Friday, May 31, 2013

2013-05-31 WOD

A. Mobility day
25 burpees
20 box jumps
20 medball passes
bunch of mobility work

B. Did a 5k run at lunch, set a PR
5.0km 22:42 4:32 pace

Thursday, May 30, 2013

2013-05-30 WOD

A. Front Squat PR attempt
5 reps at 95
3 reps at 135
2 reps at 155
1 rep at 175
1 rep at 195
1 rep at 215 (+10# PR)

B. OH Press PR attempt
5 reps at 45
5 reps at 65
3 reps at 95
1 rep at 115
1 rep at 135 failed
1 rep at 125

C. Pullup progression
10 strict pullups (5,5)
3x3 weighted pullups (26#)

D. 1 mile run

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2013-05-29 WOD

A. 4 x 400m run for time, rest between rounds for same amount of time as the run
Times: 1:25, 1:25, 1:28, 1:27

B. Tabata T2B or situps
I switched to situps partway through, then back to T2B for last round. Lowest reps was 7
9 (T2B)
8 (T2B)
8 (T2B)
7 (T2B)
8 (situps)
8 (situps)
7 (situps)
7 (T2B)

C. Dip progressions

- 10 ring dips at 51x1 tempo (3,2,3,2)
- 3x5 weighted ring dips 20# (did 1 set on rings, 2 sets on parallel bars)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2013-05-28 WOD

End of strength cycle PR attempts. I failed on both today. Not sure if it's because I missed a couple days in the cycle because of business travel, or due to how sore I was from Saturday, Sunday, Monday workouts. Oh well.

A. Deadlift - work to a heavy ORM. Was aiming for 325.
- 135x5
- 165x5
- 205x3
- 225x3
- 255x2
- 285x1
- 305x1 (failed, twice)

B. Benchpress - work to a ORM. Was aiming fr 195
- 95x5
- 135x5
- 165x3
- 175x1
- 195x1 (failed)

C. 3x3 ring pullups

Monday, May 27, 2013

2013-05-27 WOD

Memorial day partner workout:

With partner, for time. one partner rests while other works, except runs are done together
1k row (I did 500m)
50 thrusters 45# (I did 25)
30 pullups (I did 18)
30 OH squats (I did 15)
30 burpee pullups (I did 17)
800m run
30 t2b (I did 17)
30 hspu (I did 3 HSPU, 12 HRPU)
30 DB snatch (I did 15)
100 DB lunge (I did 50)
30 DB cleans (I did 15)
100 wallball 20# (I did 50)
400m run
Time: 45:55

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013-05-26 WOD

Mudder training run

6.92km trail run - 36:14 - 5:14 pace (actually much slower than that for the steep hill for first 2 km. Then faster for the remainder)


Memorial Day Murph!

For time:
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
total time: 48:25. A +7:20 PR over my previous best 1 year ago, of 55:45

(I did 15 sets of 5/10/20, then was done with air squats. Then did 5 sets of 5/10, letting my legs recover a bit for the run)

Friday, May 24, 2013

2013-05-24 WOD

std warmup
400m run

5 kbs
5 situps

5 rounds, 4min amrap, 2 min rest b/t
10 situps
10 kbs 53/35 (I did 53#)
200m run
2+10, 2+10, 2+8, 2+10, 2+12

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2013-05-23 WOD

Active recovery day

10 min mobility work (roller, lacrosse ball)
5.1km run, 25:11, 4:56 pace

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2013-05-22 WOD

A. Tabata Plank hold
8 rounds
20s plank hold
10s rest

B. Front Squat 3x5 at lighter weight
95, 115, 135#

C. OH Press 3x8 at lighter weight
65, 75, 95

D. Dip progressions
- 10 ring dips at 51x1 tempo (3,2,2,2,1)
- 3x3 weighted ring dips, 20#

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2013-05-21 WOD

Good workout today. One of those ones that had my lungs searing, and giving me headrushes when I got up off the floor afterward.

std warmup
10 ball slam passes 20#
10 wallball tosses 20#
10 medball tosses 20#

Each movement 30s of work at full effort, followed by 90s rest
3 rounds
Row for calories (12/11/10)
Jumping knee tucks (37/31/27)
pushups (25/24/24)
Airdyne for calories (16/20/19)
thrusters 55/75 (I did 75#) (15/13/11)
Total per round

Monday, May 20, 2013

2013-05-20 WOD

de-load week

A. Benchpress 3x8 @ 65% ORM

I did 3x8 @ 125#

B. Deadlift 3x5 @ 65% ORM

I did 3x5 @ 215#

C. Pullup progression

- 10 strict pullups (I did 2x5)
- 3x3 weighted pullups (26#)
- dang! I forgot 2x7 assisted!

D. Recovery run
I did 5.09km, 27:43, or 5:26 pace

Sunday, May 19, 2013

2013-05-18 WOD

A. Death by Clean&Jerk
1 rep at top of minute, increasing by 1 rep every minute until can't complete
135/95 (I did 115)

Lasted 8 minutes, plus 7 reps in the 9th minute (total of 42 reps)

B. Death by 10m sprints
Same as above, lasted 13 minutes


C. Did 5 mile hike later in the day

Friday, May 17, 2013

2013-05-16 WOD

Travel workout, had limited time before a dinner appt, but at least got something done

A. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 of
time: 9:12 (2:35, 2:47, 1:56, 1:14, 0:40)

B: 2x5 DB Snatch 50#

Thursday, May 16, 2013

2013-05-15 WOD

Missed tuesday due to travel, so did that wod (or part of it anyway) at the hotel gym at 10pm

A. 3 rounds for time of:
50 DUs
30 T2B
10 box-jump-over 24/20" (I did over an 18" bench)
approx 6 min per round. T2B were hard on an awkward angled pullup bar.

B. 2 rounds for time of
10 man makers 45/30# (I did 30#)
20 DB walking lunges
forgot to time!

Monday, May 13, 2013

2013-05-13 WOD

A. CG Benchpress 2-2-2 @ 90-95%
90-95% of current ORM is 170-180. However, today I only managed 1 rep at 185 (which in retrospect was too heavy) and then went to 165 and did 2 sets of 2, needing a little bit of help on the last rep)

B. Deadlift 2-2-2 @ 90-95%

90-95% of current ORM is 285-300.
2 reps at 275
1 rep (failed) at 285
2 reps at 275
2 reps at 275

C. Pullup progression
12 strict pullups (7+5)
3x3 weighted pullups (26#)

D. Recovery run
3.95km,  21:22, 5:25 pace.
(Tried out a new route for this. Am going to add a little dogleg to it and make it 5k next time)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013-05-11 WOD

Good day at the gym today. 2 PRs!

A. Work to a heavy CJ in 20 min

I got to 175#. 10# PR, plus it's a body-weight PR which was a 2013 goal, and I'd failed at several times over the past 2 months.

B. The WOD was "Iron Mike", which is 1 mile run, 30 CJ @ 155# and 2k row. I had to scale the weight, and I had to drop the 2k row to get back in time to take my kids to swim class. However, scaling it to 135# makes it "Grace":

1 mile run (~7:30)

30 CJ @ 135 for time
Time: 7:32 (previous: 9:58) +1:26!

[Update: In the afternoon, I went out to do a 5k trail run to train for Tough Mudder next month. Had a 5k route planned but a couple wrong turns and I ended up doing 7k

7.38km; 40:51. avg pace of 5:32 min/km - though the first 3 k were much slower than this (uphill, and the last 4k much faster]

Friday, May 10, 2013

2013-05-10 WOD

std warmup
shoulder mobility work
200m run

A. 6 min amrap
6 Hang Power Snatch 95# (I did 75#)
8 OH Squat 95# (I did 75#)
4 rounds even

B 6 min amrap
12 wallball 20#
12 T2B
4 rounds even

C 6 min amrap
12 box jumps 24/30 (I did 30")
12 KBS 53/70 (I did 53#)
3 rounds even

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2013-05-08 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
1 wall-walk
10 plank 'hand-taps' with partner
10 partner wallball slams


A. Tabata pushups (20 sec on, 10 off, 8rounds)
14, 14, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8

B. Front Squat, 3 x 4-6 reps, 31x1 tempo
155#, 2 rounds of 4, 1 round of 3

C. OH Press, 3x3  85-90%
Did 1 rep at 115, had to go to 105 for remainder (how did I ever lift 130#?!)

D. Dip progressions
10 ring dips (3,3,2,2)
3x5 weighted dips (20#)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2013-05-07 WOD

A. 60s effort, 3 min rest, 4 rounds, burpees;

19,19,18,17 = 73 total

B. 60s effort, 3 min rest, 4 rounds, max cals row

20, 21, 21, 22 = 84

C. OH Press practice

D. did 2x2 ring pullups

Monday, May 6, 2013

2013-05-06 WOD

std warmup
400m run

A. Deadlift 85-90% 3x3
I did 265 (85% of 315) (5,3,3)

B. CG Benchpress 85-90% 3x3
I did 165 (8% of 190) (3,2+1, 2+1)

C. Pullup progressions
- 10 strict
- 3x3 weighted 26#
- 2x7 at 31x1 tempo

D. 1 mile run at moderate pace

Saturday, May 4, 2013

2013-05-04 WOD

Whew. Tough one today! I had to scale it some, but still wore me out.

"RJ" - 5 rounds for time of
800m run
5 rope climbs (15')
50 pushups

50 min time cap.

I did:

"RJ Scaled"
5 rounds
800m run
3 rope climbs 15'
50 pushups
Rounds 1,2 had 3 rope climbs, round 3 had 2 rope climbs, round 4 had 1 rope climb and 20 pullups, round 5 had 30 pullups

Friday, May 3, 2013

2013-05-03 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice
400m run


A. Work to a heavy snatch in 15 min
Only got to 105#. Failed at 115#

B. 20 min EMOM
Even minutes
10-20 pushups (I did 15 for first 7 sets, 13 for last 3 sets)

Odd minutes
2 Snatch
2 OH Squat
(both at 70-80% of above weight - I used 75# for first 7 sets, then 65# for last 3 sets)

C. 800 m run for time

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013-05-02 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
15 medball toss 20#
Dodgeball! (3 burpees if hit, I was hit only once)

mobility work
Run, ~2mile, moderate pace

2013-05-01 WOD

std warmup
200m run
15 medball toss 20#

A. Frontsquat, 31x1 temp, 3x4-6 reps, heavier than last week
I did 3x4 @ 155#

B. OH Press, 3x5 @ 80%
I did 105 for 2 sets, 110 for 3rd set, but only 3 reps before failing

C. Dip progression
- 10 ring dips at 5111 temp (did sets of 4,3,3)
- 3x5 weighted ring dips 20# (did 4, then a set of 4 where I dropped the weight after 2, then 4 unweighted)

D. Easy run
Did 1 mile, ease pace