Had a go at 12.5 this morning. I may redo it on Saturday or Sunday if schedule allows, as I figured out something partway through that might improve my number. More on that below.
5 min T2B (I did 30)
Ladder ascending by 3s: 3, 6, 9, 12.... 7 minute AMRAP
100# Thrusters
C2B Pullups
} 3T+3P+6T+6P+6T = 24 total reps
The thrusters were OK for me (surprising! This weight used to be really hard for me beyond a couple reps), but the C2B pullups were another story. That last inch to get the sternum to contact the bar was really hard, and on the set of 6, I must have failed 5 or 6 reps. This both consumed all my time, and exhausted me. What I figured out at the end of that set of 6, was that if I kipped my legs WAY up, like a T2B but higher - shin to bar even - then kicked out really hard while pulling, I could basically 'flip' my way to making contact. It's inefficient but makes up for my weak C2B. If I re-do 12.5 on the weekend, I'll do this for all of them, get the set of 6 finished quicker, and aim to get all 9 thrusters and maybe a couple extra pullups. If I get to a score of 30 that'd be great.
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