2016 was not a great year for progress for three reasons:
1. A new job at work had me travelling a great deal, and so I missed a fair number of workouts (285 posts to this blog vs ~30 more than that in 2014, 2015).
2. A *catatrophic* year for me, injury-wise. Off the top of my head:
- torn ligament in my right shoulder (~3month recovery)
- strain in my left shoulder (not as bad as above)
- torn left bicep tendon (ongoing - likely 3 month recovery)
- pulled groin muscle
- pulled lower back muscle.
- strained ab muscle
- pulled left calf muscle
- pulled right calf muscle (twice)
This may in part have just been a bad year, but I think it was also related to (1) above. going too hard after several days off, etc.
3. Diet went off the rails. Between the travel and then being down about lack of progress due to injury, etc.
Anyhow, as a result, didn't do well against my goals for 2016
1. Get my diet back on track and get back down to the 10% body fat range. NOPE.
2. 115 snatch - but a full squat snatch with proper form. No.
3. 200# CJ. No. Closer, but just missed. 215 HPC, 200 PC, 190 push jerk.
4. 400# deadlift. No.
5. Put in 500km of running over the course of the year. No. haven't done full total, but somewhere around 400km
6. Do 3 events that require training for (the open and 2 others). Nope. Only did the Open.
7. Improve my standing in the open. Yes, but barely.
8. Spend dedicated time on mobility. 15 minutes, 4x week. Nope.
9. Work on a handstand progression, to get either a free standing HS for 20s, or a 10' HS walk. Yes, hit the 20s one, but really a fluke. Did lots of dedicated work on this.
10. Muscle-up virtuosity: Get to a fluid, strict MU with really solid form. No. Was progressing, but then shoulder injury and weight gain has put this right out of reach again.
Bonus: 11. One arm chin-up. Nope.
Other takeaways:
Running was down over past years, between injury and travel. Didn't do detailed accounting like in the past, but somewhere around 400k
Lifting: Some small incremental improvements here. In part because of the injury during last strength cycle, but also because I wasn't working on a dedicated plan for any one of these. Really want to hit my CJ goal and my DL goal this year.
Conditioning: a couple PRs here but quite frankly I was suprised there were any given the injuries and weight gain. back on it in 2017.
Goals for 2017
1. Reduce number of injuries. Allow recovery time, work on mobility, etc
2. Get diet back on track and get down to ab-popping body fat range.
3. 200# CJ
4. 400# Deadlift
5. Do 3 events that scare me, require training, etc
6. Improve standing in the open (this will be HARD given past year)
7. Handstand improvement: Press to handstand (freestanding) or repeatable 20s HSH, or 10' HSwalk.
8. MU virtuosity: get to a fluid, strict MU w solid form
9. Front Lever
10. One-arm chinup
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