Friday, November 30, 2012

2012-11-30 WOD

std warmup
snatch practice


A. 3x5 Front Squat @ 65%

I did #135, which is 65% of 210 (my PR is 205 - My goal for this cycle is 215)

B. 3x5 OH Press @ 65%

I did #95, which is 65% of 146 (my PR is 130 - My goal for this cycle is 140)

C. For time

20, 15, 10, 5 of
Wallball 20#
} time: 6:15 Rx

Thursday, November 29, 2012

2012-11-29 WOD

Aerobic Recovery day (new thursday thing)

std warmup
200m run

A. 30 min row at easy pace (did 6300m)

B. Mobility work

C. work on what you want

- HSPU (have goal of 10 UB by EOY)
- 10 HSPU (5 UB followed by 3, then 2) <-- PR, previous was 4.

Muscle up progression work

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012-11-28 WOD

std warmup, plus
3 rounds of
10 wallball 20#
5 burpees
10 situps

double unders while partner does above, then swap

15 min AMRAP
10 KBS 53/70 (I did 70#)
15 Box jumps 20/24" (I did 24")
100m sprint
} total: 6 rounds, plus 5 reps

Also, did 3 sets of 5 strict pullups

Plan to run over lunch hour

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2012-11-27 WOD

A. 3x5 Deadlifts @ 65% ORM

Did 205#, which is 65% of my ORM of 315. Should probably do 65% of target (325)

B. 3x5 Benchpress @ 65% ORM

Did 135#, which is 70% of my ORM of 190, or ~65% of 210

C. Do two sets of the following:

3 rounds
5 deadlift above weight (205#)
10 HRPushups

times: 1:40 first set, 1:56 second set

Added afterward

D. 4 sets of 6 pullups

E. 1 set of 6 ring dips

Monday, November 26, 2012

2012-11-26 WOD

A. 15 min, work to a heavy clean

PR'd my (power) clean @ 165# (+10 PR)

B. 8 min AMRAP cleans @ 80% above weight

I did 25 reps at 125#

C. 8 min AMRAP
partner 250m row intervals (row 250, partner rows 250, repeat)
We did 2050m So roughly 1:55 x 4, with a few seconds for change-over

[Ran over lunch: 4.2k, 21:57, pace of 5:13/km]

Saturday, November 24, 2012

2012-11-24 WOD

std warmup
400m run

4 sets, 8 minutes allowed for each
10 heavy front squats (I did 135#)
10 burpees
200m sprint
1min plank hold
1min OH plate hold (45#)
remainder of time is rest, until 8 minutes
} (times for 10+10+200 varied from 2:15 to 2:45)

added 10 strict pullups afterward

Friday, November 23, 2012

2012-11-23 WOD

"Max Aerobic Power" (MAP) day. Everything should be at 80-90%, scale so you don't stop moving.

A. 10 min AMRAP
7 wallballs 14/20 (I did 20#)
7 KBS 35/53 (I did 53#)
7 dips
7 pistols or air squats (I did air squats - wow, where did my pistols go? need to work on those)
} result: 6 rounds even

B. 2k row at 85-90%
time; 8:33

C. 7 min AMRAP
5 box jumps 24/30 (I did 30")
5 power clean 65/95 (I did 95#)
5 pullups
} result: 5 rounds plus 2 reps

Thursday, November 22, 2012

2012-11-22 TURKEY WOD!

Thanksgiving day WOD. BCF normally does a pretty brutal workout before holidays. Today was no exception.

With 60 people there, we were tight for space, so std stretching but instead of the usual back-n-forth in the gym we did a lot of stationary stuff. Also, 5 reps each of the movements below.


A. For time, team workout, divide work below among 3 people
400m run (all of team)
200 box jumps (I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70# KB(I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 med ball slams 20# (I did 6 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 mountain climbers (I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 burpees! (I did 6 sets of 10)
} time: 42:01

B. Tabata situps (20 seconds max situps, 10 seconds rest, 8 sets)
10,10,9,9,8,8,8,8 (70 total)

C. 200m bear crawl. outside. aka "200m hand shredder" :-(

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2012-11-21 WOD

Missed 2 days of WODs due to sick kid, but more than made up for it today:

std warmup
3 rounds
1 wall-walk
5 wallball 20#


"Angie" (each set of 100 must be fully completed before moving to next movement)
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats
} total time: 30:10 Rx
(times per movement were 11:12, 8:21, 7:27, 3:10)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012-11-17 WOD

Nice to be back at the box after being away all week. This was a tough one.

std warmup plus 20# wallballs (10) and wallball passes (20)

7 rounds and 7 reps each of
HSPU/Negatives/HRPU - I started with HSPU, then went to negatives, then to HRPU
Thrusters 135/95 - I did 95#
K2E - done
DL - 225/115 - I did 165#
KBS 70/53 - I did 53#
Pullups - done
} - time: 37:07

Thursday, November 15, 2012

2012-11-15 WOD

(travelling, but luckily hotel has decent gym - rowing machine, barbells, etc)

500 m row (1:55)

Fran {
21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups

15 thrusters 95#
15 pullups
9 thrusters 95#
9 pullups
tim:10:20 - Dang. PR, but so close to my goal of sub-10. Next time

Dip progressions
2x5 dips 5-1-1 count

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2012-11-13 WOD

travelling today and tight on time, so light workout.


30 DB Snatches (30 per arm) 40#

Dip progressions
3x5 15# weighted Dips, 3-1-1 count

Pullup progressions
3x5 pullups, not weighted but on a 4" diameter pipe

3x4 HSPU, but not all the way to the ground

Monday, November 12, 2012

2012-11-12 WOD

Veterans Day WOD today. Had our choice of 3 tough workouts. I chose "DT", but scaled it some.

std warmup
15 wallball 20#
warmup cleans & deadlifts

"DT" - weight was supposed to be #155, I scaled to #115
5 rounds of:
12 Deadlifts 115#
9 Hang Power Cleans 115#
6 Push Jerk115#
} time: 13:30

3 sets of 20 situps


Saturday, November 10, 2012

2012-11-10 WOD


A.For time
1 mile run
30 pullups
30 box jumps 24"
800m run

20 pullups
20 box jumps 24"
400m run
10 pullups
10 box jumps 24"
time: 23:15

3 min active cooldown on airdyne

B. 4 sets of 25 situps

Friday, November 9, 2012

2012-11-09 WOD


A. Close Grip Benchpress, 8-12 reps, moderate weight, 3 sets

I did #125, 12+12+10

B. 4 rounds of a 3 min amrap, w 3 min rest b/t
5 T2B (K2E)
5 burpees
5 pullups (ring rows

I did 3 rounds for all 4 sets. First 2 were Rx (and highest was what counted) but last two rounds I sent to 3 pullups.

Also went for a run at lunchtime:
4.12Km 22:34, 5:29 pace

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2012-11-08 WOD

std warmup
200m run (sprint really, as me and another guy raced it)

A. Pullup progressions

3x3 20# weighted pullups
2 min rest b/t

2x8 assisted pullups - 3-1-1

B. Dip progressions

3x3 15# weighted dips 5-1-1

C. 4 rounds of
350m row
12-15 (I did 12) OH Squats at manageable weight for good form (I did 75#)

at lunch did some HSPU practice (8 reps)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012-11-07 WOD

std warmup
200m run

A. "Elizabeth"
21-15-9 of
Cleans 135/95 (I scaled to 95#)
Ring dips (or dips, or pullups to scale) I did ring dips!
} time: 14:00

B. 4 rounds of 20 T2B/K2E
I did 20 T2B x 4

Update: at lunch:
- 4.1k run, 19:31 (4:46 min/km pace)
- 10 HSPU/neg ladder (4,3,2,1)
- 15 pullup ladder (5,4,3,2,1)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2012-11-06 WOD


A. Pullup progressions

3x3 weighted pullups w 20# weight
(also did one with 44# just to try it!)

2x8 assisted pullups 3-1-1 count

B. Dip progression

3x3 weighted dips w 15# weight, 5-1-1 count

C. 10 min amrap
15 cleans 95#
30 DUs
I did 3 rounds, plus 15 cleans and 10 DUs

Monday, November 5, 2012

2012-11-05 WOD

Thought I'd have a hard time given that my back was still messed up from Saturday's 80 deadlifts. Managed ok though.

A. Work to a heavy snatch from high hang position over 20 min

I got to 115. +10 PR!

B. AMRAP 30 seconds each for the following, back to back. 1 min rest, then repeat

burpees: 12
KBS (53#): 10
box jumps (20"): 12
Total: 34

burpees: 10
KBS (53#): 11
box jumps (20"): 10
Total: 31

[Update: ran 5.14k in 27:31. Avg pace of 5:21 min/km]

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Progress check on yearly goals

Nov 4 - 8 weeks till end of year. I did a check 3 months ago, probably good to take stock.

Goals were:
Double Unders: Goal was 40 UB - Nailed that last week, but Mike F upped it to 50. Should be able to.
15 pullups UB - Nailed that too in sept
10 HSPU - Oof. I'm nowhere close on this one. Time to get to work.

In addition - I'm adding 3 more
Sub 10 minute fran
breaking 80 on my 7-min burpee challenge from last year's open.
1 MU - we're doing pullup & dip progressions, so I feel I should get there.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

2012-11-03 WOD


A. 5 deadlifts every 30 seconds for 8 minutes (total of 80 reps)
I did 185# (60% my ORM of 315)

B. 5 thrusters every 30 seconds for 8 minutes (total of 80 reps)
I did 75# but had to lower weight: 75# for six sets, 65# for four sets, 55# for eight sets

C. 30m shuttle runs (3 x 10m length) every 30 seconds for 8 minutes

Friday, November 2, 2012

2012-11-02 WOD

Mike/Lincoln b-day workout


400m medball run 20#
75 wallball 20#
150 DU
50 box jumps 24"
100 walking OH lunges, 45#
1000m row
30 pullups
30 burpees
400m medball run 20#

Total time: 37:00 Rx

2012-11-01 WOD


A. Pullup progressions

3x3 20# weighted pullups

2x8 3-1-1-1 assisted pullups

B. Dip progressions

3x5 5-1-1-1 dips

C: 4 rounds at 80% of
50 DUs*
350m row or 400m run (I did 2 of each)

* First round I got 41 unbroken, which is a PR and one of my yearly goals (2/3 now done - need to get 10 HSPU by next 8 weeks)