Friday, March 30, 2018
Thursday, March 29, 2018
2018-03-25 Sunday Run
Short run as I was tight on time before leaving on a trip.
A. Run 3.56km. 17.32, 4:56 pace
A. Run 3.56km. 17.32, 4:56 pace
Saturday, March 24, 2018
2018-03-24 WOD
1200m row
std warmup
A. 10 min EMOM
odd: 8 ring row w elevated feet
even: 10 DB floor press 2x35#
B. 8 min AMRAP w partner
partner1: 100m OH Plate Carry 45#
partner2: Power Snatch 65# (scaled from full snatch
Did 3 carries, 6,8,8 snatches
C. 8 min AMRAP w partner
partner1: 250m row
partner2: Box Jump 24"
Did 3 rows, box jumps 16,14,14
I added:
D. 3 rounds, not for time
20s HSHold
Strict MU (1,1,2)
Friday, March 23, 2018
2018-03-23 CF Open 18.5
std warmup
1200 m row
warmup of all movements below, at lighter weight, etc
A. CF Open 18.5. 7 min AMRAP.
3-6-9-12-15-18... of
Thruster 100#
C2B pullups
81 reps. Got through the 12's, 15 thrusters, and then 6 reps into the C2B pullups. Was hoping to get done w 15's (9 reps further than I did) but given that I ate crappy all week, I'll take it.
12.5: 24 reps
12.5: redo: 35 reps
2014 Jan attempt at this: 60 reps
So 81 is a PR.
B. 5 min emom
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Snatch
1 OH Squat
2 sets at 45#, 3 sets at 65#
std warmup
1200 m row
warmup of all movements below, at lighter weight, etc
A. CF Open 18.5. 7 min AMRAP.
3-6-9-12-15-18... of
Thruster 100#
C2B pullups
81 reps. Got through the 12's, 15 thrusters, and then 6 reps into the C2B pullups. Was hoping to get done w 15's (9 reps further than I did) but given that I ate crappy all week, I'll take it.
12.5: 24 reps
12.5: redo: 35 reps
2014 Jan attempt at this: 60 reps
So 81 is a PR.
B. 5 min emom
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Snatch
1 OH Squat
2 sets at 45#, 3 sets at 65#
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
2018-03-21 Travel workout
A. Run 4.84km, 24:08, 5:01 pace (was going much faster but lots of red lights to stop at)
2018-03-20 Travel workout
just a quick one in hotel:
A. 20 slow/tempo pushups
B. 20-18-16-14...2 of
air squat
(110 reps of each)
A. 20 slow/tempo pushups
B. 20-18-16-14...2 of
air squat
(110 reps of each)
Sunday, March 18, 2018
2018-03-18 CF Open 18.4 Redo
Tried to have another go at this. Figured I'd just concentrate on form and get a few more reps in, but on the other hand, was still sore from friday. Started out pretty well (better split time; first 8 HSPU were all good) but then started to fall apart w fatigue. Ended up w one more rep than Friday, but at least I tried.
deadlifts 10x45, 2x5x135, 2x3@225
HSPU several singles
A. CF Open 2018: For time, 9 min cap.
"Diane": 21-15-9 of
Deadlift 225
HSPU (to new standard)
(rest doesn't matter - never made it that far)
40 reps, split time of 1:15
deadlifts 10x45, 2x5x135, 2x3@225
HSPU several singles
A. CF Open 2018: For time, 9 min cap.
"Diane": 21-15-9 of
Deadlift 225
HSPU (to new standard)
(rest doesn't matter - never made it that far)
40 reps, split time of 1:15
Saturday, March 17, 2018
2018-03-17 WOD
~500m treadmill run
std warmup
A. 12 min emom
odd: 8 Ring Pushup
even: 6 ring pullup
B. Partner WOD. 14 min amrap
one partner does (a), and others do (b), (c), for reps, and that's your score. Rotate when farmer carry comes back in.
a. 100m Farmer Carry 2x53# KB
b. situps
c. burpees
underline is what I did:
a. 100m, b. 25, c. 14
a. 100m, b. 30, c. 18
~500m treadmill run
std warmup
A. 12 min emom
odd: 8 Ring Pushup
even: 6 ring pullup
B. Partner WOD. 14 min amrap
one partner does (a), and others do (b), (c), for reps, and that's your score. Rotate when farmer carry comes back in.
a. 100m Farmer Carry 2x53# KB
b. situps
c. burpees
underline is what I did:
a. 100m, b. 25, c. 14
a. 100m, b. 30, c. 18
a. 100m, b. 53, c. 21
a. 100m, b. 30, c. 13
a. 100m, b. 30, c. 13
a. 100m, b. 40, c. 13
a. 100m, b. 40, c. 17
a. 100m, b. 28, c. 13
a. 100m, b. 34, c. 13
a. 100m, b. 50, c. 12
a. 100m, b. 34, c. 15
a. 20m, b. 5, c.1
a. 20m, b. 5, c.1
so 320m farmer carry total, 143 situps, 55 burpees
I added:
C. 3 rounds, not for time
1 strict MU
2 strict HSPU (practicing new standard)
2018-03-16 CF Open 18.4
1000m row
std warmup
deadlift & HSPU warmup
A. CF Open 18.4. for time, 9min cap
21 Deadlift 225
15 Deadlift 225
1000m row
std warmup
deadlift & HSPU warmup
A. CF Open 18.4. for time, 9min cap
21 Deadlift 225
15 Deadlift 225
9 Deadlift 225
21 Deadlift 315
50' Handstand walk
15 Deadlift 315
50' Handstand walk
21 Deadlift 315
50' Handstand walk
15 Deadlift 315
50' Handstand walk
9 Deadlift 315
50' Handstand walk
39 reps. UGH! I expected to get through Diane at least (90 reps), but the new standard for HSPU is REALLY hard and I got a ton of no reps and frustrated. redoing Sunday.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
2018-03-14 WOD
std warmup
plus some TGU-style drills without KB, to loosen hips for DLs
A. 3x8 Deadlift, increasing weight from last week. (I actually scaled down, trying to go easy on lower back since it's still kind of lit up from friday/sunday
10x45, 8x135, 8x185, 8x185
B. 3x8 OHPress
8x45, 8x75, 8x95 (stopped there)
C. 20 min AMRAP
10m single arm OH DB Lunge 30# (Rx was 50#)
10 T2B
10m single arm OH DB Lunge 30# (Rx was 50#)
10 Box jump 24"
7 rounds + 34 reps
I added
D. 3 rounds, not for time
3 dragon flag negatives
1 HSHold 20s
StrictMU (1,2,1 over 3 rounds)
std warmup
plus some TGU-style drills without KB, to loosen hips for DLs
A. 3x8 Deadlift, increasing weight from last week. (I actually scaled down, trying to go easy on lower back since it's still kind of lit up from friday/sunday
10x45, 8x135, 8x185, 8x185
B. 3x8 OHPress
8x45, 8x75, 8x95 (stopped there)
C. 20 min AMRAP
10m single arm OH DB Lunge 30# (Rx was 50#)
10 T2B
10m single arm OH DB Lunge 30# (Rx was 50#)
10 Box jump 24"
7 rounds + 34 reps
I added
D. 3 rounds, not for time
3 dragon flag negatives
1 HSHold 20s
StrictMU (1,2,1 over 3 rounds)
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
2018-03-13 WOD
std warmup
A. 3x8 box squats (back squat to box)
5x45,, 8x95, 8x115, 8x115
B. For time, 16 min cap
1000m row
50 wallball 20#
40 pullups (I scaled to 20 to spare my tendonitis)
30 burpees
20 HSPU (10 strict, 10 kipping)
10 Power Cleans 135# (Rx was 210)
time: 14:50 (but scaled pullups and clean weight)
I added
C. 3 rounds, not for time
8 pendlay rows 21x1 tempo 75#
8/arm DB bench 31x1 temp 25,30,30#
12 GHD Back extensions
std warmup
A. 3x8 box squats (back squat to box)
5x45,, 8x95, 8x115, 8x115
B. For time, 16 min cap
1000m row
50 wallball 20#
40 pullups (I scaled to 20 to spare my tendonitis)
30 burpees
20 HSPU (10 strict, 10 kipping)
10 Power Cleans 135# (Rx was 210)
time: 14:50 (but scaled pullups and clean weight)
I added
C. 3 rounds, not for time
8 pendlay rows 21x1 tempo 75#
8/arm DB bench 31x1 temp 25,30,30#
12 GHD Back extensions
Monday, March 12, 2018
2018-03-12 WOD
late. missed the whole thing. bad crossfitter!
A. 10 min EMOM
Odd: 20s Ring L-sit
Even: 2 Strict MU (Rx was 5)
B. 4 rounds. 45s on, 15sec off, last minute is rest (5 min per round)
treadmill run: 33,30,35,35
dips :12,12,13,15
rope climbs: 3,3,3,3
DUs: 60,60,60,60 (2-3 sets each time)
C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 banded face pulls w 2 sec pause
8/arm kneeling KB OH Press
8 barbell glute bridge w 2 sec pause
D. 3 rounds of GHD situps
late. missed the whole thing. bad crossfitter!
A. 10 min EMOM
Odd: 20s Ring L-sit
Even: 2 Strict MU (Rx was 5)
B. 4 rounds. 45s on, 15sec off, last minute is rest (5 min per round)
treadmill run: 33,30,35,35
dips :12,12,13,15
rope climbs: 3,3,3,3
DUs: 60,60,60,60 (2-3 sets each time)
C. 3 rounds, not for time
10 banded face pulls w 2 sec pause
8/arm kneeling KB OH Press
8 barbell glute bridge w 2 sec pause
D. 3 rounds of GHD situps
Sunday, March 11, 2018
2018-03-11 CF Open 18.3 Redo
row 500m
airdyne 2 min
lots of OHSquat at lighter weight
DUs and MUs
A. 2 rounds for time (as if!), 14 min cap
100 DUs
20 OHSquat 115#
100 DUs
12 Ring MUs
100 DUs <-- got to 50 of these
20 DB Snatch 50#
100 DUs
12 BarMU
Score: 8:33 at tie-break, and 282 reps (54 better than on friday)
Plan was to not get no-repped on OHsquat, which I did, and then despite being a bit slower, that made up a lot of time. Got through the MUs, managed 50 more DU
row 500m
airdyne 2 min
lots of OHSquat at lighter weight
DUs and MUs
A. 2 rounds for time (as if!), 14 min cap
100 DUs
20 OHSquat 115#
100 DUs
12 Ring MUs
100 DUs <-- got to 50 of these
20 DB Snatch 50#
100 DUs
12 BarMU
Score: 8:33 at tie-break, and 282 reps (54 better than on friday)
Plan was to not get no-repped on OHsquat, which I did, and then despite being a bit slower, that made up a lot of time. Got through the MUs, managed 50 more DU
Saturday, March 10, 2018
2018-03-10 WOD
std warmup
500m row
A. 10 min EMOM
7 T2B (Rx was 10)
B. Partner WOD. "Christine" but stagger start and no passing. I scaled to spare myself for sunday. 3 rounds for time
500m row
8 Deadlifts at bodyweight (165). (Rx was 12 reps)
21 box jumps 24"
noted time but forgot to write it down. 11min?
C. W partner 3 sets each, of each movement, resting while partner works:
8 Power Clean 135# (Rx was 10)
19 cal Airdyne
35 cal treadmill
(didn't record time)
std warmup
500m row
A. 10 min EMOM
7 T2B (Rx was 10)
B. Partner WOD. "Christine" but stagger start and no passing. I scaled to spare myself for sunday. 3 rounds for time
500m row
8 Deadlifts at bodyweight (165). (Rx was 12 reps)
21 box jumps 24"
noted time but forgot to write it down. 11min?
C. W partner 3 sets each, of each movement, resting while partner works:
8 Power Clean 135# (Rx was 10)
19 cal Airdyne
35 cal treadmill
(didn't record time)
Friday, March 9, 2018
2018-03-09 CF Open 18.3
OMG. 18.3 is a beast. I was worried about getting the OHS's in this, as 115 is my PR and I hadn't done one in while. I ended up hitting them but with a lot of no-reps. Will likely do it again sunday
std warmup
several of each of the movements below.
A. CF Open 18.3. 2 rounds for time, 18 min cap
100 DU
20 OH Squats 115# (I ended up doing like 25 and getting a bunch of no-reps)
100 DU
228 reps, 10:33 at the tiebreak (end of second round of DU)
std warmup
several of each of the movements below.
A. CF Open 18.3. 2 rounds for time, 18 min cap
100 DU
20 OH Squats 115# (I ended up doing like 25 and getting a bunch of no-reps)
100 DU
12 Ring MU <--got 8 of these by the cap
100 DU
20 DB Snatch
100 DU
12 Bar MU
}228 reps, 10:33 at the tiebreak (end of second round of DU)
Thursday, March 8, 2018
2018-03-08 WOD
Active recovery day.
std warmup (though I was late and missed most of it)
50 cal Airdyne (in multiple sprints)
A. 500m row
2 min
B. 5 rounds, not for time
Power Clean & Push Jerk (5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x155)
HSHold (trying to balance off wall)
2/side one arm bar hang
C. One Strict BarMU (just to see if I could)
D. 3 Tuck Front Lever
std warmup (though I was late and missed most of it)
50 cal Airdyne (in multiple sprints)
A. 500m row
2 min
B. 5 rounds, not for time
Power Clean & Push Jerk (5x95, 3x115, 3x135, 2x155, 1x155)
HSHold (trying to balance off wall)
2/side one arm bar hang
C. One Strict BarMU (just to see if I could)
D. 3 Tuck Front Lever
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
2017-03-07 WOD
std warmup
40 wallball passes
A. OH Press 3x3 @ 90% (not for me)
10x45, 5x75
3x3 @ 95
B. Deadlift 3x3 @ 90% (not for me)
D. 3x5 Dragon Flags
std warmup
40 wallball passes
A. OH Press 3x3 @ 90% (not for me)
10x45, 5x75
3x3 @ 95
B. Deadlift 3x3 @ 90% (not for me)
10x45, 6x135, 3x185
2x3 @ 225, 1x2 @ 275
C. 24 min EMOM (1 min per movement, rest to top of min)
15 cal Airdyne
5 pullups (Rx was 15)
10 HSPU (Did scaled: 10,10,10,9,8,7)
2 Snatches (first 4 rounds @ 65, last 2 rounds 75#)
I added:
D. 3x5 Dragon Flags
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
2018-03-06 WOD
Heckuva wod after doing 18.2 twice on Sunday, Monday
2 min Airdyne
std warmup
A. 5x3 Front Squat at 90% (I went lighter than this)
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x115
main: 3x5@135, 2x5@155
B. For time:
50 Power Clean 135%
100 Wallball 14# (Rx was 20#)
75 cal airdyne
C. 3 rounds, not for time:
1,2,3 strict MU
10 GHD situps
2 min Airdyne
std warmup
A. 5x3 Front Squat at 90% (I went lighter than this)
warm: 10x45, 8x95, 5x115
main: 3x5@135, 2x5@155
B. For time:
50 Power Clean 135%
100 Wallball 14# (Rx was 20#)
75 cal airdyne
C. 3 rounds, not for time:
1,2,3 strict MU
10 GHD situps
Monday, March 5, 2018
2018-03-05 CF Open 18.2 Re-do
Went in not sure I'd redo it. I was really miffed about my score yesterday but 15hrs isn't a lot of recovery time. Still, figured if I could get the same time, or even a few seconds slower, I could open with a bigger lift and jump a bunch of spots on the leaderboard. Did the first part of the WOD with teh rest of the group, then when I saw one other person was re-doing it, I jumped on board.
std warmup
wall squat drills
A. Tabata DU's. 8 sets 20s on, 10s off, count total reps
30,35,30, 10, 25,25,30,25 - total of 210 reps
B. CF Open 18. 12 min time cap
18 (part 1) 1,2,3,4...10 of
2x50# DB Squat (DB on shoulders)
Bar Facing Burpees
time: 10:39 - 1 min 9 sec improvements. Main thing was not breaking on the squats this time.
18.a. In remaining time (if any) to 12 min, get a 1RM Clean
Tried 187.5 but didn't make it
std warmup
wall squat drills
A. Tabata DU's. 8 sets 20s on, 10s off, count total reps
30,35,30, 10, 25,25,30,25 - total of 210 reps
B. CF Open 18. 12 min time cap
18 (part 1) 1,2,3,4...10 of
2x50# DB Squat (DB on shoulders)
Bar Facing Burpees
time: 10:39 - 1 min 9 sec improvements. Main thing was not breaking on the squats this time.
18.a. In remaining time (if any) to 12 min, get a 1RM Clean
Tried 187.5 but didn't make it
Sunday, March 4, 2018
2018-03-04 CF Open 18.2
Came back Friday from 6 days in asia, went in Sunday to do 18.2 Was feeling somewhat jetlagged and it didn't go well. Goal was to hit the first part in 10 min, with a stretch goal of 8; then open with a safe lift of 155, and then try 175 (doable) and then maybe 185 or 195 depending how I felt. That plan fell apart pretty quick.
Std warmup
Airdyne sprints
several of movements below.
A. CF Open 18. 12 min time cap
18 (part 1) 1,2,3,4...10 of
2x50# DB Squat (DB on shoulders) - I ended up breaking on the 7,8,9,10 sets - this was a mistake
Bar Facing Burpees
time: 11:48
18.a. In remaining time (if any) to 12 min, get a 1RM Clean
155# (I'd put 155 on the bar figuring I'd have time to get a couple more reps and this was my 'safe' rep.
Score: 11:48, 155
Std warmup
Airdyne sprints
several of movements below.
A. CF Open 18. 12 min time cap
18 (part 1) 1,2,3,4...10 of
2x50# DB Squat (DB on shoulders) - I ended up breaking on the 7,8,9,10 sets - this was a mistake
Bar Facing Burpees
time: 11:48
18.a. In remaining time (if any) to 12 min, get a 1RM Clean
155# (I'd put 155 on the bar figuring I'd have time to get a couple more reps and this was my 'safe' rep.
Score: 11:48, 155
Saturday, March 3, 2018
2018-03-03 WOD
Back at the box.
std warmup
A. 10 min EMOM
2 Strict MU
3,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1 = 17 (plus one during warmup)
Rx here was 5 pullups, 5 dips, but am trying go easy on grip due to tendonitis. False grip on the strict MU's is ok though, so did that instead. Meant to do 3 per round, that lasted 1 round, then held 2 per round before failing at the last 4 rounds.
B. 8 min AMRAP. W partner
15 d-ball over shoulder, 100# (I did 8 reps per round, partner did 7)
15 situps each
5 full rounds + 6 d-ball each
2 min rest
C. 8 min AMRAP. W partner - each does full round, rest while partner does theirs
10 KBS 53# (Rx was 70)
1 12' rope climb (Rx was 2)
6 rounds + 10 KBS
D. 60s Airdyne sprint for cals, then 60s rest, then 30s sprint for calls
33, 16 = 49 cal
std warmup
A. 10 min EMOM
2 Strict MU
3,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1 = 17 (plus one during warmup)
Rx here was 5 pullups, 5 dips, but am trying go easy on grip due to tendonitis. False grip on the strict MU's is ok though, so did that instead. Meant to do 3 per round, that lasted 1 round, then held 2 per round before failing at the last 4 rounds.
B. 8 min AMRAP. W partner
15 d-ball over shoulder, 100# (I did 8 reps per round, partner did 7)
15 situps each
5 full rounds + 6 d-ball each
2 min rest
C. 8 min AMRAP. W partner - each does full round, rest while partner does theirs
10 KBS 53# (Rx was 70)
1 12' rope climb (Rx was 2)
6 rounds + 10 KBS
D. 60s Airdyne sprint for cals, then 60s rest, then 30s sprint for calls
33, 16 = 49 cal
Thursday, March 1, 2018
2018-03-02 Travel Workout
Quick one in my room before checking out:
100 of (15,15,15,15,15,14,11)
air squat
with 5 dips per round (7x5 = 35)
100 of (15,15,15,15,15,14,11)
air squat
with 5 dips per round (7x5 = 35)
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