Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013-04-11 WOD

Recovery/make-up day, so I did what rest of the box did yesterday:

A. Front Squat, moderate weight, 31x1 tempo. 3x4-6
I did 3x5 @ 135#

B. OH Press, moderate weight, 3x4-6
I did 3x5 @ 95#

C. Dip progressions
I did 10 ring dips (5 + 3 + 2) at 51x1 tempo

D. MU practice
several failed attempts

E. later, did a run over lunch:
4.97km, 24:14, 4.59min/km pace


  1. Nice job on the ring dips! I could barely do set of 2 at that tempo yesterday.
