Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2017-01-31 WOD

std warmup
10 KBS 36#
1 min plank
10 KB deadlift 36#
10 KB one leg deadlift 36#
10 KB Goblet Squats 36#
10 burpees
20 air squats


A. 6 min AMRAP
4 power cleans 115# (Rx was 135)
10 HSPU (I did strict)
3 rounds + 5 reps

4 min rest
B. 6 min AMRAP
5 deadlift 275# (I did 205#)
10 burpees
20 DU
4 rounds even

4 min rest

C. 6 min AMRAP
10 T2B (Rx was 12)
12 Goblet squat 53# (I did 36#)
3 rounds 5 reps

I added:

D. 100 pushups (Day 12)

E. 8 HSHold (in between sets of PUs)

F 3 back bridges

Monday, January 30, 2017

2017-01-30 WOD

std warmup
snatch warmup/drills


A. Build to a heavy 2-rep hang power snatch
5x45, 3x65, 2x75, 2x95, 2x115, 1x125

B. 8 min EMOM
1 full snatch
5 OH Squats (first rep is the snatch)
5x65, 3x75

C. 3 rounds for time
20 thrusters 95# (I scaled to 75#)
20 pullups (I scaled to 10 w band)
time: 7:50

I added:

D. 5x10 hanging leg raises (in between sets of E) (bent knees)

E. 100 pushups (Day 11)

Sunday, January 29, 2017

2017-01-29 sunday workout

went to gym at work, did part of yesterday's WOD at the box

A. 500m row

B. 3x15 pushups (made up for yesterday's, plus 5 into today's 100

C. Front Squat warmup
5x45, 5x95, 5x115

D. 21-15-9
Front Squat 135#
Box Jump 24"
time: 15:49

E. Lat pull-downs ~75#
10 reps only

F. Pushups: 15,15,15,15
(later 15,10,10)  - which is 100 pushup day 10

2017-01-28 Snowboarding & PU

Didn't make it to the gym today because I was up early and off to the slopes

A. Full day of snowboarding (a solid 5 hrs, which was great)

B. 60 pushups (100 pushup challenge - Day 9)
Forgot to finish the other 40! have to make up tomorrow!

Friday, January 27, 2017

2017-01-27 WOD

std warmup
40 wallball passes
clean drills


A. 8 min EMOM
Power Clean
Hang Clean
Squat Clean
4x75#, 4x95#

B. Work to a heavy 2 rep split jerk
4x45, 2x75, 2x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 2x165, 2x175

C. (modded from what was posted - which was 50 strict pullups with burpees for every drop)
8 min cap, max MU for time
Got 20 done

I added:

D. 100 pushups (day 8)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

2017-01-26 WOD

Thurs, makeup day. Did tuesday's wod since I was travelling

std warmup
ladder drills


A. Deadlift - work to a heavy 3-rep
45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, 275x3, 315x2

B. For time: 30-20-10
Deadlift 185#
Box Jump 24"
time: 9:28

C. Skill work
Did some light pullup/MU work
3xpullup (1 strict, 2 kipping)
3xchinup (singles)
1 MU

D. 100 pushups  - day 7
(actually miscounted and did 110)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

2017-01-25 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills


A. 19 burpee box jumps 24"

B. 10 min emom
1 Power Snatch
2 OH Squat
1 Snatch
4x65, 2x75, 2x85, 2x95

C. For time: (modded slightly from what was posted)
400m run
15 Power Clean 95#
98 DU
25 cal row
15 Power Snatch 75#
98 DU
time: 12:09

I added:

D. 100 pushups (Day 6)
20, 15, then sets of 5-8. Interleaved w E.

E. HSHold
about 7 attempts balancing off wall

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2017-01-24 No wod, PU only

Again no chance for gym, but did PU quickly

A. 100 pushups, day 5.

2017-01-23 no wod, PU only

Travelling for work, didn't get a chance to go to the gym.

However, I forgot my 100 pushups yesterday, so did double today.

A. 100 pushups, x2 (day 3,4)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

2017-01-22 Sunday Run

Was a little limited on time, and hadn't run for a few sundays, so didn't do the usual 10k

A. Run 5.9km, 29:11, 4:57 pace

Saturday, January 21, 2017

2017-01-21 WOD

std warmup
snatch drills


A. Work to a heavy snatch
4x45, 3x65, 3x75, 2x95, 2x105, 1x125fail

B. 30 min emom
even minutes:
20 DU
2 MU (Rx was 3)
odd minutes:
10 wallball (dropped to 8 after first 5 rounds, then to 5 for last 5 rounds)
1 snatch 75#

I added:

C. 3x HSHold


D. 100 pushups (later in day. Day 2)

Friday, January 20, 2017

2017-01-20 WOD

std warmup
3x300m row (interleaved w some of above)
thruster drills


A. Work to a heavy Squat Clean Thruster
5x45, 5x75, 3x95, 2x115, 1x135, 1x155, 1x165 (clean only, failed the thruster)

B. For time
21 thrusters 105#
400m run
15 thrusters 105#
400m run
9 thrusters 105#
400m run
time: 10:47 (and I was SO sure I was gonna puke. Ugh. pushed it hard today)

I added later:

C. 100 pushups (Day 1)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

2017-01-19 WOD

Dang. Between work travel, emergency family travel, and weather, my workout schedule's been hosed. ANyhow, back at it today. Did a mix of a few things off mon/tues/wed wods that I missed.

std warmup
30 cal airdyne


A. warm up back squat, then 5-3-1 heavy at 60 - 75 - 90%
warm: 5x45, 5x135
main: 5x185 (65%), 3x225 (80%), 1x255 (90%)

B. 20 wall walks for time
4:13 (PR. Last time we did 25 for time, w 5 min cap. I got 21 done in 5 min, so guessing 20 was 4:45-ish)

C. 5 strict pullups (no band - first ones in... 3 months!)

D. 3 Bar MU. 2 attempts at strict, failed

Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017-01-14 WOD

std warmup


both A, B as partner wods. each partner does full round, then rests while partner does round. 5 rounds each.

A. 5 rounds
10 Burpee box jumps 24"
5 D-ball cleans over shoulder 100#
time: 14:07

3 min rest

B. 5 rounds
5 front Squat 135# (Rx was 155)
time: 7:00

I added:

C. 5 rounds, not for time
20s HSHold
10 GHD Situp

D. 3 rounds
1 tuck front lever
1 tuck back lever

Friday, January 13, 2017

2017-01-13 WOD

std warmup


8 deadlift 185# (Rx was 225)
10 box jumps
8 pullups, with band (Rx was 12 regular)
4 rounds even (IIRC)

8 burpees
10 thrusters 95# (Rx was 105#)
12 KBS 53#
3 rounds even (IIRC)

Part C was Karen (150 wallball for time) but I had to leave early to get to work.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

2017-01-12 WOD

Snowed in yesterday, but managed to make it today

std warmup
3 rounds
8 KB bottoms-up OH Press / arm 16#
12 Goblet squats 16#
200m row
2 MU


A. 30 min amrap at 80% effort
500m row
5 MU
10 HSPU (did them all strict)
15 Goblet squat 26# (Rx was 70)
4 rounds + 500m row + 3 MU

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017-01-10 WOD

std warmup
3 rounds 'cindy'
5 pullups (did ring rows)
10 pushups
15 air squats
OH squat drills


A. 3 rounds, not for time
50 DU (last round was unbroken)
10 box jump 30"
5 HSPU (all strict, unbroken)

B. 4 rounds for time
400m run
15 T2B
10 Push press 95# (RX was 115#)
3 OH Squat 95# (RX was 5 reps, 115#)
time: 17:53

I added:

C. HSHold
3, playing w balance

Monday, January 9, 2017

2017-01-09 WOD

std warmup
2x300m row


A. Sumo Deadlift High-pull drills w PVC

B. 5-rep Front Squat to box for ~10 min
5x45, 5x95, 5x115, 5x135, 5x155

C. 12 min amrap
20 wallball 20#
10 pullups (w band, for me)
5 Power Snatch (65, 75, 85)
3 rounds, 22 reps

I added;

D. 2x HSHold (short)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017-01-03 WOD

std warmup


A. Medball cleans 20#

B. 5 min AMRAP
5 Power Clean 95# (I scaled from 135#)
5 Box Jump 24"
6 rounds even

C. 5 min AMRAP
5 C2B pullups (I used green band to scale)
5 burpees
5 rounds, 2 reps

I added:

D. HSHolds

Monday, January 2, 2017

2017-01-02 WOD

First workout of the year and it was a doozy!

std warmup
3 rounds
5 one-legged KB Deadlifts / leg
10 ball slams


A. Work to a heavy 3 rep Deadlift
45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x5, 225x4,
275x3, 305x3, 335x3, 355x1

B. 30 min EMOM
Even minutes:
20 DU
1 Squat Clean (did 95 for first 20 min, 115 for remaining 10 min, 135# on last 1 rep)
Odd minutes
3 burpees
3 HSPU (strict, all)

I added:

C. HSHolds

1 MU
2 MU's ub.

E. Triple under attempts

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 year in review and goals for 2017

2016 was not a great year for progress for three reasons:

1. A new job at work had me travelling a great deal, and so I missed a fair number of workouts (285 posts to this blog vs ~30 more than that in 2014, 2015).

2. A *catatrophic* year for me, injury-wise. Off the top of my head:
- torn ligament in my right shoulder (~3month recovery)
- strain in my left shoulder (not as bad as above)
- torn left bicep tendon (ongoing - likely 3 month recovery)
- pulled groin muscle
- pulled lower back muscle.
- strained ab muscle
- pulled left calf muscle
- pulled right calf muscle (twice)
This may in part have just been a bad year, but I think it was also related to (1) above. going too hard after several days off, etc.

3. Diet went off the rails. Between the travel and then being down about lack of progress due to injury, etc.

Anyhow, as a result, didn't do well against my goals for 2016

1. Get my diet back on track and get back down to the 10% body fat range. NOPE.
2. 115 snatch - but a full squat snatch with proper form. No.
3. 200# CJ. No. Closer, but just missed. 215 HPC, 200 PC, 190 push jerk.
4. 400# deadlift. No.
5. Put in 500km of running over the course of the year. No. haven't done full total, but somewhere around 400km
6. Do 3 events that require training for (the open and 2 others). Nope. Only did the Open.
7. Improve my standing in the open. Yes, but barely.
8. Spend dedicated time on mobility. 15 minutes, 4x week. Nope.
9. Work on a handstand progression, to get either a free standing HS for 20s, or a 10' HS walk. Yes, hit the 20s one, but really a fluke. Did lots of dedicated work on this.
10. Muscle-up virtuosity: Get to a fluid, strict MU with really solid form. No. Was progressing, but then shoulder injury and weight gain has put this right out of reach again.
Bonus: 11. One arm chin-up. Nope.

Other takeaways:

Running was down over past years, between injury and travel. Didn't do detailed accounting like in the past, but somewhere around 400k

Lifting: Some small incremental improvements here. In part because of the injury during last strength cycle, but also because I wasn't working on a dedicated plan for any one of these. Really want to hit my CJ goal and my DL goal this year.

Conditioning: a couple PRs here but quite frankly I was suprised there were any given the injuries and weight gain. back on it in 2017.

Goals for 2017

1. Reduce number of injuries. Allow recovery time, work on mobility, etc
2. Get diet back on track and get down to ab-popping body fat range.
3. 200# CJ
4. 400# Deadlift
5. Do 3 events that scare me, require training, etc
6. Improve standing in the open (this will be HARD given past year)
7. Handstand improvement: Press to handstand (freestanding) or repeatable 20s HSH, or 10' HSwalk.
8. MU virtuosity: get to a fluid, strict MU w solid form
9. Front Lever
10. One-arm chinup