Thursday, March 31, 2016

2016-03-31 WOD

makeup for tuesday

std warmup


A. 8 min EMOM
3 Split Jerk @ 60% (I did 115#)

B. Work to a heavy clean in 20 min
5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x175, 1x185 (PR for a full clean), 1x195 (fail)
195 Hang Power Clean, 200 HPC (PR), 205 HPC (fail)

C. 3 rounds for time
24 DU
12 HSPU (I did 3x8)
6 Front Squats 155# (I did 4 reps, at 135#)
time: 7:45

I added:

D. Tuck Back Lever
3x ~5 seconds each, extending 1 leg part way

E. One Arm Chinup
3x1 per arm, assisted, on rings

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2016-03-30 WOD

std warmup


A. 6 rounds, each for time
30 cal row for time
3 min rest
during 3 min rest, accumulate 60s plank
1:11, 1:22, 1:28, 1:30, 1:31, 1:30
did 3 of the planks unbroken, other 3 broke once

B. 3 rounds not for time (did 2 rounds plus MUs of 3rd round)
3/5 MUs (I just did 2/round)
40 DU
20 Wallball 20#

Monday, March 28, 2016

2016-03-28 WOD

std warmup


A. Work to a heavy Back Squat in 20 min
(After the past 3 days of heavy workouts, and not training well before that for 2 weeks, I chose to not attempt a PR here, but just work to a heavy single)
45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 215x3, 235x1

B. 5x1 snatch balance
5x1 @ 45#

C. 10 min emom
Hang Snatch 65#
OH Squat 65#

D. Metcon. 5 min AMRAP
5 strict C2B pullups
5 box jump 30"
5 rounds

Sunday, March 27, 2016

2016-03-27 Crossfit Open 16.5 (2nd attempt)

Went in this afternoon to re-do 16.5. I'd like to say I paced it better, focused on breathing, and tried a different technique with the burpees (stepping up out of the burpee right from the start), but mostly I think I just wanted it more, and went a little deeper into the "pain cave".

300m row
thrusters 2x5 45#, 2x5 95#
2x5 burpees


A. CF Open 16.5. For time.
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of
Thruster 95#
bar-facing burpees
Time: 18:07. (1:42 better than Friday, and 3:28 better than 2 years ago)

2016-03-26 WOD

Two beefy workouts today. Didn't finish the first in the timecap, and scaled the second to finish.

std warmup
2x5 pullups
2x5 pushups


A. "Angie" - no segmenting, do each 100 befor moving to next. 18 min cap
100 pullups (done at 10:29)
100 pushups (done at 16:30)
100 situps (got 50 done in 90 seconds, then hit time cap)
100 air squats
would likely have PR'd if I'd kept at it, but hit the cap.

5 min rest

B. For time:
400m run
21 Benchpress at body weight (I scaled to 95#)
600m run
15 Benchpress
800m run
9 Benchpress
time: 11:01

I added:

C. Tuck Back Lever
3x1 hold, 3-5s each

Friday, March 25, 2016

2016-03-25 Crossfit Open 16.5

CF Open 16.5. Between 10 days of travel and not eating well, I didn't expect too much. Was hoping to do 18:00, which I think 2 weeks ago I might have done. Told myself if I didn't hit 20:00, I'd redo it. Luckily, I made it under that mark (barely)

std warmup
thruster warmup/drills


A. CF Open 16.5. For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of
Thruster 95#
Bar-facing burpees
time: 19:49 Rx

broke up sets of thrusters as follows:
21: 8+7+6
18: 7+6+5
15: 6+5+4
12: 5+4+3 <-- should have pushed and done 2 sets, or capped my rest times
9: 5+4
6, 3: one set

Thursday, March 24, 2016

2016-03-23 Travel Workout

Last day in Moab, checked out Crossfit Moab. Small box, but nice folks.

mobility work
300m row


A. 3x10 Back Squat @ 50% , at tempo 5x5x
3x10 @ 115 (130 would have been 50%, but this was still plenty hard)

2 min row for cals (43)
30s rest
2 min push press 45# (43)
30s rest
2 min back squat 45# (41)
30s rest
2 min situps (54)
total: 182

I added:

C. 2x5 strict pullups

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

2016-03-22 Travel Workout

My 9-year old wanted to join me this morning, so we didn't go too hard. Short run and workout at a local park.

A. Run 1 mile. Not for time

B. 3x5 strict pullups

C. 3x10 situps

D. 3x10 pushups

E. 3x10 cable rows

F. 3x10 tricep extensions

2016-03-21 Travel Workout

A. 5k run. Not for time

Friday, March 18, 2016

2016-03-18 Crossfit Open 16.4

Disappointing attempt at 16.4. Came straight off a week of the GDC conference, not training hard as normal and not eating right and not sleeping enough. Then probably didn't warm up enough either.



A. CF Open 16.4. 13 min AMRAP
55 deadlifts 225#
55 wallball 20#
55 cal row
score: 146 (deadlifts, wallballs, 36 cal)
Plan was to get 170, but clearly that didnt work out.

Travelling starting tomorrow morn, so not sure I'll get a chance to do a second attempt

Thursday, March 17, 2016

2016-03-17 Travel Workout

A. 2.5k run

B. 5,4,3,2,1 of
pistols (per leg)

C. 2.5k run

2016-03-16 Travel Workout

Was pressed for time, so just a short run today.

A. 5k run. Didn't time it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

2016-03-15 Travel Workout

Day 2 of GDC

mobility work
1k run


A. 5k run: 5.37km, 27:44, 5:10 pace (not bad considering lots of stops for red lights and such

B. Tabata 30" box jumps

C. Tabata close-grip pushups
started at 8, but eventually dropped to 6

D. 1k run (back to hotel, not for time)

Monday, March 14, 2016

2016-03-14 Travel workout

First day of GDC, which means GDC group workout. Only two of us this morning, being Monday and all.

mobility work
800m run


A. 1 mile run

B. 10 rounds, not for time, but brisk pace
10 pushups
8 lunges (per side)
6 v-ups
4 cossack squats (2/side)

C. 1 mile run

Saturday, March 12, 2016

2016-03-12 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pullups
250m row


Partner workout. One works while other rests

A. 2k row, no more than 500m each per increment
350, 350, 300 - 7:15 total

5 min rest

B. 5 rounds for time
5 Strict C2B Pullups (did all these sets strict, unbroken)
7 Strict HSPU (did all these strict, broke on last 2 sets)
12 Wallball 25# (did 1st set at 25#, others at 20#)

5 min rest

C. Work to a heavy triple DL in 12 min
warm: 5x135, 5x185
main: 4x225, 3x275, 3x315, 1x335

5 minute rest (we only gave it about 2-3)

D. 800m run

Total time: 53:30

Friday, March 11, 2016

2016-03-11 Crossfit Open 16.3

std warmup
snatch warmup
2x5 pullups
several BarMU


A. CF Open 16.3 - 7min amrap of
10 Snatch 75#
3 BarMU
score: 60 reps. Tie break time of 6:10
I came up 5 reps short of 5 rounds. Goal was 5 rounds, with a bare min of 4 rounds under which I'd re-do. I'm on the fence about trying again.

I added:

B. Tuck Back Lever
3. 2 at about 2 seconds, and held one for about 5 seconds

Thursday, March 10, 2016

2016-03-10 WOD

Active recovery day.

std warmup
3 rounds
10 KBS 26#
10 goblet squat 26#


A. 2k row

B. Foam roll /lacross ball work

C. MU work
2x5 strict pullup
3 strict bar MU (1 successful, 2 failed
several strict MU attempts, all failed

D. Tuck Back Lever
2x2 @ 2sec each

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

2016-03-09 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball 14#
5 burpees
clean drills


A. Clean & Jerk ladder (was a snatch ladder but I'm staying off that angle of shoulder movement)
5 full Clean & push jerk 95#
4 full Clean & push jerk 105#
3 full Clean & push jerk 115#
2 full Clean & push jerk 135#
1 full Clean & push jerk 155#

wait 2 min, then

1 full Clean & push jerk 155#
2 full Clean & push jerk 135#
3 full Clean & push jerk 115#
4 full Clean & push jerk 105#
5 full Clean & push jerk 95#

B. 800m run
time: 3:24

I added

C. pullup work
5 strict C2B pullup
2x3 Behind-the-neck pullup

D. Lever work. 3 rounds:
1 Tuck Front Lever, slowly extending leg
2 Tuck Back Lever, ~3second hold (first time I was able to hold this off the ground for a while)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

2016-03-08 WOD

std warmup
warmup of all barbell movements below


A. "DT" - 5 rounds for time.
12 Deadlifts 155# (I scaled to 135#)
9 hang power cleans 155# (I scaled to 135#)
6 Push Jerk 155# (I scaled to 135#)

time: 14:07. Previous was 10:18, but at 115, so this is a PR. Still not Rx though.

B. skill work 2 rounds, not for time
8 box jump
1 MU (1 bar, 1 ring)

Monday, March 7, 2016

2016-03-07 WOD

std warmup
squat warmup
thruster warmup
10 scap pulls
5 strict pullups
5 kipping pullups
30 air squats
30 ball slams
20 wallball passes


A. 3x3 BackSquat, add from previous week
warm: 5x95, 5x135, 4x185, 4x225
main: 3x245, 3x255, 3x255

B. 1x20 Front rack lunge, ahap
did 1x17 @135 then dropped it.

C. "backwards Fran".  9-15-21 of
95# thruster
time: 7:08

Sunday, March 6, 2016

2015-03-06 Sunday Run

Little short of the usual 10k, but did OK on pace considering 16.2, twice in past two days.

A. Run 8.15km, 40.53, 5:01 min/km pace

Saturday, March 5, 2016

2016-03-05 Crossfit Open 16.2 (2nd attempt)

std warmup
Clean drills
several rounds of DU, T2B, Cleans...


A. CF open 16.2
25 T2B
50 DU
15 Cleans at 135#
Got this done w a few seconds to spare, giving me an extra 4 min
25 T2B (did sets of 5, tried some fast singles which was a mistake, should have stuck to sets of 5)
50 DU (just did as many as I could but tripped up a few times, had judge calling out numbers)
(got the above done by 7:39)
13 Cleans at 185# (Made 2 attempts and ALMOST made the first. Should have taken a few more seconds and just made 1 non-rushed go at it)

Score 165, tiebreaker time of 7:39. Really would have liked to have made at least 1 clean, but I don't think I'll redo it again for an extra rep though.

2016-03-04 Crossfit Open 16.2 (1st attempt)

Did the CF open 16.2 this morning and wasn't happy with my performance, so will be redoing.

The workout is rounds of 25 T2B, 50 DU, and then a set of squat cleans that increases in weight and decreases in reps with each round. Each round needs to be done in under the 4 minute cap for that round, to earn the next 4 minutes (e.g. finish round 1 by 4 min, finish round 2 by 8 min, etc)

std warmup
clean drills
2 rounds
5 pullups
5 T2B
10 DU
3 cleans


A. CF Open 16.2
25 T2B
50 DU
15 Cleans 135# (round1), Round 2 is 13 @ 185, etc

I got 89 reps. Screwed up a couple times on DUs, then went too slow on cleans and ran out of time at the end. Will re-do for sure.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

2016-03-03 WOD

active recovery day

std warmup


A. 2k row

B. 4 slow tuck front lever
slow one-leg extension from tuck

C. MU work
5 strict pullup
5 strict C2B
3 dips
1 MU
3 attempts at strict MU (all failed)

2016-03-02 WOD

std warmup
30 wallball passes
3x5 KBS 35#
backsquat warmup (5x95, 5x135, 3x185)


A. 5 min DU work
2x25, 2x40, 1x25

B. 30 min AMRAP
400m run
12 KBS 53#
3 back squats at 80% (I did 205 which is about 75%)
8 rounds even.

I added:

C. 2x5 strict pullup

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2016-03-01 WOD

std warmup
clean warmup (Rx was snatches but I'm not doing them for a while)


A. 3 rounds, not for time
8 GHD Situp
8 GHD Back Extension
8 HSPU (I did 8,6,4)
8 box jum

B. 4 rounds, each for time, 3 min rest b/t
12 cal row
5 Power Clean 115#
5 box jump 30#
times: 1:03, 1:04, 1:07, 1:03

I added:

C. 3x3/arm One Arm Chinup (assisted)