Thursday, April 4, 2013

2013-04-04 Open 13.5

OK, 1st (and only? we'll see) attempt at 13.5

std warmup
thruster& pullup practice
800m run

4 min AMRAP
15 thrusters 100#
15 chest-to-bar pullups
If 90 reps completed, additional 4 minutes earned. same at 180, 270.... There was no way I was going to get 90 anyway :-)

Total reps: 38. On the plus slide, the C2B were way easier for me than last year. On the down side, my conditioning isn't where I'd like it. I was hoping to get into the second round of pullups, maybe 50-55. May re-do on the weekend. We'll see how I feel.

After the 4 minute mark and noting our score, we continued to 8 min just to get a better workout. My total for the 8 minutes was 63, IIRC

400m recovery run.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

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