Saturday, August 29, 2020

2020-08-29 Covid workout #129


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 10,9,8....2,1 of




box jump 20"


Shrimp Squat

1 per round LegRaiseToInvertedHang


So 55 reps of each plus 10 = 285 reps

C. 400m run

Friday, August 28, 2020

2020-08-28 Covid workout #128


light stretching


A. Activation. 5 rounds, not for time


3 CJ 45#

3 lateral DB rais 2x5#

3 lat pullup raise

20 DU


B. 10 Rounds for time:


1 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

3 CJ 135#


time: 16:55

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

2020-08-25 Covid workout #127

 Didn't get a chance to workout yesterday, and wasn't sure I would today, but I finally picked up some bumper plates on CL today!, So got a quick one in since I hadn't done any oly lifts for a while:


A. 10 rounds, not for time


1 StrictMU

2 Power Clean + Push Jerk 135#


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

2020-08-22 Covid workout #125


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 10 rounds, not for time


5 pullup (kipping)

5 box jump 24"

5s L-sit

4 chinups (strict)


C. 400m run

Friday, August 21, 2020

2020-08-21 Covid workout #124


light stretching


A. 5 rounds, not for time


5 OH Press 45#

5 pushups

5 T2B


B. "Annie". For time, 50-40-30-20-10





time: 7:50

Thursday, August 20, 2020

2020-08-20 Covid workout #123


light stretching


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

2 pullup

3 chinup

4 pistol

5 thruster 45#


B. 3 rounds, not for time


1 Strict MU

2 one-arm-HSHold(assisted, 1 per side)


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020

2020-08-15 Covid workout #119


lights stretching, couple of each move below


A. 800m run

B. 10 rounds, not for time


5 T2B

4 Dip

3 Strict Pullup

2 Shrimp Squat

1 BarMU


C. 400m run

Thursday, August 13, 2020

2020-08-13 Covid workout #118


light stretching

several of movements below


A. 7 rounds for time (was going to do 10 but once I saw how long it was going, had to cut)


1 StrictMU

2 FrontLeverPulls

3 Pike Pushup

4 Pistols

5 Thruster 45#

6 OH Press 45#

7 Air Squat

8 DBCurl 2x25#

9 Incline Situps

10 DU


2020-08-12 Covid workout #117


light stretching

few of each movement below


A. 5 rounds, not for time


1 HSHold

2 Static Ring Hold

5 TuckFrontLeverPullup


B. 5 rounds, not for time


8 InclinedDBBench

6 pistol

4 ring chinup



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

2020-08-10 Covid workout #116


light stretching

2x3 ring pullup

2x1 MU

20 DU


This was a fun one I came up with.

A. AMRAP 30, but read note below


1 MU

10 DU

2 MU

20 DU

3 MU

30 DU

.... up to 10/100


You can stop MU's at any point to finish up the DU's (where more reps will come from) but you CANNOT go back and do the MU's afterward.

I did up to round 7 (so 28 MU, 280 DU) by around minute 21, then did 270 DU by 29 min

Saturday, August 8, 2020

2020-08-08 Covid workout #114


light stretching


A. 800m run

B. 20 rounds, not for time


5 pullup

5 dip

5 T2B

5 box jump 20"


C. 400m run

2020-08-07 Covid workout #113


light stretching

couple of each movement below


A. 8 rounds (fast, but didn't time)


2 StrictMU

2 Strict HSPU

4 Ring pullup

4 thruster 55#

6 Front Squat 55#

6 Barbell row 55#

20 Situp

20 DU


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

2020-08-05 Covid workout #112

light stretching
1 round of Cindy


A. 5 rounds, not for time
1 HSHold
1 TuckFrontLever
1 Skin the Cat
1 Tuck Back Lever
10 DBCurl 25#

B. "Cindy" 20 min AMRAP of
5 pullup
10 pushup
15 Air Squat
16 rounds + 16 reps

not as good as back in March but tied my previous PR, not bad considering poor excuse for pullup bar and that I've not been pushing cardio that hard. May try at the park next saturday and see if I can get 18 rounds again.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

2020-08-03 Covid workout #111

light stretching
few of each movement below
20 DU


A. 5 rounds not for time
1 HSHold on parallettes
3 RingChinup
5 DB OHSquat 2x5#
20 DU

B. 10 rounds, not for time
1 StrictMU
4 Pistol
8 Weighted Situp 25#

Saturday, August 1, 2020

2020-08-01 Covid workout #109

10 air squats
few lunges


A. 800m run

B. 10 rounds
5 strict pullups
5 dips
5 box jump 24"
5 T2B

C. 800m run