Sunday, August 12, 2018

2018-08-11 10yr Anniversary Comp

BCF turned 10, and held a fun members-only comp to mark the occasion.

10 teams of 6 people, with athletes graded into A, B, and C categories (I was 'B'). Teams were *somewhat* equally distributed, but some ended up with AABBCC, some with ABBBCC, etc. Ours was ABBBBC. Also some WODs had A/B/C weights or movements that were arguably not scaled quite right, but hey, all this is me making excuses for why my team came in dead last :-). Either way, my personal performance was more or less middle of pack, and I was pleased with it.

WOD 1: 2 scores, 100 points each:

1.A. 2 mile run on treadmill, trading off every 30 seconds.

I was fastest runner on my team, so they had me do every other run for the whole 2 miles. I covered about 1.1 miles I think. we screwed up a couple transitions, and our time was 11:20.

1.B. two lanes, each doing the below, for time:
100 pullups
80 OH DB Lunge 35#
60 DB Squat 2x35#
40 DB Pushpress 2x35#
20 man makers 2xx35#

when we got done the run, I jumped in and did 7 man-makers, as the team was almost finished.

WOD 2: This one was worth *5* scores, and we didn't fair well at it, so arguably this is what put us firmly in 10th and there was no climbing out of the hole at that point.

Athletes pair off in teams of 2, and each complete 5 rounds of DT as a pair.

12 Deadlifts 135#
9 hang power cleans 135#
6 S2OH (push jerk) 135#

our first and third pair both came in 10th. Myself and a team member that went second came in 6th.

Fourth score was total time for DT. As a team we came in 10th

Fifth score was time for the team to complete 200 box overs while carrying 2x 50# DB. I think I did 28 of these If I counted right. We came in 10th on this one too.

WOD3: This was a sprint. Working in pairs, you had to stay synced. each pair completed 2 rounds, rotating through pairs (i.e. my pair went 3rd and 6th). Score was for total time.
Both rounds took... not much time. 90s each maybe?
20 cal AirDyne
20 synchronized Wallball 20#
10 synchronized burpees

We came in 9th on this one.

WOD4: This one was a lot of fun. A big chipper that required a lot of communication and thinking - balancing skill sets between team members, and adjusting on the fly as people were fatigued, etc.

Two lanes, each of which has to go through all the work below. Two scores - one time for first lane finished (we came in 9th), and one time for both lanes finished (we came in 5th - our best finish).
15 pullups + 15 HRpushups (I banged out all of these for my lane)
10m HSWalk (one of our team members did this)
45 thusters 75# (3 of us did 15 each)
15 HSPU (I did 5 of these)
10m HSWalk (one of our team members did this)
45 D-Ball clean 100# ( did 8, tagged out, then did 10 to close it out)
15 rope climbs 12' (did 5 or 6?)
10m HSWalk (one of our team members did this)
45 thusters 75# (1 did 12 and tagged out)

Overall a fun way to spend saturday.

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