Thanksgiving day WOD. BCF normally does a pretty brutal workout before holidays. Today was no exception.
With 60 people there, we were tight for space, so std stretching but instead of the usual back-n-forth in the gym we did a lot of stationary stuff. Also, 5 reps each of the movements below.
A. For time, team workout, divide work below among 3 people
400m run (all of team)
200 box jumps (I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70# KB(I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 med ball slams 20# (I did 6 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 mountain climbers (I did 7 sets of 10)
400m run (all of team)
200 burpees! (I did 6 sets of 10)
} time: 42:01
B. Tabata situps (20 seconds max situps, 10 seconds rest, 8 sets)
10,10,9,9,8,8,8,8 (70 total)
C. 200m bear crawl. outside. aka "200m hand shredder" :-(