Wednesday, July 31, 2019

2019-07-31 Yoga

Slept in through gym time this morning, but made it to evening yoga

A. 1hr yoga class

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

2019-07-30 WOD

~5 min Airdyne (didn't measure cals)
std warmup
200m run


A. 3 rounds, not for time
1 legless rope climb (Rx was 2 standard rc's)
30 DU
4 tall box jump 24"

warm for B:
deadlift 5x95, 5x135
2 MU

B. 16 min AMRAP
8 deadlift 165# (Rx was 225, but goal was 50% so...)
4 MU
200m run
10 deadlift 165# (Rx was 225, but goal was 50% so...)
5 MU
200m run
12 deadlift 165# (Rx was 225, but goal was 50% so...)
6 MU
200m run
14 deadlift 165# (Rx was 225, but goal was 50% so...)
7 MU
200m run
4 deadlift 165# (Rx was 225, but goal was 50% so...)
(hit time cap)
22MU, 48 deadlift, 800m run

Monday, July 29, 2019

2019-07-29 WOD

400m run (tread)
std warmup
200m run


A. Work to a heavy 3 rep max back squat
(haven't been on the cycle so didn't go too heavy)
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x165, 3x185, 3x205

B. For time: 27-21-15-9
One arm DB power clean & jerk 50#
time: 11:14

I added

C. Weighted StrictMU
2xBW, 1x10#, 1x15#, 1x20#(failed)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

2019-07-27 WOD

Saturday partner workout w Tom.

500m row
std warmup
400m run


A. 4 rounds each for time
7 Push Jerk 115#
12 back squat 115# (Rx was 14 reps)
8 min

rest 3 min

A. 5 rounds each for time
5 front squats 115# (Rx was 7)
14 pullups

rest 3 min

C. 3 rounds each for time
5 Clean & Jerk 115# (Rx was 7)
1 legless rope climb 12' (Rx was 2 to 15' or 3 to 12')

forgot to note time on this one

D. 800m run

I added:

E. 2 strict MU

Friday, July 26, 2019

2019-07-26 WOD

500m row
std warmup


A. 3-3-3 x3 OH Press
warm: 5x45, 5x65
main: 3-3-3 @75, 95, 95 (failed a couple reps on last set)

B. 5 min AMRAP
5 Power Clean 135#
10 T2B
4 rounds + 3 power cleans

4 min rest

C. 5 min AMRAP
10 deadlift 155#
5 burpee box jump 24"
4 rounds + 2 deadlift

I added

D. Slow MU practice
3 strict MU - ~10s each

Thursday, July 25, 2019

2019-07-25 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
500m row
200m run


A. Work to a moderate way Clean & Push Jerk
5x45, 3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165

B. (superset w above) HS Work
2 HS Hold for balance
2 Headstand raise
2 HSPU negatives

C. 10 rounds, not for time
1 strict MU
2 pistols

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

2019-07-24 WOD & Yoga

750m row
std warmupB
200m run


A. Skill work - barMU
8 kip swings
8 hip to bar
5 barMU

B. 4 rounds for time
200m run
30 DU
3 BarMU (Rx was 5)

I added:

C. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold 5-10s
10 GHD situps

- Later -

D. 1hr yoga class

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

2019-07-23 WOD

std warmup
400m run
snatch drills


Snatch high pull
45, 45, 65, 65, 65, 65, 75, 75

B. Tabata push press x3:

B1. Tabata push press 95#
8, 6, 5, 4,4,4,4,4 = 39 reps

rest 3 min

B2. Tabata push press 65#
9,8,7,6,5,5,5,5 = 50 reps

rest 3 min

B3. Tabata push press 45#
10,9,8,7,6,6,6,8 = 60 reps

I added.

C. 3 Strict MU

Monday, July 22, 2019

2019-07-22 WOD

std warmup (missed most of it)
200m run


A. 3x 3.3.3 BackSquat clusters
warm: 5x45, 95, 135
main: 3x 3.3.3 @ 165

B. 12 min AMRAP
24 cal AirDyne
24 alt lunges
12 pullups
20s hanging l-sit
3 rounds + 12 cal airdyne

I added

C. MU practice
3 strict MU

Sunday, July 21, 2019

2019-07-21 Sunday run & bike

A. Run 5.73 km, 26:53, 4:42 pace


B. Bike ~10km, not for time

Saturday, July 20, 2019

2019-07-20 WOD

500m row
std warmup
200m run


All parts w partner

A. 7 min amrap
7 cal row (partner kbs)
100m run (together)
14 KBS 53# (partner rows)
100m run (together)
3 rounds of above, plus 2 cal on rower

2 min rest

B. 7 min amrap
14 partner wallball (7 each)
7 T2B (partner hangs from bar)
30s bar hang (while partner does T2B)
3 rounds

2 min rest

C. 7 min amrap
15 cal AirDyne
partner does DB snatch 50# until 1st partner done airdyne
4 full rounds

Friday, July 19, 2019

2019-07-19 WOD

std warmup
few of each movement below


A. For time, 40 min cap
400m run
100  barbell curls 45#
400m run
100 alt lunges
400m run
100 CG pushups
400m run
100 Back Squat 45#
400m run
100 OH Press 45#
400m run
100 alt DB Curl 25#
42:54 (went over a bit to finish)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

2019-07-18 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup


A. Row 1k

B. Work to a heavy CJ
3x75, 3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175 (clean, failed the jerk)

C. HSHold
6x 5-10s (superset w above)

D. Not for time:
1 strict MU
10 GHD situp
2 strict MU
10 GHD situp
3 strict MU (failed 3rd)
10 GHD situp

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

2019-07-17 WOD

Back to the box!

750m row
std warmup


A. 3-3-3 x3 Front Squat clusters
3-3-3 Front Squat @ 95
3-3-3 Front Squat @ 115
3-3-3 Front Squat @ 135

B. 14 min Amrap
10 Power Snatch 75# (Rx was 12 @ 95)
8 C2B Pullup
200m run
4 sets plus 10 snatches

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

2019-07-16 Travel Workout

Ran around Zurich for the one morning I was going to be here

A. Run 5.3km, 28:42, pace 5:25

Monday, July 15, 2019

2019-07-15 Paris travel workout

Ran around the city a bit, and did a park workout at a park I found w pullup bars and such

A. Run 6.48km, 36:28, 5:38 pace (but was broken around below)

B. 4 rounds, not for time
5 pushups
4 dips
3 pullup
2 BarMU
1 Wallwalk

Sunday, July 14, 2019

2019-07-14 Travel Workout

Thought I'd see how I did at Murph, having done it 2 days ago.

A. "Murph". For time:
- 1mile run

- 20 sets of
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats

- 1 mile run
time: 42:30

Saturday, July 13, 2019

2019-07-13 Travel Workout

Still pretty sore from yesterday, so did a run at moderate pace, stopped to take a few pix of Luxembourg gardens.

A. Run 5k, not for time.

Friday, July 12, 2019

2019-07-12 Travel Workout

Found a cool area beside the seine with pullup bars and such, so.... Murph!

A. "Murph"
- 1 Mile run
- 100 pullups
- 200 pushups
- 300 squats
- 1 Mile run

Did *approx* a mile run from apartement to workout area (~1.5k)

Then 20 sets of 5-10-15

Then ran back.

Time. 44:30

Thursday, July 11, 2019

2019-07-11 Travel Workout

Found a place along the Seine that has pullup bars and some other workout gear, so...

A. 1.5km run

B. 2x5 pullup

C. 5 rounds, not for time
10 Air squats
8 pushups
6 dips
4 chinups
2 BarMU

D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 tuck front lever
1 HSHold

E. 1.5km run

Monday, July 8, 2019

2019-07-08 Travel Workout

Dropped by the same gym in Amsterdam. They had a CF class going on at 7, but it was full, so I did my own thing.

Run 1.2km (on way there)
std warmup


(A, B, borrowed from April 12)
A. 3x3 push press w increasing weight
warm: 1x4 w 45#
main: 3x95, 3x115, 3x135

B. For time:
B.1. 800m row buy-in

5 Power Clean 135#
3 Front Squat 135#
3 Strict MU

B.3. 800m row cash-out
Time: 18:30 (previous: 16m, but I had to do a lot working in with others there, etc)

C. 3 rounds,  not for time:
3 DB Snatch/side 55#
20-30s HSHold 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

2019-07-07 Travel Workout

Found a great gym about 1km from my Airbnb here in Amsterdam. Sunday was open gym, so repeated the workout I did in Zermatt to see how I compared at sea level :-). Tomorrow they have a class I'll join.

A. 1.5km run (on way there)

B. activation
CJ 5x45, 3x95, 3x115, 2x135
HSHold 2x10s
2 strict MU

C. 10 rounds for time:
3 CJ 135# (Power Clean & Push Jerk)
2 Strict HSPU
1 Strict MU
17:30 (few min better than a week ago)

D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 tuck front lever 5s
1 tuck back lever 5s

Saturday, July 6, 2019

2019-07-06 Travel Workout

Went for a run in Brussels. The Tour de France was starting here this morning, so it was NUTS getting around with all the barricated streets/intersections. Slowed me down a lot.

A. Run 5.1km;  35.22 ; 6:56 pace

Friday, July 5, 2019

2019-07-05 Travel Workout

A bit of a run plus an improvised park workout.

A. Run 3.55km; 19:26; 5:29 pace

B. 5 rounds, not for time:
5 dips
5 pushups
5 tuck front lever pullups
3 chinups

C. HS Holds

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

2019-07-03 Travel Workout

Out for a run in Pierrefonds, France.

A. Run 4.58km, 25:00, 5:27 pace