3 min Airdyne
std warmup
Airdyne sprints:
30 sec
20 sec
10 sec
A. 10 min Assault Bike for cals (test)
118 cal
B. HSHold/HSPU practice/drills
C. 8 min EMOM
odd: HSHold practice for 30s
even: Strict HSPU (5,5,4,3)
3 min Airdyne
std warmup
Airdyne sprints:
30 sec
20 sec
10 sec
A. 10 min Assault Bike for cals (test)
118 cal
B. HSHold/HSPU practice/drills
C. 8 min EMOM
odd: HSHold practice for 30s
even: Strict HSPU (5,5,4,3)
std warmup
rowing sprints (2x150m)
A. 3x5 back squat at 70% (I went a little heavy so went 3x4)
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 3x4@185
B. 4 rounds, 2 min work, 2 min rest
Row 250m
in remainder of 2 min, max Air Squats for score
Count: 44, 45, 43, 45
A. Run 3.8km; ~15min; ~5min pace
A. 3 mile hike
B. 1hr kayak (light pace)
std warmup
200m run
250m row
A. Deadlift 3x5 @ 65%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5x185, 2x5x205
B. 2 sets {
250m rowing sprint
1 wall walk
4 box step ups 24"
C. 2 sets {
250m rowing sprint
1 wall walk
4 box step ups 24" with two KB in front rack 2x24#
//Went to PT afterward and did a bunch of shoulder exercises
5 min AirDyne
std warmup
snatch/OHSquat drills
200m run
A. 3x3 OHSquat at 60% - 2s pause at bottom
1x5 @ 45, 1x3 @ 65, 2x3 @ 75
B. Nancy: 5 rounds for time of
400m run
15 OHSquat 75# (Rx was 95#)
time: 14:40
C. Accessory work - 2 rounds, not for time
12 banded face pulls
12 One Arm KB Situp 16# (6/side)
12 One-leg glute bridge (6/side)
5 min AirDyne
DB presses & rows (various)
2x5 T2B
A. 3x6 OH Press at 60%
3x6 @ 75#
B. 3 rounds of
3 weighted pullup 20#
3 strict pullup
3 kipping pullup
(Rx was 3-5-7 unbroken - I did unbroken but reduced reps)
C. EMOM 12
even: 10 KBS 36#, 5 goblet squat 36# (Rx was 70# for both)
odd: 10 T2B, 5 box jump 24"
Run 3.5km (short one, limited on time) 15 min-ish; 4:50 pace
5 min Airdyne
std warmup
several rounds of movements below
A. For time:27-21-15-9
Cal Row
DB Thruster 2x25#
5 min rest, then
B. For time:27-21-15-9
Cal Airdyne
DB Hang PowerClean 2x25#
24min total
2min AirDyne
400m run
std warmup
A. Front Squat 7-5-3 @ 50/65/80%
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 7x135, 5x155, 3x185
B. 10 rounds
30 DUs
4 devil's press 2x35# (rx was 6 reps
time: 14:14
std warmup
2 min AirDyne
MANY of movements below, with lighter weight, lower reps
A. 3 rounds, increasing weight
Power Snatch
3 OH Squat
45, 65, 75, 75
B. 21 min EMOM
min 1,4,7...: 6 burpees for 30s, then 30s rest
min 2,5,8...: DB Snatch 50#
min 3,6,9...: 10 T2B
std warmup
400m run
3 min Airdyne
clean drills
A. 3x3 OH Press
3x3 @ 95#
B. 3x3 PushPress
3x3 @ 115#
C. 3x3 PushJerk
3x3 @ 135#
D. 8 rounds, 1 every 90s
HighHang Clean
3x95, 3x115, 2x135
E. 2x5/side banded rotation
std warmup
400m run
deadlift drills
A. 3x6 Deadlift at 60%
warm: 5x95, 5x135
main: 6@185, 6@205, 6@225
B. 5 rounds for time
200m run
1 Clean into 5 Front Squat at 95# (Rx was 135)
10 pullup + 5 pushup (Rx was 5 BarMU)
time: 10:50
2 min Airdyne
std warmup
several of each movement below
A. "Barbara" - 5 rounds for time, with exactly 3 min rest b/t rounds:
20 pullup
20 pushup (Rx was 30 - I scaled as am still recovering)
40 situp
50 AirSquat
time: 39:30 (scaled)
std warmup
Clean drills
A. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155
B. For reps:
AMRAP 2 min CJ 95# (Rx was 135)
16 reps
90 sec rest
AMRAP 90sec CJ 115# (Rx was 165)
8 reps
90 sec rest
AMRAP 1 min CJ 135# (Rx was 185)
6 reps
std warmup
3 rounds:
1 min Airdyne
5 inchworms
10 deadbugs
12 lunges
deadlift bracing/warmup
A. 3x8 deadlift, slightly heavier than last week
warm: 5x45#, 5x135#
main: 1x8 @ 185#, 2x8 @ 205#
B. with partner, one rests/one works, 5 rounds each for time (which I forgot to write down, but was ~2:30/round
15 wallball 20#
10 cal Airdyne
5 PowerClean 135#
std warmup
5 min Airdyne
snatch drills
Power Snatch
2 OH Squat
Squat Snatch
2x45, 3x65, 3x75
B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
12 Power Snatch 65# (Rx was 95#)
6 OH Squat 65# (Rx was 95#)
5 min Airdyne
std warmup
clean & jerk drills
2x2 HSPU
A. 3x8 OH Press, increase from last week
1x8 45#
3x7 75#
(4 power cleans)
B. 3x3 split jerk at 50%
3x45#, 3x95#, 3x115#, 2x135#
(4 power cleans)
2 HSPU (Rx was 5 reps. did 3 first round, then dropped to 2)
10 KBS 53#
5 rounds even
2 min rest
Medball Clean 50#
35 reps (7x5)
2 min rest
5 C2B Pullup
5 burpees
5 rounds
Sunday run
A. Run ~7km, ~38 min, ~5:30/km (runkeeper stopped partway through)
Did a dropin at VC Crossfit, around corner from house we put an offer on, just to check it out. Decent place, quite a grind!
std warmup
clean drills
warmups for several movements in may wod
A. activation - 4-5 round of the following, starting w empty bar, increasing weight
hang high-pull
hang power clean
2 front squat
45, 65, 2x95
B. For time, 30 min cap:
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
20* Hang Power Clean 95#
10 Burpees
20* Hang Power Clean 95#
50 alternating lunges
10 Burpees
20* Hang Power Clean 95#
50 alternating lunges
100 situps
10 Burpees
20* Hang Power Clean 95#
50 alternating lunges
100 situps
150 Air squats
time: 29:33
* Rx was 25 reps, I scaled to hit time cap - turned out to be a good estimate - 650 rep workout(!)
std warmup
2 min airdyne
deadlift warmup (5x45, 5x95)
A. 3x8 deadlift at 40%
3x8 @ 135, 185, 205
B. 5 rounds, not for time
8 DB OH Tricep extension (subbing for bench) 50#
2x8 DB Row 50#
8 front rack bulgarian split squat 50#
Gym closed this morning so just did a short recovery run
A. Run 3.22km; 17:27; 5:25
std warmup
2x1min Row
2x10 KBS
2x10 wallball
A. EMOM 8 (barMU practice)
C2B pullup
(high as possible) C2B pullup
B. 5 rounds, each for time, 2 min b/t
20 wallball 14# (rx was 20#)
12 cal row
10 KBS 36# (Rx was 53#)
(reach round was roughly 2 min)
std warmup
several of movements below
2 min AirDyne
A. 3x8 OH Press
3x8 @ 65#
B. Pullup progression - do all reps in sequence unbroken - 3 rounds
sequence: 3 weighted pullups - 5 strict pullups - 7 kipping pullups
rnd 1: 3(12#), 3, 5
rnd 2: 3,3,3
rnd 3: 2,2,3
C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 burpee over box 24" (didn't do pushup)
20 KB Front Rack Lunge (2x26")
3 min AirDyne
snatch drills
std warmup
A. activation - 3 rounds, not for time
3 snatch w 45# bar
2 HS Hold
3 Pullups (scaled, was MU progressions)
B. 20 min EMOM
Odd: 8 cal Airdyne (Rx was 15 cal row)
Even: 2 squat snatch (6 rounds at 65#, 3 rounds at 75#)
Sunday Run
A. Run 5.57km; 29:12; 5:15 pace