Sunday, January 31, 2016

2016-01-31 Active Recovery

Calf acting up, so rather than the usual Sunday run, I went into the gym at work and did some light work.

A. 15 min row (~4k - computer on the erg wasn't working)

B. 3x5 inclined benchpress 95#

C. 3x5 tricep extension 35#

D. 3x5 DB curls 35#

E. 3x5 chinup

2016-01-30 WOD

std warmup


A. 100 ball slams for time 20#
time: 4:30~

B. 3 rounds for time
400m run
10 burpees
20 box jumps 24"
time: 10:30~

C. metcon
1000m row (~4:30 min)
25 Back Squats #135 (Rx was 185. I probably could have done 155#, but 135 was pretty spicy.

I added

D. Bar work
5 strict pullups
5 strict C2B pullups
2 strict BarMU

Friday, January 29, 2016

2016-01-29 WOD

std warmup
clean drills


A. 10 min EMOM start at 70% max, increase as you can
1 Power Clean
2 Front Squats
1 Push Jerk
warm: 2x95
main: 135x6, 155x3, 175x1 (failed the jerk)

B. 10 min AMRAP
8 Pullups
9 rounds + 8 pullups (was trying for full round per minute but fell behind a bit)

C. 60 cal row for time
~3:40 - hella slow on the last 20 cal

I added

D. 3x10 GHD situps

Thursday, January 28, 2016

2016-01-28 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup


A. 2k row
~8 min

B. Clean practice (power cleans)
3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 2x175, 2x185, 1x195 (fail)

C. Pullup work
5 strict pullups
5 strict C2B pullups
2 BarMU
2 strict BarMU

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2016-01-27 WOD

std warmup
40 wallball passes
3 rounds
5 wallball
10 DU
2 MU


A. CF Open 13.3. AMRAP, 12 min time cap:
150 wallball 20# (aka "Karen")
90 DU
30 MU
150 WB + 90 DU + 2 MU = 242.

Vast improvement over my score of 174 2 years ago. I did the first part (Karen) in 8:54, which was a 1 second PR. Got to the MUs and got 2 of them. 2 years ago, that would have been a top 10% score for the masters 45-49 division. Now, if I was being judged, a couple of my wallballs may have been slightly below target, but still overall I'm pretty pleased with the improvement.

I added:

B. MU practice
2 Strict MU's, plus one failed. First strict MUs this year, I think. Woohoo!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

2016-01-26 WOD

std warmup
5 pullups
5 pushups
7 burpees


A. 3x5 Benchpress at 31x1 temp
warm: 8x45#, 5x95#
main: 3x5 @ 135# at tempo

B. 3x8 DB Pushpress at 31x1 temp
3x8 @ 2x30# at tempo

C. 15 min AMRAP
400m run
15 T2B
3 rounds + 1 run

I added

D. Pull-up/MU work
5 pullups
2 tuck front lever
4 strict MU attempts, all failed
1 strict bar mu attempt, also failed

Monday, January 25, 2016

2016-01-25 WOD


std warmup
2 min airdyne
snatch drills


A. 6 min emom
snatch 65% (75# - more like 55%)
3 OH Squats

B. 21-15-9 for time. 5 min cap
KBS 70# (I scaled to 53#)
Box Jump 24"
time: 4:30

C. Back Squat 3x5 at tempo 31x1
warm: 5x45, 5x135#
main 3x5 @ 185 at tempo

I added

D. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold ~ 5-15s off wall for balance
10 GHD situps

Saturday, January 23, 2016

2016-02-23 WOD

Back after a week of travel and it was a rough one.

std warmup
40 wallball passes
3-5 of each movement below


A. For time, with partner
100 thrusters 95# (10x5 each, alternating)
80 burpee box jumps 24" (8x5 each, alternating)
60 BarMU (I did 31, all sets of 2-3)
4000 row (4x500m each)
2 mile run (1 mile run each, at same time
time: 50:30

2016-01-22 Travel Workout

Limited time to workout on this trip, so quick one in the hotel gym

std warmup
800m run


A. 5 rounds, not for time
10 DB snatch 50# (5/arm)
5 pullups
10 pushups
10 situps

B. 3 rounds, not for time
3 pistols/leg

2016-01-19 Travel Workout

Quick one at hotel gym

std warmup
800m run


A. 3 rounds, not for time
10 DB Squat 2x50#
10 pullups
10 situps

B. 2 rounds, not for time
5 pistols/leg
1 abwheel rollout <-- managed to go full length for the first time! PR!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

2016-01-16 WOD

First day back after being knocked out with a cold and a sick kid at home. Can't remember when I last missed 3 days in a row. Ugh.


1k row
3-4 min foam roll
2 rounds
10 plank leg slides/side
10 face pulls
10 kossack squats/side
3 lateral jumps/side


A. "Hammer" - 5 rounds, each for time, w 90s rest b/t rounds
5 Power Cleans 115# (Rx was 135 for all lifts)
10 Front Squats 115#
5 Push Jerks 115#
20 pullups
240, 3:10, 4:05, 3:30, 3:15 + 6 min rest = 22:40 (1:30 slower than last time I did it, but since I was out sick, that's probably to be expected)

I added:

B. 1 BarMU
was going to do more but shoulder a bit tweaky

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2015-01-12 WOD

std warmup
clean drills


A. Benchpress 3x5 @ 60% 31x1 tempo
warm: 5x45, 5x95
main: 3x5 @ 135 at tempo

B. Seated Dumbell press 3x5 @ 60% 31x1 tempo
5@ 2x20#, 2x5 @2x30#

C. Metcon. 3 rounds for time
200m run
15 box jump 24"
10 Power cleans 135#
time: 9:04

I added:

D. Bar work
5 strict pullups
5 strict C2B pullups
2 BarMU
2 BarMUunbroken
2 strict BarMU

Monday, January 11, 2016

2016-01-11 WOD

std warmup

A. 3x5 Back Squat, 31x1 tempo, 60% ORM
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 3x5x165 at tempo

B. 2x3 Front Squat, 31x1 tempo, 60% ORM
main: 2x3x135 at tempo

C. 20 min EMOM
even minutes:
20 DU
8 HSPU (I scaled to 4/round)

odd minutes
5 burpees over bar (I did 4)
10 DL@ 185# (I did 5)

I added:

D. 5 rounds, not for time
10 GHD
bar work. different movement per round(a: 5 strict pullups. b: 5 strict C2B pullups. c: 5 HRpullups, d: 2 bar MU, e: 2 BarMU unbroken)

Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016-01-10 Sunday run

First 10k of the year. Had to cut it a bit short as my calf injury started acting up again.

A. Run 9km - 47:19 - pace: 5:15 (slowed a lot by the hobbling last 2km or so)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016-01-09 WOD

std warmup
snatch & clean drills

4 rounds for time. Rx weight 155. I did 115 (snatch was the limiter)
4 power snatch
4 power cleans
4 front squat
4 push jerk
time; 9:30

5 min rest

B. 4 rounds for time
25 wallball 20#
5 MUs
I did 3 MUs and first 3 rounds, and 5 MUs on the 5th round.

Friday, January 8, 2016

2016-01-08 WOD

std warmup


A. w Partner, 10 min AMRAP, each does a round, then rests while partner works
10 thrusters 95#
3 rope climbs 15' (I scaled to 1 legless rope climb, to ~12')
score: 5 rounds each

rest 5 min

B. w Partner, 10 min AMRAP, each does a round, then rests while partner works
30 DU
20 wallball 20#
10 deadlifts 185#
score: 2 rounds each, plus I did 30+20+2 of the third round

rest 3 min

C. For time
400m run
50 pullups (3 min time cap on this part)
400m run
time: 6:56 (~2 min per run, and 50 pullups in just under the time cap)

I added:

D. 3 rounds, not for time
1 HS Hold ~20s
1 Strict HSPU (failed on 3rd round)
3 pistols/leg
10 GHD situps

Thursday, January 7, 2016

2016-01-07 WOD

Active recovery day

std warmup
mobility work
2x10 DU


A. "Flight Simulator" - scaled
Unbroken DU's: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
I scaled this (normally goes in increments of 5 from 5 to 50 and back down)
time: 6:30, but I cheated by breaking once on the 50's and not redoing that set. So not calling it a PR

B. Work to a ORM OH Squat
45x5, 65x3, 75x3, 85x3, 95x2, 105x1, 115x1, 125(f), 125(f)
was doing all theses as power snatches, and failed on 125#. Maybe could have done off the rack
I guess 115 is a PR as I've never written it down!

C. 3x20s L-Sit holds

D. Planche progression work
3x wrist extension Planche Lean
3x10/arm Anterior Shoulder flexion with band

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016-01-06 WOD

std warmup
mobility work (cossack squats, rack stretches...)
Clean drills


A. Work to a heavy (squat) Clean
warm: 5x75, 3x95, 3x115
main: 2x135, 2x155, 1x175, 1x185fail,
185# hang clean

B. 30 rep Squat Clean for time. Rx =  225#
I did 135#

C. 3 rounds, 30 seconds of each movement, for reps
30s MUs
30s Burpees
30s Box Jumps 24"
30s rest
Round 1: 2, 7, 7
Round 2: 2, 7, 7
Round 3: 3, 8, 8
On the 3 MU's, 2 were were unbroken, which I hadn't done for a while.

I added:

D. One Arm Chinup progression
3x2/arm (assisted)

E. 1x25 GHD situps

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016-01-05 WOD

std warmup


A. Work to a heavy 3-rep back squat
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 7x135
main: 5x185, 3x225, 2x245

B. reduce weight, do a set of 10 back squat

C. metcon: 5 rounds for time
200m run
10 benchpress at 135#

I added:

D. MU work
5 scap pulls
5 pullups (strict)
5 C2B pullups (strict)
2 kipping BarMU
2 strict BarMU
2 kipping BarMU strung together.

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016-01-04 WOD

Snow forced a rest day yesterday, vs my usual Sunday 'active recovery' run.

std warmup
2 wallwalks
CJ drills


A. warm up to working weight, then 6 min EMOM of 2 CJ's.
warm: 3x45, 3x75, 2x95, 2x125
main 6x2x135#

B. 3 rounds for time
50 DU
15 Push press 95#
12 T2B
time: 7:19

C. Handstand work
~7 HS Hold for balance
3 HS plate walk

I added:

D. MU work
5 scap pulls
5 strict pullups
2 strict BarMU
2 kipping BarMU

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015-01-02 WOD

std warmup
10 air squats
2 wall walks
10 scap pulls


A. 3 rounds for time
6 Front Squats 165# (I scaled to 135)
3 Power Cleans (also 135#)
time: 10:05

Rest 4 minutes

B. 3 rounds for time
21 Wallball 20# (first set UB, second in 2 sets, 3rd in 3 sets)
15 T2B (1st set UB)
9 KBS 70#
time: 8:34

Rest 3 minutes

C. work to a heavy triple OH Squat'
3x45, 3x65, 3x75, 3x85, 3,95, 3x105, 3x115

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016-01-01 WOD


std warmup
3 x 10 air squats
2 rounds:
10 DUs


A. 12 min amrap, one partner works while other rests
30 DU
15 KBS 53#
6 rounds each. finished at 11:45 but just called it done.

~4 min rest

B. 12 min amrap, one partner works while other rests
8 Thrusters 115# (we scaled to 95#, but I did all 6 sets unbroken)
8 pullups
6 rounds each

~4 min rest

C. 12 min amrap, one partner works while other rests
8 Deadlifts 255 (we scaled to 205#)
8 box jumps 24"
6 rounds each.

2015 Year in Review, and goals for 2016

First off, goals for 2015 and how I did against them. I hit 7 of the 10 goals I set out at the beginning of the year.

1. Get my L1 cert - DONE
2. 135# Snatch - DONE
3. 200# CJ - not done, but close. 195 clean in 15.1 and almost jerked it.
4. 400# Deadlift - we'll see next strength cycle how this goes
5. Do at least 3 events - Done: Four events: CF Open, Everyday Warrior, and two BCF Throwdowns in Nov/Dec.
6. Learn the butterfly pullup - Done. Barely though. strung together 5, but it needs a lot of work to get proficient.
7. Sub-7 minute Fran - DONE
8. Improve my standing in the field in the Open - DONE - went from 40th percentile for my age group to the 24th percentile. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked, but I should be happy with this jump.
9. 10' handstand walk - not done. A tiny bit of progress on HS holds and balance here.
10. 5 UB Muscle-ups. DONE

The L1 Cert was educational but not sure I'd recommend it unless someone's planning on being a professional trainer. At $1000 it had limited value. I learned some stuff, and I got a strict muscle-up during the training, which was probably worth a few hundred to me :-).

The 135# snatch was a goal for 2 years. I was glad to hit it, but it was a VERY ugly power snatch. One goal for this year will be on form, even if it means taking a lower target.

I came frustratingly close on the 200# CJ. I just need to dedicate some time to working on this piece by piece.

I was on track (I think) to hit hte 400# deadlift, but injured my back trying to PR my back squat during our last strength cycle. Will be a while to get it back, but I think I'll get there this year.

I hit the events goal, but all of them except the open were just "things I did", whereas events in the past (mid-valley melee, Ankor Wat half marathon) were things I *trained for*. That'll be the goal this year.

6,7,8 were all incremental improvements.

9. I didn't hit, and not for lack of lots of time spent on handstand holds and such. This is going to require a dedicated allotment of time, and a training plan. I need to get serious about it like I did about MU's in the past.

10. Speaking of which, 2015 was the "year of the muscle-up" for me. I got one for the first time in 2014 but didn't have them down and efficient., and I did a total of 20 in the second half of the year. In 2015 I did *680* muscle-ups, 60 of those strict. This was a result of dedicated effort on this movement, working on it after class multiple times a week.

My running was down versus 2014, with all the half-marathon added training I did that year. Total running per year:

2012: 293 km
2013: 478 km
2014: 690 km <-- included a couple months of ~100km/month
2015: 442 km

2015 was lower because I was a little sick of it after the half-marathon was done and just cut out all the long runs altogether. Then later in the year I injured my calf which meant no running for a period of about 6 weeks.


Only some small incremental improvements here. In part because of the injury during last strength cycle, but also because I wasn't working on a dedicated plan for any one of these. that'll have to change. Exception is the snatch, but as I stated above, this was not because of, but despite of, my crappy form. Also will be a goal for the coming year.


The interesting thing here is just general incremental improvement across a number of these tells me that my 'engine' is getting better, though it sure doesn't feel that way sometimes. I think it's also in part from knowing my own abilities, so I tend to come into these with a plan. Especially true for the long grinds like Murph and Angie.

Goals for 2016:

1. Get my diet back on track and get back down to the 10% body fat range. I've fallen off the wagon past 3 months or so.
2. 115 snatch - but a full squat snatch with proper form.
3. 200# CJ.
4. 400# deadlift.
5. Put in 500km of running over the course of the year.
6. Do 3 events that require training for (the open and 2 others)
7. Improve my standing in the open
8. Spend dedicated time on mobility. 15 minutes, 4x week.
9. Work on a handstand progression, to get either a free standing HS for 20s, or a 10' HS walk
10. Muscle-up virtuosity: Get to a fluid, strict MU with really solid form.
Bonus: 11. One arm chin-up