Saturday, March 18, 2023

2023-03-18 WoD

 //partner workout, styled along lines of 'deck of death' meets '12 days'. Did my best to write it down from memory


std warmup
3 rounds, not for time
1 block run
row 100m
3 strict pullups
5 Hang Clean 75#
5 Front Squat 95#


A. 25 min AMRAP. Partner workout, I go, you go. Draw 2 cards to start, each card is 10 reps, suit dictates movement. After finishing a round, draw 2 cards and ADD to existing pile. Keep going for 25 min. movements:
Hearts: Pushups
Diamonds: Pullups
Clubs: Wallball 20#
Spades: HangClean 75#

plus, 1 block run at 8 and 15 minute marks
End reps (split all in half)
Round 1: 10 Wallball + 10 HangClean = 20 reps
Round 2: 30 Wallball + 10 HangClean = 40 reps
Round 3: 40 Wallball + 10 HangClean + 10 Pushup = 60 reps
Round 4: 60 Wallball + 10 HangClean + 10 Pushup = 80 reps
Round 5: 20 pullup + 10 HangClean + 10 pushup + 60 wallball = 100 reps
Round 6: 30 pullup + 10 HangClean + 20 pushup + 60 wallball = 120 reps
Round 7: 40 Pullup + 20 HangClean + 20 pushup + (ended here) 60 wallball = 80 reps
(plus 2 one block run) = 4 reps
total: 504 reps = 252 reps each

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