Saturday, June 22, 2024

2024-06-22 WoD

200m row
2 block run
std warmup


All 3 amraps below were partner workout, you-go-I-go.

A. 10 min AMRAP. Run 1 block at 0 and 5 min
20 DB lunge 2x30# (10 each)
10 goblet squat 30# (5 each)
reps: 6+22

2 min rest

B. 10 min AMRAP. Run 1 block at 0 and 5 min
20 DB pushpress 2x30# (10 each)
10 DB thruster 2x30# (5 each)
reps: 6 rounds even

2 min rest

C. 10 min AMRAP. Run 1 block at 0 and 5 min
20 burpees (10 each)
10 DB snatch 30# (5 each)
reps: 5+22

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