Thursday, October 17, 2024

2024-10-17 WoD

400m run
std warmup


A. 4 rounds, each 1 min round finish required work then rest to top of minute
min 1: 10cal Airdyne
min 2: 11 shuttle runs
min 3: 16 KB FrontRackLunge (alternating) 2x26#
min 4: 20 GorillaRow 2x26# kb

B. Work to a heavy 5-rep set of deadlifts
8x95, 6x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x255, 3x285

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

2024-10-16 WoD


2 rounds
1 min Airdyne
2 inchworm
5 shoulder swimmers
5 OHpress 45#
30s hang


A. 5 rounds, not for time
5 OHPress (1x65, 4x75)
10 banded lat pulldown
3 seated box jump 24"

B. 10 rounds for time
4 burpee box jump over 24" (Rx was 30#)
5 DB PushPress 2x30# (Rx was 50#)
1 C2BPullup+5pullup (Rx was 6 C2B)
13:24 (scaled)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

2024-10-15 WoD


1 min row
10 90/90
4 spiderman
6 DB Bench 2x25#
3 Pin FrontSquat 45# (full depth)
3 Pin BackSquat 45# (full depth)


A. Pin Squats, first in lowest position, then at 50% depth, with following scheme (used 225 as my max percentage FS, even though I've not hit that for a bit)
3 FrontSquat to rack, 1sec rest
30 sec rest
3 BackSquat to rack, 1 sec rest
2x135 (full depth)
1x165, 1x195, 1x225 (1/2 depth)

B. 3 rounds, each for 2 min, 2 min rest b/t
15 DB Bench 2x30#
6 BackSquat 165#
Row for cals in remaining time
11, 13, 15 cals

Monday, October 14, 2024

2024-10-14 WoD

2 rounds
1 min row
2 inchworm
10 KBS 35#
30s SU/DU
10/10 toe raise/heel raise


A. 4 rounds not for time
6 single leg glute bridge (per side)
6 goblet lunge (per side) 25#
30s cross-over practice
20 banded crunches

B. For time
100 DU
50 abmat situps
150 KBS 44# (Rx was 53#)
50 abmat situps
100 DU
time: 13:02

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

2024-10-12 WoD

 //partner workout, but did it solo, equal parts work/rest


500m row

2 rounds
5 bootstraps
10 scap pulls
200m row
10 goblet squat 26#kb
10 KB lunge 26#
10 OHPress 26#


A. 26min AMRAP. equal time work/rest, but some rest was working/hold, as noted
20 DB Pushpress 2x30#db (Rx was 40#)
~20s OHHold 2x30#db
20 situps
~30s rest
20 DBFrontSquat 2x30#db
~30s FrontRackHold 2x30#db
20 situps
~30s rest
20 pullups
~20s BarHang
20 situps
~30s rest
20 DBLunge
~30s DBHold
20 situps
~30s rest
2 full rounds + 20pushpress+OHHold

Friday, October 11, 2024

2024-10-11 WoD

//short run while in LA - pace was a bit off because of checking map, traffic signals, etc

 A. Run 4.69km; 26:27; 5:38 pace