Saturday, August 31, 2019

2019-08-31 WOD

//Tom came along, but not a partner workout.

std warmup
50 cal airdyne
200m run


A. For time, 35 min cap
800m run
25 OHSquat 75# (Rx was 50 @  95)
50 pullups
50 cal Airdyne
400m run
15 OHSquat 95# (Rx was 25 @  115)
25 C2B pullups
25 cal Airdyne
100 DU


(Tom subbed Front squats for OHS, and did fewer of them, and did SU instead of DU. Rx'd the rest)

Friday, August 30, 2019

2019-08-30 WOD

1k row
std warmup


A. 4 rounds, not for time
5 ring dips 31x1 tempo
5 pullups 31x1 tempo

B. 10 min AMRAP
250m row
8 strict HSPU (Rx was 10 kipping)
5 Dball clean 100#
5 dball cleans short of 4 full rounds

5 min rest

C. 10 min AMRAP
25 cal AirDyne
5 Power Cleans 135# (Rx was 115)
5 box jump 30" (Rx was 24")
4 full rounds

Thursday, August 29, 2019

2019-08-29 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
3x400m row (interspersed w other warmup movements
200m run
clean drills (on my own)


A. Squat Clean and Push Jerk, 21's (5-5-5-1-1-1-1-1-1 while building)
5x75, 5x95, 5x115,
1x 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185(failed)

B (superset w above) HSHolds
6x~10s each

C. 3 rounds, not for time
2 One Arm Chinup (assisted) per side)
1 tuck front lever
1 kipping MU (no false grip!)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2019-08-28 WOD

500m row
std warmup
200m run


A. 5-3-1 Back squat at 60/70/80% ORM
(been a while since I maxed and I wouldn't be at my previous of 275, so aimed to play it by ear a bit)
warm: 7x45, 7x95, 5x135
main: 5x165, 3x185, 1x215 (actually, 215 is about 80% of 275, so...)

B. For time
3 rounds
7 Thruster 95#
7 burpee bar jump
400m run

3 rounds
5 Thruster 115#
5 burpee bar jump
400m run

3 rounds
3 Thruster 135# (did 3x2 here - I was just gassed and these were pretty heavy)
3 burpee bar jump
400m run

I added

C. 3 HSHold ~10s

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

2019-08-27 WOD

std warmup (Missed most of it though!)


A. 4 sets
6 benchpress 95# 31x1 tempo
6 bb row 75# 31x1 tempo

B. For time
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 T2B
20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 wallball 20#

I added

C. MU practice
1 kipping MU
3 strict MU

Monday, August 26, 2019

2019-08-26 WOD & bike

750m row
std warmup


A. Skill work on rope climbs
~6 12 foot climbs, working on technique

B. 15 min AMRAP
1 rope climb 12' (Rx was 15')
20 cal airdyne
20 cal row
20 DU
} +add one rope climb per round

3 full rounds + 4 rope climbs + 20 cal Airdyne + 10 cal row

C. Accessory work - 3 rounds, not for time
6 One Arm Banded Pull-down (Right arm only*)
6 DB bent over row 45#*
6 banded internal/external rotation per side
1 min plank hold
* working on some assymmetry

that evening:

D. Mountain biking

~8miles w fair amount of climb in there.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

2019-08-24 WOD

Partner wod, Tom came along

std warmup
2 min AirDyne
200m run


A. Activation: 3 rounds, not for time
10s plate step-ups - fast
5 OH press 45#
5 Push Press 45#
10 hollow-rocks
10 supermans

B. For time, with partner, one works while other rests
500 DU, or 750 SU (I did 300 DU, Tom did 300 SU)
150 push press 95# (I did 75 reps at 95#, Tom did 75 @ 35#)
100 T2B (I did 50 T2B, Tom did 50 hanging knee raise)
50 front squat (5x5 each, me at 95#, Tom at 35#)
1 mile run together
time: 33:00

I added:

C. StrictMU practice
3 strict MU, 1 slow strict MU

Friday, August 23, 2019

2019-08-23 WOD

std warmup
400m row
deadlift warmup (5x95, 5x135, 2x185)
200m run


A. 20 min AMRAP
5 deadlift 185 (Rx was 275)
10 DB Floor Press 2x45# (Rx was 50 but they were all in use)
10 HSPU (Rx was 15 - Did a mix of strict and kipping)
20 DB Front Rack lunge (same 2x45# as above)
25 cal Airdyne
30 situp
Just shy of 3 full rounds. (few HSPU short)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

2019-08-21 WOD & Yoga

std warmup
snatch drills


A. EMOM 10
High Hang Snatch
Hang Snatch
3x45, 3x65, 4x75

B. "Amanda" (scaled) 9-7-5
Power Snatch 95# (Rx is 135)
Ring MU
time: 8:48


That evening:

C. 1 hr yoga class

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

2019-08-20 WOD

std warmup
400m run


A. Strength/tempo work for 10 min. 4 rounds of
4 Weighted Tempo Strict Pullups 10#
3 Weighted Tempo Ring Dip 10#

B. 16 min AMRAP
Box Jump 24"

400m run

hollow rock

400m run

1 round + finished second round of 21-15-9

Monday, August 19, 2019

2019-08-19 WOD

90 cal Airdyne
std warmup
clean drills
200m run


A. EMOM 10
even: 6 devils press 2x30# (Rx was 7 reps, 2x40#)
odd: Clean, followed by Front Squat: 95, 95, 115, 135, 155.

B. Rowing sprint starts (4 of them, to warm up for C)

C. For time
250m row sprint
12 Cleans 95# (Rx was 15 reps)
250m row sprint
12 Cleans 95# (Rx was 15 reps)

I added

D. MU practice
3x 2 StrictMU UB

Sunday, August 18, 2019

2019-08-18 Sunday Run & Yoga

A. Run 5.65km; 25:57; 4:36 pace

B. 1hr yoga class later in afternoon

Saturday, August 17, 2019

2019-08-17 WOD

Saturday WOD & Tom came along


100cal Airdyne (moderate pace, in 3 segments)
std warmup
Several of movements below
200m run


A. Partner WOD. do run together, split rest of work as you want (I did a bit more than half on the last few rounds)
400m medball run 30#
50 DB Deadlift (2x35#, Tom did 2x15) (25 each)
50 DB Front Squat 2x35# (25 each)
50 push press 1x35# (25 each)

400m medball run 30#
40 DB Deadlift (2x35#, Tom did 2x15) (25 each)
40 DB Front Squat 2x35# (25 each)
40 push press 1x35# (25 each)

400m medball run 30#
30 DB Deadlift (2x35#, Tom did 2x15) (25 each)
30 DB Front Squat 2x35# (25 each)
30 push press 1x35# (25 each)

400m medball run 30#
20 DB Deadlift (2x35#, Tom did 2x15) (25 each)
20 DB Front Squat 2x35# (25 each)
20 push press 1x35# (25 each)
Time: 37:47

I added

B. Strict MU practice
1,2,3 UB

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2019-08-14 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. 10 min HS practice

Lots of HSHold and HSPlatewalk

B. 3 rounds for time
30 KBS 53#
25 Wallball 20#
20 push press 75#
15 box jumps 24"
10 Hang Power Clean 75#
400m run

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

2019-08-13 WOD

std warmup
clean drills


A. EMOM 10
High-hang Clean
Hang Clean
4x95, 3x115, 2x135, 1x155

B. 12 min AMRAP
3 Power Clean (touch-n-go)
6 alternating front rack lunge
9 T2B
24 DU
7 rounds even

I added

C. MU practice
3x1 Strict MU

Monday, August 12, 2019

2019-08-12 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. EMOM 10
5 pullup (strict UB for 2 sets; kipping UB for 7 sets)
5 ring dips

B. 10 round, 90s/round.
1 12' legless rope climb top of each round (Rx was regular climb)
then max reps for remainder of (rotate 2x each)
Air Squats (40/round)
Burpees (12/round)
Lunges (30/round
Situps (30/round)

I added the posted extra work
C. for time
100 situps
100 v-ups
100 T2B
time: 24:15

Sunday, August 11, 2019

2019-08-11 Yoga

Skipped the  Sunday run, but made it to a yoga class

A. 1hr yoga class

Saturday, August 10, 2019


1500m row
std warmup


A. 10 min AMRAP w partner
P1: 100m farmer carry 2x53# kb (tom did 2x16)
P2, amrap until P1 finishes:
- 7 Thruster 95# (Tom did 35# bar)
-7 burpees
4 rounds of each, plus 3 thrusters

B. 10 min AMRAP w partner
P1: 5 strict HSPU (Rx was 10 hspu, tom did db press)
P2: 5 d-ball over 100# (tom did 30#)
4 rounds

C. 10 min AMRAP w partner. Both finish a movement, then switch
P1: 15 cal Airdyne
P2: 10 Box jump 24" (last round I did 30"
5 rounds

Friday, August 9, 2019

2019-08-09 WOD

800m row
std warmup
snatch drills


A. EMOM 10
Power Snatch
Hang power Snatch
2 OH Squat
2x45, 4x65, 3x75, 1x95

B. 4 rounds, each movement 1 min (max reps in 45s, 15s rest)
MU (5,5,4,4)
DU (40x4)
T2B (12x4)
Air Squat (15x4)

Accessory (Rx was 10 rounds - I went heavier and did 5)

C. 5 rounds
3 bench press (95, 4x135)
3 weighted chinup (10,15,20,25)
3 cleans (95, 4x135)

Thursday, August 8, 2019

2019-08-08 WOD

Active recovery day but decided to push a bit, since I missed Tuesday.

std warmup
Several of each movement in B


A. 500m row

B. 10 rounds for time
3 CJ 135#
3 Strict HSPU
3 MU (6x3, 2 x(2,1), 2 x (1,1,1))
22:44 (2min faster than last week)

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

2019-08-07 WOD

std warmup


A. 5 min Airdyne for cals
106 cals

B. 5x3 OH Press
warm: 3x65,
main: 3x75, 3x85, 3x95, 3x105, 3x105

C. 3 sets for reps, as follows:
3 min amrap push jerk 115# (Rx was 165)
8,6,4,4,4,2 = 28 reps

2 min rest

2 min amrap push jerk 95# (Rx was 135)
10, 6, 4,4, 2 = 26 reps

2 min rest
1 min amrap push jerk 95# (Rx was 115)
10,5,5,2 = 22 reps

I added

D. MU practice
5 strict MU

Monday, August 5, 2019

2019-08-05 WOD

std warmup
few rounds of A below, w empty bar and 5 cals on airdyne


A. 6 rounds, each at the start of 5 min (0,5,10...)
30 cal Airdyne (or until you 'hit the wall' which for me was 25,25,20,20,15,15
15 Front Squats (I did 10) @ 95#
7 Burpee over bar
~2:00 to 2:15 each round, but reps scaled per above

B. Weighted Strict MUs
2xBW, 2x10#, 1x15#

Sunday, August 4, 2019

2019-08-04 Sunday Run

A. Run 10k. 46:14, 4:37 pace

fastest pace on a 10k in about 10 months or so!

Friday, August 2, 2019

2019-08-02 WOD

std warmup
3x200m row
20 SU
5 box stepups)


A. 8 min EMOM
20 DU
5 box jump 20"

B. 4 rounds for time
800m run
15 GHD situp (Rx was 25 v-up)
25 pushup

Thursday, August 1, 2019

2019-08-01 WOD

Active recovery day, but decided to push myself a bit since I missed yesterday.

std warmup
CJ: 5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135
HSPU: 2 singles
MU: 2 singles


A. 10 rounds for time
3 Power Clean & Jerk
3 Strict HSPU
3 MU

B. 3x10 GHD situps