Tuesday, July 31, 2018

2018-07-31 WOD

That's the whole month of July, no rest days. A little experiment I was trying. I think it's probably (duh) not advisable to go hard 365 days a year, but if you listen to your body, and plan a couple days to be active recovery (e.g. in my case this is a 10k run at 70-80% pace on Sundays, and focusing on skill/technique work on thursdays), it's totally maintainable to do intense workouts the other 5 days of the week.


std warmup
drilled complex below


A. 12 min emom
even: 5 MU (did 5,5,3 unbroken, then last 3 sets were 3 strict single MUs/set)
odd: 10m HS Walk - or in my case, HSwalk attempts and/or HSHold

B. 10 min amrap. barbell complex. If dropped in the middle, no rep and start again. Allowed to drop between rounds. Rx was 95#. I started at 75# then went up halfway through.
Hang Squat Clean
Front Squat
Strict OH Press
Push Press
Push Jerk (lower to back)
Back Squat (push press snatch grip)
6 rounds at 75#, 5 rounds at 95# but dropped the OHSquat on the last rep

I added:

C. one Arm Chinup work
2x5 strict chinups
3x2/arm One Arm Chinup (assisted)

D. Tuck Front Lever
3 for only a few seconds.

Monday, July 30, 2018

2018-07-30 WOD

std warmup
100m run
KB swings/SDHP warmup 35#


A. Work to a heavy 3-rep max deadlift
warm: 10x75, 8x95, 6x135, 4x185, 3x225
main: 3x 275, 2x305, 1x315

B. 4 rounds - total reps each round
1 min burpee box jumps
1 min air squats
1 min DU's
1 min KB SDHP 53#
1: 09 21 70 24 = 124
2: 10 30 55 24 = 119
3: 09 30 58 24 = 121
4: 09 35 55 23 = 122

I added:

C. 3 rounds, not for time
5 hanging leg raises
10 GHD situps
1 HSHold ~20s for balance

Saturday, July 28, 2018

2018-07-28 WOD

std warmup


A. 8min tabata style. 16 rounds of
20s situps (4 rounds of 13, 4 rounds of 10)
10s rest
20s (4 rounds of 12, 4 rounds of 14)
10s rest
~100 of each

B. For time
400m run
10 Squat Clean Thruster 85# (Rx was 115)
200m run
9 Squat Clean Thruster 95#
400m run
8 Squat Clean Thruster 105#
200m run
7 Squat Clean Thruster 115#
400m run
6 Squat Clean Thruster 125#
200m run
5 Squat Clean Thruster 135#
400m run
4 Squat Clean Thruster 145#
200m run
3 Squat Clean Thruster 155#
400m run
2 Squat Clean Thruster 165# (second rep got clean but failed thruster)
200m run
1 Squat Clean Thruster 175# (got clean but couldn't get the thruster)

Friday, July 27, 2018

2018-07-27 WOD

std warmup


A. 3x3 Back Squat 85-90% (I went lighter because I've been off the strength cycle)
warm: 10x45, 6x95, 5x135,
main: 2x3x185, 1x3x205 (67%, 75%)

B. for time:
100 DU buy-in
21-15-9 of
Hang Squat Clean 155# (I did 115)
100 DU cash out
16 min cap.

I had to wrap at 12 min due to work, so got through the 15's then did 50 DU cash out.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

2018-07-26 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
500m row


A. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175, 1x185(fail)

B. (Superset w above) HSHolds

C. strict MU practice
1,2,2,1(slow - 10s), 1(slow - 15s)

D. (Superset w above) 4xTuckFrontLever

E. One Arm Chinup progression
2x3 strict chinups
3x2/side One Arm Chinup (assisted)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

2018-07-25 WOD

1k row
std warmup
200m run
snatch warmup drills


A. Work to a heavy 1RM snatch
5x45, 4x65, 3x75, 2x85, 1x95, 1x105, 1x115(failed)

B. 2 rounds for time, 18 min cap
600m run
30 bar facing burpees
15 snatch 75# (Rx was 135#!)

I added:

C. 4 rounds, not for time
13/13/12/12 GHD Situps (50 total)
HSHold w hand taps, 15s
Straddle Front Lever <5s

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

2018-07-24 Travel Workout

Went to BCF this morning, but because I had to leave early for a flight, I went in early and did my own thing, so labeling this 'travel workout' despite it being the usual spot.

std warmup


A. 1k row

B. 200 KBS 53# & 15 strict MU, for time, broken up as follows:
10 rounds of:
1 Strict MU, 15 KBS

1 Strict MU, 14 KBS
1 Strict MU, 13 KBS
1 Strict MU, 12 KBS
1 Strict MU, 11 KBS
1 Strict MU
time: 17min

Monday, July 23, 2018

2018-07-23 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. 4x3 pushpress @ 85%
5x45 strict press; 5x45 pushpress, 1x5x95, 1x3x115,
main: 2x3x125 3x135, 2x145+1fail (145 was my previous PR!)

B. 20 min AMRAP
5 T2B
10 cal row
15 box jump 24"
20m OH DB Lunge 50# (10m per arm)
5 rounds + 20 reps = 270 reps

I added

C. 3 rounds, not for time
20s HSHold (w hand-stepping)
45s weighted plank hold 25#

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

2018-07-21 WOD

1750m row
std warmup
some of each of the movements below


A. Partner workout - divide work as needed:
A1. buy-in 800m farmer carry 2x50# DB, trade-off DB as needed, any time DB touches ground (zero for us), add 10 burpees to A3.
A2. Divide work w partner on:
100 pullups (50 each - I did 15 C2B, 35 regular pullups)
100 pushups
100 goblet lunge 50#
100 S2OH one arm (push jerk) - 5 sets of 5/side, each
100 GHD situps - 5x10 each
100 wallball 20# - 5x10 each
A3. 20 synchro burpees
time: 38:40

I added

B. HSHolds
just a couple for ~10s each

Friday, July 20, 2018

2018-07-20 WOD

Small tweak in my back so I scaled somewhat

std warmup
~60 cal AirDyne in sets
snatch warmup


A. Back Squat (off program so just writing down what I did, not that was prescribed)
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 3x185, 5x135

B. 6 min EMOM
1 Hang Power Snatch
2 OH Squat
2x65, 2x75, 1x85, 1x95

C. 12 min AMRAP
3 Power Snatch 75#
6 OH Squat 75#
9 Box Jump 24"
12 cal Airdyne
5 full rounds + 3 power snatch = 153 reps

I added:

D. One Arm Chinup progression work
2x3 strict slow chinups
3x2/arm One Arm Chinup, assisted

Thursday, July 19, 2018

2018-07-19 WOD

Active Recovery Day

std warmup


A. Row 1k

B. Work to a heavy CJ
5x45, 5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175(failed)

C. (Superset w above) HSHolds

D. 3 strict MU

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

2018-07-18 WOD

std warmup
2x400m run on treadmill
2x5 strict pullups


A. 10 min EMOM
Odd: 5 MU (Did 4,4,4,3,3)
Even: 30s HSHold

B. 5 1 min sprints, 3 min rest b/t
6 DB Snatch 50# (3/arm alternating
20m sprint
remainder of 1 min on Airdyne for cals. Score is cals on AD
Score: 9,8,8,11,10

I added:

C. 3 Tuck Front Lever
~10sec each

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

2018-07-17 WOD

std warmup
2x400m row
clean drills, pushpress drills


A. 5x5 Pushpress at 80%
warm: 5x45, 5x75
main: 1x5@95, 4x5@115

B. 14 min AMRAP
4 Cleans @ 80% (I did 155#)
200m run
5 full rounds + 1 clean

I added:

C. 3 rounds, not for time
1 Strict MU (1 of these I did as a 20s slow one)
1 HSHold
5 abwheel rollout (from knees)

Monday, July 16, 2018

2018-07-16 WOD

std warmup (that I was late for)
deadlift warmup


A. Deadlift 3x3@80%, 2x3@85# (I'm off the cycle, so scaled this some
warm: 2x5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225
main: 2x3x275 (75%), 1x2@305(81%)

B. 7 min AMRAP
2 cal row
2 T2B
4 cal row
4 T2B
Got through 12's, 14 cal row, 1 T2B. So 99 reps

3 min rest

C. 7 min AMRAP
5 burpee
10 DU
10 burpee
20 DU
15 burpee
30 DU
20 burpee
40 DU <--- got to here, finished DU's
150 reps

accessory work: Only had time for 2 rounds:
5 strict pullups (did the third round of this)
100m OHBarbellCarry 95#
5/leg Bulgarian split squat (bodyweight)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

2018-07-14 WOD

Beefed it up today. Rx'd a workout rather than splitting w partner; and added some stuff before and after.


1000m row (~4min)
std warmup
weighted ball drills
shuttleruns (2 sets)


A. 5x5 benchpress at ~70%
warm: 10x45, 10x95
main: 5x5 @ 135#

B. (superset w above) 5x10 Banded Hollow Rock Pulldowsns

C. "Kelly" 5 rounds for time
400m run
30 box jump 24"
30 wallball 20#
split times: 5:05, 10:45 (5:40), 17:35 (6:50), 23:42 (6:07), 31: 25 (7:43)
time: 31:25 (PR is 28:55)

I added:

D. 3 rounds, not for time:
15s HSHold
1 strict L-sit MU

Friday, July 13, 2018

2018-07-13 WOD

std warmup
40 wallball passes


A. Backsquat 2x5@75%, 3x5@80% (for those that are on cycle, which I'm not)
warm: 8x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 2x5@185 (67%), 2X3@205 (72%)

B. 7 min AMRAP
3x12' rope climb (I did Rx+ which was 15', for 7/9 rope climbs. 12' for other 2)
10 dips (I did Rx+ which was ring dips)
3 rounds even

5 min rest

C. 7 min AMRAP
10 pullups (10,10,6+4, 6+2+2, 5+3+2)
200m run
4 rounds + 5 pullups

I added:

D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold (w hand taps) 15s
10 GHD situps

2018-07-12 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
200m run


A. 1k row

B. Work to a heavy Clean & Push Jerk
3x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175, 2x185(failed)

C. (Superset w above) HSHolds
HSHold w hand-taps, 15s per, 6 sets total

D. 3x1 Strict L-Sit MU

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

2018-07-11 WOD

std warmup


A. 4x5 Push Press at 85#
8x45, 8x75, 5x95
3x5@115, 1x3@125
(115 is 80% of my ORM of 145, but I've been off cycle, so went a bit lighter)

B. 5 rounds. Each 1 min work 3 min rest
5 DB Thruster 2x50# (I did 2x35 first round, 2x50 next four rounds)
20m DBall carry 100#
Burpee over d-ball for remainder of 1min
score is # burpees: 10,6,7,8,9

I added:

C. HSWalk practice - 4 rounds
HSHold against wall w 8-10 shoulder taps

D. One Arm Chinup progressions
2x15s negative (two handed)
4x2/side, assisted with band

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

2018-07-10 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills


A. DU practice. 2 rounds of
10 power jumps
5 S-S-P
5 S-S-D
10 DU

B. Work to an 80% ORM Snatch
5x45, 4x65, 3x75, 2x85, 2x95

C. 20 min EMOM - rotate through movements
1. 3 BarMU +  7 pushups (Rx was 5+10; I started at 3+10 then 3+7, then 3+5)
2. 50 DU (Rx was 60)
3. 3 Snatch at 80% (I did 95# and got all reps but one)
4. 25 cal Airdyne (I did 14 - don't think anyone hit 25)

I added:

D. HSHold practice

Monday, July 9, 2018

2018-07-09 WOD

std warmup


A. July Challenge
1 min Row for cals (25)
1 min HSPU for reps (13)
score is total of both: 38 (last year I did 37: 23+14)

B. Front Squat (Pretty far off the prescribed cycle here, so won't write down what I was supposed to do, other than to say it was more reps than what I did on each of these:
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 165x4, 185x2, 195x2 (75%, 82%, 87%)

C. 8 min EMOM
Power Clean
Hang Power Clean
Split Jerk
95, 115, 135, 135, 135, 155, 155, 175 (failed the jerk)

I added:

D. 4 rounds, not for time
Strict MU: 1,2,2,2
GHD Situp: 13,13,12,12

Sunday, July 8, 2018

2018-07-08 Travel Workout

A. Run 9.42km; 45:58; 4:53 Pace

B. 100 pushups (20, 10, sets of 5-7 rest of the way)

Saturday, July 7, 2018

2018-07-07 Travel Workout

A. HS practice on the beach
~20 or so HSHold attempts

B. Run 9.36km; 46:32; 4:58 pace

Thursday, July 5, 2018

2018-07-05 Travel Workout

Light workout while on the coast w fam

A. HS Practice
~20 or so HS attempts on the beach w kids

B. 1 mile run/climb
up sand dune and back. doesn't sound like much but it was brutal!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

2018-07-04 WOD

std warmup
700m row
400m run


A. "Holleyman" (as partner workout)
30 rounds (normally, Rx 30 RFT , but here swapped every other round w partner as 24m amrap)
5 wallball
3 HSPU (I did 5 rounds strict, rest kipping)
1 Power Clean 225# (I did 165)
20 rounds in 24min

4 min rest

B. "Tommy Mac" (as partner workout)
2 full rounds for time, this time doing all the work, but swapping barbell/partner work. I also scaled weight & reps and only did 1 round (scaled all kinds!)
10 burpees (Rx was 12)
6 Thrusters 95# (Rx was 12 at 115#)
10 burpees (Rx was 12)
6 Power Snatch 95# (Rx was 12 at 115#)
10 burpees (Rx was 12)
10 Push Jerks 95# (Rx was 12 at 115#)
10 burpees (Rx was 12)
6 Hang Squat Clean 95# (Rx was 12 at 115#)
10 burpees (Rx was 12)
6 OHSquats 95# (Rx was 12 at 115#)
didn't mark time down

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

2018-07-03 WOD

std warmup
1000m row
snatch balance 4x2 w PVC (1 set) or barbell (3 sets)


A. 7 min EMOM
Hang snatch
45, 65, 65, 75, 75, 85, 95

B. 5 rounds, 1 min each, rest 3 min
8 Power Snatch 75# (Rx was 10 reps)
6 D-Ball squats 70# (Rx was 100#)
remainder of min on AirDyne for cals
cals: 5,6,5,6,7

I added:

C. 3 rounds, not for time
2 strict MU
1 HSHold ~20s

Monday, July 2, 2018

2018-07-02 WOD

Back at the box! (for 2 days)


1200 m row (in increments, while doing std warmup)
2 rounds
3 KB Deadlifts/side 36#
6 KBS 36#
5 pushups/walkups


A. Deadlift (I'm off the cycle so this varied from prescribed)
warm: 5x45, 6x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225,
main: 5x275, 4x295, 1x305

B. 7 min amrap
100m shuttle sprints (4x25m)
6 pushups
10 air squats
8 rounds

5 min rest

C. 7 min amrap
5 KBS (shoulder height) 70#
25 DU
5 Burpee box jump overs
4 rounds

I added:

D. Work to a heavy clean
5x95, 4x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175, 2x185(both failed)

E. (superset w above)
D-ball situp 50#

Sunday, July 1, 2018

2018-07-01 Sunday run & park workout

Ugh. Another 2 days off in June. Too much slacking (22 workout days in June, normally I should do 26-27).

A. 5k run. 21:06. 4:13 pace
28s PR!

B. 3 rounds
5 pullups
5 dips
1 legless rope climb (diagonal bar, really)
1 tuck front lever
BarMU (1 first set, 2 2nd, 3 3rd)