MU Negatives
was trying this to rehab my shoulder - not really the best idea. will need to try something different.
E. Work to a heavy Deadlift
10x135, 8x185, 6x225, 4x285, 2x315, 1x345, 1x365 (fail)
F. HSHold
1x 1:10
std warmup
10 partner over-unders
A. 1k row
B. Penlay rows
10x45, 8x65, 6x95, 4x115
C. Work to a heavy CJ (full squat clean)
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 3x115, 2x135, 1x155, 1x175 (clean only, failed the jerk)
D. Banded MU Negatives
was trying this to rehab my shoulder - not really the best idea. will need to try something different.
E. Work to a heavy Deadlift
10x135, 8x185, 6x225, 4x285, 2x315, 1x345, 1x365 (fail)
F. HSHold
1x 1:10
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
2016-05-11 WOD
std warmup
2x100m OH KB Carry 36#
5 strict pullups
A. 5 rounds for time
800m run
12 HSPU (Rx was 15)
12 Pullups (Rx was 6 MUs, but I'm avoiding these for a while)
time: 29:05
B. HSHold for time.
45 seconds - tired after the HSPU
C. 3x5 cable shoulder flexion
3x5 each side, each direction
std warmup
2x100m OH KB Carry 36#
5 strict pullups
A. 5 rounds for time
800m run
12 HSPU (Rx was 15)
12 Pullups (Rx was 6 MUs, but I'm avoiding these for a while)
time: 29:05
B. HSHold for time.
45 seconds - tired after the HSPU
C. 3x5 cable shoulder flexion
3x5 each side, each direction
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
2016-05-10 WOD
std warmup
Clean drills
A. 5x5 BackSquat at 60%
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x135, 5x155
main: 4x5x185 (66%), 1x5x205 (73%)
B. 5x5 Benchpress @ 60%
superset with 5x12 strict dips
warm: 10x45, 5x95, 5x115
main: 5x5x135(65%)
I did 5 sets of 5 reps dips. Didn't want to push more as my shoulder is still recovering.
C. 3 sprints, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
100m sprint
5 burpees
5 Power Cleans 95% (subbed for snatches)
times: 58s, 53s, 51s
I added
D. 3 rounds, not for time:
1 TuckBackLever 5-10s
1 HSHold, 20-30s, balancing off wall as long as possible
12 GHD Situps
E. One Arm Chinup progression
5 chinups
3x3/arm One Arm Chinup (assisted)
std warmup
Clean drills
A. 5x5 BackSquat at 60%
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x135, 5x155
main: 4x5x185 (66%), 1x5x205 (73%)
B. 5x5 Benchpress @ 60%
superset with 5x12 strict dips
warm: 10x45, 5x95, 5x115
main: 5x5x135(65%)
I did 5 sets of 5 reps dips. Didn't want to push more as my shoulder is still recovering.
C. 3 sprints, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
100m sprint
5 burpees
5 Power Cleans 95% (subbed for snatches)
times: 58s, 53s, 51s
I added
D. 3 rounds, not for time:
1 TuckBackLever 5-10s
1 HSHold, 20-30s, balancing off wall as long as possible
12 GHD Situps
E. One Arm Chinup progression
5 chinups
3x3/arm One Arm Chinup (assisted)
Monday, May 9, 2016
2016-05-09 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 v-ups
10 Goblet squats 53#
Clean & Jerk drills
A. In 15 min, work to a heavy CJ, full cleans!
warm: 5x75, 4x95
main: 3x125, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165, 1x175 clean, but failed the jerk
B. "Grace". For time. 6 min cap
30 CJ 135#
time: 6min. Wasn't aiming to PR, was aiming for about 5:30. then broke the barbell partway through. Took over at someone else's, but only after losing a minute. *think* I did 30 reps but may have been off by 2.
C. For time
1000 row or 4 min AirDyne (I did Airdyne)
60 DU
50 KBS 53#
40 pullups
30 ball slams 20#
20 T2B
10 Box Jump 30"
time: 16:10
std warmup
3 rounds
10 v-ups
10 Goblet squats 53#
Clean & Jerk drills
A. In 15 min, work to a heavy CJ, full cleans!
warm: 5x75, 4x95
main: 3x125, 2x135, 1x155, 1x165, 1x175 clean, but failed the jerk
B. "Grace". For time. 6 min cap
30 CJ 135#
time: 6min. Wasn't aiming to PR, was aiming for about 5:30. then broke the barbell partway through. Took over at someone else's, but only after losing a minute. *think* I did 30 reps but may have been off by 2.
C. For time
1000 row or 4 min AirDyne (I did Airdyne)
60 DU
50 KBS 53#
40 pullups
30 ball slams 20#
20 T2B
10 Box Jump 30"
time: 16:10
Sunday, May 8, 2016
2016-05-07 WOD
Beefy partner WOD today
std warmup
3 T2B
5 cal row
5 cleans
5 Push Jerk
A. Partner wod. Divide as wanted, one partner rests while other works. For time:
100 Cal Row (2x25 each)
100 lateral burpee bar jumps (5x10 each)
100 Power Cleans 135# (started sets of 5 each, then 3. Last 50 were just trading singles)
100 T2B
100 Jerks (I scaled to 95#, but did 3 final reps at 135#)
100 lateral burpee bar jumps (5x10 each)
std warmup
3 T2B
5 cal row
5 cleans
5 Push Jerk
A. Partner wod. Divide as wanted, one partner rests while other works. For time:
100 Cal Row (2x25 each)
100 lateral burpee bar jumps (5x10 each)
100 Power Cleans 135# (started sets of 5 each, then 3. Last 50 were just trading singles)
100 T2B
100 Jerks (I scaled to 95#, but did 3 final reps at 135#)
100 lateral burpee bar jumps (5x10 each)
100 Cal Row (2x25 each)
time: 43:07 (350 reps each! ouch!)
Friday, May 6, 2016
2016-05-06 WOD
missed most of it, but
PVC work
clean drills
200m row
A. 10 min emom of (was snatches, subbed cleans)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Squat Clean
4x 95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x145
B. 21-15-9 of
Row for cals
Thruster (scale to go unbroken). I did 75#. Rx was 95#.
Time: 5:55
I added
C. 4x HS Hold
~20s each, for balance
missed most of it, but
PVC work
clean drills
200m row
A. 10 min emom of (was snatches, subbed cleans)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Squat Clean
4x 95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x145
B. 21-15-9 of
Row for cals
Thruster (scale to go unbroken). I did 75#. Rx was 95#.
Time: 5:55
I added
C. 4x HS Hold
~20s each, for balance
Thursday, May 5, 2016
2016-05-05 WOD
Active recovery day. Did a mish-mash of stuff.
A. 1k row
B. "Bring Sally Down"
Fun workout that (I think) Rich Froning came up with. You play "Flower" by Moby. With a barbell on your back, when he says "bring sally down", you squat. Hold the squat in the bottom until he says "bring sally up". Most of the 3 1/2 minutes is spent in the bottom. Works out to 30 squats w ~3 minutes of pausing in the bottom.
I did 95# (Rx is 135#). I didn't drop the bar, but skipped about 8 of the squats. Tough workout
C. 2x50 DUs
D. Work to a heavy DL
135x8, 185x6, 225x4, 275x3, 315x2, 345x1, 355x1, 365 failed
E. One Arm Chinup progression
5 strict chinups
2x3 per arm, One Arm Chinup, assisted
A. 1k row
B. "Bring Sally Down"
Fun workout that (I think) Rich Froning came up with. You play "Flower" by Moby. With a barbell on your back, when he says "bring sally down", you squat. Hold the squat in the bottom until he says "bring sally up". Most of the 3 1/2 minutes is spent in the bottom. Works out to 30 squats w ~3 minutes of pausing in the bottom.
I did 95# (Rx is 135#). I didn't drop the bar, but skipped about 8 of the squats. Tough workout
C. 2x50 DUs
D. Work to a heavy DL
135x8, 185x6, 225x4, 275x3, 315x2, 345x1, 355x1, 365 failed
E. One Arm Chinup progression
5 strict chinups
2x3 per arm, One Arm Chinup, assisted
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
2016-05-04 WOD
std warmup
4 rounds
5 KBS 36#
3 pullups
A. Double Helen
(normally 3 rounds of 400m, 21KBS, 12 pullups. We did the first Helen as one big round, the second helen as 2 rounds-in-one, followed by a single).
1200m run
63 KBS 53#
36 pullups
800m run
42 KBS 53#
24 pullups
400m run
21 KBS 53#
12 pullups
time: 23:30 - not bad considering my PR for doing it ONCE was 10+minutes
I added:
B. 3 rounds, not for time:
10 GHD Situps
1 HS Hold ~30sec balancing off wall on-and-off
1 TuckBackLever (as long as possible - 12 seconds, ~5 seconds each after that)
std warmup
4 rounds
5 KBS 36#
3 pullups
A. Double Helen
(normally 3 rounds of 400m, 21KBS, 12 pullups. We did the first Helen as one big round, the second helen as 2 rounds-in-one, followed by a single).
1200m run
63 KBS 53#
36 pullups
800m run
42 KBS 53#
24 pullups
400m run
21 KBS 53#
12 pullups
time: 23:30 - not bad considering my PR for doing it ONCE was 10+minutes
I added:
B. 3 rounds, not for time:
10 GHD Situps
1 HS Hold ~30sec balancing off wall on-and-off
1 TuckBackLever (as long as possible - 12 seconds, ~5 seconds each after that)
Monday, May 2, 2016
2016-05-02 WOD
std warmup
A. Work to a heavy triple back squat, then a heavy single
warm: 8x45, 8x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 5x205, 3x 225
then singles at: 245, 255, 265, 280 (PR,+10 )
B. 3 minutes AMRAP
5 strict pullups
10 air squats
total: 5 rounds (75 reps)
C. 3 min AMRAP
KBS 53#
total: 75 reps (not full overhead though)
D. 3 min AMRAP
15 DU
5 burpees
total: 4 rounds + 3 DU (83 reps)
I added:
E. 3 rounds
1 HSHold ~30s
1 TuckBackLever (1st one was a good 10-15s, other 2 shorter)
std warmup
A. Work to a heavy triple back squat, then a heavy single
warm: 8x45, 8x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 5x205, 3x 225
then singles at: 245, 255, 265, 280 (PR,
B. 3 minutes AMRAP
5 strict pullups
10 air squats
total: 5 rounds (75 reps)
C. 3 min AMRAP
KBS 53#
total: 75 reps (not full overhead though)
D. 3 min AMRAP
15 DU
5 burpees
total: 4 rounds + 3 DU (83 reps)
I added:
E. 3 rounds
1 HSHold ~30s
1 TuckBackLever (1st one was a good 10-15s, other 2 shorter)
Sunday, May 1, 2016
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