Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014-07-31 WOD

Supposed to be active recovery day, but since I'm travelling next 2 days, asked Mike to give me Friday's workout instead. It was a doozy!

std warmup
foot drills
200m run
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


A. Cindy XXX - 20 min time cap, but I decided to do the whole thing for time:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 air squats
15 pullups
30 pushups
45 air squats
20 pullups
40 pushups
60 air squats
25 pullups
50 pushups
75 air squats <-- I I got up to 32 of these by the 20 min time cap
30 pullups
60 pushups
90 air squats
Time: 34:30 (PR, as I've never done this one before). I believe it's scored by rep count at the 20 minute mark though, so in that case, score is 377.
pushups were the limited. Especially the last set of 60, which I had to do as 12 sets of 5, with rest b/t

I added

B. 3x10 GHD situps

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2014-07-30 WOD

std warmup
10 medball passes
10 medball squat passes
400m medball run
snatch drills

A. 8 min EMOM - 5 Power Snatch 115#
I scaled to 85#

B. 3 x 20 Thrusters 115#, unbroken. 20 burpees for any break.
I scaled to 75#, still broke on the last set (incurring 20 burpee penalty)

C. 200m run and wall-walks - gave us choice of doing 5 rounds of 1+2-3, or 3 rounds of 1+4-5.
I did 6 rounds of
200m run
2 wall walks

I added:

D. BarMU

E. RingMU
failed. again. only one attempt

F. Max reps unbroken pullups (kipping)
20. +5 PR!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2014-07-29 WOD

std warmup
200m run
15 situps
10 pushups
push-press drills


A. 8 min EMOM - 1 power clean + 3 push press at 70-80% 1RM
- I did 135# (73% my ORM of 185)

B. 3 rounds, max effort, 2 min cap each, 5 min rest b/t
250m row
15 burpees over bar
times: 1:48, 1:53, 1:53

C. Skill work
I worked on MUs, butterfly pullups
2 on bar,
2 attempts on rings but wasn't feeling it
3x5 pullups - managed to get the butterfly kip going on a couple of them for 2-3 reps but it fell apart pretty quick

I added:

D. HSHolds
3x30s, balance off wall for few seconds at a time

E. 2x Front lever negatives

F. 2x hanging L-sit (15s each)

G. 3x10 GHD situps

Monday, July 28, 2014

2014-07-28 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks
200m run


A. 10 minutes gymnastics work
I did 4 MU attempts that all failed
2x5 strict pullups

B. 6 min EMOM - 5 Front squats at at 70-80%
I did 5 Front Squats @ 145#

C. 5 rounds for time
200m run
8 Front squats 135/95 (I went 115 for the first round, then 95 for the rest)
6 box jumps 30"

I added:

D. 3 x 10 GHD situps

Sunday, July 27, 2014

2014-07-27 Run

Wasn't even trying to PR, just to keep a good pace going, but then realized it was with reach and pushed for the last 2k.

Distance: 10.0km. Time: 47:09 - pace: 4:43min/km.

1:18 PR over my previous best of 48:27 from back in May

Saturday, July 26, 2014

2014-07-26 WOD

Tough partner wod today, and then I added a bunch of work on top of it. Feeling kinda badass.

std warmup
10 pushups
20 air squats
5 pullups
5 thrusters 75#
5 cleans 75#
5 wallball 30#


A. Partner WOD. One partner rests while other works. All work divided among partners except for 400m run (each do). I noted my portion of each movement below. All for time.
1000m row (I did 500m)
Light Fran:
21 thrusters 75# (I did 11)
21 pullups (I did 11)
15 thrusters 75# (I did 7)
15 pullups (I did 10)
9 thrusters 75# (I did 5)
9 pullups (I did 5)
Run 400m (each)
Light Elizabeth
21 Power Cleans 115# (I did 11)
21 Ring Dips (I did 10)
15 Power Cleans 115# (I did 7)
15 Ring Dips (I did 8)
9 Power Cleans 115# (I did 5)
9 Ring Dips (I did 5)
60 cal airdyne (I did 30)
21-15-9 of
21 wallball 30# (I did 10)
21 burpees (I did 11)
15 wallball 30# (I did 8)
15 burpees (I did 8)
9 wallball 30# (I did 5)
9 burpees (I did 5)
Time: 28:15

I added:
10 rounds, not for time
1 BarMU
10 GHD situps
I thought I'd start the above with 3 rounds, and see how I felt. Then went to 5, then decided to make it to 10.

Friday, July 25, 2014

2014-07-25 Travel workout

Travelling, so some short dumbell action today at the hotel

std warmup
800m run (on treadmill)

4 rounds (not for time, but at a good enough pace to wind me). Weight increased each round (35#, 40#, 45#, 50#)
10 DB snatches
10 DB bench press
10 DB curls

Thursday, July 24, 2014

2013-07-24 WOD

Active recovery day, just worked on some skills and did a short row.


A. 15 min row

B. 2x5 strict pullups

C. 5x10 GHD situps

D. 4xMU attempts
all failed. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

2014-07-23 WOD

std warmup
200m run
10 DU
10 wallball


A. For time, 50-40-30-20-10 of
Wallball 20#
Time: 14:04 (sets of 10 wb, tried to do DUs unbroken but ended up sets of 20-25)

B. Rowing intervals.
4 rounds of 300m
1:14, 1:01, 1:16, 1:04 (kinda sandbagged on two of 'em)

I added:

C. 2x5 strict pullups

D. 2 Front lever negatives

E. 3 HS Holds
30s each. Practiced 'stepping into' them

F. MU attempt (failed)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2014-07-22 Comp WOD

decided to do the comp wod today. Wanted to see how I did on that benchmark

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pullups
5 pushups
5 situps
5 air squats


A. Angie. For time, each set of 100 must be finished before moving on to next movement (no segmenting allowed)
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats
Time: 27:30 (4 minute PR)
split times: 9:20, 18:20 (9:00), 23:30 (5:10), 27:30 (4:00)
Last time, split times were 11:12, 8:21, 7:27, 3:10.
Sets of 5 on the pullups was the way to go, doing 3 sets/min with short breaks.
Pushups I did a couple sets of 10, should have been all 5's, and breaks much shorter (don't get up)
situps were much faster. did 25,25,15,15,10,10. Maybe just 4 sets of 25? or 25-25-20-20-10?
air squats I could have pushed a little harder.

B. 5 min airdyne for cals.
80 cal, but I was a little spent after Angie. could do better

Monday, July 21, 2014

2014-07-21 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushup
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks


A. 3 round for time:
500m row
20 alternating DB Snatch (lightweight - I went 35#)
200m run
time: 13:30

B. Pull-up progressions
3x8 strict pullup

C. Dip progressions
3x8 weighted dips 36#
(Mike said we should be aiming at doing 1/3 body weight for a couple reps. 1/3 for me would be 55#. Will try this next week but I think I could manage a few reps)

I added:

D. Muscle up
Only 1. Shoulder a little sore so I didn't push for more than one.

E. HS Holds
3x30s, practice balance off wall a few seconds at a time

F. Front lever negatives

Sunday, July 20, 2014

2014-07-20 Run & Park workout

A. 5.04 km run - 24:43, 4:54 pace

B. 2 rounds of
5 pullups, strict
5 dips
5 chin-ups
1 bar muscle-up
1 front lever negative
1 strict bar muscle-up attempt (failed)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

2014-07-19 WOD

Tough chipper today. Injury seems to be pretty much recovered

std warmup
squat/press/thruster drills
20 partner wallball
5 thrusters 95#
5 hang power snatch 95#
5 pullups
10 T2B


A. Not for time:
1000m row
20 GHD Situps

B. For total reps:
5 min thrusters 115# - 25
4 min pullups (kipping) - 40
3 min Hang Power Snatch 95# - 10
2 min burpees - 21
1 min T2B - 18
Total = 114

C. As a team, each member does all of workout below, each person can't move on to next movement till 1st is finished
30 cal row
30 GHD situps
30 wallball 20#
30 box jump overs 24"
I was finished at 8:33. Last team member finished at 11.00

Friday, July 18, 2014

2014-07-18 WOD

Back at the box, though still trying to take it easy on anything below the waist.

std warmup
400m run

A. 3x10 GHD situps

B. 3x8 weighted dips (26#)

C. 500m row (rest of crew did 800m run for time but I wanted to not push on the running)

D. 3x8 strict pullups

I added

E. 1 MU

F. 3x 45s HSHold

G. 3x front lever negatives

H. strict bar mu attempt (failed, but closer than I thought...)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

2014-07-15 Bod Pod Results

Injured, so no wod today.

However, I weighed in for the results of the bod-pod challenge that BCF did. The bod-pod is a device that measures body composition (ie. body fat vs lean percentage, etc), more accurately than calipers or electrical impedance methods. It used to be that the only really accurate way to measure this was in an immersion tank, until they invented the bod pod, which works by sealing you in an airtight capsule, mildly pressurizing the capsule, and then calculating the resultant displacement of the foreign object in the container (you).

I weighed in on April 14, and again on July 15. Here are the results:

April 14, 2014:
Weight: 180.1
Body Fat: 25.3%

July 14, 2015:
Weight: 162.3 (down by 17.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 18.2% (down by 7.1%)

That's a weight reduction of 9.9% and a body fat reduction of 28%. More importantly, it works out such that the weight reduction was almost entirely fat reduction (lean mass went from 134.5 to 133.5).

Here's how weight loss tracking went on MyFitnessPal:

So far so good, but was pretty shocked at what the bod-pod reported for fat percentage. Far different than the electrical impedance based gizmo at my work's gym (which tells me 12% vs 18%). 

What changes did I make:
- Continued to crossfit 6 times a week, with few exceptions (no change)
- Often did a 5k recovery run on sundays (no change)
- Cut out sugar
- Cut way down on carbs
- Used MyFitnessPal to track calorie intake
- limited calorie intake to 1500/day, with allowance for more based on exercise (e.g. do a 5k run, add 500 calories)
- During the last 2 weeks, added 3 days of 2/day workouts (e.g. crossfit in the morning, 5k run at lunch)
- During the last 2 weeks, lowered carb intake to induce mild ketosis (tested with k-strips to make sure I wasn't going to far into that state, which can be dangerous)

That's it. Am going to keep it up and report back in a month or two on progress

Monday, July 14, 2014

2014-07-14 WOD

Pulled something in my groin yesterday running (or maybe during Saturday's workout?), so I waited till a workout later in the day, scaled things somewhat. Felt good during the workout, but tonight I'm walking VERY gingerly, so it may be time to take a couple days off. Bod-pod weigh in tomorrow (will do a separate post on that), and then travelling for two days anyway.


std warmup
400m run


A. Medball clean drills 20#

B. 4 rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 115 (I scaled to 95#)
10 alternating lunges 115 (95#)
10 russian KBS 70/53 (I did 44#)
time: 7:00

I added:

C. 3x5 strict pullups

Sunday, July 13, 2014

2014-07-13 Run & park workout

Last day before bod-pod weigh-in, so figured I'd get a little running in.

A. Run: 9.56km, 49:56, 5:13 pace

Only a little slower than my 10k PR pace.

B. 2 rounds of
5 pullups (strict, at tempo)
5 dips (at tempo)
1 bar MU
1 front lever negative (slow as possible)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014-07-12 WOD

std warmup
400m run
DU practice (3 x ~30 reps)
Deadlift 5x135, 5x225
10 KBS 53#
10 T2B


Complete as much of the below as possible in 6 minutes. Then rest exactly five minute. Then complete as much as possible in 8 minutes. Then rest 5 minutes. Then complete through to the end, for time:
1000m row
50 DUs
40 KBS 53#
30 T2B
20 Deadlift 225#
10 Burpees bar jump
Round 1: 1000m row, 50 DU, 15 KBS
Round 2: 1000m row, 50 DU, 40 KBS, 1 T2B
Round 3: Full set in 15min exactly (so full time of 39min)

Friday, July 11, 2014

2014-07-11 WOD

std warmup
200m run
3 HSHolds

A. 3x20 face pulls

B. 2x 200m farmer carry. 53/70.
I did 55# db. First one unbroken, second one broke once.

C. 3x8 deadlift. moderate weight so that they can be fast, touch-n-go
warm: 8x135, 8x185
main: 8x225 (too heavy), 8x205, 8x205

D. Mobility work (back, lats)

I added:

E. 3x10 GHD situps

F. 3x Front Lever Negatives
1st was nice and slow and held it a while, which I thought was good, but I recorded it, and realized I wasn't NEARLY as straight as I thought. Needs work

G. 3x MU attempts (all failed) too tired from doing them yesterday I guess

[update: went running over lunch]

H. 5km run. 21:34. 4:18 pace. PR of 39seconds

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014-07-10 WOD

Active recovery day, so I took the opportunity to bike to work, then went to the gym over lunch and worked on some skills stuff

A. 13.5km bike - 37 min


B. 6km bike - 21min


bunch of wallball passes outside, etc

C. 15 min row (3.1km)

D. 2x5 strict pullups

E. 2 BarMU (both successful, form pretty good I think)

F. 2 MU (both successful, plus one failed attempt. Form better but still needs lots of work

G. MU negatives on banded rings (just to practice transitions)
(way home)

H. 7.5km bike (slow, and with one stop along the way)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

2014-07-09 WOD

std warmup
2 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks
400m run
snatch drills w 45# bar


A. In 20 min, work to a heavy 3-position (high hang, above the knee, full snatch)
65#, 75#, 85#, 95#

Sloppy at all weights. I need to put some time in here, as well as mobility work

B. "Karen"
150 wallball 20# for time
time: 9:25 (23 second PR)

I did 2x20, 3x15, then sets of 10, then sets of 5. Next time I think I'd be better doing sets of 10 with short breaks, right from the get-go.

C. 800m recovery run.

I added:

D. Ring MU
3 attempts, all failed

E. Bar MU
2 attempts, both failed

Over lunch I added:

F. 4.97km run - 22:30. Pretty happy with that pace. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2014-07-08 WOD

std warmup
400m run
3 rounds
5 thrusters 45#
3 pullups

Jackie warmup
200m row
10 thrusters 45#
5 pullups


A. "Jackie"
1000m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 pullups
time: 9:24 Rx (PR of -4:39 over last time I did it properly)

B. 3x10 ring rows

I added:

C. 3 HS Holds
20-30s each, but practicing walk-up with kicking up, and some balance off the wall.

D. 3x10 GHD situps

Monday, July 7, 2014

2014-07-07 Mid-year goals check

It's July already, so time to check how I'm doing against goals for the year

Progress against 2014 goals:
1. MU. This is the year.  <-- DONE
2. 135# Snatch.
3. Move from 3rd quartile in the Open to around 50-60% range, for men 40-44. <-- DONE
4. Participate in at least 2 events, one of them being a CF event. <-- DONE (Bridge-to-Brews, Open, Mid-Valley Melee)
5. 10' HS Walk
6. Break 7 minutes on Fran & Grace <--Grace DONE, Fran not so much yet
7. 325# Deadlift <-- DONE
8. Break 21 minutes for 5k run <-- DONE

So five and a half of eight goals done. Pretty good for half-way through the year.

I feel like the sub-7 Fran is attainable if I hit it on a good day. will have to do that soon.

I haven't worked on my snatch nearly enough, and if anything my mobility in the shoulders has gotten worse lately. That'll require some focus.

I've worked on handstand holds for both endurance/strength as well as for balance (coming off wall a few seconds at a time). Endurance is improving, but not balance. I'll have to talk to coaches about how to work toward this.

I'm going to add a couple more for the year

9. String together 3 ring muscle ups.
10. 200# CJ (might change this depending what cycle Mike puts us on)

Stretch goals:

11. Back lever? or front?
12. Sub 10% body-fat. Maybe? I think I'm at about 12% now but will know for sure next week when they do the follow-up on the bod-pod.

2014-07-07 WOD


std warmup
OH squat drills


A. OH Squats 3x5 at 80%
warm: 5x45#, 5x65#
main: 5x75#, 5x75#, 5x85#

B. For time, 21-15-9 of
OH Squat 95# (I scaled to 75#)
time: 7:17

C: 3x20 dips
1st set: 20 unbroken
2nd set: 12+8
3rd set: 8+5+4+3

I added:

D. 3x8 GHD situps

Sunday, July 6, 2014

2014-07-06 Run & Park workout

Little something to get me active after a day off due to cold. Run plus a bunch of stuff on the park equipment at Fanno Creek park

A. 5.25km run:  27:50, 5:18 pace

B. 4 x 15s L-sits

C. 4x5 C2B Pullups

D. 4x5 dips

E. 4x5 strict pullups

F. 4x5 chin-up

Tried doing a BarMU, but my shoulder still is kind of tweaked. Also tried doing some hanging situps, but need to bring a foam pad next time, as it hurt my knees too much

Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014-07-04 July 4 WOD

As is normally the case on holidays, a somewhat bigger workout than normal

std warmup
4 rounds
5 pushups
10 air squats
15 jumping jacks
400m medball run


6 rounds for time, 45 min time cap
5 deadlifts 315# (I scaled to 235#)
5 box jumps 30"
5 MUs or 15 C2B pullups (I scaled to 15 regular kipping pullups)
800m run

time: 45:02

I felt like crap and couldn't understand why I was dragging on the last couple rounds. Later in the day I took my temp: 101 degrees. I was coming down with a cold and should have listened to my body which was trying to tell me something earlier.

2014-07-02 WOD

Another travel workout while at cub scout camp

4 rounds
10 situps
3 hspu

5km run (not timed)

4 rounds
10 pushups
5 pullups

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014-07-01 WOD

Slightly heavier workout than yesterday, but still taking it easy following saturday.

4 rounds
10 pushups
5 pullups (strict - couldn't kip as I was using a shelter's roof joist instead of a bar)
5 dips

5 km run (not timed)

4 rounds
10 pushups
5 pullups (strict)
5 dips

2014-06-30 Run

Travelling this week (cub scout camp), and still HELLA sore from Saturday's competition, so I just did an easy run today. Involved a hill climb so it was pretty slow.

Run 4.5km, 27min, 6:04 pace