Travelling, so did a little park workout:
A. 1km run (to the park)
B. 5 rounds
10 pushup
10 pullup
400m run
C. 3 BarMU
D. 1km run
Friday, July 31, 2015
2015-07-30 Travel workout
Visiting the in-laws. First run since my calf injury ~3-4 weeks ago. Felt pretty good!
A. Run 5.16km, 26:14, 5:05 pace
A. Run 5.16km, 26:14, 5:05 pace
Thursday, July 30, 2015
2015-07-29 WOD
Last day at BCF before some travel
std warmup
400m run (yay! running! calf feeling better!)
3 rounds
2 cleans 155#
20 DU
A. 5 rounds for time
50 DU (2 of these sets I did unbroken)
10 HSPU (I scaled to 7/round for 2 rounds, then 6/round)
3 Power Cleans at 185# (I scaled to 165 for first round, then 155#)
time: 13:30
B. Work to a heavy back squat triple
warm: 5x95
main: 3x135, 3x185, 3x205, 1x225
I added
C. One Arm Chinup (scaled)
2 x 5 chinups
3x3/side One Arm Chinup (assisted)
D. 3 BarMU singles
std warmup
400m run (yay! running! calf feeling better!)
3 rounds
2 cleans 155#
20 DU
A. 5 rounds for time
50 DU (2 of these sets I did unbroken)
10 HSPU (I scaled to 7/round for 2 rounds, then 6/round)
3 Power Cleans at 185# (I scaled to 165 for first round, then 155#)
time: 13:30
B. Work to a heavy back squat triple
warm: 5x95
main: 3x135, 3x185, 3x205, 1x225
I added
C. One Arm Chinup (scaled)
2 x 5 chinups
3x3/side One Arm Chinup (assisted)
D. 3 BarMU singles
Monday, July 27, 2015
2015-07-27 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball #14
10 hanging shoulder retractions
Thruster warmup (clean & press drills, then 5x45#, 5x65#, 3x95#)
pullup warmup (3x5)
A. "Fran" - 21,15,19 of
Thruster 95#
time: 7:04. 41 seconds off my best of 6:23
B. Work to a heavy triple deadlift
5x135#, 3x185, 3x225, 3x275, 2x305
I added
C. MU work
Just did 3 singles, called it a day.
std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball #14
10 hanging shoulder retractions
Thruster warmup (clean & press drills, then 5x45#, 5x65#, 3x95#)
pullup warmup (3x5)
A. "Fran" - 21,15,19 of
Thruster 95#
time: 7:04. 41 seconds off my best of 6:23
B. Work to a heavy triple deadlift
5x135#, 3x185, 3x225, 3x275, 2x305
I added
C. MU work
Just did 3 singles, called it a day.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
2015-07-26 WOD
After 2 days off because of a cub scout trip, I went into the gym at work today for a small set
std warmup
100 single-unders, weighted rope
A. 5 rounds for time
10 pushups
8 Dumbell Snatches 50#
6 Dips
4 pullups (strict)
2 Back Squat (from rack) 185#
time 13 min
B. 500m row, full effort
time: 1.44 (approx - noted afterward this would have been a PR, but I'm not sure if I was off by a second or two)
std warmup
100 single-unders, weighted rope
A. 5 rounds for time
10 pushups
8 Dumbell Snatches 50#
6 Dips
4 pullups (strict)
2 Back Squat (from rack) 185#
time 13 min
B. 500m row, full effort
time: 1.44 (approx - noted afterward this would have been a PR, but I'm not sure if I was off by a second or two)
2015-07-23 WOD
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. 2x5 chinups
C. 3x3 One Arm Chinup practice
D. 2 MUs, plus a bunch of strict MU attempts (all failed)
E. 2x15 GHD situps
std warmup
A. 2k row
B. 2x5 chinups
C. 3x3 One Arm Chinup practice
D. 2 MUs, plus a bunch of strict MU attempts (all failed)
E. 2x15 GHD situps
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
2015-07-22 WOD
std warmup
snatch drills (by the time I got to 45# bar, I switched to cleans, because of shoulder issues)
2x5 pullups
CJ: 5x95, 3x115, 2x135
A. "Amanda" (scaled). 9-7-5 of
Snatch 135# (shoulder bugging me, so I subbed Clean and Jerk at 135#
time: 16:30
B. 2k row (was a 2 mile run, but calf is also still messed up, so rowed instead, and a little shorter because of time)
I added
C. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
std warmup
snatch drills (by the time I got to 45# bar, I switched to cleans, because of shoulder issues)
2x5 pullups
CJ: 5x95, 3x115, 2x135
A. "Amanda" (scaled). 9-7-5 of
Snatch 135# (shoulder bugging me, so I subbed Clean and Jerk at 135#
time: 16:30
B. 2k row (was a 2 mile run, but calf is also still messed up, so rowed instead, and a little shorter because of time)
I added
C. One Arm Chinup (assisted)
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
2015-07-21 WOD
std warmup
200m OH Plate carry (25#)
2x5 scap retraction
2x5 kip swings
3x5 strict pullups
A. Work on MUs and DUs
I'm sparing my calf so skipped the DUs.
6 single MUs
2 strict MU attempts (failed)
B. 10 min EMOM
3 Squat Clean Thrusters
(6 at 95#, 4 @ 115#)
C. Work to a heavy back squat
5x115, 3x135, 2x185, 1x205, 1x225, 1x245, 1x255, 1x270(PR)
I added:
D. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HS Hold (for balance)
10 GHD situps
std warmup
200m OH Plate carry (25#)
2x5 scap retraction
2x5 kip swings
3x5 strict pullups
A. Work on MUs and DUs
I'm sparing my calf so skipped the DUs.
6 single MUs
2 strict MU attempts (failed)
B. 10 min EMOM
3 Squat Clean Thrusters
(6 at 95#, 4 @ 115#)
C. Work to a heavy back squat
5x115, 3x135, 2x185, 1x205, 1x225, 1x245, 1x255, 1x270(PR)
I added:
D. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HS Hold (for balance)
10 GHD situps
Monday, July 20, 2015
2015-07-20 WOD
std warmup
2 min AirDyne
3 rounds
10 wallball
10 v-ups
A. 12 min AMRAP
1 min Airdyne (subbed for 200m run)
20 wallball 20
10 T2B (subbed for 15 box jumps)
5 HSPU (subbed for 10 push press 115#)
3 rounds 31 reps
Rest 5 min
B. 12 min AMRAP
300m row
15 KBS 70# (I did 53#, full overhead)
10 C2B pullups
3 rounds, 1 rep (120m row)
std warmup
2 min AirDyne
3 rounds
10 wallball
10 v-ups
A. 12 min AMRAP
1 min Airdyne (subbed for 200m run)
20 wallball 20
10 T2B (subbed for 15 box jumps)
5 HSPU (subbed for 10 push press 115#)
3 rounds 31 reps
Rest 5 min
B. 12 min AMRAP
300m row
15 KBS 70# (I did 53#, full overhead)
10 C2B pullups
3 rounds, 1 rep (120m row)
Saturday, July 18, 2015
2015-07-18 WOD
Good 3-parter today. Had to sub a lot of movements because of my calf. I think the last one was at least harder than what was originally subscribed.
std warmup
"pvc fran" - 21-15-9 of PVC thrusters and pulldowns - 1:37
deadlift warmup (5x135, 5x225)
A. 3 rounds for time
10 deadlift 275# (I did 225#)
20 cal AirDyne (Rx was DUs)
time: 5:50
10 min rest
B. For time, 12 min cap:
42 wallball 20#
21 back squat 155# (I did 135#)
30 wallball 20#
15 front squat 155# (I did 135#)
std warmup
"pvc fran" - 21-15-9 of PVC thrusters and pulldowns - 1:37
deadlift warmup (5x135, 5x225)
A. 3 rounds for time
10 deadlift 275# (I did 225#)
20 cal AirDyne (Rx was DUs)
time: 5:50
10 min rest
B. For time, 12 min cap:
42 wallball 20#
21 back squat 155# (I did 135#)
30 wallball 20#
15 front squat 155# (I did 135#)
18 wallball 20#
9 back squat 155# (I did 135#, and originally it called for OH squat, which I can't do right now)
time: 11:30
10 min rest
C. For time, 20 min cap: (Originally called for 21-15-9 of box jump/c2b/S2O, but since I can't do 2 of those, I just subbed my own workout):
For time: 9-7-5 of
Handstand Pushups
time: 13:50
9 back squat 155# (I did 135#, and originally it called for OH squat, which I can't do right now)
time: 11:30
10 min rest
C. For time, 20 min cap: (Originally called for 21-15-9 of box jump/c2b/S2O, but since I can't do 2 of those, I just subbed my own workout):
For time: 9-7-5 of
Handstand Pushups
time: 13:50
Friday, July 17, 2015
2015-07-17 WOD
std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball
5 burpees
A. in 6 minutes get as far into the chipper below as possible. Run/row counts as 1 rep
rest 5 min
B. same as above, but 8 minute cap
rest 5 min.
C. Do entire chipper for time.
800m run (I substitued a row due to calf injury)
50 DU (I substituted AirSquats for same reason)
40 KBS 53#
30 T2B
20 S2O 115# (I substituted HSPU, but 10 reps instead of 20)
10 power cleans 115# (I did 95#)
A: 86 (row, 50 squats, 35 KBS)
B: 107 (row, 50 squats, 40 KBS, 16 T2B)
C: 12:45
I added:
D. MU work:
2 kipping MU, focusing on getting up from start with as little swing as possible
2 strict MU (out of 4 attempts total). Felt like form was finally clicking. Getting easier.
std warmup
3 rounds
10 wallball
5 burpees
A. in 6 minutes get as far into the chipper below as possible. Run/row counts as 1 rep
rest 5 min
B. same as above, but 8 minute cap
rest 5 min.
C. Do entire chipper for time.
800m run (I substitued a row due to calf injury)
50 DU (I substituted AirSquats for same reason)
40 KBS 53#
30 T2B
20 S2O 115# (I substituted HSPU, but 10 reps instead of 20)
10 power cleans 115# (I did 95#)
A: 86 (row, 50 squats, 35 KBS)
B: 107 (row, 50 squats, 40 KBS, 16 T2B)
C: 12:45
I added:
D. MU work:
2 kipping MU, focusing on getting up from start with as little swing as possible
2 strict MU (out of 4 attempts total). Felt like form was finally clicking. Getting easier.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
2015-07-15 WOD
std warmup
2 min airdyne
A. Behind-the-neck jerk 3 reps, increasing weight, conga-line style
I did push jerk
5x45, 3x65, 3x85, 3x105, 3x125, 1x135 then calf flared up so I dropped.
B. Partner workout, dividing reps evenly, one rests while one works
2500 m row (I did 750, 500)
250 air squats (I did 25, 20,20,20,20,20)
120 pullups (I did 60. Sets of 5, then 4, then 3)
60 HSPU (I did 26 kipping; partner did 2x34 pushups
time: ~20 min
std warmup
2 min airdyne
A. Behind-the-neck jerk 3 reps, increasing weight, conga-line style
I did push jerk
5x45, 3x65, 3x85, 3x105, 3x125, 1x135 then calf flared up so I dropped.
B. Partner workout, dividing reps evenly, one rests while one works
2500 m row (I did 750, 500)
250 air squats (I did 25, 20,20,20,20,20)
120 pullups (I did 60. Sets of 5, then 4, then 3)
60 HSPU (I did 26 kipping; partner did 2x34 pushups
time: ~20 min
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
2015-07-14 WOD
std warmup
2 min airdyne (substituting for run)
4 rounds
10 wallball 14#
10 KBS 26#
A. Skill work (included DUs which I skipped)
10 pistols
5-6 (scaled) Glute-Ham-Raises.
30s hanging L-Sit (2-3 of 10-15s each)
B. "Elizabeth" (scaled, because of my calf industry). 21-15-9
135# Power Cleans (Rx is squat cleans)
Ring dips
time: 10:20
I added:
C. 3x3 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
std warmup
2 min airdyne (substituting for run)
4 rounds
10 wallball 14#
10 KBS 26#
A. Skill work (included DUs which I skipped)
10 pistols
5-6 (scaled) Glute-Ham-Raises.
30s hanging L-Sit (2-3 of 10-15s each)
B. "Elizabeth" (scaled, because of my calf industry). 21-15-9
135# Power Cleans (Rx is squat cleans)
Ring dips
time: 10:20
I added:
C. 3x3 One Arm Chinup (assisted)
Monday, July 13, 2015
2015-07-13 WOD
injured my calf running yesterday, so had to modify a few things.
std warmup
2 min airdyne
30 ballslams 20#
20 wallball 20#
A. July challenge. 1 min max cal row, immediately go to 1 min max HSPU.
Row: 24 cal
HSPU (from plates): 5.
Score: 29
B. 10 min EMOM
3 push press - moderate weight. 95#*
* I started at 115 but my calf injury flared right away, so I dropped the weight and did it 90% on one foot.
C. 3 rounds for time
25 cal airdyne
15 GHD situps
time: clock got reset. :-(
I added:
D. MU practice
3 kipping MU
5 attempts at strict, all failed
std warmup
2 min airdyne
30 ballslams 20#
20 wallball 20#
A. July challenge. 1 min max cal row, immediately go to 1 min max HSPU.
Row: 24 cal
HSPU (from plates): 5.
Score: 29
B. 10 min EMOM
3 push press - moderate weight. 95#*
* I started at 115 but my calf injury flared right away, so I dropped the weight and did it 90% on one foot.
C. 3 rounds for time
25 cal airdyne
15 GHD situps
time: clock got reset. :-(
I added:
D. MU practice
3 kipping MU
5 attempts at strict, all failed
Saturday, July 11, 2015
2015-07-11 WOD
Tough WOD today with 3 workouts. I only got two of them done before I ran out of time and had to go. 3rd listed for completeness sake, but I didn't do it.
std warmup
deadlift warmup
snatch warmup
A. 3 rounds for time of
30 cal row
20 deadlift 135#
time: 14:30 Rx
B. 12-9-6 of
135# CJ (called for 115# snatch or 135# Rx+, but I can't snatch right now)
Muscle ups or C2B pullup (I did muscle ups)
time: 21:00 (not Rx because of the CJ/snatch substitution)
Because I had to tape my wrists up pretty good after tuesday's workout, I ended up doing the majority of the MUs without false-grip, which is good. Progress!
C. (not done, just listing it here)
KBS 70#
std warmup
deadlift warmup
snatch warmup
A. 3 rounds for time of
30 cal row
20 deadlift 135#
time: 14:30 Rx
B. 12-9-6 of
135# CJ (called for 115# snatch or 135# Rx+, but I can't snatch right now)
Muscle ups or C2B pullup (I did muscle ups)
time: 21:00 (not Rx because of the CJ/snatch substitution)
Because I had to tape my wrists up pretty good after tuesday's workout, I ended up doing the majority of the MUs without false-grip, which is good. Progress!
C. (not done, just listing it here)
KBS 70#
Friday, July 10, 2015
2015-07-10 WOD
After being *so* sore from Tuesday & Wednesday, that I took Thursday off (unusual for me), I felt a little better Friday so was back at it.
std warmup
5 scap pulls
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 situps
5 air squats
200m run
A. Build to a heavy 3 rep back squat
5x45, 5x135, 4x185, 3x205, 3x225
B. "Angie". For time, and in order:
100 Pullups (did sets of 5 whole way through)
100 Pushups (did sets of 5 for first ~40, then sets of 4, then 3)
std warmup
5 scap pulls
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 situps
5 air squats
200m run
A. Build to a heavy 3 rep back squat
5x45, 5x135, 4x185, 3x205, 3x225
B. "Angie". For time, and in order:
100 Pullups (did sets of 5 whole way through)
100 Pushups (did sets of 5 for first ~40, then sets of 4, then 3)
100 Situps (20,20,10,10,10,10,10,10)
100 Air squats (20,15,10,10,10,10,10,7,8)
Time: 23:10 (-4:20 PR)
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
2015-07-08 WOD
extra long warm up today. Christine worked us hard!
1k row
~2x std warmup
20 bulgarian squats/leg
20 goblet squats
deadlift practice
A. Work to a heavy triple deadlift
10x45, 7x135 7x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x305, 3x325, 1x345(failed)
B. 21-15-9
Box jumps 30"
C2B pullups
time: 8:30, but included a pause after a major box jump wipeout
I added:
C. 3x10 GHD situps
D. 3x30s HS Hold
extra long warm up today. Christine worked us hard!
1k row
~2x std warmup
20 bulgarian squats/leg
20 goblet squats
deadlift practice
A. Work to a heavy triple deadlift
10x45, 7x135 7x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x305, 3x325, 1x345(failed)
B. 21-15-9
Box jumps 30"
C2B pullups
time: 8:30, but included a pause after a major box jump wipeout
I added:
C. 3x10 GHD situps
D. 3x30s HS Hold
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
2015-07-07 WOD
std warmup
200m run
A. "Karen" - 150 wallball 20#, for time:
Broken it up as:
3 minutes of 10 reps in 20 seconds, 10 second rest (60 total)
4 minutes of 8 reps in 20 seconds 10 second rest (64 total)
Then 8,7,6,5
Time: 8:55 (+0:20 PR)
B. 30 MU for time
I'd never done this many before, so my goal was just to get through it, even if it took 30 min.
Instead, took 17:05 (PR)
std warmup
200m run
A. "Karen" - 150 wallball 20#, for time:
Broken it up as:
3 minutes of 10 reps in 20 seconds, 10 second rest (60 total)
4 minutes of 8 reps in 20 seconds 10 second rest (64 total)
Then 8,7,6,5
Time: 8:55 (+0:20 PR)
B. 30 MU for time
I'd never done this many before, so my goal was just to get through it, even if it took 30 min.
Instead, took 17:05 (PR)
Monday, July 6, 2015
2015-07-06 WOD
std warmup
400m run
clean drills
A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
1 rope climb 20'
40 DU
10 T2B
B. 8 min EMOM, work to a heavy weight
Hang Clean
Full Clean
Push Jerk
warm: 45x3, 65x2, 95x2
main: 4 rounds at 135#, 4 rounds at 155#
C. 3 rounds for time, 4 min b/t rounds
20 cal row
6 burpees over erg
6 Power Cleans 135#
I added:
D. 2x5 strict pullups
E. 5x1 MUs
fast singles
std warmup
400m run
clean drills
A. Skill work. 3 rounds, not for time
1 rope climb 20'
40 DU
10 T2B
B. 8 min EMOM, work to a heavy weight
Hang Clean
Full Clean
Push Jerk
warm: 45x3, 65x2, 95x2
main: 4 rounds at 135#, 4 rounds at 155#
C. 3 rounds for time, 4 min b/t rounds
20 cal row
6 burpees over erg
6 Power Cleans 135#
I added:
D. 2x5 strict pullups
E. 5x1 MUs
fast singles
Sunday, July 5, 2015
2015-07-05 Sunday Run
Missed my PR by 9 seconds. Should have pushed a little harder.
A. Run 9.99km - 45:44 - 4:35 pace
A. Run 9.99km - 45:44 - 4:35 pace
Saturday, July 4, 2015
2015-07-02 Travel Workout
Travelling, did a moderate workout in the hotel gym
std warmup (though maybe a little lighter than I should have)
A. 25 cal Airdyne
B. 40-30-20-10
situps (incline)
DB Curls #40 (divide reps l/r)
C. Work to ORM DB Snatch
50, 60, 65, 70, 75 (PR)
std warmup (though maybe a little lighter than I should have)
A. 25 cal Airdyne
B. 40-30-20-10
situps (incline)
DB Curls #40 (divide reps l/r)
C. Work to ORM DB Snatch
50, 60, 65, 70, 75 (PR)
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