Saturday, May 30, 2015

2015-05-30 WOD

Monster Mash for Mike Ford's birthday. I had to scale these to get through them all

std warmup
OH squat warmup
200m run


A. 21-15-9 (I scaled this to 15-9-6). 10 min cap
OH Squat 115# (I did front Squat at 95#)
time: 9:37

8 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time. 10 min cap
50 DU
15 T2B
10 Hang Power Clean 135#
time: 9:00 Rx

rest  8 min

C: 30-20-10 for time. 10 min cap
Deadlift 155#
Box Jump 24" (did about half as step-ups)
time: 10:01

D. 48(!) MUs. There was no way I'd do this, even when fresh, but we chose to read it as 4-8.
8 MUs

Friday, May 29, 2015

2015-05-29 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice
200m run


A. Front Squat. 2 'waves' of 5-3-1, increasing
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 5x135, 3x165, 1x185; 5x155, 3x185, 1x205

B. 5 rounds for time of:
200m run
3-5 MUs (whatever you can do in <1min. I did 2 per round, but probably should have done 3-4)
1 Snatch 135# (I scaled to 65# to focus on form)
time: 10:10

Thursday, May 28, 2015

2015-05-28 WOD

Active recovery day. Shoulder really bugging me, so just did some light work.

std warmup
lots of shoulder stretching/mobility


A. 1k row (~4min)

B. 2x5 strict pullups

C. 2x5 strict chinups

D. 2x3/side One Arm Chinup (assisted)

E. HS Holds
1x30s, 1x1min

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2015-05-27 WOD

std warmup (was late for most of it!)
3 rounds
4 pushups
8 wallball

A. 4x6 bench press - up 10-20# from last week. Should be ~70% (Realized that must've been going too light last couple weeks (115# last week), so had to jump by 30# to get up to 70% level
warm: 6x45, 6x95
main: 6x125, 6x145, 5x145, 5x145

B. Weighted dips. Aim for 8-12 reps (I went too heavy and ended up doing a few less reps)
6x53, 8x36, 8x36, 6x36

C. 3 rounds, each for time, 4min rest b/t
300m row
135# CJ, touch-n-go (I scaled to 95#)
5 burpee bar jumps
times: 1:38, 1:40, 1:45

I added:

D. HSHolds
3x ~30s, with some holds of 5-10s off the wall and some one-handed attempts

E. Strict Bar MU practice
4 attempts, all failed

F. Strict Ring MU practice
2 attempts, both failed

G. Ring MU (kipping)
3 attempts, 2 successful

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

2015-05-26 WOD

Hooboy. Little sore from Murph yesterday.

std warmup
400m run


A. 4x6 deadlift, add 10-20# from last week. Should be about 70%
warm: 5x45, 6x95, 6x135, 6x185, 6x225
main: 4 x 6x265 (265 is 73% of my ORM of 365 or 70% of 380)

B. 3 rounds for time, 5 min cap
16 pullups
8 burpees
time: 4:30

3 min rest

C. 21-15-9 of
KBS 70#
Box Jump 24"
} 5 min cap
time: 4:50

I added:

D. 3x10 GHD Situps

E. Strict MU practice
6 attempts all failed. too tired from pullups yesterday is my guess.

Monday, May 25, 2015

2015-05-25 Memorial day "Murph"

The usual Memorial Day hero wod. Beat my time from last year, but still not Rx as I didn't wear a weight vest. Next year maybe.

std warmup


A. "Murph". For time:
1 mile run (~6:30)
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run

Time: 37:18 (-2:41 PR)

Broke up the middle section as 15 rounds of {5-10-20}, then 5 rounds of {5-10-0}. Pushups were the limiter. really should have done 5pushup-5pullup-5pushup-20squats for those first 15 rounds. Next year.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

2015-05-23 WOD

std warmup
thruster warmup
shoulder retractions


A. 9-6-3
Squat Clean Thrusters 155# (I scaled to 115#)
Ring MU (I did all of these!)
time: 12:23

10 min rest

B. 3 rounds for time
24 front rack lunges 95#
15 T2B
15 KBS 70# (I did 53#)
time: 12:30

Friday, May 22, 2015

2015-05-22 WOD

std warmup
200m run


A. Benchpress 4x8, up 10#-20# from last week
warm: 8x45#
main: 8x95#, 8x115#, 8x115#, 8x115#

superset with B

B. 4x8 dips

C. Metcon: 3 rounds for time:
30 cal row
25 wallball 20#
20 box jumps 24"
15 pushups
200m run
time: 20:08

I added:

D. Strict MU practice
about 7 attempts, but 2 successful! Woo!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

2015-05-21 WOD & Goals check

Recovery/makeup day. I should have done Tuesday's workout since I missed it. Instead, I decided to do Fran to try and break 7 minutes, which was one of my goals for the year.

3 rounds
5 thrusters
5 pullups

A. 1k row. not for time.

B. "Fran" 21-15-9 of
Thrusters 95#
time: 6:23 (PR: -0:58)

C. MU Practice
2 singles, the latter of which I tried to turn into a double, but failed the second rep.

Goals Check:

1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but getting closer. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - One down, two to go.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Making some progress here
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. Have hit 3. I'll get there. 

4 out of 10 done, 5 months into the year.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

2015-05-20 WOD

missed most of it late!
400m run


A. 4x8 Front Squat to box
warm: 8x45, 8x95
main: 8x115, 8x135, 7x135, 7x135

superset with B

B. Bulgarian split squat 4x5/leg
warm: 5x45
main: 4x5x75#

C. Snatch complex - 6 sets at managable weight
Power Snatch
OH Squat
Hang Snatch
OH Squat
45, 45, 65, 65, 75, 75

D. Pullup progressions
3x8 strict

I added:

E. MU Practice
3 MU, one of those failed

Monday, May 18, 2015

2015-05-18 WOD

std warmup (was late, missed most of it)
20 air squats
200m run


A. Deadlift 4x8 at 10# heavier than last week
warm: 10x45, 8x135, 7x185
main: 225x8, 245x8, 245x8, 245x8, first 2 sets w pause at bottom

B. 4x5 pendlay rows (supersetted with above)
warm: 5x45, 5x65
main: 5x85, 4 sets

C. 5 min EMOM
3 clean & jerk (push jerk), 145#

D. HSHolds
4x30-45s practicing balance off of wall

3x6 kipping

I added:

F. One Arm Chinup practice
2x3 assisted

G. GHD situps

H. MU Practice
1 attempt, failed, decided I was still a little sore and would skip it today.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

2015-05-16 WOD

Partner wod today
Std warmup
400m run
5 pullups
5 thrusters
A. Alternating sets w partner. 10 min amrap
10 thrusters 115#
10 C2b pullups
4 rounds of each, plus 3 thrusters
6 min rest
B. 10 min Amrap.
3 rope climbs 20' (I did 2, 15')
15 HSPU (I did 10,5,5)
3 rounds even
6 min rest
C. 800m partner farmer carry
Did 2x 53 kbs

Did a 7.5 mile hike later in the day w the cub scouts.

Friday, May 15, 2015

2015-05-15 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run


A. 4x10 bench press, add 10# from last week
warm: 10x45#, 5x95#
main: 10x115#, 10x115#, 10x115#, 10x95#

superset'd with B.

B. 4x10 dips
10, 10, 5+5, 5+3+2

C. Monthly challenge, max weight G2O in 3 min. Choice of snatch or CJ or mix of both. Weights 95, 135, 165. I went with 135 CJ's aiming for 18 reps.
Score 20 reps. Did 3 reps followed by a 5 second rest. The rest got a little longer in the back half. I think I could up that pace and do all of Grace that way and PR it. Hmm...

D. 800m run followed by burpee box jumps 24" 6 min time cap, score is number of burpee box jumps
score: 25

I added:

E. MU practice
2 singles

Thursday, May 14, 2015

2015-05-14 Travel workout

A. 1.75k run - 8:11 - 4:40 pace

B. 4 rounds, increasing weight, DB were 25, 35, 45, 50 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th round
10 DB bench press
10 DB Snatch (5/side)
10 DB Squats (both dumbells) - 30 pause at bottom on last rep
10 DB Curl (5/side)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2015-05-12 WOD

std warmup
200m run
snatch drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time
1-2 rope climbs (I did 1/round)
40 DU
10 T2B
1-2 MU (1,1,2)

B. 4 Sets, each for time, 4 min b/t
10 OH Squat 115# (I scaled to 75#)
10 C2B pullups (2nd, 3rd set I did unbroken, which is a PR
times: 53s, 43, 45, 52.

I added:

C. 3x10 GHD Situps

Monday, May 11, 2015

2015-05-11 WOD

std warmup
400m run
2 rounds
5 wallball 20#
5 pushups


A. 4x10 deadlift, add 10-20# from last week
warm: 8x95, 8x135, 6x185, 3x205
main: 10x215, 10x215, 10x225, 10x225

B. 3 rounds:
400m run
15 wallball 20#
25 pushups
time: 10:44

C. Pullup progressions
3x3 weighted pullups 25#, 30x1 tempo

I added:

D. One arm chinup progression
2x3/arm, 2 finger assisted

E. MU Practice
3 singles

2015-05-10 Sunday Run

Sunday recovery run

A. Run 7.47km, 38:18, 5:08 pace

Saturday, May 9, 2015

2015-05-09 WOD

Saturday hero wod today.

std warmup
200m run


A. "Hamilton": 3 rounds for time of:
1000m row
50 pushups
1000m run
50 pullups
Time: 46:30 (4 minute PR!)

Friday, May 8, 2015

2015-05-08 WOD

std warmup


A. Benchpress, 4x10 @ 50%
warm: 10x45#, 10x75#
main: 4x10x95#

B. Dips. 4x10, superset with A. 2min b/t
10, 5+3+2, 3+3+2+2, 3+3+2+2

3 power cleans @ 60%
1 push jerk (I added this)
warm: 3x95, 3x115
main: 135, 135, 135, 155, 155, 165

D. Pullup progressions
3x3 weighted pullups 25# at tempo 30x1

I added:

E. HSHolds
3 x 15s or so

F. One Arm Chinup progression

Thursday, May 7, 2015

2015-05-07 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup
~10 min mobility work

A. 1k row (really should have done 2k. lazy!)

B. Clean & jerk practice - mainly working on form, really should have stuck to 135 and under
5x95, 5x115, 5x135, 3x155, 2x175, 1x185, 1x155, 1x135

C. MU Practice
4 singles

2015-05-06 WOD

Slept in through morning class, so went to lunchtime one

std warmup
50 wallball pass
200m run

A. 4x10 Front Squat to box, pause at bottom, unweighting feet
95x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10

B. 2 rounds of
10 meter OH Lunge 95# (I scaled to 75#)
10 burpee bar jump
10 meter OH Lunge 95# (I scaled to 75#)
10 wallball 25#

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

2015-05-05 WOD

std warmup
400m medball run

A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time:
3 HS Holds
1-2 MU
1 BarMU
10 pistols (5/side)

B. 3 sprint sets. 30s per movement, 3 movements, count total reps. 4 min b/t
30s row for cals
30s 70# KBS
30s 20" box jump
counts: 38, 38, 37

I added:

C. Pullup progressions
3x3 weighted pullups #20, 30x1 tempo

D. 3x10 GHD situps

Monday, May 4, 2015

2015-05-04 WOD

late, missed most of it
10 wallball 20#
200m run


A. 4x10 deadlift at 50%
warm: 2x10x45#, 2x5x135#
main: 10x185, 10x195, 10x195, 10x195

B. Snatch complex:
Hang Snatch (1), OH Squat (2), 10 second rest, repeat 3 times. That's 1 rep
3 reps, increasing weight
warm: 2x45#
main: 65#, 75#, 75#
then did one hang snatch at 95#

C. Pavel pullup progressions
4x3 weighted pullups (15#), at tempo 30x1

I added:

D. One arm chinup progressions
assisted, 2 fingers, 3-2-1/arm

E. MU practice
2 reps

2015-05-03 Sunday Run

A. 7.37km - 39:38 - 5:23 pace

Saturday, May 2, 2015

2015-05-02 WOD

std warmup
clean warmup

A. 8 min AMRAP
8 cleans 155#
8 box jumps 30"
30 DU
3 rounds + 2 cleans

B. 6 min AMRAP
6 deadlift 255(!)
6 burpee over bar
4 rounds even

C. 800m run

I added:

D. MU practice
2 singles, 1 double

Friday, May 1, 2015

2015-05-01 WOD

std warmup
200m run
3x5 pullups
back squat 1x5 45#, 1x5 95#


A. With partner, do 3 rounds. One does pullups while other runs, then switch. Total pullup count gets subtracted from time
400m run
AMRAP pullups
My 3 rounds were: 25, 20, 25. We did 165 between us so score was 11:03 - 2:45 = 8:18

B. With partner, do 3 rounds. One does backsquats while other rows, then switch. Total squat count gets subtracted from time
500m row
Backsquat 115#
My 3 rounds were: 31, 24, 25. We did 138 between us so score was 14:29 - 2:18 = 12:11

I added:

C. MU practice
2 singles, 1 double.