active recovery day
std warmup (which I was late for)
A. 1k row
B. Snatch practice
Snatch: 3x45, 3x65, 3x75,
Power snatch: 3x95, 2x115, 1x135(failed)
C. Weighted MU's
strict MU: 1,1
weighted strict MU: 10#, 10#, 15#, 20# (failed 2 attempts)
D. HSHolds
E. One arm chinup
3/side, assisted
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
2017-08-30 WOD
std warmup
200m run
clean drills
A. DU practice
1 min SU
1 min SU power jump
1 min DU
1 min TU attempts (didn't manage any, but mostly due to working with crappy rope)
B. 24min EMOM
min 1: 15 wallball 20# (Rx was 25#)
min 2: 2 Strict MU (Rx was 5 mu)
min 3: 1 Clean 165# (3x135, 2x155, 3x165)
I added
C. Front Lever work
6x TuckFrontLever (4x 1 leg, 2x straddle)
D. Back Lever work
3x TuckBackLever (3x 1 leg extend)
std warmup
200m run
clean drills
A. DU practice
1 min SU
1 min SU power jump
1 min DU
1 min TU attempts (didn't manage any, but mostly due to working with crappy rope)
B. 24min EMOM
min 1: 15 wallball 20# (Rx was 25#)
min 2: 2 Strict MU (Rx was 5 mu)
min 3: 1 Clean 165# (3x135, 2x155, 3x165)
I added
C. Front Lever work
6x TuckFrontLever (4x 1 leg, 2x straddle)
D. Back Lever work
3x TuckBackLever (3x 1 leg extend)
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
2017-08-29 WOD
std warmup
A. 3 rounds
5 KB Press/side 26#
5 KB bent over row/side 26#
10 plank shoulder taps
B. Strict OH Press clusters 4-4-4 20s/3min
warm: 5x45, 5x45
main: 4-4-4 @ 75, 85, 95(for 4, then reduced to 85 for other 4-4)
C. 4 rounds for time
200m run
6 Hang PowerClean 95 (Rx was 8 reps at 135#, but back was a bit tweaked from yesterday so I scaled)
10 HSPU (did 10 strict first set, then 8 per round, kipping)
time: Forgot to note it!
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup progression
One Arm Chinup (assisted - 1-2 fingers):
std warmup
A. 3 rounds
5 KB Press/side 26#
5 KB bent over row/side 26#
10 plank shoulder taps
B. Strict OH Press clusters 4-4-4 20s/3min
warm: 5x45, 5x45
main: 4-4-4 @ 75, 85, 95(for 4, then reduced to 85 for other 4-4)
C. 4 rounds for time
200m run
6 Hang PowerClean 95 (Rx was 8 reps at 135#, but back was a bit tweaked from yesterday so I scaled)
10 HSPU (did 10 strict first set, then 8 per round, kipping)
time: Forgot to note it!
I added:
D. One Arm Chinup progression
One Arm Chinup (assisted - 1-2 fingers):
Monday, August 28, 2017
2017-08-28 WOD
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
6 banded KBS
10s superman hold
10s hollow hold
B. Deadlift clusters - 4-4-4, 20s/3min increase weight from last week (back was feeling a little tweaky, so I only went up a bit on last cluster)
warm: 5x95, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 4-4-4 @ 225, 225, 245
C. 12 min amrap
12 cal row
6 burpees
12 pullups
5 rounds + 12+5+3 (9 reps short of 6 rounds)
I added:
D. Tuck Front Lever
E. Strict MU
std warmup
A. 3 rounds, not for time
6 banded KBS
10s superman hold
10s hollow hold
B. Deadlift clusters - 4-4-4, 20s/3min increase weight from last week (back was feeling a little tweaky, so I only went up a bit on last cluster)
warm: 5x95, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185
main: 4-4-4 @ 225, 225, 245
C. 12 min amrap
12 cal row
6 burpees
12 pullups
5 rounds + 12+5+3 (9 reps short of 6 rounds)
I added:
D. Tuck Front Lever
E. Strict MU
Sunday, August 27, 2017
2017-08-27 Sunday Run
Sunday run in <40-deg temp while at friend's cottage for the weekend. Brrr!
A. Run 9.96km. 56:53. 5:43 pace (would have been faster but had to check map numerous times!)
A. Run 9.96km. 56:53. 5:43 pace (would have been faster but had to check map numerous times!)
Friday, August 25, 2017
2017-08-25 WOD
std warmup
2 rounds
10 Goblet suqat 26#
plank hold while partner does same (~30s)
2 rounds
std warmup
2 rounds
10 Goblet suqat 26#
plank hold while partner does same (~30s)
2 rounds
15 KBS 26#
10 lunges
2 rounds
10 KB push press
10 jumping squats
200m run
A. 5-5-5 back squat clusters X 3. 20s/3min rest
warm: 5x45x 5x95, 5x135
main: 5.5.5 @ 155 x 3
B. 4 rounds, each for reps, 1 min rest b/t
40s row for cals, 20s rest
40s situps, 20s rest
40s benchpress for reps 135# (I scaled to 115#), 20s rest
1: 16, 26, 14
2: 15, 27, 12
3: 14, 26, 10
4: 15, 24, 8
C. HSPU skill work
4 rounds
1 HSHold 20s
D. 3x TuckFrontLever
E. 3/arm OneArmChinup (assisted)
Thursday, August 24, 2017
2017-08-24 WOD
Active recovery day. I missed wednesday and should have done make-up day, but didn't have socks for rope climbs, so instead did my usual thursday thing of skills & light recovery.
std warmup
ladder drills
A. 1k row
B. Moderate Snatch work
pvc drills
5x45, 3x65, 3x75, 1x95
C. Work to a heavy CJ
3x75, 3x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175
D. MU work
2x3 ring pullup
strict MU 1,2,1
E. 3 rounds, not for time
12 GHD situps
1 HSHold for balance (felt good today - 10-15s off wall, controllable)
std warmup
ladder drills
A. 1k row
B. Moderate Snatch work
pvc drills
5x45, 3x65, 3x75, 1x95
C. Work to a heavy CJ
3x75, 3x95, 2x115, 2x135, 2x155, 1x175
D. MU work
2x3 ring pullup
strict MU 1,2,1
E. 3 rounds, not for time
12 GHD situps
1 HSHold for balance (felt good today - 10-15s off wall, controllable)
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Mid-year 2017 Goal check
Little late for it, but thought it time I checked against yearly goals I laid out in January
Goals for 2017
1. Reduce number of injuries. Allow recovery time, work on mobility, etc
(so far, so good - couple small things but nothing catastrophic - knock on wood)
2. Get diet back on track and get down to ab-popping body fat range.
Progress - down to #166. Body fat still higher than I'd like.
3. 200# CJ
My Clean weight has dropped if anything. Not on track here.
4. 400# Deadlift
Same as above
5. Do 3 events that scare me, require training, etc
Done. CF Open, Spartan Sprint, and Battle in the Berg.
6. Improve standing in the open (this will be HARD given past year)
Not done. STILL haven't written up my post-mortem - but bottom line is I finished about the same position in the field as 2 years prior, but dropped from last year. Given the injury recovery, I'm ok with that.
7. Handstand improvement: Press to handstand (freestanding) or repeatable 20s HSH, or 10' HSwalk.
Nope. not yet.
8. MU virtuosity: get to a fluid, strict MU w solid form
I've worked hard on this one and it's pretty much there.
9. Front Lever
Progress. Can do a straddle front lever for a few seconds.
10. One-arm chinup
No, and haven't worked the progression here for a while.
Goals for 2017
1. Reduce number of injuries. Allow recovery time, work on mobility, etc
(so far, so good - couple small things but nothing catastrophic - knock on wood)
2. Get diet back on track and get down to ab-popping body fat range.
Progress - down to #166. Body fat still higher than I'd like.
3. 200# CJ
My Clean weight has dropped if anything. Not on track here.
4. 400# Deadlift
Same as above
5. Do 3 events that scare me, require training, etc
Done. CF Open, Spartan Sprint, and Battle in the Berg.
6. Improve standing in the open (this will be HARD given past year)
Not done. STILL haven't written up my post-mortem - but bottom line is I finished about the same position in the field as 2 years prior, but dropped from last year. Given the injury recovery, I'm ok with that.
7. Handstand improvement: Press to handstand (freestanding) or repeatable 20s HSH, or 10' HSwalk.
Nope. not yet.
8. MU virtuosity: get to a fluid, strict MU w solid form
I've worked hard on this one and it's pretty much there.
9. Front Lever
Progress. Can do a straddle front lever for a few seconds.
10. One-arm chinup
No, and haven't worked the progression here for a while.
2017-08-22 WOD
std warmup
2x 250m row
A. partner handstand holds
5x each for practice balancing
B. Push Press 5-5-5 clusters, 20s/3min
warm: 5-5-5 45#
main: 5-5-5 @ 75, 95, 105 (did 5 at that weight, dropped back to 95)
C. 12 min amrap
200m run
12 thrusters 95# (I scaled to 10 reps)
5 rounds, + 200m run + 5 thrusters
I added:
D. MU work
2x3 ring pullups
StrictMU: 1,2,2
std warmup
2x 250m row
A. partner handstand holds
5x each for practice balancing
B. Push Press 5-5-5 clusters, 20s/3min
warm: 5-5-5 45#
main: 5-5-5 @ 75, 95, 105 (did 5 at that weight, dropped back to 95)
C. 12 min amrap
200m run
12 thrusters 95# (I scaled to 10 reps)
5 rounds, + 200m run + 5 thrusters
I added:
D. MU work
2x3 ring pullups
StrictMU: 1,2,2
Monday, August 21, 2017
2017-08-21 WOD
(drove down to see the eclipse, so did the 430pm class)
std warmup
200m run
A. 4 rounds
2 box jump, straight(ish) leg, 24"
10 hollow rocks
B. Deadlift 5-5-5 clusters, increase weight from last week, rest 20s/3min between
warm: 135x3, 135x5, 185x5
main: 5-5-5 @ 225, 3 times
C. 8 rounds for time, 15 min cap
8 box jump 24"
12 T2B
24 DU
Time: 14:47
std warmup
200m run
A. 4 rounds
2 box jump, straight(ish) leg, 24"
10 hollow rocks
B. Deadlift 5-5-5 clusters, increase weight from last week, rest 20s/3min between
warm: 135x3, 135x5, 185x5
main: 5-5-5 @ 225, 3 times
C. 8 rounds for time, 15 min cap
8 box jump 24"
12 T2B
24 DU
Time: 14:47
Sunday, August 20, 2017
2017-08-20 Sunday run & park workout
Fenno creek run, with some light upper body work, since I may not make it to the box tomorrow.
A. 5.0k run, 24:47, 4:57 pace
B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 pullups strict
5 dips
2 TuckFrontLever
C. MU work
Kipping BarMU 1,2,2
Strict BarMU 1
A. 5.0k run, 24:47, 4:57 pace
B. 3 rounds, not for time
5 pullups strict
5 dips
2 TuckFrontLever
C. MU work
Kipping BarMU 1,2,2
Strict BarMU 1
Saturday, August 19, 2017
2017-08-19 Spartan Sprint event
Went and tried my hand at doing the "Spartan Sprint" this weekend. Shortest of the 3 spartan events, this one was 4.2 mile run with 24 obstacles. My son Matthew said he wanted to do the kids race (1 mile, easier obstacles of course) so we both signed up and did it this weekend.
Here's the course map.
Here's the course map.
I placed:
- Men 45-49: 18th of 220 (8th percentile)
- Men overall: 297th of 2,681 (11th percentile)
- Finishers overall: 326 of 4,421 (7th perentile)
Not bad considering no prep.
Mini post-mortem:
Lessons learned/observations made.
1. Do not squat heavy the day before an event. Duh.
2. Definitely harder than tough mudder. Shorter course (4.2 miles vs 10), but the obstacles were harder for sure. More straight-up WORK.
3. My time wsa 1:22. I bonked *hard* at about 1hr. Definitely should be eating more right before event and during
4. We do a lot of upper-body stuff (pullups, etc), so those obstacles related to that (monkey bars, rope climb) went fine. Ones that were asymetrical (hand-over-hand rings, corkscrew traverse, etc) went poorly. Need to do more asymetrical stuff.
5. Earlier start time would have made more sense. Got caught in traffic, and some obstacles were gunked up w mud, etc.
Friday, August 18, 2017
2017-08-18 WOD
std warmup
A. DU practice
some warmup reps, then 3x25 DU
B. 5-5-5 cluster x3 Front Squat, at ~60%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5-5-5 at 135(60%), 135, 145 (65%)
tweaked my back a bit, so scaled remainder some
C. 5 rounds, each for time but I didn't time tightly. all were ~1:45)
60' sprint w d-ball (Rx was 100#. I did 3 rounds at 70#, 100# last 2 rounds
10 back squat 135# (Rx was 155)
I added:
D. MU work
strict MU 1,2,2,2
E. Lever work
2 tuck front lever on rings
1 straddle front lever on rings
std warmup
A. DU practice
some warmup reps, then 3x25 DU
B. 5-5-5 cluster x3 Front Squat, at ~60%
warm: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135
main: 5-5-5 at 135(60%), 135, 145 (65%)
tweaked my back a bit, so scaled remainder some
C. 5 rounds, each for time but I didn't time tightly. all were ~1:45)
60' sprint w d-ball (Rx was 100#. I did 3 rounds at 70#, 100# last 2 rounds
10 back squat 135# (Rx was 155)
I added:
D. MU work
strict MU 1,2,2,2
E. Lever work
2 tuck front lever on rings
1 straddle front lever on rings
Thursday, August 17, 2017
2017-08-17 WOD
active recovery day.
std warmup
10m 100# Dball carry
5 Dball squats 100#
A. Row 500m
B. work to a 1rm CJ
4x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, stopped there
C. Ring work
3x straddle front lever
1 kipping MU
strict MU 1,2
D. 5 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situps
1 HSHold
std warmup
10m 100# Dball carry
5 Dball squats 100#
A. Row 500m
B. work to a 1rm CJ
4x75, 4x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x165, stopped there
C. Ring work
3x straddle front lever
1 kipping MU
strict MU 1,2
D. 5 rounds, not for time
10 GHD situps
1 HSHold
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
2017-08-16 WOD
std warmup
run 200m
rowing drills
A. T2B practice
kip swings
K2E 2x5
T2B 6x4
B. 20 min AMRAP
200m run
row for cals till 5 min mark
200m run
std warmup
run 200m
rowing drills
A. T2B practice
kip swings
K2E 2x5
T2B 6x4
B. 20 min AMRAP
200m run
row for cals till 5 min mark
200m run
airdyne for cals till next 5 min mark
66 cal row, 60 cal airdyne
60 cal row, 63 cal airdyne
total: 249
I added
C. Front lever progression work
2x2 Tuck Front Lever, one leg extend
2 Straddle Front Lever
Monday, August 14, 2017
2017-08-14 WOD
Back at the Box!
std warmup
deadlift warmup
A. 4x2 broadjumps for distance
did 6x2 approx 7' per jump or just under two mat-widths, or 15' for each x2
B. Deadlift clusters 5.5.5 x 3 (30s rest between clusters, 3 min between sets)
warm: 5x2x95, 5x135
main: 5.5.5 x 185, 205, 225
C. 3 rounds for time
400m run
50 Air Squats
20 alternating DB Snatches 70# (I scaled to 50)
time: 15:11
I added:
D. MU work
2x4 Ring Pullups
2 strict MU
std warmup
deadlift warmup
A. 4x2 broadjumps for distance
did 6x2 approx 7' per jump or just under two mat-widths, or 15' for each x2
B. Deadlift clusters 5.5.5 x 3 (30s rest between clusters, 3 min between sets)
warm: 5x2x95, 5x135
main: 5.5.5 x 185, 205, 225
C. 3 rounds for time
400m run
50 Air Squats
20 alternating DB Snatches 70# (I scaled to 50)
time: 15:11
I added:
D. MU work
2x4 Ring Pullups
2 strict MU
Sunday, August 13, 2017
2017-08-13 Travel Workout
A. Run 5.17k, 26:52, 5:12 pace
B. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold (~20s)
5 pistols/leg
1 tuck flag attempt (which did not go well. Never tried this before - guess I need another progression to work on
C. 3 rounds, not for time
5 pullups
1 tuck front lever
1 tuch back lever
D. One set unbroken pushups
B. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold (~20s)
5 pistols/leg
1 tuck flag attempt (which did not go well. Never tried this before - guess I need another progression to work on
C. 3 rounds, not for time
5 pullups
1 tuck front lever
1 tuch back lever
D. One set unbroken pushups
Saturday, August 12, 2017
2017-08-12 Travel Workout
A. Run 9.9km, 51:58, 5:15 pace
(was 8.5k, then the workout below, then remainder of run)
B. HSPU (strict)
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 (25 total)
C. 3x3 pullups (strict)
D. 3 BarMU on a tree branch (bark muscle up?)
E. 3x8 DB row (actually an 'aussie pullup' with a bar)
(was 8.5k, then the workout below, then remainder of run)
B. HSPU (strict)
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 (25 total)
C. 3x3 pullups (strict)
D. 3 BarMU on a tree branch (bark muscle up?)
E. 3x8 DB row (actually an 'aussie pullup' with a bar)
Friday, August 11, 2017
2017-08-11 Travel Workout
Did a 21k run yesterday, so took it a little easier today, with some skill work
A. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold - 20s
1 Straddle Front Lever - 5s
3 ring pullups
A. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold - 20s
1 Straddle Front Lever - 5s
3 ring pullups
Thursday, August 10, 2017
2017-08-10 Travel Workout
A. Run 21.11k (!), 1:54:27, 5:25 pace (unbelievable. 12 second PR). Not bad considering I just did it on a whim and it was WAY hillier than Ankor Wat.
B. 2km paddle/row
C. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 Strict MU
1 Straddle Front Lever
B. 2km paddle/row
C. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 Strict MU
1 Straddle Front Lever
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
2017-08-09 Travel Workout
A. Run 8.09km. 45:00 5:30 pace (runkeeper messed up because it didn't stop recording in time, but got that off my sister-in-law's watch)
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
2017-08-08 Travel Workout
std warmup
2x2 ring pullup
2x1 Strict MU
A. 9.85km run, 53:43, 5:27 pace
B. 10 rounds, not for time
10 pushups
10 KB OH Lunge 15#
1 Strict MU
10 KB OH Lunge 15#
std warmup
2x2 ring pullup
2x1 Strict MU
A. 9.85km run, 53:43, 5:27 pace
B. 10 rounds, not for time
10 pushups
10 KB OH Lunge 15#
1 Strict MU
10 KB OH Lunge 15#
C. Front Lever practice
3x Tuck Front Lever
3x Straddle Front Lever
Monday, August 7, 2017
2017-08-07 Travel Workout
light stretching
A. Run 9.9k, 58:34, 5:55 pace
B. 4x1 Strict MU
C. Tuck Front lever
4 attempts, 5sec or less
light stretching
A. Run 9.9k, 58:34, 5:55 pace
B. 4x1 Strict MU
C. Tuck Front lever
4 attempts, 5sec or less
Sunday, August 6, 2017
2017-08-06 Travel Workout
A. Run 5k, 26:59, 5:24 pace
Saturday, August 5, 2017
2017-08-05 Travel Workout
A. Run 8.37km, 49:08, 5:52 pace
Friday, August 4, 2017
2017-08-04 Travel Workout
A. Run 9.25km, 50:15, 5:26 pace
Thursday, August 3, 2017
2017-08-03 Travel Workout
A. Run 10.97km, 1:02:41, 5:43 pace
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
2017-08-02 Travel Workout
Went for a run around the old neighborhood.
A. Run 9.01km; 47:46, 5:18 pace
A. Run 9.01km; 47:46, 5:18 pace
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